"Some of these persons posting here have been out of Guyana a long time. You will expect them to have learnt something better than the racism and crap they spew forth in a regular basis."
A leopard can't change it's spots.
"Some of these persons posting here have been out of Guyana a long time. You will expect them to have learnt something better than the racism and crap they spew forth in a regular basis."
A leopard can't change it's spots.
"Some of these persons posting here have been out of Guyana a long time. You will expect them to have learnt something better than the racism and crap they spew forth in a regular basis."
A leopard can't change it's spots.
Former PPP Acting President
Charged in 800 Million Fraud
You foolish....I see you have a fetish for pictures...cant say much eh? Tongue tied???
You foolish....I see you have a fetish for pictures...cant say much eh? Tongue tied???
PPP Vice President
There is a lot of truth regarding the harassment of East Indians perceived to be PPP supporters. A family member of mine was constantly harassed. He always voted AFC. He is kind of like a maverick like me...so he stood his ground and fought. The problem is the PPP has no credibility. And when they use Raj Singh and Dindyal as the model of victimization no one except the Indo racists will take them seriously.
The disease in this is the PPP did it routinely and never called their harangue or racist spouting harassment. Indians accepted. Satteur is an example. What he did was obscene and the PPP allowed it. The Ramotar children were accepted because they supposedly had the credentials. That they supplanted people with similar credentials was nary a worry. This is a disease.
Granger's talk of inclusion is farcical. He can think himself jesus and wish that others come to break bread but I will declare it here and now, he is wasting his time. The PPP is in election mode and they aim to win the prize of office as an ethnic prize an for that reason they will massage every avenue to highlight the "plight" of indians at the hands of the black man and black culture.
The barrage of distorting commentaries from the Times is not happenstance. It is design. This ides that the budget does not conform to any clearly formalize strategy for development is the PPP campaigning. They never sought to explain their budgeting allocations, account for how it was spent and for any of the excesses to their friends and family. It was not nepotism; it was practice. It will bother them now.
Our problem is to not let the next election cycle comes around with race being the seed of our political disputes. That alas is me wishing with my penny in the local fountain. Maybe I should just wish and retrieve the penny for a more fruitful possibility
You are an idiot, with a closed mind, who is so blinded by hate for the PPP as the cause of all Guyana's problems. You sound as if the PPP has done some terrible injustice to you and you are gunning for vengeance. Your diatribe will not fool anyone here...go back and review your words...all of them display an attack on the PPP but you praise every action of the coalition.
I agree that Granger's plans for inclusion is farcical...but at least I am willing to give him a chance to see what he is willing to do in terms of policy to bring the nation together. So far, since this is the major problem facing us in Guyana, and one that threatens to diminish any economic and social gains this regime can salvage, Granger as not, as a leader utter a single word in the form of a major speech addressing this problem. It continues to fester. Iam also hearing through the grapevine that Granger might be ill and that the old guard PNC may be running the show from the shadows. Not sure how much of this is true. I also have a few stories like TK about family members who were harassed (and I will argue that some of these cases may fall into the category of perception and fear)...but you would think that the govt will address them...but no they continue to let the perception of harassment and "ethnic cleansing".
However, you knuckleheads must understand also that Moses and Ramjattan are fair game for criticisms. They went out to bring in the 11% to give the coalition its victory.
In addition, as long as this racial problem is not addressed, it will continue to plague us. It will be an issue in the next election. AND, yes, the PPP will milk it....they have a right to do so as long as the problem is not addressed.
You will loose your penny.
I would be an idiot if I dreamed of impossible things. ONe does not get rid of racism by taking selective stance of wishing it away and hope for good men to come out of the wood works. I have been here since time immemorial commenting on the same and there is evidence in the world's literature that without institutional fences to contain the boundaries of ethnic expressions to good ends it will not grow in fruitful ways. That is why we have rules for every conceivable thing on the planet that is necessary and just.
When the PPP came into office I defended jagdeo, expressed hope that he being young would see a difference because he had the recent burnham years as a guide of what not to do.
Instead he did the most brazen thing and ignored all pretenses to democratic government and went on a rampage of one man rule with corruption being his only legacy to us. The PPP are who they presently are because of his complete and total neglect of what is right.
I do not give a damn about whose family member was harassed as evidence of nepotism or corruption. That is not going to change my position that the PPP has and never intend to be fruitful for real change and were masters of manipulating the system to foster nepotism and by that injuring the black people of our land.
Granger's expression of inclusion has to come with hard line positions. Inclusions has to come with a refashioning of the institutions and not via elite accommodations. You are the one being the ass if you think that is not the necessary path for any idea of inclusion.
