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Aubrey Norton:

"If Guyana is to grow the PPP must go."

Speaking now at the Multi Purpose Centre in St John's Antigua at an APNU+AFC Town Hall Meeting in our sister CARICOM state



Well, that's his opinion and he can stick it where the sun don't shine or convince he populace.  Thus far, the latter ain't seem to be happening.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Aubrey Norton:

"If Guyana is to grow the PPP must go."

Speaking now at the Multi Purpose Centre in St John's Antigua at an APNU+AFC Town Hall Meeting in our sister CARICOM state



Well, that's his opinion and he can stick it where the sun don't shine or convince he populace.  Thus far, the latter ain't seem to be happening.

Thanks to the PPP large numbers of Afro Guyanese PROFESSIONALS have fled to Antigua to secure opportunities for themselves.  As one of them said, she likes Antigua because one feels "good to be black there", unlike Guyana where Afro Guyanese are treated like third class citizenship.



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

Dr George Norton

speaks about lack of

a procurement commission

for delivery, stocking

and restocking of medications.


He also said that the ministry is run by

a slapper and stripper.

 ‎it is time for a procurement commission 

‎it is time for a new Health Minister

Dr. Norton speaks about the ills of our health system.

Expired drugs, lack of specialist doctors.


Dawn Hastings

said that 
#‎itistime‮ to stop the fake Santa Claus

who does not come around at Christmas time

but only comes around at election time.





APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Local Businesswoman Kamal Persaud

speaks about the deteriorating

state of the Bartica Stelling.

After 23 years they are promising.

Pure promises!!

#‎itistime‮ to stop the promises


Shaun Nedd

Little work done on da stelling n claims is in th region of millions


Randi Beaton

Go Kamal Persaud let them know

we ain't want no mo promises .

We had Alice in wonder land

no more Guyana in promise land

hell no #Itistime.



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Updated Photo at Bartica Rally!

APNUAFC's photo.


Lallman Basdeo

APNUAFC all the way.


Shondell Downer-Allen

Barticians in full support,

lovin it APNU all the way


Local Businesswoman Kamal Persaud

The PPPC has forgotten Bartica!


Look at that stelling!

Our children and old ppl

have to hop skip and jump!


Our nurses, teachers and police officers

need to be paid better esp. in

far flung communities like Bartica


After 22 years

the first thing that comes to my mind

is pack up and leave

Randi Beaton

Lmfao owwww ma belly this is too much.

Hoping to see u soon in the apple

dear Kamal Persaud

u still must visit wen wen #TeamUnity wins


On May 11 there will be no more IMC!


Where was Mr Sam Hinds

when we were suffering

from weeks of blackout?!


Barticians are Guyanese too!


Bartica is one square mile and

we got roads that worse than the bush

Randi Beaton

Lol so true.

We have trails and tracks that's not roads


Mothers dont need to go

to the hospital to deliver....

just travel on the road

and (bump) 

Randi Beaton

Woiiii lyricksssss Kamal Persaud on fiya!!!!

Bump and baby come out woiii.

Not only baby other organs in the process too..


Nafieza Daniels



After 23 yrs it is time

for a better tomorrow!


Shelly Robinson-Thomas

Amen amen lord let it  b.!!


Better days are coming!


Fathers tell your children,

mothers keep a smile

on the children face


Call your family and friends!


Call yuh cha cha...

Call yuh Chachee!

Cause is full 



Last edited by Former Member


APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Mr. Trotman is the next speaker.

The crowd is electrified. 



Lets get together and feel alright!


On Feb. 14 a historic thing happened:

the key and the hand came together


It is time for Bheri to go!


Annie Pluck

He needs to be given 12 hot slaps

and then sent to jail.


It is time for National Unity!


It is time

that a percentage

of what comes out of here

must stay here! -


It is time for a change in government!

Shelly Robinson-Thomas



This is destiny!


Granger is a danger to corruption!


Granger is a danger to rapists!


Granger is a danger

to those who steal from the national funds!


Moses is one of the finest sons of the soil


These are the two finest men to lead our nation!


Its is time for our women to be respected!


Get up in your numbers!


Ensure our women are protected!


This region is entitled to two seats...

claim both seats!!!

Shelly Robinson-Thomas

Yes yes yes .!!!.


We know after 23 yrs

whom you can trust!






Last edited by Former Member

Bartician native,

Simona Broomes

walks to the podium

to a resounding welcome.

Bartica is READY!



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Women dont run around the bush...

we run the bush!


Women dont run around Bartica...

we run Bartica!

Sirimavo Gonsalves

That is what women suppose to do.

Instead they are been abused by men

who should be role models.


An APNU+AFC platform is saying

zero tolerance to Traficking in Person-TIP.

Marjorie Mendonza

Love the work you are doing ms Broomes


A 13 yr old got twins and

nobody has been charged!

Sirimavo Gonsalves

Don't tell me Elizabeth Harper

can't even offer a comment on that!

She suppose to advocate for women and children abuse


Annie Pluck

You know it will all end on May 11. 

Lawlessness is the PPP motto.


Tonight ah come home and

ah tellin yuh vote APNUAFC!


It is a serious time!


This PPP government has built a park..

to park the mining buisness!


It is time to lift the guyanese women!


All the women of Guyana,

we will take care of you!


Bartica 11 May vote APNUAFC!


Brandon Dasilva

We got them


Claudette Patrick



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