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Former Member
Monday, 05 September 2011 01:40
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by SuperMike:
Oh rass..iz wey D2 and all the AFC katahars dey...why yall avoiding dis thread EH????
A narco state will show visible ostentation of easy wealth but it sucks the life from productive capacities that is necessary to meet the essential needs of a people and so it in fact impoverishes the society.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Oh rass..iz wey D2 and all the AFC katahars dey...why yall avoiding dis thread EH????
A narco state will show visible ostentation of easy wealth but it sucks the life from productive capacities that is necessary to meet the essential needs of a people and so it in fact impoverishes the society.

i shame yu rass ain;t gat..EH?? dis is your best come back..singing the same ole song EH?? so can you post the numbers for the GREAT usa dumm 2??? please post the USA numbers fu all to see.

That 5.9% Half-Year GDP Growth
Read by Gerhard Ramsaroop, AFC Executive


Finance Minister Ashni Singh reported that Guyana’s GDP grew by 5.9% in the first half of 2011. The Minister went to great lengths to emphasize the non-sugar sector aspects of economic growth. We can understand this given the fiasco associated with the new Skeldon factory that has consistently failed to meet its production and employment targets. The Minister gave us the growth rate of several sectors of the economy. Notably absent is the weight of each sector of the economy.

We know that the Bureau of Statistics has rebased the GDP statistics to 2006. One implication here is new weights would have been used for the various sectors of the economy when calculating GDP from 2006. If we play around long enough with the weights we can get higher growth rates without there being any change in the actual output of the sectors. However, this is another issue for another day.

It is important to note that Guyana did not historically publish quarterly breakdown of GDP as several of our sister CARICOM countries – Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Barbados and Jamaica – have done. It is interesting that Guyanese are offered up these half-year estimates in an election year. We find it strange that the Bureau of Statistics has not been reporting the quarterly GDP statistics. For the Minister to be able to come up with a half-year estimate these numbers must be available. Even the Bank of Guyana does not report them. As a matter of fact, the Bank of Guyana’s monetary policy functions will be better served if the Minister can release these numbers on a quarterly basis. The Minister might need to consult President Jagdeo before this becomes a reality.

The Jagdeo Rate of Growth

The average rate of real GDP growth under President Jagdeo has been 1.95% from 2000 to 2010. This is hardly spectacular. Even if we assume a 5.9% rate of growth for 2011 we will achieve an average rate of growth from 2000 to 2011 of 2.3%. The PPP has a habit of telling Guyanese how well Guyana is doing in spite of the global crisis and problems. What it does not want to face up to is the fact that when the world economy achieved a boom from 2000 to 2007, Guyana grew at a meagre 1.45% in the pre-crisis period. Why has this been the case? Below this release will explain some reasons for this mediocre performance.

Private Investments

A country must have investments if it is to continue growing. Growth, in turn, is critical because it leads to employment creation for citizens. If investments are zero then there will be no growth. We particularly value private investments given the private sector’s ability to generate growth. When analysing private investments we must take the private investment rate (PIR), which is calculated as the dollar amount of private investments divided by GDP. If we look at the PIR since 1992 it has declined continually. It continues to decline into 2010. Therefore, it is a mystery how growth has picked up given Guyana’s declining PIR.

Government investments have however increased while PIR is declining. Government investments have two main aspects: (i) a non-tradable aspect such as construction of roads, schools, bridges, etc; and (ii) a tradable component such as investments by GuySuCo and GuyOil – notable state-owned enterprises. The problem is government investments have been very inefficient to date. The Skeldon sugar factory is a disaster while infrastructure works continue to break up after a few months of being constructed. It is therefore a mystery how Guyana can achieve 5.9% growth with grossly inefficient public investments and falling domestic private investments.


While the Minister appears keen to report half-year GDP we still do not have regular statistics on the Guyana labour market. The unemployment rate continues to be a mystery and it is a number typically subjected to political abuse. We also need to know what the rate of labour force participation is, which is calculated by dividing the labour force by the population. Regular labour statistics are critical for the proper management of the economy. In the United States, for instance, they even know the ethnic and gender profile of unemployment. The AFC will be a government of transparency and every effort will be put in place to see these data get collected and reported regularly.

Underground Economy and Remittances

These two have served as an important source of consumption. Guyana receives approximately 40% of GDP in remittances each year. This is one of the highest percentages in the world. Remittance inflows are stable and altruistic. Even when the North American economies enter into recession, Guyanese abroad still remit funds home. Remittances have served as an important pressure valve and have propped up family consumption for years. The inflows have also created a false sense of success among government Ministers. From an economic growth perspective, remittances could contribute to a reduction of labour supply and willingness to work. Remittances is the dual of migration of Guyanese – itself a symptom of the failed policies of the PPP since 1992.

The illegal underground economy has been particularly destructive in terms of security and has made it difficult for legitimate businesses to compete. Drug trafficking and money laundering lead to corruption of at all levels of the society. The WikiLeaks are bringing these out clearly. However, we must note that these illegal activities do not contribute favourably to long-term GDP growth and prosperity. Drug dealing increases the cost of doing business among legitimate business investors.

ress-releases&Itemid=55" target="_blank">Source
quote...Guyana’s continuing economic growth is certainly a matter for resounding applause. And it was in that mood that President Bharrat Jagdeo on Friday last proudly declared that this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is perhaps unique in the pattern of progress within recent years, despite bewildering factors, regionally and internationally.
Even in normal times, given the nature of competitive party politics, it would be too much to expect the political opposition having something positive to say about Guyana’s steady path of social and economic advancement. But certainly not with a new general election a few months away.
Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
As told by President Jagdeo himself at Friday’s press conference: “I am extremely pleased with the Mid-Year Report on the economy. It is a great achievement for a country to keep a high level of growth in light of the global turmoil.
“Over the past six or seven years”, he said, “our country has been on a significantly elevated growth trajectory; and for the first half of this year we have had a 5.9 percent growth which is an enviable figure anywhere in the world…”
The official expectation, based on current data and projections, is that Guyana should record an overall economic growth in 2011 of 5.1 percent. Such an achievement could only generate more favourable responses from the international financial institutions in their own independent assessments of what the government, private sector and people in general of Guyana are continuing to achieve —against the odds.
At a time of recurring disheartening news, for various reasons, among both developed and undeveloped, rich and poor nations of the global community, the released information on economic growth for the first half of the year, can only inspire Guyanese to achieve further progress - beyond 2011.....unquote
Originally posted by albert:
this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.

