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A sin for Jagdeo to use Dr. Jagan to justify his Cadillac lifestyle – Ralph Ramkarran


“The impression given by Dr. Jagdeo that Cheddi Jagan built a mansion, at the time comparable to his own, in an existing exclusive area is completely false and disingenuous…”

Former People’s Progressive Party (PPP) stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran says that it is “a sin” for Former President Bharrat Jagdeo to compare the  “Cadillac lifestyle” he secured for himself during his presidency, with the modest lifestyle of Dr. Cheddi Jagan.

Former PPP stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran

Former PPP stalwart, Ralph Ramkarran

Ramkarran registered this dissatisfaction in his most recent publication on his website
The former Speaker, who is considered a Jaganite, dedicated a significant portion of his column to defend the legacy of former President, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
He threw out “facts” to prove that Jagdeo’s decision to paint a picture that would show his lifestyle as one resembling that of Dr. Jagan is totally unforgivable.
When questioned last Tuesday about his mansion at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara and whether he thinks Dr. Jagan would have been proud of his massive accumulation of wealth, Jagdeo said that Jagan also lived in a large house and in a neighbourhood that was considered posh in those days.
This is what Ramkarran is objecting to. Ramkarran said that Jagdeo should not have made the comparison, neither should he have been allowed to try to justify his living in an opulent mansion by the sea by saying Dr. Jagan did something similar.
Ramkarran said that in the 1960s, Plantation Bel Air, as it was then known, was a poor community of mainly small artisans, farm and city labourers and subsistence cattle and vegetable farmers.
“Cheddi Jagan’s land, next door to where I was born, grew up and still live, was acquired for $2,000 in the early 1960s.
The former PPP stalwart described the house Dr. Jagan constructed to be one consisting of only an upper flat of three bedrooms, a tiny study, a small living room and kitchen and said that that construction was  modest by the standards of that time.

Former President, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan

Former President, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan

As he pointed out that the structure is still erected “for anyone to see,” Ramkarran said that the impression given by Jagdeo to the effect that Dr. Jagan “built a mansion, at the time comparable to his own, in an existing exclusive area is completely false and disingenuous.”
How can PPP members allow this?
Ramkarran said that the fact that PPP members allowed Jagdeo’s “false claims against its revered leader, dragging the latter down to his level, to go unchallenged is a manifestation of his overweening dominance of the PPP’s agenda and narrative and its destructive character. But is anyone surprised? He publicly attacked Mrs. Jagan and no one came to her defence. When I returned from overseas, where I was at the time, Mrs. Jagan refused to give me permission to respond.”
He said that it is imperative to state, in the interests of the PPP that Cheddi Jagan left behind in 1997, that the Jagans lived a modest lifestyle.
According to Ramkarran, “Throughout the 1970s Dr. and Mrs. Jagan were often seen at modest restaurants around Georgetown on Saturday evenings. Dining out was one of their few pleasures. This, as well as Mrs. Jagan’s visits to the hairdresser, stopped during the 1980s because they could no longer afford it.”
Ramkarran also noted that when Dr. Jagan was diagnosed with a heart ailment, local facilities were then inadequate and he needed to seek medical attention overseas, but Dr. Jagan handled this completely different to the way Jagdeo handled his illness.

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Ramkarran said that Dr. Jagan was awaiting a foreign trip that had already been planned so as to avoid the State having to pay for two trips but unfortunately, his heart unexpectedly gave way before he could travel.
“But imagine Dr. Jagan electing to go on a private jet trip, even on a free ride, for any reason, including medical attention!  It is a sin for Bharrat Jagdeo to use the example of Cheddi Jagan to justify his mansion, his pension and his Cadillac lifestyle,” said Ramkarran.
When questioned on Tuesday last about his illness back in 2011 when he was medivaced to the United States for medical checks, Jagdeo told the media that it was not anyone’s business because the money used was from his personal funds.
In defending his monthly $3M pension, Jagdeo had said, “I served 12 years; more than Hoyte, Janet Jagan, Arthur Chung and Cheddi combined and they still have issues with my benefits when every other President prior to me got those benefits.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

