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Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Raise standard of GNI Forum, never will be with the current participants.

Wish you luck, GNI Political Forum will die slowly.Daily there are a bunch of  folks agreeing with each other, when some one interjects with disagreement, insults are hurled .

Django,  you are no saint.

You all wants free ride, I must stay quiet when I am attacked for disagreeing.

Who asked for FREE ride. Are you providing a service, then this is not the site... have some morals man.

Ah shud up. you are morally bankrupt. 

That BAMBOO up in your Arss also... don’t blame me 


Or rass, does DJ plant bamboo trees where he lives ? Some Hindus use it for religious ceremonies. 

Didn’t realize that DJ used it for other purposes. 

DJ, care to explain how it works ?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Things get wild when one handle start talking to the other handle.  One handle ask a question and the other handle answers.  I think the medical terminology for that is cognitive schizophrenia, but I’m not too sure.

It gets even worse when some handles forgot what they originally posted. I will ask KP to diagnose the schizophrenic Storm D2 etc. 

GNI should clean up or ban members with multiple handles. That would be a good start. 

My favorite is when one handle is PPP and the other is PNC.  We need to take this show on the road and forget about that damn oil money.  I’m starting to see a lot of potential right here.

Hypocrite, how many handles do you have? We know you use Druggy's nick to talk porn about sucking. You're the biggest culprit dragging the site down and talking about posters children. You seem to have a special relations with Admin; allowing you to get away with your personal attacks.

get lost dummy. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Things get wild when one handle start talking to the other handle.  One handle ask a question and the other handle answers.  I think the medical terminology for that is cognitive schizophrenia, but I’m not too sure.

You should be sure of the terminology, but why are you exposing yourself here?

If I expose myself you would get a heart attack.

Poor Cain"But wither'd beldams, auld and droll, Rigwoodie hags wad spean a foal, Lowping and flinging on a crummock. I wonder didna turn thy stomach. "

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Things get wild when one handle start talking to the other handle.  One handle ask a question and the other handle answers.  I think the medical terminology for that is cognitive schizophrenia, but I’m not too sure.

It gets even worse when some handles forgot what they originally posted. I will ask KP to diagnose the schizophrenic Storm D2 etc. 

GNI should clean up or ban members with multiple handles. That would be a good start. 

My favorite is when one handle is PPP and the other is PNC.  We need to take this show on the road and forget about that damn oil money.  I’m starting to see a lot of potential right here.

Hypocrite, how many handles do you have? We know you use Druggy's nick to talk porn about sucking. You're the biggest culprit dragging the site down and talking about posters children. You seem to have a special relations with Admin; allowing you to get away with your personal attacks.

get lost dummy. 

O rass, who gave Mits cheap liquor ? Bai Mits, why are you attacking Bibi for no reason ?

Ray is in banning mode right now, better apologize before he puts you in the pen again. Bossman indicated  that he might throw away the keys this time around. 

Stormborn posted:

Poor Cain"But wither'd beldams, auld and droll, Rigwoodie hags wad spean a foal, Lowping and flinging on a crummock. I wonder didna turn thy stomach. "

One of my favorites.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

DJ, were you not the one who was posting F this and F that yesterday ?

How about you lifting your standards ?

We're you cheering that f-ing prick ?? when he was hurling insults.


BIG MOUTH BEHIND KEYBOARD, Dharpoke Mr. Ganga Persaud.


antabanta posted:
Stormborn posted:

Poor Cain"But wither'd beldams, auld and droll, Rigwoodie hags wad spean a foal, Lowping and flinging on a crummock. I wonder didna turn thy stomach. "

One of my favorites.

That stormy bad for days banna, hehehehe

Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is huge investment opportunity here. Amral could merge this site with and then file for an IPO.  All dem poor people here would become millionaires.

You musse rich like rasss nuh.

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

There is huge investment opportunity here. Amral could merge this site with and then file for an IPO.  All dem poor people here would become millionaires.

You musse rich like rasss nuh.

That’s all you interested in .. only nony 

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Raise standard of GNI Forum, never will be with the current participants.

Wish you luck, GNI Political Forum will die slowly.Daily there are a bunch of  folks agreeing with each other, when some one interjects with disagreement, insults are hurled .

Django,  you are no saint.

You all wants free ride, I must stay quiet when I am attacked for disagreeing.

Who asked for FREE ride. Are you providing a service, then this is not the site... have some morals man.

Ah shud up. you are morally bankrupt. 

yuji22 posted:

Or rass, does DJ plant bamboo trees where he lives ? Some Hindus use it for religious ceremonies. 

Didn’t realize that DJ used it for other purposes. 

DJ, care to explain how it works ?


That BAMBOO up in your Arss also... don’t blame me 

Ayuh can't resist the aunty man talk !!! Chief will say ayuh guh jam loley. One ah dem seh the forum is a cesspool, turned that way since ayuh show up.

This was decent forum, until bgrbattys showed up, followers of the fearless leader whose antics depicts that type of character.