If people overseas thought that Guyana offered them opportunities we would see massive immigration. What we do see are Chinese coming to seize our US immigration quota and they stay long enopugh to establish residency. And Brazilians coming to steal our gold.

As to Guyanese. Daily they board LIAT for a better life in some small island. The only beneficiaries are our 5% narcotraffickers and others who share in their spoils.

Now if gold tumbles by 30%, and Asia have excellent rice and sugar harvests I wonder what you all will say. Commodity prices raise and fall. Guyana has the same economy that it had 60 years ago. THAT is unique in the world.
Originally posted by caribj:

If people overseas thought that Guyana offered them opportunities we would see massive immigration. What we do see are Chinese coming to seize our US immigration quota and they stay long enopugh to establish residency. And Brazilians coming to steal our gold.

As to Guyanese. Daily they board LIAT for a better life in some small island. The only beneficiaries are our 5% narcotraffickers and others who share in their spoils.

Now if gold tumbles by 30%, and Asia have excellent rice and sugar harvests I wonder what you all will say. Commodity prices raise and fall. Guyana has the same economy that it had 60 years ago. THAT is unique in the world.

There is massive migration, from Brazil and China. The Brazilians exploiting the gold fields and Chinese taking advantage of business opportunities. Even Brazilians are setting up hotels and clubs.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by caribj:

If people overseas thought that Guyana offered them opportunities we would see massive immigration. What we do see are Chinese coming to seize our US immigration quota and they stay long enopugh to establish residency. And Brazilians coming to steal our gold.

As to Guyanese. Daily they board LIAT for a better life in some small island. The only beneficiaries are our 5% narcotraffickers and others who share in their spoils.

Now if gold tumbles by 30%, and Asia have excellent rice and sugar harvests I wonder what you all will say. Commodity prices raise and fall. Guyana has the same economy that it had 60 years ago. THAT is unique in the world.

There is massive migration, from Brazil and China. The Brazilians exploiting the gold fields and Chinese taking advantage of business opportunities. Even Brazilians are setting up hotels and clubs.

yes along the lines that I discussed. Chinese are migrating to Haiti. Should we then believe that they go because they want to live there permanently?

As to the Brazilians? Everybody knows that only a fraction of their gold is declared. The rest is smuggle dover the border. Brazilians show up in Bolivia, an even POORER country than Guyana.

Talk to me when unemployed Bajans show up looking fior work. There are now loads of them.
The Guyanese economy is indeed on the rise and is attracting a significant amount of foreign investors, there is political stability and also a conducive business environment with a high level of security.....Guyana is on the rise...the Guyanese populace will endorse the present administration and let progress continue....
GUYANA’S continuing economic growth is certainly a matter for resounding applause. President Bharrat Jagdeo proudly declared that this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is perhaps unique in the pattern of progress within recent years, despite bewildering factors, regionally and internationally.
Even in normal times, given the nature of competitive party politics, it would be too much to expect the political opposition having something positive to say about Guyana’s steady path of social and economic advancement. But certainly not with a new general election a few months away.
Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
As told by President Jagdeo himself at Friday’s press conference: “I am extremely pleased with the Mid-Year Report on the economy. It is a great achievement for a country to keep a high level of growth in light of the global turmoil.
“Over the past six or seven years”, he said, “our country has been on a significantly elevated growth trajectory; and for the first half of this year we have had a 5.9 percent growth which is an enviable figure anywhere in the world…”
The official expectation, based on current data and projections, is that Guyana should record an overall economic growth in 2011 of 5.1 percent. Such an achievement could only generate more favourable responses from the international financial institutions in their own independent assessments of what the government, private sector and people in general of Guyana are continuing to achieve—against the odds.
At a time of recurring disheartening news, for various reasons, among both developed and undeveloped, rich and poor nations of the global community, the released information on economic growth for the first half of the year, can only inspire Guyanese to achieve further progress - beyond 2011.

Originally posted by albert:
GUYANA’S continuing economic growth is certainly a matter for resounding applause. President Bharrat Jagdeo proudly declared that this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is perhaps unique in the pattern of progress within recent years, despite bewildering factors, regionally and internationally.
Even in normal times, given the nature of competitive party politics, it would be too much to expect the political opposition having something positive to say about Guyana’s steady path of social and economic advancement. But certainly not with a new general election a few months away.
Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
As told by President Jagdeo himself at Friday’s press conference: “I am extremely pleased with the Mid-Year Report on the economy. It is a great achievement for a country to keep a high level of growth in light of the global turmoil.
“Over the past six or seven years”, he said, “our country has been on a significantly elevated growth trajectory; and for the first half of this year we have had a 5.9 percent growth which is an enviable figure anywhere in the world…”
The official expectation, based on current data and projections, is that Guyana should record an overall economic growth in 2011 of 5.1 percent. Such an achievement could only generate more favourable responses from the international financial institutions in their own independent assessments of what the government, private sector and people in general of Guyana are continuing to achieve—against the odds.
At a time of recurring disheartening news, for various reasons, among both developed and undeveloped, rich and poor nations of the global community, the released information on economic growth for the first half of the year, can only inspire Guyanese to achieve further progress - beyond 2011.



