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Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Well Eric Queen Kamla doesnt look too good. Maybe the PNM might be back. Corrupt as they are they seem to know more about governing than this motley crowd.

Ditto for the PPP/C

TRinis took a chance. Now Guyanese neeedto do the same given how poor a job the PPP is doing.

Guyanese flock by the thousands to Trinidad and did so under PNM rule. Trinis are scared to visit Guyana and the notion of living in Guyana will strike them as being odd.
Originally posted by caribj:
Well Eric Queen Kamla doesnt look too good. Maybe the PNM might be back. Corrupt as they are they seem to know more about governing than this motley crowd.

The Allness of the Universe

Published on June 21, 2011 in General T&T,

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe

June 21, 2011

A month ago the People’s Partnership (PP) celebrated its first anniversary. Its members party fuh so. Such was their glee that Kamla even found time to stick it to Orville London and the THA. Like all conquering heroes and monarchs of everything they surveyed, not even the lowly CEPEP was beyond the grasps of their craven ways. They wanted it all. PP was not only of T&T; it envisaged itself as the all embracing spirit of the society.

On that same weekend the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago celebrated the centenary of the birth of Dr. Eric Williams, the Father of the Nation. Not one member of the PP hierarchy attended, suggesting that Dr. Williams may be the Father of the African nation; not the Indian nation. Why bother to respect and honor Dr Williams’ contributions to the nation.

In spite of its talk of interracial unity, the PP has not embraced the whole society. It continues to use its African members to feign interracial solidarity and fires any black person in the Public Service who supports the PNM. It remains convinced that T&T history began on May 24, 2010. Any political activity before then is without significance. Within this scenario, Dr. Williams is depicted as anti-Indian.

Such a position is without any foundation. If PP’s political hierarchy had attend the Banks’ centenary celebration they would have heard the brave words of Colin Palmer, former Dodge Professor of History at Princeton University, who argued that while Dr. Williams was alive he may have belonged to the PNM. In death, he belongs to the nation in the same way that Winston Churchill, a member of the Conservative Party while he lived, is revered as one of England’s noblest statesmen. This is an intellectual subtlety that members of the PP will have to learn.

It is difficult for many in the PP to see Dr. Williams in any but racial terms . If the PP’s hierarchy attended the Bank’s function they would have received, gratis, a booklet containing three speeches Dr. Williams delivered on the “great Trinity of India’s Nationalist figures”: Mahatma Gandhi (1959) and Rabindranath Tagore (1961) and Jawaharlal Nehru (1964). Long before many members of the PP were born Dr Williams ruminated about the importance of these nationalist figures and the lessons of their lives for our young nation.

Dr. William’s essay on Nehru described Nehru’s anti-colonist tendencies and refuted some of his critics as he defended Nehru’s approach to economic development: “One can always find so-called socialists or communists ready to attack every nationalist movement, as if a nationalist movement is born, nurtured and carried into victory to put into effect not the ideas which it presented to the people in the heat of battle but the ideas of armchair theoreticians, many of them far away whilst the battle was on.”

Dr. Williams also acknowledged his spiritual kinship with Nehru, “a man who was at one and the same time a national symbol, a philosopher or anti-colonialism and a student of world history.” He may have used this essay also to respond to C.L.R. James’s criticism of his leadership articulated in PNM Go Forth, renamed Party Politics in the West Indies (1962).

Dr. Williams described Gandhi as “one of the most gifted human beings who ever lived.” This was high praise indeed. He sought to demonstrate that inherent in Gandhi’s teaching of the simple crafts was a conception of education. Gandhi also saw social studies as “an indispensable prerequisite of good citizenship,” a message that is still relevant today. He believed that an acquaintance with Gandhi’s life “to whatever degree, can only lead to the enrichment of ours.”

Dr. Williams admired Tagore’s aesthetic sensibility, his participation in India’s nationalist movement, and the breath of his internationalist concerns. In one of his most philosophical essays, Dr. Williams said of Tagore’s work: “I seek to penetrate, for the benefit of our own people, the political significance of Tagore’s poetry, dramas and novels in order to draw lessons for our society in the West Indies.”

In his critique of the poetry of Nicolas Guillen, Jacques Roumain, Jean Brierre and Luis Palos Matos, four Caribbean poets, he argued: “It is wholly false to think that communist ideology has a monopoly on the theory of racial equality.” Interestingly enough, he uses similar lines from Walt Whitman in “Four Poets of the Greater Caribbean” (1952) that he used in his essay on Tagore.

Tagore represented “one of the best examples…of the role of the intellectual in the Nationalist Movement in colonial counties.” As an intellectual at the head of a nationalist movement, Dr. Williams drew on Tagore’s inspiration to deal with the demands of our nationalist movement. In 1959, at the International Conference of Negro Writers and Artists in Rome, Dr. Williams spelt out the functions of the political leader as a man of culture in the presence of scholar-activists such as Frantz Fanon, Jean Price-Mars, Cheikh Anta Diop, Sekou Toure and Leopold Senghor.

Although Dr. Williams never articulated his religious beliefs, his conception of the Godhead was closer to that of Tagore who prayed that “he may never lose the bliss of the touch of the One in the play of the many.” In his final submission to oneness of the world, Tagore declared: “I have come to the brink of eternity from which nothing can vanish no hope, no happiness, no vision of a face seen through tears. Oh dip my emptied life into the ocean, plunge it into the deepest fullness. Let me for once feel that lost sweet touch in the allness of the universe.”

The PP will have to revise their interpretation of our mutual past if they hope to create a united society. They will also have to accept Dr. Williams’s contribution to the nation. Like Dr. Williams, they will have to join in the struggle to immunize our nation from the poison of racial hatred. It’s a lesson that Dr. Williams tried to teach the nation.
Okay, but Kamaluddin Mohamed was Dr. Williams right hand for a long time. He was Deputy PM remember? Williams died and Kamal was supposed to become PM and what you think happened? They changed the rules and shut out Kamal. Is this the lesson that Dr. Williams tried to teach the nation?
Originally posted by Alexander:
Okay, but Kamaluddin Mohamed was Dr. Williams right hand for a long time. He was Deputy PM remember? Williams died and Kamal was supposed to become PM and what you think happened? They changed the rules and shut out Kamal. Is this the lesson that Dr. Williams tried to teach the nation?

Bullshit Kamal wasn't the ONLY Deputy PM at the time as I recall so was Winston Mahabir & George Chambers, Eric Williams sudden death was chaotic during the first hours and the task of choosing the next PM went to the President Ellis Clark (non PNM) who after careful deliberation choose an almost unknown working class George Chambers. Many yrs later it came out that Ellis Clark thought that both Kamal & Winston wanted the job TOO badly while Chambers was the most reluctant. Kamal was UGLY and crooked as for Winston I heard about his "Japanese Fish Garden" and many shady deals put off Ellis Clark.

Eric Williams NEVER was clear about who would follow him as PM that's why he had 3 Deputy PM's.
Tributes for a PNM stalwart

By ALEXANDER BRUZUAL Thursday, July 28 2011,52040.html#foto
MAMA GONE: Grandson Darius is consoled by his grieving father, Darryl La Pierre, during the funeral service of Marjorie Beepatsingh yesterday at the C...

It was a very emotional moment yesterday as hundreds of people gathered at the Church on the Rock, Lady Young Road, Morvant, to pay their final respects to People’s National Movement (PNM) stalwart, Marjorie Beepatsingh.

The congregation at the church was packed with several senior and retired police officers as well as several representatives of the PNM, including party Chairman Franklin Khan; Opposition Chief Whip, Marlene McDonald, and former PSA president, Jennifer Baptiste-Primus.

Infact, Khan was among the three persons including Millicent Craig and Beepatsingh’s granddaughter, Dariel La Pierre who gave heart warming eulogies at the funeral service, praising the retired policewoman on all her contributions and accomplishments.

La Pierre broke down in tears several times during her eulogy, in which she affectionately referred to Beepatsingh as “mama”. She said while the world may have known her grandmother as a police officer and a diehard PNM, Beepatsingh would always be remembered in her family as a very caring person, who was always there for those she loved.

“Her time here was both meaningful and enjoyable. She was a lovely woman who always said whatever what was on her mind, no matter what. She was a true patriot, a good woman, and a good friend to many. We will all miss her greatly,” La Pierre said.

In her eulogy, Craig noted that one of Beepatsingh’s greatest accomplishments was being the first woman of East Indian descent to join the police service in 1972. She shared several stories that her “batchmates” had with Beepatsingh, and noted with admiration that the retired policewoman had been a close friend to the late prime minister and party founder, Dr Eric Williams.

It was noted that Beepatsingh had worked throughout several divisions in the country, but was most fond of her tenure in the Central Police Station as she got a chance to be part of parliamentary sessions as a uniformed officer on duty.

Craig recalled that one of Beepatsingh’s most famous arrests would forever be the one she made in the late 1990s when she arrested a man for not standing up during the playing of the national anthem. Wink

“Marjorie was a patriot, Marjorie was a policewoman, Marjorie was a PNM. This is from your batch-mates Marjorie, we love you just the way you were, and may you rest in peace,” Craig said.

In delivering his eulogy, Khan described Beepatsingh as a loyal supporter of the party, and one who was always sitting in the front row of the public gallery during Parliamentary sessions.

He too described the retired policewoman as a very outspoken woman, who was always ready to share her thoughts on issues of politics, culture, and policing. He recalled her relationship with Dr Williams, noting that his death had meant more to Beepatsingh than most people in the country, as she considered him a father figure.

Khan said that Beepatsingh would surely be missed by everyone in the PNM.

She was expected to be cremated at the St. James crematorium.
FM acquisition cost rocketed—Opposition Leader

By —Ria Taitt

Story Created: Aug 15, 2011 at 11:46 PM ECT
Story Updated: Aug 15, 2011 at 11:46 PM ECT source

The estimated cost of land acquisition associated with the construction of the Point Fortin Highway has trebled from $800 million to $2.4 billion, Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley claimed yesterday.

He said the increase was the result of Government's deviating from the law in the acquisition of land for a public purpose.

Rowley noted that Minister of Works and Infrastructure Jack Warner was now being "supervised" by MPs whose constituencies are impacted by this project. "Since when are these executive matters being dealt with on a constituency basis?" he asked, adding: "The main role the committee will play is to advocate, intervene and override the Director of Surveys (who plays a key role in surveying lands for acquisition) to ensure that this increase from $800 million to $2.4 billion is effected for the benefit of the constituents of UNC MPs".

"We are advised that ...Government is buying the land from landowners once the road impacts on the land. So if you have five acres of land...whether it is bull grass, swamp, unproductive, whatever it is, if the road impacts your land, the Government buys your acreage at premium costs," Rowley said.

He said under the law the Government should acquire only what is required for the public project (the highway). And it is only if in acquiring a piece of land from a landowner, if the remaining is of such a size or shape as to make that remainder useless to the landowner that the Government is required to take all of it," he said. Saying that he heard one landowner talking very pleasingly about a 75 acre parcel of land which is to be acquired for the road, he said if the entire 75 acre parcel is not being used for the road, such a landowner has much to gain because he finds a buyer for land which otherwise would not have found a market at this time.

"And all those who are in such a position are happy to have their MPs sat at this Interministerial Committee on their behalf bringing about such an arrangement, much to the detriment of the national community and the taxpayers," Rowley said.

He said he was putting the Government on notice that the PNM will be paying close attention to the survey plans for the highway route to Point Fortin and will ensure by every means necessary, including the courts, that Government acquires lands on this route only under the provisions of the existing legal arrangements.
Rowley: Pilot programme to help young black males was rejected

Story Created: Sep 4, 2011 at 9:45 PM ECT
Story Updated: Sep 4, 2011 at 9:45 PM ECT

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said he was accused of being racist in 2002 when he tried to defend a UNC initiative of using special College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT) programmes to target young black males and lead them away from a life of crime.

Rowley was contributing to the Parliament debate on Saturday night, which concluded with a three-month extension of the State of Emergency. Rowley noted the statements of National Security Minister John Sandy who said black males were killing other black males in this country.

Rowley said that under the UNC and former government minister Manohar Ramsaran, there was a pilot project to identify young men at risk and assist them.

He said when he tried to defend this programme, "I was excoriated by my colleagues on the other side. I was accused of advancing racism. I was accused of discrimination. This was a project that wasn't even a PNM project; it was a carry over from the UNC days. It was in the PSIP document and I still hear up to now on the radio stations people calling and accusing me of racism and using that incident of the defence of the COSTAATT programme targeting young men at risk in the East-West Corridor who just happened to be young Afro-Trinidadian males."

Rowley noted that now the very same young black men are deemed to be "so far gone" and their neighbourhoods are labelled as hot spots.

He said the then opposition objected to this programme which was their own brain-child. "Now that you are the architects of a State of Emergency... I ask you now, do you still accuse me of being racist?" asked Rowley.

