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Former Member




Once can't help but admire the loyalty, the allegiance, the devotion, the obedience, the sincerity, and the bond afro Guyanese harbor for the PNC/APNU.


It is a tragedy--a disgrace and a dishonor that 10% of afros would vote for a party other than the PNC/APNU in Guyana.





Now, Despite getting 90% of the afro vote in 2011---APNU/PNC was rejected by 59% of the voters.










90% of afros support the afro led PNC/APNU----these folks are deemed patriotic and conscientious, but 90% of East Indians support another party and they are deemed racist and prejudiced.




Could it be 59% of the Guyanese people don't trust the PNC/APNU and will never trust the PNC/APNU ?


Sadly for the PNC/APNU, there aren't enough dirty PNC Indians to team up with the 90% blacks to put the PNC/APNU in power again.



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The most optimistic bunch of people in Guyana are the DIRTY PNC INDIANS---the dirty ones are highly confident that they could put their beloved PNC/APNU back into power.


Remember folks:


59% of Guyanese don't trust the PNC/APNU and voted against them in the last election---but the dirty ones---the DIRTY PNC INDIANS---they are full of buoyancy and cheerfulness---they are confident that their man David Granger can miraculously advance from 40.8% to 50.1% in the next election.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:



Poor Mitwah! The man is in a state of shock. He cannot believe the numbers--59% of Guyanese voters rejected his beloved PNC/APNU in the last election.


Listen Mithun! There aren't enough dirty ones--DIRTY PNC INDIANS---to put David Granger and the PNC/APNU back into power.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



Keep yawning Mithun!





59% of the Guyanese people don't trust your beloved PNC/APNU and rejected them in the last election.






We been down this road already. Numbers do not lie. Liars do. Mathematically challenged misuse numbers. You are both.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

We been down this road already. Numbers do not lie. Liars do. Mathematically challenged misuse numbers. You are both.

These numbers are real Danny boy---not made up.









59% of Guyana voters did not trust the PNC/APNU and rejected them at the polls!




The face of a DIRTY PNC INDIAN



There aren't enough dirty ones--DIRTY PNC INDIANS---to move the PNC/APNU from 40.8% to 50.1%



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
We been down this road already. Numbers do not lie. Liars do. Mathematically challenged misuse numbers. You are both.

These numbers are real Danny boy---not made up.

I already saw and experience you casual disregard for facts and innumeracy. I need no reinforcement to conclude you do not know what the hell you are talking about when numbers are involved.
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September 22th, 2013


The results of the 1992 Regional and General Elections in Guyana which saw the PPP/Civic gaining power was heralded by that Party and its supporters as, 'A Return to Democracy.'


Translated from its Greek meaning, 'rule by the people', democracy caters for the widest possible representation of the people and the inclusion of as many views as possible into the functioning of a fair and just country. Real democracy extends beyond holding periodic elections. It encompasses systems that make provision to prevent the manipulation of the masses by a few and limits the power vested in an individual or a small group of individuals. Democracy is about governance by the people for the people.

 By the book Guyana has, more or less, all the main ingredients to promote a democratic state. The recipe looks right. The cooks appear like cooks everywhere else. However, the pie that is served up is missing some key ingredients. Many Guyanese who have tasted it painfully say "But I ain't taste any democracy here!"

 Twenty years on, the Guyanese people are forced to once again endure another struggle to see the emergence of democracy. It seems the country has come full circle.

 Our Constitution, the Supreme Law of our country provides for an Ombudsman. Article 191 vests the Ombudsman with authority to investigate complaints of maladministration or the violations of persons' rights, especially when such complaints are leveled against the government or high officials of the State. Since 2005 the PPPC Government has failed to have an Ombudsman appointed. This is an omission which is flagrantly in breach of the Constitution and a deviation away from what one would expect in a truly democratic society.


Again, our Constitution by way of Article 121 provides for a Human Rights Commission. Since the passing of the Constitution (Amendment), Act of 2001 that provided for the establishment of the Human Rights Commission, the PPP/C Administration has failed to have this Commission set up. This could only be seen as an orchestrated attempt to subvert Human Rights in Guyana, an area where the present administration continues to fail badly.


The Guyana Constitution, Article 71, recognizes the importance of Local Government as a vital aspect of democracy. By preventing the holding of Local Government Elections through its non-assent to the four Local Government Bills that were recently passed in the House, the PPPC Administration has basically subverted our Constitution and made a mockery of their post 1992 mantra, 'A return to democracy.'


