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Only 7 months ago, only 7 months ago, the Maduro regime repeated its claim of Essequibo. Notwithstanding the appearance of friendly relations with Guyana, and despite the trade in oil and rice, Venezuela is not letting up, and says so in no uncertain terms. Read this:

Venezuela ratifies valid claim on the Essequibo territory

22 July, 2014, --- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Elias Jaua, confirmed Tuesday the claim of his country’s rights in the territory Essequibo, and assured that this is legal and valid, and is governed by a mechanism of the United Nations (UN).

During an interview with a middle of the Venezuelan capital, Jaua who was working hard for the delimitation of maritime boundaries between Venezuela and Guyana, while expressing “assert our historical claim as part of the international struggle and via peaceful “.
Also, Venezuelan Foreign Minister recalled that in October last year both states acknowledged that the situation of determining limits Essequibo remained an outstanding issue, so they began a process of negotiation to respect, despite the absence of a Personal Representative Secretary General of the United Nations in negotiations between Venezuela and Guyana on the dispute over territory.
“Our claim is valid and continue to choose the path of Good Officer as a mechanism for the resolution,” said Jaua.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. The specific information was provided on another thread on GNI.


2. The facts are documented with the British administration regarding its former colonies.


3. It is your personal choice to be unaware of; or to seek; the specific information.

The UK say there isn't any obligation to defend Guyana.


So scream at them about this special document when they send their regrets about the invasion.



"Dear President Ramotar. 



It is with the deepest regret that we hear of the invasion of your country by your neighbour Venezuela. Rest assured that we are extremely concerned about these tragic events, due to the close ties that our nations have always had.


We hope that it works out for you and your nation will come to some peaceful arrangement with Venezuela.


Please feel free to request of us any diplomatic actions that you wish us to undertake in international fora.


Hope it works out for you,



With Regrets,


Collin Higginsbottom,


Scribe to the assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary with responsibility to the Commonwealth.


PS: Where did you chaps have the idea that we seriously meant to come to your defense?  


Maybe we scribbled something to ensure that you lot left us alone, as Venezuela was making threats at the time.  But seriously, we didn't actually mean to commit UK treasury and live bodies to help you against a nation which is a much more lucrative trading partner than you will ever be.


Now run along.  Maybe China can come to your aid, but alas, they too find Venezuela more valuable.


Oh dear, we are in a bit of a pickle aren't we. 


Maybe you lads just need to learn Spanish.  After all you are a South American nation.  Or maybe Portuguese, if you prefer to be absorbed into Brazil instead".



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

“Our claim is valid and continue to choose the path of Good Officer as a mechanism for the resolution,” said Jaua.



I went to Caracas some time before Chavez came to power.  At first I was reluctant to let people know that I was Guyanese, not knowing whether the bar man or waiter would spit in my food, or the taxi driver would toss me out of his car. 


I asked a Venezuelan what they thought of the Essequibo border dispute.The response that I got from several people in the group is that no one in that country cares as they feel that the government cannot even manage the lands and the people as it is, so cannot absorb more territory or people who are culturally different. 


I was told that when a gov't gets in trouble they try to whip up Venezuelans against an "enemy", and Guyana, being small seems easy to bully.


Guess what. Maduro is in huge trouble and will lose the next election.


DG Ramotar better rush to London and tell them he endorses their claims on the Falklands, apologizes for cussing out several British High Commissioners, and is groveling to ensure that the UK lets Venezuela know that they will defend Guyana, even if they don't mean it.


To The Right Honorable Collin Higginsbottom,

Scribe to the assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary with responsibility to the Commonwealth

The Palace of Whitehall

City of London

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Your Lordship,


I am in receipt of your letter dated the 12th of March last. Excuse the lateness as it arrived via our London diplomatic pouch's mysterious sojourn through Africa and Columbia.


Yuh s k u n t mad or whah bai?


Yuh tek yuh eyes an rass pass meh or whah?


Yuh nah know ah whoo yuh ah deal wid fuh tru chap. De AG alone is wan barn chat-3.


De High Commissioner done tell me dat dem been see "specific documents" when ayuh been pramise fuh defend abbe from dem Venezuelans. (Please see attached Minutes of Laleshwar's briefing to ExCo).


We await Your Lordship's reply. Until such time, I remain


Your Lordship's Most Humble & Obedient Servant etc. etc.


Donald Ramotar


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. The specific information was provided on another thread on GNI.


2. The facts are documented with the British administration regarding its former colonies.


3. It is your personal choice to be unaware of; or to seek; the specific information.

The UK say there isn't any obligation to defend Guyana.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

“Our claim is valid and continue to choose the path of Good Officer as a mechanism for the resolution,” said Jaua.



