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I've always maintained that the AFC WAS a great alternative choice as a third party against the two major parties in Guyana. Guyanese was looking up to them for a change for the better. After, 2011, Ramjattan get big headed when Moses join him and bring in two more seats. Ever since, he only listen to himself and chase away many supporters and members of his party. He never showed any remorse for the good people that left. He has since been a loggerhead about his Action Plan vs APNU's manifesto. He has created hostility and engaged in riots to destabilized the government. He made GR sell his soul to the devil to be untruthful to the poor and vulnerable people of Guyana. I can go on and on why people are disassociating themselves from Ramjattan and the AFC. I do feel a sense of regret for Moses Nagamootoo for joining AFC. I hope he's wise enough to leave the AFC when the right time comes.

Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

The AFC is mostly about what they don't do, such as the sinful, corrupt, sleazy things the present govt has done, is doing , will be doing in the future if again in Govt, I'm sure, it seems ingrained in them(PPP/C).

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

The AFC is mostly about what they don't do, such as the sinful, corrupt, sleazy things the present govt has done, is doing , will be doing in the future if again in Govt, I'm sure, it seems ingrained in them(PPP/C).

Cain, the question was poorly answered. Try again and focus on the AFC. (only)


When enough is enough!

July 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

By Rajendra Bissessar It would take a lot to list the wrongdoing of the PPP. The list is well known and includes nepotism, favoritism, and the giving away of Guyana’s patrimony to friends and foreigners through secret lucrative deals. The corruption of the PNC pales before that of the PPP. Just recently we saw Cabinet intervening and giving China Railway a huge contract for the construction of the East Coast Demerara four-lane road by objecting to the company that was selected by the Central Tender Board as having qualified for the contract. We all know the relationship this company has with an ex-official of the government who was in a habit of giving away the people’s resources to his friends. And we must not forget that this government has not held Local Government Elections for over 17 years and now that everything is in place, the government is actually refusing to set the date for the elections. The Local Government system is in disarray. Too many councilors and many of those on the lists have died or migrated, and so the local communities have become rudderless. As a consequence, their communities have fallen into disrepair. Local government elections, so vital to the lives of our people, are not being held because the PPP is deadly afraid of facing the populace, and so garbage is not being collected and the drains, canals and streets have fallen into disrepair. Today we are seeing the government in its death throes scurrying to repair some streets, hoping that the streets would bring it votes. The government has allocated $10,000 per school child this year. This amounts to a little more than $800 per month. A pittance, while they are diverting billions into the pockets of their already rich friends.  Former President Jagdeo gets over three million dollars a month in pension. They refuse to disclose how much more is expended on him.  While the Minister of Health says we cannot afford to buy MRI equipment for our hospitals, the Former President took a trip abroad on a luxury jet because he had dengue fever. On the other hand, the old people who served Guyana faithfully are receiving a pittance, and even this would have been much less if it was not for the agitation of the AFC. The rags to riches in record time of some government ministers and their friends contrasts glaringly with the plight of especially the small farmers, the sugar workers, the carpenters, the masons, the bauxite workers, and especially the unemployed, which percentage seems to be a state secret. The youths, the graduates are without jobs, hence without a future, a life filled with despair. There are those who think that nothing would change, but the last elections demonstrated a vote of no confidence in the PPP government. The PPP was the incumbent, in full control of the government and Parliament, it had the state resources at its disposal, it had money to burn from the cronies it helped to get rich. The fact that it still lost the majority demonstrates that the people have begun to realize the betrayal of the Jagans’ legacy as pronounced by no other than Jagan’s daughter at Babu John during one of his memorial services. This betrayal is recognized by the majority of PPP supporters. The only thing left for the PPP is to instill fear into its supporters by pointing to the atrocities of the PNC. But the reality is that we fought the PNC because of such atrocities. Can we now condone the same kind of atrocities because it comes from the PPP? We have seen that this deterioration, betrayal and massive corruption of the PPP caused myself, Gerhard Ramsaroop, Prakash Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo, Ralph Ramkarran, and other genuine stalwarts, to abandon the PPP.  Continued support of the cabal that has hijacked the PPP spells abandonment of all we fought for, spells abandonment of our youths, our country and our future. And as if I have not said enough, the PPP has descended to another level of abandonment of all that the Guyanese people struggled for, universal suffrage – the right of every adult to vote for the government of their choice. You will conclude, and quite rightly, that you exercised your franchise and you are right, but that franchise was to determine who controls the highest decision-making body in the land, parliament. It is parliament that makes the laws, and very importantly, it is parliament that determines how the taxpayers’ money is to be spent. The voters of this country put the parliament of Guyana under the control of the opposition. The opposition prudently cut areas where money is being wasted or misspent and the government moved to the court, and the court in the opinion of many lawyers, ruled incorrectly that parliament cannot cut the budget, but approve or disapprove expenditures. The government was fully aware that certain expenditures would be “not approved”. To by-pass this, the government bundled monies that the opposition would most likely not approve with those it would, thus forcing the Opposition to “not approve” the entire bundle. The opposition did not just “not approve” but informed the government that it would support any supplemental brought before parliament to cover the areas it wanted to approve. Instead of doing this the government, for political gains, screamed that the workers cannot be paid and that some needed programmes cannot be funded. Months passed and still no supplemental Appropriation Bill has been presented to parliament. Lo and behold, the government is presenting a statement of excess to cover monies spent by the government for May and June. Monies not approved by parliament. The government is asking the opposition to now vote in favour of monies it spent illegally. But it still has not brought a supplemental Appropriation Bill for monies to be spent for the rest of the year. The reasonable assumption here is that it would continue to spend illegally and unconstitutionally, and then come again in a few months asking parliament to approve another set of illegal spending, as it refuses even now to present to parliament Supplementary appropriations. What is in fact happening is that the PPP has run roughshod over the highest decision-making body in the land, to remove any control over what it does with the people’s money, and wants the opposition to support its dastardly act. There is no way that the Alliance For Change can by any stretch of imagination support this Bill. There is no way the AFC can approve this illegal spending. It cannot support the emasculation of the sovereignty of the people that is exercised through its representatives in parliament. The PPP, through its own seeming madness, has created a constitutional crisis. In fact, the PPP by its actions has torn this section of the Constitution to shreds, clearly demonstrating no respect for the Guyana Constitution and the rule of law. It is now saying it can spend what it wants, when it wants, how much it wants, where it wants, without the approval of parliament. Anyone in my opinion can appreciate why under these circumstances the AFC has commenced serious discussions for a motion of no-confidence in the present PPP government, as this government has now signaled that it is above the law, above Parliament, and above the Constitution of this land. This sad state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue as all are involved, all would be consumed.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

