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Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

That's right. He did not win the election. He won the Presidency. In a true democracy, this would not have happened.

This was the result of the 1992 presidential election in America:








CLINTON WON THE PRESIDENCY----43.01% of the votes won him the electoral college.




Will you say America is not a true democracy---Clinton won the Presidency in 1992 with 43% of the votes ?




America have many checks and balances to tame the powers of the President. Guyana has none except corrupt chosen politicians. 

HAHAHA Listen to this LARWA!!!!  DEm Laka Gaumont Prostitute, a different PRICE a different Day!!!!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHA Listen to this LARWA!!!!  DEm Laka Gaumont Prostitute, a different PRICE a different Day!!!!



You know JB is TK, right ?




I have told you before I am not that gentleman. I do have on file all the things he has written. He has been very generous to many economics students at UG, including JB. Mr Nehru knows that. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dat SHAMELESS BLOOSD SUCKING LEACH TK is desperate fuh Minista Wuk, he bin want Jagdeo appoint him Minista, when he did not get that, he run like a HOE he is to KFC, now he is confident KFC is a Wata Wash Party, he ran like a Dog he is to PNC. Desperation does get you not ONLY SHAMELESS but also MAD!!!


 Rum is not good before 12 noon. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I've been saying all along that the AFC has squandered the little political capital it had. The sense-man dem in the AFC already sensed a sinking ship. The jumping like crazy. Those who choose to stay on will go down with the ship. Our dear brother TK has moved under the Palm Tree. It's sheltering him good for now, but not for long.


Mr Balgobin,


The palm is a great tree with many uses. 


Like typical Guyanese politicians, TK is shuffling around the various parties till he finds the best opportunity.  A few professors have become very embittered about Guyanese politics because they sacrificed their lives for the PPP and were promised ambassador positions but BJ gave the jobs to others.   

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHA Listen to this LARWA!!!!  DEm Laka Gaumont Prostitute, a different PRICE a different Day!!!!



You know JB is TK, right ?



Could be but I don't expect a SHAMELESS HOE not to hide.


Mr Nehru why do you use only a few words? 

Originally Posted by Observer:

Like typical Guyanese politicians, TK is shuffling around the various parties till he finds the best opportunity.  A few professors have become very embittered about Guyanese politics because they sacrificed their lives for the PPP and were promised ambassador positions but BJ gave the jobs to others.   


TK is like that rolling stone---moving from party to party---what's the proverb again ?



Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHA Listen to this LARWA!!!!  DEm Laka Gaumont Prostitute, a different PRICE a different Day!!!!



You know JB is TK, right ?



Could be but I don't expect a SHAMELESS HOE not to hide.


Mr Nehru why do you use only a few words? 

Exactly, so that there is NO EXCUSE that you don't understand. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Like typical Guyanese politicians, TK is shuffling around the various parties till he finds the best opportunity. 


TK is like that rolling stone--- moving from party to party--- what's the proverb again ?



Tarron Khemraj's twirl ....


PPP/C => ROAR => AFC=> PNC => ???

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by God:

Which category do these former PNC thugs, Lumumba, Kwame, Taps son and House of Israel founder Joe Hamilton fall into? All now prominent PPP members. 


Those scoundrels are no angels---they are soup drinkers---they will bolt the PPP the day APNU wins in Guyana.



The fcat that the PPP accepted them means that they approve of them.  So what does that say about the PPP?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC only has places for five Indians should they win the next election, and TK is not one of them..

At least they have 5 Indians.  The PPP has space for ONE.  Roger.  The others are tokens.


You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.  The Luckhoos, Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen, and several others.


You all do not even allow Sam Hinds to be anything other than a stooge.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC only has places for five Indians should they win the next election, and TK is not one of them..

At least they have 5 Indians.  The PPP has space for ONE.  Roger.  The others are tokens.


You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.  The Luckhoos, Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen, and several others.


You all do not even allow Sam Hinds to be anything other than a stooge.

HEHEHE Even Hoyte was a STOOGE to Bunham.  I have to LOL

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC only has places for five Indians should they win the next election, and TK is not one of them..