I went to Caracas some time before Chavez came to power.  At first I was reluctant to let people know that I was Guyanese, not knowing whether the bar man or waiter would spit in my food, or the taxi driver would toss me out of his car. 


I asked a Venezuelan what they thought of the Essequibo border dispute.The response that I got from several people in the group is that no one in that country cares as they feel that the government cannot even manage the lands and the people as it is, so cannot absorb more territory or people who are culturally different. 


I was told that when a gov't gets in trouble they try to whip up Venezuelans against an "enemy", and Guyana, being small seems easy to bully.


Guess what. Maduro is in huge trouble and will lose the next election.


DG Ramotar better rush to London and tell them he endorses their claims on the Falklands, apologizes for cussing out several British High Commissioners, and is groveling to ensure that the UK lets Venezuela know that they will defend Guyana, even if they don't mean it.


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. The specific information was provided on another thread on GNI.


2. The facts are documented with the British administration regarding its former colonies.


3. It is your personal choice to be unaware of; or to seek; the specific information.

The UK say there isn't any obligation to defend Guyana.



Argumentum ad assertionem

Repititio ad nauseum

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

LMAO @ you 58 year old whippersnappers tink ayuh know everything


Back in his day, during the Illustrious and God fearing era of that nice polite white gyal Queen Victoria, people had manners and respect

Yes us 50 somethings, and worse yet you 30 somethings didn't get the benefit of true British civilization. 


In fact DG blames my generation for yours as he claims that, while we were infants at the time of British rule, our parents and teachers were loyal subjects of King George (Queen Elizabeth's daddy for those who don't know). So they received the benefit of British civilization.


They used to loudly sing in school "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules they waves WE BRITISH, will NEVER be slaves".  Of course my generation was rude and savage and laughed at our parents for being so stupidOn the King's Birthday they sang English songs lustily and were rewarded with hard bun and swank.


So your group are totally bereft of British civilization so you (and I) scoff at the notion that he holds dearly.  "Mummy" will come running when her recalcitrant son, who always cusses and refuses to be obedient, gets into a school yard brawl with a big kid who beats his nose bloody.  Even though this son is a hard back adult he always tells Mummy that he is a big man so she should keep out of his business.


I mean what kind of Mummy will England be if she doesn't protect her kids, even though they left her home long ago, tell the word how horrible she was, and even want to sue her for being an abusive parent?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. The specific information was provided on another thread on GNI.


2. The facts are documented with the British administration regarding its former colonies.


3. It is your personal choice to be unaware of; or to seek; the specific information.

The UK say there isn't any obligation to defend Guyana.


I guess you didn't read Collin Higginbottom's note to you when he was extremely astounded that you actually thought that they were serious when they scribbled some note to you. As that wasn't a serious document it wasn't recorded as such and now Britain says that they have no more obligations to Guyana than they do to Equatorial Guinea. 


Indeed some of the junior staff might think that Guyana and any of the various "Guineas" which exist are the same nation.  So little does Guyana come up.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Indeed some of the junior staff might think that Guyana and any of the various "Guineas" which exist are the same nation.  So little does Guyana come up.


I wish I could go in greater detail but I really can't. But I almost died of laughter at the reaction of this relatively junior diplomat on being told he will be posted to Guyana. His first question was "where"? The next question was about which language those people speak

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

To The Right Honorable Collin Higginsbottom,

Scribe to the assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary with responsibility to the Commonwealth

The Palace of Whitehall

City of London

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Your Lordship,


I am in receipt of your letter dated the 12th of March last. Excuse the lateness as it arrived via our London diplomatic pouch's mysterious sojourn through Africa and Columbia.


Yuh s k u n t mad or whah bai?


Yuh tek yuh eyes an rass pass meh or whah?


Yuh nah know ah whoo yuh ah deal wid fuh tru chap. De AG alone is wan barn chat-3.


De High Commissioner done tell me dat dem been see "specific documents" when ayuh been pramise fuh defend abbe from dem Venezuelans. (Please see attached Minutes of Laleshwar's briefing to ExCo).


We await Your Lordship's reply. Until such time, I remain


Your Lordship's Most Humble & Obedient Servant etc. etc.


Donald Ramotar




President Donald Ramotar,



I am truly honored to be addressed as your Lordship. Unfortunately I am one of the interns, you know the ones who are treated as slaves, as I think that some of your ancestors were.  At least I am of that impression given your ardent demands for Reparation.


You know working hard, but not getting paid. 


Your correspondence is always passed to me as no one has time to deal with Guyana. The senior officers fight over Jamaica or Barbados because, even though these nations are of totally no interest to us, maybe they can wangle a holiday.


