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OK folks


Independent international polling puts the PPP at 51 percent. This was kept a secret as the PPP put their foot soldiers on the ground.


Let us look at the facts:


PNC peaks at 40 percent


PNC is deeply divided


Indos are scared of a racist PNC led by Granger and helped by Racist PNC rigger Oscar.


AFC has lost it's Western support.


Major funding dried up


Infighting and mixed messages combined with Corruption allegations destroyed the AFC


Indos will never vote for a Black AFC leader or Deputy leader.


The PPP has secured the Native Votes.



PPP will win with a majority.


Bring out the tassa, let us celebrate Indo style.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Independent international polling puts the PPP at 51 percent. This was kept a secret as the PPP put their foot soldiers on the ground.





* That 51% is the minimum the PPP will gain in the upcoming election.


* The good news is the PPP will win by a majority.








General election looms


as APNU decides to support


AFC's no-confidence motion...



Parliament Building where the opposition's no-confidence motion will be debated and more than likely passed.


Parliament Building where the opposition's no-confidence motion will be debated and more than likely passed.






Rev, Yuji, Kwame


& all Dem Pubic Louse....



Now...."Got De Itch"






where is de Picture of.....

Moses and De Million Dollar US Bentley?


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Independent international polling puts the PPP at 51 percent. This was kept a secret as the PPP put their foot soldiers on the ground.










Originally Posted by Rev:




I want a man with a slow hand---I want a man with an easy touch"



IF YOU GUYS WANT SOFT, SILKY SMOOTH HANDS----try the Glysomed hand cream:



If you are old and your eyes are not too sharp----the writing says:



To soften and moisturize rough or dry skin. With glycerine, silicone, and chamomile.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Independent international polling puts the PPP at 51 percent. This was kept a secret as the PPP put their foot soldiers on the ground.





* That 51% is the minimum the PPP will gain in the upcoming election.


* The good news is the PPP will win by a majority.








I was chatting with a PPP food soldier in Berbice and he told me that this time around, Indos in Berbice will turn out in very large numbers. The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


51 percent is a very conservative number. I see it at two to three percent higher.


Indos are scared to death at the AFC support of the Rigger Granger.


Indos must tell Cockey and Neemakharam to wash Nigel bukta and Katty's underware.


Look at these bitter traitors:



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Images (1)
  • images copy

Stabroek News, October 7, 2013


Dear Editor,


I was in the audience (as a scribe reporting for community publications) last Friday evening at the Queens public meeting where President Donald Ramotar updated the diaspora on the state of affairs in their homeland and fielded questions.Donald was booed a couple times (for remarks contrasting crime and sanitation with other countries and on corruption) and praised several times. What struck my attention was not what the President said but what he did not do or say. He failed to acknowledge and recognize the significant contributions of some towering New York-based personalities who helped to put the PPP into office and who played a critical role in the restoration of democracy in Guyana. He should have used his trip and or the speech to bring healing to and unite the disparate factions of the PPP’s support group, Association of Concerned Guyanese.

