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Former Member

...condemn firing of Fazeer

By Anna Ramdass

Story Created: Nov 9, 2010 at 11:54 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 9, 2010 at 11:54 PM ECT

THE firing of talk show host Fazeer Mohammed has angered the Muslim community, forcing them to break their silence over what they claimed were months of discrimination against them by the People's Partnership Government.

An emergency meeting was convened last night at the Islamic centre in Kelly Village, where around 50 representatives from various Islamic groups throughout the country were in attendance.

The meeting was chaired by Imtiaz Mohammed, president of the Islamic Guild of the Caribbean and South America and chairman of Trinidad and Tobago Muslim community.

Mohammed, on behalf of his Muslim peers, condemned the removal of Mohammed (F) from the programme First Up, which is broadcasted on State-owned CNMG. He added that, should their calls fall on deaf ears, the Muslim community will demonstrate later this week when Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar returns from the United States.

"I condemn the action taken by CNMG and its executive. I condemn the action of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Suruj Rambachan, in the way he conducted himself in his line of questioning with Fazeer. It was irrelevant and had nothing to do with the substance of the interview," Mohammed (I) said.

Mohammed (F) was fired from CNMG on Saturday in what CEO Ken Ali has said was a cost-cutting measure. However, the dismissal followed an argument with Foreign Affairs Minister Rambachan about Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar being in a leadership position, on the First Up programme last Thursday.

Yesterday, Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister Collin Partap, Line Minister responsible for CNMG, disassociated himself from the sacking.

Fazeer Mohammed himself has also indicated that Rambachan had a vendetta against him prior to last Thursday's programme.

Last evening, Mohammed (I) said the Muslim community had endorsed the People's Partnership Government at a function at the Rienzi Complex before the May 24 general election, and they left that meeting with the impression members of the Muslim community would be given an equal chance to serve in the Senate as well as State boards.

He said recently the Islamic Association celebrated its 50th anniversary, but he was unsuccessful in inviting Persad-Bissessar to the event although he tried several times.

"As a Muslim, the disappointment keeps coming all the time. This issue came as the final straw that broke the camel's back," Mohammed said.

He called for an apology to be made to Mohammed (F) and for him to be reinstated in his position.

Mohammed (F), who was present at the meeting, said a decision has already been taken, but said he would first like to hear from the Government before he can make any decision.

"Clearly there is a lot of disquiet (in the Muslim community) from the comments that have been made," he said, adding that he would not want to speculate on the issue.

He said he was advised to not be the "sacrificial lamb" in a row between Muslims and Hindus. He stressed, however, that fundamental concerns were raised by his Muslim brothers that he could not ignore.

He said it would be a dereliction of duty as a Muslim and a citizen if he were to be concerned only with getting back his job.

Mahohar Ali, of Freeport, told the audience the entire episode seemed pre-planned.

"It opens up the possibility that Dr Rambachan came with an agenda," he said, adding that he believed Mohammed's firing was intentional.

Haseed Aziz added that the entire Muslim community will stand behind each other with respect to any decision that is taken.

"The whole country is upset and is rallying around whatever decision is to be taken and we will support Fazeer," he said.

Kayam Dean said he was concerned over the democracy of CNMG.

"When I see a Minister come into a State run television station which belongs to all of us and dictates how the programme should be run, I see it as a great threat to the democracy of Trinidad and Tobago," he said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Muslims shout discrimination

Story Created: Nov 9, 2010 at 11:54 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 9, 2010 at 11:54 PM ECT

MEMBERS of the Muslim community have taken umbrage with the controversial firing of talk-show host Fazeer Mohammed, saying this was an act of discrimination against Islam.

In a statement to the media yesterday, foreign-used vehicle importer/ broadcaster and owner of the Islamic Broadcasting Network (IBN), Inshan Ishmael, said since May 24 he has been seeing signs of discrimination, but the "the icing on the cake came with the dismissal" of Mohammed from the Caribbean New Media Group (CNMG) early morning programme First Up after being told that the company is cutting cost.

"During the tenure of the PNM, the level of discrimination was unprecedented, we saw this especially against the Hindu community. With the lead of Sat Maharaj and others, issues reached as far as the Privy Council. Even though it is wrong one can understand why the Government opposed Sat because he supported the opposition," Ishmael said.

"What is different with our case is that the majority of Muslims are supporters of the People's Partnership and we are being discriminated against. That is frightening."

Ishmael said since May 24 he has written to the Prime Minister on four different occasions on issues of religious discrimination. The first issue, he said, had to deal with the issue of state-board appointments, where few Muslims were selected. Additionally, he said the Prime Minister refused to visit any functions during the Ramadhan period "even though an invitation was given and confirmed". He claimed too that he was told the Prime Minister did not "step out to any community event on Eid day because she was too tired".

Imam of the Nur-E-Islam Masjid in El Soccoro, Maulana Shiraz Ali, meanwhile, said Mohammed was right to say that in Islam women are not supposed to be in leadership positions, but if he was dismissed because of his views that was unfortunate.

"I totally find that the dismissal of Fazeer Mohammed was out of place and I personally find that it reeks of political interference. Fazeer should be immediately reinstated and management at CNMG should look at addressing this situation as soon as possible because that explanation was not clear," Ali said.

Ali said Mohammed, who occasionally attends the Nur-e-Islam Masjid, did explain himself during the interview last Thursday with Foreign Affairs Minister Suruj Rambachan, by saying that this was not an Islamic state and his religious views did not mean he was opposed to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar being in a position of leadership.

Ali said too, that Muslims throughout Trinidad and Tobago have fully endorsed Persad-Bissessar as Prime Minister and did so during the election campaign and afterwards. However, he said he found "it very strange that Muslims are not properly represented in the Government and in State boards".

"I know they have been doing a lot and people might need to be a bit more tolerant of the whole thing, but I find it a bit alarming that there is not a proportional representation of Muslims on the State boards. However, I know there are more boards to come so I guess we will have to wait and see," he said.

Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary, Fazal Karim, however, defended his party. He said the Government has been all-inclusive in everything it does and pointed out that he met Ishmael and many other Muslims at an Eid dinner hosted by the Prime Minister at the Diplomatic Centre in September.

"I will categorically deny that there is any discrimination taking place. I am a Muslim, are you aware of that? Nizam Baksh is a Muslim, Nela Khan is a Muslim, so how could anybody say that Muslims are not represented?" he said.

On the issue of State board appointments, Karim said there were "still boards to come", besides that "there were very many Muslims on the State boards now".

Karim also pointed out that under the leadership of Persad-Bissessar, the Government arranged for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to send two of its diplomatic officers to Trinidad and Tobago in order to issue the pilgrimage (Hajj) visas this year. —AA
Contract workers cry discrimination

During midday protest outside HDC...

By Gyasi Gonzales

Story Created: Nov 9, 2010 at 11:54 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 9, 2010 at 11:54 PM ECT

CRIES of discrimination were hurled against the Government yesterday, as several Housing Development Corporation (HDC) contract workers protested the non-renewal of their contracts.

The former employees worked in a programme known as Colour Me Orange and they were charged with the responsibility of maintaining a number of HDC apartments in and around the Port of Spain area.

Yesterday's protest was outside HDC's South Quay, Port of Spain, office and began shortly before 11 a.m.

One of the group's "team leaders", Shinelle Gorkin, told the Express that since they began maintenance operations, a lot of otherwise unemployed young people got jobs. This, she said, had led to a significant drop in the number of homicides, especially in the East Port of Spain/Laventille areas. She said yesterday morning when a number of their members showed up for work, they were told there was no material available.

Gorkin charged, however, that they were not only involved in the maintenance of these apartments, but cleaning them as well.

"We doh need materials to clean up the place," she said.

She also said on Monday, Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal assured the 450-strong group that their services would be kept. This failed to materialise, however.

"They hire back 350 and leave 100 people without work. The Government only gimmicking black people from behind the bridge," Gorkin said.

She added, "We are not waiting two and three days for work, we want work now!"

The Express tried to contact the Housing Minister, but was unsuccessful.

However, an HDC employee, who wished to remain anonymous, said the programme was not a "make work programme".

She said it was "geared towards ensuring some level of greenery and cleanliness at these apartment sites".

"It's about encouraging sustainable development and encouraging young people to take part in it, and it's for the upliftment and enhancement of their own communities.

"It's to encourage them and to help society as a whole and to encourage an eco-friendly environment," she said.
PM denies Fazeer was fired

Story Created: Nov 11, 2010 at 11:52 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 11, 2010 at 11:52 PM ECT

PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday denied that journalist Fazeer Mohammed was fired from State owned Caribbean New Media Group (CNMG).

Persad-Bissessar also dismissed claims that Mohammed's removal from CNMG's First Up morning programme was politically motivated and an act of religious persecution.

Mohammed was sacked from the programme on Saturday by CNMG's interim CEO Ken Ali, two days after Mohammed was engaged in an interview on with Foreign Affairs Minister Surujrattan Rambachan.