But Guyana.......for some obscure reason no one wants to go there.



How ever on a serious note.


I apologize for the late response to your letter.  Unfortunately most of what was written wasn't comprehensible to us.  We were of the impression that English was the official language of Guyana, but apparently it isn't.


Any way fortunately there is a chap in the mail room from Sierra Leone who translated it, when we sent it to be filed.  But we are still unsure of some words.  What is "s k u n t" or "chat-3"?  He didn't know either.


Any way I deduce that your reaction is quite hostile, but despite this, there is no change in our response.


Best of luck as you decide whether to be ruled by Venezuela or Brazil.


Of course dear chap, that might mean that you will be out of a job!


Should you require help in ensuring that your people develop the linguistic skills that they will need to have as they become citizens of either Venezuela or Brazil, we have many unemployed Portuguese and Spanish teachers who we need to get off the dole.  They seem willing to migrate to Angola and Mozambique, so even though Guyana doesn't seem to be too desired in this office, maybe they will not object.


Deep regrets,


Collin Higginbottom


PS:  The local AFRO Caribbean theatre group seems to be in need of some comedic material for the next play that they plan to stage.  We have sent your letter to them.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Indeed some of the junior staff might think that Guyana and any of the various "Guineas" which exist are the same nation.  So little does Guyana come up.


I wish I could go in greater detail but I really can't. But I almost died of laughter at the reaction of this relatively junior diplomat on being told he will be posted to Guyana. His first question was "where"? The next question was about which language those people speak

When ever I tell people that I am from Guyana, I always have to explain that we speak English.  For some reason Suriname and French Guyane seem to come to mind, despite the thousands of Guyanese living in the NY area.  I guess when they hear Guyanese, they hear some foreign language.


During the 1980s I had a discussion with the GDF officer in charge of Venezuelan intelligence.  He told me that the military would only be able to protect Georgetown from the Venezuelan  military for a short amount of time (I will not disclose the time). But he reassured me that would be enough time to get Parliament relocated to another Country.    

Originally Posted by Wally:

During the 1980s I had a discussion with the GDF officer in charge of Venezuelan intelligence.  He told me that the military would only be able to protect Georgetown from the Venezuelan  military for a short amount of time (I will not disclose the time). But he reassured me that would be enough time to get Parliament relocated to another Country.    

That's hear say.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. The specific information was provided on another thread on GNI.


2. The facts are documented with the British administration regarding its former colonies.


3. It is your personal choice to be unaware of; or to seek; the specific information.

The UK say there isn't any obligation to defend Guyana.


I guess you didn't read Collin Higginbottom's note to you when he was extremely astounded that you actually thought that they were serious when they scribbled some note to you. As that wasn't a serious document it wasn't recorded as such and now Britain says that they have no more obligations to Guyana than they do to Equatorial Guinea. 


Indeed some of the junior staff might think that Guyana and any of the various "Guineas" which exist are the same nation.  So little does Guyana come up.

Irrelevant also.


From: Senor Don Ramotares

        La Oficina del Gobernador

        Estado de Guayana Essequiba

        Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela



To: The Right Honorable Collin Higginsbottom,

Scribe to the assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary with responsibility to the Commonwealth

The Palace of Whitehall

City of London

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Su Excellencia,


I write to convey my many thanks to you and your Government. Please be aware that all future communications should be directed to our Bolivarian Ambassador to the Court of St. James.


I'm sorry to learn of your lack of ennoblement. Please accept "Excellency" in deference to our ancient hoary custom of honoring all goodly white British folks, especially important type ones who work at the Palace of Whitehall.


Also, please extend my many thanks to the High Commissioner of Sierra Leone for his translation services and for his Government's strong diplomatic support in the recent act of union with the Bolivarian Motherland.


As to the more important matter of establishing eligibility for a right of abode in the United Kingdom, please see all necessary clearances affixed to my new Bolivarian passport.


In the future, my state (or estado if you will), wishes your Government to not interfere in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian State of Guayana and the relations of the said state of Guayana Essequiba between it and the central gobierno of His Excellency El Presidente Henrique Capriles Radonski.