You are missing the point knucklehead. Perceptions are real...that is the start of the basis of a process of healing and nation-building. You ignore the point raised by TK...we have to start from somewhere to solve the racial problem. If the perception among the rank and file is that racism is practised by the coalition, it has to be addresses. And, if racism was practiced by the PPP, it has to be addressed also. The problem is that it is not.
On your question of elite accommodation, you are dead wrong. Our ideas are shaped by our leaders. Any kind of power sharing or policies designed to promote national unity has to be accepted by the elite (our national leaders) first and once accepted, it has to be transferred to the rank and file. THEN, it has to become institutioinalized and supported by laws and it has to be taught as part of our "civic curriculum". Otherwise, it will be derailed from the onset, based on our divided lens through which we view politics in Guyana. You are putting the cart before the horse. If you do not understand this, your idiocy and blindness (which you have been lacing on this site for many years by your own admission), will continue to see the Guyana Times as promoting racism.
The other issue is that by dehumanizing the leader of the opposition, despite the accusations of nepotism and corruption, by the likes of you and the other knuckleheads like Carib, Rudux, Jalil and others (while demonstrating an unwillingness to criticize the coalition), you are taking a jaundiced approach to the problem. Both sides have to be criticized for their inactions on this issues.
There is a lot of truth regarding the harassment of East Indians perceived to be PPP supporters. A family member of mine was constantly harassed. He always voted AFC. He is kind of like a maverick like me...so he stood his ground and fought. The problem is the PPP has no credibility. And when they use Raj Singh and Dindyal as the model of victimization no one except the Indo racists will take them seriously.
The disease in this is the PPP did it routinely and never called their harangue or racist spouting harassment. Indians accepted. Satteur is an example. What he did was obscene and the PPP allowed it. The Ramotar children were accepted because they supposedly had the credentials. That they supplanted people with similar credentials was nary a worry. This is a disease.
Granger's talk of inclusion is farcical. He can think himself jesus and wish that others come to break bread but I will declare it here and now, he is wasting his time. The PPP is in election mode and they aim to win the prize of office as an ethnic prize an for that reason they will massage every avenue to highlight the "plight" of indians at the hands of the black man and black culture.
The barrage of distorting commentaries from the Times is not happenstance. It is design. This ides that the budget does not conform to any clearly formalize strategy for development is the PPP campaigning. They never sought to explain their budgeting allocations, account for how it was spent and for any of the excesses to their friends and family. It was not nepotism; it was practice. It will bother them now.
Our problem is to not let the next election cycle comes around with race being the seed of our political disputes. That alas is me wishing with my penny in the local fountain. Maybe I should just wish and retrieve the penny for a more fruitful possibility
You are an idiot, with a closed mind, who is so blinded by hate for the PPP as the cause of all Guyana's problems. You sound as if the PPP has done some terrible injustice to you and you are gunning for vengeance. Your diatribe will not fool anyone here...go back and review your words...all of them display an attack on the PPP but you praise every action of the coalition.
I agree that Granger's plans for inclusion is farcical...but at least I am willing to give him a chance to see what he is willing to do in terms of policy to bring the nation together. So far, since this is the major problem facing us in Guyana, and one that threatens to diminish any economic and social gains this regime can salvage, Granger as not, as a leader utter a single word in the form of a major speech addressing this problem. It continues to fester. Iam also hearing through the grapevine that Granger might be ill and that the old guard PNC may be running the show from the shadows. Not sure how much of this is true. I also have a few stories like TK about family members who were harassed (and I will argue that some of these cases may fall into the category of perception and fear)...but you would think that the govt will address them...but no they continue to let the perception of harassment and "ethnic cleansing".
However, you knuckleheads must understand also that Moses and Ramjattan are fair game for criticisms. They went out to bring in the 11% to give the coalition its victory.
In addition, as long as this racial problem is not addressed, it will continue to plague us. It will be an issue in the next election. AND, yes, the PPP will milk it....they have a right to do so as long as the problem is not addressed.
You will loose your penny.
I would be an idiot if I dreamed of impossible things. ONe does not get rid of racism by taking selective stance of wishing it away and hope for good men to come out of the wood works. I have been here since time immemorial commenting on the same and there is evidence in the world's literature that without institutional fences to contain the boundaries of ethnic expressions to good ends it will not grow in fruitful ways. That is why we have rules for every conceivable thing on the planet that is necessary and just.
When the PPP came into office I defended jagdeo, expressed hope that he being young would see a difference because he had the recent burnham years as a guide of what not to do.
Instead he did the most brazen thing and ignored all pretenses to democratic government and went on a rampage of one man rule with corruption being his only legacy to us. The PPP are who they presently are because of his complete and total neglect of what is right.
I do not give a damn about whose family member was harassed as evidence of nepotism or corruption. That is not going to change my position that the PPP has and never intend to be fruitful for real change and were masters of manipulating the system to foster nepotism and by that injuring the black people of our land.