Speaking during a media conference at the Piarco International Airport yesterday after she returned from her overseas trip, Persad-Bissessar said Mohammed's removal from the programme was part of the company's restructuring and cost-cutting measures.

She was responding to mounting criticisms that the sudden removal of Mohammed, who was replaced by CEO of the Government Information Services limited (GISL) Andy Johnson, was politically motivated and an act of discrimination against Mohammed, a practicing Muslim.

"I have been advised further, that management did not terminate Mr Mohammed's appointment, that he was informed that there would be further discussions with respect to placing him where they felt his competencies would be best and therefore I am not of the view that it is a matter that is an attack on the freedom of the press," she said.

Persad-Bissessar added that several other employees at the State-owned company have been subjected to similar changes.

"I would say first up that I remain committed to freedom of the press. My Government is committed to ensuring freedom of the press and I want to get that up-front. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the free press is vital in a democracy. A free press is indeed the fifth estate, as you know, and I have always championed that course for freedom of the press from day one when I was sworn in. You would recall my statements and of course my actions on that day," she said.
'I Apologise' lol

Kamla to Caricom on Tomas statement:

Story Created: Nov 17, 2010 at 12:02 AM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 17, 2010 at 12:02 AM ECT

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has apologised to the region for her statement that any aid given to Caribbean countries affected by Tropical Storm Tomas must in some measure benefit Trinidad and Tobago.

The Prime Minister was heavily criticised in the region as well as in Trinidad and Tobago.

It even led to a "Boycott Trinidad" Group created on Facebook, calling for a total boycott of all Trinidad and Tobago manufactured products.

According to a Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) report in yesterday's Gleaner newspaper in Jamaica, Persad-Bissessar, in a radio programme in Jamaica on Monday night, said her remarks were "most unfortunate".

"I do apologise for the statements that have been taken in this regard. I remain committed to regional integration and to our Caricom (Caribbean Community) brothers and sisters," she said.

At a news conference on November 1, the Prime Minister had stated: "If we are giving assistance with housing for example...then we may be able to use Trinidad and Tobago builders and companies, so that whatever money or assistance is given redounds back in some measure to the people of Trinidad and Tobago."

The statement appeared to compound the earlier statement the Prime Minister had madein July when she attended her first regional heads of government conference in Jamaica since her coalition grouping won the May 24 general election. There she had stated that regional countries should no longer regard Port of Spain as "An ATM card".

However, Persad-Bissessar told radio listeners in Jamaica that since the controversial comments were made, her administration has extended the hand of assistance in the form of several shiploads of containers dispatched to the islands affected and that Haiti would also receive assistance from Port of Spain. She has also visited St Lucia.

"The way I envisioned it is that, I can only give from my home, I think St Lucia Prime Minister Stephenson King put it in these words and I appreciate, when he said what Kamla is saying...that we don't expect her to go out and shop for us and so she would give us goods and supplies out of Trinidad and Tobago, that is what I meant really. It is most unfortunate the way my comments have been received and I do apologise for that," she said.

Hurricane Tomas, by and large, missed Trinidad and Tobago but led to the country's two top politicians having to apologise for statements deemed to be insensitive arising out of the activity relating to the storm.

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, 12 days ago, felt constrained to apologise for describing Tomas as a "cloud" for which the Persad-Bissessar Government "had shut down the country".

In the face of strong criticisms, Rowley issued a public apology stating that his comments were "unfortunate" because it gave the "unintended impression" that he was trivialising a serious situation.
PM gives Manning housing dare

...but real Herrera St homeowner claims 'rumour'

By Richard Charan South Bureau

Story Created: Nov 24, 2010 at 11:45 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 24, 2010 at 11:45 PM ECT

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar's response yesterday to former PM Patrick Manning's "malicious" claims about her private home ended with a challenge for Manning to say who lived in a house at Herrera Street, St Joseph Village, San Fernando.

It turned out for the past three months, it has been rumoured the Mannings purchased and renovated a home on Herrera Street, in the affluent residential area, with the intention of moving out of their townhouse at Sumadh Gardens, San Fernando, a quarter mile away.

But Dr Wilfred Chen, the owner of the house at Herrera Street which Persad-Bissessar could have been speaking about, said he wanted to put an end to the "joke".

He said the home belonged to him; he had no intention of selling and hoped Persad-Bissessar was not embarrassed by the false information she repeated.

Dr Chen said he had long heard of talk the former prime minister had purchased the home, which may have led to Persad-Bissessar's dare to Manning yesterday to "hold up the pictures of the house in Herrera Street, St Joseph Village, and tell us who resides there".

Manning said Persad-Bissessar's claim was "innuendo". Wink

"The question on this property is misdirected to me. I suggest Mrs Persad-Bissessar ask the owners about this property since neither I nor any member of my family have any interest in this matter."

Dr Chen, a medical doctor with a practice in San Fernando, said the rumours were "outrageous and unbelievable. I have not sold the house to anybody. I have renovated to move into the house.

Forget this. It's not even worth a story". Big Grin
Cops, PSC chairman clash

By Akile Simon

Story Created: Dec 2, 2010 at 11:52 PM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 3, 2010 at 1:34 PM ECT

TWO police officers who were on traffic duties in downtown Port of Spain yesterday are now at the centre of an investigation after a confrontation with chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC), Nizam Mohammed.

Colleagues of WPC Marlene Gittens and PC Sean Batson yesterday expressed concern that with the "stroke of a pen" the officers could be dismissed from the service, for simply performing their duties.

Even before the officers returned to the Central Police Station on St Vincent Street, on a break during their tour of duty, Deputy Commissioner of Police Jack Ewatski had sent a telephone message to the station, requesting a report on the incident, where Mohammed allegedly disobeyed a traffic instruction and was pulled over by the police officers.

Contacted last evening, Commissioner of Police Dwayne Gibbs said while he was aware of the incident he was yet to receive a report.

Gibbs said, "The reports are being dealt with through the staff here and through one of the deputies (Jack Ewatski) here. Mr Mohammed wasn't able to reach me because I was in fact in other meetings.

"I don't know all the details, as you indicated to me, because I haven't received the reports yet so I cannot make comment on it...I have spoken to Mr Mohammed, but again, I am not investigating what took place, so until I have all the facts, I can't make any comment on what could take place," Gibbs said.

Told of the fear among officers that two Special Reserve Police officers could be dismissed for performing their duties, Gibbs said he could not say what the outcome of the matter would be until it was properly investigated.

The incident between Mohammed and the officers occurred around 12.40 p.m., while Gittens and Batson were directing traffic at the corner of Henry Street and Independence Square in Port of Spain.

Batson and Gittens, who were dressed in police uniform, were directing three lanes of traffic, one of which was proceeding onto Henry Street, heading north, while the other two lanes were proceeding east.

According to a statement given by the officers, a police source said, a black KIA Sportage SUV was proceeding on the centre lane and attempted to turn unto Henry Street.

Gittens, who was in front of the SUV, signaled to the driver to proceed east, but the driver of the SUV stopped the vehicle and identified himself as Nizam Mohammed, chairman of the Police Service Commission.

According to the statements, Mohammed told the officers he wanted to go up Henry Street because his office was located on Queen Street, but Gittens told Mohammed he had to continue east along Independence Square.

Gittens stated that Mohammed subsequently disobeyed her instructions and drove off onto Henry Street. She and Batson pursued Mohammed's vehicle, on foot, and caught up with it as it got stuck in traffic along the roadway.

Mohammed, the statement read, was ordered to pull his vehicle to the side of the roadway near the Puma Store, and asked to produce his driver's permit and insurance certificate.

Officers said Mohammed handed over his driver's permit and insurance and rolled up his window.

Mohammed then made a call on his cell phone and later reportedly told Gittens that "the Commissioner" was on the phone and he wished to speak with her.

In response, officers said Gittens told Mohammed that she could not take the call since she was performing traffic duties.

After the officers recorded information from Mohammed's driving documents, he was allowed to leave.

In their report, Gittens and Batson, who have four years service, recommended that Mohammed be charged with failing to comply with a lawful instruction and causing an unnecessary obstruction.
Manning: Incompetence or carelessness?

SIA confusion

By Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Dec 9, 2010 at 11:57 PM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 9, 2010 at 11:57 PM ECT

Confusion reigns supreme at the highest levels of the Government which is creating "despair and uncertainty" at home and "growing derision" abroad, former prime minister Patrick Manning has stated.

In a press release issued yesterday, Manning spoke of the "dangerous spectacle" of the Commissioner of Police having to contradict the Prime Minister on the matter of accounting responsibilities of the SIA, with the Prime Minister eventually having to admit she was wrong.

"And all done through blaring headlines in the newspapers," Manning said in a press release issued yesterday.

"What in the world is going on here? Is this how you manage the critical matter of our national security, by generating unnecessary and dangerous tensions between the political directorate and the leadership of this critical arm of the law?" Manning asked.

Manning said it was inconceivable that the Prime Minister, as Chairman of the National Security Council, should not have immediately known who has responsibility for the SIA.