At the Ramotar public engagement, I saw former loyalists of the Association of Concerned Guyanese, support group of the PPP in America, who had a public fall-out with Mr Ramotar and who were very critical of him prior to the November 2011 elections. I know these individuals very well since 1977 having joined them (though I am not an ACG member) in protests, rallies, picketing exercises, etc, against the 24 year old PNC dictatorship. They were a small group but very dedicated to the cause and effective at organizing public actions and several of them attended numerous protest events and rallies organized by myself, Dr Baytoram Ramharack and Vassan Ramracha – all pioneers and founding fathers of the New York Guyanese revolutionary movement that helped to usher in democracy in the homeland. The PPP and Guyanese owe the ACG early activists (such as Arjune Karshan, Chuck Mohan, Mel Carpen, Joe Kanhai, Flatty Singh, Danny Singh, John Drepaul, ‘V’, etc), and later ones like Joe Kanhai, Abudul Hafeez, Chris Sarabit and his brother Michael, Samad Ally, individuals like Ramharack, Ramracha, Joe Ragnauth (DLM), Mahadeo Persaud, Dr Ravi Dev, Pandit Ramlall, Ramesh Kalicharran, Vishnu Bandhu, others activists of the WPA support group, etc a debt of gratitude for their commitment to the struggle. Political struggle was not easy. Very few people were interested in Guyana and we could not raise a dollar from them. Only a handful of us took up the cudgel — unrelenting in our activism to lobby international organizations and governments for the restoration of democracy in our former homeland. Even a Chinese Jamaican, Richard Chin, who joined us in the struggle, deserves kudos. Many of the activists suffered tremendously because of their commitment to the struggle – families were neglected and broken. Because they were so strongly wedded to the anti-dictatorial movement, some marriages ended in divorce. Some of the activists like Ramharack, Vassan, and myself gave virtually all of our financial resources to the movement; our incomes were used to fund activities and print literature for free public distribution. Virtually no New Yorker, apart from Karshan who served as Ambassador to Suriname for over 10 years, who partook in the revolution was ever recognized, honoured or rewarded for their immense contributions to the struggle. A few opportunists were highly rewarded. The ACG splintered after the restoration of democracy and the departure of Karshan who was the leader of the group for many years.

President Ramotar had a historic and unique opportunity last Friday to make a gesture to those former stalwarts of the struggle of the need for healing and a desire to reconcile factions. The presence of some of these ACG founders and activists, once critics of Mr Ramotar and former President Jagdeo, at the meeting was a clear signal of their desire for reconciliation with the PPP leadership but no one paid heed. President Ramotar should have taken advantage of his presence in NY to unite the various factions and to bring former stalwarts together.

Compromise and reconciliation with critics (overseas and domestic) are critical for the PPP especially if it is to recover lost support. The former PPP activists, turned critics, are not enemies of the party. They ought to be recognized for their hard work to help liberate Guyana from oppressive rule. On the issue of reconciliation, the PPP also needs to reach out to others who left (or were pushed out) for whatever reason. One name that comes to mind (and there are several including Lionel Peters, Sasenarine Singh, etc) is the experienced and highly respected Ralph Ramkarran. The PPP cannot afford to lose one vote and it will be very difficult for the party to win a majority in the next election without Ramkarran (given that Moses Nagamootoo is campaigning against the PPP) high in the line-up. And elections are not far away with Moses threatening a no confidence vote, the PNC saying it is ready for an election, and the PPP saying elections will be held soon. Reconciliation with constructive critics and former stalwarts, overseas activists, etc, is urgently needed by President Ramotar and General Secretary Clement Rohee in order to strengthen the party.

Yours faithfully, Vishnu Bisram

Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Independent international polling puts the PPP at 51 percent. This was kept a secret as the PPP put their foot soldiers on the ground.

Which independent polling? Name.


Let us look at the facts:


PNC peaks at 40 percent


PNC is deeply divided


Indos are scared of a racist PNC led by Granger and helped by Racist PNC rigger Oscar.

 This Indo not scared. You don't speak for all Indos.

AFC has lost it's Western support.



Major funding dried up



Infighting and mixed messages combined with Corruption allegations destroyed the AFC

Yet you spend hours of your miserable life attacking the AFC.


Indos will never vote for a Black AFC leader or Deputy leader.

Indo Moses Nagamootoo will be AFC presidential candidate. A black woman will be his running mate.


The PPP has secured the Native Votes.

Keep on dreaming.



PPP will win with a majority.

Dream on.


Bring out the tassa, let us celebrate Indo style.

As you please.


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Yuji say...

eee tek only 51% Kwame Pole...

Da guarantee De Victory

Kwame Pole in Yuji Hole

Quote Yuji.... 51 percent is a very conservative number. I see it at two to three percent higher.



Look Yuji teking mo - pole- in -de- hole



Yuji say...

eee tek 3% more in de BT

54% Kwame Pole...

