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Mercury LLC is a political lobbyist company. They were hired by Jagdeo to strategize ways to win the elections. 

This is why a loss will be a significant blow for Jagdeo. He had to win by any means necessary. He is Guyana's true enemy. 

What amazes me is that this man was in power for over 20 years and had nothing to show for it. What progress did Guyana make under Jagdeo's rule? The roads, buildings, houses, etc. remained unattended while he pocketed millions from high places and illegal places. Guyana was known for facilitating drug kingpins, while Jagdeo sold Guyana to the highest bidder.

All this, and many Guyanese remain committed to this man and his LIES? All this, and many Guyanese think Irfaan Ali will really have a different approach to running Guyana? Ali is a PUPPET for Jagdeo and his devious plans. He wants that oil money SO badly that he is willing to INCITE hate and violence to leave behind an irreparable Guyana.

Jagdeo is NOT for Guyana and never was. He is a GAY man touting to be something he is not: a racist power-hungry dictator. 

Wake UP, Guyana!

Last edited by Rochelle

Django, unless you are a high ranking member of one of the political parties or any other governmental body in Guyana nothing you have is strictly their domain so it cannot be sensitive in the confines of how we bullshit on GNI. So it would very kind of you if you can share it with us. I would have asked you to PM me but given that I have reveled information that some  posters shared with me through PM I would not impose that discomfort on you.


The manual system was indeed hacked Django. By Mingo minions who changed 2s to 3s and 0s to 8s etc.  It is reported that it was very clumsily done. It was also reported that while the total votes for all other parties remained the same on the SPOs in the possession of others, only the totals for APNU/AFC were increased. In many cases showing more votes casted than available votes in that area.

Last edited by Former Member

Rochelle, What does Jagdeo being gay has to do with politics. Did you say you are an attorney? Is this from a night school or correspondence course? Mayor Pete is gay and very smart. What does being gay have to do with being unsuitable for political office? You are a liar and a fraud.
No attorney will have the shallow thinking you exhibit on this forum. Gwan dah side and suck wan ganda egg. You are just a wannabe.



 Don,t worry about Dave after the recount, He is a successful businessman. When the PNC lose, you will have to live "Hand to Mouth" as usual that's nothing new, Eh dry coconut.

 If Granger had confidence in GECOM and he knows that there was no rigging, why ask a foreign body to have a recount? When the dust is settled he will shift the blame on to GECOM mis management. It is said, Granger has also asked CARICOM to put onto the table Shared Governance. knowing that they will lose. Well I don't think so,NO.


No worries Django. Therefore you should not mention Mercury in your comments because for all intents and purposes, they don't exist for these discussions. Lets focus on the behavior of Mingo last Friday when he was dragged to court to respond to contempt of court filings and his behavior after he returned after being reinstructed by the CJ.


   Ayuh worry about Django look here ,look there theory, he always pull that distraction stunt, nothing New deh. 

 This recount business got them off guard, I think Granger has thrown in the towel.  The PNC was caught RED handed thieving and rigging the electoral process, not by only the PPP, but by the entire world, it,s a damn shame.

 By now you should know DJ,one stunt after another, he has NOTHING of mercury involvement in Guyana,s election, this is a PNC jumbie to scare people.  DISTRACT<DISTRACT from RECOUNT!!!


@Former Member, did Jagdeo ever come out as GAY? Please do not compare him to Mayor Pete who actually is proud of who he is.

Jagdeo, on the other hand, still lying to the people. If he can hide is sexual identity, Lord only knows what else he is hiding. He cannot even be honest with himself, you think he would be honest with the Guyanese people?

This is why I call his sexual orientation out. Please tell me how calling out Jagdeo's LIES somehow reflects validity of my professional qualifications.

And FYI, I did not attend night law school, but one of the best in the nation.


@Rochelle: You diss him because he is Indian and Gay(maybe). Did you ever think what would happen if you have a child that was gay? Better yet, what would happen tomorrow if you woke up and found yourself gay and coolie? Would you be visiting Home Depot or a hardware store?

Oh! By the way, the PNC boys are altar boys, especially Mingo.

Last edited by Former Member

LOL, you all really underestimating President Granger.

The man is a strategist. The army taught him well. Jagdeo initially agreed to CARICOM overseeing the recount of Region 4. After issuing the statement, APNUAFC requested recounts of all Regions. Jagdeo had to submit. 

Let's see who is lying, after all the distribution of FAKE IDs in other Regions. 


@Rochelle: Let's see who is lying, after all the distribution of FAKE IDs in other Regions. 

Gyal/Bai: You finally convinced me that you are no legal mind. You should apologize tot he posters on this board for you representing yourself as an attorney. I take it you are not really coherent in your thoughts and cannot stay on topic. You deal in conspiracy theories and far-out Aesop's fables. You must really the Cyclops are coming too?


The trouble is there is no where to go if you say that Mercury was employed by the PPP without being willing to say what are the effects of it. You mentioned the word Mercury and nothing else. What happens is that the word Mercury is left there hanging waiting to die. Then it dies. So you mention it again and left it hanging until it dies again. It is an exercise in futility.

Now I asked about the conduct of Mingo's exercise on Friday. You don't want to talk about that but I can still expand on it further so it is not left hanging waiting to die. See what I mean? Until you wish to expand on how Mercury influenced the elections, you are talking to yourself about Mercury. Even Rochelle doesn't seem to know how Mercury is instrumental except to strategize ways to win the elections but politicians all over the world do that and it is legal.



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The only hacking happened at GECOM the night of the Region 4 verification process!  Who was sharing the computer and changing the numbers as they were entered?

Anyway, PNC just hired their own lobbying firm to steer policy in Washington.  They looking for a way out as all the observers, including the US ambassador, already arrived at one conclusion.

All the tirades and misinformation being spewed out there does not change what the observer missions witnessed.  And it's all on social media for the world to see! 

The ways of the PNC has been unmasked, the bias of the GPF and GECOM has been unmasked in plain sight.  The living hell which Guyana had become under the Burnham/PNC era has been unmasked!  The intent of the PNC has been unmasked!

All those instigators sitting in the US creating mayhem in Guyana against the Indian population, the FBI and USSD have your names.  Watch your backs!  Uncle Sam giveth and Uncle Sam taketh!

All yuh Coolies you like run behind Black politicians, they have the PNC brothers backs, not your Coolie brethren in Guyana!  My message to you misguided washed up Jaganites, stick with the Whiteman....and you will never go hungry again!


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