"Is this incompetence, carelessness, indifference or worse? It is disconcerting for the country that the Prime Minister has again had to correct an error. This regular need for our nation's leader to backtrack and apologise cannot generate confidence in the leadership of Trinidad and Tobago. Instead, it is creating despair and uncertainty at home and growing derision abroad," he said.

The former prime minister said the growing tensions between the Prime Minister and the Commissioner of Police arising from the matter of the files as well as from the problem of mounting criminal activity, were alarming.

"First, there was the very public upbraiding of Mr Gibbs and the leadership of the Police Service in a much publicised visit to Police Headquarters as part of a carefully orchestrated piece of political theatre. After all, the show of governing must go on," he said.

Manning said Justice Minister Herbert Volney has attempted, "in his wild way", to solve the growing mystery of the missing SIA files by claiming knowledge of their destruction by "two shady Israeli individuals". Manning said Volney also suggested that he (Manning) as former prime minister, knew what happened to the documents.

"Mr Volney will have to eventually clarify his own mystery of Middle Eastern intervention in matters of national security. However, I wish to make it absolutely clear that I have no such information with which I am credited by the Minister. I have been out of the Office of the Prime Minister for going on seven months, I know nothing of where these files are," he said.

Manning said no one is able to reveal the whereabouts of these files.

"But Mr Ashworth Jack says he saw them and so has a leading journalist. However, the Prime Minister claims categorically that she has never had these files, nor has she ever set eyes on them. Yet she comes to the Parliament revealing information supposedly contained in these files, and holding documents aloft, waving them theatrically to support her claims," he said.

"What is the truth Prime Minister? Did you or did you not ever have these files in your possession? Have you ever seen them? Did you ever read any of them, certainly, for example, the ones that would have contained the names of those individuals whose names you so carelessly called in Parliament? If not, it was scandalously irresponsible of you not to verify the source of the information that you gave to the nation with such fanfare and indignant self-righteousness.

Speak the truth to us, Prime Minister. That's only fair," Manning stated.

Manning suggested that CoP Dwayne Gibbs be called upon to shed much needed light on these matters, at least to reassure citizens that the files are secure, safe from mischievous intent on the part of unscrupulous individuals.

"We look forward to hearing from the Commissioner of Police, who, so far, has been speaking clearly and plainly to us, unlike the Prime Minister and many in her Cabinet.

The nation should be spared any further shocks on this matter as well as the entertaining allegations of Mr Volney," Manning said.

"Though quite prepared to deal with any mischief directed at me, I hope I will no longer be called upon to account for matters that are now properly under the control of this Government. Stop scapegoating and start governing," he said.
‘Coalition break-up a risk’

By By Curtis Rampersad Business Editor

Story Created: Dec 28, 2010 at 11:16 PM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 28, 2010 at 11:16 PM ECT

Government's handling of the CL Financial collapse and violent crime could affect the popularity of the People's Partnership government led by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar in 2011, international economic analysts have said.

In its BMI View review of Trinidad and Tobago this month, London based Business Monitor International said the wiretapping scandal was unlikely to boost the government's popularity.

"We expect the furore surrounding the wiretapping scandal in Trinidad and Tobago to provide little additional support to the Government's approval ratings. As we head into 2011 the massive challenges facing the government are likely to start weighing on its popularity, threatening cohesion of the ruling coalition," BMI said.

With former prime minister Patrick manning fending off allegations of ordering wiretaps on political opposition, the governing coalition has managed to stem the rising tide of criticism it has been facing of late, BMI stated.

"New legislation, which clarifies the circumstances under which information may be intercepted in the future, is also in line with Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar's pre-electoral pledge to boost transparency and accountability in all areas of government, which should go down well with the electorate. So too should the inclusion of the opposition People's National Movement (PNM) in the drafting of the bill. However, with the allegations now out in the open we believe there is little more political capital that can be milked from the wiretapping issue, and the Government will soon have to shift its attention to the major challenges at hand."

One issue likely to dog the Government throughout 2011 is the mess surrounding CL Financial 's bailout, the BMI review said.

"Since the previous government intervened to save the massive T&T based conglomerate there has been a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the future of both CLICO (the insurance firm from which CL Financial expanded), into which the government has already poured US$7 billion, and other various subsidiaries. While this issue was not of the current government's making, Persad-Bissessar's administration is still charged with the role of recouping payments through the sale of CL Financial assets," the BMI review said.

"The main problem for the People's Partnership coalition, according to recent reports from local press, is obtaining agreement between the government-appointed directors of the board and the CL Financial members, who appear reluctant to agree to selling off the company's assets. There are also time pressures on the Government to deal with the situation, as the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between PNM and former CL Financial chairman Lawrence Duprey ends in June 2012," BMI said, adding that: "There is some speculation that when the MOU expires Duprey, who apparently continues to meet with CL executives, could return to lead the company. Such a development would be an embarrassment for Kamla Persad-Bissessar's administration, reinforcing concerns that her coalition does not have the strength to address major challenges."

Outside of the CL Financial issue there is the very real possibility that people also become disillusioned with her flagship policy of fighting crime, particularly if her government's economic reforms fail to bring about a reduction in unemployment levels, BMI said.

"The risk, in our view, is that as criticism starts rising in 2011, in line with a weak economic recovery, members of the coalition will start distancing themselves from unpopular policies, making life increasingly hard for the government. For the time being a breakup of the coalition remains a risk rather than our core scenario, but as political antipathy rises we expect this to soon start weighing on T&T's sovereign credentials, potentially forcing up yields on the country's external debt markets."

Last Tuesday, Persad-Bissessar said outlined a three-step plan to reduce crime.
She admitted that crime in the country was a "challenge" for her government.

"Crime remains out greatest challenge. We have been working on a holistic way of fighting crime, she said, adding that emphasis will be placed on finding the criminals.
Her comments followed the shooting deaths of five people last week.

Recently, Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said the Trinidad and Tobago economy was grinding to a halt.

He said the threat of systemic risk from the CLICO collapse of 2009 was very real because "the Government does not seem to know what to do, having tied and bound itself by its behaviour in the Budget debate".

Speaking at a news conference at the Opposition Leader's office in Port of Spain, Rowley said: "There is virtually nothing happening in this country that could engineer growth. The job situation is getting from bad to worse. The Government is busy shutting down people's jobs if they have by virtue of contracts been hired by the State. There is virtually nothing happening in the private sector. The banks are awash with money and nobody is borrowing and spending and the future looks very bleak."

He said the way that Government has gone about treating with the CLICO matter has generated a tremendous loss of confidence. He said notwithstanding the 'brave danger' posture of the government during the Budget debate, it seems to have "gone on the defensive".
Woman chases away Jack, Moonilal Big Grin

By NEWSDAY STAFF Wednesday, January 12 2011,133934.html

AN IRATE resident of School Hill, Papourie Road in Barrackpore yesterday chased away two Government Ministers from her house, angrily protesting the Government’s failure to repair a massive landslide which has destroyed several houses in the area.

Yesterday’s visit by Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner and his promise that his ministry would spend $12 million to repair the road damaged by the landslide, failed to stop Jillian Rooplal who openly hurled abuses at Warner and his ministerial colleagues including MPs Dr Roodal Moonilal, Nizam Baksh, Dr Glenn Ramadharsingh and Subhas Panday. Wink

Rooplal told reporters Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar was aware of the villagers’ problems but yet no help came.

The verbal attack on the ministers came during Warner’s tour of a major landslide along School Hill, Papourie Road in Barrackpore which has been affecting the homes of residents for several years. The Rooplal family however has been hardest hit.

Also affected is pensioner Ayura Khan, 68, who lives alone in a one-bedroom wooden house which is falling apart as a result of the erosion. Only remnants of a dilapidated business place known as ‘Touch of Elegance’ could be seen through overgrown bushes where it once stood.

Rooplal and her father Rooplal Jugoon, 64, lost their concrete house to land erosion said to be caused by a leaking underground WASA pipeline. But that is not all the family lost, Rooplal told reporters yesterday. Two months ago, her mother Jessina Sahadath died. Rooplal said the stress over the loss of the family’s home eventually took a toll on her mother’s health and that led to medical complications.

Warner and Housing Minister Moonilal steered clear of the woman during her angry outburst.

The touring party left the area to look at another deteriorating road before returning to speak to the media. The ministers still did not meet with either Rooplal or her father which further irked them.

Warner later told the media, “Some of you saw a young lady today in Barrackpore...I didn’t go close to her. Probably what she was saying was right.”

Rooplal told Newsday that due to the constant erosion, two large concrete structures continue to slide downhill as a leaking pipeline undermines the stability of the soil. Rooplal said because the lines were not properly repaired the number of heavy vehicles passing on the road caused it to burst again.

“It is 44 years now they have been trying to fix this pipeline and every time it is repaired, it bursts again. We were living level with the road and as the road slipped, the house kept sinking and sinking. Here is a big UNC area and look at how they have put us last. All they do is promise to fix...but nobody helps,” an angry Rooplal said.