Finance Minister Winston Dookeran asked why didn't the PNM not implement the programme whilst in power from 2002 to 2010.

"I am saying that the programme was not allowed to go forward...the programme was identified and labelled as discrimination," said Rowley, adding that the PNM did not implement it because they tried to please the then opposition.

"And the moral of that story is that the PNM Government of the time should have had the courage and conviction to stand by that programme," said Rowley.

He urged the Government in their efforts to fight crime to focus on the youth at risk especially in the urban areas.
Jack Wept

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe

September 06, 2011

And Jack wept just as Peter wept after he betrayed Christ. Brigadier John Sandy bemoaned: "We must recognize that it is people looking like me who are being murdered, mothers like my mother, God rest her soul, who are out there weeping more than any other race." There is no doubt that Brigadier Sandy loves black women. He is married to an Indian woman.

Now we are told that Indian people love black people more than black people love themselves which is why they had to impose a State of Emergency (SOE) in certain areas and abrogate of civil liberties as the normal part of life in Trinidad and Tobago. It ought to be recorded that the first concentration camps in T&T were built by an Indian government to warehouse black youths which may be the beginning of what one can continue to expect from such a government. Most of their dirty work will be done by black men in their party.

We are told by the same Brigadier that 57 percent of the prison population in 2006 were Afro-Trinidadians; 54 per cent in 2007 and 2008; 57 per cent in 2009; and 51 per cent in 2010. They do not keep the racial statistics at the University of the West Indies or, at least this is what Dr. Bhoe Tewarie claimed a few years ago but they do for prisoners which tells you where their priority lays.

In 2003 the PNM proposed a special program for Afro-Trinidadian youths between 17 through 24. The UNC/PP objected strenuously. No one would listen to me then but history is a strange beast so I repeat verbatim what I wrote in the Trinidad Guardian on December 30, 2003 in "Race Matters:"

"For the life of me, I do not know why Trinidadians and Tobagonians don't get up and thinke rather than cast their eyes in the sand and refuse to come to terms with the realities that inhere in the condition of our being.

"Some months ago I raised the question about the enrollments at the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Trinidad and Tobago Institute of Tecnology (TITT), what an education should mean for a citizen of T&T, and the role it should play in the society.

"I was condemned roundly by all and sundry. Not one columnist, Indian or African, came to my defence. No person in the media could see the wisdom of my concerns.

"The question persists and continues to plague our land. Yet we continue to feign ignorance.

"The latest manifestation of the problem revolves around a provision in the 'Social and Economic Policy Framework 2004' in which COSTAATT suggests that the Government of should 'establish targeted recruitment programmes for male Trinidadians aged 17—24, especially Afro-Trinidadian males" (Express, October 28).

"Not concerned with nuance of language or the distinction between the general and the specific, Subhas Panday, brother of Basdeo, thundered that this was an open form of racism against others in the country and that the UNC would take the matter to international organizations.

"For reasons best known to himself, Mr. Panday could not understand how an educational document could outline a proposal for the general populace (all males) and then zero in on a specific manifestation of the problem (the Afro-Trinidadian male between the ages of 17—24).

"Ganga Singh, the person who inflicted on our nation a principal at UWI and a manager at TTIT, both East Indians, seemed indignant:

"COSTAATT would be admitting students on 'a quota system and a Cudjoe mentality' and Government was being 'offensive' in dealing with Afro-Trinidadian male under achievement rather than male underachievement (Newsday, October 28).

"The Express reported that Singh accused the Government of using 'Cudjoe ideologies' and changing the paradigm of policy making to that of ethnicity [sic]." He continued:

"I agree that there is a need for measures to deal with the situation but not by sleight of hand. The matter needed to be brought to Parliament for debate as such bais comes at the expense of women and other ethnic groups (Express, Oct. 28).

"Responding to these criticisms, Keith Rowley noted: 'It was a fact that the Afro-Trinidadian male was the biggest under performer in the country and there was a need to address that issue. By addressing the problems of the Afro-Trinidadian did not mean that East Indians was being neglected. Our policy is to create increased opportunity in tertiary education for all of our citizens. So that when we say COSTTATT will target a particular problem, and we expand COSTTAT, that is not at the expense of 'A' to feed 'B.'

"When I raised similar issues I was left out in the cold to dry. Danny Montano condemned me for 'waving a racial flag.' Not one member of the PNM supported me publicly and every black columnist Morgan Job, Lennox Grant, George John, Reggie Dumas, Selwyn Ryan—condemned my intervention. Raffique Shah delighted in satirizing my position."

I wrote these lines in 2003. In the recent debate on the SOE when Dr. Rowley reminded the PP/UNC of their hypocrisy, the Prime Minister condemned him and the PNM for not having the courage of their conviction to carry out what, in hindsight, was a progressive way to deal with the problem.

And she may be correct. Yet, the fact remains that when the PNM sought to deal with the problem, it was labeled racism, and the PP/UNC condemned it. Now, we are told that they not only have more sympathy for black people but have been sent by God to be our saviors.

I have no doubt that this racist pogroms, called a state of emergency, will result in the further criminalization of the black population, promote greater ethnic divide, and brutalize the society even more.

History will record that an Indian government built the first built detention camps in our country, thereby initiating the first stage of making Afro-Trinidadians a permanent underclass. In years to come many of the enablers will weep at having assisted the PP in their diabolic design against black people.

Professor Cudjoe's email address is
Originally posted by Alexander:
Okay, but Kamaluddin Mohamed was Dr. Williams right hand for a long time. He was Deputy PM remember? Williams died and Kamal was supposed to become PM and what you think happened? They changed the rules and shut out Kamal. Is this the lesson that Dr. Williams tried to teach the nation?

What did he do that the PPP didnt. Sam Hinds was constitutionally president. The PPP fired the old idiot based on some rule concerning a party which does not exist any more and pushed teh silly fool back in his place.

Sam Hinds is a defacto member of the PPP. Who and what is Civic?

The PPP knows that if it ever showed an African face it would instantly lose the election as most of its supporters would stay home.
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Jack Wept

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe

September 06, 2011

[b]And Jack wept just as Peter wept after he betrayed Christ. Brigadier John Sandy bemoaned: ]

Professor Cudjoe's email address is

Prof if Afro Trinis refuse to go to school and turn criminal what do you expect. Who is preventing them from studying. Yes there is discrimination against dark skinned blacks in the private sector. Now look how much easier it is to do so if black Trinis lack the qualifications.

The AfroGuyanese is considerably more marginalized than his Trini counterpart. At least in the PP there is a powerful man named Jack who occassionally speaks up to defend AfroTrinis.

The man is no stooge like PPP blacks in Guyana who barely say boo and run fro shelter anytime talk of ethnicity in Guyana comes up. When asked why almost all of the serious decisoon makers in GY and virtually NONE of the overseas based Guyanese ambassadors are black a black stooge called Roger Luncheon whispered that he didnt know why.

Further the PNM was only recently booted out of office. What did it do for AfroTrinis then?

In Guyana we have had a racist clique for the past 19 years and still reports are that Afro Guyanese are equally, or maybe OVER represented at UG, and other tertiary level instutions in Guyana.

The PNM destroyed Trini blacks with welfare type programs. T&T now reaps the reward. Thank God the PNC ran out of money so couldnt do this.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Jack Wept

By Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe

September 06, 2011

[b]And Jack wept just as Peter wept after he betrayed Christ. Brigadier John Sandy bemoaned: ]

Professor Cudjoe's email address is

Prof if Afro Trinis refuse to go to school and turn criminal what do you expect. Who is preventing them from studying. Yes there is discrimination against dark skinned blacks in the private sector. Now look how much easier it is to do so if black Trinis lack the qualifications.

The AfroGuyanese is considerably more marginalized than his Trini counterpart. At least in the PP there is a powerful man named Jack who occassionally speaks up to defend AfroTrinis.

The man is no stooge like PPP blacks in Guyana who barely say boo and run fro shelter anytime talk of ethnicity in Guyana comes up. When asked why almost all of the serious decisoon makers in GY and virtually NONE of the overseas based Guyanese ambassadors are black a black stooge called Roger Luncheon whispered that he didnt know why.

Further the PNM was only recently booted out of office. What did it do for AfroTrinis then?

In Guyana we have had a racist clique for the past 19 years and still reports are that Afro Guyanese are equally, or maybe OVER represented at UG, and other tertiary level instutions in Guyana.

The PNM destroyed Trini blacks with welfare type programs. T&T now reaps the reward. Thank God the PNC ran out of money so couldnt do this.

Jack Warner is the BIGGEST fraud & political conman in T&T next to Panday and Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj(suspected of using hit men to kill state witness) Jack Warner's own SON does NOT vote for his dad's party! Warner was once called racial names in UNC party meetings but because of his ill gotten $$$$ he is Tolerated in that party he would sell his own mother for power & influence.

FYI on Manning don't believe every stupid gossip told in rum shops in T&T, the last PNM gov't even managed to out do Eric Williams 24 yrs as PM. our economy is 3 X larger than it was back in 2000! S&P gave T&T a AAA rating under the PNM T&T now has two new Universities(I see Indians from Guyana salivating to enter disgusied as Trinis) if T&T is soooooo bad why are Guyanese flooding T&T for low paying jobs that poor trinis don't want?

What "Welfare" are you talking about?? T&T is NOT a welfare state.(last time I checked) stop listening to foolish talk "Obeah woman" bullshit gossip peddled in UNC run newspapers in T&T "Syrians" bringing drugs in T&T (have you heard the one about how Manning knocked up a 46 yr old woman he has NEVER even met?)that one has been around since 2002 election!

If Manning is so bad for T&T etc where is his jail cell? why he is NOT under investigation by the hindu A.G that told ppl he going to arrest him etc? (revenge & anger that Panday was found guilty for CORRUPTION he still owns a Mansion in London he cannot explain how or where he got the $$$ to pay for it)
FIFA ends Warner TV deal

Story Created: Sep 8, 2011 at 11:50 PM ECT
Story Updated: Sep 8, 2011 at 11:50 PM ECT

FIFA has terminated a multi-million pound 2014 World Cup TV deal after discovering the rights had been sub-licensed to a company owned by controversial former vice-president Jack Warner.

The agreement with the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) has been brought to an end after FIFA told the organisation it had not approved the sub-licensing deal with Warner's company, JD International (JDI).

Warner, who was at that time also the CFU president, sold the rights to Jamaica-based cable provider SportsMax in 2007 for a fee reported to be between US$18 million and US$20 million, though that included the 2010 World Cup as well.

FIFA was also owed several payments dating back to 2009 for the rights, which covered 29 Caribbean countries.

Warner resigned from all football activities in June, a month after being charged with bribery by FIFA, which then dropped its investigation saying it no longer had jurisdiction over the Trinidadian.

FIFA has sent a letter to the CFU saying they have "only recently become aware" of the sub-licensing agreement, as well as detailing the missed payments, and terminating the contract.

Warner has claimed that FIFA's action is "designed to go after me" and that he was shocked that the CFU had been targeted.

FIFA said in a statement to the British Press Association: "The CFU was a media rights licensee for FIFA events in selected territories in the Caribbean.

"However, CFU is no longer a media rights licensee of FIFA. FIFA has secured good coverage in the region directly, but has still not finalised any announcement."

Conservative MP Damian Collins, who is campaigning for FIFA reforms, said Warner's involvement pointed to a clear conflict of interest.

The initial contract with the CFU was agreed in 2005 giving the organisation the rights for the 2010 and 2014 World Cups for countries in the Caribbean.

The CFU, headed by Warner, sub-licensed the rights to his company JDI. In 2007, JDI sold on those rights to SportsMax.

FIFA has said it had not approved the sub-licensing and had only become aware of it recently, but there was no secrecy about Warner's involvement.

Indeed he held a photo opportunity with SportsMax executives to announce the deal, and according to SportsMax's own website, the deal was worth between US$18-20 million. The website said Warner "negotiated the deal on behalf of JDI" and "in his capacity as president of the CFU".

Collins, who sits on the culture, media and sport committee, said the reforms to be announced by FIFA president Sepp Blatter needed to address conflicts of interest.
He said: "There should be a very strict code where members of FIFA's executive committee have to declare all their financial interests.

"If it looks like senior officials are making money on the side as a result of their role in football, that is plainly wrong.

"For someone who has responsibility for the game of football to be making money out of the exploitation of that game cannot be right."

Warner's close connections to the television rights in the Caribbean were also revealed by former FA chairman Lord Triesman in his claims about improper approaches during England's 2018 World Cup bid—Triesman said Warner asked for US$500,000 to be channelled through him to buy the television rights to show the 2010 World Cup on big screens in earthquake-hit Haiti. Red Face

Warner said FIFA's action against the CFU was a publicity stunt.

