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@Wildflower posted:

It was very wrong for Will to hit Chris and also extremely wrong for Chris to mock Jadaโ€™s alopecia baldnessโ€ฆI think just the cussing out wouldโ€™ve sufficed.

NO ONE SHOULD EVER MOCK SOMEONEโ€™S illness or disabilityโ€ฆever

Irfon  even obesity is an illness!

I agree but it us nit unusual for comedians to make such jokes. I wonder if Will would have laughed at the joke had it been someone else.

ive sen many award shows where the celebrities r mocked.. all part of comedy. I dont like it , even with Bollywood, i have seen how uncomfy some actors/actresses r whn they r singled out for these bad jokes!!

but Will getting too big .. lol.. fir him to walk up n slap an adult on stage n then cuss .. he embarrassed himself..

violence n ghetto behaviour  at a prestigious award show even if he was mad .. he has kids.. wht an example to set!! He could  have handled this better.. after the show or even walk up n tell Chris his joke was of poor taste.
i have to wonder if this was scripted as well because i thought Will had more class that this..


Will was once in a scuffle with a reporter.. so he has short fuse n resorts to violence.

he needs  some anger management.. cannot justify his actions period even though chris or any other comedians should not make such jokes whn it involves women n health issues.

Well .. what can I say.. this is very common esp in award shows n comedy in general!! Nobody is exempted..

will is โ€˜ full of himselfโ€™ .. the oscar prob went to his head!!
im disappointed in him.. i liked this guy a lot. Confidence is great but thus is bordering arrogance in my opinion.

i agree Chris should sue his lil a$$ for assault!!

@Amral posted:

All a publicity stunt as far as I can see. With these celebrities they love the limelight and if they not in it they have to figure out a way to get back in.

I hope so

in all my years watching the others and all the other award shows I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE MAKE FUN OF AN ILLNESS

celebrities are mocked and made fun of yes but  never about their illness

i donโ€™t agree with violence yet I could potentially get violent if someone mocks an illness, something genetic or birth defect

@Wildflower posted:

I hope so

in all my years watching the others and all the other award shows I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE MAKE FUN OF AN ILLNESS

celebrities are mocked and made fun of yes but  never about their illness

i donโ€™t agree with violence yet I could potentially get violent if someone mocks an illness, something genetic or birth defect

Of course Will is supposed to get angryโ€ฆwho wouldnt?

.but in an award show??  he needs  to control that anger n act responsibly..hitting n cussing on such a big platform? He needs anger management .  (Wasnt he in a scuffle with some reporter once?? )

But again..who knows if this was all planned( rem Janet J wardrobe malfunction) .  There is acceptable behavior at such events..wht is he teaching his kids?? To hit everyone who mocks them??  U r right..sick jokes have been made but ive never heard anyone made joke abt anotherโ€™s health issue.  These comedians ought to draw the line..

i wonder the comedians shoot off their heads..dont they need to submit their material to producer?

another thing..these shows have WRITERS..n the speakers have telepromptersโ€ฆ

so was Chris doing his won  thing or was it given to him ??


Strong msg sent..kudos to the academy !!

Hope he seeks the help he needsโ€ฆobviously he needs anger management ..

u just cant hit someone if they piss u off!!  โ€ฆesp since this new generation is already so violent!!

I feel sorry for him for so far he has been a โ€˜goodโ€™ guy despite being so long in Hollywood n being famousโ€ฆn sad esp that he finally win an Oscar..i think the most important recognition in his acting careerโ€ฆjust because he lfailed to exercise self control!!

I really liked this guy..ever since Frensh Prince days..he is funny n very talented.

I hope it is  not the end of his career..hope he can pull himself out of this n make a comeback!!


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