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CreditSmiley N. Pool/The Dallas Morning News, via Associated Press

DALLAS — A military veteran who said his goal was to kill white police officers opened fire Thursday night in downtown Dallas, leaving five officers dead and seven wounded before the police killed him with a remote-controlled explosive delivered by a robot, officials said.

The gunfire erupted just before 9 p.m., aimed at officers who were monitoring a demonstration by thousands of people protesting the fatal shootings earlier in the week of black men by police officers in Minnesotaand Louisiana. The peaceful march quickly gave way to chaos and screams as terrified people, including families with children, ran for cover, while police officers with guns drawn ran the other way, toward the shooting, and returned fire. Two civilians were wounded by gunfire.

During a standoff that lasted for hours after the attack, the sniper said he wanted to kill more officers, claimed — apparently falsely — to have planted explosives in the area, and told police negotiators that “he was upset about Black Lives Matter,” the Dallas police chief, David O. Brown, said on Friday.

“He said he was upset about the recent police shootings,” Chief Brown said. “The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”


The attack was the deadliest for law enforcement officers in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001.

The police arrested three people, but there was some uncertainty about the number of gunmen. At first, officials said that multiple snipers had carried out a coordinated ambush of the officers — some of whom were shot in the back, the chief said — but later, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that the suspect killed by the police, identified as Micah Johnson, 25, appeared to be the sole gunman and to have no links with any international terrorist organizations.

Searching the gunman’s home on Friday, “detectives found bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics,” the Dallas Police Department said in a statement.

Chief Brown declined to identify the people who were arrested, or to say if there might have been others involved. The gunman claimed he acted alone, he said, but “we’re not satisfied that we’ve exhausted every lead.”

Mr. Johnson, an Army Reserve veteran who served in Afghanistan and lived in the Dallas area, had no criminal record, the police said. Investigators have not turned up any evidence that Mr. Johnson, who was black, had direct ties to the Black Lives Matter movement or to other political groups. But his Facebook page indicated support for the New Black Panther Party, a militant group that has advocated violence against whites.


The sequence of events this week tore at a nation already deeply divided over questions of policing and race, moving from anger and despair over shootings of black men by the police to officers being targeted in apparent retaliation. It dealt a blow both to law enforcement and to peaceful critics of the police, who have fended off claims that the outcry over police shootings foments violence and puts officers’ lives in danger.

“All I know is that this must stop, this divisiveness between our police and our citizens,” said Chief Brown, who is black.

Just hours after President Obama, reacting to video recordings of the shootings in Baton Rouge, La., and Falcon Heights, Minn., spoke in anguished terms about the disparate treatment of the races by the criminal justice system, he felt compelled to speak again, this time about the people who attacked officers.

“We will learn more, undoubtedly, about their twisted motivations, but let’s be clear: there are no possible justifications for these attacks or any violence towards law enforcement,” he told reporters Friday morning in Warsaw, where he was attending a NATO summit meeting, after speaking by phone with Mayor Mike Rawlings of Dallas. “There has been a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.”


Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, who was in Washington, said: “After the events of this week, Americans across our country are feeling a sense of helplessness, of uncertainty and of fear. Now, these feelings are understandable and they are justified. But the answer must not be violence. The answer is never violence.”

“To our brothers and sisters who wear the badge, I want you to know that I am deeply grateful for the difficult and dangerous work that you do every day to keep our streets safe and our nation secure,” she said. To the protesters, she said, “Do not be discouraged by those who would use your lawful actions as a cover for their heinous violence.”

The shootings, only a few blocks from Dealey Plaza, where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, hit one of the city’s busiest areas, filled with hotels, restaurants and government offices, effectively trapped hundreds of people indoors for much of the night. As shots boomed in quick succession between office towers illuminated by the flashing lights of police cars, bystanders captured extraordinary video of the shootout, with some officers taking shelter behind patrol cars and pillars, and tending to their fallen comrades.