Da guarantee De Victory

MO....Kwame Pole in Yuji Hole


Originally Posted by yuji22:




I was chatting with a PPP food soldier in Berbice and he told me that this time around, Indos in Berbice will turn out in very large numbers. The AFC will be wiped off the political map.






* The person you spoke to is correct---the PPP will have a strong ground campaign in the upcoming election----I mentioned the 'boots on the ground- game plan in another thread.


* By the way, the PNC/AFC No Confidence vote is a desperate move----they are guaranteed to lose their majority in parliament.





Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Independent international polling puts the PPP at 51 percent. This was kept a secret as the PPP put their foot soldiers on the ground.





* That 51% is the minimum the PPP will gain in the upcoming election.


* The good news is the PPP will win by a majority.








I was chatting with a PPP food soldier in Berbice and he told me that this time around, Indos in Berbice will turn out in very large numbers. The AFC will be wiped off the political map.


51 percent is a very conservative number. I see it at two to three percent higher.


Indos are scared to death at the AFC support of the Rigger Granger.


Indos must tell Cockey and Neemakharam to wash Nigel bukta and Katty's underware.


Look at these bitter traitors:



images copy

how the ppp plan to convince the berbice people,by showing them the water pumps that disappear,or give them free crossing over the bridge for life or maybe show them pradoville  

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




I was chatting with a PPP food soldier in Berbice and he told me that this time around, Indos in Berbice will turn out in very large numbers. The AFC will be wiped off the political map.






* The person you spoke to is correct---the PPP will have a strong ground campaign in the upcoming election----I mentioned the 'boots on the ground- game plan in another thread.


* By the way, the PNC/AFC No Confidence vote is a desperate move----they are guaranteed to lose their majority in parliament.








I like the new mantra:


Boots on the Ground. Kick the AFC/PNC down.


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




I was chatting with a PPP food soldier in Berbice and he told me that this time around, Indos in Berbice will turn out in very large numbers. The AFC will be wiped off the political map.






* The person you spoke to is correct---the PPP will have a strong ground campaign in the upcoming election----I mentioned the 'boots on the ground- game plan in another thread.


* By the way, the PNC/AFC No Confidence vote is a desperate move----they are guaranteed to lose their majority in parliament.





what will they tell the people after the election,they will stop thief,its too late and too late is the cry

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am waiting to see the AFC Afro leader delivering his speech in Berbice.


This election will destroy the AFC.

Sorry, indeed many Berbicians are completely backward as you are.But a substantial majority, including me, are just not so obsessed with dalitdom. We have moved away from the constraints of tribalism to the modern plural world that accepts the commonality of our essential humanity. Shits like you will always live self deluded that you are more than you are when in reality you are less than you can be

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am waiting to see the AFC Afro leader delivering his speech in Berbice.


This election will destroy the AFC.

Sorry, indeed many Berbicians are completely backward as you are.But a substantial majority, including me, are just not so obsessed with dalitdom. We have moved away from the constraints of tribalism to the modern plural world that accepts the commonality of our essential humanity. Shits like you will always live self deluded that you are more than you are when in reality you are less than you can be


Listen drunk buckman, drink some morse piwari, listen to the unofficial PPP mantra:






Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am waiting to see the AFC Afro leader delivering his speech in Berbice.


This election will destroy the AFC.

Sorry, indeed many Berbicians are completely backward as you are.But a substantial majority, including me, are just not so obsessed with dalitdom. We have moved away from the constraints of tribalism to the modern plural world that accepts the commonality of our essential humanity. Shits like you will always live self deluded that you are more than you are when in reality you are less than you can be

oh hell you call yugi a shit,i might agree with you here

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

OK folks


Independent international polling puts the PPP at 51 percent. This was kept a secret as the PPP put their foot soldiers on the ground.





* That 51% is the minimum the PPP will gain in the upcoming election.


* The good news is the PPP will win by a majority.