Granger's expression of inclusion has to come with hard line positions. Inclusions has to come with a refashioning of the institutions and not via elite accommodations. You are the one being the ass if you think that is not the necessary path for any idea of inclusion.
You are missing the point knucklehead. Perceptions are real...that is the start of the basis of a process of healing and nation-building. You ignore the point raised by TK...we have to start from somewhere to solve the racial problem. If the perception among the rank and file is that racism is practised by the coalition, it has to be addresses. And, if racism was practiced by the PPP, it has to be addressed also. The problem is that it is not.
On your question of elite accommodation, you are dead wrong. Our ideas are shaped by our leaders. Any kind of power sharing or policies designed to promote national unity has to be accepted by the elite (our national leaders) first and once accepted, it has to be transferred to the rank and file. THEN, it has to become institutioinalized and supported by laws and it has to be taught as part of our "civic curriculum". Otherwise, it will be derailed from the onset, based on our divided lens through which we view politics in Guyana. You are putting the cart before the horse. If you do not understand this, your idiocy and blindness (which you have been lacing on this site for many years by your own admission), will continue to see the Guyana Times as promoting racism.
The other issue is that by dehumanizing the leader of the opposition, despite the accusations of nepotism and corruption, by the likes of you and the other knuckleheads like Carib, Rudux, Jalil and others (while demonstrating an unwillingness to criticize the coalition), you are taking a jaundiced approach to the problem. Both sides have to be criticized for their inactions on this issues.
They guilty...they should go to jail. But you got anything from the 28 years?
Say for example, Gregory Smith giving a bomb to Rodney???
There is a lot of truth regarding the harassment of East Indians perceived to be PPP supporters. A family member of mine was constantly harassed. He always voted AFC. He is kind of like a maverick like me...so he stood his ground and fought. The problem is the PPP has no credibility. And when they use Raj Singh and Dindyal as the model of victimization no one except the Indo racists will take them seriously.
The disease in this is the PPP did it routinely and never called their harangue or racist spouting harassment. Indians accepted. Satteur is an example. What he did was obscene and the PPP allowed it. The Ramotar children were accepted because they supposedly had the credentials. That they supplanted people with similar credentials was nary a worry. This is a disease.
Granger's talk of inclusion is farcical. He can think himself jesus and wish that others come to break bread but I will declare it here and now, he is wasting his time. The PPP is in election mode and they aim to win the prize of office as an ethnic prize an for that reason they will massage every avenue to highlight the "plight" of indians at the hands of the black man and black culture.
The barrage of distorting commentaries from the Times is not happenstance. It is design. This ides that the budget does not conform to any clearly formalize strategy for development is the PPP campaigning. They never sought to explain their budgeting allocations, account for how it was spent and for any of the excesses to their friends and family. It was not nepotism; it was practice. It will bother them now.
Our problem is to not let the next election cycle comes around with race being the seed of our political disputes. That alas is me wishing with my penny in the local fountain. Maybe I should just wish and retrieve the penny for a more fruitful possibility
You are an idiot, with a closed mind, who is so blinded by hate for the PPP as the cause of all Guyana's problems. You sound as if the PPP has done some terrible injustice to you and you are gunning for vengeance. Your diatribe will not fool anyone here...go back and review your words...all of them display an attack on the PPP but you praise every action of the coalition.
I agree that Granger's plans for inclusion is farcical...but at least I am willing to give him a chance to see what he is willing to do in terms of policy to bring the nation together. So far, since this is the major problem facing us in Guyana, and one that threatens to diminish any economic and social gains this regime can salvage, Granger as not, as a leader utter a single word in the form of a major speech addressing this problem. It continues to fester. Iam also hearing through the grapevine that Granger might be ill and that the old guard PNC may be running the show from the shadows. Not sure how much of this is true. I also have a few stories like TK about family members who were harassed (and I will argue that some of these cases may fall into the category of perception and fear)...but you would think that the govt will address them...but no they continue to let the perception of harassment and "ethnic cleansing".
However, you knuckleheads must understand also that Moses and Ramjattan are fair game for criticisms. They went out to bring in the 11% to give the coalition its victory.
In addition, as long as this racial problem is not addressed, it will continue to plague us. It will be an issue in the next election. AND, yes, the PPP will milk it....they have a right to do so as long as the problem is not addressed.
You will loose your penny.
I would be an idiot if I dreamed of impossible things. ONe does not get rid of racism by taking selective stance of wishing it away and hope for good men to come out of the wood works. I have been here since time immemorial commenting on the same and there is evidence in the world's literature that without institutional fences to contain the boundaries of ethnic expressions to good ends it will not grow in fruitful ways. That is why we have rules for every conceivable thing on the planet that is necessary and just.