After Mr. Johnson was cornered on the second floor of a parking garage, negotiators spent hours trying to get him to surrender, Chief Brown said, but he “told our negotiators that the end is coming and he’s going to hurt and kill more of us, meaning law enforcement, and that there are bombs all over the place in this garage and downtown.”


How the Attack on the Dallas Police Unfolded

Five officers were killed and seven others were shot during a protest in downtown Dallas.


“The negotiations broke down, and we had an exchange of gunfire with the suspect,” the chief said. “We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was.”

The three other suspects were a woman who was taken from the garage and two others who were taken in for questioning after a traffic stop, but they were not providing much information, the chief said.

“We just are not getting the cooperation we’d like, to know that answer of why, the motivation, who they are,” he said. They “planned to injure and kill as many law enforcement officers as they could.”

The police said that four of the dead were Dallas police officers and that one was from the Dallas Area Rapid Transit force. The transit agency identified him as Brent Thompson, 43. He joined in 2009 and was the first DART officer to be killed in the line of duty.

Graphic video of Dallas shooting suspect aired on TV Video by Matthew Keys

Another of the officers killed was identified by his family, on social media, as Patrick Zamarripa. “Need prayers to get through this,” Mr. Zamarripa’s father, Rick Zamarripa, said in a Facebook post from Parkland Hospital on Friday.


“We’re hurting,” Chief Brown said at a midday prayer service on Friday that was attended by hundreds of people. “We need this community to show officers that we appreciate their sacrifice.”

He said Dallas officers would “need counseling for a very long time” and pledged not to let the murders “steal our democracy from us.”

Mr. Johnson served as a private in the Army Reserve from March 2009 to April 2015, according to records released by the Pentagon. He was listed as a carpentry and masonry specialist, assigned to the 420th Engineer Brigade, and served in Afghanistan from November 2013 to July 2014.


Jane E. Bishkin, a Dallas lawyer who represents five of the wounded officers, said they were expected to recover, but that one of the five, a woman, had suffered a serious injury to her left arm and might be disabled as a result.

The area remained off-limits to civilians through the day Friday, as investigators combed through a crime scene that stretched for blocks.

Chief Brown said it was too early in the investigation to say whether there was any connection between the gunman and the demonstration. He suggested that whoever was involved had some knowledge of the march route.

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“How would you know to post up there?” he said. “So we’re leaving every motive on the table of how this happened and why this happened.” He added, “We have yet to determine whether or not there was some complicity with the planning of this, but we will be pursuing that.”

Jeff Hood, a minister who took part in the march, said he had seen two officers felled by gunfire.

“I grabbed my shirt because I was close enough, I thought I might have been shot,” he said. “I was screaming, `Run, run!’”

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wrong question to ask Chief. there is so much dynamics that are important and then there is the temptation to finally be relieved that the perpetrator is not Middle-Eastern or has a Muslim name.

The NRA's dictum of guns in the good guy's hand will deter bad guys with guns (or something like that). Well NRA, it didn't work this time.

Then there is the temptation for acts like this when Black lives don't matter. BTW Hillary gets it, but Bernie didn't and he was suitably chastised.

Hands up....Don't shoot!!!!

Hands up....Don't shoot!!!!

Hands up....Don't shoot!!!!


It may still be labeled a terrorist act if he turns out to be a Muslim or supports a Muslim group. The label terrorist as well as others that the Neocons like to have orgasms over are only designated for Muslims. Hence the silly statement that "while not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists are Muslims". It is not the game that gets labeled, it is the players.


