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Iguana posted:
Unlike you, who came out of the backdam with mud in your toes and never rode in a car until the day you went to Timheri, my family was well established in GT. Migration for our folks started in the late 60's and continued thru the 70's, some to England others to the US.

Unlike you, my clan was educated. A long line of teachers, nurses, and other professionals. Soooooo....we came here and had skills to WORK. I was raised on hard WORK.

Your idle insinuations that we "freeloaded" is simply because I am BLACK. It is expected of you. As are your comments about physical characteristics. It is who you are - a full out black hating bigot. Maybe you were taught this by the fat, white, Montana folks from whom you seek approval daily.

Good for you, only thing is that you educated lot shoulda stayed in Guyana and show jackasses like Granger, Forbes and Hoyte how a country should be properly governed and developed.  Instead you fled and now support the incompetent lot who stayed behind and endured. 

kp posted:

Don't disappoint  the reptile make  up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???

Have to speak the truth. Iguana just asking, you r@ss does see i pick pun any body minus politicians ?

Django posted:
Iguana posted:
Labba posted:

Eh salipenta deh pon fire this marnin. Hey hey hey...


Django, y'all got any "statistics" on how many barefoot, primitive, never graduated high school, people left Guyana in 1970 on a "student visa"?????

Ah not talking about dem brite, indian country bais dat guh to QC, Saints or suh on. Ah talking about dem bais from Skeldon dat barely learn fuh read and write and run away because dem had a "job" and de blackman boss was lil hard pon dem.

Ah gat a POSER fuh expose! Thanks in advance.

1970's will be tough call, I have 2012 stats for all the villages in the Regions.

Anyway Skelly did well to educate himself in Guyana and the USA, he is a good guy, sometimes we are stuck in his own ways.

You didn’t see how you used eh.. 

what you should do, is show the snake ( who once castrate you) the stats, how many of them don’t know their father. 

Drugb posted:

Django, were you one of them barefoot uneducated primitives that iguana referring? yall rass don't know when dem chaps insulting yuh.

I don't think so !! you think we alone in the homeland used to walk barefoot and uneducated, nuff nuff people from all ethnic group was not privileged in those days.Nothing to be shamed about, we moved on and uplift ourselves.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Don't disappoint  the reptile make  up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???

Have to speak the truth. Iguana just asking, you r@ss does see i pick pun any body minus politicians ?

From what Guana man is saying, you supply him with dirt on fellow posters, maybe you give him the shit and he dab it on GNI. The man "out source" the Dutty work to you and you even had the nerve to reply his call.

skeldon_man posted:

Go FOAD!!!!

Highly probably  a pending condition for you than for me! Better make good with your god least you old age take you to t he grave a mean and nasty fellow for whom St Pete will say "to the left man to the left; that is where hell is at!"

Drugb posted:

Is the inference here that dj has been dishing information to iguana about skelly? If so, what a lowdown despicable creature. 

Banna give it a rest, you surely don't know my credibility.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Django, were you one of them barefoot uneducated primitives that iguana referring? yall rass don't know when dem chaps insulting yuh.

I don't think so !! you think we alone in the homeland used to walk barefoot and uneducated, nuff nuff people from all ethnic group was not privileged in those days.Nothing to be shamed about, we moved on and uplift ourselves.

But Django, you are silent to the snake comment. Why?

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Don't disappoint  the reptile make  up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???

Have to speak the truth. Iguana just asking, you r@ss does see i pick pun any body minus politicians ?

From what Guana man is saying, you supply him with dirt on fellow posters, maybe you give him the shit and he dab it on GNI.

The man "out source" the Dutty work to you and you even had the nerve to reply his call.

Are you fuh real ?? give it a rest !!!

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Django, were you one of them barefoot uneducated primitives that iguana referring? yall rass don't know when dem chaps insulting yuh.

I don't think so !! you think we alone in the homeland used to walk barefoot and uneducated, nuff nuff people from all ethnic group was not privileged in those days.Nothing to be shamed about, we moved on and uplift ourselves.

But Django, you are silent to the snake comment. Why?

Don't try to tangle me,with the way you all perceived him to be.

kp posted:

Don't disappoint  the reptile make  up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???

Django, has nothing to do with this. I know about Skeldon Man the same way I know you used to go bumming for free duck curry and fry rice wid yuh fren Mr. H.

You wrote it here in black and white. That's how I know. Y'all forget that the internet have loooooooong memory. Skeldon Man like talk shit and big up heself. He divulged the information. Yuh notice how he run away - he knows every word I said is true!

I asked Django the question because he posts a lot of stats. No other reason. Alyuh low life dogs jump pon de man because alyuh dimwitted. I don't need Django. Y'all is yuh own wuss enemy.

