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@Ramakant-P posted:

I don't hate blacks just the devil in them.

Open bigotry and hate speech stating that ALL black people have a "devil" in them. Copied straight from the KKK playbook by a rabid PPP supporter who loans his alias to PPP "friends" posting propaganda. SMFH.

And you Indians wonder why black people don't trust you????? Why black people believe they are on the verge of extinction in a land they call home? Rama is saying what most of you believe! He is not an outlier.

Any post like this or "black people are the scourge of the earth" as said by that slothful swamp creature who created another ID to post voluminous shit here, made on FB, twitter or elsewhere would get the poster's privileges revoked and them sanctioned at work or elsewhere for their racism.

Only here you see @Django Jangles and he skin teeth "moderator" giving a pass to open bigotry. Inbred cousin Dave, KP, Baseman, Yugi, skeldon puss, nehru and others trafficked in open bigotry here and I guess they are doing the same elsewhere now. Why is it that we tolerate people like this, Indian or black, in our midst?

This is why Guyana is and will remain a shithole. The rest of the world is pulling themselves away from this race hate, we embrace it and encourage it.

@Former Member posted:

Open bigotry and hate speech stating that ALL black people have a "devil" in them. Copied straight from the KKK playbook by a rabid PPP supporter who loans his alias to PPP "friends" posting propaganda. SMFH.

And you Indians wonder why black people don't trust you????? Why black people believe they are on the verge of extinction in a land they call home? Rama is saying what most of you believe! He is not an outlier.

Any post like this or "black people are the scourge of the earth" as said by that slothful swamp creature who created another ID to post voluminous shit here, made on FB, twitter or elsewhere would get the poster's privileges revoked and them sanctioned at work or elsewhere for their racism.

Only here you see @Django Jangles and he skin teeth "moderator" giving a pass to open bigotry. Inbred cousin Dave, KP, Baseman, Yugi, skeldon puss, nehru and others trafficked in open bigotry here and I guess they are doing the same elsewhere now. Why is it that we tolerate people like this, Indian or black, in our midst?

This is why Guyana is and will remain a shithole. The rest of the world is pulling themselves away from this race hate, we embrace it and encourage it.

You are the one preaching race.  You said that black people are the scourge of the earth. You hate Indians but you are not a bigot?

Guyana is no longer in a shithole, it is your warped thinking that would appear to make it so. However, you have a right to express your opinion, whether it is right or wrong, true or false.

You criticize the PPP for rebuilding the infrastructure that the PNC destroyed, but you never ever say anything about the incompetence of the PNC/R.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are the one preaching race.  You said that black people are the scourge of the earth. You hate Indians but you are not a bigot?

Guyana is no longer in a shithole, it is your warped thinking that would appear to make it so. However, you have a right to express your opinion, whether it is right or wrong, true or false.

You criticize the PPP for rebuilding the infrastructure that the PNC destroyed, but you never ever say anything about the incompetence of the PNC/R.

Stupid man / Goebbels the PPP propagandist,

a. I never said "black people are the scourge of the earth". That statement was made by Ksazma who has now reincarnated into the poster Ilum to hide his shame and odious fumes of racism and pretend to be a human being. You fraternize with him also. Birds of a feather and all that.

b. I do not hate Indians. I was raised not to hate them. As a small child, I witnessed a black neighbor come into our yard breathing threats and anger about "dem effin coolie people" and seeking approval of his racism from our black family. I witnessed my tall, jet black, bespectacled father stand there with the newspaper in his hand and order that cretin out of our yard.

No sir, I was not born into a hotbed of racism, nurtured and coddled in it to believe that black people are saints and superior to Indians. Many of the rural Indians like you are raised in anti black hatred insomuch that I marvel how easily it rolls off your tongues. You and the rest who posted here. You know who you are.

c. I criticize BOTH the PPP and the PNC. Refer to my many remarks here about their collective 50 plus years of nothingness that have led us to shithole status. Were it not for the inbred racism like yours, both these parties would be in the garbage heap of Guyana's history.

I hope you can make sense of what I just wrote. You are either a drunk, senile, or extremely stupid man. But then again you are a PPPite so that explains a lot about your mental state.

Last edited by Former Member

Iguana, You fraternize with Mitwah, Totaram, Seignet,Cain and Shivyv.  All of these people hate the Leadership of the PPP, despite the fact that the PPP/C has done a lot for the people of Guyana.

Your tantrums tell me that you hate me and all those who support the PPP. You were trained not to hate the Indians but your writings say differently.  You can call me any kind of names you want, but I wouldn't call you stupid.

Once there was a man by the name of Rip Van Wrinkle. He slept for 20 years and when he woke up he said that he saw many changes, but you slept for 50 years and when you woke up said that nothing has changed.

I am neither drunk, stupid, or senile.  That is all in your mind.

@Former Member posted:

Stupid man / Goebbels the PPP propagandist,

a. I never said "black people are the scourge of the earth". That statement was made by Ksazma who has now reincarnated into the poster Ilum to hide his shame and odious fumes of racism and pretend to be a human being. You fraternize with him also. Birds of a feather and all that.

b. I do not hate Indians. I was raised not to hate them. As a small child, I witnessed a black neighbor come into our yard breathing threats and anger about "dem effin coolie people" and seeking approval of his racism from our black family. I witnessed my tall, jet black, bespectacled father stand there with the newspaper in his hand and order that cretin out of our yard.