So far as we know he acted alone. If he was part of group that encourage killing of Whites then it would be appropriate to label him a terrorist.  The are many non-muslim terrorist groups such as the IRA, Red Brigade, Tamil Tigers.  I find many Muslims becoming too defensive when we speak of terrorism today since what's hitting home or close to home are terrorism linked to Muslim groups or state such as ISIS.  American presidents from the old Bush to Obama have always drew a distinction from those who are moderates in the Muslim world and those who are extremist or Islamists supports terror on the West and any other group that does not share their beliefs.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Billy Beee the Boston Marathon bombers were self-described lone wolves; so too was the nut in Orlando. ISIS or Al Qarda  - both non-Islamic - never stated that they trained, financed or plotted with the terrorist killings in the US. Inspired by them? Yes. But so too are mentally disturbed people who get inspired by anything that glamorizes their pitiful existence.

While you show the signs just described, please don't do like the San Bernadino chap or the Fort Hood dude or the others. We want you around, mentally disturbed and all.


Ayyo rass na watch fax new tonight.  They calling all black people terrorist so Chieifie can relax and know he gat company 

They went so far as to say that the black people should not be protesting, they should wait until the justice system do its thing with the officers to find out what really happened (because I guess the videos  were not real), schuppppps.




As far as Fox News is concerned blacks should either accept slavery or go "back" to Africa.  Even though most black Americans are descended from peoples who were living in this nation longer than is the case for most whites. 

The average black American comes from people who were present since the late 18th century, whereas the vast majority of white Americans descend from the 19th century migrations.  Yet black Americans are still treated as the perpetual immigrants who should just suck it up and be grateful to be allowed to remain alive.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

Billy Beee the Boston Marathon bombers were self-described lone wolves; so too was the nut in Orlando. ISIS or Al Qarda  - both non-Islamic - never stated that they trained, financed or plotted with the terrorist killings in the US. Inspired by them? Yes. But so too are mentally disturbed people who get inspired by anything that glamorizes their pitiful existence.

While you show the signs just described, please don't do like the San Bernadino chap or the Fort Hood dude or the others. We want you around, mentally disturbed and all.

Most of their ( Al Qaeda and ISIS) fundings come from ordinary people you classify as Muslims.  It is such a weak argument to say that the terror we face from these two groups and others like Bokoharam are non-Islamic or has no connection to Muslim groups just because something in their holy book prohibits terror.

This kind of act from this individual is not a regular one that we can label it terror. He is a nut job who believes that the entire force of White officers are out to hurt black people. This is absurd. The Muslim terror groups are motivated by a belief that they must defeat those who believe in a different ideology or religion by all means necessary. Killing innocent people and driving terror in the hearts of entire communities is terrorism

Billy Ram Balgobin

BTW Kari,

It would serve you and all of us better if don't worry about me and stay focus on your Muslim community for signs of extremism.  Muslim groups are being watched closely by the US and other countries There is a reason. Stop living in denial and face the fact that the Muslim world is corrupt and violent.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Kari posted:

Billy Beee the Boston Marathon bombers were self-described lone wolves; so too was the nut in Orlando. ISIS or Al Qarda  - both non-Islamic - never stated that they trained, financed or plotted with the terrorist killings in the US. Inspired by them? Yes. But so too are mentally disturbed people who get inspired by anything that glamorizes their pitiful existence.

While you show the signs just described, please don't do like the San Bernadino chap or the Fort Hood dude or the others. We want you around, mentally disturbed and all.

Most of their ( Al Qaeda and ISIS) fundings come from ordinary people you classify as Muslims.  It is such a weak argument to say that the terror we face from these two groups and others like Bokoharam are non-Islamic or has no connection to Muslim groups just because something in their holy book prohibits terror.

This kind of act from this individual is not a regular one that we can label it terror. He is a nut job who believes that the entire force of White officers are out to hurt black people. This is absurd. The Muslim terror groups are motivated by a belief that they must defeat those who believe in a different ideology or religion by all means necessary. Killing innocent people and driving terror in the hearts of entire communities is terrorism

Good luck there bai. Yuh addressing a programmed people. Just from the comments made by such grouping, demonstrates the mindset. Nothing you say will be reasonable enough. Simply, piousness is misinterpreted as authentic. 

caribny posted:

As far as Fox News is concerned blacks should either accept slavery or go "back" to Africa.  Even though most black Americans are descended from peoples who were living in this nation longer than is the case for most whites. 