When the PPP came into office I defended jagdeo, expressed hope that he being young would see a difference because he had the recent burnham years as a guide of what not to do.
Instead he did the most brazen thing and ignored all pretenses to democratic government and went on a rampage of one man rule with corruption being his only legacy to us. The PPP are who they presently are because of his complete and total neglect of what is right.
I do not give a damn about whose family member was harassed as evidence of nepotism or corruption. That is not going to change my position that the PPP has and never intend to be fruitful for real change and were masters of manipulating the system to foster nepotism and by that injuring the black people of our land.
Granger's expression of inclusion has to come with hard line positions. Inclusions has to come with a refashioning of the institutions and not via elite accommodations. You are the one being the ass if you think that is not the necessary path for any idea of inclusion.
You are missing the point knucklehead. Perceptions are real...that is the start of the basis of a process of healing and nation-building. You ignore the point raised by TK...we have to start from somewhere to solve the racial problem. If the perception among the rank and file is that racism is practised by the coalition, it has to be addresses. And, if racism was practiced by the PPP, it has to be addressed also. The problem is that it is not.
On your question of elite accommodation, you are dead wrong. Our ideas are shaped by our leaders. Any kind of power sharing or policies designed to promote national unity has to be accepted by the elite (our national leaders) first and once accepted, it has to be transferred to the rank and file. THEN, it has to become institutioinalized and supported by laws and it has to be taught as part of our "civic curriculum". Otherwise, it will be derailed from the onset, based on our divided lens through which we view politics in Guyana. You are putting the cart before the horse. If you do not understand this, your idiocy and blindness (which you have been lacing on this site for many years by your own admission), will continue to see the Guyana Times as promoting racism.
The other issue is that by dehumanizing the leader of the opposition, despite the accusations of nepotism and corruption, by the likes of you and the other knuckleheads like Carib, Rudux, Jalil and others (while demonstrating an unwillingness to criticize the coalition), you are taking a jaundiced approach to the problem. Both sides have to be criticized for their inactions on this issues.
First of all I know where TK stands and you do not since we have discussed this on going for close to a decade. I cannot miss his view point when we are of the similar view.
And since when perceptions are real? Perceptions are unprocessed inputs and their reality lies in the possibility for their selection in conception of something meaningful. 99 percent of perception is discarded as incidential to what is meaningful at the moment.
If TK has a family member who is harassed for being a PPP member that is still statistically null is one is to posit APNU's racism. It is his perception that something more onerous is at work but at the same time more input is necessary for a conclusion to predicate them as rabidly anti Indian. The PPP is an indian party and the APNU is a black party so the status quo is they are in an ethnically adversarial role due to our political reality!
By definition also power sharing is elite accommodation. I did not ask a question of it since I know what I said in a carefully phrased declarative sentence. No more need to be said of that.
As an aside, Granger is not my leader. I did not pick him or was jagdeo. The fact they are there is because the choices I would want can never get on the event horizon of guyanese politics which is pure and simple political elide dominated from time immemorial.
Jagdeo is a crook. No one can demonize him. He did it all by himself. That he is there is on account of his dominance of the PPP which exists because of ethnic nepotism. His days however is numbered.
He disgusts most of the people that matters and those wishing to swallow truth and live in the reflected glory of his ill begotten wealth and those of his few friends are the few who care for him. Do not count PPP allegiance as love for that narcotizing canker on our body politic.
On your question of elite accommodation, you are dead wrong. Our ideas are shaped by our leaders. Any kind of power sharing or policies designed to promote national unity has to be accepted by the elite (our national leaders) first and once accepted, it has to be transferred to the rank and file. THEN, it has to become institutioinalized and supported by laws and it has to be taught as part of our "civic curriculum". Otherwise, it will be derailed from the onset, based on our divided lens through which we view politics in Guyana. You are putting the cart before the horse. If you do not understand this, your idiocy and blindness (which you have been lacing on this site for many years by your own admission), will continue to see the Guyana Times as promoting racism.
The other issue is that by dehumanizing the leader of the opposition, despite the accusations of nepotism and corruption, by the likes of you and the other knuckleheads like Carib, Rudux, Jalil and others (while demonstrating an unwillingness to criticize the coalition), you are taking a jaundiced approach to the problem. Both sides have to be criticized for their inactions on this issues.