My parents did not use their position for personal gains


Dear Editor,
I am extremely disappointed that Bharrat Jagdeo would try to compare his lifestyle to that of my parents, former Presidents Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Janet Jagan, and defend his opulent lifestyle by pathetically claiming that my parents also lived in a large house in an affluent community. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I would like to thank Ralph Ramkarran for writing about the matter in his recent article “Discordant Notes”. What Ralph wrotea bout my parent’s lifestyle and their house is all true and to the point. He wrote “In the 1960s, Plantation Bel Air, as it was then known, where Cheddi Jagan’s house is located and where my parents were born, was a poor community of mainly small artisans, farm and city labourers and subsistence cattle and vegetable farmers. Cheddi Jagan’s land, next door to where I was born, grew up and still live, was acquired for $2,000 in the early 1960s. Around that time Belvoir Court was empty land in the 1960s when Cheddi Jagan got his land… In any event, the house that he constructed consisted of only an upper flat of three bedrooms, a tiny study, a small living room and kitchen, modest by the standards of that time or any standards. It is there for anyone to see. The impression given by Dr. Jagdeo that Cheddi Jagan built a mansion, at the time comparable to his own, in an existing exclusive area is completely false and disingenuous.”
This simple, modest but comfortable house was designed by my father and built in 1966. You can visit and see for yourself. At that time there were only a few houses in this area. All the homes that were built much later in this area were much larger and more elaborate, so that the current area is now considered an affluent neighborhood.
My parents, as is well known, devoted and sacrificed their lives for the betterment of the people of Guyana. They did not use their position for personal gains, which would have been very easy to do. Instead, due primarily to their high moral and ethical standards, they chose to live a very simple and comfortable lifestyle. They did not lead an extravagant life. Even when they were both Presidents of Guyana they maintained the same simple lifestyle they had always lived before.
It is sad that no one, especially in the PPP leadership has come forward to challenge these false and misleading claims that Bharrat Jagdeo has made against my parents, except for an old and dear comrade and friend of my parents’– Ralph Ramkarran.
Nadira Jagan-Brancier


Dem boys seh…Ramkarran seh Jagdeo nah got shame

March 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Since Jagdeo li’l he was smart, scampish and always vindictive. People who wuk over him and under him, know that, but some of dem get frighten to talk when he became president. Now that he gone some people talking because he ain’t got control over dem mouth. Dem boys always use to talk because dem never did and would never frighten that idiot. He does always try fuh justify everything he seh and he do. Every scampish deal, every rattish agreement he sign and whatever he seh he does try fuh justify. He build a house in Pradoville One on state land wha he get fuh next to nutten. Then he seh he sell to some Rass fuh nuff money. He go and build a mansion in Pradoville Two again pun state land. Dem boys believe that is de biggest, fanciest and most expensive house in de country. When dem question him, he seh that he wuk fuh 20 years and he was president fuh 12. Well Ramkarran seh that Cheddi wuk fuh more than 50 years. He was premier, and he was president. His wife also wuk for 50 years, and was president too. Yet de two of dem couldn’t build wha Jagdeo build. De simple house wha de two of dem build still stands de same way so that everybody can compare to Jagdeo mansion. Dem never drive wha Jagdeo drive, never eat some of de things wha Jagdeo eat. Dem boys know that Cheddi had a heart problem but he never hire private jet. He use to wait fuh a state visit come up and then use de opportunity to see his doctor. Ramkarran seh that it is a sin fuh Jagdeo to use Cheddi as an example fuh justify he mansion, his pension and his Cadillac lifestyle. But dem boys seh that sin is fuh people wid a heart. Jagdeo ain’t got a heart or nutten closer to that.  And in any case animals don’t commit sin. His monthly pension can pay all de teachers in 10 school, yet he never give he wife nutten. And he comparing heself to Cheddi and Janet. What a shame and disgrace. De police does shame you by putting you photograph in de paper when you drink and drive. Sunday Chronicle had six photo of Jagdeo and Ramotar only had five. Talk half and watch how he gun run and hide.


Disappointed that Jagdeo would try to compare his lifestyle to that of my parents


March 16, 2015


Dear Editor,

I am extremely disappointed that Bharrat Jagdeo would try to compare his lifestyle to that of my parents, former Presidents Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Janet Jagan, and defend his opulent lifestyle by pathetically claiming that my parents also lived in a large house in an affluent community. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I would like to thank Ralph Ramkarran for writing about the matter in his recent article “Discordant Notes”. What Ralph wrote about my parents’ lifestyle and their house is all true and to the point. He wrote “In the 1960s, Plantation Bel Air, as it was then known, where Cheddi Jagan’s house is located and where my parents were born, was a poor community of mainly small artisans, farm and city labourers and subsistence cattle and vegetable farmers. Cheddi Jagan’s land, next door to where I was born, grew up and still live, was acquired for $2,000 in the early 1960s. Around that time Belvoir Court was empty land in the 1960s when Cheddi Jagan got his land… In any event, the house that he constructed consisted of only an upper flat of three bedrooms, a tiny study, a small living room and kitchen, modest by the standards of that time or any standards. It is there for anyone to see.