Last edited by Django
Stormborn posted:

We are topical in international circles given our potential oil benefaction. Imagine someone coming here to find out who we are and the board is full of homophobic themes, and with a prodigious out pouring of " stick in the butt" kind of phrases form our apparently mean spirited cadre of village louts as the face of our nation. It takes but a little policing. Raymond was supposed to do that. He is too busy chasing the green. He needs help.  Please nominate someone to raise the class profile of our people on the world stage. We have been in the gutter for too long and cannot get out if these fellows who should know better continues to generate these vile memes that distort who we are. 

Met Errol and Prof. Randy at funeral yesterday. They were educated and classy GNI members. Don't know if they're here with new nicks.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
antabanta posted:
Stormborn posted:

Poor Cain"But wither'd beldams, auld and droll, Rigwoodie hags wad spean a foal, Lowping and flinging on a crummock. I wonder didna turn thy stomach. "

One of my favorites.

That stormy bad for days banna, hehehehe

Indeed. Them laggo-bagoo must be don't even know the origin of the quote.

Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

We are topical in international circles given our potential oil benefaction. Imagine someone coming here to find out who we are and the board is full of homophobic themes, and with a prodigious out pouring of " stick in the butt" kind of phrases form our apparently mean spirited cadre of village louts as the face of our nation. It takes but a little policing. Raymond was supposed to do that. He is too busy chasing the green. He needs help.  Please nominate someone to raise the class profile of our people on the world stage. We have been in the gutter for too long and cannot get out if these fellows who should know better continues to generate these vile memes that distort who we are. 

Met Errol and Prof. Randy at funeral yesterday. They were educated and classy GNI members. Don't know if they're here with new nicks.

Me thinks Randy here !!! that bhai is my villager.

Django posted:

Ayuh can't resist the aunty man talk !!! Chief will say ayuh guh jam loley. One ah dem seh the forum is a cesspool, turned that way since ayuh show up.

This was decent forum, until bgrbattys showed up, followers of the fearless leader whose antics depicts that type of character.

I was wondering about that. It's a very specific group of men always putting out some serious extreme erotic homosexual fantasies. Even the gay community might be terrified of these GNI men.

antabanta posted:
Django posted:

Ayuh can't resist the aunty man talk !!! Chief will say ayuh guh jam loley. One ah dem seh the forum is a cesspool, turned that way since ayuh show up.

This was decent forum, until bgrbattys showed up, followers of the fearless leader whose antics depicts that type of character.

I was wondering about that. It's a very specific group of men always putting out some serious extreme erotic homosexual fantasies.

Even the gay community might be terrified of these GNI men.

yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Things get wild when one handle start talking to the other handle.  One handle ask a question and the other handle answers.  I think the medical terminology for that is cognitive schizophrenia, but I’m not too sure.

It gets even worse when some handles forgot what they originally posted. I will ask KP to diagnose the schizophrenic Storm D2 etc. 

GNI should clean up or ban members with multiple handles. That would be a good start. 

My favorite is when one handle is PPP and the other is PNC.  We need to take this show on the road and forget about that damn oil money.  I’m starting to see a lot of potential right here.

Hypocrite, how many handles do you have? We know you use Druggy's nick to talk porn about sucking. You're the biggest culprit dragging the site down and talking about posters children. You seem to have a special relations with Admin; allowing you to get away with your personal attacks.

get lost dummy. 

O rass, who gave Mits cheap liquor ? Bai Mits, why are you attacking Bibi for no reason ?

Ray is in banning mode right now, better apologize before he puts you in the pen again. Bossman indicated  that he might throw away the keys this time around. 

Yehhhh, and he gonna keep an antiman like you around to post your miasmic stuff. 

yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

Riff, if yuh ban me meh nah gun buy you any Guinness tomorrow when I draw pay

Ow bhai, Riff is a good man and he does an excellent job.

Buy him an extra one.

An extra one .. only an extra one ....

Buy him the usual few cases.


I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Last edited by Django
Ray posted:

Standards are only as good as the people who post....

People on here need to raise their standards...especially Nehru

ANyway, back to chasing the green, maybe I can get some of that oil money

You are correct. Stormborn correctly referred to the offending posters here as village louts. Hardcore racist, rum boogie, low class, amoral, low IQ idiots lacking the prerequisites for decent conversation.

However, you do have standards, rules and regulations which need to be enforced EQUALLY. Suspending KP 3 times for the same infraction that Nehru is guilty of on a DAILY basis is nonsense! And it is because you are his friend or something.

Suspending Baseman for comments while Bibi rails on his family openly and without any sanction from you or Amral is also nonsense.

Oh, and let's not forget about "uncle" Dave. Suspended for posting pictures of monkeys next to black people. Somethign that admin Amral did HIMSELF. I think the cleanup D2 mentions needs to begin with you 2. Physician....heal thyself.


Y’all tek dis place too serious. This shouldn’t be life for any of us. Secondly, we commoners can never come close to destroying Guyana’s image like the politicians did. Everyone should just chill lil bit.

  • Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation  livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.  

They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.

I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace. 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Hogwash?? You would not know it if it hits you on the big head!!! Basic understanding is so difficult for people like you. You should have tried Night school!!!!!!!!!

You are programmed like a ROBOT !!!

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Your the mouthpiece for that infamous house in Sophia. What a bare faced man!

Billy Ram Balgobin

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