The AFC is mostly about what they don't do, such as the sinful, corrupt, sleazy things the present govt has done, is doing , will be doing in the future if again in Govt, I'm sure, it seems ingrained in them(PPP/C).

Cain, the question was poorly answered. Try again and focus on the AFC. (only)

It was a dam good answer, you just did not like it.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

The AFC is mostly about what they don't do, such as the sinful, corrupt, sleazy things the present govt has done, is doing , will be doing in the future if again in Govt, I'm sure, it seems ingrained in them(PPP/C).

Cain, the question was poorly answered. Try again and focus on the AFC. (only)

Bhai nah waste time " HAUL YUH ASS" is one of the best KFC inventions.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

The AFC is mostly about what they don't do, such as the sinful, corrupt, sleazy things the present govt has done, is doing , will be doing in the future if again in Govt, I'm sure, it seems ingrained in them(PPP/C).

Cain, the question was poorly answered. Try again and focus on the AFC. (only)

Bhai nah waste time " HAUL YUH ASS" is one of the best KFC inventions.

Is that what Ramjattan tell GR?   Oh, that's a shame!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

The AFC is mostly about what they don't do, such as the sinful, corrupt, sleazy things the present govt has done, is doing , will be doing in the future if again in Govt, I'm sure, it seems ingrained in them(PPP/C).

Cain, the question was poorly answered. Try again and focus on the AFC. (only)

Bhai nah waste time " HAUL YUH ASS" is one of the best KFC inventions.

Is that what Ramjattan tell GR?   Oh, that's a shame!

YUh know if IBM singed a contract to buy GR Wooden Computers.  And did GE contract him fuh Water Tanks???


take a look at this dumbo......