The impression given by Dr. Jagdeo that Cheddi Jagan built a mansion, at the time comparable to his own, in an existing exclusive area is completely false and disingenuous.” This simple, modest but comfortable house was designed by my father and built in 1966. You can visit and see for yourself. At that time there were only a few houses in this area. All the homes that were built much later in this area were much larger and more elaborate, so that the current area is now considered an affluent neighbourhood.

My parents, as is well known, devoted and sacrificed their lives for the betterment of the people of Guyana. They did not use their position for personal gains, which would have been very easy to do.

Instead, due primarily to their high moral and ethical standards, they chose to live a very simple and comfortable lifestyle. They did not lead an extravagant life. Even when they were both Presidents of Guyana they maintained the same simple lifestyle they had always lived before.

It is sad that no one, especially in the PPP leadership has come forward to challenge these false and misleading claims that Bharrat Jagdeo has made against my parents, except for an old and dear comrade and friend of my parents’– Ralph Ramkarran.

Yours faithfully,

Nadira Jagan-Brancier


I have always wanted to live well. I got my inspiration from watching American films and walking and looking at the yards and houses at Blairmont Estate Senior Staff Compound. It wasn't covet or greed or envy of the whites. I aspire to a comfortable life style as young as I was. And living at Fatman Logie in Rosignol.


CBJ always wanted to tear down the white people standard of living. The man was the destroyer of dreams.


Ram Karran can sey what he wants, CBJ stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG. Yet, he provided well for his siblings. Nothing wrong with all of that. But when people claiming he lived a frugal life style, that is a whole lot of crap. Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world.


I have no problem with Jagdeo Mansion. The man has a class life style. I admire him in that respect. However. I wished he had used some of that desire to live well and encourage and promote classic infra-structure programs and proper housing developments for the less fortunate.


Men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ram Karran kept feeding Jagan this crap of how good and simple he is/was. Had CBJ been 10% like Jagdeo, the electorate would have been freer in mind and spirit. That should be the tesatment-not the house he lived in.


President Bharrat Jagdeo with all his Doctorates IS CORRECT, "Cheddie Jagan din live in a logie."


Ram Karran can sey wah de azz he wants-these fools just sat down and let Jagdeo steam roller dem. Jagdeo din destroy Guyana. Is the spineless leadership of the Jagans, Moses and Ram Karran allowed it to happe.


Leave the man be in his big house.






The time has passed for the Opposition to criticize the former president for his inconsistencies. His lifestyle now is nobody's business.

The coolie crabs in the PNC will get what they deserve from the very daags they now serve.

Originally Posted by seignet:

I have always wanted to live well. I got my inspiration from watching American films and walking and looking at the yards and houses at Blairmont Estate Senior Staff Compound. It wasn't covet or greed or envy of the whites. I aspire to a comfortable life style as young as I was. And living at Fatman Logie in Rosignol.


CBJ always wanted to tear down the white people standard of living. The man was the destroyer of dreams.


Ram Karran can sey what he wants, CBJ stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG. Yet, he provided well for his siblings. Nothing wrong with all of that. But when people claiming he lived a frugal life style, that is a whole lot of crap. Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world.


I have no problem with Jagdeo Mansion. The man has a class life style. I admire him in that respect. However. I wished he had used some of that desire to live well and encourage and promote classic infra-structure programs and proper housing developments for the less fortunate.


Men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ram Karran kept feeding Jagan this crap of how good and simple he is/was. Had CBJ been 10% like Jagdeo, the electorate would have been freer in mind and spirit. That should be the tesatment-not the house he lived in.


President Bharrat Jagdeo with all his Doctorates IS CORRECT, "Cheddie Jagan din live in a logie."


Ram Karran can sey wah de azz he wants-these fools just sat down and let Jagdeo steam roller dem. Jagdeo din destroy Guyana. Is the spineless leadership of the Jagans, Moses and Ram Karran allowed it to happe.


Leave the man be in his big house.





Siggy, you are entitled to your longstanding dislike of the Jagans but not to spread untruths or distortions of their lives.

I have highlighted two of your statements above.

It is not true that Cheddi Jagan "stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG." He had his dental surgery in Main Street a door or two north of Hotel Tower. After he was removed from government in 1964 he practised his dentistry part-time in Charlotte Street, sharing a surgery with his brother Sirpaul. I visited him there a few times.

It is true, as you say, "Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world." Let it be known that more than 80 percent of those trips were financed by the people who invited him, such as the Soviet and Cuban and East European governments and organizations like the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions. As a rule, invitations were accompanied by plane tickets and guaranteed accommodation.




Dr. J was a great man. My chicken coup is bigger than his house. I saw Jagdeo's will, he is leaving everything to charity. I am disappointed. Ralphey by is pissed that he was not hired to make the will and have a peak into ...

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I totally AGREE with Ramkarran.  Jagdeo is losing his marbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jagdeo is a forgone conclusion.

