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ksazma posted:

we Indo KKK

no news punk . . . your 'fame' as Skeldon_man mini me precedes you by way of smell

noting that you always happy to show yuh hopeful black face, volunteering your bt for dem curiously contemptuous hood n sheet 'Aryan' white bais,

name the other "Indo" antimen for abie nah?

doan be shy

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Now yuh hallucinating. The PNC did not win any elections in 2015. They had to rely on the AFC to get a slim lead in the polls and that final tally is still an open contest.

Like yuh bin busy in military camp?

The AFC couldn't even get people to show up to meetings in Nagamootoo strongholds and had to rely on the Sophia folks to bus people in so the place wouldn't be empty. 

The AFC might have picked up some votes but it was the Sophia folks who engineered the campaigning.  The AFC was hapless and hopeless and I recall all of your Indo KKK laughing at the ethnic composition of their meetings in PPP strongholds.  Yes those who you call Sophia people.

Keep hallucinating. The Sophia people have been trying either through democratic elections (all conducted by the PPP. The PNC never conducted a single democratic general elections) or through violence to get back in the OP since 1992 and it was only after the got the AFC supporters' votes that they were able to smell that office again. The AFC only became hapless after the started mixing with the hapless and incompetent PNC. They were a decent party before that. But now ya'll ungrateful and want to discount the effect of the AFC assistance in getting ya'll back into the OP. That is what we Indo KKK refer to when we say ya'll duz eat we food and then bore de plate.

Just another thing Cribby. It strongly looks like the PNC are not going to change what they do best. All indications are that they will conduct yet another undemocratic election. That is the best the Sophia people can do. Civilization is way above their pay grade.

So keep hallucinating.


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