banna, u fool no one with your "perception of racism" chicken and egg jagdeoite scampishness
the "perception" u wax so eloquently about is fed to the Indian masses by antiman like u who would have us believe that a size 14 planted on the baxsides of the 3 skonts below is "racism" and "ethnic cleansing":
Raj Singh - parasite, unqualified incompetent; suzerain while Jagdeo destroyed Guyana's sugar industry
Bharat Dindyal - parasite, incompetent enabler of tiefman who even the PPP appointed GPL Board told to haul his ass
Colin Croal - Jagdeo party operator who resigned his civil service post to campaign for the PPP and now want to tek it back because they lost
now haul yuh mealy-mouthed rass dahside and scrounge up a credible reason why calling attention to the multifarious corruptions of Bharat Jagdeo is "dehumanizing/jaundiced" and unfair . . . note to all idiots on the BB: being leader of the PPP gang and leader of the Opposition is not a good enough reason
and further, lissen up klown . . . there will be time enuf to "criticize the coalition" if/when they commit crimes and betrayals of the magnitude and scope Jagdeo and crew left as legacy . . . but rite now, all y'all have is hope, imaginings and stupidness
am i being clear?
On your question of elite accommodation, you are dead wrong. Our ideas are shaped by our leaders. Any kind of power sharing or policies designed to promote national unity has to be accepted by the elite (our national leaders) first and once accepted, it has to be transferred to the rank and file. THEN, it has to become institutioinalized and supported by laws and it has to be taught as part of our "civic curriculum". Otherwise, it will be derailed from the onset, based on our divided lens through which we view politics in Guyana. You are putting the cart before the horse. If you do not understand this, your idiocy and blindness (which you have been lacing on this site for many years by your own admission), will continue to see the Guyana Times as promoting racism.
The other issue is that by dehumanizing the leader of the opposition, despite the accusations of nepotism and corruption, by the likes of you and the other knuckleheads like Carib, Rudux, Jalil and others (while demonstrating an unwillingness to criticize the coalition), you are taking a jaundiced approach to the problem. Both sides have to be criticized for their inactions on this issues.
banna, u fool no one with your "perception of racism" chicken and egg jagdeoite scampishness
the "perception" u wax so eloquently about is fed to the Indian masses by antiman like u who would have us believe that a size 14 planted on the baxsides of the 3 skonts below is "racism" and "ethnic cleansing":
Raj Singh - parasite, unqualified incompetent; suzerain while Jagdeo destroyed Guyana's sugar industry
Bharat Dindyal - parasite, incompetent enabler of tiefman who even the PPP appointed GPL Board told to haul his ass
Colin Croal - Jagdeo party operator who resigned his civil service post to campaign for the PPP and now want to tek it back because they lost
now haul yuh mealy-mouthed rass dahside and scrounge up a credible reason why calling attention to the multifarious corruptions of Bharat Jagdeo is "dehumanizing/jaundiced" and unfair . . . note to all idiots on the BB: being leader of the PPP gang and leader of the Opposition is not a good enough reason
and further, lissen up klown . . . there will be time enuf to "criticize the coalition" if/when they commit crimes and betrayals of the magnitude and scope Jagdeo and crew left as legacy . . . but rite now, all y'all have is hope, imaginings and stupidness
am i being clear?
Quite Clear.
Looks like some feathers are ruffled here mr reduction.
For the record, I have no sympathy for these men you listed...and some others also... for crimes perpetrated on all of us. I am with you an that.
Now, really, why does everyone you disagree with have to fall into the category of one of your "anti-men". You know what they say about other anti-men who lives in glass houses, no??
"Some of these persons posting here have been out of Guyana a long time. You will expect them to have learnt something better than the racism and crap they spew forth in a regular basis."
A leopard can't change it's spots.
Former PPP Acting President
Charged in 800 Million Fraud
Firing she was the best dismissal in the world.
They should jail she rass in Monkey Mountain with Kawme.
That is social Cohesion. Indians must step aside and let blacks get rich as well.
Why not. You all forced blacks to step aside and made yourselves rich.
Burnham did the same and now granger is doing it again.
Janet did it, Burnham did it. Jagdeo followed Burnham in ethnic cleansing.
What really is your problem?
Did you see a cassava eating buckman apponted to any position?
Yes. At least 2 ministers, maybe 3 as Norton looks Amerindian.
And, to suggest that this reality is a reflection of the fact that the PPP only hired Indians can only go so far... .its like where do we draw the line as the witch-hunt continues
The PPP only hired Indians, and excluded blacks.
Apparently you think that blacks must continue to be excluded, otherwise you would concede that some of those Indians had to go!
And, to suggest that this reality is a reflection of the fact that the PPP only hired Indians can only go so far... .its like where do we draw the line as the witch-hunt continues
The PPP only hired Indians, and excluded blacks.
Apparently you think that blacks must continue to be excluded, otherwise you would concede that some of those Indians had to go!
Did that in one of the above post...see above
And...lay off the anti-man stuff will you? Otherwise, unless you are one ...
"Some of these persons posting here have been out of Guyana a long time. You will expect them to have learnt something better than the racism and crap they spew forth in a regular basis."
