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It is unfortunate that people like churchrat and other AFC/PNC supporters are misguiding the sugar workers in Guyana for political gain. The industry has to move away from manual labor in order to be competitive on world markets. These charlatans in the AFC/PNC are hoodwinking the sugar workers into believing that cutting cane is a sustainable profession and non perpetuation of a dankey cart economy. ahahaha
Originally posted by Nehru:
BGURD, I make this point since he has always stick to the Topic and not spew garbage and insults. He is one of the few Persons I personally can debate with. Let us not confuse him with other Posters.

Apparently the rat is just like the rest, he ignores the impending mechanization of the sugar industry and jump on the band wagon of dankey cart economy for political gain.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
It is unfortunate that people like churchrat and other AFC/PNC supporters are misguiding the sugar workers in Guyana for political gain. The industry has to move away from manual labor in order to be competitive on world markets. These charlatans in the AFC/PNC are hoodwinking the sugar workers into believing that cutting cane is a sustainable profession and non perpetuation of a dankey cart economy. ahahaha

FYI ...I have always supported the PPP and there are many like myself within the PPP overseas support structure who believe that the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique has screwed the working people of Guyana especially the sugar workers.....

I know for a fact that the strikning sugar workers at Blairmont invited the AFC in after their complaints fell on deaf ears...

One member of the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique was a PNC appointee at GUYSUCO and was stationed at Blairmont in the late seventie/early eighties....this person who holds a fake PhD was very abusive to the workers when he was stationed there....he now sits on the GUYSUCO board whilst he resides in the USA....

The sugar workers are fighting for what they earn honestly whilst this guys goes home on GUYSUCO's is rumoured that he even claimed expenses for trips he made to guyana to campaign for ramoutar....
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

From left to right: Nigel Hughes, Moses V. Nagamootoo, Gerhard Ramsaroop and Kenneth Bowman.

That fella in the blue shirt has a sly look on his face he is up to something

The gentleman in the white/cream shirt and black trousers seems like a decent and honest Guyanese ..albeit a bit naive.
Originally posted by Churchill:

FYI ...I have always supported the PPP and there are many like myself within the PPP overseas support structure who believe that the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique has screwed the working people of Guyana especially the sugar workers.....

I know for a fact that the strikning sugar workers at Blairmont invited the AFC in after their complaints fell on deaf ears...

One member of the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique was a PNC appointee at GUYSUCO and was stationed at Blairmont in the late seventie/early eighties....this person who holds a fake PhD was very abusive to the workers when he was stationed there....he now sits on the GUYSUCO board whilst he resides in the USA....

The sugar workers are fighting for what they earn honestly whilst this guys goes home on GUYSUCO's is rumoured that he even claimed expenses for trips he made to guyana to campaign for ramoutar....

A few individuals abusing the system is not the cause of the sugar industry failure, the bigger picture is that it is been run inefficiently due to dependence on manual labor. The management issue is another matter, that is why I have always advocated that govt run industry is wrong model. How is govt the right body to be running a business?
Originally posted by Guyanese4eva:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

From left to right: Nigel Hughes, Moses V. Nagamootoo, Gerhard Ramsaroop and Kenneth Bowman.

That fella in the blue shirt has a sly look on his face he is up to something

The gentleman in the white/cream shirt and black trousers seems like a decent and honest Guyanese ..albeit a bit naive.

What do those guys know about sugarcane and running the industry?
Originally posted by FC:
This is exactly what the AFC has to continue doing. take the legs right out of the PPP. Demonstrate leadership and maturity and engage the Guyanese populace on key issues that affect them. Be the offical representative of the people.

And stay out of politics. They can take over GAWU and steal the canecutters' money..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Noel:
The sugar industry has been pulled down to its needs after 20 years of PPP neglect

No it isn't. An idiot like you cannot comprehend
that... The Industry should go hi-teck if they want to save it.
rama watch how you using that word around the ppp ministers,they might think it some thing to thief.that is all they know what to do.why ramottar did not take it hi-teck he was the director.those cane cutters should stone the ppp fools
Statement prepared by Moses Nagamootoo on behalf of the AFC, read by me to the sugar workers yesterday morning:

The AFC will bring together all what we heard from you on Thursday, and what we will hear today from the workers in Rose Hall Estate and prepare a dossier so we can have a clear position on the issues.

However, so far:

1. AFC leadership was present and gave solidarity on the ground to you, the striking workers.
2. We listened to your grievances.
3. We helped to give media exposure to your cause, and promoted the issues on internet and overseas.
4. We spoke with GAWU president Komal Chand on Thursday, and apprised him of what we were told, and that we wanted GAWU to take up the fight more vigorously.
5. We spoke with Minister of Labour (Government) and former Guysuco Board Chairman (management) NK Gopaul, and asked for his intervention.
6. We learned that GAWU met with Field reps on Friday, and asked that workers return to work.

This is what is called a "wild cat" strike, not supported by GAWU. We have to be careful not to try to take GAWU's place. The sugar industry is facing a crisis and is heading for closure and/or bankruptcy. The AFC cannot allow itself to be used as scapegoat for any loss of workers' job. This is essentially the union's problem, and we are here in solidarity with you, the workers, and not to replace the union.

And so, this is the AFC’s position:

1. We are NOT opposed to resumption of production
2. The return to work has to be conditional;:
(a) no victimisation of any worker/union rep
(b) no loss of man days
(c) union/management should report to workers within 2 weeks on solution to problems.


The strike continued on Feb. 20. - Kojo McPherson photo.

The strike continued on Feb. 20. - Kojo McPherson photo.

The strike continued on Feb. 20. - Kojo McPherson photo.

Gerhard Ramsaroop addressing the sugar workers, Feb. 20. - Cindy Dian Sookdeo photo.

Gerhard Ramsaroop speaking with the sugar workers, Feb. 20. - Leon Jameson Suseran photo.
GR, Moses, Nigel, Ramjattan are simply wasting time but desperately trying to gain Political Points. Point to Note, Sugar Workers are paying for GAWU to represent them. Also, GAWU is competent and experienced with dealing with such matters. The AFC can try to form a Union and oppose GAWU as the legal Reps. SHAMELESS POLITICAL PROSTITUTES I tell you.!!!!
This is what is called a "wild cat" strike, not supported by GAWU. We have to be careful not to try to take GAWU's place. The sugar industry is facing a crisis and is heading for closure and/or bankruptcy. The AFC cannot allow itself to be used as scapegoat for any loss of workers' job. This is essentially the union's problem, and we are here in solidarity with you, the workers, and not to replace the union.

And so, this is the AFC’s position:

1. We are NOT opposed to resumption of production
2. The return to work has to be conditional;:
(a) no victimisation of any worker/union rep
(b) no loss of man days
(c) union/management should report to workers within 2 weeks on solution to problems.

Good job Gerhard. Keep the pressure on.

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