We should not allow such pejorative terms to be used in this forum. Some people seem to exist just to hurl racial expletives and abuse.
JB, I think you should consult with your mamoo.
We should not allow such pejorative terms to be used in this forum. Some people seem to exist just to hurl racial expletives and abuse.
JB, I think you should consult with your mamoo.
To all those paid for posting racist messages, how would you like your co-workers and neighbors to know your real, true sentiments that you make here about Black people and Indian people?
In the USA, those sentiments would constitute "hate crimes" not free speech.
You must live real miserable lives to post such racist rants all day.
Even the PPP, as moribund as they are, would be embarrassed at the statements some of you post here.
Don't listen to the dividers. Hughes spoke at the Essequibo rally.
When you are trying to build racial and national unity, you want moderate heads to prevail, while listening to the hotheads.
The PPP tells its members what to do.
Doesn't work with the PNC. Solomon, Kissoon and others will stay quiet FOR NOW. They will not if APNU AFC wins. Do you want to see more scenes like the last PNC Congress, gun shot and all. Or later when Lindeners made Grainger flee!
I don't think that Granger wants to see Linden revolting against him. They did so under Burnham, and, as he says, he is no Burnham.
Our ground rules should prohibit this kind of uncivil discourse.
Why? Every time the PPP display this behavior they lose a few more votes from fence sitters. Let them continue to scream about "dutty Indians crawling up to PNC Congo men".
"Congo", Yuji? Really?! Do you need to wrap your racism in subtle dog-whistles?
Why is Congo racist? Its a region in Africa, and substantial numbers of Guyanese trace their origins to this area.
What is interesting is why "Congo" becomes a racist epithet in the eyes of the PPP. If I called them "Bihar" is that racist?
The PNC is the most racist party with their 95 Percent Afro Based motorcade.
More PPP racism. They have 98% Indo based rallies, and think nothing of that. To them a 95% Afro motorcade is a riot.
As we are all telling you and the rest of the PPP. Continue with your racism. You are angering many young Indians who are tired of it and do not wish to be connected to it.
You are a racist Indo hater, I could care less about what a racist like you say here.
Dirty Indian Moses will not be albe to bring over 12 Percent of Indos to the Congo Racist PNC party.
"Congo", Yuji? Really?! Do you need to wrap your racism in subtle dog-whistles?
yuji will have a plaster for this Congo sore too. The last time when I asked him why he called APNU a nationalist party he said PNC = People's National Congress. This time he may bring up something like congo drum. For some PPPites here even a traditional Afro-Guyanese dance like queh-queh is racist.
My honorable friend yuji22 is a wordplay expert.
"Congo", Yuji? Really?! Do you need to wrap your racism in subtle dog-whistles?
Why is Congo racist? Its a region in Africa, and substantial numbers of Guyanese trace their origins to this area.
What is interesting is why "Congo" becomes a racist epithet in the eyes of the PPP. If I called them "Bihar" is that racist?
Caribny, if you do not understand why use of "Congo" in yugee's context is racist, then i suggest u take a refresher course on the subject
i'll give a tutorial later
Keep churning this up, it will help the kleptos.
You remind people why we need to expel the PPP/K.
"Congo", Yuji? Really?! Do you need to wrap your racism in subtle dog-whistles?
Why is Congo racist? Its a region in Africa, and substantial numbers of Guyanese trace their origins to this area.
What is interesting is why "Congo" becomes a racist epithet in the eyes of the PPP. If I called them "Bihar" is that racist?
To racist scumbag yugi, he is using it in a negative context but as we all all aware, he is an ass and he cannot be blamed for that, it's probably something to do with in breeding.
The PPP supporters on GNI are doing the APNU+AFC a big service by pushing the PPP/C race card. The APNU+AFC coalition is for national unity.
Let them push the race card, is more the young East indians jumpign ship into the APNU+AFC.
They love Moses words and Granger dance.
It's called blowback.
PPP thinks we are back in the 1960s.
The new Guyana transcends race, and the Coalition will be a breath of fresh air.
It's called blowback.
PPP thinks we are back in the 1960s.
The new Guyana transcends race, and the Coalition will be a breath of fresh air.
Awee gon see laff one week befo May 11. When dem Freedumb House bai realize dat dem race campaign driving away people, it gon be too late fo dem switch tactics. Dem nah larn nuttn fram Essequibo. Hold on tight.
"Congo", Yuji? Really?! Do you need to wrap your racism in subtle dog-whistles?