He told the Press Association: "Such ignoble pursuit has nothing to do with the cleansing of corruption within the FIFA but rather to offer the perception of an aura of cleansing within the FIFA.

"The matter is designed to go after me...and is now with the CFU's Swiss lawyers."
Meanwhile, FIFA has confirmed that Mohamed Bin Hammam's appeal against his life ban for bribery will be heard next week.

Bin Hammam was banned after the ethics committee ruled in July he was responsible for cash gifts totalling around US$1 million to officials from associations belonging to the CFU at a meeting in Port of Spain on May 10, after which Warner was also charged.
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:

Jack Warner is the BIGGEST fraud & political conman in T&T next to Panday and Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj(suspected of using hit men to kill state witness) Jack Warner's own SON does NOT vote for his dad's party! Warner was once called racial names in UNC party meetings but because of his ill gotten $$$$ he is Tolerated in that party he would sell his own mother for power & influence.

FYI on Manning don't believe every stupid gossip told in rum shops in T&T, the last PNM gov't even managed to out do Eric Williams 24 yrs as PM. our economy is 3 X larger than it was back in 2000! S&P gave T&T a AAA rating under the PNM T&T now has two new Universities(I see Indians from Guyana salivating to enter disgusied as Trinis) if T&T is soooooo bad why are Guyanese flooding T&T for low paying jobs that poor trinis don't want?

What "Welfare" are you talking about?? T&T is NOT a welfare state.(last time I checked) stop listening to foolish talk "Obeah woman" bullshit gossip peddled in UNC run newspapers in T&T "Syrians" bringing drugs in T&T (have you heard the one about how Manning knocked up a 46 yr old woman he has NEVER even met?)that one has been around since 2002 election!

If Manning is so bad for T&T etc where is his jail cell? why he is NOT under investigation by the hindu A.G that told ppl he going to arrest him etc? (revenge & anger that Panday was found guilty for CORRUPTION he still owns a Mansion in London he cannot explain how or where he got the $$$ to pay for it)

I guess you will credit Manning for high oil and gas prices.

CEPEP is welfare. Thats for blacks. Keep them poor and dependent on PNM largesse taht way they will always vote PNM.

PNM builds universities for UNC supporters.

I wasnt talking about Panday so why bring him up?

Explain to me why Manning had to flee from the wrath of his own supporters and goodness knows if he would have been alive had the police not rushed in to protect him.

Alll these years of PNM rule and their supporters are the POOREST people in Trinidad. WHY?????

Manning wasted lots of $$$, As in his palace that he had to vacate even though he thought he would be PM for Life.

I have made loads of comments about how messed up Guyana is. Needless to say if T&T had the same amount of oil and gas that Guyana has (NONE) I dare say that Trinis would also have been flocking to Grenada for work lol This runs out in about 20 yeasr they say. What then?
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Believe whatever shit talk you want. I done make my statement.

a statement you made true. A response to my statements you are unable to do.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Believe whatever shit talk you want. I done make my statement..

a statement you made true. A response to my statements you are unable to do.

Maybe he's tryin to %^&$ with you...... or Maybe he's just hurtin' to take a poo.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Believe whatever shit talk you want. I done make my statement.

a ststement you made true. A response to my statements you are unable to do.

If ppl in T&T CHOOSE to make the WRONG choice in life what does the PNM have to do with that?

There are many opportunities for young ppl of ALL backgrounds to make something of themselves, Lots of ppl take what they think is the "easy" way only to end up in jail etc.

The UNC ONLY won because Kamla offered ppl 500$ MORE, if Manning had done the same thing and offered 600$ he would be still PM today, and Mr Manning was NEVER in ANY danger for his life etc, bullshit talk by Indian "journalist" in the local papers paid hacks who will write any shit for the Indian cause.(The woman that claims she had a "baby" for Manning has yet to show this child in public, her family has long since turned their backs on her after pointing out that she had a kid 22 + yrs ago she keeps showing up in the Guardian making the same nasty claims as NO other paper in T&T would take her seriously)

You have made NO point with me, You claimed that "Syrians" don't marry blacks in T&T when I showed you a picture of a Syrian/Afro couple it must've come as quite a shock! YOU like Kidmost have NO "family" in T&T or think you know everything about T&T.

You're empty headed, claiming that Jack Warner is respected black man in the UNC party standing up for blacks etc, Jack Warner called Manning a "racist" that he "does not like east Indians" during the elections if YOU as a black Guyanese man thinks this fool is some sort of "respected" man among men in T&T you are quite foolish indeed! a black african man calling the black PM of a country that handed over mass killer Roger Khan to the USA a "racist", a man that spent 13 million dollars on a "Hanuman" statue for the Hindu community a "racist" YOU should have your head examined! watch when Jack's antics make the UNC look like the crooks they are with FIFA etc YOu will see how fast they dump him while calling him names (Panday once called him a MONKEY to the cheers of Indians, after he spent millions on Panday's UK lawyers)
Tough to attract investors in state of emergency

By David Renwick

Story Created: Aug 30, 2011 at 9:36 PM ECT
Story Updated: Aug 30, 2011 at 9:36 PM ECT

I would like to have been a fly on the wall of the room in which Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar held the Cabinet meeting that decided a State of Emergency should be declared in Trinidad and Tobago, reinforced by an eight-hour curfew in four minicipalities and two cities.

Why? Because I would have dearly wished to hear what Energy and Energy Affairs Minister Kevin C Ramnarine, Finance Minister Winston Dookeran and Tourism Minister Dr Rupert Griffith said when the subject was broached (I presume People's Partnership government Cabinet meetings are not just rituals for laying down Prime Ministerial law but actually involve an element of discussion and disagreement on the proposals at hand).

I would have expected Minister Ramnarine to have forcefully pointed out that "states of emergency" in any country dampen the enthusiasm, certainly of international investors, for sinking their capital in such a place (never mind what the various chambers of industry and commerce may tell you).

The previous Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, had declared she would sanction another offer of deep water acreage later this year (she actually said in September, though that, of course, is now impossible) but her successor has not himself confirmed that yet.

It has proved difficult enough to attract explorers to Trinidad and Tobago's deep water region even at the best of times.

The negative message conveyed by a State of Emergency, even if it is called off before international companies (IOC's) are invited to bid, will make it even more so.
Tourism Minister Dr Rupert Griffith would, presumably, have had a similar message to convey to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues.

The foreign embassies in Port of Spain must be having a field day with breathless advisories warning potential visitors about "social instability" and the like.
Minister Dookeran's message should have been the grimmest.

By shutting down night life in the urban centres where it is most concentrated, and causing maximum inconvenience to people, who need, or wish, to exercise their constitutional right to free movement within those areas, will cost Trinidad and Tobago millions of dollars in lost output, thereby making the country as a whole poorer. Since the finance minister wants to see the economy recovering on a vigorous basis, he can't be happy at all about this severe disruption in production and I trust he said as much to his Cabinet colleagues.

It has never ceased to intrigue me that Jamaica, which has the dubious distinction of almost three times as many murders a year as Trinidad and Tobago, has never declared a State of Emergency to deal with crime per se, the explanation given in Trinidad and Tobago's case.

Equally intriguing is the fact that Jamaica's daily newspapers seldom, if ever, feature crime reports on their front pages, in strong contrast to the unremitting diet of crime news we have to stomach in Trinidad and Tobago, a fact that, I am willing to bet that panicked the People's Partnership administration into doing what it did.

The notably different approaches may well redound to Jamaica's benefit in its own auction of deep water acreage, which actually closes tomorrow, September 1 (an auspicious day in more ways than one it also happens to be my birthday).

This is not the first time our esteemed Caricom cousin will be offering blocks for exploration by IOC's.

It first did so in 2005, when 12 were eventually taken up, again via a "road show" in 2007 and now in 2011 (the current auction was actually launched in March, 2010, at the office of the Geological Society in Picadilly, London).

Twenty-three blocks are on offer, 19 marine, mainly offshore the south coast in deepwater and four on land.

The state-owned Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) has no illusions about the challenges of luring explorationists into a completely greenfield province, while countries with established oil and gas sectors like the current darling, Brazil, west Africa, Colombia, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago and others, are also jostling for their interest.

The late Dr Raymond Wright, who was in charge of the block auction as PCJ's special projects manager up until his untimely death in July, told me that he hoped bigger IOC's would be drawn to the offshore, while smaller independents might wish to try their hand at the four onshore blocks, "because of the possibility of shale gas resources".

These days, mention of shale, has the ability to galvanise interest by companies but whether it proves so in Jamaica's case, remains to be seen.

The possibility of discovering gas is of perhaps even greater interest to Jamaica at the moment than it is to Trinidad and Tobago, because whereas we already have a thriving gas-based industry, Jamaica is anxious to launch one, beginning with gas for power generation. Any gas reserves identified in Jamaica would have an immediate market and might well obviate the need for the Caricom state with the largest English speaking population to have to import gas in LNG form at all.

Like Barbados, Jamaica would probably say that gas is more important to it than oil. It would help bring down the oil import bill indirectly, purely on the basis of substitution of gas for oil in the electricity stations and alumina plants.

Whatever happened to the 12 blocks given out (offshore) in the 2005 acreage auction, you may well ask.

The answer: no exploration has actually commenced yet, no doubt much to PCJ's anguish.
The entity that has come closest to doing so, the Finder/Flow Australian joint venture, has identified six primary prospects in its five blocks but needs a bigger farm-in partner to help fund exploratory drilling costs.

Sagres Energy, with three blocks, is in the same boat, and has been given up to December 15 to make a firm commitment to spud. Hong Kong's Proteam, for its part, is behind with its pre-drilling work on its four blocks and its exploration programme is unclear at this stage.

David Renwick was awarded the Hummingbird Medal (Gold) in 2008 for the development of energy journalism.
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Believe whatever shit talk you want. I done make my statement.

a ststement you made true. A response to my statements you are unable to do.

If ppl in T&T CHOOSE to make the WRONG choice in life what does the PNM have to do with that?

There are many opportunities for young ppl of ALL backgrounds to make something of themselves, Lots of ppl take what they think is the "easy" way only to end up in jail etc.

The UNC ONLY won because Kamla offered ppl 500$ MORE, if Manning had done the same thing and offered 600$ he would be still PM today, and Mr Manning was NEVER in ANY danger for his life etc, bullshit talk by Indian "journalist" in the local papers paid hacks who will write any shit for the Indian cause.(The woman that claims she had a "baby" for Manning has yet to show this child in public, her family has long since turned their backs on her after pointing out that she had a kid 22 + yrs ago she keeps showing up in the Guardian making the same nasty claims as NO other paper in T&T would take her seriously)

You have made NO point with me, You claimed that "Syrians" don't marry blacks in T&T when I showed you a picture of a Syrian/Afro couple it must've come as quite a shock! YOU like Kidmost have NO "family" in T&T or think you know everything about T&T.

You're empty headed, claiming that Jack Warner is respected black man in the UNC party standing up for blacks etc, Jack Warner called Manning a "racist" that he "does not like east Indians" during the elections if YOU as a black Guyanese man thinks this fool is some sort of "respected" man among men in T&T you are quite foolish indeed! a black african man calling the black PM of a country that handed over mass killer Roger Khan to the USA a "racist", a man that spent 13 million dollars on a "Hanuman" statue for the Hindu community a "racist" YOU should have your head examined! watch when Jack's antics make the UNC look like the crooks they are with FIFA etc YOu will see how fast they dump him while calling him names (Panday once called him a MONKEY to the cheers of Indians, after he spent millions on Panday's UK lawyers)

You showed ONE Syrian couple, the man no doubt considered a disgrace by a population which regularly head to Lebanon everytime a marriage partner is needed. Show me one of those Syrian tycoons with his black wife....or better yet show me the DAUGHTER of this tycoon with her black husband. lol

Anyway if Trinis so loved Manning HIS OWN SUPPORTERS WOULDNT HAVE ATTACKED HIM!!!! Say what you wnat but they certainly didnt welcome him as a hero. He would be leader of the opposition. Instead he is keeping quiet while his nemesis Rowley, lords over him in Parliament. So spare me your nonsense about some plot that wasnt of Emperor Manning's desserts. Trinis, including many PNM supporters, were tired of him.
Originally posted by caribj:

You showed ONE Syrian couple, the man no doubt considered a disgrace by a population which regularly head to Lebanon everytime a marriage partner is needed. Show me one of those Syrian tycoons with his black wife....or better yet show me the DAUGHTER of this tycoon with her black husband. lol

Anyway if Trinis so loved Manning HIS OWN SUPPORTERS WOULDNT HAVE ATTACKED HIM!!!! Say what you wnat but they certainly didnt welcome him as a hero. He would be leader of the opposition. Instead he is keeping quiet while his nemesis Rowley, lords over him in Parliament. So spare me your nonsense about some plot that wasnt of Emperor Manning's desserts. Trinis, including many PNM supporters, were tired of him.