A leopard can't change it's spots.
Former PPP Acting President
Charged in 800 Million Fraud
Firing she was the best dismissal in the world.
They should jail she rass in Monkey Mountain with Kawme.
We do not know how "J"
as in Jagdeo, Jackass or Jones would
welcome Jenny-Ass on Monkey Mountain
Look, they promised a different approach,
And here we have it. The PPP had Indians heading almost every institution, and here comes Zed saying that this should continue.
Zed tells us that a party elected mainly by African and mixed voters, should continue to exclude them.
Zed, explain this for me. If the PPP excluded non Indians, and that all of these should be retained, tell me how will non Indian talent be utilized?
And, to suggest that this reality is a reflection of the fact that the PPP only hired Indians can only go so far... .its like where do we draw the line as the witch-hunt continues
The PPP only hired Indians, and excluded blacks.
Apparently you think that blacks must continue to be excluded, otherwise you would concede that some of those Indians had to go!
Did that in one of the above post...see above
And...lay off the anti-man stuff will you? Otherwise, unless you are one ...
Its this simple Zed, VishMahabir and other closet Indo KKK members.
If the PPP appointed 47 Indians out of a total of 50, and the coalition gov't doesn't get rid of some, then there will be 47 Indians out of 50.
So where is this "national unity" that you all bray about?
Listen you all belong to the same piece of cloth as do Rama, cobra, abnd yuji, just smarter, so more subtle. So you PRETEND to care about national unity, when you remain quite comfortable with Indian domination.
In addition, as long as this racial problem is not addressed,
You will loose your penny.
So why don't you address the racial problem from the point of view of an African who was EXCLUDED for the past 23 years?
The PPP harassed blacks for the past 23 years, intimidating some, harassing, others, and all but excluding them from top leadership slots.
To say your weak "oh you promised us different" is NOT the point. WHERE were the Indian voices when the PPP rampaged against blacks? So why will Indians be seen as credible when most blacks will merely see this as an unethical plot to keep their ill gotten gains which they gained from being connected to the PPP, which was very hostile to blacks.
There will have to be the removal of those Indians who were incompetent, and only appointed due to nepotism. And there will be some degree of ethnic balancing.
But YOUR screams support the status quo suggest that you wish the Indian domination of the PPP to remain, even after they lost. NOT going to happen.
..so their party (PPP) lost the election now it's time to cull the herd...remove the dead weight...replace with what we hope is better stock...now we got people crying because is only Indians being turfed.
Whatderass yall expect them to do fire some putagees, blacks, Amerinds that never held these positions??
We now hear..
Zed, VVP and VisMahabir would rather these people all stayed. This is why their cries of "national unity" are hypocritical.
Any reason why this incompetent and corrupt leadership must be kept, when this also met ethnic cleansing of blacks?
Soviet Trained Economist
Jagdeo Builds his case
By Staff on September 7, 2015
Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson said on Monday that the matter has been handed over to Attorney General, Basil Williams and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan.
The Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) for Operations at the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Company, Aerswar Deonarine is yet to return the $27 Million to the GPL account following a request early in August for the government to grant him additional time.
Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson said on Monday that the matter has been handed over to Attorney General, Basil Williams and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan.
“I don’t know where those investigations are because it is out of my hands now,” he said.
According to Patterson, he received no report from either of the Ministers that the money had been returned.
When News Source contacted Crime Chief Wendelll Blanhum, he said that police investigators are yet to receive a file from the government on the illegal transaction.
The government had promised to hand the matter over to the police.
Deonarine was sent on leave after it was discovered that he had paid himself a retroactive salary increase which totaled $27 Million, without the approval of the Board of the company.
The transfer was discovered during the forensic audit of the Petro Caribe funds. The money had been transferred to GPL as part of a larger sum to assist the company with the purchase of fuel.
The Deputy CEO has now explained to the Government that he had already transferred the money to his accounts in the United States and would therefore need some time to have the money redirected to Guyana so that he could return it.
However, News Source understands that the Deputy CEO deposited the money into a local commercial bank and has been making withdrawals from the United States.
When the transfer was discovered, checks with the management and board of GPL revealed that there was never any authorization or approval for the raise of pay and retroactive payments.
The man was convinced that the Board had made a decision and the only Board member he got approval from for the transfer was Carvil Duncan who also give himself a raise of pay as Director.
Over $900,000 was transferred to his personal account from the same PetroCaribe funds.
And, to suggest that this reality is a reflection of the fact that the PPP only hired Indians can only go so far... .its like where do we draw the line as the witch-hunt continues
The PPP only hired Indians, and excluded blacks.
Apparently you think that blacks must continue to be excluded, otherwise you would concede that some of those Indians had to go!
Did that in one of the above post...see above
And...lay off the anti-man stuff will you? Otherwise, unless you are one ...