I agree again to an extent.  Why is he on the Campaign Trail??/

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

I have always wanted to live well. I got my inspiration from watching American films and walking and looking at the yards and houses at Blairmont Estate Senior Staff Compound. It wasn't covet or greed or envy of the whites. I aspire to a comfortable life style as young as I was. And living at Fatman Logie in Rosignol.


CBJ always wanted to tear down the white people standard of living. The man was the destroyer of dreams.


Ram Karran can sey what he wants, CBJ stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG. Yet, he provided well for his siblings. Nothing wrong with all of that. But when people claiming he lived a frugal life style, that is a whole lot of crap. Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world.


I have no problem with Jagdeo Mansion. The man has a class life style. I admire him in that respect. However. I wished he had used some of that desire to live well and encourage and promote classic infra-structure programs and proper housing developments for the less fortunate.


Men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ram Karran kept feeding Jagan this crap of how good and simple he is/was. Had CBJ been 10% like Jagdeo, the electorate would have been freer in mind and spirit. That should be the tesatment-not the house he lived in.


President Bharrat Jagdeo with all his Doctorates IS CORRECT, "Cheddie Jagan din live in a logie."


Ram Karran can sey wah de azz he wants-these fools just sat down and let Jagdeo steam roller dem. Jagdeo din destroy Guyana. Is the spineless leadership of the Jagans, Moses and Ram Karran allowed it to happe.


Leave the man be in his big house.





Siggy, you are entitled to your longstanding dislike of the Jagans but not to spread untruths or distortions of their lives.

I have highlighted two of your statements above.

It is not true that Cheddi Jagan "stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG." He had his dental surgery in Main Street a door or two north of Hotel Tower. After he was removed from government in 1964 he practised his dentistry part-time in Charlotte Street, sharing a surgery with his brother Sirpaul. I visited him there a few times.

It is true, as you say, "Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world." Let it be known that more than 80 percent of those trips were financed by the people who invited him, such as the Soviet and Cuban and East European governments and organizations like the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions. As a rule, invitations were accompanied by plane tickets and guaranteed accommodation.




Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I totally AGREE with Ramkarran.  Jagdeo is losing his marbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jagdeo is a forgone conclusion.

I agree again to an extent.  Why is he on the Campaign Trail??/

He is gives the PPP the black vote.


Poor Ralphey's comments has bigger implementations for the up comming elections (J & J life long commitments) something he is blind to and his sour grape responses are questionable.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

I have always wanted to live well. I got my inspiration from watching American films and walking and looking at the yards and houses at Blairmont Estate Senior Staff Compound. It wasn't covet or greed or envy of the whites. I aspire to a comfortable life style as young as I was. And living at Fatman Logie in Rosignol.


CBJ always wanted to tear down the white people standard of living. The man was the destroyer of dreams.


Ram Karran can sey what he wants, CBJ stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG. Yet, he provided well for his siblings. Nothing wrong with all of that. But when people claiming he lived a frugal life style, that is a whole lot of crap. Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world.


I have no problem with Jagdeo Mansion. The man has a class life style. I admire him in that respect. However. I wished he had used some of that desire to live well and encourage and promote classic infra-structure programs and proper housing developments for the less fortunate.


Men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ram Karran kept feeding Jagan this crap of how good and simple he is/was. Had CBJ been 10% like Jagdeo, the electorate would have been freer in mind and spirit. That should be the tesatment-not the house he lived in.


President Bharrat Jagdeo with all his Doctorates IS CORRECT, "Cheddie Jagan din live in a logie."


Ram Karran can sey wah de azz he wants-these fools just sat down and let Jagdeo steam roller dem. Jagdeo din destroy Guyana. Is the spineless leadership of the Jagans, Moses and Ram Karran allowed it to happe.


Leave the man be in his big house.





Siggy, you are entitled to your longstanding dislike of the Jagans but not to spread untruths or distortions of their lives.

I have highlighted two of your statements above.

It is not true that Cheddi Jagan "stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG." He had his dental surgery in Main Street a door or two north of Hotel Tower. After he was removed from government in 1964 he practised his dentistry part-time in Charlotte Street, sharing a surgery with his brother Sirpaul. I visited him there a few times.

It is true, as you say, "Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world." Let it be known that more than 80 percent of those trips were financed by the people who invited him, such as the Soviet and Cuban and East European governments and organizations like the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions. As a rule, invitations were accompanied by plane tickets and guaranteed accommodation.



It is claimed that CBJ did dental work for people who couldn't pay him.


Jagdeo also claims that Foreigners pays him handsomely-he claims his 22 years in public office has made him alot of friends. 


Suh, y the complainers complaining. The man ain't do anything different from CBJ. 