"Dah is ah Good wun skippah"
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
Originally posted by caribj:

You showed ONE Syrian couple, the man no doubt considered a disgrace by a population which regularly head to Lebanon everytime a marriage partner is needed. Show me one of those Syrian tycoons with his black wife....or better yet show me the DAUGHTER of this tycoon with her black husband. lol

Anyway if Trinis so loved Manning HIS OWN SUPPORTERS WOULDNT HAVE ATTACKED HIM!!!! Say what you wnat but they certainly didnt welcome him as a hero. He would be leader of the opposition. Instead he is keeping quiet while his nemesis Rowley, lords over him in Parliament. So spare me your nonsense about some plot that wasnt of Emperor Manning's desserts. Trinis, including many PNM supporters, were tired of him.

"Dah is ah Good wun skippah"

glad you agree.
'State of emergency damaging to economy'

By By Carla Bridglal

Story Created: Sep 6, 2011 at 10:38 PM ECT
Story Updated: Sep 6, 2011 at 10:38 PM ECT

An extended curfew during the state of emergency in Trinidad and Tobago will damage economic growth and the country's prospects for growth this year.

It will bite into revenues of companies, small businesses, restaurants and factories and could even hurt Christmas sales in the country, economic experts have suggested. Following debate in Parliament last Saturday, the state of emergency and curfew was extended until November 6.

Economist Indera Sagewan-Alli says that from an economic and business perspective, the state of emergency is a concern because it is an issue of confidence.

"The fact that once your country is under a state of emergency, that in itself is a disincentive to foreign investors who will not be inclined to choose Trinidad until the state of emergency is lifted, and then your local investors, who are already in a state of paralysis really will not be inclined to move forward. They will rather want to see what the outcome of the entire exercise is. They will want to ensure that there is a sustained reduction in crime in order to make that decision to invest," she told the Business Express during a phone interview last Friday.

She continued: "This has not been a very good year for the country; there was a slight hope that we could realise one per cent growth in Gross Domestic Product, but that growth was really premised in acceleration in Government expenditure and a pick-up in business activity and consumer spending. If it is that the state of emergency is extended into Christmas, I think it will be severely damaging. Already, business in the service industry has already felt a significant bite in their revenues restaurants, for example, who do most of their trade in the evening hours have indicated to me that they have lost approximately 90 per cent of their revenues, and that is even in this short period."

She said Government needs to determine a strategic balance between its crime fighting objectives and allowing the business sector to operate unrestricted.

"Government really has to walk a tightrope in terms of balancing the competing interests to ensure that it can achieve not just one objective in terms of reducing crime, but it achieves a multiple set of objectives, including crime reduction, and allowing the business sector to not contract, but at least remain stable and give business people room so he unemployment situation does not worsen."

"The business sector has been very responsible about being supportive of this measure, and being prepared to make the sacrifice necessary in order to bring about a sustained reduction in crime. Whether it is possible for the business sector to sustain a protracted period of revenue reduction until the end of the year because of a possible extension of the state of emergency and curfew is really very questionable, because particularly in the retail sector and entertainment industry, most of the revenue in fact more than 50 per cent of the annual revenue comes during the Christmas period," she said.

Former government Senator and member of the Congress of the People, economist Dr Patrick Watson believes that the main thing interfering with economic activity is the curfew.

"My position is, if we should indeed fight crime, which is a thorn against doing business in this country, then the short term losses will be recuperated in the medium to long term. It is from that point-of-view I support the state of emergency. If the curfew is lessened, it will make the negative economic impact even less. The reason for the loss of business, as far as I can see, has nothing to do with the state of emergency on its own, but with the curfew that is affecting activities that take place in the evening, like restaurants, people who open in night, and also because people have to get home at a certain time. I have recommended to those who would listen that the curfew goes to 12 midnight in the first instance, and that they even remove it in some cases. I believe that if this happens, the argument that it is affecting the economy would be less even in the short run," he said in a telephone interview with the Business Express.

"I subscribe to what I heard as the government's objectives as destroying criminal gangs and restoring order, to the extent that that results in a resurgence of business confidence and so on. That will go a long way to making life even better than it was before the state of emergency. In many situations, people have to make short term sacrifices to have a medium to long term gain to the extent that, and I am being very clear here, the state of emergency attains its stated objective. An extreme measure like this one must yield extreme results; when the state of emergency is over we must have done so much damage to the criminal activities that they will never recover," he continued.

"Some of the more fragile businesses the smaller ones that get badly affected because of the two weeks that just went by the government should look into compensating people for their loss to help them going again, and I think they are mindful of this.

I am hoping the economic situation will improve significantly. Yes, there is going to be a negative effect, but there are gains we are likely to get that the government has promised. I am going to hold them to that promise everyone must to destroy the criminals, and let the economy be on a surer footing, then it will have been worth it. If that doesn't happen, we are going to have to ask the government to account for imposing a drastic measure and not giving us results," he said.

Watson's opinions echoed those of Central Bank Governor Ewart Williams.

Two Fridays ago at the Commonwealth Regulatory Workshop held at the Hyatt Regency (Trinidad) Hotel, Port of Spain, Williams had said that if the state of emergency is successful in achieving its primary focus of reducing crime then the economy is certain to benefit in the future.

"It is too early to say at this time exactly what the effect on the economy will be as a result of the declaration of the state of emergency, however I am certain there is going to be some impact to the extent that some businesses have to close early.

"Crime was a big issue and adding to the cost of doing business. If this state of emergency succeeds in significantly reducing the rule of crime then, other things being equal, it should, in the long term, help the business climate. That is what we are hoping for," Williams said.

"I am a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago and yes I am in support of anything that reduces the level of crime in the country. Absolutely," he said.

"The bottom line is the level of crime was clearly adding to the cost of doing business. The big issue is the extent to which the cost you pay is compensated by the benefits that you get down the road and it is only time will tell," Williams said.

He said he believed that potential investors will adopt a wait and see approach on the way forward for business with this country.

"These kinds of dislocations have their impact on production structures. They engender a wait and see attitude on the part of investors and I am sure that is going to happen here. I am sure that investors are now going to want to make sure that some of the root causes of the state of emergency have been addressed, but in the final analysis I think we are going to be fine," he said.
What about PM's own Penal/Debe?

Rowley questions new curfew areas:

By Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Sep 15, 2011 at 12:51 AM ECT
Story Updated: Sep 15, 2011 at 12:51 AM ECT

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday accused Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar of playing favourites in the selection of the curfew areas.

Speaking to reporters, Rowley said Government had no plan even in the execution of a State of Emergency.

"And even as they do this, in phase two, I want to ask the Prime Minister, we have gone now to other areas Toco, Icacos, Moruga. We still haven't touched Penal/Debe, in her constituency.

She is still playing favourites. The Prime Minister is picking and choosing what she is doing. Maybe if it (the curfew) goes on for much longer, we will eventually get to certain areas," Rowley said.

Rowley said the extension of the curfew to other areas was a reflection of the continuing saga of the Government making it up as it is going along. "We had a State of Emergency declared three weeks ago and surprisingly some of the key areas of access and egress where the troublesome items enter the country were left as areas of low interest. That in fact was a major issue raised by the Opposition. The Government defended its initial action and now attempts to respond in its normal reactionary way by looking at the polls and responding to polls," he said.

He said the bottom line was "the bungling" which was the "epitome of incompetence" after the choice was made to use a State of Emergency.

"And my biggest concern about all of this is that it is being driven by the political directorate and it has now engulfed the good name of the security services," Rowley said. He said when MPs passed the Anti-Gang legislation they never expected that the Police Service would not have known that like any other law, if you want to invoke it against any citizen, you had to have evidence.

He said it appeared that somebody at the management of the Police under the direction of the political directorate took the decision that persons can be prosecuted without evidence. "Now this is Trinidad and Tobago where we are committed to the rule of law. This is a dangerous development. And it is being led by a political thrust that defies all logic. And with every passing day the political point scoring is turning out to have been the primary objective," Rowley said.

Referring to the Nelson Street residents who were arrested, Rowley said: "Now we are seeing a situation where people are being taken to court.

Whatever you may think of those citizens, whatever your suspicions of those citizens... they are citizens of Trinidad and Tobago with their rights entrenched in the Constitution. And if you suspend those rights and you still believe that is the rule of law, how then could the Government not expect this to happen?"

Rowley said Commissioner of Police, Dwayne Gibbs was quite prepared to play "choir girl" to this kind of development. This matter of the conduct of police officers under direction ought to have been under the CoP. "Clearly it is not," Rowley said, accusing Gibbs of "surrendering his authority to the politicians and for putting policemen at risk". The reputation of the police service is now being destroyed, the Opposition Leader said.

He said he understood "they" are forcing police officers, on the threat of disciplinary action, to bring cases where the officer is not satisfied with the evidence. "What is that and who is to be held accountable?" Rowley asked.

He said the "final insult" was the Attorney General putting a battery of lawyers "to supervise" the DPP. "Thankfully it appears as though from action taken, that the office of the DPP remains independent in Trinidad and Tobago," Rowley said.
Port boss axed

Transport Minister: Well he was never hired so I don't know how he could be fired

By Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Oct 8, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 8, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT

The Government has decided to terminate the appointment of Port Authority chairman Clive Spencer, who refused to carry out instructions allegedly given by Transport Minister Devant Maharaj to fire all the legal representatives used by the Port and reassign all work to Fortis Chambers and the law chambers of Subhas Panday, according to information received by the Sunday Express.

Sources said Cabinet last Thursday accepted a recommendation from the line Minister Maharaj to revoke Spencer's appointment.

Spencer was appointed chairman in January of this year, when Jack Warner was the Minister with responsibility for the Transport portfolio. Questioned yesterday on whether a decision was taken to fire Spencer, Maharaj said: "Well he was never hired so I don't know how he could be fired".

He said the position of Port Authority chairman was an "appointment".

Was Spencer to be disappointed? Maharaj was asked.

"Well all of us could be disappointed. I could be disappointed. And when you look at the track record you have (former ministers) Therese Baptiste-Cornelis, (Rudrawatee) Nan Ramgoolam and (former Police Service Commission chairman) Nizam Mohammed. Once you are there at the pleasure of the Government you could be replaced in a day or in a heartbeat. Nobody has a mortgage on any position. MPs have a five year contract with the people and at the end of the five years the people decide if they want to renew it or not," Maharaj stated.

So was he confirming that a decision was taken to terminate Spencer's appointment?

"I wouldn't comment on that. I run my business with the boards rather than in the media. When there is something to come out, it would come out, alright?".

Maharaj had denied in a previous Express article that he had ever issued any instructions to fire all the legal representatives used by the Port and reassign all work to Fortis Chambers and the law chambers of Panday.

But Spencer told the Sunday Express that he was informed that the Cabinet considered Maharaj's recommendation that he be removed as chairman and the Cabinet concurred with the recommendation. Spencer said he was not formally notified by letter but "that's on its way I believe".

"It would mean that my appointment would have been revoked for speaking the truth. I really couldn't care too damns," he said, adding "These people are too vulgar". Big Grin

"When they can't drive you into subordination they try to destroy you," he said.

"I have done nothing wrong. All I have said is I am unable to carry out an instruction because it lacks a number of things with which I would not be associated. And he (Maharaj) got on his high horse and decided to come for the jugular. But I have gotten accustomed to that kind of absurdity," said Spencer, who was a former President General of the Seamen and Waterfront Trade Union (SWWTU).

He added: "When I was 30 years old I took on Eric Williams (former prime minister) and succeeded, You mean I would take him (Maharaj) on at 75? Come on! Steups. Waste of time!" He said the decision to fire him was the sequel to his questioning the Minister's directive to fire the five law firms currently used by the Port—MG Daly and Partners, Seenath Jairam, Kenneth Thompson, Hamel Smith and Co and Kelvin Ramkissoon and hire instead "Jagdeo Singh and Subhas Panday".

Singh is member of Fortis Chambers, along with Larry Lalla, Randy Depoo and Derek Ali. Spencer said notwithstanding the Minister's denial, there was a lot of correspondence between himself and the Minister on this issue.

He recalled yesterday that at one stage when he asked Maharaj for written confirmation of his directive, Maharaj told him not to expect a reply to this letter.

"So I wrote him another letter telling him that he told me not to expect a reply to that first letter," Spencer said.

In an exclusive article published on September 12, which quoted a September 2, Spencer in a strongly worded letter told Maharaj:

"Minister, notwithstanding my preparedness to comply with all legitimate instructions issued by your good self, it would be entirely remiss of me, in fact bordering perilously on irresponsibility to fail to draw to your attention the potentially and substantially deleterious consequences of my placing before the Authority and hastening to implement your directives without further thought, due care and consideration...The initiative will surely assume the visage of a politically inspired, motivated and propelled witchhunt and especially when viewed against the backdrop of the proposed replacements."