You morons criticize for the sake of criticizing that is why today the PPP has actively adopted all of Burnham's ideas to the point where they are executing just like burnham and where is it leading them to? - FAILURE.


- RiceCakes

- Rice Crispies....

hmmmmm sounds a lot like forbes.


Feed and clothe nation? sounds a lot like forbes.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Asha:

Have they promised Hope and Change?

Asha you seem to correctly figure out the problems with the PPP & PNC....

you already pointed out the Cancer in those two parties....

it is some...."Dirty Old Men"

And yes you are 100% Correct


Nehru Nehru is offline. Click for Member Snapshot.........1 day ago

ASha, Asha Baby. Waad Up Girlfriend, it is raining outside.

Raindrops keep falling on my head.

Asha Asha is offline. Click for Member Snapshot.Make love not war......1 day ago

heard you are a dirty old man





You are so correct yesterday 

when you Branded this one above

 as soon as he show up.....

Record 1950 -1964
Before Independence...
Racial Riots,
Sabotage Cane fields,
Destroying Indian & Black Villages,
Burning, Looting & Robbing Indian Merchants in GT.
Raping & Killing Innocent Indians in McKenzie Because of Race.
Stupidly believing Communism, Russia and Cuba
can help Guyana at this time.
Both PPP & PNC
 PNC Record
 1964 -1992
 After Independence...
Use GDF & Police
To Steal Ballot Boxes & Rig Elections.
Use Black House of Israel Thugs
to attack & Break up Opposition Meetings.
Ban basic Indian Food
Dhall, Flour, Sardine & Potatoes
Need PNC Card
to get Basic Foodstuff
Empty the Treasury
Crime & Corruption with help from
Norman McClean, Jerry Gouviea, Norman McClean,
Eddie Boyer, Manniram
LaMumba, Kwame, Bynoe, Hamilton,
Witika, Edgehill & Rabbai Washington.
Thieving & Wasting Taxpayers Money.
Make Secret Deal with Jim Jones
to Establish Jonestown.
Murder Vincent Teeka
Murder Walter Rodney
PPP Record
 1992 -2014
Use Funny Fallas to Hijack the PPP
Get Rid of Moses, Ramkarran, Ramjattan,
O'Lal, Fazal Khan, Boyo Ramsaroop and Others
Turn over Security of the Country to
"Roger Khan & De Phantom Squad" 
Exchange Valuable State Resources
is Secret Deals with
Roger Khan, Bobby Ramroop, Jerry Gouviea,
Vishook Persaud, Brain Young, Manniram Persaud,
Eddie Boyo, Brian Tiwari, Ed Ahmad,
Fip( Hydro Project), Sonny (EZJet)
Use Thugs to attack, infiltrate,
 Create Chios and to Break Up 
Opposition Protest & Meetings.
Put Guyana on De Map for 
Coke-in-de-Pepper Sauce
Coke-in-de-Curry Powder
Coke-in-de-Soap Powder
Coke-in-de-Baking Powder
Crime & Corruption with help from
Norman McClean, Jerry Gouviea, Norman McClean,
Eddie Boyer, Manniram
LaMumba, Kwame, Bynoe, Hamilton,
Witika, Edgehill & Rabbai Washington.
Move Thieving &
Wasting Taxpayers Money
to the Next Level
De Law-Book Scandal
De Dolphin Scandal
De Powder Milk Scandal
De Road Project Scandal
De Police Missing Funds Scandal
De GDF Missing Funds Scandal
De GDF Missing AK-47 Scandal.
De GDF Junk Helicopter Scandal 
De School Uniform Scandal
De School Book Scandal
De Lap-top Scandal
De Water Cannon Scandal
De Water Pump Scandal 
De Drainage & Irrigation Scandal
De Enmore Rice Packaging Plant Scandal
De Skeldon Factory Scandal
De Illegal Logging & Exporting Scandal
De Speciality Hospital Scandal 
De Marriot Hotel Scandal
Murder Minister Satadeo Swah
De Nandalall Tape
Hit on Kaiteur Newspaper
Thiefing Govt Money
Influencing Court Cases
Soliciting Young Girls
Lawlessness at the Highest Level of Govt.
Pimping for his Uncle
Asha....Yuh Right
Both PPP & PNC
 Check their Record
Originally Posted by Cobra:

 He has created hostility and engaged in riots to destabilized the government..