Cheddie permitted stealing as reward for his comrades services. Jagdeo do the same thing. Before Jagdeo attained his status in the PPP, old PPP faithfuls built big houses claiming people send barrels for them. A lot CIVIC members got wealthy right under Cheddie. Maybe Jagdeo sey, if dey can do it, he can too.


Boysie Ram Karran had opportunities which gave his children privilege.


The Jagans gat privilege too. Only stupid people would not seize the opportunity when it avails itself.



Originally Posted by Honest:

Dr. J was a great man. My chicken coup is bigger than his house. I saw Jagdeo's will, he is leaving everything to charity. I am disappointed. Ralphey by is pissed that he was not hired to make the will and have a peak into ...

honest is your name interesting  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Honest:

Dr. J was a great man. My chicken coup is bigger than his house. I saw Jagdeo's will, he is leaving everything to charity. I am disappointed. Ralphey by is pissed that he was not hired to make the will and have a peak into ...

honest is your name interesting  

Aw laad, gyam wan brain cell nah!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Honest:

Dr. J was a great man. My chicken coup is bigger than his house. I saw Jagdeo's will, he is leaving everything to charity. I am disappointed. Ralphey by is pissed that he was not hired to make the will and have a peak into ...

honest is your name interesting  

Aw laad, gyam wan brain cell nah!

the ppp dogs do not need a brain cell they need a priest 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

I have always wanted to live well. I got my inspiration from watching American films and walking and looking at the yards and houses at Blairmont Estate Senior Staff Compound. It wasn't covet or greed or envy of the whites. I aspire to a comfortable life style as young as I was. And living at Fatman Logie in Rosignol.


CBJ always wanted to tear down the white people standard of living. The man was the destroyer of dreams.


Ram Karran can sey what he wants, CBJ stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG. Yet, he provided well for his siblings. Nothing wrong with all of that. But when people claiming he lived a frugal life style, that is a whole lot of crap. Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world.


I have no problem with Jagdeo Mansion. The man has a class life style. I admire him in that respect. However. I wished he had used some of that desire to live well and encourage and promote classic infra-structure programs and proper housing developments for the less fortunate.


Men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ram Karran kept feeding Jagan this crap of how good and simple he is/was. Had CBJ been 10% like Jagdeo, the electorate would have been freer in mind and spirit. That should be the tesatment-not the house he lived in.


President Bharrat Jagdeo with all his Doctorates IS CORRECT, "Cheddie Jagan din live in a logie."


Ram Karran can sey wah de azz he wants-these fools just sat down and let Jagdeo steam roller dem. Jagdeo din destroy Guyana. Is the spineless leadership of the Jagans, Moses and Ram Karran allowed it to happe.


Leave the man be in his big house.





Siggy, you are entitled to your longstanding dislike of the Jagans but not to spread untruths or distortions of their lives.

I have highlighted two of your statements above.

It is not true that Cheddi Jagan "stopped pulling teeth soon after he returned to BG." He had his dental surgery in Main Street a door or two north of Hotel Tower. After he was removed from government in 1964 he practised his dentistry part-time in Charlotte Street, sharing a surgery with his brother Sirpaul. I visited him there a few times.

It is true, as you say, "Even in the opposition benches he traveled the the world." Let it be known that more than 80 percent of those trips were financed by the people who invited him, such as the Soviet and Cuban and East European governments and organizations like the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions. As a rule, invitations were accompanied by plane tickets and guaranteed accommodation.



It is claimed that CBJ did dental work for people who couldn't pay him.


Jagdeo also claims that Foreigners pays him handsomely-he claims his 22 years in public office has made him alot of friends. 


Suh, y the complainers complaining. The man ain't do anything different from CBJ. 


Cheddie permitted stealing as reward for his comrades services. Jagdeo do the same thing. Before Jagdeo attained his status in the PPP, old PPP faithfuls built big houses claiming people send barrels for them. A lot CIVIC members got wealthy right under Cheddie. Maybe Jagdeo sey, if dey can do it, he can too.


Boysie Ram Karran had opportunities which gave his children privilege.


The Jagans gat privilege too. Only stupid people would not seize the opportunity when it avails itself.



You have a point Sig.  Comrade Boysie was a friend to both Burnham and Jagan. In a sense, Ralph was like maybe a Prince in the Guyana sense as far as these two men were concerned. He could do no wrong.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The time has passed for the Opposition to criticize the former president for his inconsistencies. His lifestyle now is nobody's business.

The coolie crabs in the PNC will get what they deserve from the very daags they now serve.

 So you can gotay Burnham misdeeds[who croak more than 30 years ago] here daily but want the opposition to give the Jagabaat who is still a parasite to tax payers free got to be drunk...