So the workers of Guyana have something to look forward to this year. Public service workers have been assured that they will be granted an increase this year. There was of course never any need for any such assurance. Public servants have received increases each year since the PPP came to power, and that has been nineteen years ago.

But what has been the magnitude of these increases. Except in those years where the government was compelled by arbitration rulings, the public sector workers have been thrown crumbs in the forms of annual 5% increases. In most instances, this 5% is almost immediately eroded by inflation which averaged 3% and then taxes which was 33.3% of the difference. This means that the workers gained in real terms only about a 1% increase each year. This is the working class record of the PPP administration and the particularly the Jagdeo administration.

The increases for 2011 are going to be going to be imposed on the workers because there has been and is not likely to be any negotiations with the unions representing the workers. This may not be all that bad since many unions have been known to make unreasonable and unrealistic demands while others are driven by narrow political agendas. The government which emerged out of the People’s Progressive Party which has prided itself in being a workers’ party no longer has to be worried about the trade union movement. The glory days of labour are gone, not just in Guyana but all over the world. Workers’ power is not going to emerge through unions anymore. Capitalism has meant that workers are now subject to market forces and instead of banding together are now competing against each other for jobs, thereby driving the rate down.

The private sectors in many countries now have allies in government who constrain wages so that the private sector does not have to pay “uncompetitive wages”. And therefore public employees are reduced to pawns. Their wages cannot increase appreciably since this will drive up wages in the labour markets, and this is not considered in the interest of the private sector and these wages are deliberately constrained so as to support the private sector. When trade unions make demands such as a minimum wage of $80,000 per month, they cannot be taken seriously, since there is no way that either the public sector or the private sector can sustain such a wage increase. And therefore an unreasonable and unrealistic wage demand pushes employers to ignore labour to the extent that they can.

Public workers in Guyana have little choice but to accept arbitrary imposition of wages. The government has proven that it has the capacity, had it since 1989, to wait out strikes called by unions. The workers on the other hand cannot afford to be on strike indefinitely and so the workers are in a position where they do not have much power. Last year the sugar workers were told that the sugar corporation was unable to afford an increase because the company was in dire financial straits, so much so that it had to sell land.

This year, an election year, the sugar corporation has suddenly found itself in a situation whereby it can afford to pay a 5% increase in wages. But with inflation said to be tagged at 3%, and with any additional income above the income tax threshold having to be taxed at 33.3%, it means that the workers are not gaining anything at all from the 5%.

And the ruling PPP administration has become a 5% government, content every year to offer this percentage as an increase to workers. This suggests that little attempt is being made to address the issue of a living wage, a disgraceful situation for a party that claims to be working class in orientation.

GUYANA’S continuing economic growth is certainly a matter for resounding applause. President Bharrat Jagdeo proudly declared that this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is perhaps unique in the pattern of progress within recent years, despite bewildering factors, regionally and internationally.
Even in normal times, given the nature of competitive party politics, it would be too much to expect the political opposition having something positive to say about Guyana’s steady path of social and economic advancement. But certainly not with a new general election a few months away.
Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
As told by President Jagdeo himself at Friday’s press conference: “I am extremely pleased with the Mid-Year Report on the economy. It is a great achievement for a country to keep a high level of growth in light of the global turmoil.
“Over the past six or seven years”, he said, “our country has been on a significantly elevated growth trajectory; and for the first half of this year we have had a 5.9 percent growth which is an enviable figure anywhere in the world…”
The official expectation, based on current data and projections, is that Guyana should record an overall economic growth in 2011 of 5.1 percent. Such an achievement could only generate more favourable responses from the international financial institutions in their own independent assessments of what the government, private sector and people in general of Guyana are continuing to achieve—against the odds.
At a time of recurring disheartening news, for various reasons, among both developed and undeveloped, rich and poor nations of the global community, the released information on economic growth for the first half of the year, can only inspire Guyanese to achieve further progress - beyond 2011.


Guyana is on the rise

So the workers of Guyana have something to look forward to this year. Public service workers have been assured that they will be granted an increase this year. There was of course never any need for any such assurance. Public servants have received increases each year since the PPP came to power, and that has been nineteen years ago.

But what has been the magnitude of these increases. Except in those years where the government was compelled by arbitration rulings, the public sector workers have been thrown crumbs in the forms of annual 5% increases. In most instances, this 5% is almost immediately eroded by inflation which averaged 3% and then taxes which was 33.3% of the difference. This means that the workers gained in real terms only about a 1% increase each year. This is the working class record of the PPP administration and the particularly the Jagdeo administration.

The increases for 2011 are going to be going to be imposed on the workers because there has been and is not likely to be any negotiations with the unions representing the workers. This may not be all that bad since many unions have been known to make unreasonable and unrealistic demands while others are driven by narrow political agendas. The government which emerged out of the People’s Progressive Party which has prided itself in being a workers’ party no longer has to be worried about the trade union movement. The glory days of labour are gone, not just in Guyana but all over the world. Workers’ power is not going to emerge through unions anymore. Capitalism has meant that workers are now subject to market forces and instead of banding together are now competing against each other for jobs, thereby driving the rate down.