At least they have 5 Indians.  The PPP has space for ONE.  Roger.  The others are tokens.


You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.  The Luckhoos, Cammie Ramsaroop, Shahabudeen, and several others.


You all do not even allow Sam Hinds to be anything other than a stooge.

HEHEHE Even Hoyte was a STOOGE to Bunham.  I have to LOL

Yes well several Indians who had top positions were NOT.


The PPP is a racist outfit which has a goal of excluding blacks.  You then whine when they dont vote for you.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The writing is on the wall, the AFC is facing the end of their days.....


The high level defections represent a severe, almost catastrophic blow to the AFC.




Time to celebrate !!!!!


It was only time before the Katahar Party AFC implode. Mitwah was reported to having chest pains.  Looks like Rev's return brought good news for the future of Guyana's politics.


I am back ! Let us celebrate the failure of a party that was hell bent in destroying the future of Guyana. TK is now like a stray donkey, going with cup in  hand from door to door. PPP/C, ROAR, AFC and now PNC. This man's political future is finished. 



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.


You arent going to tell me that the likes of the Luckhoos, and Shridath Ramphal, all of which moved on to have regional and/or intrenational prominence, were tokens.   They didnt need Burnham.  Burnham needed THEM!


Now aside from Roger Luncheon I invite you to discuss the names of the AfroGuyanese who have the leadership and decision making capabilities and the clout that these, and several other IndoGuyanese had under Burnham.



The point is if you accuse the PNC of being racist towards Indians, and there is some merit in that view point, then the PPP stands doubly accused of being racist towards blacks.  Just open up any Guyanese newspere and note who is #1, and #2 in almost all state controlled entities. Aside from the Gov of the Bank of Guyana, I cant think of any.  And I do not think that the Bank of GY enters into the day to day determination of resource allocations.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now like a stray donkey, going with cup in  hand from door to door. PPP/C, ROAR, AFC and now PNC. This man's political future is finished. 




Tarron Khemraj is a severely delusional man!


Here you have a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate colleges and teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida, and he fancies himself a big time intellect superior to most.




He complained that the AFC stopped paying heed to him after the 2011 election.


Well, the AFC found him out----he is just a TALKER----no substance.


By the way, where is TK's alter ego redux----is redux still around ?





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK is now like a stray donkey, going with cup in  hand from door to door. PPP/C, ROAR, AFC and now PNC. This man's political future is finished. 




Tarron Khemraj is a severely delusional man!


Here you have a 3rd rate intellect who graduated from 3rd rate colleges and teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida, and he fancies himself a big time intellect superior to most.




He complained that the AFC stopped paying heed to him after the 2011 election.


Well, the AFC found him out----he is just a TALKER----no substance.


By the way, where is TK's alter ego redux----is redux still around ?





TK morphed into Redux as of yesterday.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.


You arent going to tell me that the likes of the Luckhoos, and Shridath Ramphal, all of which moved on to have regional and/or intrenational prominence, were tokens.


They didnt need Burnham.  Burnham needed THEM!

Take a long deep breath and carefully assess your presentation.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
You can jump and scream as much as you want but under Burnham there were several prominent Indians who were not tokens.


You arent going to tell me that the likes of the Luckhoos, and Shridath Ramphal, all of which moved on to have regional and/or intrenational prominence, were tokens.   They didnt need Burnham.  Burnham needed THEM!


Now aside from Roger Luncheon I invite you to discuss the names of the AfroGuyanese who have the leadership and decision making capabilities and the clout that these, and several other IndoGuyanese had under Burnham.



The point is if you accuse the PNC of being racist towards Indians, and there is some merit in that view point, then the PPP stands doubly accused of being racist towards blacks.  Just open up any Guyanese newspere and note who is #1, and #2 in almost all state controlled entities. Aside from the Gov of the Bank of Guyana, I cant think of any.  And I do not think that the Bank of GY enters into the day to day determination of resource allocations.


President Burnham certainly needed them. My reading said one of hem helped to write the constitution? In that case President Burnham needed them. 


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