The results of local government elections will see the coming into being of local authorities that are truly representative of the people of the respective Neighbourhood Democratic Councils and will effectively remove the cronies imposed by the Minister at his whim and fancy. Local Governemnt Elections are the effective, lawful and most democratic way of empowering people and communities. It is the building block of democracy.

But to shamelessly contrive a deferral of these Elections by not assenting the four Bills recently approved by the National Assembly through the device of shelving them at the AG's Chambers, instead of transmitting them to the President, beats all! This is as outrageous as it can get.


Failure to have a properly constituted Integrity Commission for some three years now is but another example of institutional mal-governance and unaccountability. According to the Integrity Act, this Commission is vested with authority to investigate complaints of breach of the Code of Conduct for Public Officials. Breach of the Code would include such acts as: taking bribes; engaging in discriminatory practices; receiving gifts for reward for services; conflict of interest violations; using documents or information for personal benefit; using public property for private use; engaging in sexual misconduct; and, giving private interest a higher priority than public duty.


When one looks at the list of persons obligated to make declarations to the Integrity Commission and considers this in light of the blatant display of new wealth by public officials, especially our new Sultanate, understanding the slothfulness in establishing the Integrity Commission becomes elementary.


Among those public officials who are obligated to make annual declarations to the Integrity Commission are the President, Ministers, Parliamentarians, Permanent Secretaries, Regional Executive Officers, Chief Executive Officers of State Agencies, Presidential Advisors just to name a few.


Then there is the deliberate non-establishment of the Public Procurement Commission which was constitutionally mandated by article 212 W since 2001. The Procurement Act of 2003 was passed and its sections again mandated that the Commission must come into being and to sit at the apex of the procurement hierarchy. 


The archdukes of unprincipledom namely members of the PPP/C Government, now argue after the passage of a whole decade, that they want a no-objection power to remain in the Cabinet for contracts $15 M and more before they establish it. The delay in the establishment of this Procurement Commission has seen so much corruption, it is just obscene! So much gorging at the trough, and awards to friends, family and favourites, it stinks to high heavens!


Unless and until the PPPC move to correct these deficiencies and uphold the Constitution, Guyana's aspiration to a democracy remains unfulfilled. And democracy delayed is democracy denied!

19th September 2013


Originally Posted by Danyael:
I already saw and experience you casual disregard for facts and innumeracy. I need no reinforcement to conclude you do not know what the hell you are talking about when numbers are involved.








You are living in denial Danny boy! The fact is 59% of Guyanese voters rejected David Granger and APNU/PNC in the 2011 election, and in the next election there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to put the PNC back into power.




The Guyana Constitution, Article 71, recognizes the importance of Local Government as a vital aspect of democracy. By preventing the holding of Local Government Elections through its non-assent to the four Local Government Bills that were recently passed in the House, the PPPC Administration has basically subverted our Constitution and made a mockery of their post 1992 mantra, 'A return to democracy.'


The results of local government elections will see the coming into being of local authorities that are truly representative of the people of the respective Neighbourhood Democratic Councils and will effectively remove the cronies imposed by the Minister at his whim and fancy. Local Governemnt Elections are the effective, lawful and most democratic way of empowering people and communities. It is the building block of democracy.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I already saw and experience you casual disregard for facts and innumeracy. I need no reinforcement to conclude you do not know what the hell you are talking about when numbers are involved.


You are living in denial Danny boy! The fact is 59% of Guyanese voters rejected David Granger and APNU/PNC in the 2011 election, and in the next election there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS to put the PNC back into power.



 51 percent did not vote for the PPP! JB is on point when he said a 10 percent defection will put them in the dog house.You were stupid to call the man a dunce.


Also  you do not know the choice of the 10 percent who did not vote plus the 10! undercount ( by PPP accounting) who were not able to register.


Other factors also will come into play. The nation is one constituency but the formula can have as much as 6000 waste votes in a district. 10000 Indians would have also left since the last election by regular or back track. You forget the poor are catching their ass in the PPP paradise.


Yes you are talking shit as usual

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 51 percent did not vote for the PPP!

Danny boy!


Read slowly! Try your best to comprehend.


59% of Guyanese voters rejected the PNC/APNU in the 2011 election.


Zero chance of AFC/PNC coalition




And here is the great news for the PPP Danny boy.


There will be no bonding--no coalition between APNU and the AFC in the next election. That means there is a 99.99% probability Donald Ramotar and the PPP will win the Presidency.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 51 percent did not vote for the PPP!

