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Originally Posted by redux:

GAWU is the largest, most powerful, most PRIVILEGED trade union in Guyana . . . has Randolph, Vishmahabir or any of the blackman loathing, dribbling skonts on this thread EVER expressed 'reservations' or nervousness over the racial composition of its leadership . . . eh?


you people are sick!



Or should I call you dirty mouth?


"you people are sick!"


You must be lookin in the mirror and taking to yuself.


Reread your post and mine and see if you make an ounce of sense.

The institutions I mentioned, are taxpayers funded, its where power really lies...who controls them?

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:

GAWU is the largest, most powerful, most PRIVILEGED trade union in Guyana . . . has Randolph, Vishmahabir or any of the blackman loathing, dribbling skonts on this thread EVER expressed 'reservations' or nervousness over the racial composition of its leadership . . . eh?


you people are sick!



Or should I call you dirty mouth?


"you people are sick!"


You must be lookin in the mirror and taking to yuself.


Reread your post and mine and see if you make an ounce of sense.

The institutions I mentioned, are taxpayers funded, its where power really lies...who controls them?

uh huh


do u recall what the jumping off point of this thread was?


do you want me to remind u how you came in!


sick mofo

Originally Posted by redux:

GAWU is the largest, most powerful, most PRIVILEGED trade union in Guyana . . . has Randolph, Vishmahabir or any of the blackman loathing, dribbling skonts on this thread EVER expressed 'reservations' or nervousness over the racial composition of its leadership . . . eh?


you people are sick!


Randolph, Vishmahabir....

Aya na Understand

Wha Redux asking Aya.....

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:


You are an Idiot to believe that Indos control the kind of power you are talking about...

The lowly Indian manager may be # 1,2 and 3.....



.Tell you what.  You deny that Indian racism towards blacks existed, so have made my point that you are a hypocrite to whine "two wrongs don't make a right"


You do not admit to the PPP wrong.


Got you. LIAR!


When Indians had the boot and kicked black man down, you said NOTHING, and now deny that this happened.   You only squeal about "fairness" now that blacks finally have the boot.


May 11th showed that Guyanese voting is as racially polarized as ever, and in fact some of the loudest voices telling Granger to ensure that blacks get what they were denied under the PPP are younger blacks, who came of age under the PPP, so didn't get a chance to establish themselves.


It is also clear that young Indians voted race, as did their elders, and also share the same hypocrisy about race in Guyana. Yes,  "black man bad, Indian good, so black man have to apologize"


VM you can wait and wait and wait but you aren't getting any apology until you concede what the PPP did to blacks during the 23 years.


Also stop being an idiot.  If the GDF and the GPF were so controlled by blacks, why would they have not ridded Guyana of the PPP, who they saw obviously detest when we see which party they support?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

The institutions I mentioned, are taxpayers funded, its where power really lies...who controls them?

Who controlled the institutions prior to May 11th.  INDIANS.


Now they no longer do you invent a lie that blacks were all powerful under the PPP, relieving you of any obligation to address the rampant racism that we saw against blacks in BOTH the public and private sectors.


Then you pretend as if equality is what you want.  No.  When Indians had the power they shared NONE of it.  They victimized blacks who were vocal about this.


Now they no longer dominate the gov't you want "fairness".


Clearly your rant about the powerless Indian under PPP rule signals that you have NO INTEREST in addressing the rampant ethnic exclusion of blacks from top positions, which occurred during that era.


You just revealed what you would have said, had you been a poster on GNI before May 11th. So do NOT squeal about just beginning to post, so not having any opportunity to protest PPP racism.


FACT. During the African dictatorship there was RAMPANT discussion by African intellectuals about the racism, which was directed against Indians. In fact they JOINED with some Indians to CONFRONT an African dictatorship.


FACT. During the Indian dictatorship there was almost no condemnation by Indian intellectuals about racism directed against Africans.  The few Indians who were vocal were condemned as SELF Hating.



We see a completely different reaction, and yet you now wonder why blacks don't trust Indians, and want to ensure that their interests are protected against Indian racism!



So run off with you nonsense that blacks in Guyana have always been powerful and are 100% to blame for our ethnic quagmire, with Indians having no role in this.


GAWU membership is  about 95% Indo and you are correct the leadership is mostly Indo. But can you explain the GTU with over 50% of teachers from other ethnic groups and there is presently no diversity in their leadership. Perhaps you may want to visit the GTU hall on Woolford Ave. and you can't help but notice the pictures of all past presidents hanging on the wall.