The PPP thinks so highly of themselves.  They encourage rice farmers to grow record crops and then they complain that they grew too much which is why there aren't enough markets.  In addition they don't think that the rice millers should be obligated to pay the farmers a decent price.


So when the rice farmers get angry and stage a protest suddenly it is a riot aimed at destabilizing the gov't.


Word to the PPP.  In 2011 51% of the voters in a low (by Guyanese standards) turn out election, especially in PPP strongholds, said that they didn't want the PPP to rule Guyana.  Many PPP supporters voiced their disgust by voting AFC.


Get over yourselves and quit this idea that you have a God given right to rule Guyana.  If people don't like what the PPP is doing they have a democratic right to protest. When the PPP denies them this right, they have a right to seize it.  Just as the PPP did during the Burnham era.


The PPP has been transformed from a Marxist-Leninist party (and has been an abject failure at it as it was outmaneuvered by the PNC/UF and the US) to an oligarchy.


The PNC adopted a Maoist-type socialism and allied itself closely with North Korea. Under Hoyte it pursued a market economy and law and order.


The UF was an out-and-out capitalist party that faded in the cauldron of socialism that Guyana became.


The WPA was borne out of the black power struggle and adopted a South-South economic model and a fiercely anti-PNC populist stand.


The AFC is the only party with leadership drawn from existing parties. It is clearly a centrist party more like the the Democratic party. It's main plank is restoration of transparency in the political process.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

The AFC is mostly about what they don't do, such as the sinful, corrupt, sleazy things the present govt has done, is doing , will be doing in the future if again in Govt, I'm sure, it seems ingrained in them(PPP/C).

The AFC had great ideals but it went awry by it dominance of Indians who hated the PPP.  The Afros saw the ignoramous attitude and piggy-backed on it as a strategy to get the PNC back in power.   I still remember the latest PNC convert deleting my anti PNC comments from the AFC website while giving Granger's nephew administrative powers.


Baseman you are right about that, the black leaders in the AFC particularly Trotman is very selfish and you can see how that played out when he unilaterally negotiated with the PNC to become speaker.


He is all about himself and no one else. But in fairness Khemraj also allowed his idiots to control the campaign and they refused to spend any money to campaign in black areas.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Baseman you are right about that, the black leaders in the AFC particularly Trotman is very selfish and you can see how that played out when he unilaterally negotiated with the PNC to become speaker.


He is all about himself and no one else. But in fairness Khemraj also allowed his idiots to control the campaign and they refused to spend any money to campaign in black areas.

Indians are overly self-centered which make them lose orientation.  Trotman played them like a fiddle.  The banna is shrewd.


I don't think he played anyone. Everyone knew he was a Shunt and he was a selfish son of a bitch.


I think if you remember many saw him as that and that is largely why Sheila Holder was put in there as PM candidate. They only ended up with him there because Mrs. Holder died.


The truth is that when Mrs. Holder died a large part of the AFC died with her.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't think he played anyone. Everyone knew he was a Shunt and he was a selfish son of a bitch.


I think if you remember many saw him as that and that is largely why Sheila Holder was put in there as PM candidate. They only ended up with him there because Mrs. Holder died.


The truth is that when Mrs. Holder died a large part of the AFC died with her.

Because alyuh katahars like cuss Indians and like when blacks pat you on the back.  Flour boy is a good example.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't think he played anyone. Everyone knew he was a Shunt and he was a selfish son of a bitch.


I think if you remember many saw him as that and that is largely why Sheila Holder was put in there as PM candidate. They only ended up with him there because Mrs. Holder died.


The truth is that when Mrs. Holder died a large part of the AFC died with her.

Because alyuh katahars like cuss Indians and like when blacks pat you on the back.  Flour boy is a good example.

First of all don't put me in the same category as your nemesis. Second check your know it all syndrome that assumes you know everything about everyone and everything.

Originally Posted by Asha:

What does AFC hope to accomplish? WHat have they done to make one think that they are a credible alternative?