Warning against political meddling, the letter urged the Minister to "consider the nature and potency of the response that would surely emanate from the wholesale removal of the Authority's panel of attorneys, particularly where such removal will not have been effected on the premise of any incompetence, dereliction of duty, lack of professionalism or any other negativity, real or imagined or contrived".

Spencer said yesterday he would not be intimidated by any "two by four minister who feels that he can tell me to do things which are improper and that I am going to do it unchallenged".

"He probably thinks that in recommending my revocation he is hurting me but he isn't. He is just letting me go home and rest," Spencer quipped.

"At 75 I don't care too damns what they want to do. When the God Lord bless you with 75 years to your credit, 75 good, honest and hardworking years, you don't take on little shrimps like Devant Maharaj. Waste of time!" Wink

Spencer said the Board had not been meeting since he and Maharaj were at loggerheads on this matter.

He said four Commissioners (who he named) have not been attending meetings, depriving the Board of a quorum and whenever they show up they move motions of adjournment on matters that should not be adjourned.

Spencer said the issue of the legal briefs was not the only point of contention between himself and Maharaj. He said the Minister had been using certain board members to go to senior managers demanding information such as how many vacant positions there were, when were they filled, how many were still to be filled, how many were on contract and what salary the persons were being paid.

"The sort of information should be obtained from the Chairman, Secretary or General Manager/CEO," Spencer said.

"And it was being done in such an unfettered manner with people saying 'the minister want this...and that...and he want it by Friday'. And it was all in emails," he said.

Spencer said, however, "the 'S' hit the fan when the Minister took "the big bite" of instructing the board to fire wholesale the panel of attorneys.

"By which time he (Maharaj) was calling me the following morning, demanding that I expedite this directive, right away."

And in another Sunday Express exclusive published on September 12, which quoted Port Authority Board Minute 671/11 of August 25, director Jalim Ramnarine said he had been directed by the Transport Minister to convey the Minister's instructions for the "immediate termination of all legal briefs" and the reassignment of work to the Fortis Chambers and Subhas Panday and Co.

Spencer who served as General Manager of the Port Authority between 1992 and 1997, said he had too much experience as a senior public servant to tell a Minister 'no' rightaway.

"But you tell him in due course why you can't do it and that if he would clear that situation for you, then you can do it".
Call for justice after 35 years Roll Eyes

Cuban airliner bombing

By Nigel Telesford

Story Created: Oct 9, 2011 at 9:49 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 9, 2011 at 9:49 PM ECT

Several members of the diplomatic corps have joined Cuban Ambassador Humberto Rivero Rosario, Senator David Abdulah and a solemn assembly of Cuban and Guyanese nationals in calling for the extradition of alleged CIA terrorist bombers Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch from the United States in order to face trial in Venezuela.

Carriles and Bosch have long been accused of masterminding various terrorist attacks throughout the Americas, including the bombing of a Cuban airliner on October 6, 1976, which resulted in the deaths of all 73 passengers. At the time, this event was recorded as the worst act of airline terrorism in the Western Hemisphere.

Venezuelan Ambassador Maria Eugenia Marcano Casado, head of the Cuban Medical Brigade Dr Adalberto Machin Leon, and consul officer at the Guyanese Consulate Denise Dinnoo, joined Ambassador Rosario and Senator Abdulah in demanding the extradition of the alleged terrorists, who currently reside in the US and were given a presidential pardon by former president George W Bush in 1988.

The assembly called for justice in the matter and "closure for the families of the deceased passengers", which included 57 Cubans, 11 Guyanese and five North Koreans.

Representing the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ), Senator Abdulah gave details on the eventual arrest of the actual bombers here in Trinidad and called on the US Government to release the "Cuban 5".

He said, "We did what was right then, by handing over those responsible for placing the bomb on that plane to the Venezuelan authorities and today, we in Trinidad and Tobago have to do right by demanding and the MSJ and all affiliated parties demand that Posada Carriles be extradited by the United States to Venezuela, so he can stand trial for that crime against humanity. At the same time, we also demand the release of the Cuban five who are wrongfully imprisoned in the United States."

Ambassador Rosario outlined "the injustices meted to the Cuban people over time" and made a passionate plea on behalf of the families affected.

He said, "Known to the Cuban people as the Barbados Martyrs, these 73 victims are part of the 3,478 people that have died as a result of terrorist activities against Cuba in the last 50 years. A further 2,099 have been injured or disabled permanently and the damages to the Cuban economy are calculated to be around US$121 billion. The most precious right of the human being is his right to live in peace. Roll Eyes

"Terrorist actions against humanity shall be fully rejected and condemned and the organisers brought to justice!"

The ceremony concluded with the laying of wreaths in the Gulf of Paria near Invaders Bay. Among the dignitaries present were: Speaker of the House of Representatives, Wade Mark; Port of Spain Mayor Louis Lee Sing; Argentine Ambassador Marcelo Salviolo; Development Corporation Officer, European Union, Solomon Ioannou; Charge d'Affaires, Chinese Embassy, Jiangun Wang; Counsellor at South African High Commission, Thomas Mudau; Ambassador of the Republic of Suriname, Fidelia Graand-Galon; second secretary, Indian High Commission, Anil Kumar Gupta; director of Caricom and Caribbean Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Anthony David Edghill, and former consul to Miami, Harvey Boris.

You are known by the company you keep!
'Govt losing $400m revenue in property taxes' Red Face

By Julien Neaves

Story Created: Oct 11, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 11, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT

WITH the property tax legislation still not implemented, this country has foregone between $300 million and $400 million in revenue, according to Ernst and Young partner Wade George.

He noted the tax was not instituted in 2010, and though the bill was plotted, it was uncertain whether it would actually be levied in 2011.

George was speaking yesterday at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce's annual post-budget panel discussion at the Chamber's offices in Westmoorings.

Finance Minister Winston Dookeran said Government had taken the position to repeal the property tax and return to the land and building taxes. He noted that this legislation, which dated back to 1948, continued to suffer from "non-resolution" of legal issues. He commented that property tax had not "fundamentally affected" his revenue projections.

Banking Insurance and General Workers Union (BIGWU) deputy general secretary Hayden Hernandez, who attended the panel discussion, raised the point that while on the election platform, the People's Partnership preached open consultation with labour, while in Government, there had been little consultation with labour, a "high-handed" approach and "disingenuous bargaining".

Dookeran said he has had dialogue with all the labour leaders though he has not advertised it, and negotiations have been "open and free".

Chairman of the Chamber's industrial relations committee Kenneth Dalip, in his remarks, noted that over the last year, there had been turmoil in the area of industrial relations, mainly in the State sector. He noted the private sector, however, appeared to have managed their industrial relations differently and with different results.

Dalip said he was satisfied with the promise that for the 2011 to 2013 period, there will be "a new approach involving social dialoguing".

He advised that Government needed to look at engaging trade union leaders and members as this country cannot afford the type of tension that leads to incidents such as the recent Petrotrin shutdown.

He stressed that the real competitors were outside Trinidad, and there was a need for unity and a paradigm shift in industrial relations.
Jack offers advice on accepting US$40,000 'gifts' Red Face lol

Secret videotape surfaces

By Denyse Renne and Ian Prescott

Story Created: Oct 12, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 12, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT

An English newspaper, The Telegraph, has got hold of a tape which it has interpreted as showing Works Minister Jack Warner offering advice on gifts to Caribbean Football Union officials at a conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Port of Spain, in May.

Yesterday, The Telegraph ran an exclusive story headlined: "Former Fifa vice-president Jack Warner is caught on tape offering 'gifts' of £25,000 to Caribbean delegates."

The story written by the Telegraph's Chief Sports Reporter Paul Kelso states Telegraph Sport has seen the remarkable footage in which Warner, the controversial former vice-president of Fifa, appears to be recorded telling other members of the Caribbean Football Union members they must decide whether to accept the "gifts" of $40,000 (£25,000) each, and urging them to vote for bin Hammam rather than Sepp Blatter in the Fifa presidential elections.

The recording was made on May 11, the day after the money is alleged to have offered the money in individual brown envelopes, and is being used as evidence at a Fifa hearing this week at which 16 officials from the Caribbean Football Union are accused of violating Fifa's code of ethics.

The 16 officials facing investigation this week have each been given the footage of the tape.

On the tape, Warner begins the meeting by asking: "Is there media here?" On being told there are no journalists present, he explains the detail behind bin Hammam's "gifts" but stresses they should not be seen by the outside world to have come from bin Hammam.

"When Mohamed bin Hammam asked to come to the Caribbean he wanted to bring some silver plaques and wooden trophies and bunting and so on, and told me to bring [these] for 30 people would be too much luggage. I told him he did not need to bring anything but if he wanted to bring anything to bring something equivalent to the value of the gift that he brought.

"I said to him if you bring cash, I don't want you to give cash to anybody, but when you do you can give it to the CFU and the CFU will give it to its members. Because I don't want [it] to even remotely appear that anyone has any obligation to vote for you because of what gifts you have given them, and he fully accepted that."

Later, according to the tape, Warner issues a direct challenge to anyone tempted to turn down the bribe on ethical grounds. "I know there are some people here who believe they are more pious than thou. If you are pious go to a church friends, but the fact is that our business is our business." Roll Eyes

The tape came a few hours before the FIFA Ethics Committee in Zurich, Switzerland, opened proceedings against 16 CFU officials.

The 16—David Hinds, Mark Bob Forde (Barbados), Franka Pickering, Aubrey Liburd (British Virgin Islands), David Frederick (Cayman Islands), Osiris Guzman, Felix Ledesma (Dominican Republic), Colin Klass, Noel Adonis (Guyana) Yves Jean-Bart (Haiti), Anthony Johnson (St Kitts and Nevis) Patrick Mathurin, (St Lucia) Joseph Delves, Ian Hypolite (St Vincent and the Grenadines) Richard Groden (Trinidad and Tobago) and Hillaren Frederick (US Virgin Islands) are the subjects of an enquiry, to determine whether they acted inappropriately at a special meeting held in T&T on May 10 and 11.

The video, features the voice of former Fifa Vice President Jack Warner, who according to the tape is discussing payments to be made by Mohammad bin Hammam.

Bin Hammam who is a former FIFA presidential candidate from Qatar was banned by Fifa following an enquiry into allegations that he, along with Warner colluded to bribe the CFU association to vote for bin Hamman in the June 1 FIFA presidential election. Warner was given the option to be heard at the enquiry, but he refused and on June 17, tendered his resignation to Fifa.

Both Warner and bin Hammam have denied any involvement in improper conduct. In an almost immediate media release yesterday, Warner queried the timing of the tape "for international viewing on the world wide web (internet)." Commenting on the issue during a media tour in Diego Martin yesterday, Warner said the tape could be doctored.

In his press release, he said, "It is rather interesting that on the very day that Caribbean Football Union (CFU) delegates are to appear before the disciplinary committee of FIFA that a video tape of this nature is released for international viewing on the world wide web," Warner said.

Adding that the, "release of this video is tantamount to contempt because it seeks to influence international opinion against what is clearly a conspiracy against the delegates of the Caribbean Football Union," Warner said despite the video's release, Fifa has more questions to answer.

Warner said the 16 CFU members are in Zurich "and are actively involved in disciplinary proceedings established by the FIFA, so this leak is clearly sub judicious and contrary to the very principles of law and justice."

The former Fifa vice president said the individuals responsible for recording the meeting and subsequent releasing of its contents show a clear case of entrapment.

Warner further noted that a conspiracy aimed at weakening CONCACAF "through its largest voting bloc, the CFU, and thus ascertain that Caribbean men and women are excluded from the decision making process in CONCACAF and Fifa in the future."

Taking a swipe at Fifa President Sepp Blatter, Warner said the 16 CFU officials will not receive a fair hearing and will be made into scapegoats, since "Blatter is to appear as an honourable man weeding out corruption from the FIFA. So the tiny Union in the Caribbean must be the scapegoat."

Warner further hinted that Blatter will emerge unscathed since "a team of officials, all Swiss and strategically located along the FIFA's hierarchical strata is in place to ensure that their Swiss brother, Sepp Blatter, emerges with his integrity intact." "Clearly, the Swiss seems to have a morality of their own," Warner said.

Adding that the truth will be revealed in time, Warner said Fifa cannot be allowed to continue tarnishing the "images and characters of good men." Roll Eyes

video clip!

Jackula in action!

Bid to beat curfew cited as road deaths surge

By Akile Simon

Story Created: Oct 15, 2011 at 10:55 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 15, 2011 at 10:55 PM ECT

FIVE people were killed, two hours apart, in separate road accidents in El Socorro, Manzanilla and Rio Claro on Friday night taking the road fatality figure for the year to 170.

In the El Socorro incident, three men, two of them drivers, were killed on the spot following a six-car smash-up along the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway.