Drugb posted:

Good for you, only thing is that you educated lot shoulda stayed in Guyana and show jackasses like Granger, Forbes and Hoyte how a country should be properly governed and developed.  Instead you fled and now support the incompetent lot who stayed behind and endured. 

We didn't only have professionals in de family. We had business too. Meh grandfadda seh Cheddi gon seize everything suh de migration started. Like yuh fuhget Forbes learn de communist ting from he mentor Cheddi.

BTW...ah didn't see you run back to serve under  the wonderful 23 years of PPP rule. Yuh stay hay and hide unda wan black homan skirt.

Dave posted:

You didn’t see how you used eh.. 

what you should do, is show the snake ( who once castrate you) the stats, how many of them don’t know their father. 

Seeing you're your own uncle I don't think you want to delve too deeply into yuh fambly history eidda.

kp posted:

Sorry to say, the reptile sold out DJ.

Yuh shud regret de day you and Skeldon man eat parrot beetie. Y'all talk too much shit. Now it come back to bite yuh and like the idiot coward you are, yuh tun and blame Django. You tell we about getting free food. And yuh fren Skeldon tell we he run away from black man in 1970 and didn't graduate high school.

Suh leff Django alone befo ah drop some mo lash pon alyuh dumb rasses.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
kp posted:

Sorry to say, the reptile sold out DJ.

I thought you had better sense, you surely have failed.

...KP  gets caught up running wid de wrong crowd. Dem bannas duz leff he fuh tek de blame. Yuh notice how Skeldon gone and hide.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Don't disappoint  the reptile make  up some dirt on Skelly. I wonder why he choose you to pick on your own.???

Django, has nothing to do with this. I know about Skeldon Man the same way I know you used to go bumming for free duck curry and fry rice wid yuh fren Mr. H.

You wrote it here in black and white. That's how I know. Y'all forget that the internet have loooooooong memory. Skeldon Man like talk shit and big up heself. He divulged the information. Yuh notice how he run away - he knows every word I said is true!

I asked Django the question because he posts a lot of stats. No other reason. Alyuh low life dogs jump pon de man because alyuh dimwitted. I don't need Django. Y'all is yuh own wuss enemy.

Your behaviour here leaves all to believe that you are a "Sus Sus man" or better known as an anti-man, only such person Brings and Carries people name. It is glaring to see you contribute NOTHING to this forum other than waiting like a hungry dog to pounce on people to tarnish their name.

Agreed, Django has nothing to do with this, But you are so sneaky to put him against his fellow poster, just for you to say is not me  is Django who say the shit.

If you want to Quote , better do so correctly. and if you accusing me of Bumming for free duck curry and fry rice, that I never said, maybe you mistake me for someone else at your house. Whenever you Quote, do so correctly, OK.  or I can get you in a hell of a lot of trouble.

kp posted:

Your behaviour here leaves all to believe that you are a "Sus Sus man" or better known as an anti-man, only such person Brings and Carries people name. It is glaring to see you contribute NOTHING to this forum other than waiting like a hungry dog to pounce on people to tarnish their name.

Agreed, Django has nothing to do with this, But you are so sneaky to put him against his fellow poster, just for you to say is not me  is Django who say the shit.

If you want to Quote , better do so correctly. and if you accusing me of Bumming for free duck curry and fry rice, that I never said, maybe you mistake me for someone else at your house. Whenever you Quote, do so correctly, OK.  or I can get you in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Banna, ress yuh old self befo yuh get a heart attack or something. You involved my family in more than one of your posts. And you accused me of being a teef and a choke and rob man in Guyana. Suh tek yuh own advice and watch yuh mouth! All yuh posts deh in the archives admitting to yuh deeds.

And fuh de record - I told y'all I am here  fuh one reason and one reason only. To expose alyuh nasty, dutty racism, trying to mek black people an underclass in Guyana. I don't get into "constitution" and all dat shit. Dat was created by a dictator and suddenly alyuh worship it.

And I already told you - the problem in Guyana is the people. The government is merely a reflection of who they are. Suh arguing "politricks" is useless. Pointing out alyuh racism is worthwhile.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

You didn’t see how you used eh.. 

what you should do, is show the snake ( who once castrate you) the stats, how many of them don’t know their father. 

Seeing you're your own uncle I don't think you want to delve too deeply into yuh fambly history eidda.

Too bad you was conceived in Garmont and get drop in the gutter, the stench messed up your brains.. go seek help. 

I see the big blue moon took control of you. 

Leonora posted:

Iggy, if you beat up everyone and chase them away, this place will be a ghost town.    

...nothing to do with me. Looks like this thread drew the attention of the PPP to their racist supporters on this board. Maybe they called off the dogs.


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