Originally Posted by randolph:

GAWU membership is  about 95% Indo and you are correct the leadership is mostly Indo. But can you explain the GTU with over 50% of teachers from other ethnic groups and there is presently no diversity in their leadership. Perhaps you may want to visit the GTU hall on Woolford Ave. and you can't help but notice the pictures of all past presidents hanging on the wall.

We must never forget that Granger is from the Burnhamite racist dictatorship era. I am not one bit surprised what is being displayed here. There is a clear pattern, recently in NY and now.


AFC sold out Indos, lot stock and barrels for a fat paycheque and a lil useless title.


History is slowly repeating itself. Rigging of elections and stealing of ballot boxes are next.


"Mr. Burnham kept a multi-party system, but rigged elections.” Yet Granger claims he has no evidence of any rigging where hundreds of thousands of East Indians were disenfranchised  even though overwhelming evidence exists in the public domain,

" For example, in October 2003, in Santiago, Chile, Mr. Granger presented a paper titled, “Civil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security In Guyana, 1953-2003,” at a conference organised by the Centre for Hemispheric Defence Studies. In his presentation, Granger deliberately omitted the PNC orchestrated, May 25-26, 1964, Wismar Massacre of East Indians, but was effusive about the Sun Chapman tragedy, lamenting, “â€Ķthe most alarming slaughterâ€Ķof 40 Africans on 6th Julyâ€Ķin the Demerara River on a motor launch to Mackenzie.”

Originally Posted by randolph:

GAWU membership is  about 95% Indo and you are correct the leadership is mostly Indo. But can you explain the GTU with over 50% of teachers from other ethnic groups and there is presently no diversity in their leadership. Perhaps you may want to visit the GTU hall on Woolford Ave. and you can't help but notice the pictures of all past presidents hanging on the wall.

indeed, i have no issue with the ethnic composition of GAWU's leadership . . . that's the point fool


perhaps you can enlighten us as to why the 'diverse' GTU and PSU memberships vote in an overwhelmingly Afro leadership!


the check off for union dues in the Public Service was terminated by Jagdeo's regime as "contract worker" policy was leveraged brutally to dilute union power . . . please provide an ethnic breakdown of paid-up PSU members who elected the present "too Afro" leadership



now, help abee understand how President Granger and Minister Harmon meeting with elected leaders of the PSU and the GTU become occasion for your antiman wailing and hand wringing over blackman tekkin "all"



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by randolph:

Dis is wha yuh call broad based representation.  PNC of old headed by what the Americans called "Anti East Indian Racist"

So how is this different from the PPP?  They excluded blacks, and you now claim that APNU now excludes Indians.


Quit bellyaching and accept the blows that you demanded of blacks during the PPP 23 year rule.

Do you have glucoma in both eyes? PNC Negroes are never at fault.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Do you have glucoma in both eyes? PNC Negroes are never at fault.

learn to spell . . . it's never too late for night skool

Ok, so I missed the 'A' in glaucoma. Like you just got back from bra shopping with one of your female relatives. What did you get a size "all"?

At least I know how to spell negroes.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Do you have glucoma in both eyes? PNC Negroes are never at fault.

learn to spell . . . it's never too late for night skool

Ok, so I missed the 'A' in glaucoma. Like you just got back from bra shopping with one of your female relatives. What did you get a size "all"?

At least I know how to spell negroes.

what's your point again?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by randolph:

GAWU membership is  about 95% Indo and you are correct the leadership is mostly Indo. But can you explain the GTU with over 50% of teachers from other ethnic groups and there is presently no diversity in their leadership. Perhaps you may want to visit the GTU hall on Woolford Ave. and you can't help but notice the pictures of all past presidents hanging on the wall.

indeed, i have no issue with the ethnic composition of GAWU's leadership . . . that's the point fool


perhaps you can enlighten us as to why the 'diverse' GTU and PSU memberships vote in an overwhelmingly Afro leadership!


the check off for union dues in the Public Service was terminated by Jagdeo's regime as "contract worker" policy was leveraged brutally to dilute union power . . . please provide an ethnic breakdown of paid-up PSU members who elected the present "too Afro" leadership


now, help abee understand how President Granger and Minister Harmon meeting with elected leaders of the PSU and the GTU become occasion for your antiman wailing and hand wringing over blackman tekkin "all"



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by randolph:

Minister of State Joseph Harmon in discussion with members and representatives of the GPSU

You like the rest of the prating racists here live and die by this crap. You said nothing when the faces in the crowd at elections time match the faces of the politicians speaking to them. Then you sought to conserve the them vs us instead of asking why your politicians only had a friends and family circle. Now it is on the other foot you cry foul. It is what is. It is not on account of any evil but the evil that you only see because the people sitting is not your kin.


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