The victims in the fatal accidents have been identified by police as Anand Balgobin, 28, of Streatham Lodge Road, St Augustine; Noel Ramdewar, 50, of Francis Road, Maraval; Allan Romain, 35, of Samaroo Village, Arima; Marcano Julien, 62, of Rio Claro; and Anthony Ramkissoon, 56, of Caijual Village, Upper Manzanilla.

Yesterday, DCP Mervyn Richardson expressed concern regarding the increase in road fatalities and again called on motorists to exercise extreme caution while on the nation's roads.

"We have in fact witnessed an upsurge in which people are losing their lives on the roadway, particularly while trying to reach home before the 11 p.m. curfew deadline. It's better one arrives late than never and this type of lawless driving we have been witnessing on the roads must stop," he said.

"The police, particularly those on patrol on the highways, will be paying extra vigilance to those who abuse road traffic rules while commuting on the roadways and we will be taking decisive action against them," Richardson told the Sunday Express yesterday.

Friday's fatalities come on the heels of the horrific death of Vallarie Boneo, whose body was dismembered after she was struck by a vehicle while attempting to cross the Beetham Highway early on Thursday.

Several hours later, Lymma Manna, a 48-year-old clerk with the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation, died after a panel van in which she was an occupant crashed in Wallerfield, Arima.

The first incident occurred in Rio Claro, where Julien, of Agostini Village, died on arrival at the Rio Claro District Hospital after he was struck by a taxi driven by Tazmul Ali.

Ali, 58, of Libertyville Village, Rio Claro, reported to police that around 7.10 p.m., he was driving his vehicle east along the Naparima/Mayaro Road, Rio Claro, when Julien stumbled into the path

Police said Julien had been walking at the side of the roadway. A post-mortem is expected to be conducted tomorrow at the Forensic Science Centre.

ASP Lewis, Insp Fonrose and Sgt Chote of the Rio Claro Police Station visited the scene. Chote is investigating the incident.

Shortly after 8 p.m., in Manzanilla, Ramkissoon was driving a Mitsubishi Lancer car west along the Eastern Main Road, James Smart Village, east of Sangre Grande, when the car ran off the road and crashed into an iron gate and a concrete post.

By the time officials from the Emergency Health Services and the Sangre Grande Fire Services arrived Ramkissoon was dead.

ASP Neville Sankar and Sgt Ken Lutchman and Cpls Joseph and Pamela Persad of the Eastern Division visited the scene of the crash and Joseph of the Manzanilla Police post is probing the incident.

And around 9.30 p.m. along the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway in El Socorro, Balgobin, Ramdewar and Romain, all lost their lives during a six-car smash-up on the roadway. Traffic had to be diverted off both lanes of the highway for more than three hours to allow police officers to process the scene.

Eyewitnesses reported to police that a grey Volkswagon SUV driven by Vashist Persad, 28, of Streatham Lodge Road, St Augustine, was proceeding east when his vehicle struck the median, causing it to flip into the air, struck a lightpole and landed on west bound lane. The SUV landed on top of a grey Kia Rio which was driven by Romain.

The SUV also collided with a black Nissan Maxima driven by Ramdewar some 1,200 feet from the point of impact.

Persad was taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital where he was treated and later discharged.

Eddison Thorpe, Michael Tinto and Moonasar Ramlogan, the drivers of three other vehicles, were not injured, but their vehicles were wrecked.

A district medical officer visited the scene and ordered the removal of the bodies to the mortuary at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope.

Officers from the Wrightson Road and San Juan Fire Stations including police from the Barataria Police Station including Sgt Anselm Hosein, Cpl Ramsumair and Acting Cpl Seebran, visited the scene.

Seebaran is probing the incident.
T&T named 'world's best tourism spot': who called whom?

By Carla Bridglal

Story Created: Oct 19, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 19, 2011 at 11:58 PM ECT

Who approached whom for Trinidad and Tobago's latest tourism award?

This was unclear yesterday based on the responses of Tourism Minister Rupert Griffith and the European Union Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT).

Trinidad and Tobago was officially recognised yesterday with awards for the "World Best Tourism Destination 2012" and "Favourite Cultural Destination 2012" by the ECTT.

Griffith admitted yesterday at a lavish luncheon at the Hyatt Regency (Trinidad), in Port of Spain to celebrate the honour that before he was approached by the Council that T&T was short-listed for the awards a couple months ago, he had never heard of them. "I found out the first time about this award some four months ago when they first contacted us and told us they were looking at Trinidad and Tobago, with the possibility of us being designated the emerging tourism destination for 2012," said Griffith to reporters after the ceremony, at which he was presented with a medal of Honorary Membership to the organisation.

"We did not woo them this did not cost us a penny. They informed us that they were doing a study of Trinidad and Tobago in terms of its tourism, culture and environment to relate to people around the world. They got copies of our tourism policy documents and plans... Roll Eyes

"They have been studying T&T for over a year and our people at the Ministry have been in contact with them over the last four months, when they decided and were thinking that we would be the destination. We were surprised, just as you are, that we were chosen to be the destination for 2012," he said.

However, Prof Anton Caragea, president of the Bucharest, Romania based organisation, said that the Minister had approached the organisation in April to find out more about the award. Speaking to reporters at the same event, he said, "The Minister of Tourism asked us I think it was in April how can Trinidad and Tobago obtain this award for next year? We gave them the guidelines and started the selection process. When this was completed, only three countries remained: Cuba, Nigeria and T&T.

"I can't go into detail [because of confidentiality], but it has been a good competition and Trinidad and Tobago has been named the winner because of cultural protection, ecological programmes, cultural incentive programmes and blend and mixture of culture."

He said the Ministry had to make a presentation of what the country's tourism plans were, but had to make no financial contribution.

"Everything was sponsored by us. I want to make it very clear that no money was exchanged. It was all on our financial effort. The only thing the Minister supplied us with was information.

They had to compile a presentation of all your programmes, cultural and historical riches," Caragea said.

He also clarified that the group is a non-governmental, independent agency in no way affiliated with the European Union Commission or European Parliament.

Since the announcement on Sunday that T&T had won this "most prestigious tourism award", there have been dissenters, especially on social networking sites querying the validity of the prize, many calling it "bogus".

Several people on the popular local online mailing list "Jahaji" posted messages since Monday when the story first appeared in the Express stating the Prime Minister should be more careful. "This is not an official or accredited organisation, has no links to any official European country, and at best is a fly-by-night organisation, giving awards that have the same worth as doctorates from the degree-mills. I blame Minister Griffith and the TDC for embarrassing the PM and country, once again," one blogger stated.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who also attended the gala yesterday, responded to naysayers: "It certainly is not a bogus award.

It will lift us if you have 27 countries unanimously giving us this award, it will only help Trinidad and Tobago."

In her feature address, the Prime Minster said, "It is my understanding that this award was unanimously given to Trinidad and Tobago primarily for our history of impressive cultural festivals, environmental conservation and biodiversity protection amongst other factors.

"I thank the Council for recognising what most of us fail to acknowledge and value. And this is Trinidad and Tobago is brimfull with tourism potential. We are not the traditional sun, sea and surf destination."

The award has previously been presented to Syria in 2007, Turkey in 2008, United Arab Emirates in 2009 and the Republic of Korea (South Korea) in 2010.
Ex-PNM ministers say they're not racist

By —Anna Ramdass

Story Created: Oct 20, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 20, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT

Former PNM ministers have asserted that they are not racists, nor did they selectively favour people to receive scholarships during their tenure.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, in her budget contribution on Monday, released the findings of the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) into a complaint made by activist Devant Maharaj, now a Government Minister.

Maharaj had complained to the EOC that there was discrimination when the PNM awarded millions in scholarships to persons through a secret scholarship programme in the Community Development Ministry under former PNM minister Joan Yuille-Williams.

The EOC found that seven per cent of the scholarships went to East Indians and the rest to non-Indo-Trinidadians.

The report also stated that former PNM government members, including former prime minister Patrick Manning, personally made recommendations to Yuille-Williams, requesting that she "handle quietly" his requests for students to be financially assisted.

In the report, PNM members Hazel Manning, Anthony Roberts, Jerry Narace, Hedwige Bereaux, Satish Ramroop and Ken Valley were among those named as having sent personal recommendations for persons to be awarded scholarships.

The Express contacted some of these PNM members yesterday and they all declared that their recommendations were made out of duty and not political favours or racial preference.

According to the report, based on a recommendation from former St Ann's East MP Anthony Roberts, a man received US$6,860 to pursue a Pre-med programme at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania.

Roberts told the Express he cannot recall the person at all.

"I never favoured anyone, as a matter of fact I don't recall that person at all. People would have come to me from time to time and I would have recommended more than one person," said Roberts.

"I have absolutely nothing to regret, I was elected to represent the people in my constituency and I made recommendations," he added.

Asked why was the programme not public, Roberts said: "It could not be secret, they (UNC) all knew about it, that is their modus operandi in terms of pulling the race card and they will continue to do that."

The EOC report stated that former minister in the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Satish Ramroop, wrote a letter recommending that another person be awarded $13,000 to complete his Master's in Marketing at the University of the West Indies.

Ramroop told the Express that it was unfortunate that only this person was highlighted in the report because he also assisted a number of persons of East Indian descent.

"At the time I was the youth officer male of the PNM and he was a member of the Youth League. He came to me for assistance and I wrote a letter of recommendation. Anybody came to me I helped, I took an oath of office to do so, there was no discrimination, I can't say I did something wrong," said Ramroop.

"There are persons who went away and are lawyers today. I don't know how much, but Indians came to me as well, in my capacity as Minister and MP. I helped them all," he said.

The EOC report stated further that a former police officer on study leave received US$7,000 to continue his LEC at the Eugene Dupuch Law School in the Bahamas. A recommendation was made by former La Brea MP Hedwige Bereaux.

Contacted yesterday, Bereaux said he too cannot recall this person.

"I gave recommendations to many persons, If I recommended him, I did it genuinely, I recommended to anybody who I thought may need help. I don't know about this (name called), I can't remember him at all," he said.

Bereaux added that he has four children and none of them benefited from Government scholarships. "I paid for them out of my own money," he said, noting that they all studied in London and the United States.

"I was young and poor and applied to the Government for assistance and I was frustrated. I told them never to apply or sign a contract with the Government," he said.

Joan Yuille-Williams threatens to sue over scholarship issue

By Kim Boodram

Story Created: Oct 22, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT
Story Updated: Oct 22, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT

FORMER community development minister Joan Yuille-Williams said yesterday there was no ethnic bias in the awarding of money from what has been called a "secret" scholarship fund. Yuille-Williams also said she was exploring her legal options and may sue over allegations of misuse of the fund.

In a statement, Yuille-Williams, who was in charge of the disbursement of monies for education from the fund as it was embedded in her ministry, said the money was in fact a financial aid fund, geared towards assisting the needy in furthering their education.

"While I proceed with the legal recourse best suited to establishing objective truth and protecting people's integrity, I remain loathe at this stage to disclose much more of the details, inclusive of actual persons and cases who can testify to the rigorous fairness of the processes and to the widespread success of the programme in so far as it was beneficial to them and the wider community," Yuille-Williams said.

Addressing reports that she was instructed by former prime minister Patrick Manning to "handle this quietly", with regard to disbursements to certain people, Yuille-Williams said the secrecy was in keeping with her ministry's protocol of discretion in assisting the needy.

Describing the discussion on the fund as "salacious" Yuille-Williams said the fund was a legitimate, Cabinet-approved entity, of which many NGOs were aware.

She did not address claims that several PNM supporters allegedly benefitted from the fund, including Adanna Joseph, daughter of former head of the Special Anti-Crime Unit (SAUTT), Brigadier Peter Joseph, which he has since denied.

Yuille-Williams said the process did not allow for prejudice by those approving applications. "There were never any instances of applicants being declined on the basis of race, colour, creed, gender, or any of the indicators which would have amounted to unlawful, unconstitutional discrimination," Yuille-Williams stated.

"The official application forms did not even carry a field requiring applicants to state their ethnic origin."

She added: "The (former) prime minister's note to this minister that an application should have been handled 'quietly' was not a directive to be secretive, it was simply in keeping with the Administration's reach for discreetness."

Details of the handling of the fund were exposed in Parliament last Monday by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, during her budget contribution.

Persad-Bissessar referred to a report by the Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC), which was compiled following complaints by then activist, now Transport Minister Devant Maharaj, that there was discrimination by the PNM government in the awarding of State scholarships.

The EOC, headed by Prof John Le Guerre, found in a report that seven per cent of the scholarships had been awarded to Indo-Trinidadians and the rest to non-Indo-Trinidadians.

"A statistical finding of one ethnic group of citizens showing a seven per cent presence among the successful candidates, may very well mean that all of the 'seven per cent' who did apply were in fact approved," Yuille-Williams countered yesterday.

"No figures have as yet been given for how many of which ethnic groups actually applied, were approved or declined, and on what grounds."