Your Excellency's Most Humble and Obedient Servant etc. etc.,



Don Ramotares

El Governador



P.S..Thank you for recognizing my comedic talents. I am actually quite practiced at this nonsense as I was once Scribe to the Assistant to the Deputy Undersecretary for something. In said role I was tasked one day with drafting a letter to the Government of India. I was terribly insulted by the mere fact that my white colleagues and superiors thought I cared about India at all to assign me the task. They didn't care about the substantive decision either. So I set about writing the most sarcastic "Go F yourself" diplomatic note to India my mind could write over a relatively minor issue we (the United States) were clearly in the wrong. Actually, India had a U.S. law on the side. To my utter disbelief the Indian Foreign Ministry was nevertheless delighted that I (a nobody) was looking into the matter and "actively considering it" in accordance with precedent and established procedures etc. etc. And with that, I closed the matter and put a big red classified sheet on the front of the file. Case Closed. I earned rapid promotion for this skill.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

A Venezuelan invasion should be  matched not by the GDF but by a long drawn out civilian guerrilla hit and run campaign to destroy their economy and moral.


These guerillas you speak of, where exactly will we be importing them from? Or are you of the insane opinion that our lazy sweet-skinned coolies and negroes are gonna become guerilla material?

Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.


I doan know who that is or what it references. But we are not a warlike people. We don't even have the will to be a warlike people. Black and Indo Guyanese share an aversion to hardship and especially the loss of their lives.


When recruiting your guerilla force, you may get many enthusiastic vocal supporters but alas they will all decline the oath of enlistment because "bai, me get wife an pickney" or "me nah suh young chap"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

From: Senor Don Ramotares

        La Oficina del Gobernador

        Estado de Guayana Essequiba

        Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela



To: The Right Honorable Collin Higginsbottom,

Scribe to the assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary with responsibility to the Commonwealth

The Palace of Whitehall

City of London

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Su Excellencia,


I write to convey my many thanks to you and your Government. Please be aware that all future communications should be directed to our Bolivarian Ambassador to the Court of St. James.


I'm sorry to learn of your lack of ennoblement. Please accept "Excellency" in deference to our ancient hoary custom of honoring all goodly white British folks, especially important type ones who work at the Palace of Whitehall.


Also, please extend my many thanks to the High Commissioner of Sierra Leone for his translation services and for his Government's strong diplomatic support in the recent act of union with the Bolivarian Motherland.


As to the more important matter of establishing eligibility for a right of abode in the United Kingdom, please see all necessary clearances affixed to my new Bolivarian passport.


In the future, my state (or estado if you will), wishes your Government to not interfere in the internal affairs of the Bolivarian State of Guayana and the relations of the said state of Guayana Essequiba between it and the central gobierno of His Excellency El Presidente Henrique Capriles Radonski.


Your Excellency's Most Humble and Obedient Servant etc. etc.,



Don Ramotares

El Governador



P.S..Thank you for recognizing my comedic talents. I am actually quite practiced at this nonsense as I was once Scribe to the Assistant to the Deputy Undersecretary for something. In said role I was tasked one day with drafting a letter to the Government of India. I was terribly insulted by the mere fact that my white colleagues and superiors thought I cared about India at all to assign me the task. They didn't care about the substantive decision either. So I set about writing the most sarcastic "Go F yourself" diplomatic note to India my mind could write over a relatively minor issue we (the United States) were clearly in the wrong. Actually, India had a U.S. law on the side. To my utter disbelief the Indian Foreign Ministry was nevertheless delighted that I (a nobody) was looking into the matter and "actively considering it" in accordance with precedent and established procedures etc. etc. And with that, I closed the matter and put a big red classified sheet on the front of the file. Case Closed. I earned rapid promotion for this skill.



From the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela


to His Excellency the Prime Minister of Great Britain.



It has come to your attention that some communications have been received by you from a certain Sr. Donald Ramotar who is purporting to be the governor of the state of Essequibo.  Be informed that the governor of that state is Dr. Carlos Rodriguez-Jimenez. 


Sr. Ramotar is currently under house arrest as he refused to cede power when Essequibo was re-absorbed into Venezuela.  Indeed he even refused our offer to allow him to remain president of the 1/3 of that former nation, that we didn't previously claim.  It was decided, in the security interests of Venezuela, that this portion by annexed to Venezuela, and the existing office holders be removed.


Sr. Donald Ramotar is therefore not authorized to represent the interests of any aspect of governance in the Estabo Essequibo.



Your Sincerely


Nicolas Maduro


President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Wally:

A Venezuelan invasion should be  matched not by the GDF but by a long drawn out civilian guerrilla hit and run campaign to destroy their economy and moral.


These guerillas you speak of, where exactly will we be importing them from? Or are you of the insane opinion that our lazy sweet-skinned coolies and negroes are gonna become guerilla material?

I remember when there was a National Service song about " Hoist your weapon and run to the border to defend Guyana".  A pioneer murmured "yu can try wid dat".


Guyanese will use the invasion to attempt to get refugee status in Canada.  They already tried that before but the Canadians weren't impressed.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.