The average black American comes from people who were present since the late 18th century, whereas the vast majority of white Americans descend from the 19th century migrations.  Yet black Americans are still treated as the perpetual immigrants who should just suck it up and be grateful to be allowed to remain alive.

After close to 400 years, why is Black America still is in turmoil. Prejudices from whites is not their over-riding issues.

Values is what hinders their progress. 

Wrong political associations, hoping their progress ties in with the Clintons or some Black politicians.

Basically, they create culture, be it clothing lines, differing forms of music, entertainment, modern day gladiators and the hosts of other un-important economic exploits for the population of Black Americans. These endeavors feeds off of the Black population.

They need to create jobs, manufacture in their communities, sell to their communities. Let the money roll around. 


The Black Lives Matter movement began for a particular purpose but as many other movements, it is tunnel vision and susceptible to losing its way. All lives matter. Like the beginning of many other wrongs, for too some police officers' racist views and actions were ignored which led to the situation that created the Black Lives Matter movement. Now if that movement gets out of control, the police force will find itself standing on very shaky grounds as it tries to resolve it. It will only get worse before it gets better. Just like it is silly to blame all police officers for the actions of some, it is much sillier to blame all Muslims for the actions of some. Guyanese Muslims lived very peaceful amongst its non-Muslim neighbors. We were honest, decent and friendly, yet we were labeled as scamps. So while I am not surprised that we get blamed for what other Muslims do, I know that it is as silly as we being regarded as scamps in Guyana.

seignet posted:

Good luck there bai. Yuh addressing a programmed people. Just from the comments made by such grouping, demonstrates the mindset. Nothing you say will be reasonable enough. Simply, piousness is misinterpreted as authentic. 

Sagga bai, why do you think that your argument is reasonable while someone else's is not?

seignet posted:

After close to 400 years, why is Black America still is in turmoil. Prejudices from whites is not their over-riding issues.

Values is what hinders their progress. 

Wrong political associations, hoping their progress ties in with the Clintons or some Black politicians.

Basically, they create culture, be it clothing lines, differing forms of music, entertainment, modern day gladiators and the hosts of other un-important economic exploits for the population of Black Americans. These endeavors feeds off of the Black population.

They need to create jobs, manufacture in their communities, sell to their communities. Let the money roll around. 

From your experience as a Christian, would you say that black Americans are more Christ conscious than whites or less?

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Good luck there bai. Yuh addressing a programmed people. Just from the comments made by such grouping, demonstrates the mindset. Nothing you say will be reasonable enough. Simply, piousness is misinterpreted as authentic. 

Sagga bai, why do you think that your argument is reasonable while someone else's is not?

Bcz, I belong to that grouping of people who really thinks and shre some commonality. There are people of thinks differently than mainstream people. However, such individuals sees reasoning in their perceptions. 

We different. Just as the fingers on your hand, varying uses and lengths, But when needed, they work in unison to make accomplishments.

People are different in race, religion and culture. That is the reason why the world wants robots. Less interaction between the human species.

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Good luck there bai. Yuh addressing a programmed people. Just from the comments made by such grouping, demonstrates the mindset. Nothing you say will be reasonable enough. Simply, piousness is misinterpreted as authentic. 

Sagga bai, why do you think that your argument is reasonable while someone else's is not?

Bcz, I belong to that grouping of people who really thinks and shre some commonality. There are people of thinks differently than mainstream people. However, such individuals sees reasoning in their perceptions. 

We different. Just as the fingers on your hand, varying uses and lengths, But when needed, they work in unison to make accomplishments.

People are different in race, religion and culture. That is the reason why the world wants robots. Less interaction between the human species.