In its report, the EOC also stated that it had, on many occasions, found that records on the fund appeared to have been "sanitised" to the tune of $15 million and gathering information on the disbursements was difficult.

Yuille-Williams stated: "If it is found by any person or entity (eg the Equal Opportunity Commission) that a less than perfect one hundred per cent performance was maintained by the ministry, that some documents appear to be not readily available, that some applicants may feel themselves to have been unfairly treated, it is expected that such findings would be regarded as being preliminary; and that both findings and individuals should be treated with the sacred judicial process of 'innocent until proven guilty' rather than by the irresponsible waving of documents, irrational threatening of jail terms, or the irascible conduct of those entrusted with the welfare of all citizens.

"May I warn however, that such a stance of judiciousness should not be taken as one of fear, or a reticence about the merits of matters connected to this fund.

"As soon as the time is considered propitious, I shall be most happy to be even more public. And I will do so with confidence in the honesty of the details and with all the vigour of my personal and professional integrity."

PNM MP reveals school principal's letter.

By by Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Nov 11, 2011 ECT
Story Updated: Nov 11, 2011 at 10:00 AM ECT

People's National Movement (PNM) MP Patricia McIntosh has slammed the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) for its conduct at the Tunapuna Hindu Primary School in denying equal opportunities to pupils of different denominations, particularly black children who reside within the catchment area.

Speaking in the House of Representatives at Tower D, Waterfront Complex, Port of Spain, on Wednesday night, McIntosh charged that the Maha Sabha also sought to exclude non-Indian on the job trainees (OJTs), sent by the Ministry of Education, to work at the school.

McIntosh also criticised Minister of Education Dr Tim Gopeesingh for his "deafening silence" and inaction in the face of this glaring discriminatory "and unlawful" behaviour of the Maha Sabha which, she contended, "could alter", in a very hideous manner, the face of education in Trinidad and Tobago".

McIntosh, a former school principal, also identified Transport Minister Devant Maharaj as appearing to lend support to the Maha Sabha general secretary, Sat Maharaj.

To demonstrate her claim, McIntosh quoted extensively from correspondence submitted to the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) by principal of the school Sita Gajadharsingh Nanga, dated June 17, 2011, in which she complained of "numerous acts of intimidation and harassment" by the Maha Sabha board and several of its members. As a result of this, she requested a release from the SDMS board and a transfer to the Government Teaching Service.

"The Secretary General (Sat Maharaj) threatened to lock me out of the school for taking in non-Indian children who were within the catchment area. He told me, in no uncertain terms, that I must not admit black children into the school, and admission lists for both primary and pre school are being scrutinised to ascertain whether I am following instructions," Gajadharsingh Nanga stated in the letter.

McIntosh said Gajadharsingh Nanga's letter stated: "The Secretary General was in an uproar because two of eight OJTs sent to the school were non-Indian. He threatened that the school keys would be taken from me because I was changing the culture of the school, and I was ordered to immediately get rid of the (two) OJTs".

McIntosh called for national debate on the role of religion, in respect of the exclusion of students or staff from certain denominational schools where those persons do not profess the religion of the particular denomination.

"Mr Speaker, I should like to know what is the ruling of the Equal Opportunity Commission on this matter? While the commission is busy pronouncing on Senator Devant Maharaj's allegations of racism in respect of grants awarded under the PNM administration, it would be interesting to hear what they have to say on this issue where, in certain schools, children are denied the opportunity of an education and workers, the opportunity of employment, based on the grounds of religion. This is in total defiance of the Equal Opportunity Act," she said.

McIntosh yesterday pointed out that Gajadharsingh Nanga also complained in her letter to the TSC that "she was expected to admit illegal Guyanese children into the school, and when she did not accede to this request, it posed a problem". Gajadharsingh Singh also stated she was forced to curtail the teaching of agricultural science in the school after being told by Maharaj that he was trying to "take Indians out of the canefield and I (Gajadharsingh Nanga) am trying to put them back in it".

McIntosh said since September 5, Gajadharsingh Nanga had been debarred from entering the school where she is still principal. She said on October 24, two school supervisors accompanied Gajadharsingh Nanga to the school where all three were denied entry. They summoned the police to instruct the security guard to allow them entry, and they also had to summon fire officers to break the locks of two doors to gain entry to the principal's office, the PNM MP said.

She said on the next day, October 25, they returned again and were prevented from entering the compound. "To add insult to injury, Mr Satnarine Maharaj, accompanied by Mr Devant Maharaj, Minister of Transport, visited the Tunapuna Police Station to press charges against the principal, the two school supervisors, the police and fire officers who had accompanied them to the school on the previous day (October 24).

"Mr Speaker, if this is not the height of arrogance and contempt for the State on the part of the board, then I do not know what is," McIntosh stated.

Contacted yesterday, Maharaj declined to give an answer to the direct question of whether he had accompanied Sat Maharaj to the police station on October 25 to take action against the school principal and others. "I have asked for a copy of the Hansard (of McIntosh), which was just e-mailed to me by my staff. I am going to look through it and see if it was factual, and if it is not, I will take the appropriate action. But I wouldn't want to comment until I have read what she had to say," the minister said.

McIntosh, however, said yesterday that Minister Maharaj's action (of accompanying Sat Maharaj to the police station) was in direct opposition to his stance in taking the PNM government to the Equal Opportunity Commission over the scholarship fund.

She told the House on Wednesday night that the Maha Sabha had arrogated onto itself an authority it did not possess. "Like all denominational boards, the Tunapuna Hindu Primary School is, indeed, by law, a public school. Denominational schools are funded by public money, taxpayers' money; teachers are paid by the State and resources are provided by the State", McIntosh said.

She said while the buildings that housed the Tunapuna Hindu Primary School belong to the board, the school itself, that body that comprises the students, the teachers, administrators and the school's operations, falls under the jurisdiction of the State.

McIntosh said despite the Ministry of Education's permanent secretary's instructions to the principal to report for duty at the school, the board of the Maha Sabha remained inflexible and resolute in its stance to keep the principal locked out.

"No matter what the ministry says, the board is unwilling to change its position. And I have to ask where is the honourable Minister of Education in all of this? He has been deafeningly silent.... The public has a right to know what action the Minister of Education intends to take in respect of this highly unlawful and untenable situation," she said.

She said according to the 1960 Concordat, it was the Teaching Service Commission, the agent of the State, that possessed the authority to appoint, retain, promote, discipline, transfer or terminate teachers and administrators, not the board. Furthermore, she said, under the Industrial Relations Act, the board has no power to lock out either teachers or administrators and prevent him or her from performing his or her duties.

McIntosh also quoted a letter from Maharaj, (Sat) in which he chastised Gajadharsingh Nanga for hiring a secretary "who is not a Hindu and does not respond to teachers and students in our tradition. In addition, you have permitted a number of OJTs who are not Hindus and do not conform to our dress code. We hereby advise that within two weeks, you send these persons back to the officers from which you accepted them. We view this as a serious breach of the Concordat and will take positive action if our instructions remain unfulfilled".

She noted that the letter also stated the school was the property of the Maha Sabha, and its control falls under the SDMS education board of management. "We have the right to ensure that the culture and religion of the school reflects the culture and religion of the SDMS," Maharaj (Sat) wrote.
Fired OJT: Sat is an outright liar

By Renuka Singh

Story Created: Nov 13, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 13, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT

The On the Job (OJT) trainee who Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha general secretary Satnarine Maharaj dismissed after he saw her "panty-lines" is calling him an "outright liar".

Speaking to the Express under condition of anonymity on legal advice, she said she worked closely with ousted principal Sita Gajadharsingh-Nanga at Tunapuna Hindu Primary School for just over six months, before they received Maharaj's letter calling for her removal. "He got rid of me a year ago," she said in a telephone interview yesterday.

"How could he have said he saw my panty-line when we never even met? Someone should ask him to describe me. The man has never even seen me," she said.

The 19-year-old Roman Catholic was sent to the school by the OJT programme in January last year and said by July she was given two weeks' notice to leave the school.

"A letter was sent to the principal stating that she had installed a non-Hindu and I needed to be removed," she said.

"I cried. The principal cried. We just did not understand why he would do something like that.

"I am not the kind of person who wants to tango with these 'big named' men," she said, adding that something needed to be done to stop the race issue from spiralling out of control.

"Before this whole thing started I had such respect for the Prime Minister and now, it's like, why isn't she saying anything on this race issue?" she asked.

"It is bothering me that no one in authority is doing anything and he is allowed to get away with treating people like this because of their race and religion," she said.

But she was not the only one. As many as eight OJTs sent to the school were dismissed for various reasons, including race and religion.

"They did not feel the discrimination, but I was working close enough with the principal to feel it," she noted.

She said though she was "happy" that the country now knew about the situation, she felt "sorry" for Gajadharsingh-Nanga.

"She does not deserve to be treated like this. She is such a nice person," she said. Gajadharsingh-Nanga was locked out of the school at the end of the last term in July. She has been barred from the compound by guards.

On Friday, Maharaj called a media conference to answer questions raised by Opposition MP Patricia McIntosh in Parliament. She noted the race and religion issue that was playing out at the primary school.

Maharaj denied being a racist and claimed he was the victim of political propaganda, used by the Opposition to buy votes.

The Ministry of Education is said to be investigating the matter and though Gajadharsingh-Nanga has been barred from the compound, she is still the official principal of the school.
Rowley: Govt allowed it to get out of hand

By Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Nov 21, 2011 at 11:49 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 21, 2011 at 11:49 PM ECT

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday slammed Government for allowing the situation at the Tunapuna Hindu Primary School to get to the stage it had, stating that Government felt "beholden to a vote-bank" allegedly controlled by Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha secretary general Satnarayan Maharaj.

The Opposition Leader appealed to the entire Hindu community to urge Sat Maharaj and those who support him not to go down this road. Rowley called on the authorities to ensure that the school is opened today with principal Sita Gajadharsingh-Nanga there with her charges, allowing teaching to take place.

"There ought not to be a situation where Tunapuna Hindu School is closed. That means the children are not at school, the teachers are not at work, the principal remains away from her job. That means that original problem that caused this development is holding sway.

"That means that the ministry has been unable to do what the Teaching Service Commission says the ministry must do, which is to make sure that the circumstances are such that the teacher (principal) can walk in there this morning and continue her duty. And I find this very worrisome.

"There ought to be no situation today where the school is closed," he said at a news conference at his Charles St office.

Told that there was a sign on the school gate saying that the principal was a traitor to her dharma, Rowley said: "You'll understand what I am saying. This thing that started as behind-closed-doors difference of opinion or unfair action on the part of one individual to another, you see where it has reached.

"I hope when the broadcast appears on BBC news that in Trinidad and Tobago these kinds of developments (are taking place) children can't go to school and we are compared with what happened in Northern Ireland and Lebanon and where else in the world where people have come to grief, I hope the silent majority will realise that they have to raise their voices now against this outrage.

"This is an outrage which must not be tolerated by the decent people of Trinidad and Tobago. It should never have come to this. If the Government had acted definitely and expeditiously at the beginning.

But the Government chose not to act because office holders in this Government see themselves as beholden to the vote bank supposedly controlled by Sat Maharaj.

"And that is why the Minister of Education had not acted (sooner), why the Prime Minister did not intervene before and why the leader of the COP (Prakesh Ramadhar) made the stupid statement that he did about (political parties ie PNM) playing the race card, when in fact what we were dealing with was an administrative resistance to the laws of Trinidad and Tobago."

He added, however, that there was some light at the end of this tunnel. He cited the position taken by the Prime Minister that if charges of racial discrimination were true, then it was unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

He also welcomed statements by Minister of Education, Dr Tim Gopeesingh, condemning any threat of violence and also his support for the ruling of the Teaching Service Commission that the principal should not be blocked from resuming her duties at the school.
Senator: Why wasn't Sat held under SoE?

Claims of violence by parents at primary school

By Anna Ramdass

Story Created: Nov 23, 2011 at 12:57 AM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 23, 2011 at 12:57 AM ECT

Why was Satnarayan Maharaj, general secretary of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS), not detained by police when he spoke of possible violence breaking out at the Tunapuna Hindu School?

Opposition Senator Terrence Deyalsingh asked this question yesterday in his contribution to a private motion from Senator Fitzgerald Hinds, which asked the Senate to take note of the strengths and weaknesses in the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

On Sunday, Maharaj told the Express he feared there could be a violent reaction from parents of pupils of the Tunapuna Hindu School should principal Sita Gajadharsingh-Nanga return to work there.

That controversy has since been resolved as it was agreed the principal will continue to preside at the SDMS school until her request to be transferred to a Government primary school is approved by the Teaching Service Commission.
However, Deyalsingh noted a State of Emergency is in effect in the country, and Maharaj, by his utterances, breached the provisions of the Act.