The private sectors in many countries now have allies in government who constrain wages so that the private sector does not have to pay “uncompetitive wages”. And therefore public employees are reduced to pawns. Their wages cannot increase appreciably since this will drive up wages in the labour markets, and this is not considered in the interest of the private sector and these wages are deliberately constrained so as to support the private sector. When trade unions make demands such as a minimum wage of $80,000 per month, they cannot be taken seriously, since there is no way that either the public sector or the private sector can sustain such a wage increase. And therefore an unreasonable and unrealistic wage demand pushes employers to ignore labour to the extent that they can.

Public workers in Guyana have little choice but to accept arbitrary imposition of wages. The government has proven that it has the capacity, had it since 1989, to wait out strikes called by unions. The workers on the other hand cannot afford to be on strike indefinitely and so the workers are in a position where they do not have much power. Last year the sugar workers were told that the sugar corporation was unable to afford an increase because the company was in dire financial straits, so much so that it had to sell land.

This year, an election year, the sugar corporation has suddenly found itself in a situation whereby it can afford to pay a 5% increase in wages. But with inflation said to be tagged at 3%, and with any additional income above the income tax threshold having to be taxed at 33.3%, it means that the workers are not gaining anything at all from the 5%.

And the ruling PPP administration has become a 5% government, content every year to offer this percentage as an increase to workers. This suggests that little attempt is being made to address the issue of a living wage, a disgraceful situation for a party that claims to be working class in orientation.

GUYANA’S continuing economic growth is certainly a matter for resounding applause. President Bharrat Jagdeo proudly declared that this nation’s economic progress could be a source of “envy anywhere in the world…”.
The growth rate definitely compares most favourably with the current trend among member states of the Caribbean Community and is perhaps unique in the pattern of progress within recent years, despite bewildering factors, regionally and internationally.
Even in normal times, given the nature of competitive party politics, it would be too much to expect the political opposition having something positive to say about Guyana’s steady path of social and economic advancement. But certainly not with a new general election a few months away.
Nevertheless, Guyanese of all walks of life, and irrespective of political affiliations, could take comfort in the latest official disclosure of data that the country registered an almost six percent economic growth for the first half of this year.
As told by President Jagdeo himself at Friday’s press conference: “I am extremely pleased with the Mid-Year Report on the economy. It is a great achievement for a country to keep a high level of growth in light of the global turmoil.
“Over the past six or seven years”, he said, “our country has been on a significantly elevated growth trajectory; and for the first half of this year we have had a 5.9 percent growth which is an enviable figure anywhere in the world…”
The official expectation, based on current data and projections, is that Guyana should record an overall economic growth in 2011 of 5.1 percent. Such an achievement could only generate more favourable responses from the international financial institutions in their own independent assessments of what the government, private sector and people in general of Guyana are continuing to achieve—against the odds.
At a time of recurring disheartening news, for various reasons, among both developed and undeveloped, rich and poor nations of the global community, the released information on economic growth for the first half of the year, can only inspire Guyanese to achieve further progress - beyond 2011.


The Guyanese populace will endorse the P.P.P/C
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Wait you men to say 1.95% average growth is something to be proud of? Albert tell Liz hi for me when yuh pass at UG tomorrow.

hey rum much % the usa economy grew lass year...the great usa..tell me naa....ah waiting cheers
Originally posted by SuperMike:
ah wonder why everyday Guyanese leaving dis kiss me as place and moving back to Guyana??? wonder why land price goin up in Guyana ??
Go try buy a peece of land in burbeece now Big Grin

Maybe is not the land getting high price really, is the bribe you does have to pay, dem boys jack it up.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by SuperMike:

ah wonder why everyday Guyanese leaving dis kiss me as place and moving back to Guyana???

wonder why land price goin up in Guyana ??

Go try buy a peece of land in burbeece now Big Grin

Maybe is not the land getting high price really, is the bribe you does have to pay, dem boys jack it up.

Which one of the "maybe" is correct? Smile

That 5.9% Half-Year GDP Growth
Read by Gerhard Ramsaroop, AFC Executive


Finance Minister Ashni Singh reported that Guyana’s GDP grew by 5.9% in the first half of 2011. The Minister went to great lengths to emphasize the non-sugar sector aspects of economic growth. We can understand this given the fiasco associated with the new Skeldon factory that has consistently failed to meet its production and employment targets. The Minister gave us the growth rate of several sectors of the economy. Notably absent is the weight of each sector of the economy.

We know that the Bureau of Statistics has rebased the GDP statistics to 2006. One implication here is new weights would have been used for the various sectors of the economy when calculating GDP from 2006. If we play around long enough with the weights we can get higher growth rates without there being any change in the actual output of the sectors. However, this is another issue for another day.

It is important to note that Guyana did not historically publish quarterly breakdown of GDP as several of our sister CARICOM countries – Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Barbados and Jamaica – have done. It is interesting that Guyanese are offered up these half-year estimates in an election year. We find it strange that the Bureau of Statistics has not been reporting the quarterly GDP statistics. For the Minister to be able to come up with a half-year estimate these numbers must be available. Even the Bank of Guyana does not report them. As a matter of fact, the Bank of Guyana’s monetary policy functions will be better served if the Minister can release these numbers on a quarterly basis. The Minister might need to consult President Jagdeo before this becomes a reality.

The Jagdeo Rate of Growth

The average rate of real GDP growth under President Jagdeo has been 1.95% from 2000 to 2010. This is hardly spectacular. Even if we assume a 5.9% rate of growth for 2011 we will achieve an average rate of growth from 2000 to 2011 of 2.3%. The PPP has a habit of telling Guyanese how well Guyana is doing in spite of the global crisis and problems. What it does not want to face up to is the fact that when the world economy achieved a boom from 2000 to 2007, Guyana grew at a meagre 1.45% in the pre-crisis period. Why has this been the case? Below this release will explain some reasons for this mediocre performance.