I have visited that house.  It's almost an embarrassment how simple the Jagans were.


They did not see govt as the gateway to personal aggrandizement, the way the PPP Jagdeoites view govt.


Guyana moved from Dictatorship (pre-1992) to Democracy (1992) to Kleptocracy (1999).


PPP mum on reaction by Cheddie's daughter on parents' lifestyle

Former Presidents Cheddie and Janet Jagan lived here.

Former Presidents Cheddie and Janet Jagan lived here.

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee on Monday chose to remain mum about counter-claims by Nadira Jagan-Brancier that her father- late President Cheddie Jagan- lived in a simple rather than extravagant lifestyle.

“Whenever the General Secretary of this party speaks, it has heavy political weight and therefore I would not wish to make any further statement on that matter,” he said. 

Asked whether the comments by Jagan-Brancier would impact negatively on the party’s chances at the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections, he said “time will tell.”

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo last week dismissed suggestions that his elaborate and sprawling residence at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara was quite in contrast to the home of late PPP Co-founders and Former Presidents Cheddie and Janet Jagan.  “I don’t think Cheddie Jagan living in Bel Air Park at that time in a nice house was typical of most of Guyana but Cheddie Jagan lived at that time there,” he said.

Jagdeo questioned whether Jagan would have wanted Guyanese to ride bicycles all their lives and living at Bel Air Park weakened his commitment to the cause of a better Guyana or made him corrupt. “At that time that was a prime area, a piece of land and a nice house and it still is a nice house,” Jagdeo said.

Jagdeo sought to justify his mansion by saying that he served Guyana for 20 years as Finance Minister nd President of Guyana. 

But in a letter to the privately-owned Stabroek News on Monday, Jagan-Brancier lashed back at Jagdeo, who succeeded Janet in 1999 and remained in office until 2011. “I am extremely disappointed that Bharrat Jagdeo would try to compare his lifestyle to that of my parents, former Presidents Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Janet Jagan, and defend his opulent lifestyle by pathetically claiming that my parents also lived in a large house in an affluent community. Nothing could be further from the truth,” she said.

Jagan-Brancier expressed sadness that no one, “especially in the PPP leadership has come forward to challenge these false and misleading claims that Bharrat Jagdeo has made against my parents, except for an old and dear comrade and friend of my parents’– Ralph Ramkarran.”

“The impression given by Dr. Jagdeo that Cheddi Jagan built a mansion, at the time comparable to his own, in an existing exclusive area is completely false and disingenuous,” she said.

The daughter of the late Independence architects said “This simple, modest but comfortable house was designed by my father and built in 1966. You can visit and see for yourself. At that time there were only a few houses in this area. All the homes that were built much later in this area were much larger and more elaborate, so that the current area is now considered an affluent neighbourhood,” she said.

Adding that her parents devoted and sacrificed their lives for the betterment of  Guayense rather than for personal gains, she stressed that they were never extravagant even after becoming leaders of Guyana. “Instead, due primarily to their high moral and ethical standards, they chose to live a very simple and comfortable lifestyle. They did not lead an extravagant life. Even when they were both Presidents of Guyana they maintained the same simple lifestyle they had always lived before.”

Suh Nadira want Jagdeo to live hand to mouth like CBJ(according to those who claimed the Jagans had a frugal life-style)


CBJ did not dream big enough. His dream was destruction-chase the white man and their investments out of BG. Soon perhaps, the sugar workers will feel the brunt of CBJ aspirations.


They too will have to live hand to mouth.


Jagdeo is a modern man, living in a modern world.


HE IS HIS OWN MAN. Cult worship is not his baggage. If Indoes stupid enough to follow him when he call the name of Jagan, then dem stupid.


I think Indian people gone past the Jagans a long time ago. And so, also is the old guard of the PPP party. Dem nah offended wah JAGDEO SAID.




Cheddi Jagan’s daughter to Jagdeo:…‘Don’t compare your opulent lifestyle to that of my parents’

March 17, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

- slams PPP for staying silent

Days after former President Bharrat Jagdeo attempted to explain his Pradoville 2 mansion by drawing

