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Because this is a white person, it is expected that she suppressed her feelings about what surrounds her. 

I doan know why non white ppl feel it is their right to vent racism and not accept it when labelled against them.

When coloreds were a few in a white society, it was tolerable. Now, immigrants feel that it is their right to be equal. It is a good thought. And only a good thought.

After living 50 years in Canada, I go to a store, waiting in line, on a few occasion, the white cashier by pass me and tend to the white person behind me. 

Sure ppl are racist, in all colors, that should not alter a human being rights to live anywhere on this world.

seignet posted:

Because this is a white person, it is expected that she suppressed her feelings about what surrounds her. 

I doan know why non white ppl feel it is their right to vent racism and not accept it when labelled against them.

When coloreds were a few in a white society, it was tolerable. Now, immigrants feel that it is their right to be equal. It is a good thought. And only a good thought.

After living 50 years in Canada, I go to a store, waiting in line, on a few occasion, the white cashier by pass me and tend to the white person behind me. 

Sure ppl are racist, in all colors, that should not alter a human being rights to live anywhere on this world.

Racism is the dominion of all. White people take great liberties because they think themselves the top of the pile and so get the most attention when they are racist.

We have Arab/Muslim racism purifying the greater ME. The Syrian war is a racist war. Afghanistan is in the cesspool it is because of inter ethnic rivalry and all ethnic rivalries are racist in origin.

Being brown or black heighten our situational awareness to it. I was in dirt bikes clothes, helmet and back pack etc  yesterday as I went in the bank to deposit cash  from a loan a friend repaid. On entering I saw the guard all across the room. By the time I finished my business he was standing directly behind me. Years of experience tells you that was no coincidence but most likely profiling based on prejudice

ksazma posted:

I agree with Siggy. Immigrants have no right to think they are equal. I have no idea what they preach at Siggy's church.

To tek a slap on the other side of meh face. I think this muslim tension of killing white ppl meking even brown ppl getting tarred and feathered.

Listen Bro, I am grateful to be living in white ppl country. Guyana, razz I couldn't even sleep well muchless eat good.

Rather be discriminated by a whiteman rather than a blackman. It is expected to be discriminated, no matter what color God mek a person.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The woman has a right to choose whichever doctor she wants.  For example, I would not choose a Cuban doctor after what happened to my President in August, 1985!

Your President had about 20 heart attacks then ate about 20 cans of condense milk before he went to see the Cuban doctor. What did you expect. 


Although I agree that the woman has the right to choose who she wants as her  Doctor to attend to her son, the way she went about it was totally uncalled for. She came over as a racist, loud and obnoxious. I even heard her calling someone "bitch" a few times. 

On the other side of the coin, she walks into a store, bank or some other service place and the attending cashiers, tellers, or reps are non white, what will she do. If she had come into my store with that kind of attitude I would have thrown her out on her big fat ass.

If she or a member of her family is about to die, does it matter the color of the skin of the attending doctor or nurse.

She is lucky that a security person was not called to throw her out. I wonder how she feels now, knowing that members of her family and her friends have seen her on this rampage.

Amral posted:

Although I agree that the woman has the right to choose who she wants as her  Doctor to attend to her son, the way she went about it was totally uncalled for. She came over as a racist, loud and obnoxious. I even heard her calling someone "bitch" a few times. 

On the other side of the coin, she walks into a store, bank or some other service place and the attending cashiers, tellers, or reps are non white, what will she do. If she had come into my store with that kind of attitude I would have thrown her out on her big fat ass.

If she or a member of her family is about to die, does it matter the color of the skin of the attending doctor or nurse.

She is lucky that a security person was not called to throw her out. I wonder how she feels now, knowing that members of her family and her friends have seen her on this rampage.

Plus, she might have burned her bridges for any full service she might have  received before her outburst.  

Doctor tends to stick together  and her attitude might cause problems for her son. Because doctors have feelings too.

RiffRaff posted:

I have visited Toronto quite a few times...I did manage to visit Canada (Montreal & Quebec City) a couple times

Canada so different from Toronto

Hellllooooooo Raymond. 

Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Edmonton, Regina, Vancouver, St. John's, Tuktoyaktuk, etc., are all parts/locations of Canada.


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The woman actually ask for a doctor that speaks and understands English, as apposed to one that may misinterpreted her medical need as doctor often do. My experience with an Indian doctor could have caused me my life. We can't argue with a patient's concern. She may act in an unusual manner, but to make it a racial issue is uncalled for. Just my opinion.

cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

Watch the video.

Mitwah posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

Watch the video.

In the future, the fewer the white ppl, the more beligerent they will become. Start getting used to the idea. Coloreds can be 4 times more than white folks, they will still prevail. We know of, how just a few held the continents of Asia and Africa.

Dey nah goan give up dem control over the future of the world. 

seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

The woman has a right to ask for any color of doctor she wants. She pays the piper so she can call the tune. If she is not happy with that clinic, then she should look for a different one and request a white doctor when making an appointment or when she checks in.

seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

I think she used the word paki


Meet the woman who stood up to the racist Mississauga clinic ranter

Sharon Samalia encourages people in similar circumstances to “be that someone instead of waiting for someone else.”

The person who interrupted a racist rant by a woman demanding to see a “white doctor” at a Mississauga clinic says she hopes her actions serve as an example to others.

“Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor,” Sharon Samalia says to the woman in the confrontation captured on video. “You are extremely rude and racist.”

Samalia said bystanders who find themselves in these situations need to “be that someone instead of waiting for someone else” to speak up.

Samalia was working at the Rapid Access to Medical Specialists clinic Sunday when she heard the woman yelling that she wanted to see a doctor who “speaks English.”