Private Investments

A country must have investments if it is to continue growing. Growth, in turn, is critical because it leads to employment creation for citizens. If investments are zero then there will be no growth. We particularly value private investments given the private sector’s ability to generate growth. When analysing private investments we must take the private investment rate (PIR), which is calculated as the dollar amount of private investments divided by GDP. If we look at the PIR since 1992 it has declined continually. It continues to decline into 2010. Therefore, it is a mystery how growth has picked up given Guyana’s declining PIR.

Government investments have however increased while PIR is declining. Government investments have two main aspects: (i) a non-tradable aspect such as construction of roads, schools, bridges, etc; and (ii) a tradable component such as investments by GuySuCo and GuyOil – notable state-owned enterprises. The problem is government investments have been very inefficient to date. The Skeldon sugar factory is a disaster while infrastructure works continue to break up after a few months of being constructed. It is therefore a mystery how Guyana can achieve 5.9% growth with grossly inefficient public investments and falling domestic private investments.


While the Minister appears keen to report half-year GDP we still do not have regular statistics on the Guyana labour market. The unemployment rate continues to be a mystery and it is a number typically subjected to political abuse. We also need to know what the rate of labour force participation is, which is calculated by dividing the labour force by the population. Regular labour statistics are critical for the proper management of the economy. In the United States, for instance, they even know the ethnic and gender profile of unemployment. The AFC will be a government of transparency and every effort will be put in place to see these data get collected and reported regularly.

Underground Economy and Remittances

These two have served as an important source of consumption. Guyana receives approximately 40% of GDP in remittances each year. This is one of the highest percentages in the world. Remittance inflows are stable and altruistic. Even when the North American economies enter into recession, Guyanese abroad still remit funds home. Remittances have served as an important pressure valve and have propped up family consumption for years. The inflows have also created a false sense of success among government Ministers. From an economic growth perspective, remittances could contribute to a reduction of labour supply and willingness to work. Remittances is the dual of migration of Guyanese – itself a symptom of the failed policies of the PPP since 1992.

The illegal underground economy has been particularly destructive in terms of security and has made it difficult for legitimate businesses to compete. Drug trafficking and money laundering lead to corruption of at all levels of the society. The WikiLeaks are bringing these out clearly. However, we must note that these illegal activities do not contribute favourably to long-term GDP growth and prosperity. Drug dealing increases the cost of doing business among legitimate business investors.

ress-releases&Itemid=55" target="_blank">Source
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

That 5.9% Half-Year GDP Growth
Read by Gerhard Ramsaroop, AFC Executive


Finance Minister Ashni Singh reported that Guyana’s GDP grew by 5.9% in the first half of 2011. The Minister went to great lengths to emphasize the non-sugar sector aspects of economic growth. We can understand this given the fiasco associated with the new Skeldon factory that has consistently failed to meet its production and employment targets. The Minister gave us the growth rate of several sectors of the economy. Notably absent is the weight of each sector of the economy.

We know that the Bureau of Statistics has rebased the GDP statistics to 2006. One implication here is new weights would have been used for the various sectors of the economy when calculating GDP from 2006. If we play around long enough with the weights we can get higher growth rates without there being any change in the actual output of the sectors. However, this is another issue for another day.

It is important to note that Guyana did not historically publish quarterly breakdown of GDP as several of our sister CARICOM countries – Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Barbados and Jamaica – have done. It is interesting that Guyanese are offered up these half-year estimates in an election year. We find it strange that the Bureau of Statistics has not been reporting the quarterly GDP statistics. For the Minister to be able to come up with a half-year estimate these numbers must be available. Even the Bank of Guyana does not report them. As a matter of fact, the Bank of Guyana’s monetary policy functions will be better served if the Minister can release these numbers on a quarterly basis. The Minister might need to consult President Jagdeo before this becomes a reality.

The Jagdeo Rate of Growth

The average rate of real GDP growth under President Jagdeo has been 1.95% from 2000 to 2010. This is hardly spectacular. Even if we assume a 5.9% rate of growth for 2011 we will achieve an average rate of growth from 2000 to 2011 of 2.3%. The PPP has a habit of telling Guyanese how well Guyana is doing in spite of the global crisis and problems. What it does not want to face up to is the fact that when the world economy achieved a boom from 2000 to 2007, Guyana grew at a meagre 1.45% in the pre-crisis period. Why has this been the case? Below this release will explain some reasons for this mediocre performance.

Private Investments

A country must have investments if it is to continue growing. Growth, in turn, is critical because it leads to employment creation for citizens. If investments are zero then there will be no growth. We particularly value private investments given the private sector’s ability to generate growth. When analysing private investments we must take the private investment rate (PIR), which is calculated as the dollar amount of private investments divided by GDP. If we look at the PIR since 1992 it has declined continually. It continues to decline into 2010. Therefore, it is a mystery how growth has picked up given Guyana’s declining PIR.

Government investments have however increased while PIR is declining. Government investments have two main aspects: (i) a non-tradable aspect such as construction of roads, schools, bridges, etc; and (ii) a tradable component such as investments by GuySuCo and GuyOil – notable state-owned enterprises. The problem is government investments have been very inefficient to date. The Skeldon sugar factory is a disaster while infrastructure works continue to break up after a few months of being constructed. It is therefore a mystery how Guyana can achieve 5.9% growth with grossly inefficient public investments and falling domestic private investments.


While the Minister appears keen to report half-year GDP we still do not have regular statistics on the Guyana labour market. The unemployment rate continues to be a mystery and it is a number typically subjected to political abuse. We also need to know what the rate of labour force participation is, which is calculated by dividing the labour force by the population. Regular labour statistics are critical for the proper management of the economy. In the United States, for instance, they even know the ethnic and gender profile of unemployment. The AFC will be a government of transparency and every effort will be put in place to see these data get collected and reported regularly.