Nadira Jagan-Brancier

Nadira Jagan-Brancier

comparison to the upscale New Haven, Bel Air neighbourhood of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, a daughter has slammed the ruling party for staying silent. Yesterday, in a scathing letter in Kaieteur News, Nadira Jagan-Brancier described Jagdeo’s lifestyle as “opulent”. The letter would continue to signal a growing divide between the current leaders of the People’s Progressive Party and the relatives of Dr. Jagan who helped found the party. Jagan-Brancier did not even refer to Jagdeo as the former President. “I am extremely disappointed that Bharrat Jagdeo would try to compare his lifestyle to that of my parents, former Presidents Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Janet Jagan, and defend his opulent lifestyle by pathetically claiming that my parents also lived in a large house in an affluent community. Nothing could be further from the truth.” During a press conference last week at PPP’s headquarters at Freedom House, Robb Street, Jagdeo was asked about his sprawling mansion in the Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara area that he created. Several house lots went to mainly top Government officials and friends of Jagdeo. Jagdeo said that Government Ministers do not have to live in logies (slave quarters) to prove that they are honest. He said that Dr. Jagan lived in the upscale Bel Air area but there were no questions about whether he was corrupt.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

He said that Jagan’s abode was not typical of all Guyanese, but insisted that the area was a prime one. In her letter, Jagan-Brancier drew reference to former PPP’s executive, Ralph Ramkarran, who in a recent piece defended the Jagans and their lifestyle. “I would like to thank Ralph Ramkarran for writing about the matter in his recent article “Discordant Notes”. What Ralph wrote about my parents’ lifestyle and their house is all true and to the point.” Ramkarran wrote that in the 1960s, Plantation Bel Air, as it was then known, was a poor community of mainly small artisans, farm and city labourers and subsistence cattle and vegetable farmers. Ramkarran said that Jagan’s land, next door to where he was born, grew up and still live, was acquired for $2,000 in the early 1960s. “This simple, modest but comfortable house was designed by my father and built in 1966. You can visit and see for yourself. At that time there were only a few houses in this area. All the homes that were built much later in this area were much larger and more elaborate, so that the current area is now considered an affluent neighborhood,” Jagan’s daughter said in the letter. “My parents, as is well known, devoted and sacrificed their lives for the betterment of the people of Guyana. They did not use their position for personal gains, which would have been

very easy to do. Instead, due primarily to their high moral and ethical standards,

The Pradoville 2 mansion of Bharrat Jagdeo.

The Pradoville 2 mansion of Bharrat Jagdeo.

they chose to live a very simple and comfortable lifestyle. “They did not lead an extravagant life. Even when they were both Presidents of Guyana they maintained the same simple lifestyle they had always lived before.” She said that it was sad that no one, especially in the PPP leadership, has come forward to challenge the “false and misleading claims” that “Bharrat Jagdeo” has made against her parents, except for an “old and dear comrade and friend of my parents”– Ramkarran. It was not the first time that Jagan’s daughter or his family has come out criticizing the PPP for straying away from the ideology of its founder. In a forum back in April 2012, Jagan-Brancier said that her parents were probably the most incorruptible people; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards, but unfortunately do not exist in many of the leaders of the party and government. She said that the current leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and

The Bel Air home of the Jagans

The Bel Air home of the Jagans

Government lack “the very, very, very high moral standards” which her parents embodied when they were alive. Jagan-Brancier had scolded the party for putting out platforms using her parents’ name— particularly her father’s— and not living up really and truly to what her parents had stood for. “It is not enough to go out there and make lovely speeches about who my parents were, what they did and the legacy that we’re carrying on”. The daughter of the late leaders had pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values. “If the leaders don’t show the moral values then people won’t do it, and your children won’t grow up with moral values. And if your families don’t show moral values, then society as a whole will lose that”. It was only recently that Jagan-Brancier’s brother, Joey, reportedly said that while he mounted the PPP platform for the 2011 General and Regional Elections; he will not be doing so this time around. Yesterday, General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, opted to remain silent on the statement by Jagan-Brancier, noting that his words have “heavy political weight”. He also declined to comment on the possible impact of the statement of Jagan’s daughter, only saying that time will tell. The statements by Jagan-Brancier would come as Guyana heads to early General Elections on May 11 after the ruling party faced a no-confidence vote late last year by the National Assembly, forcing President Donald Ramotar to prorogue Parliament.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh Nadira want Jagdeo to live hand to mouth like CBJ(according to those who claimed the Jagans had a frugal life-style)


CBJ did not dream big enough. His dream was destruction-chase the white man and their investments out of BG. Soon perhaps, the sugar workers will feel the brunt of CBJ aspirations.


They too will have to live hand to mouth.


Jagdeo is a modern man, living in a modern world.


HE IS HIS OWN MAN. Cult worship is not his baggage. If Indoes stupid enough to follow him when he call the name of Jagan, then dem stupid.


I think Indian people gone past the Jagans a long time ago. And so, also is the old guard of the PPP party. Dem nah offended wah JAGDEO SAID.



Burnham was Guyana modern man, he was one of the Caribbean finest states man - he did not need to own a mansion to be recognize as such.