The PPP can eat cake. Everywhere you turn you sense the revulsion those crooks inspire.Number wise their base has shrunk from immigration. Reputation wise they are further debilitated by their obscene crookedness. Mose people are not as shallow as you fellows nor are they enthralled with actualizing evil dowers. The PPP has been measured and found wanting.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am waiting to see the AFC Afro leader delivering his speech in Berbice.


This election will destroy the AFC.

Sorry, indeed many Berbicians are completely backward as you are.But a substantial majority, including me, are just not so obsessed with dalitdom. We have moved away from the constraints of tribalism to the modern plural world that accepts the commonality of our essential humanity. Shits like you will always live self deluded that you are more than you are when in reality you are less than you can be


Listen drunk buckman, drink some morse piwari, listen to the unofficial PPP mantra:






Dude, you are the definition of what is obscenely dull and ignorant. Being a racist will  not win you or the PPP friends . It will not make you wise either. The contrary will be highlighted that will drive even your Guava bush cousins for humiliating them.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I am waiting to see the AFC Afro leader delivering his speech in Berbice.


This election will destroy the AFC.

Sorry, indeed many Berbicians are completely backward as you are.But a substantial majority, including me, are just not so obsessed with dalitdom. We have moved away from the constraints of tribalism to the modern plural world that accepts the commonality of our essential humanity. Shits like you will always live self deluded that you are more than you are when in reality you are less than you can be


Listen drunk buckman, drink some morse piwari, listen to the unofficial PPP mantra:






Dude, you are the definition of what is obscenely dull and ignorant. Being a racist will  not win you or the PPP friends . It will not make you wise either. The contrary will be highlighted that will drive even your Guava bush cousins for humiliating them.


Listen Buckman


The PPP is guaranteed a victory. You will pine away as the PPP wins another five years.




Originally Posted by yuji22:

This will be the unofficial PPP election mantra. It will work very effectively.




* One thing we know is a PPP majority victory is certain.


* The PPP HATERS will celebrate their beloved PNC/AFC bringing down the PPP government.


* But in the final analysis, the PPP will return with a majority win in the upcoming general election.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This will be the unofficial PPP election mantra. It will work very effectively.




* One thing we know is a PPP majority victory is certain.


* The PPP HATERS will celebrate their beloved PNC/AFC bringing down the PPP government.


* But in the final analysis, the PPP will return with a majority win in the upcoming general election.



now show we a picture with kwame buggering yugi


Originally Posted by Danyael:

The PPP can eat cake. Everywhere you turn you sense the revulsion those crooks inspire.Number wise their base has shrunk from immigration.



* Judging from the timidity of your post, I can tell that your confidence in a PNC/AFC victory is zero.


* I know you will be utterly devastated when the PPP lay waste to Rigger Granger and the PNC/AFC and win the upcoming election by a majority.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This will be the unofficial PPP election mantra. It will work very effectively.





* One thing we know is a PPP majority victory is certain.


* The PPP HATERS will celebrate their beloved PNC/AFC bringing down the PPP government.


* But in the final analysis, the PPP will return with a majority win in the upcoming general election.



You celebrate the amorality of those diseased crooks. We abhor their corrupt ways. It is what good people do. I doubt the world religious leaders tell their congregation the path to righteous revulsion of evil is "hateful" Stupid people like you lacking a means to reason thievery as a virtue needs the word to make you sound reasonable. Note sounding reasonable and being reasonable are different things.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The PPP can eat cake. Everywhere you turn you sense the revulsion those crooks inspire.Number wise their base has shrunk from immigration.



* Judging from the timidity of your post, I can tell that your confidence in a PNC/AFC victory is zero.


* I know you will be utterly devastated when the PPP lay waste to Rigger Granger and the PNC/AFC and win the upcoming election by a majority.



You always know more than you have reason to affirm. But that is the fate of the pigheaded.


The PPP will  have to convince the Guyanese people that evil is good to win and as you know even though the devil is quick with quoting the scriptures to rationalize his view most grasp easily he is evil manifest. The PPP and its nether world denizens like you are in the same position as your master.


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