Simple...because they have no moral alternative to the prevailing predatorial and corrupt racist PPP.


They have shown us how much of a deficit of democracy we have with the PPP as autocrats in charge.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

take a look at this dumbo......


You morons criticize for the sake of criticizing that is why today the PPP has actively adopted all of Burnham's ideas to the point where they are executing just like burnham and where is it leading them to? - FAILURE.


- RiceCakes

- Rice Crispies....

hmmmmm sounds a lot like forbes.


Feed and clothe nation? sounds a lot like forbes.....

First of all, GR was illustrating the workings of a computer and its easy assembly from well sourced parts. But as usual the PPP prefer to get a piece of crap gratis from some Chinese company they promise contracts to with not a damn benefit to the society.


An extrusion machine or a machine press can roll out an assortment of cases for nothing.  A hundred people could be on an assembly line and add to the distribution channels created and you get hundreds of jobs created across the country assembling our own product for less than you would buy it. If you can do that why cannot you do all the rest of what consist of niche consumer electronics which are mere lago pieces?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:



The AFC is the only party with leadership drawn from existing parties. It is clearly a centrist party more like the the Democratic party. It's main plank is restoration of transparency in the political process.

  Kari to call either today's PPP or PNC socialist is to flatter them.  They are both neo liberal crony capitalist parties. The only difference is that APNU will favor foreign investors more than will the PPP, which prefers to reward its friends, including the Chinese.


There is absolutely no ideological difference in 2014 between any of the 3 major parties.  The difference between the WPA and the AFC is only a sign of the times.  The failed policies of the 70s and the end of the Cold War meant that Caribbean people no longer want to hear about "South South" dialogue.  And certainly do not see Cuba as a role model.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC had great ideals but it went awry by it dominance of Indians who hated the PPP.  The Afros saw the ignoramous attitude and piggy-backed on it as a strategy to get the PNC back in power.   I still remember the latest PNC convert deleting my anti PNC comments from the AFC website while giving Granger's nephew administrative powers.

The AFCs problem prior to 2011 is that they were seen as a bourgeois "red and potagee people" party.  They weren't comfortable with the black grass roots and this showed.    So while in 2006 they pulled support from the black and mixed middle class, they didn't get to the black grass roots. 


Granger has similar issues and what we see within the PNC is a class conflict.  Granger is aloof and condescending and this is why he has turned off many people.  This inter class warfare has been a feature of the PNC since Hoyte and Hammie Green parted. 


This is HM Redux's problem.  He doesn't even begin to understand issues in Guyana as they relate to Afro Guyanese.  He also doesn't understand the Afro Guyanese mentality.  If he thinks that Kissoon and Solomon are going to walk into the AFC and be meek and bow to Nagamootoo he is in for a surprise.


Those people will have to deliver something to people in Linden, and the grass roots blacks elsewhere.  Its beyond Nagamootoo's frame of reference as he comes from an old Indian dominated PPP and so sees blacks as the "other".


Guyana is a DIVIDED nation and those who deny that are foolish.


The AFC can get black support but selecting Nagamootoo isn't the way to do so.  They should be grooming younger leaders who bring new ideas and who aren't stained by the stench of PPP/PNC race based politics.  Nagamootoo smells quite foul given that his entire adult life has been with the PPP.


I wil give Gerhard his due.  He listens to people, analyses what they say and then offers his opinion. When Gerhard and I had our argument in August 2011 he didn't damn me as a racist when I said that the AFC was ignoring blacks.  He said that the AFC lacked resources and so felt that it had to concentrate them in PPP strongholds to break their vote. He said that he hoped that I was wrong, and then conceded after the AFC lost much of its urban vote, that I was right.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Baseman you are right about that, the black leaders in the AFC particularly Trotman is very selfish.

Oh yes HM Redux thinks that black people are evil so this is why the ethnic rotation should be canceled.


Given that Guyanese love to talk HM you better hope that this isn't what the Indo faction of the AFC (PPP refugees) are saying.  You express this view and still think that Nagamootoo will be seen as a hero in Linden.


Yu then hope that these same black leaders will deliver the black vote to Nagamootoo.

Last edited by Former Member

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