Underground Economy and Remittances

These two have served as an important source of consumption. Guyana receives approximately 40% of GDP in remittances each year. This is one of the highest percentages in the world. Remittance inflows are stable and altruistic. Even when the North American economies enter into recession, Guyanese abroad still remit funds home. Remittances have served as an important pressure valve and have propped up family consumption for years. The inflows have also created a false sense of success among government Ministers. From an economic growth perspective, remittances could contribute to a reduction of labour supply and willingness to work. Remittances is the dual of migration of Guyanese – itself a symptom of the failed policies of the PPP since 1992.

The illegal underground economy has been particularly destructive in terms of security and has made it difficult for legitimate businesses to compete. Drug trafficking and money laundering lead to corruption of at all levels of the society. The WikiLeaks are bringing these out clearly. However, we must note that these illegal activities do not contribute favourably to long-term GDP growth and prosperity. Drug dealing increases the cost of doing business among legitimate business investors.

ress-releases&Itemid=55" target="_blank">Source
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

The P.P.P/C will ensure progress continue

That 5.9% Half-Year GDP Growth
Read by Gerhard Ramsaroop


Finance Minister Ashni Singh reported that Guyana’s GDP grew by 5.9% in the first half of 2011. The Minister went to great lengths to emphasize the non-sugar sector aspects of economic growth. We can understand this given the fiasco associated with the new Skeldon factory that has consistently failed to meet its production and employment targets. The Minister gave us the growth rate of several sectors of the economy. Notably absent is the weight of each sector of the economy.

We know that the Bureau of Statistics has rebased the GDP statistics to 2006. One implication here is new weights would have been used for the various sectors of the economy when calculating GDP from 2006. If we play around long enough with the weights we can get higher growth rates without there being any change in the actual output of the sectors. However, this is another issue for another day.

It is important to note that Guyana did not historically publish quarterly breakdown of GDP as several of our sister CARICOM countries – Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Barbados and Jamaica – have done. It is interesting that Guyanese are offered up these half-year estimates in an election year. We find it strange that the Bureau of Statistics has not been reporting the quarterly GDP statistics. For the Minister to be able to come up with a half-year estimate these numbers must be available. Even the Bank of Guyana does not report them. As a matter of fact, the Bank of Guyana’s monetary policy functions will be better served if the Minister can release these numbers on a quarterly basis. The Minister might need to consult President Jagdeo before this becomes a reality.

The Jagdeo Rate of Growth

The average rate of real GDP growth under President Jagdeo has been 1.95% from 2000 to 2010. This is hardly spectacular. Even if we assume a 5.9% rate of growth for 2011 we will achieve an average rate of growth from 2000 to 2011 of 2.3%. The PPP has a habit of telling Guyanese how well Guyana is doing in spite of the global crisis and problems. What it does not want to face up to is the fact that when the world economy achieved a boom from 2000 to 2007, Guyana grew at a meagre 1.45% in the pre-crisis period. Why has this been the case? Below this release will explain some reasons for this mediocre performance.

Private Investments

A country must have investments if it is to continue growing. Growth, in turn, is critical because it leads to employment creation for citizens. If investments are zero then there will be no growth. We particularly value private investments given the private sector’s ability to generate growth. When analysing private investments we must take the private investment rate (PIR), which is calculated as the dollar amount of private investments divided by GDP. If we look at the PIR since 1992 it has declined continually. It continues to decline into 2010. Therefore, it is a mystery how growth has picked up given Guyana’s declining PIR.

Government investments have however increased while PIR is declining. Government investments have two main aspects: (i) a non-tradable aspect such as construction of roads, schools, bridges, etc; and (ii) a tradable component such as investments by GuySuCo and GuyOil – notable state-owned enterprises. The problem is government investments have been very inefficient to date. The Skeldon sugar factory is a disaster while infrastructure works continue to break up after a few months of being constructed. It is therefore a mystery how Guyana can achieve 5.9% growth with grossly inefficient public investments and falling domestic private investments.


While the Minister appears keen to report half-year GDP we still do not have regular statistics on the Guyana labour market. The unemployment rate continues to be a mystery and it is a number typically subjected to political abuse. We also need to know what the rate of labour force participation is, which is calculated by dividing the labour force by the population. Regular labour statistics are critical for the proper management of the economy. In the United States, for instance, they even know the ethnic and gender profile of unemployment. The AFC will be a government of transparency and every effort will be put in place to see these data get collected and reported regularly.

Underground Economy and Remittances

These two have served as an important source of consumption. Guyana receives approximately 40% of GDP in remittances each year. This is one of the highest percentages in the world. Remittance inflows are stable and altruistic. Even when the North American economies enter into recession, Guyanese abroad still remit funds home. Remittances have served as an important pressure valve and have propped up family consumption for years. The inflows have also created a false sense of success among government Ministers. From an economic growth perspective, remittances could contribute to a reduction of labour supply and willingness to work. Remittances is the dual of migration of Guyanese – itself a symptom of the failed policies of the PPP since 1992.

The illegal underground economy has been particularly destructive in terms of security and has made it difficult for legitimate businesses to compete. Drug trafficking and money laundering lead to corruption of at all levels of the society. The WikiLeaks are bringing these out clearly. However, we must note that these illegal activities do not contribute favourably to long-term GDP growth and prosperity. Drug dealing increases the cost of doing business among legitimate business investors.

ress-releases&Itemid=55" target="_blank">Source
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

The P.P.P/C has brought Guyana on the road of prospersity....