Its this simple Zed, VishMahabir and other closet Indo KKK members.
If the PPP appointed 47 Indians out of a total of 50, and the coalition gov't doesn't get rid of some, then there will be 47 Indians out of 50.
So where is this "national unity" that you all bray about?
Listen you all belong to the same piece of cloth as do Rama, cobra, abnd yuji, just smarter, so more subtle. So you PRETEND to care about national unity, when you remain quite comfortable with Indian domination.
OK Carib....there is no point continuing this discussion...Now you have created a straw man with your numbers pulled out of your a** and continue to attack him...a typical knucklehead..in true anti-man fashion.
So I am going to leave you to wallow in your own "obtuseness". I am convinced you are one of Granger's squaddies, sent here to mess with the "Indo KKKs", no??
If Guyana has people like you running the country, one of two things will probably happen: a) You will eliminate all the Indos or b)You will will create a separate region for them, send us there, and place us behind barbed wires like the Nazis.
Banna, I done.
Maybe I am too idealistic. We need to figure out a way to get out of this cycle we are in and do things differently. .
You need to not join the PPP with its "ethnic cleansing" nonsense.
Those who are being dismissed are Indians, because the only heads of institutions who were there were Indians.
So you cannot redress the issue of ethnic exclusion unless some people, who happen to be Indian, are dismissed due to their incompetence, ineffectiveness.
You ought not to be joining the PPP and their screams, if it is that you want national unity. Because they merely wish to protect their cronies, who are ONLY there because they are Indians.
Caribj talked about ethnic cleansing, he was called a racist. He was accused of wishing Indians dead.
I care not one whit about your current paranoia because NONE of you cared when it was blacks who were being kicked in their genitals.
Even as we speak you still want blacks to be excluded as you DEFEND ethic exclusion by the PPP. How else will the ethnic exclusion be addressed unless people, who should NOT have been in those slots in the first place, are dismissed.
Here is what you should be doing. Identify the people who were competent and effective, and NOT corrupt, who were dismissed by this new gov't and demanding that they be treated differently from the others.
But defending the PPP in its screams. Listen all the PPP is getting is what they gave out and I don't care a damn about them on that topic.
Soviet Trained Economist
Jagdeo Continues to Builds his case
Former PPP Acting President
Charged in 800 Million Fraud
Jagdeo to help Granger
Recover Billions......
Stolen & Missing
Burnham did the same and now granger is doing it again.
Janet did it, Burnham did it. Jagdeo followed Burnham in ethnic cleansing.
What really is your problem?
You guys talk big and do very little. The PPP create jobs and hire blacks in all levels of Government. After The PNC was defeated in 1992, the PPP made life better for everybody. There was no complain when food was allowed to be imported and blacks didn't have to rob Indians so that they can live. You were very happy when Indian girls were being raped in national service. and you claimed that they wanted it. RThat makes your not only a racist but also a rapist apologist.
Burnham did the same and now granger is doing it again.
Janet did it, Burnham did it. Jagdeo followed Burnham in ethnic cleansing.
What really is your problem?
You guys talk big and do very little. The PPP create jobs and hire blacks in all levels of Government. After The PNC was defeated in 1992, the PPP made life better for everybody. There was no complain when food was allowed to be imported and blacks didn't have to rob Indians so that they can live. You were very happy when Indian girls were being raped in national service. and you claimed that they wanted it. RThat makes your not only a racist but also a rapist apologist.
1. Those Indian girls weren't being raped. they were having consensual sex with black men. The racist that you are, you cannot accept that rejected you as a broken down racist old man.
2. If there were so many blacks appointed to head agencies, then how come the PPP hasn't asked how come they are being kept by the gov't, and only the Indians let go. No the PPP CANNOT do that, because there were almost no blacks in those slots!
The United Nations will soon have to intervene in Guyana to stop the Ethnic Cleansing policy of the PNC.
Chup! Quit your tamasha and deal with reality.
The government only recently listed Raj Singh's wrongdoings in GuySuCo and said it will file a counter suit in court against him.
GPL Board Chairman Winston Brassington had written a report showing how the $6.2 million-a-month CEO Bharrat Dindyal was mismanaging the utility company and acting as a law unto himself.
GuyOil manager Badri Persaud was allowing PPP crooks and their families to fill up their gas-guzzling vehicles free of cost after the PPP lost the elections.
As for Lionel Wordsworth, for a long time there were allegations of corruption against him and his poor teacher wife who bought a house for multi-millions.
OK Carib....there is no point continuing this discussion...Now you have created a straw man with your numbers pulled out of your a** and continue to attack him...a typical knucklehead..in true anti-man fashion.
So I am going to leave you to wallow in your own "obtuseness". I am convinced you are one of Granger's squaddies, sent here to mess with the "Indo KKKs", no??
