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Chief Education Officer Olato Sam has said that the teacher has been sent on administrative leave pending the findings of a police investigation.

When asked whether the teacher, who is a Councillor representing the AFC, would be removed at least temporarily while the probe continues, party Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo said much depended on the results.

Nagamootoo said he was advised that the teacher was now in police custody but he was unaware of the nature of the allegation.

Region Eight Chairman Mark Crawford said the 15-member council would meet to decide on the future of the teacher on the decision-making body after the investigation is done.


excerpts from demwaves

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

A clear extension of the pedophile gang that resides here. These creatures should be jailed. 

Bguard has been talking about this issue for a while and no one seems to be listening.

No intelligent person would and that's why you do.

You missed my post right, here it is


"How come some of these vile creatures the OP are still around then?"


The teacher/AFC Councillor (name given) was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of his "colleagues".

Education Ministry declares zero tolerance for abusive teachers : ‘Any teacher found abusing a student will feel full impact of Sexual Offences Act’ – warns ManickchandPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chriseana Ramrekha   
Tuesday, 11 June 2013 22:59

ANY teacher who is found abusing a student will be dealt with condignly by the Ministry of Education and it will be ensured that the entire force of the Sexual Offences Act will be brought to bear on any such person. Education Minister Priya Manickchand declared this policy position while providing the state media with her response to the recent incident where a male secondary school teacher was found with a male student locked away in his bedroom in Mahdia, Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni).

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is quite interesting that AFC supporters are defending the actions of the man reported in article above. Shame on the AFC twice. Are these people trustworthy ?


Bguard has been talking about this issue for a while. We must now pay serious attention to this matter.

Where do you see AFC supporters defending the actions of the man alleged to have committed a crime? 


Who listens to BGoads anyway when he talks thru his ass?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are yet to condemn disgusting actions of a fellow AFC member. You have ZERO credibility. Shame on the AFC for a fourth time.

I do not belong to any political party in Guyana so how would I be a fellow member to anyone in any political party there?


I've already stated how this case should be handled. It is being investigated and if he is found guilty he should face the full force of the law. What don't you understand about that?


What's your excuse for defending Kwame?


You are a staunch AFC supporter here and your defence of the man in this allegation stinks. Provide hard proof of your many other allegations. You hide behind a computer screen making serious allegations and cannot provide proof of any.


With new internet laws the long arm of the law will get you. So you hide behind your computer making baseless claims that cannot be proven. Bring us the proof and source.


AFC Councillor Clyde Edwards accused of sleeping with underage boy

An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are a staunch AFC supporter here and your defence of the man in this allegation stinks. Provide hard proof of your many other allegations. You hide behind a computer screen making serious allegations and cannot provide proof of any.


With new internet laws the long arm of the law will get you. So you hide behind your computer making baseless claims that cannot be proven. Bring us the proof and source.

You illiterate little man. I have not in any way defended this man except in your stupid little head, 


Braying like a sensationalist jackass does not change the meaning of my words in your favor so read and try to understand what I said before and stop making ridiculous claims.


What's your excuse for defending Kwame?


The AFC goon whose using the handle "God" is fighting the truth, and is attempting to sweep the AFC Councillor story under the carpet, the Guyanese populace aren't no fools, even the opposition media give the story wide coverage, and the AFC Councillor's actions are condemned in all the facets of the society, he should face the full blunt of the law.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC goon whose using the handle "God" is fighting the truth, and is attempting to sweep the AFC Councillor story under the carpet, the Guyanese populace aren't no fools, even the opposition media give the story wide coverage, and the AFC Councillor's actions are condemned in all the facets of the society, he should face the full blunt of the law.

Here comes another sensationalist moron. Don't you PPP butt boys have no inclination to tell the truth for once?


Didn't you already see me state this or can you only write what the PPP pays you minimum wage to post here?


I've already stated how this case should be handled. It is being investigated and if he is found guilty he should face the full force of the law. What don't you understand about that?


Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are a staunch AFC supporter here and your defence of the man in this allegation stinks. Provide hard proof of your many other allegations. You hide behind a computer screen making serious allegations and cannot provide proof of any.


With new internet laws the long arm of the law will get you. So you hide behind your computer making baseless claims that cannot be proven. Bring us the proof and source.

Here is your proof

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are a staunch AFC supporter here and your defence of the man in this allegation stinks. Provide hard proof of your many other allegations. You hide behind a computer screen making serious allegations and cannot provide proof of any.


With new internet laws the long arm of the law will get you. So you hide behind your computer making baseless claims that cannot be proven. Bring us the proof and source.

Here is your proof

Are you GOD ? AFC damage control machinery is in full throttle but the damage is already done. Is the AFC really trustworthy ?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

AFC Councillor Clyde Edwards accused of sleeping with underage boy

An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police.

Is D2 going to defend the actions of a  Native member ?

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are a staunch AFC supporter here and your defence of the man in this allegation stinks. Provide hard proof of your many other allegations. You hide behind a computer screen making serious allegations and cannot provide proof of any.


With new internet laws the long arm of the law will get you. So you hide behind your computer making baseless claims that cannot be proven. Bring us the proof and source.