That 5.9% Half-Year GDP Growth
Read by Gerhard Ramsaroop


Finance Minister Ashni Singh reported that Guyana’s GDP grew by 5.9% in the first half of 2011. The Minister went to great lengths to emphasize the non-sugar sector aspects of economic growth. We can understand this given the fiasco associated with the new Skeldon factory that has consistently failed to meet its production and employment targets. The Minister gave us the growth rate of several sectors of the economy. Notably absent is the weight of each sector of the economy.

We know that the Bureau of Statistics has rebased the GDP statistics to 2006. One implication here is new weights would have been used for the various sectors of the economy when calculating GDP from 2006. If we play around long enough with the weights we can get higher growth rates without there being any change in the actual output of the sectors. However, this is another issue for another day.

It is important to note that Guyana did not historically publish quarterly breakdown of GDP as several of our sister CARICOM countries – Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Barbados and Jamaica – have done. It is interesting that Guyanese are offered up these half-year estimates in an election year. We find it strange that the Bureau of Statistics has not been reporting the quarterly GDP statistics. For the Minister to be able to come up with a half-year estimate these numbers must be available. Even the Bank of Guyana does not report them. As a matter of fact, the Bank of Guyana’s monetary policy functions will be better served if the Minister can release these numbers on a quarterly basis. The Minister might need to consult President Jagdeo before this becomes a reality.

The Jagdeo Rate of Growth

The average rate of real GDP growth under President Jagdeo has been 1.95% from 2000 to 2010. This is hardly spectacular. Even if we assume a 5.9% rate of growth for 2011 we will achieve an average rate of growth from 2000 to 2011 of 2.3%. The PPP has a habit of telling Guyanese how well Guyana is doing in spite of the global crisis and problems. What it does not want to face up to is the fact that when the world economy achieved a boom from 2000 to 2007, Guyana grew at a meagre 1.45% in the pre-crisis period. Why has this been the case? Below this release will explain some reasons for this mediocre performance.

Private Investments

A country must have investments if it is to continue growing. Growth, in turn, is critical because it leads to employment creation for citizens. If investments are zero then there will be no growth. We particularly value private investments given the private sector’s ability to generate growth. When analysing private investments we must take the private investment rate (PIR), which is calculated as the dollar amount of private investments divided by GDP. If we look at the PIR since 1992 it has declined continually. It continues to decline into 2010. Therefore, it is a mystery how growth has picked up given Guyana’s declining PIR.

Government investments have however increased while PIR is declining. Government investments have two main aspects: (i) a non-tradable aspect such as construction of roads, schools, bridges, etc; and (ii) a tradable component such as investments by GuySuCo and GuyOil – notable state-owned enterprises. The problem is government investments have been very inefficient to date. The Skeldon sugar factory is a disaster while infrastructure works continue to break up after a few months of being constructed. It is therefore a mystery how Guyana can achieve 5.9% growth with grossly inefficient public investments and falling domestic private investments.


While the Minister appears keen to report half-year GDP we still do not have regular statistics on the Guyana labour market. The unemployment rate continues to be a mystery and it is a number typically subjected to political abuse. We also need to know what the rate of labour force participation is, which is calculated by dividing the labour force by the population. Regular labour statistics are critical for the proper management of the economy. In the United States, for instance, they even know the ethnic and gender profile of unemployment. The AFC will be a government of transparency and every effort will be put in place to see these data get collected and reported regularly.

Underground Economy and Remittances

These two have served as an important source of consumption. Guyana receives approximately 40% of GDP in remittances each year. This is one of the highest percentages in the world. Remittance inflows are stable and altruistic. Even when the North American economies enter into recession, Guyanese abroad still remit funds home. Remittances have served as an important pressure valve and have propped up family consumption for years. The inflows have also created a false sense of success among government Ministers. From an economic growth perspective, remittances could contribute to a reduction of labour supply and willingness to work. Remittances is the dual of migration of Guyanese – itself a symptom of the failed policies of the PPP since 1992.

The illegal underground economy has been particularly destructive in terms of security and has made it difficult for legitimate businesses to compete. Drug trafficking and money laundering lead to corruption of at all levels of the society. The WikiLeaks are bringing these out clearly. However, we must note that these illegal activities do not contribute favourably to long-term GDP growth and prosperity. Drug dealing increases the cost of doing business among legitimate business investors.

ress-releases&Itemid=55" target="_blank">Source

Albert, please address what TK said. Come on you are being paid enough, go on, give it a try.
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

The Masses will endorse the P.P.P/C
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

Even would TK agree the P.P.P/C has Guyana on the road of prosperity
Originally posted by albert: Even would TK agree the P.P.P/C has Guyana on the road of prosperity
albert do you know what shame is? For all the money you are being paid, one day, albert, one day you will feel shame for what you have done to the people of Guyana. I believe this day will come sooner rather than later.
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

Gerhard I know your conscience will be your guide and you will endorse the P.P.P/C....
Originally posted by albert: Gerhard I know your conscience will be your guide and you will endorse the P.P.P/C....
albert, you don't seem to have a conscience. For all the money you are being paid, one day, albert, one day you will feel shame for what you have done to the people of Guyana. I believe this day will come sooner rather than later.
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

The goons needs to take their head out of the sand....Guyana's economy is steadily growing
Originally posted by cain:
and what does your stupidy post mean, tell us in your own words nuh? Bet you dunno what a manifesto is.