She said the family will soon have nowhere to call home and they are demanding to be properly relocated. She said that for years her ailing father, who is unemployed, has been knocking on government doors for help.

“My father is a sickly man and they (ministers) don’t care about anybody,” she said. Jugoon told Newsday that WASA had offered him $50,000 for his two lots of land and house but he refused. The family has lived on the land for the past 30 years.

His daughter said the family is not safe in the house. A brother has since moved out. She said it took the ministers too long to visit the site of the landslide.

Warner said he was touring the area at the request of Moonilal, the Oropouche East MP, who asked that he visit “because of the critical nature of this piece of road.” Moonilal explained the problem has existed for the past ten years and numerous letters failed to get the problem corrected. He promised that work “will commence immediately” and a “comprehensive project is being undertaken once and for all.”

Yesterday as a crew carried out work on the site, engineer Hayden Phillip said all efforts were being made to keep the road open to commuters. He said to rectify the problem they would have to dig almost 40 feet down to get a proper foundation. It will be a pile foundation with a retaining wall approximately four to five metres high. The project, according to Phillip, will take three months to complete.

Rooplal’s fierce verbal attack on the ministers yesterday evoked memories of San Juan pensioner Percy Villafana’s now famous cross-armed refusal to allow then Prime Minister Patrick Manning into the yard of his home, as he was on a walkabout in the run up to the May 24 General Election which he and his PNM party resoundingly lost.

Villafana’s cross-armed gesture to Manning was re-christened “The Percy” and was used with telling effect in the election campaign by political parties opposed to the PNM.,47267.html#foto
Anil Roberts’ accident kept secret

By Clint Chan Tack Thursday, January 13 2011,47269.html#foto
Sports Minister Anil Roberts...(Playing on his laptop)

THREE MONTHS after Sports Minister Anil Roberts was involved in an accident while driving a Toyota Prado sports utility vehicle purchased by Government in 2009 for the Fifth Summit of the Americas and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), this fact only came to light yesterday at the first sitting of the House of Representatives for this year.

However in publicly disclosing Roberts’ accident, Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner revealed but never explained why Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar did not want Roberts’ accident to become public knowledge.

As the sitting began Persad-Bissessar and other Government MPs thumped their desks when Government Chief Whip Dr Roodal Moonilal boasted the Government would answer all questions on the House Order Paper. He asked Deputy Speaker Fuad Khan that Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley be allowed to ask the first question to Warner about the the Government’s distribution of the 200 vehicles purchased for the Summit and the CHOGM by the former PNM administration.

Warner said Government gave 135 vehicles to the National Security Ministry and its PNM predecessor gave two vehicles to the government of Grenada. He added that 44 other vehicles have been given to other government ministries (including the Office of the Prime Minister and the Sports Ministry) and 19 vehicles will soon be put up for public auction.

After saying none of the vehicles were given to a government minister or parliamentary secretary, Warner found himself in difficulty when he had to answer a part of Rowley’s question which asked if either a minister or parliamentary secretary was driving one of those vehicles and that vehicle was involved in an accident.

“I want to say this too because it does not give me any pleasure in making this public because the Prime Minister deliberately did not want to make it public but the question from Member for Diego Martin West has forced me to do so and therefore I have to make it public,” Warner said. Persad-Bissessar looked on emotionless as Warner continued his response.

“One such vehicle was involved in a motor accident and was driven by the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs,” Warner said. “What?” PNM MPs asked. “I have not been briefed on the extent of the damage or cost of repairs at this stage,” Warner said. When Diego Martin North/East MP Colm Imbert asked if the vehicle was a write-off, Warner countered that it was “a minor accident.”

Rowley asked Warner if he knew that Roberts’ accident constituted “an adjustment to the terms of an engagement of a minister of government as laid down by the Salaries Review Commission.” Warner replied, “As far as I am aware, the vehicle is for official use by a minister in his official capacity in the ministry. Of that I am aware. Nothing else.”

Rowley then asked Warner if it was the Government’s policy to allow its ministers “to operate public vehicles for their own private use incurring maintenance cost, operation cost and repair to damage to cost.” Khan told Rowley this was a new question but Warner insisted on responding to Rowley. “This long question has a very short answer. It is no, it is for official use,” Warner said.

Warner also said the Office of the Prime Minister gave former prime minister Patrick Manning one of the vehicles following last May’s General Election, in keeping with a promise which Persad-Bissessar made to him.

Newsday later spoke with Roberts, who said on October 6, 2010, he left his ministry at 6.30 pm with his driver Naraj Satram and his personal assistant to attend a meeting in Chaguanas. While driving along the Priority Bus Route, Roberts said he saw Satram was in discomfort, having taken medication earlier for a back ache.

The minister said he offered to drop Satram off at his home in Barataria to rest, drive the vehicle himself to the meeting, return to Barataria and then Satram would drop him home. “On reaching Chaguanas, I was approaching the Divali Nagar site, when a car slowed in front of me to turn into the Nagar. I indicated and began to swerve to pass that car,” Roberts said.

The minister said he then heard a loud crash, felt something hit the side of the vehicle and saw a Suzuki car crash into a tree. Roberts said he stopped his vehicle and went to the aid of two young men who were in the car. Stating one of the men was “holding his ribs”, Roberts said he called for an ambulance, went to the police station to report the accident and then to the health centre to make sure both men were all right.

Roberts added neither was seriously injured and one had bruised ribs.

Roberts said he subsequently reported the accident to his ministry and the comptroller of accounts but is yet to get an estimate of the damage to the Prado from the Vehicle Maintenance Company (VMCOTT).

Asked why Warner would say the Prime Minister did not want his accident to be known, Roberts said he thought it was because Manning also received a summit vehicle for his use. Roll Eyes

Stating he would have given full details if the question was posed to him, Roberts said: “It’s not a major issue. For it to reach in the Parliament shows the frivolity of the PNM.”

The minister said while the situation was not ideal, it only happened once. “I am paid by the Government of TT. I am insured to drive the vehicle. I am a licensed driver. I was not at fault in any way,” Roberts said.
This lil bai eric still got guts to show his face on GNi when his party took such a beating at the polls. The people perceived Manning to be a corrupt beast and gave him the boot. How come during Mannings tenure eric never post such negative articles? Was Manning an angel or merely so slick that they couldn't find anything on him? This is contrary to what happened in the polls when the people of T&T rejected him. H ahaha ha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
How come during Mannings tenure eric never post such negative articles?

Eric has two loves. Syrian Trinis and the PNM. Dont expect objectivity there.

It shows how generaous we Guyanese are a syou know full well any Guyanese showing face on a Trini forum projecting anti Trini attitides will be swiftly banned.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
How come during Mannings tenure eric never post such negative articles?

Eric has two loves. Syrian Trinis and the PNM. Dont expect objectivity there.

It shows how generaous we Guyanese are a syou know full well any Guyanese showing face on a Trini forum projecting anti Trini attitides will be swiftly banned.

So when is Mr Manning going on "Trial" etc ??? we're waiting...........................
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
This lil bai eric still got guts to show his face on GNi when his party took such a beating at the polls. The people perceived Manning to be a corrupt beast and gave him the boot. How come during Mannings tenure eric never post such negative articles? Was Manning an angel or merely so slick that they couldn't find anything on him? This is contrary to what happened in the polls when the people of T&T rejected him. H ahaha ha

Watch for my posts as the coolie gov't start fighting each other and making themselves look like total idiots "never see come see" etc, enjoy it will it lasts.

Manning says he does not have the grand piano;

throws question back at AG:

By Carolyn Kissoon South Bureau

Story Created: Jan 13, 2011 at 11:47 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 13, 2011 at 11:47 PM ECT

Former prime minister, Patrick Manning, yesterday distanced himself from the disappearance of the Bosendorfer piano from the Prime Minister's Residence and Diplomatic Centre in St Ann's.

Manning said he didn't have the piano but would not be surprised if a search warrant was executed at his San Fernando home in search of it.

Manning called a press conference at his Fernando East constituency office, Coffee Street, yesterday to respond to Attorney General Anand Ramlogan's claims that the piano could not be found and Manning might know where to find it.

"It appears to me that the question the Attorney General put to the member for San Fernando East yesterday would have been more appropriately put to the member for Siparia," he said. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar is the MP for Siparia.

Ramlogan said last night: "We will certainly chase up this lead and we're very grateful for his assistance but I wish to know why was the grand piano purchased for the PM's residence at such an exorbitant cost.

"Is it that he and Mrs Manning were learning to play the piano? What was the intention and for whose use?"

Ramlogan told Parliament on Wednesday that US$850,677 was spent to purchase ten Bosendorfer pianos from Las Vegas, USA, and one was now missing.

Manning said at the press conference that the grand piano was stored on the eastern side of the stage at the Diplomatic Centre when he moved out after losing the last year's general election, adding: "I imagine the Attorney General couldn't recognise it because he thought it looked like a harmonium." Big Grin

A harmonium is a reed organ with hand pump bellows used in Trinidad by Indian musicians in mainly classical singing and religious ceremonies such as yagnas. Roll Eyes

Manning said, "The grand piano was there for sometime after I left. What I do know is that when the new prime minister and her team came in, before she moved in, a lot of the equipment was moved out of that residence, including furniture. I have no idea where that furniture was sent. I rather suspect that if you go to a house on lower Phillipine, you might find some of it."