I have to admit, I have no idea what you meant to write here bai.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

After close to 400 years, why is Black America still is in turmoil. Prejudices from whites is not their over-riding issues.

Values is what hinders their progress. 

Wrong political associations, hoping their progress ties in with the Clintons or some Black politicians.

Basically, they create culture, be it clothing lines, differing forms of music, entertainment, modern day gladiators and the hosts of other un-important economic exploits for the population of Black Americans. These endeavors feeds off of the Black population.

They need to create jobs, manufacture in their communities, sell to their communities. Let the money roll around. 

From your experience as a Christian, would you say that black Americans are more Christ conscious than whites or less?

Very few people are Christians. It is a very disciplined faith. One does not born into that faith. One does not see that in the actions of many who profess the faith.

Every person on the planet is probably Christ conscious, but that does not make them a believer.

Singing up a good storm in Church does makes a person a Christian. It is the heart and God. The Almighty knows who follows the statutes.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Good luck there bai. Yuh addressing a programmed people. Just from the comments made by such grouping, demonstrates the mindset. Nothing you say will be reasonable enough. Simply, piousness is misinterpreted as authentic. 

Sagga bai, why do you think that your argument is reasonable while someone else's is not?

Bcz, I belong to that grouping of people who really thinks and shre some commonality. There are people of thinks differently than mainstream people. However, such individuals sees reasoning in their perceptions. 

We different. Just as the fingers on your hand, varying uses and lengths, But when needed, they work in unison to make accomplishments.

People are different in race, religion and culture. That is the reason why the world wants robots. Less interaction between the human species.

I have to admit, I have no idea what you meant to write here bai.

There is ur answer. My rationale is not urs.

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

After close to 400 years, why is Black America still is in turmoil. Prejudices from whites is not their over-riding issues.

Values is what hinders their progress. 

Wrong political associations, hoping their progress ties in with the Clintons or some Black politicians.

Basically, they create culture, be it clothing lines, differing forms of music, entertainment, modern day gladiators and the hosts of other un-important economic exploits for the population of Black Americans. These endeavors feeds off of the Black population.

They need to create jobs, manufacture in their communities, sell to their communities. Let the money roll around. 

From your experience as a Christian, would you say that black Americans are more Christ conscious than whites or less?

Very few people are Christians. It is a very disciplined faith. One does not born into that faith. One does not see that in the actions of many who profess the faith.

Every person on the planet is probably Christ conscious, but that does not make them a believer.

Singing up a good storm in Church does makes a person a Christian. It is the heart and God. The Almighty knows who follows the statutes.

So if you take this much liberty in determining who is a Christian and who is not, why do you object to Muslims who seek to separate themselves from other Muslims who commit heinous acts in Islam's name or who seek to label those as not being Muslims?

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

Good luck there bai. Yuh addressing a programmed people. Just from the comments made by such grouping, demonstrates the mindset. Nothing you say will be reasonable enough. Simply, piousness is misinterpreted as authentic. 

Sagga bai, why do you think that your argument is reasonable while someone else's is not?

Bcz, I belong to that grouping of people who really thinks and shre some commonality. There are people of thinks differently than mainstream people. However, such individuals sees reasoning in their perceptions. 

We different. Just as the fingers on your hand, varying uses and lengths, But when needed, they work in unison to make accomplishments.

People are different in race, religion and culture. That is the reason why the world wants robots. Less interaction between the human species.

I have to admit, I have no idea what you meant to write here bai.

There is ur answer. My rationale is not urs.

I still have no idea what you mean bai.


Donald Trump said only Muslims are terrorists. BTW, let's pray for the victims that their white souls go to heaven. We must forgive the brother because the devil made him hate and kill white people. 


Thus far, it more qualifies as a hate crime and not terrorism.  He never had a political agenda, just hatred for Whites and mainly cops.  Islamists, on the other hand, want the black flag flying over the White House!!

Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said only Muslims are terrorists. BTW, let's pray for the victims that their white souls go to heaven. We must forgive the brother because the devil made him hate and kill white people. 

Trump never said that!  Timothy Mc Veign was a terrorists!

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:
ksazma posted:
seignet posted:

After close to 400 years, why is Black America still is in turmoil. Prejudices from whites is not their over-riding issues.

Values is what hinders their progress. 

Wrong political associations, hoping their progress ties in with the Clintons or some Black politicians.

Basically, they create culture, be it clothing lines, differing forms of music, entertainment, modern day gladiators and the hosts of other un-important economic exploits for the population of Black Americans. These endeavors feeds off of the Black population.

They need to create jobs, manufacture in their communities, sell to their communities. Let the money roll around. 

From your experience as a Christian, would you say that black Americans are more Christ conscious than whites or less?

Very few people are Christians. It is a very disciplined faith. One does not born into that faith. One does not see that in the actions of many who profess the faith.

Every person on the planet is probably Christ conscious, but that does not make them a believer.

Singing up a good storm in Church does makes a person a Christian. It is the heart and God. The Almighty knows who follows the statutes.

So if you take this much liberty in determining who is a Christian and who is not, why do you object to Muslims who seek to separate themselves from other Muslims who commit heinous acts in Islam's name or who seek to label those as not being Muslims?

Muslims who try to separate themselves from Islamists zealots and commendable.  But they also have to be more vocal and active and replace the Imams who preach hatred about others.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

Wrong question to ask Chief. there is so much dynamics that are important and then there is the temptation to finally be relieved that the perpetrator is not Middle-Eastern or has a Muslim name.

The NRA's dictum of guns in the good guy's hand will deter bad guys with guns (or something like that). Well NRA, it didn't work this time.

Then there is the temptation for acts like this when Black lives don't matter. BTW Hillary gets it, but Bernie didn't and he was suitably chastised.

Hands up....Don't shoot!!!!

Hands up....Don't shoot!!!!

Hands up....Don't shoot!!!!

Hillary "gets it" to get the votes.  She will change and do nothing, she cannot.

However, I believe there is a legitimate issues of police interaction with Afros.  I believe Blacks are singled out for questioning and are picked on.  That Minnesota incident is worrying.

ba$eman posted:

Muslims who try to separate themselves from Islamists zealots and commendable.  But they also have to be more vocal and active and replace the Imams who preach hatred about others.

Imams for the most part run the mosques. Most even opened those mosques. Unfortunately it is not easy replacing them.

ba$eman posted:

Thus far, it more qualifies as a hate crime and not terrorism.  He never had a political agenda, just hatred for Whites and mainly cops.  Islamists, on the other hand, want the black flag flying over the White House!!

His actions were driven by the recent shooting of blacks by police officers. Can't get more political than that bai.

ba$eman posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said only Muslims are terrorists. BTW, let's pray for the victims that their white souls go to heaven. We must forgive the brother because the devil made him hate and kill white people. 

Trump never said that!  Timothy Mc Veign was a terrorists!

'Eye witnesses' also described him as "Arab looking"

ksazma posted:

The Black Lives Matter movement began for a particular purpose but as many other movements, it is tunnel vision and susceptible to losing its way. All lives matter. Like the beginning of many other wrongs, for too some police officers' racist views and actions were ignored which led to the situation that created the Black Lives Matter movement. Now if that movement gets out of control, the police force will find itself standing on very shaky grounds as it tries to resolve it. It will only get worse before it gets better. Just like it is silly to blame all police officers for the actions of some, it is much sillier to blame all Muslims for the actions of some. Guyanese Muslims lived very peaceful amongst its non-Muslim neighbors. We were honest, decent and friendly, yet we were labeled as scamps. So while I am not surprised that we get blamed for what other Muslims do, I know that it is as silly as we being regarded as scamps in Guyana.