The Jagabaat Converting states assets to personal property is called stealing. The Jagabaat is no 'modern man' he is more like the Caribbean darpoke - cheat on his woman, lock his wife out the bedroom and use your position to void the marriage, denied her spousal support and eventually toss her out penniless. Which modern man is respected to treat a woman and a first lady that way?


Then, Reepu Daman Persaud should answer for his schemes in making Jagdeo into a wicked person. The good pandit did not see any bad deeds in Jagdeo. The pandit even tried to get Jagdeo elected to a third term. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Then, Reepu Daman Persaud should answer for his schemes in making Jagdeo into a wicked person. The good pandit did not see any bad deeds in Jagdeo. The pandit even tried to get Jagdeo elected to a third term. 

That would have been good for Guyana.  Concerning his marriage according to Hinduism, bamboo WEDDING is legal in the eyes of Allah and Bhagwan..

Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh Nadira want Jagdeo to live hand to mouth like CBJ(according to those who claimed the Jagans had a frugal life-style)


CBJ did not dream big enough. His dream was destruction-chase the white man and their investments out of BG. Soon perhaps, the sugar workers will feel the brunt of CBJ aspirations.


They too will have to live hand to mouth.


Jagdeo is a modern man, living in a modern world.


HE IS HIS OWN MAN. Cult worship is not his baggage. If Indoes stupid enough to follow him when he call the name of Jagan, then dem stupid.


I think Indian people gone past the Jagans a long time ago. And so, also is the old guard of the PPP party. Dem nah offended wah JAGDEO SAID.



Okay, Siggy, let's set aside Jagan for a moment.

Big bad Burnham didn't build a mansion when he was president or prime minister before that. He ruled for nearly 21 years.

Desmond Hoyte didn't build a mansion when he was president. He ruled for 7 years and lived in his own house on North Road that he bought with his income and bank loan.

In the context of Guyana, a small poor country with less than one million people, Jagdeo's swift acquisition of two mansions must raise eyebrows and questions of concern.

It doesn't mean that he has to live in a logie.

Believe me, the extravagant lifestyles of the PPP elite will certainly be an election issue.


The lifestyle of Dr.  Bharat Jagdeo will not be an issue among Indians.  That is old news.

The People wants to know  will happen after election.  The Alliance are not saying what they will do, if they win. 

I an not impressed with:

Foe better roads vote pnc.


For more water and electricity vote PNC.


Foe less violence vote for the Alliance. 

Originally Posted by Mars:

Have you fellas visited Guyana lately, forget, the president's and ministers properties, there are massive properties every where owned by the average Joe. I have seen a large house in Tuschen owned by a factory worker at Uitvlugt sugar estate.Travel from Crabwood Creek to Charity and you would see hundreds of houses that are bigger than the million dollar houses in Toronto Canada. What it tell you every one is doing well, Guyanese are returning home to retire, because they can now live in a much better life style than they presently have abroad. Have you seen Georgetown lately???

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Have you fellas visited Guyana lately, forget, the president's and ministers properties, there are massive properties every where owned by the average Joe. I have seen a large house in Tuschen owned by a factory worker at Uitvlugt sugar estate.Travel from Crabwood Creek to Charity and you would see hundreds of houses that are bigger than the million dollar houses in Toronto Canada. What it tell you every one is doing well, Guyanese are returning home to retire, because they can now live in a much better life style than they presently have abroad. Have you seen Georgetown lately???

So you trying to tell us now that factory workers are so rich now that they can afford mansions? Y'all really believe people born yesterday.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Have you fellas visited Guyana lately, forget, the president's and ministers properties, there are massive properties every where owned by the average Joe. I have seen a large house in Tuschen owned by a factory worker at Uitvlugt sugar estate.Travel from Crabwood Creek to Charity and you would see hundreds of houses that are bigger than the million dollar houses in Toronto Canada. What it tell you every one is doing well, Guyanese are returning home to retire, because they can now live in a much better life style than they presently have abroad. Have you seen Georgetown lately???

Do you live in Guyana kp?

Originally Posted by cain:

Do you live in Guyana kp?

All these clowns chant on GNI that PPP Guyana is so great, yet they won't dare to go and live there.


They prefer to sponge off the great benefits of the same West they were ridiculing for all their PPP Commie lives. 

Last edited by Mars

Many of the PPP higher ups became too rich, too quickly.  They flaunt their conspicuous consumption.  One of Irfaan's clerk, an ordinary village man, now has several house and cars and lots of money and fancy lifestyle.  He lives next to some relatives of mine. He must be the bag man.


You cannot see govt as a source of getting rich through corrupt transactions.


The PPP Kleptos operate in the interests of its new parasitic, bourgeois friends and contractor class.  It is not an Indian govt, and does not govern on behalf of Indians, as it wants to portray, when it accuses the AFC of selling out Indians.


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