The former PM added: "Talking in the context of the dholak and the dhantal, the steelpan and so on, local instruments, it is clear to me and to us that the Attorney General's view of culture is a very restricted view. Our view is much wider than that and it includes instruments which, in addition to those that he mentioned, also incudes a wider range of instruments including the grand piano."

Manning said the People's National Movement's vision for the Diplomatic Centre at St Ann's was one in which there would have been recitals using, and exposing, some of the best talents in Trinidad and Tobago. "To the local and international communities a grand piano would have been an essential instrument and that is why the grand piano was placed there," he explained.

Manning said it would be no surprise to him if a warrant was issued to search his premises for the piano, which is valued at US$114,215. "Well let me make it clear from now on, there is no grand piano at my residence. I left the grand piano at the Diplomatic Centre where it properly belonged. And while that was our concept, it appears to me that the concept of the current administration, is to use it for party meetings and improperly so," he said.

And he added that it was impossible for him to leave the premises with the grand piano, as the Prime Minister's Residence was equipped with an efficient security system.

He claimed, however, that several cameras were removed since his departure. "I do know that they (the new occupants) have interfered with the security system, because there is a system where you can monitor the entire facility from one central location. I understand that they felt that they had no need for such monitoring and that they had no need for the cameras and much of that have been removed. The system as we left it at the residence no longer exists," he said.
TT$ slips to new low

By Abby Brathwaite and Renuka Singh

Story Created: Jan 15, 2011 at 12:43 AM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 15, 2011 at 12:43 AM ECT

The value of the Trinidad and Tobago dollar against foreign currencies has slipped to its lowest level since it was floated in 1993.

And hoarders of US dollars in the country are demanding and "warehousing" foreign currency in overseas accounts.

The TT dollar exchange rate has risen to $6.45 for US$1 the highest it has been since 1993 and has been selling at commercial banks between $6.42 to as much as $6.45 for several weeks, Express checks indicated.

Central Bank Governor Ewart Williams said yesterday the excess demand has to be regulated, and the Bank cannot accede to increased requests.

"In the middle of November, we sold US$300 million to clear all the backlog and within a month, the same names that were cleared were back there. People are obviously not trusting the system and are putting their names in a queue," Williams said.

"If everyone simply applies for foreign exchange, simply to put it in accounts abroad, we will always have this excess demand, and this is something we need to resolve," he said.
Williams was speaking at a panel discussion hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce on the Economic Outlook for 2011 at the chamber's Westmoorings office.

On Tuesday, the Downtown Owners and Merchants Association (DOMA) expressed concern over what they said was a "persistent" shortage in foreign currency and called on the Central Bank to provide reliable information on the country's foreign exchange situation. Williams said the Bank would be able to meet the demand for foreign exchange that is needed for productivity, but the country could not sustain the current level of capital flight.

"Our small country cannot continue to afford the level of foreign exchange leakage call it capital flight, if you like that we have been financing in the past few years. Small countries like ours are not expected to be the source of net capital outflows non trade related, on a sustainable basis," he said.

"Demand foreign exchange when you need it to meet import payments pay debts, but not simply to keep in foreign accounts."

He said he was surprised the fluctuation in the exchange rate prompted discussions about a devaluation.

"For the last ten years, the exchange rate has changed by one per cent. The economic fundamentals have changed. The exchange rate is going to have more flexibility now." He added, "When there is a surplus of foreign exchange...when, for instance, we have large unanticipated receipts, the exchange rate is going to come down. It is not a devaluation; $6.40 is not unusual. People need to prepare for more flexibility in the rate."

Bankers said there was no need for panic.

Richard Young, managing director Scotiabank of Trinidad and Tobago, said the slippage of the dollar was not an indication of a shortage of US funds, but could actually be indicative of a slowdown in the energy sector.

He said the climbing conversion rate could mean the local energy companies did not "convert as much as last year".

Young told the Express by phone that US dollar reserves were still high, but demand for payment and economic activity were down.

"There is less money in circulation because business demands are low, but there is increasing confidence in the US," he said. This growing confidence means local investors are returning money to the US portfolios and investment markets.

"Investors are looking to diversify their portfolios, converting to US and investing overseas and because land prices are still low in the US, people are purchasing property abroad," he said.

Finance Minister Winston Dookeran said in Parliament yesterday there was no need to devalue the TT dollar.
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:

Watch for my posts as the coolie gov't start fighting each other and making themselves look like total idiots "never see come see" etc, enjoy it will it lasts.

You still singing the same old racist tune? The T & T govt is a coalition. It would not have won if both races did not vote for Kamla. Ha ha ha ha.

By NALINEE SEELAL and CLINT CHAN TACK Wednesday, January 19 2011

ATTORNEY GENERAL (AG) Anand Ramlogan will apologise in the House of Representatives either today or on Friday for statements made in the House last Wednesday that one of ten Bosendorfer pianos purchased by the former PNM government was missing and questioning former prime minister Patrick Manning about the whereabouts of the piano.

A day later, the piano was found in the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s. Roll Eyes

Ramlogan’s apology comes as the PNM moves to raise a matter of privilege against him for misleading the House on that issue.

Government sources yesterday said Government Chief Whip, Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal has been assigned to advise the AG on the manner in which he should frame his apology to the House.

In the wake of his statement, Ramlogan insisted he never accused Manning of taking the piano and saw no need to apologise for his remarks. Ramlogan maintained the issue was the wastage of taxpayers’ monies to buy the pianos.

Newsday understands senior Government members felt embarrassed when it was disclosed that the piano had never gone missing and were disappointed that Ramlogan was unwilling to apologise.

They noted the example of Justice Minister Herbert Volney who apologised to the House for statements made in relation to the provision of a residence for a member of the Judiciary during the Budget debate on September 16, 2010. Volney was spared being referred to the Privileges Committee after he apologised. Government hopes to avoid Ramlogan being subject of a motion of privilege and he has been advised to apologise.

“We are all aware that the AG is new to public life and he needs guidance, so we are all going to pitch in and assist him on his future statements,” a Government source said yesterday.

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday said any one of the party’s 12 MPs in the House can raise a matter of privilege against Ramlogan but he did not know whether this would happen today or at Friday’s sitting of the House. Rowley disclosed he was focussing on preparing a motion on the adjournment of today’s sitting of the House that will deal with the alleged behaviour of Police Service Commission chairman Nizam Mohammed towards a police officer last year when Mohammed was reportedly cited for a traffic violation.

Parliament sources yesterday said Diego Martin North/East MP Colm Imbert and Point Fortin MP Paula Gopee-Scoon requested copies of Ramlogan’s contribution in the House from Hansard.

Contacted yesterday, Imbert confirmed he requested a copy of Ramlogan’s contribution while Gopee-Scoon said she had not. Imbert said, “If he has committed a contempt (that is, the deliberate misleading of the House), I will file a motion of privilege, but if he has merely been irresponsible and reckless, he may be able to escape the Privileges Committee.”

“I have read the Hansard record of the AG’s introduction in the debate on the legislative proposals for an anti-corruption commission and I have also read the end of his winding-up.

I am still to receive the first part of his winding-up from the Parliament, but from what I have read so far, he definitely insinuated that a piano worth approximately $1 million had gone missing from the Prime Minister’s residence and he also insinuated that Mr Manning might know of its whereabouts,” Imbert continued.

Imbert added that although Ramlogan “sailed very close to the wind, from what I have read so far, he stopped short of saying that Mr Manning stole the piano.”

“When I receive the last part of his Hansard, I will know whether he has in fact committed a contempt of the House or just merely been reckless.”

Contacted yesterday, Deputy Speaker Dr Fuad Khan said he has not received correspondence from any PNM MP about raising a matter of privilege against Ramlogan at today’s sitting which begins at 1.30 pm. Khan reiterated that if such a request comes before him, he will deal with it.

Khan is deputising for Speaker Wade Mark who was due to return last night from London.

Should the matter be raised on Friday, Mark would recuse himself to allow Khan to adjudicate on the matter since Khan was the presiding officer in the House last Wednesday when Ramlogan made his statement.

Yesterday other PNM parliamentarians said the privilege issue needed to be carefully examined and Ramlogan’s behaviour left a lot to be desired. Speaking to Newsday during the tea break in the Senate, Opposition Senator Pennelope Beckles said she was aware that Imbert was saying that Ramlogan’s contribution needed to be read carefully to determine what he actually said.

Noting the piano has since been found at the Diplomatic Centre where it was originally, Beckles said, “The people in the Lower House will do a careful reading, certainly to ensure that if a decision is made it’s the right one.”

Opposition Senator Fitzgerald Hinds said he would support any decision made by the caucus to raise a matter of privilege against Ramlogan. Outside of that, Hinds described Ramlogan’s behaviour as that of “a hotheaded politician not making a basic inquiry.”