There is only one focus of the black lives movement. It is against the absurd injustices black people face from the justice system that destroyed social structures and from that the other consequent nomenclature and statistics that sets black people as the other in the society. I do not know what is tunnel vision here.

The fact that whites think that blacks are the perpetrators of crimes and count the high incidence of arrests and imprisonment as statistics galls black people. White commit as much crimes( numerically and property value wise),  etc and they are not in jail in similar numbers.  White police can deescalate and disarm in the instances of  stopping white people  but they do not seem to be able to do so with black folks.

One remembers a Richard Pryor album from the 70's where he spoke of what to do when stopped he said repeat slowly...I am putting my hand in my pocked. I am getting my the cops or you are likely to ged f.u.c.king shot! That was almost half a century ago and the status quo remains.

There is no equivalency between what happens to Muslims and what happens to blacks in the US. That is conflating two complete differently perspectives.  White people claim America but must learn they do not have rights by virtue of color. That is  what Black lives hope to address and correct. 

With Muslims this is west vs anti west ( or presuming w hat is anti west) It is about Muslims understating the relevance of secular humanism to the west and grasping that sharia is not antithetical to that.  In the minds of many muslims there are Muslims and there are Others. Correction here has to come from within Muslim communities to inform the world what they stand for. Maybe some one need to start a movement  We are Muslims to tell the world they are not ISIS or Al Shabab or Boko Haram etc.

seignet posted:

They need to create jobs, manufacture in their communities, sell to their communities. Let the money roll around. 

I guess the absence of risk capital isn't a matter which you think important.

How much do you know about the garment industry? One cannot compete if products, aimed at the mass market, are made in the USA. So how many jobs will be created.  Retail is a very interconnected and low margin business.  Hence its domination by certain groups (NOT Guyanese Indians btw).

In addition fashion is based on fads.  No one is wearing Sean John, or FUBU now.

BTW the vast majority of Indo Guyanese are NOT self employed, nor do the best and brightest and most ambitious seek employment in enterprises owned by Guyanese Indians.   I am willing to bet that the vast majority of Indo Guyanese who own businesses don't intend their kids to take them over, but will prefer to sell out to others when they are willing to retire.

So cease with your usual ignorant black bashing.

ba$eman posted:

Hillary "gets it" to get the votes.  She will change and do nothing, she cannot.

However, I believe there is a legitimate issues of police interaction with Afros.  I believe Blacks are singled out for questioning and are picked on.  That Minnesota incident is worrying.

Trump said that if blacks don't like living in the USA then they should "go back" to Africa. He isn't willing to fund DNA tests to help them figure out which part of Africa that they should "Go BACK to!".

Fox calls Black Lives Matter a terrorist group even though the lunatic who shot the cops was condemned by a broad cross section of the black population, and no credible person has condemned the fact that he was blown up by the cops, when he refused to surrender.

So spare me your nonsense.

I just cannot imagine what a government controlled by the likes of the Fix TV lunatics and Newt Gingrich would do TO blacks.  We all remember Newt from his "contract on America" era of the 90s.  He forced Clinton to tighten prison sentencing.

ksazma posted:

Imams for the most part run the mosques. Most even opened those mosques. Unfortunately it is not easy replacing them.

And this is the challenge which Muslims have, as they lack a centralized authority which could reign in, discipline, or exclude those imams who preach violence.

ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

Thus far, it more qualifies as a hate crime and not terrorism.  He never had a political agenda, just hatred for Whites and mainly cops.  Islamists, on the other hand, want the black flag flying over the White House!!

His actions were driven by the recent shooting of blacks by police officers. Can't get more political than that bai.

His actions were driven by the fact that he is an insane lunatic who got what he deserved. He single handedly allowed the debate to switch from police forces improving their tactics, and removing renegade cops to cop killers.  He has hurt the debate which was beginning to develop among main stream politicians.


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