Danny boy!


Read slowly! Try your best to comprehend.


59% of Guyanese voters rejected the PNC/APNU in the 2011 election.


Zero chance of AFC/PNC coalition




And here is the great news for the PPP Danny boy.


There will be no bonding--no coalition between APNU and the AFC in the next election. That means there is a 99.99% probability Donald Ramotar and the PPP will win the Presidency.





You are making your own propositions to argue against. I said the chance to put the PPP in the dog house exists. I never said anything about coalition.


I prefer the AFC gains a few more seats and eat more into the PPP base. If they are a below 40% minority government things will definitely begin to change. We will most likely get a government that will drastically reduce its corrupt practices and see avenues for constitutional and electoral reforms.


No one wants an executive presidency or an autocratic minority government with a super majority voting  against it in the general elections. That will make for a blood bath.


Again. you try to follow the line of reasoning and do not invent arguments for me that I did not make.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think the PNC and KFC should form a Union NOW so that the Voters know what to expect.

I hope they do. We must put an end to the corrupt PPP.

Then bring it on! Announce the Union tomorrow!!

I am a simple girl from Guyana. I offer my opinion. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think the PNC and KFC should form a Union NOW so that the Voters know what to expect.

I hope they do. We must put an end to the corrupt PPP.

Then bring it on! Announce the Union tomorrow!!

I am a simple girl from Guyana. I offer my opinion. 

YOu are an Elton John???

Originally Posted by Danyael:


I prefer the AFC gains a few more seats and eat more into the PPP base. If they are a below 40% minority government things will definitely begin to change. We will most likely get a government that will drastically reduce its corrupt practices and see avenues for constitutional and electoral reforms.


OK Danny boy!


The Rev reads you loud and clear!


You are now resigned that the PPP will win the presidency in the next election, but you would like to see their seats in parliament further curtailed.




Listen! The Rev is fully aware that the PPP is corrupt----the PPP boys have helped themselves to tens of millions(US)----but at least they haven't bankrupted Guyana like the PNC did----and if the PNC were to get back into office they'd be 100 times as corrupt as the PPP.


SO LET THE CORRUPT PPP CONTINUE TO RULE GUYANA---that's bad news for afros and the DIRTY PNC INDIANS---but good news for the rest of Guyana.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


I prefer the AFC gains a few more seats and eat more into the PPP base. If they are a below 40% minority government things will definitely begin to change. We will most likely get a government that will drastically reduce its corrupt practices and see avenues for constitutional and electoral reforms.


OK Danny boy!


The Rev reads you loud and clear!


You are now resigned that the PPP will win the presidency in the next election, but you would like to see their seats in parliament further curtailed.




Listen! The Rev is fully aware that the PPP is corrupt----the PPP boys have helped themselves to tens of millions(US)----but at least they haven't bankrupted Guyana like the PNC did----and if the PNC were to get back into office they'd be 100 times as corrupt as the PPP.


SO LET THE CORRUPT PPP CONTINUE TO RULE GUYANA---that's bad news for afros---but good news for the rest of Guyana.





I agree with you Rev. Although no proof has been given there is a lot that gives cause to be suspicious. The President son getting BIG Contracts, Ministers Family all over the World travelling, are they collecting something. Why are there so many LARGE Contracts without a Warranty Clause. I strongly believe in the proper use of the People's money. And the Day anyone is convicted of stealing from the Guyanese People, I will first in line to call for their long Jail time.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

AFC will eat into the PPP/C base. Berbicians eyes have opened up.


Under the PPP/C, there are no jobs for the UG graduates in Berbice; then there are the canecutters in WCB who are relying on the AFC to represent them; then we have the White Elephant Skeldon Estate and the exorbitant tolls for crossing the bridge and the hardship for students to get to the high schools and Technical Institute in New Amsterdam. THe vendors who use to ply their trade at the stellings are now out of business and practically starving.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

AFC will eat into the PPP/C base. Berbicians eyes have opened up.


Under the PPP/C, there are no jobs for the UG graduates in Berbice; then there are the canecutters in WCB who are relying on the AFC to represent them; then we have the White Elephant Skeldon Estate and the exorbitant tolls for crossing the bridge and the hardship for students to get to the high schools and Technical Institute in New Amsterdam. THe vendors who use to ply their trade at the stellings are now out of business and practically starving.

Anyone who has health and strength in Guyana and starving, deserve to starve.


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