If Guyana has people like you running the country, one of two things will probably happen: a) You will eliminate all the Indos or b)You will will create a separate region for them, send us there, and place us behind barbed wires like the Nazis.
Banna, I done.
Yes I understand . Usual wailing of "black man bad" followed by "black man a kill ahbe".
You were asked about how many blacks were appointed by the PPP and how many were kept on by the PPP. NO ANSWER. NOT important as ONLY Indians matter.
Now you then fall to the other fall back of the racist Indian. Any black who doesn't remain quiet and take Indian racism without complaint must be a PNC.
I have called APNU/AFC lacking in vision, having little focus, babbling about 2 AM bar closing instead formulating a proper crime fighting strategy, and other criticisms. Indeed I have fought with redux on this.
YET again I am a "savage black man who will stop at nothing other than Indian blood". Why? Because I have no tolerance for hypocrites like YOU.
You see why I care not the least of your weeping. Because when YOUR PPP was jumping on the genitals of blacks you SAID NOTHING!
When I checked to see which blacks headed gov't entities, during the PPP era, I found only TWO. EVERY name which has come up over the past few years has been INDIAN. The PPP went into GRA and just about cleaned out the blacks. Much the same elsewhere.
And yet we hear that blacks must be grateful as most of the clerks are blacks. Even the blacks left with some degree of leadership were quaking and in fear of how long they would last knowing that age 55 would come, and an INDIAN would replace them.
Any comments from you on this? NO!
For you national unity means that Indians must lead, and blacks must shut up.
The United Nations will soon have to intervene in Guyana to stop the Ethnic Cleansing policy of the PNC.
Chup! Quit your tamasha and deal with reality.
The government only recently listed Raj Singh's wrongdoings in GuySuCo and said it will file a counter suit in court against him.
GPL Board Chairman Winston Brassington had written a report showing how the $6.2 million-a-month CEO Bharrat Dindyal was mismanaging the utility company and acting as a law unto himself.
GuyOil manager Badri Persaud was allowing PPP crooks and their families to fill up their gas-guzzling vehicles free of cost after the PPP lost the elections.
As for Lionel Wordsworth, for a long time there were allegations of corruption against him and his poor teacher wife who bought a house for multi-millions.
VishMahabir and Zed say keep them on, because to do otherwise is ethnic cleansing.
VishMahabir and Zed so keep them on, because to do otherwise is ethnic cleansing.
You got nuff time to detail lengthy responses to that lout VishMahabir. He change he name but is the same ole shit he vomiting out daily.
The United Nations will soon have to intervene in Guyana to stop the Ethnic Cleansing policy of the PNC.
Chup! Quit your tamasha and deal with reality.
The government only recently listed Raj Singh's wrongdoings in GuySuCo and said it will file a counter suit in court against him.
GPL Board Chairman Winston Brassington had written a report showing how the $6.2 million-a-month CEO Bharrat Dindyal was mismanaging the utility company and acting as a law unto himself.
GuyOil manager Badri Persaud was allowing PPP crooks and their families to fill up their gas-guzzling vehicles free of cost after the PPP lost the elections.
As for Lionel Wordsworth, for a long time there were allegations of corruption against him and his poor teacher wife who bought a house for multi-millions.
VishMahabir and Zed say keep them on, because to do otherwise is ethnic cleansing.
Where did you see me say this???
Now you going off the deep end banna.
Where did you see me say this???
Now you going off the deep end banna.
Every time you cry that every dismissal of an Indian is ethnic cleansing you say this.
AT what point did you ever consider whether these people deserved to be in these slots or not? These are the people who are being dismissed, because these are the types of people who the PPP appointed.
The Coalition have a long way to catchup on the firing by the PPP. Remember the PPP fired 1000s within a week after they too office in 1992.
The United Nations will soon have to intervene in Guyana to stop the Ethnic Cleansing policy of the PNC.
Chup! Quit your tamasha and deal with reality.
The government only recently listed Raj Singh's wrongdoings in GuySuCo and said it will file a counter suit in court against him.
GPL Board Chairman Winston Brassington had written a report showing how the $6.2 million-a-month CEO Bharrat Dindyal was mismanaging the utility company and acting as a law unto himself.
GuyOil manager Badri Persaud was allowing PPP crooks and their families to fill up their gas-guzzling vehicles free of cost after the PPP lost the elections.
As for Lionel Wordsworth, for a long time there were allegations of corruption against him and his poor teacher wife who bought a house for multi-millions.
VishMahabir and Zed say keep them on, because to do otherwise is ethnic cleansing.
Where did you see me say this???
Now you going off the deep end banna.
You never spoke up against the PPP/Cronyism+ friends & Family Inc.
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