You illiterate little man. I have not in any way defended this man except in your stupid little head, 


Braying like a sensationalist jackass does not change the meaning of my words in your favor so read and try to understand what I said before and stop making ridiculous claims.


What's your excuse for defending Kwame?

I would like to return the favour by calling you a complete dunce.  You lack proof and cannot back your baseless claims. The days of the AFC snake oil has long been smashed.


Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are a staunch AFC supporter here and your defence of the man in this allegation stinks. Provide hard proof of your many other allegations. You hide behind a computer screen making serious allegations and cannot provide proof of any.


With new internet laws the long arm of the law will get you. So you hide behind your computer making baseless claims that cannot be proven. Bring us the proof and source.

You illiterate little man. I have not in any way defended this man except in your stupid little head, 


Braying like a sensationalist jackass does not change the meaning of my words in your favor so read and try to understand what I said before and stop making ridiculous claims.


What's your excuse for defending Kwame?

I would like to return the favour by calling you a complete dunce.  You lack proof and cannot back your baseless claims. The days of the AFC snake oil has long been smashed.

You can say anything but being someone with minimal comprehension skills, it has no meaning to anyone but you and the voices in your head.


What more proof do you want - here is your fellow butt boy live and direct?



Its clear to see, the AFC propaganda machinery is at full throttle,going against their very conscience in defending that Councillor, who is also a teacher, who was allegedly with a male student in their underwear in his living quarters, instead of them condemning that unlawful act, they are trying to derail the thread and attempting to throw cold water on this very serious issue, for a party whose member is involved in such a crime, to say little to nothing about it, is indeed a grave matter of concern.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

AFC Councillor Clyde Edwards accused of sleeping with underage boy

An Alliance for Change(AFC) Councillor of the Region 8 Regional Democratic Council(RDC) who is also a teacher at the Mahdia Secondary School and chairman of the region's education committee was caught sleeping with a male underage student. Clyde Edwards was caught in the teacher's quarters of the Mahdia Secondary School sleeping with the lad. They were both clad only in their underpants. The incident which took place in May is currently the subject of an investigation by education officials and was being kept low key by several of Edwards' colleagues.

He has since been sent on administrative leave after the matter became public and the incident is being investigated by the police.


The pedophile gang recruited a new member in Guyana.

Teacher in alleged misconduct probe to remain on Region 8 Council- AFC

Teacher in alleged misconduct probe to remain on Region 8 Council- AFC

A teacher of the Mahdia Secondary School, in whose living quarters was seen a male student sleeping, would not be asked to step aside from the Region Eight Council until the outcome of a probe, officials of the Alliance For Change (AFC) said Wednesday.

Chief Education Officer Olato Sam has said that the teacher has been sent on administrative leave pending the findings of a police investigation.

When asked whether the teacher, who is a Councillor representing the AFC, would be removed at least temporarily while the probe continues, party Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo said much depended on the results.

Nagamootoo said he was advised that the teacher was now in police custody but he was unaware of the nature of the allegation.

Region Eight Chairman Mark Crawford said the 15-member council would meet to decide on the future of the teacher on the decision-making body after the investigation is done.

Asked whether someone who is under investigation should not be removed from office, Nagamootoo insisted that the teacher was an employee of the Ministry of Education, not of the party or the council. “We have no reason to ask for his suspension or withdrawal at this point in time. We are awaiting the outcome of an investigation.

That itself will be highly prejudicial because we do not know the nature of the allegation,” he added.

Nagamootoo said he was advised that the student, who hails from Micobie, was staying in the teacher’s quarters with the full knowledge and approval of his parents. The veteran politician opined that the unknown allegation against the teacher could be in retaliation for the expose about school children in Mahdia being made to fetch firewood for the school to cook meals.

“One is likely to speculate as to the motive that it is a tit-for-tat political payback at this point in time,” he said.

AFC executive member Valerie Garrido-Lowe further explained that the teenager was dissatisfied with the food at the school’s dormitory and badly wanted to return to his community rather than stay at school to write examinations.

Like Nagamootoo, she said she was advised that the Schools’ Welfare Officer and two other persons went to the teacher’s accommodation. There, the teacher was seen in bed under a mosquito net and the boy was sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Both were said to be clad in their underwear only.

The police and the Schools’ Welfare Officer found the duo there on May 9 three days after the boy was granted refuge.

Garrido-Lowe said the teacher was merely assisting the student who was in difficult circumstances in keeping with the communal spirit and way of life of Amerindians. She vouched for the integrity of the teacher. “From what I know, I have known (name of teacher) for years and he is a hard working and kind young man, always willing to help so this is surprising to me,” she said.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The region 8  AFC councillor who is also a teacher was alleged caught in his living quarters in a compromising position with a male student should not only be removed from the Education system but from the council as well, its unthinkable the AFC "leadership" would defend his position on that body

If indeed this is the case and it is not some manufactured story ( no other news paper carried the story and I hope they would do so) then the individual in question should stand aside as the investigations continue.


And quit the bullshi.t about the AFC condoning this incident. I bet the PPP would say it did not condone Repu's behavior ( if ever the get pass his deification) or Lall or Beri or the numerous rumors about others in the ***** mongering game.  This is an offensive act if it happened and any resonable person would see it for what it is.


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