“A piano is not a ten cent coin or a pin that could really be hidden any place. We do not expect that kind of behaviour from the AG of the Republic, The AG holds very serious office. Hiss duty is to uphold the law and the Constitution.

Opposition Senator Faris Al Rawi described Ramlogan’s actions as “the continuation of irresponsibility on his part.” “He who alleges must prove,” Al-Rawi stated. La Brea MP Fitzgerald Jeffery described Ramlogan’s actions in the House last week as “a political fiasco.” “We know what was inferred,” Jeffery stated.

Minister in the dark, staff sour as 31-year-old
junior employee appointed to head spy agency picture & source

By Denyse Renne

Story Created: Jan 20, 2011 at 11:42 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 20, 2011 at 11:42 PM ECT

A new Director has been appointed to head the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA).

President George Maxwell Richards, acting on the advice of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, earlier this week issued the instrument of appointment to 31-year-old Reshmi Usha Ramnarine.

Ramnarine has been attached to the SIA for the past four years where she held the post of communications technician. She was among the employees sent home when the SIA was busted in October last year.

Her appointment is expected to last for six months. Confused

The SIA came into public glare last year when Attorney General Anand Ramlogan announced that the SIA was illegally spying on citizens of T&T.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, in addressing Parliament, called the names of several people, including members of her Cabinet, Opposition MPs, journalists and trade unionists upon whom the SIA was spying.

Following the announcement, Director of the SIA, Nigel Clement was fired. Clement succeeded Lynne Ann Williams, a former soldier, who ran the unit for close to 14 years.

Williams is now the executive director of Caricom Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS).

Sources say Ramnarine's appointment has left a sour taste in the mouths of SIA personnel, since she lacks the educational background and expertise to run the agency which deals with intelligence gathering information and security issues with regards to the country.

"She has no training whatsoever in the field of security and intelligence," a source said.

Stating that Ramnarine will be exposed to "extremely sensitive material on national security issues," the source added that employees at SIA were officially informed of the appointment on Wednesday, when Ramnarine called a meeting displaying her instrument of appointment.

Calls to several government ministers on the issue were dodged as many of them expressed surprise at the appointment. Confused

One Minister, who did not wish to be identified, said: "I am now hearing of this. It probably happened and we (Cabinet) did not know."

Sources said Ramnarine, a past student of John Donaldson Technical Institute, entered the SIA as a junior support staff member and earned a monthly salary of $5,000.

With this promotion, Ramnarine's salary has now been pushed into the $40,000-$45,000 range. She will also receive transportation, travelling and other allowances. Should she be required to travel, she will be entitled to business class.

Sources further say following the SIA fiasco last year, Persad-Bissessar had appointed Trevor Ganpat, 33, to head the agency. Ganpat, sources say, is a senior intelligence analyst and was in charge of the Threat Assessment Group during the Caribbean Heads of Government Conference (CHOGM) held in 2009, which saw United States President Barack Obama and world leaders visit Trinidad.

Ganpat has been attached to SIA for the past ten years and is currently awaiting results from the University of the West Indies, having completed his Masters in Criminology.

Ganpat is also an intelligence analyst on the National Security Council.

Sources say that Ganpat was given his instrument of appointment to head the agency within 24 hours after a recommendation was made for him to be at the helm, but this was rescinded, weeks after.

Two weeks ago, Ganpat and another senior analyst Julie Browne were given their instruments of appointment to the post of Deputy Directors of SIA.

They received their instruments from Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security Jennifer Boucaud Blake.

Repeated efforts to get a response from Ramnarine proved unsuccessful, as calls to her cellphone went unanswered and voice messages were not returned.

Calls to Minister of National Security John Sandy and Minister in the Ministry Subhas Panday, also went unanswered.

Sandy: She's a UWI graduate

By Anna Ramdass

Story Created: Jan 21, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 21, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar must immediately rescind the appointment of Reshmi Usha Ramnarine as Director of the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA), says Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley.

He said if no action is taken to remove Ramnarine from this position, the Opposition will reconsider its position in collaborating with Government on future initiatives.

Rowley's threat comes at a time when Government needs support from the Opposition and Independent benches to pass legislation to carry out the death penalty without hindrance.

"It is our view that we have to consider our relationship with this Government ... this coalition of the mad, the incompetent. The PNM Opposition will seriously consider whether we want to participate in any collaborative process with this Government on any matter as long as this woman remains in this position," Rowley said.

At a press conference at the Parliament yesterday, Rowley expressed outrage on the appointment and posed a number of questions to Persad-Bissessar, in particular, whether Ramnarine was the whistleblower who provided her (Persad-Bissessar) with information with respect to the SIA and whether her appointment was now a form of payback.

He said that the Opposition can no longer take the Government seriously, especially now that the Government has demonstrated that they have no qualms in appointing girlfriends and liming partners to serious positions in this country without any process or without any concern for the well being of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

He asked, "Is there any truth in the allegations being made in some quarters that she (Ramnarine) may have used her position to obtain and share information in an unauthorised manner, with persons who are now holding senior advisory positions to the Prime Minister? Because if those allegations are true, we now know exactly what took place there."

Rowley noted that Persad-Bissessar had said she received a phone call from someone who gave her information the SIA was being used to spy on Government and other public officials.

"Is it that this person was the whistleblower to which the Prime Minister made dramatic and copious reference? ... and by the way, I would say there was a UNC party hosted by Sasha Mohammed (former TV6 journalist) a few weeks ago ... and in that party, Miss Ramnarine was introduced as the whistleblower of the SIA. I'm asking the Government today if that is the same person who was appointed to this position?" Rowley said.

Rowley also asked whether spying was continuing on members of the Opposition.

"Now that this disastrous clandestine appointment has been confirmed, is it true that she has been detailed to continue spying or monitoring members of the Opposition and persons of interest to the Prime Minister, and that the six-month appointment is deliberately crafted to provide her with enough time to screen and remove information detrimental to the Prime Minister and her Government?" Rowley asked.

"Is it that the sensitive intelligence information of this country and other countries who work with us on these matters, is now being placed in the controlling hands of this patently unqualified party or lackey of the Prime Minister? Is this a payback for the information provided which tipped the Prime Minister off for the alleged improper conduct of SIA officers prior to November 2010?"

Rowley also questioned if Ramnarine was there to do the work of the Government: "Is this person put there to do the work of the political directorate, and if so, is that not the very allegation that was made against former prime minister Manning, against whom, it was alleged, had used the SIA to obtain information for political benefit?"

Rowley said there is information at the SIA which can be "very damaging" if not handled with competence. He questioned how it was possible that such an appointment could be made without Cabinet members being aware.

He called on Congress of the People (COP) leader Winston Dookeran to join him and demand that this appointment be revoked. He said he would not let this matter rest and vowed to raise more questions next Friday on a motion he filed on the SIA.
Conflicting reports on Reshmi's qualifications

By Denyse Renne

Story Created: Jan 21, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 21, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT

THERE were conflicting reports over the qualifications and appointment of the new spy chief yesterday, with Minister of National Security John Sandy and acting President Timothy Hamel Smith naming different agencies to which Reshmi Usha Ramnarine was appointed.

In addressing the Parliament yesterday, Sandy said following consultations with members of the National Security Council and Cabinet, Ramnarine, whom he described as being a University of the West Indies (UWI) graduate, was appointed as director of the Strategic Services Agency (SSA).

However, a release from the Office of the President yesterday confirmed that she was appointed to the post of director of the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA).

"His Excellency, Senator Timothy Hamel-Smith, acting President of the Republic, issued the instrument of appointment to the new SIA Director on Friday 14th January, 2011," a release from the Office of the President said.

However, Sandy's statement did little to quell concerns of employees attached to the SIA yesterday about Ramnarine's inexperience for the post. Sources said the employees maintained that Ramnarine does not have the expertise, experience or educational background to preside over such a sensitive post, even if it is for a six-month period. The employees were also extremely concerned over the appointment, since according to the Interception Act, only three persons can order that wiretapping be conducted—the Chief of Defence Staff, Commissioner of Police and the Director of the SIA.

Noting that Ramnarine is not qualified to head a government spy agency, the source said intelligence analysis or intelligence operations are two major areas in the world of intelligence gathering, experience which Ramnarine lacks.

Responding to the support Ramnarine has from Cabinet ministers, as reflected during yesterday's Parliament sitting, the source denied Ramnarine has been employed at the SIA for the past nine years.

"This is absolutely incorrect," the source said. In 2007, Ramnarine sent her CV to numerous media houses seeking employment.

Among the objectives listed on her cover letter then was her intention to do a BSc in Geography and the Environment which was "carded to begin in September 2007". At the time, Ramnarine listed herself as being employed on a three year contract as a Technical Operator III at Research Associates of T&T.

In addressing Parliament yesterday, Sandy said that Ramnarine was a graduate of UWI, but failed to state what field and what qualification(s) she obtained while at the institution.