I doan know who that is or what it references. But we are not a warlike people. We don't even have the will to be a warlike people. Black and Indo Guyanese share an aversion to hardship and especially the loss of their lives.


When recruiting your guerilla force, you may get many enthusiastic vocal supporters but alas they will all decline the oath of enlistment because "bai, me get wife an pickney" or "me nah suh young chap"

It is a fact that people from the Anglophone Caribbean aren't too interested in shedding blood for principles. 


After 9/11 a Jamaican asked how come those Arabs got visas to enter the USA and Jamaicans can't.  He asked about the prospect of a Jamaican group to highjack a plane and DELIBERATELY crash it into a building because they hate the USA.  His response is that they MIGHT only run a truck into the US Embassy in Kingston, because their application for a visa was denied. And even then they would jump out of the truck before it crashed into the building and exploded.


West Indians will gladly kill others for PERSONAL gain, but we aren't going to risk our lives for a principle. 

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Exclusive Footage of Her Majesty's Royal Navy on call to protect Her Guyanese Dominions


What happened to DG?  Did he suddenly find out that his Mummy England abandoned her child Guyana?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Exclusive Footage of Her Majesty's Royal Navy on call to protect Her Guyanese Dominions


What happened to DG?  Did he suddenly find out that his Mummy England abandoned her child Guyana?

Perhaps...then again, perhaps not.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.

chicken rohan is dead 


The bravest man in Guyana to fight the Venezuelans is named "Chicken" Rohan?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.

chicken rohan is dead 


The bravest man in Guyana to fight the Venezuelans is named "Chicken" Rohan?

chicken rohan tell me jagan sell him out to burnham 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.

chicken rohan is dead 


The bravest man in Guyana to fight the Venezuelans is named "Chicken" Rohan?

chicken rohan tell me jagan sell him out to burnham 


That wouldn't surprise me. Jagan is alleged to have personally betrayed nuff coolies to Burnham.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.

chicken rohan is dead 


The bravest man in Guyana to fight the Venezuelans is named "Chicken" Rohan?

chicken rohan tell me jagan sell him out to burnham 


That wouldn't surprise me. Jagan is alleged to have personally betrayed nuff coolies to Burnham.

There were PPP elements who wanted Venezuela to invade.  Many of these same PPP supporters declared that they were Trinidadians when they migrated to the USA and Canada.


As a contrast, even though Afro Guyanese despise the PPP and resent the near take over of the country by Indians, they remain fundamentally Guyanese, and will only lie about their place of birth if they are here illegally.


You see if people define their nationality as Indian (rather than their nationality) and view Guyana is mere real estate, the fact that Guyana will no longer be Guyana as we know it doesn't bother some people.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.

chicken rohan is dead 


The bravest man in Guyana to fight the Venezuelans is named "Chicken" Rohan?

chicken rohan tell me jagan sell him out to burnham 

You rass ah lie.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Wally:

We may have to bring Chicken Rohan out of retirement.

chicken rohan is dead 


The bravest man in Guyana to fight the Venezuelans is named "Chicken" Rohan?

chicken rohan tell me jagan sell him out to burnham 


That wouldn't surprise me. Jagan is alleged to have personally betrayed nuff coolies to Burnham.

There were PPP elements who wanted Venezuela to invade.  Many of these same PPP supporters declared that they were Trinidadians when they migrated to the USA and Canada.


As a contrast, even though Afro Guyanese despise the PPP and resent the near take over of the country by Indians, they remain fundamentally Guyanese, and will only lie about their place of birth if they are here illegally.


You see if people define their nationality as Indian (rather than their nationality) and view Guyana is mere real estate, the fact that Guyana will no longer be Guyana as we know it doesn't bother some people.


I forget the name of this one chap. I love this guy. He was always advocating to the Chavez Government for them to invade Guyana and depose the PPP. The sheer balls ah dis bai wid a touch of insanity


I'm pretty sure a better treason case could have been made against this coolie than the one they made against Mark Benschop


Well, this thread seems relevant.


I want all you PPP mudheads to notice closely why it's not a good idea to go around cussin down Ambassadors of powerful countries.


And yes, I'm almost certain the U.S. will now defend Guyana against Venezuela. I'm also certain that Venezuela will not interfere in Guyana anymore. One single stroke chaps. One single act of competence.


Guyana is now an American colony with a pliant American-installed Government that is probably smart enough not to cross the most powerful Government in this Hemisphere.


The era of Venezuelan bullyism is over. Their enablers the PPP is in the Opposition and we now have a pro-American Government that is married to American commercial interests in their dealings with what is probably the most powerful corporation in America and the world.


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