For this US$4k a month yet a teacher with a degree at QC makes $350 and has to tecah extra lessons to pay their mortgage...or disappear to barbados where they can earn 7X that.
Originally posted by albert:

The goons needs to take their head out of the sand....Guyana's economy is steadily growing

How many jobs have been created since 200 from investments encouraged by the PPP. Forget housing as that is paid for by money laundering and remittances. Surely no $350/month teacher or $200/month cop can afford much.
Teachers are set to receive a comprehensive benefit package, including a 5% increase in salaries retroactive to the start of this year, in a five-year deal reached yesterday between the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) and the Ministry of Education.

Colin Bynoe, the President of the GTU, hailed the package as a giant leap forward for teachers at a time when several governments, including those in the Caribbean, are cutting back.

The 5% increase in salaries will be effective for five years, including this year. But it was more than the increase in salaries that the Union was excited about.

Minister of Education Shaik Baksh said that the benefit package includes a scholarship programme for teachers and will give priority to those who want to pursue Mathematics and Science.

Bynoe said that this scholarship programme was important as it will help to provide an incentive for teachers not only to improve their education, but to stay in Guyana, thus reducing the need to employ Mathematics and Science teachers from outside the country.

Minister Baksh said that it is the government’s intention to have 90% of teachers trained by the end of 2015 and as their education level improves, so will their remuneration. He added that the Ministry is encouraging teachers to pursue studies at the Post Graduate level.

The Union was particularly excited about one of the clauses in the agreement that would seek to correct the irregularities with teachers’ salaries, whereby a teacher who had just entered the system receives the same pay as a teacher who would have been serving for 10 years or so.

As a result, $50 million has been set aside to address the issue in the interim.
The package of duty-free concessions for teachers is also slated to be expanded. Currently, only certain categories of head teachers are allowed duty-free concessions to buy a vehicle, but Baksh said other categories of teachers are being earmarked for inclusion.

Teachers are also set to receive an increase in their uniform allowance from $6,000 to $8,000.
Baksh announced movement with discussions to increase home-ownership opportunities for teachers who particularly need.

The President of the Union noted while teachers have to “line up” and apply for house lots as everyone else does, 100 house lots will be set aside to be allocated to teachers every year. These, the Education Minister added, will be given to teachers with pressing needs in all regions of the country. These teachers will be determined by the Union.

In addition, a revolving housing fund for teachers could kick in by May 31. The Fund currently stands at $200 million, but Baksh said $40 million will be added every year over the next five years. Teachers would be able to access the Fund to build their own homes.

In an effort to encourage more teachers to move to the Hinterland, a comprehensive package includes a $30,000 per month housing grant, and a travel allowance for teachers, their spouses and children under age 18 to travel to the Coast every term on a return trip. They are also provided with additional benefits that come with the Remote Teacher’s Incentive scheme.

The two parties also agreed to set up a Joint Committee that will review performance of school boards.

The Minister of Education said the package will no doubt redound to the benefit of all teachers. He said the package also represents the government’s commitment to not only improve the salaries of teachers but their overall wellbeing.

The Teachers’ Union said the negotiations were tough, but its president opined that what has been arrived at is a package that allowed the Union to not only maintain high ground but to climb to higher grounds than the previous 5-year agreement.

Bynoe said the Union was also pleased that the agreement would be reviewed within a year.

The Guyanese Teachers also enjoys better teaching environment
Originally posted by albert:
The goons needs to take their head out of the sand....Guyana's economy is steadily growing

Banna, don't you hear an echo? Why don't you take your head out of your batty?

Monday, 05 September 2011 01:40
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Monday, 05 September 2011 01:40
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Guyana is on the path of economic success...


Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:



What a joke, ahhahaa, the Brazilians pulled out of Jamaica when gas price dropped. What makes you think they are interested in Guyana based on a proposal 4 years ago when gas was on the rise. ahahhaha





Monday, 05 September 2011 01:40
WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo pointed to the positive fiscal results of the local economy, during the first half of 2011, it revealed that what those who oppose and the negative critics were and are still saying are mere far-fetched figments of their imagination. So instantly, one can deduce that Guyana’s economy is being built by hard and astute work from the leaders. Also, the hope is that this kind of news will not be made light of. The populace must be informed. During the past six or seven years, Guyana has been on a significantly elevated growth curve, and this news is pleasant, but not surprising. But why this is so? This is so because over the last five years, the climb has been slow but sure and steady. So this 5.9 percent growth is symptomatic of faith in wise investments and long-term strategies. The local exports actually jumped by 30 percent. So this is something to really shout about. After all, in many parts of the world, economies are struggling, and inflation is difficult to combat. I do think some details are in order here:

The non-sugar sector is projected to grow at 3.4 percent, revised upward from the original projection of 4.6 percent and 2.8 percent at the time of the budget of 2011. Export earnings expanded by 34.6 percent to US$533.1 million. In fact, Export earnings from sugar increased by 32.4 percent to US$50.1 million, reflecting a 30.4 percent increase in quantity shipped to 99,738 tonnes.

Rice continued its trend of successful first crops, with the 2011 first crop being 207,514 tonnes, 23 percent higher than at the corresponding period in 2010, and the highest first crop in the industry’s history. So rice export earnings expanded by 35.1 percent to US$92.6 million, mainly attributed to a 26.4 percent increase in average export price to US$551.4 per tonne, coupled with a 6.8 percent increase in export volume to 167,945 tonnes. So the leap is most salutary and very welcomed. But a word of commendation must go to the ‘behind the scene’ people.

Guyana’s improved performance is due mainly to investments and innovations in drainage and irrigation, the development of new and more tolerant rice strains, higher yields and higher acreage of paddy planted. These facts must not be taken for granted. To reach this far and reap these kinds of results, one must remember the hard work of the leaders. This is where people can now be hopeful that Guyana’s future is beginning to look very secure. In other words, people do not have to panic and leave in droves. Right here in Guyana, a solid living can be made.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle



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