In his address to Parliament last evening, however, Foreign Affairs Minister Surujrattan Rambachan said Ramnarine possesses a BSc in Information Technology and is currently a second year student at UWI pursuing a degree in Psychology.

However, sources called immediately after hearing the statement to raise questions about when Ramnarine would have been able to earn her degree, having been employed full time at SIA. As a full time employee, they argued, she would have had to pursue the degree as a part-time student at best, which takes longer than the stipulated three-year period.

Commenting on the issue last evening, former prime minister Basdeo Panday called on Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to clear the air on the appointment.

In a telephone interview with the Express, Panday said: "The Prime Minister owes it to indicate to the public the reason behind such an important appointment. Why was this person hired? And unless we can have from the Prime Minister the criteria and qualifications which led to this appointment, then we can see whether she (Ramnarine) is qualified."

Efforts to contact Ramnarine were unsuccessful as calls to her cellphone went unanswered last evening.

By Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Jan 22, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 22, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT

Within 24 hours of questions being raised about her appointment and her qualifications for the post of director of the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA), Reshmi Usha Ramnarine has resigned from the position.

Though appointed eight days ago (on January 14), information about her appointment only became public on Friday in an Express exclusive, to be immediately greeted by outrage, with some of her own colleagues in the SIA describing her as unsuitable and underqualified for the position.

The negative comments continued with Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley threatening to withhold Opposition support for critical legislation unless Ramnarine was removed from the position.

Yesterday, questions continued to be raised about her qualifications, with sources claiming investigations would not bear out the claims made by ministers (John Sandy and Suruj Rambachan) on her behalf in Parliament on Friday.

By yesterday afternoon, Ramnarine, "with deep regret", tendered her resignation "with immediate effect", saying she was of the view "that the work of the agency and my duties as director, as well as my personal safety, has been compromised by the high level of exposure over the past few days". Roll Eyes

This, notwithstanding the fact she "had looked forward to serving my country as diligent ly as I have in the Security Intelligence Agency for the past nine years".

The letter of resignation was submitted to Minister Sandy who, in a press release, "thanked Miss Ramnarine for her willingness to serve and wished her the very best in her future endeavours".

The appointment of the 31-year-old Ramnarine to the senior security post had come as a shock. She had entered the SIA as a junior support staff member and earned a monthly salary of $5,000. With her promotion, her salary was pushed into the $40,000 to $45,000 range, with perks including transportation, travelling and other allowances.

She was put above others who were thought to be eminently more qualified, such as Trevor Ganpat who, along with Julie Browne, was appointed deputy director of the SIA.

Rowley, at a news conference on Friday, noted Ramnarine, a close friend of former TV6 journalist Sasha Mohammed, had been introduced as the "whistle-blower" at a farewell party for Mohammed at Trotters some weeks ago.

He asked whether Ramnarine was the whistle-blower to which Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar had referred in Parliament when the dramatic expose on the activities of the SIA was made. He asked whether her appointment had been a payback.

Sandy, in justifying Ramnarine's appointment in the Parliament on Friday, had stated she was a "graduate of the University of the West Indies (UWI)". Rambachan later elaborated, saying she possessed a BSc in Information Technology and was currently a second-year student at UWI, pursuing a degree in psychology. A CV submitted by Ramnarine to various media houses in 2007, however, merely listed her as having done a computer course, Microsoft Certified Systems and Engineer, between April 4, 2005 and May 12, 2006 with UWI.

Ramnarine's resume was posted on Facebook yesterday, and it showed technical qualifications in computing, but no academic qualifications over and above two A-Levels, in which she achieved passes at the lowest permissible level. Red Face

Sandy, on Friday, said Ramnarine had been appointed as director with the office of the director of the SSA to assist in the "rationalisation, streamlining and amalgamation of the SIA into the SSA". However, on Friday, a release from the President's office stated Ramnarine had been appointed to the post of director of the SIA and the instrument of appointment was signed by "His Excellency, Senator Timothy Hamel-Smith".

Both Ramnarine's resignation letter and the release sent yesterday from the Minister of National Security, however, stated she had resigned her position as director of the SSA.
Rowley: She's not qualified for post

By Louis B Homer South bureau

Story Created: Jan 22, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 22, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT

Putting Reshmi Ramnarine as director of the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA) was the most destructive thing the Government has done, Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said yesterday evening.

"I have no problem with her race, age or gender. My concern is that she is not suitably qualified to hold the position," Rowley said in response to an earlier statement by Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar defending the appointment.

Rowley, speaking at the Annual Conference of Delegates at the Fyzabad constituency meeting held at the Fyzabad Community Centre, made his comments before news broke Ramnarine had tendered her resignation from the post of SIA director.

He said if no action was taken to remove her, "as long as it stands, this PNM (People's National Movement) will be keeping far away from them if that is the way they want to run the country".

Rowley said Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar had accused him of opposing Ramnarine's appointment "simply because of her race, gender and age".

He said that was a foolish statement to make when the issue under discussion concerned national security.

"We have always stood up for women, and to say it involved gender is foolishness," he said.
Kamla slams Opposition

Story Created: Jan 22, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 22, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT

PRIME Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday defended the appointment of Reshmi Usha Ramnarine as head of the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA), calling the controversy a "red herring" from Opposition Leader Keith Rowley.

Persad-Bissessar said newspaper stories on the issue were "fabricated" by the Opposition with "no basis in fact". Roll Eyes

The PM made the comments during a brief interview with Radio i95 yesterday as she left a seminar for State board appointees at the National Academy for the Performing Arts.

Ramnarine subsequently tendered her resignation yesterday to National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy.

Asked by Radio i95 whether Ramnarine was the "whistle blower" who leaked information on the SIA's spying practices under the People's National Movement (PNM) government, Persad-Bissessar responded: "Was there a whistle blower?"

She then said: "What is really the objection to the appointment of this director (to) the SSA (Strategic Services Agency)? Is it because she is 31 years old? Is it because she is an academically qualified woman with nearly a decade of experience within what was then the SIA?

"It is absurd that Dr Keith Rowley, who now leads the very political organisation that was in government when the SIA illegally and immorally tapped into the private conversations of politicians, judges, journalists, private citizens, even the President, can have the temerity today to ask whether this appointment was designed to perpetuate the very practices carried out under the very PNM administration of which he was a part."

Persad-Bissessar accused the Opposition of basing its fears and accusations on its understanding of how that party functioned when it was in government while it judges the People's Partnership government by its own yardstick of subterfuge and corruption.

Persad-Bissessar said there was nothing clandestine about Ramnarine's appointment, which was done through the National Security Council and the Cabinet.

Asked how Ramnarine came to be appointed, Persad-Bissessar said:

"She was recommended by the deputy director of the SSA. The council of ministers of the National Security Council received that recommendation and considered it. I had no personal friendship or relationship with the director."

Prior to that, the PM said: "There is no answer to be given to Dr Rowley's Anansi stories of meetings and dubious relationships, which were all fabricated to create the storm of protest and righteous indignation about the very SIA that the PNM should hang their heads in shame for, for the manner in which it was used."

She added: "This red herring cannot erase what happened during the PNM administration with the SIA. Let Dr Rowley spend the time explaining how that occurred he stayed silent through all of that rather than to cast these spurious and unsubstantiated allegations."

Persad-Bissessar said she has continued to stick to her statements that no one in Trinidad and Tobago should be denied any position for which they are qualified, based on gender or ethnicity.

—with reporting by
Kim Boodram
Originally posted by kidmost:
Eric's Lament ..a new T&T opera Solilique on Revenge ! written and performed by Eric's Revenge!
Eat yuh f*&^king heart out Eric , Kamla is gonna kick some serious a55 and clean house .

Persad-Bissessar said she has continued to stick to her statements that no one in Trinidad and Tobago should be denied any position for which they are qualified, based on gender or ethnicity...........Quote.

When in doubt the Indian leaders response is the RACE card. I listen to radio power 102 fm a Pro UNC station on sunday afternoon on the net and many afros called in REGRETING voting for her now that she ONLY claims that the lil gyal with a poor educa shun is being singled out for her RACE.

Govt calls UWI after stating Reshmi had degree; finds out she's no graduate lol

By Denyse Renne

Story Created: Jan 24, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 24, 2011 at 11:45 PM ECT

THE Government only made a request to the University of the West Indies (UWI) for all academic documentation related to Reshmi Usha Ramnarine the day after it announced she was a graduate of the university.

It was also the day she tendered her resignation as Director of the Strategic Services Agency (SSA).

It is still unclear whether she was appointed to the SIA or SSA, with the Government saying it was SSA and the Office of the President stating it was the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA).

Sources say the request to UWI came on Saturday, following question marks over Ramnarine's academic qualifications for the top level highly sensitive security post raised in an exclusive Express report.

A reliable UWI source has said that Ramnarine is not a graduate of the university with a BSc in Information Technology (IT).

On Friday in Parliament, National Security Minister John Sandy, Foreign Affairs Minister Suruj Rambachan and Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar said Ramnarine was qualified for the position of SSA Director Sandy, during his contribution in Parliament, said a meeting held with the National Security Council to consider a recommendation from the Deputy Director of the SSA resulted in Ramnarine being the suitable candidate to head the agency.