Why is Congo racist? Its a region in Africa, and substantial numbers of Guyanese trace their origins to this area.
What is interesting is why "Congo" becomes a racist epithet in the eyes of the PPP. If I called them "Bihar" is that racist?
Caribny, if you do not understand why use of "Congo" in yugee's context is racist, then i suggest u take a refresher course on the subject
i'll give a tutorial later
I'm surprised Caribny did not pick up on that one. If he were Surinames and he was called Juka he would see no insult in that. If he were in the South and was called a guabba he would not feel insulted. If he walked into a rural village in Guyana and they called him a capar he would not feel insulted. He has to show his intelligence about Congo the geographical and anthropological concept, but misses its raw racial reference in the lexicon of Guyanese Indians. Why, oh why, does Caribny feel that a sophomoric battle of wits is morte important than the truth?!
Caribny, if you do not understand why use of "Congo" in yugee's context is racist, then i suggest u take a refresher course on the subject
i'll give a tutorial later
You need to gain pride in your African heritage. Yuji thinks he is insulting me by using the term "Congo". He isn't. All he reveals is that he is racist because he thinks that something is wrong with some one having Congolese ancestry.
Now if you think that something is wrong with Congo, and then a ancestry DNA test tied you to that region, what would you think of yourself?
I'm surprised Caribny did not pick up on that one. If he were Surinames and he was called Juka he would see no insult in that.
Djukas are a sub group among the Suriname Maroons aren't they? So if some one uses the term Djuka as an insult it reveals on of two things.
If they are Creole they suffer deep self hatred about their African heritage, which many Creoles do by the way (see how they go out of their way to dig out what is often obscure Euro ancestry to ensure that they aren't mistaken for a Maroon).
If they aren't black then they display racism.
If I call you a "Muslim" am I insulting you? Note that for many people to be called "Muslim" is an insult. Obama can tell you all about that.
I see that loads of people ate displaying a high level of disregard for Africa and Africans here. Its a pity that they are so brainwashed by the white man.
BTW Maroons are the fastest growing group in Suriname now. The 2012 census shows them ahead of Creoles in numbers, and closing in on Indians (22% vs. 27%).
So I must sob because some Indians are proving how racist they are.
No they are doing me a favor because when I raise the issue of Indian racism towards blacks I am called a racist, and you are among those who have accused me of this.
So next time I talk about Indian racism towards blacks, just remember these bigots who think that they can denigrate a major region in West Central Africa and the LARGEST SOURCE of slaves into the Americas.
Congo is a region. It is NOT an insult!
Understand something Kari. 40% of the ancestry of blacks in the Americas comes from the Congo/Angola regions. It is likely that most of us have some of this, even if in minute amounts. CONGO was the LARGEST SOURCE of slaves brought directly to Guyana, followed by Ghana.
So should I view the word "Congo" as an insult by some descendant of peasants who didn't know that they should use a latrine before they encountered black people in Guyana, and instead use the bushes? And God knows what they used to wipe themselves.
I don't think so.
To racist scumbag yugi, he is using it in a negative context
And because a silly self hating man, who worships whites, so has absorbed all their bigotry towards blacks thinks that "Congo" is an insult I must be insulted.
No the issue is that yuji connects every thing African in a negative light, because his WHITE GODS told him so. So he thinks that to be connected to Africa is to be negative.
The issue isn't that Congo is an insult. The issue that yuji, cobra, and the PPP in general think that it is. These guys aren't bright and so repeat like sheep every thing that FreeDUMB House tells them to. And that includes denigrating the African heritage of Afro Guyanese.
But you know what is funny. Yuji and the other bigots, by virtue of being Guyanese (or will they say that they aren't Guyanese, but Indian) have absorbed elements of African culture. Creolese is an Africanized form of English!
My honorable friend yuji22 is a wordplay expert.
Well the congo drum is a core part of Afro Guyanese music so why wouldn't they think that kwe kwe is an insult.
Queh queh is nice. We had sponsored this Guyana Forum and our Afro brothers and sisters performed that delightful dance.
Queh queh is nice. We had sponsored this Guyana Forum and our Afro brothers and sisters performed that delightful dance.
Many years ago, 1989 or thereabouts, Moses Nagamootoo invited me to accompany him to a queh-queh ceremony about 12 houselots east of his home in Sophia. The real thing. I suppose the Afro-Guyanese in that street considered Moses a brother, for we were the only Indos there.
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