"You have a religious leader who's a mentor to many politicians in this country, who's a supporter of a particular party, saying that he knows of violence that may take place in a school, of all places. Why isn't that person detained, doesn't that contravene 14:1 A?

He's a political mentor, a supporter of political parties; he has every right to use his vast resources to support any government, but the question is the police is being brought into disrespect and disregard because of the easy targets they go after, but when this gentleman makes these claims about violence, nothing is done, and we want to know why the police aren't trusted, and we want to know why we live in a lawless society," said Deyalsingh.

He explained that section 14:1 A means that under the State of Emergency regulations, any police officer can detain without a warrant a person who is endeavouring, whether orally or otherwise, to influence public opinion in a manner that is likely to be prejudicial to public safety and order.

"But if a religious leader knows about violence, instead of saying he can't control what parents may do, doesn't he have a right to go to the police and say, 'Look, I think X, Y, and Z parent is going to do something on Monday morning'? Why wasn't that approach taken; why is this person allowed to peddle his wares openly under these detention orders is beyond me, and that's what leads to inequality in our society," added Deyalsingh.

He also took to task a comment by acting Senator Rabindranath Moonan who said the People's National Movement (PNM) did not deal with the drug trade in the country.

Deyalsingh fired back, saying: "If you suspect a container has drugs and you want to catch the man, do you burst the seal at the port and give him a get-out-of-jail-free card? Or do you follow the container, put a police car on it, let him take it to his warehouse, offload the container, take possession of the drug; why was this container prematurely opened on the port to give the persons a valid excuse, a reason, a get-out-of-jail card? That is what your Government does with looks the other way."
High Alert

Cops arrested as alleged plot uncovered to assassinate Kamla, AG Roll Eyes

By Akile Simon

Story Created: Nov 23, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 23, 2011 at 11:44 PM ECT

The National Security Alert has been raised after security forces unearthed an alleged assassination plot against Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three senior members of her Cabinet.

Security forces were yesterday placed on high alert after intelligence revealed the assassination plot was expected to be initiated from today.

The Government ministers identified as targets in the alleged plot are National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and Foreign Affairs and Information Minister Dr Surujrattan Rambachan.

Police sources said the threat has also extended to certain senior police officers.
National Security adviser Gary Griffith, when contacted yesterday, only confirmed the security of Persad-Bissessar and three members of her Cabinet has been increased. He did not name the ministers.

Griffith, however, refused to divulge any further information regarding the additional security for the State officials. He also refused to confirm or deny the threat against Persad-Bissessar, Ramlogan, Sandy and Rambachan.

Persad-Bissessar and Sandy could not be reached for comment yesterday as calls to their cell phones went unanswered but when contacted, Ramlogan and Rambachan said they had no comment to offer. Roll Eyes

Up to late yesterday, more than ten persons were in police custody in connection with the alleged plot. Among them, a police sergeant who was arrested while on duty at the St Clair Police Station. He was taken to the Woodbrook Police Station.

The son of a prominent contractor in Valsayn wass also arrested by police. The suspects are being housed in separate police stations along the East-West Corridor.

A senior Government source said: "This assassination plot, the security forces have stated, is based on the anger of some criminals because of the imposition of the SoE, which was effective. This plot is a well-orchestrted plan to show that the State of Emergency was a dismal failure and an attempt to destabilise the Government."

"The assassination plot on the life of the Prime Minister has raised the National Security Alert state on confirmation of an assassination plot against the PM and three members of her Cabinet.

"Security has been heightened for the Prime Minister and the three ministers. The State is ready and capable of doing what is necessary and has placed all mechanisms in place to dismantle the threat," the source told the Express last evening.

The plot, a senior police said, was hatched by several persons held under the Anti-Gang Legislation while they were in custody at the Golden Grove Prison.

A senior Government minister, who asked not to be named, said, "The police are on high alert about certain matters involving State security. They unearthed an assassination plot against the PM and the AG, who are specific targets, by an extremist fringe group, comprising various discreet elements from criminal underworld gangs and persons suspected to be involved in the international drug and arms trade."

The Government is expected to address the matter later today at the post-Cabinet news briefing.

On Monday, a high-profile security meeting took place at the Police Administration Building in Port of Spain which involved Commissioner of Police Dwayne Gibbs, DCP Mervyn Richardson, other senior police officers and the top brass of the Defence Force.

A massive undercover exercise carried out on Monday night by intelligence agencies resulted in the arrest of Selwyn "Robocop" Alexis. Officers also desperately searched for other persons who have been identified as the assassins in the alleged plot. Many of the suspects, the Express understands, could not be found, and that caused the security alert to be heightened.

Public Information Officer of the Police Service Sgt Wayne Mystar, during yesterday's daily police news briefing, said Alexis remains in police custody, assisting police with enquiries. Mystar refused to say what investigation Alexis was assisting police with.
Alexis, of Freedom Street, Enterprise Village, Chaguanas, was held on Monday at his home and taken to the Belmont Police Station where he remained in custody up to late yesterday. Only two weeks ago, he was released on a murder charge.

Alexis was also detained by officers of the Criminal Intelligence Unit (CIU) while watching television in a multimillion-dollar apartment at One Woodbrook Place, Woodbrook. During that arrest, which took place on August 30, police claimed they found material which fitted the profile of an assassination attempt against Persad-Bissessar, Ramlogan and Sandy.

But in a recent interview with TV6's Crime Watch talk show host, Ian Alleyne, shortly after being freed on the murder charge, Alexis categorically denied any involvement in a plot to assassinate the senior State officials.

The Defence Force and other security agencies were yesterday placed on high alert, with the Army, Coast Guard and Air Guard ordering all its personnel to report for duty at their various headquarters no later than 11.59 p.m. last night.

There is also going to be a heightened police and army presence in several communities, effective from today, which will involve stop and searches of pedestrians and motor vehicles.

On Tuesday night, DCP Mervyn Richardson, through the Police Command Centre, issued messages to all police stations, special units, branches and sections, advising officers to exercise extreme caution while on duty and pay extra vigilance.

Contacted last evening, Richardson, who whispered on the other line, said he was in a meeting and could not take our call.

Rowley on assassination plot: Police info contradicts PM's statement Roll Eyes

By Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Nov 25, 2011 at 10:56 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 25, 2011 at 10:56 PM ECT

"Hysterical political expediency!" Wink

That was Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley's response to Government's actions arising out of an alleged assassination plot against the Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three members of her Cabinet.

"The action is overkill and is meant to send a signal that the Government is treating with a very serious matter in a way, not to bring about successful prosecution, but to bring about political sympathy," Rowley told a news conference at Tower D.

"The police position on this matter does not square with the Prime Minister's position," Rowley said, following a meeting with Deputy Commissioner Richardson in which he was briefed on the security threat.

"And if I am challenged on this matter, I would demonstrate to the country what I am saying," he added. "I am asking you to trust me on this matter that the (Prime Minister's statement that the assassination plot is the result of) threat of reprisals by criminals—does not square with the (police) information. It is the PNM's view that what we are dealing with is a police investigation...which is in its infancy...and which has not advanced to the stage where any person can be charged. And we make a clear distinction between information, evidence, arrest, charge and prosecution," he said.

Rowley said one could not help but notice the "pusillanimous silence" of the Minister of National Security John Sandy. He called on the Minister to state "today" where the country stood on this matter with respect to "information, evidence, arrest and charge" and "not hide behind the skirt-tail of the Prime Minister".

Rowley said publicity of the "new and elevated plot" has come in the dying stages of a State of Emergency "even as the initial plot (which led to the calling of the State of Emergency on August 21) remains a secret and unexplained". The SoE ends on December 5 which is Monday after the next.

"We are calling on the National Security Minister to provide the country with adequate, satisfactory and believable information to justify the action that the Government has taken to date on this matter," Rowley said.

"It is unacceptable for the potential target of the threat, namely the head of Government, who has a political interest informing this matter to be spokesperson and advocate for this unidentified threat, and to be the person advancing the country circumstances to the world..saying 'I am in line to be assassinated so I have taken certain action and trust me', the Opposition Leader stated.

Rowley said the Prime Minister's decision to call him and make the security forces available to him for a briefing was "kind" and it was a "very positive development" since "it was useful for the country for the Opposition Leader to be exposed to information which could assist in this arm of the State coming to a decision with respect to the serious development".

Rowley stressed that a threat to the life of the Prime Minister, any member of the Government or any office-holder was a very serious matter and the PNM abhors any such threat.

And Rowley said he was not prepared to share any of the specific information provided to him by Deputy Commissioner Richardson with whom he met yesterday morning. But having met with and having been briefed by the police, he could now tell the national community that he was not satisfied that the Government's action in the last 24 hours, was in the nation's best interest.

"But we are not prepared to accept the Prime Minister making herself a victim and a target, and executing public policy without adequate information to the population," he said. He added that any serious Prime Minister would have been reluctant to put herself in the position of "champion" and would have instead allowed the security forces to investigate so that the perpetrators could be arrested.

Rowley said it was this Prime Minister who in moving into the residence could not explain why the electronic surveillance at the residence was scaled down and electronic equipment moved from the residence. "But we get now in the face of the unspecified alleged threat a picture painted to the world of snipers on top the roof of the Prime Minister's residence," he said.

Rowley noted that the Opposition has consistently pointed out that since the declaration of the SoE to now, no one had been detained under emergency powers. He said with this development (of the assassination plot) Government was able to correct that since the alleged miscreants were being detained (without arrest) under the emergency powers. The Opposition Leader said he feared that the Police which is already tarnished with respect to its actions vis-a-vis the Anti-Gang legislation was in line of political fire once again to be tarnished.

He said government's action were triggered by information already in the public domain for quite some time relating to threats of instability coming from the labour movement.

He said this is a Government which panicked whenever it thinks it is threatened. "On August 21 when there were killings in Arima, Government panicked and declared a State of Emergency and curfew. Today they are threatened by mobilisation of the trade labour movement with the end of the emergency, they have once again panicked and have come up with this story of an assassination plot which cannot stand public scrutiny," Rowley stated.

Repeated efforts to get Minister Sandy yesterday were unsuccessful.
...13th suspect arrested in PoS

By Akile Simon

Story Created: Nov 25, 2011 at 10:56 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 25, 2011 at 10:56 PM ECT

A 13th suspect was arrested by police in downtown Port of Spain yesterday in connection with an alleged plot to assassinate Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three members of her Cabinet.

The suspect, police said, was nabbed by police in Port of Spain and taken to the Port of Spain CID where he was interviewed by officers probing the alleged plot.

The man is one of several persons who were recently released after being charged under the Anti-Gang Act. Others released under the Act are still being sought by intelligence officers.
Police have described suspects, who remain at large, as "middle men" in the alleged plot.

These are said to be linked to a radical Muslim group based in central Trinidad and are members of the Picton Road, Laventille and other criminal gangs.

Up to late yesterday, police had 13 men in custody, among them a police sergeant, Selwyn "Robocop" Alexis and businessman Khalil Karamath, the son of deceased contractor Hafeez Karamath.

Police have described the detainees as the alleged masterminds behind the alleged plot, but relatives, friends and attorneys for the Karamath, Alexis and the police officers, have denied their involvement in the alleged plot.

They are being held under the Emergency Powers Regulations of 2011 which gives the police powers to detain them for seven days.

Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Anti-Crime Operations Mervyn Richardson yesterday maintained that the threat is real in nature and the police were moving full speed ahead with its investigations.

"We want to assure the community that members of the protective services are out in full force and are fully capable of dealing with any unforeseen incidents. We also want the public to call us with information regarding strange persons who may be hiding out in their communities because this threat also compromises the safety and security of all citizens," Richardson said.

Police stations throughout the country, particularly those in known crime hot spot areas have also been listed as potential targets in the alleged plot including several senior police officers.

Yesterday, intelligence agencies and divisional task force officers conducted several searches in the Enterprise, Chaguanas; Cunupia, Laventille and the Northern Division, searching for additional suspects.

No further arrests were made up to news time, intelligence sources said.

Police said they do not have a definite number of persons they are looking for but as their investigations progress, other suspects are expected to be taken into custody.

Officers have already obtained statements from several of the detained men who are being housed in police stations throughout the east west corridor.

Specific instructions have been given that the prisoners are not to communicate with relatives or receive items of food.

A special team of officers from police units such as the CID and Homicide Bureau of Investigations are probing the alleged assassination plot.

Additional road block exercises have been taking place across the country which also involves officers from the Transport Division and Traffic Wardens.

In Rio Claro yesterday, police arrested 20 suspects among them five females, on charges of being in possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking and other offences.

That exercise was coordinated by Snr Supt Heftlyn George and ASP Neville Sanker and involved Sgt Mickey Williams and other Eastern Division police officers.

Similar exercises took place in the Southern and Northern Division under the supervision of Snr Supt Deodath Dulalchan, David Abraham, Supt Samuel Bullen and ASP Joseph.

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