Sandy said Ramnarine had nine years, experience in the organisation and "is a graduate of the University of the West Indies." Roll Eyes

Rambachan told Parliament that Ramnarine has a BSc in IT and is a second year student at UWI, where she is completing a BA in Psychology. Rambachan also said Ramnarine has international experience and has been at the agency for nine years.

On Saturday, one week after being given the instrument of appointment to head the SSA, Ramnarine tendered her resignation, stating she feared for her personnel safety.
A press release from the Ministry of National Security's Communication Unit said Ramnarine's resignation was accepted by Sandy.

When contacted on the matter of Ramnarine's record as a graduate yesterday, UWI principal Prof Clement Sankat said: "Those matters are quite confidential and I will not be commenting on personal student matters. I gave all relevant information to the Ministry of Science ,Technology and Tertiary Education."

When the Express contacted Fazal Karim, Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education and line minister for UWI, he said he made no such request.

"I did not request anything, why should I?" Asked whether someone in his ministry may have made the request, Karim said: "If they did, I have no idea."

Following the ministers' unwavering support for Ramnarine and the assurance that she is indeed qualified, the Express managed to obtain a copy of Ramnarine's resume which she sent to various media houses.

The resume showed that, prior to 2007, Ramnarine did not have any degrees. Some of her qualifications included a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) in April 4, 2005-May 12, 2008, from UWI and a certificate from BorderCom International.

When the Express visited UWI's St Augustine campus yesterday, records provided showed Ramnarine was not among the graduating class of 2007, 2008, 2009 or even 2010.

Records further showed that UWI only started a BSc degree in IT last year and the only other computer related programme offered during the years was a BSc in Computer Science.

This in itself is contradictory to what Ramadhar and Rambachan stated in Parliament that Ramnarine has a BSc in IT because the programme only started last year.

SIA employment records, which the Express obtained, confirmed Ramnarine has four years' experience as a junior communications technician, a position she held until her elevation one week ago to Director of the SSA.

The records also showed that certain aspects of Ramnarine's qualifications mirrored those of a Deputy Director at the SIA.

The Deputy Director in question has nine years experience, is a graduate of the UWI and also has international experience participating in workshops and seminars in Canada, United Kingdom and the United States of America.

It was only last year the Deputy Director returned from a seminar in New York, sources say.

Sources further added that though Ramnarine may have been recommended to the post, it was the duty of the National Security Council to ask pertinent questions and even interview Ramnarine, especially since the unit is a sensitive one which deals with intelligence gathering and matters of national security.

Efforts to contact Sandy, Rambachan and Ramadhar were unsuccessful yesterday.
Eric needs to understand that equal opportunity does not mean unqualified people should be given civil service jobs. Case in point affirmative action in the USA opened the flood gates to minorites who were not qualified for Govt jobs and the result of that is an inneffective civil service . Do I want any of any ethnic background holding down a govt job where they cant deliver services for the pay they are receiving ? hell no! Eric needs a good trini buggering ! because he is just a downright racist !

Sandy on Reshmi's appointment:

By Miranda La Rose

Story Created: Jan 25, 2011 at 11:56 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 25, 2011 at 11:56 PM ECT

National Security Minister John Sandy and Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar have admitted that the appointment of Reshmi Ramnarine to the post of director of the Strategic Services Agency was "an error". However, Minister in the Ministry of National Security, Subhas Panday, says it was not. Roll Eyes

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Suruj Rambachan, meanwhile said, "We are reviewing what has happened and by Friday we would be able to clarify whether there had been any problems."

Sandy, Ramadhar, Panday, Rambachan and Minister of Housing Dr Roodal Moonilal spoke with reporters yesterday during a break in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association seminar for local Members of Parliament at the Hyatt Regency hotel, Port of Spain.

Asked whether the appointment might have been an error, Sandy said, "Yes. I would say that ... misinformation."

He said "it's unfortunate" the issue erupted in the manner it has.

Clarifying the difference between the SSA and the Security Intelligence Agency (SIA), Sandy said, "The SSA is the legal entity. The SIA isn't."

Asked whether he had objected to Ramnarine's appointment, he said the recommendation was discussed at National Security Council but he was not at liberty to discuss it. He said he did not know who recommended Ramnarine for the job, but was advised that she was qualified.

"I'm advised that she's not," he said in reference to an Express exclusive yesterday which highlighted the fact that Ramnarine did not have a UWI degree.

Asked whether she was interviewed for the post, Sandy said, "Not by me."

He said a suitable replacement was being sought, but "there must be certain procedures that must take place".

Ramadhar, who had supported Ramnarine's appointment, said, "I want to apologise to the nation if in any way I would have said anything that led anyone to believe that which I honestly held based on the information I was given."

He said he did not know Ramnarine, but understood she had a degree in Information Technology and was in the process of completing another in psychology. "I would not have made any statement that I believe to have been false," he said. Big Grin

The incident, Ramadhar said, was an opportunity for the People's Partnership to ensure that "these errors do not recur. In life things happen. We do make mistakes and once we learn from them, we must never to repeat them".

He added, "We have to be a bit more cautious about matters and that we proceed not to take information on the face of it."

Stating that he did not support her nomination, he said, "It was extremely unfortunate and I wish it never had occurred."

Commenting on the situation, Panday said, "The PNM just making confusion. When the Penn State University had recommended Stephen Williams, a well qualified man, to be the Commissioner of Police, why did they shoot him down in the parliament and put somebody who was unqualified. Hypocrisy on the part of the PNM, and the press peddling the hypocrisy of the PNM."

Asked why Ramnarine was not interviewed instead of just accepting the recommendation, Panday said, "Ask Mr Sandy. That's not for me to answer."

Asked whether the Government made an error in the appointment of Ramnarine, Panday said, "No. Not at all."

In his comments to the media on who recommended Ramnarine to Cabinet and why her credentials were not viewed, Moonilal said, "Surely we can't divulge information about matters that were discussed in the Cabinet."

He directed questions of national security to Sandy and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Responding to why it was that all the ministers interviewed would not comment on who recommended Ramnarine to Cabinet, Moonilal said, "I prefer not to comment on your question of why all the ministers don't know."
Originally posted by kidmost:
Eric needs to understand that equal opportunity does not mean unqualified people should be given civil service jobs. Case in point affirmative action in the USA opened the flood gates to minorites who were not qualified for Govt jobs and the result of that is an inneffective civil service . Do I want any of any ethnic background holding down a govt job where they cant deliver services for the pay they are receiving ? hell no! Eric needs a good trini buggering ! because he is just a downright racist !

It is my humble opinion Ms Ramnarine WAS indeed qualified for her politically appointed 40,000 $ a month position, she is of the Hindu Indian persuasion! and if pointing this out makes me a "racist" I guess I'm a racist......
Affirmative action based on ethnicity and religion should never ignore qualifications and capability.

I have a black haitian woman as my admin officer because she is not only qualified but very capable. A few years ago I had to let two people go who were white and asian because they although they were qualified they were not capable.

When I was a military officer in Guyana I recommended promotion on the basis of merit and nothing else. A system based on merit yields higher production levels and efficiency.
Lobby group marches against Kamla

Published: Fri, 2011-01-28 22:39

Radhica Sookraj

picture & source
Members of Concerned National Citizens, led by Jowelle De Souza, march through San Fernando in the pouring rain yesterday. PHOTO: RISHI RAGOONATH

In a bid to catch the ear of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, members of a new lobby group, Concerned National Citizens (CNC), yesterday staged a march through San Fernando, in the pouring rain, to highlight concerns over the stagnation of T&T’s economy.

Led by businesswoman Jowelle de Souza, the group marched along Independence Avenue, San Fernando, carrying banners and placards.

One of the placards, emblazoned with the word “Midnight Robber”, had a cartoon of a woman with a black hat and a wide smile as well as a picture of a bounced cheque payable to Clico policyholders.

Some of the placards read: “Mamma Kamla and Pap Dooks Running T&T Business to a Bust”. Another read: “PP Killing Clico policyholders while Mama Kamla collecting money for Child Fund.” De Souza said the business sector was suffering because there were no investments, no job increases and few business opportunities.

She said a wide cross-section of the population was disgruntled with the performance of the Government.

She said: “People are feeling that the Prime Minister is not being told the truth of what is happening in the nation. “Hope is running thin and we are trying to see how best we can get to the Prime Minister and see what we can do. “We are concerned because our country is so stagnant.

What are they doing to develop the economy? They are saying that they building the road to create jobs. This is not enough. We are not seeing business improving,” De Souza added.

Asked what were her recommendations to resuscitate the economy, De Souza said: “They must pay the Clico policyholders because unless the financial system is restored we will not get any growth of the economy.” De Souza also said Persad-Bissessar should do a poll to get the general feedback from the population.

She contended that thousands of people were frustrated with the declining economy and the inability of the Government to deal with that problem.

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