“She used the word ‘paki,’” Samalia said. “My mouth dropped, I was literally so shocked.”

The confrontation was caught on video by Hitesh Bhardwaj, who was also in the waiting room. It shows a white woman insisting that she needs a “white doctor” who was “born here” to see her child.

Sharon Samalia told a woman in a Mississauga clinic that she was "rude and racist" after hearing her demanding a "white doctor."  (Hitesh Bhardwaj / Youtube)

Others in the waiting room appear unsettled by the woman’s rant, Samalia said she “did not hear anyone say anything directly to her that could actually have gotten her to stop.”

Samalia said she understands the discomfort people have with speaking up. “I think a lot of it comes from being afraid, mostly for people of ethnic backgrounds.”

She was not.

“I was filled with way too many other emotions — I was disgusted and filled with so much anger.”

In the video, an employee can be heard telling the woman that a white doctor is “only available after four.”

Samalia said “playing along to (the woman’s) specifications just promotes her own thought process and encourages others (to have) the same mentality as her.”

“It is very different (than) an individual who is an immigrant â€Ķ asking for someone who can speak their language. She asked for someone of a specific colour. It’s important to recognize those differences. I’ve seen so many of those kinds of comments on the video and it’s ridiculous to me. For her to say that she needs someone who is Canadian, as if (a person of colour) can’t be Canadian? As if Canadian equals white.”

Police confirmed that they responded to a “disturbance” at the clinic just after 12:30 p.m., and that the situation was resolved by finding a doctor for the woman’s child.

No charges were laid.


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Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I have visited Toronto quite a few times...I did manage to visit Canada (Montreal & Quebec City) a couple times

Canada so different from Toronto

Hellllooooooo Raymond. 

Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Edmonton, Regina, Vancouver, St. John's, Tuktoyaktuk, etc., are all parts/locations of Canada.

I too impatient to cover the whole time I do a fly over Toronto so i can actually see Canada

skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

The woman has a right to ask for any color of doctor she wants. She pays the piper so she can call the tune. If she is not happy with that clinic, then she should look for a different one and request a white doctor when making an appointment or when she checks in.

She pays the piper so she can call the tune.

In Canada we have Universal Health Care, it's Free. She pays nothing, maybe she is on Welfare living off  the Paki Tax payers.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Speak for yourself Prashad. I salute all doctors regardless of their race, religion or nationality,

Correct Ksazma.

You two fools know fully well if East Indians had to choose between an American trained doctor and an Indian national trained in India. Then 2 out of 3 times they will select the American trained doctor. So don't act like you don't know so as to fool people.


Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Speak for yourself Prashad. I salute all doctors regardless of their race, religion or nationality,

Correct Ksazma.

You two fools know fully well if East Indians had to choose between an American trained doctor and an Indian national trained in India. Then 2 out of 3 times they will select the American trained doctor. So don't act like you don't know so as to fool people.


Some of these Indian doctors are damn rude, especially the turban wearing ones. Somehow, they are not suppose to discriminate due to their religion but they do. A buddy of mine had one of them, he had enough of the doctor one day and wasn't going to take any more crap from him. Told he azz off.

Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

I think she used the word paki

It is a renewal of the seventies racism when Englishmen brought the word to canadian vocabulary. The first time I was called a paki, I couldn't figure out wah the hell the English co-worker was talking about. And I training him on the job.

Prashad posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Speak for yourself Prashad. I salute all doctors regardless of their race, religion or nationality,

Correct Ksazma.

You two fools know fully well if East Indians had to choose between an American trained doctor and an Indian national trained in India. Then 2 out of 3 times they will select the American trained doctor. So don't act like you don't know so as to fool people.


Perhaps, you are living in a world available only to yourself.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Prashad posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Speak for yourself Prashad. I salute all doctors regardless of their race, religion or nationality,

Correct Ksazma

You two fools know fully well if East Indians had to choose between an American trained doctor and an Indian national trained in India. Then 2 out of 3 times they will select the American trained doctor. So don't act like you don't know so as to fool people.


Perhaps, you are living in a world available only to yourself.

How many of us interview a doctor before having him or her treat you. If you are sick you want the first available  doctor to attend to you.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

The woman has a right to ask for any color of doctor she wants. She pays the piper so she can call the tune. If she is not happy with that clinic, then she should look for a different one and request a white doctor when making an appointment or when she checks in.

She pays the piper so she can call the tune.

In Canada we have Universal Health Care, it's Free. She pays nothing, maybe she is on Welfare living off  the Paki Tax payers.

Nothing is free. The woman pays her care is not free.

seignet posted:
Prashad posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Most if not all who live in GTA know that Mississauga and Bramton has a high population of Indians. I wonder how the heck she makes out with shopping and moving around out there if she is so against people of that race. Perhaps she should move to a white neighbourhood....somewhere 4hrs North of the city.

How do you know she have a problem with Indians? She never referred to race. She simply asked for a white doctor.

I think she used the word paki

It is a renewal of the seventies racism when Englishmen brought the word to canadian vocabulary. The first time I was called a paki, I couldn't figure out wah the hell the English co-worker was talking about. And I training him on the job.

I heard this with my own ears in a Georgetown mini bus in the 1980s.

.A Guyanese East Indian woman said "I can't rent my flat to an Indian national they going to curry stink it up and bruck it up"                                                                                                              Last year I heard an Englishman said when he moved to Canada in 1976 his Canadian realtor told him not to buy a house from Canadian India indians because they probably stink the place up with curry and it probably need lots of repairs.


Same bloody stereotype thing.

Last edited by Prashad

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