No sir, I was not born into a hotbed of racism, nurtured and coddled in it to believe that black people are saints and superior to Indians. Many of the rural Indians like you are raised in anti black hatred insomuch that I marvel how easily it rolls off your tongues. You and the rest who posted here. You know who you are.

c. I criticize BOTH the PPP and the PNC. Refer to my many remarks here about their collective 50 plus years of nothingness that have led us to shithole status. Were it not for the inbred racism like yours, both these parties would be in the garbage heap of Guyana's history.

I hope you can make sense of what I just wrote. You are either a drunk, senile, or extremely stupid man. But then again you are a PPPite so that explains a lot about your mental state.

Guana man,

(a) I take exception to your equating this fool's tripe with the brilliant propaganda of Dr. Goebbels, a man whose boots he couldn't even lick for he would have been shot for impertinent defilement!

(b) what will they do with the black man they hate, when every Indo is rich and contented as PPP haters hope? He is here to stay, scourge of the earth or not!


@Ramakant-P posted:

Iguana, You fraternize with Mitwah, Totaram, Seignet,Cain and Shivyv.  All of these people hate the Leadership of the PPP, despite the fact that the PPP/C has done a lot for the people of Guyana.

I do not fraternize with Seignet. He is almost as bigoted as you are. I do not know what race Shally is, he is half Rajputian and half Lilliputian. Mitwah and Totaram are Indians, Cain is Portugese.

Mitwah and Totaram are Indians who call out the bigotry in Indians like you. Cain as well. Instead of considering what they say you attack them. In Indian society they are vilified and excoriated by the Indian bigots like you and called  all kinds of names.

Look at how you and your Indian clan of like minded bigots who fled this site referred to Mitwah and Totaram. You all are disgusting Indian bigots who have no place in civilized society.

@Former Member posted:

Guana man,

(a) I take exception to your equating this fool's tripe with the brilliant propaganda of Dr. Goebbels, a man whose boots he couldn't even lick for he would have been shot for impertinent defilement!

(b) what will they do with the black man they hate, when every Indo is rich and contented as PPP haters hope? He is here to stay, scourge of the earth or not!


I stand corrected. That idiot Rama could not hold a candle to Goebbels.

What do you do to a scourge? You eliminate it to remove the suffering it causes you. In the mind of the Indian bigot who posted that black people are "the scourge of the earth", perhaps black people need to be eliminated from Guyana. They have no place in Guyana according to this bigot, who had the audacity to change his alias to Ilum and sneak back in, pretending that he is anything but the lowlife swamp rat that we knew him to be.

This is the intention of the racist Indian in Guyana, to marginalize black people simply because these racist Indians do not think that black people are entitled to anything in Guyana. Rama said as much in another post.

Then they are surprised when we do not like or trust the PPP which is comprised of elements that think like they do.

Last edited by Former Member

guan man, which part is Lilliputian? My father was a high caste.Rajput famed for their martial spirit, the.only people an praised in his book of history! The other half is a mixture of European, African and Amerindian! My dong, I assure you, is big enough to satisfy your wildest fantasies! It was much adored by black women, in fact, by all women who! I've faced it! I was a male floozy!

Which part, Tom.Thumb?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

guan man, which part is Lilliputian? My father was a high caste.Rajput famed for their martial spirit, the.only people an praised in his book of history! The other half is a mixture of European, African and Amerindian! My dong, I assure you, is big enough to satisfy your wildest fantasies! It was much adored by black women, in fact, by all women who! I've faced it! I was a male floozy!

Which part, Tom.Thumb?

Banna, ress yuh old, horny, ropey rass. I don't swing dat way. Guh round up Rama and KP. Dem bais like dat stuff. You can even bring some of yuh lil green men and dat Koala bear demon dat duz follow yuh and y'all kyan have an intergalactic orgy! LMFAO.

@Former Member posted:

Banna, ress yuh old, horny, ropey rass. I don't swing dat way. Guh round up Rama and KP. Dem bais like dat stuff. You can even bring some of yuh lil green men and dat Koala bear demon dat duz follow yuh and y'all kyan have an intergalactic orgy! LMFAO.

I spurn your recommendations! Too stupid and wouldn't know what goes where! About the lil green men, go ask sugar! They're his!

So, you think.the Koala bear is fantasy, huh? Then, pay attention to the latest! As I lie on my couch, there is a sort of moaning sound each time I breathe out, coming from somewhere in the region of my chest on top of me, but it's not coming  FROM me! When I called my daughter to come near and.hear it, it stopped! However, I called her attention to it while she sat about six feet away from me! She heard it this time! Today, I awoke to find my left hip, and all the way down, sore! They had been depleting my glandular fluids again! So, I guess I have to recharge this old body again! The things.I have to do dealing with Canadian white morons! They obviously think third world people are superstitious and scare easily!

I've previously told you guys there's a djinn or familiar spirit in my home! I think it's the djinn making these sounds! It must be a male djinn because it won't show itself for fear I might bugger him! If it was a female she would be glad to show herself so I could show her my copulating skills, especially after seeing my dong! Gee, I've never fkd a djinn before so I'm willing to!


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