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Trinidadians doubt PM's claim of plot

Story Created: Nov 27, 2011 at 2:07 AM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 27, 2011 at 2:07 AM ECT

Trinidad and Tobago's Prime Minister has come under public pressure to reveal more details of an alleged death plot against her that she blamed on criminals fighting back against a Government crackdown.

Many citizens were expressing skepticism about the assassination plot which Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar announced on Thursday had been uncovered against her and several of her ministers.

Persad-Bissessar placed the blame for the national security alert on criminals linked to the drug trade who she said were resisting a State of Emergency declared in August to stem a surge in murders, violent crime and gang activity.

Many citizens expressed doubts about the announced assassination plot.

"They called a State of Emergency, they disrupted lives, took away some of our freedoms and we have not yet been given a single credible reason why the Government took such drastic action. The Government has lost credibility in my eyes," said Shelly Duncan, a 34-year-old graphic artist.

Local security officials were on the defensive.

"It is in the national security interest to keep those details close to our chests," Police Commissioner Dwayne Gibbs said when the threat was announced on Thursday. "We all expressed that there is a threat and if you choose not to believe that, then I guess that is your prerogative," he added.

Analysts said the security scare, coming on top of the crime related State of Emergency declared in August, would not help Trinidad and Tobago's efforts to ride out turbulent international economic conditions that are squeezing more vulnerable island economies of the Caribbean.

"If it continues, investors will have concerns about property rights and safety of FDI (foreign direct investment). It's not investor friendly to have this continued state of emergency and reports of an assassination plot," said independent economic analyst and senator Rolf Balgobin.

Political analyst Bishnu Ragoonath said the Government would regain public confidence if it re-leased more specifics.

"The opposition is also pronouncing this to be a hoax and that in itself is a challenge for the Government to provide credible information to the public," said Ragoonath, who lectures at the University of the West Indies.

A 'precipitous drop'

T&T gets lowest ranking ever in corruption index

By Joel Julien

Story Created: Dec 2, 2011 at 12:53 AM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 2, 2011 at 12:53 AM ECT

JACK WARNER'S continued presence in the country's Cabinet amid allegations of bribery is believed to be an integral element in the perception of corruption in Trinidad and Tobago being at its all time worst.

This statement was made by Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute (TTTI) chairman, Richard Joseph, at a press conference to announce the results of the 2011 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) yesterday.

Trinidad and Tobago has been ranked 91 out of 183 with a score of 3.2 out of ten, the results of this years CPI has stated.

It is the lowest ranking this country has ever attained since being included in the CPI for the first time in 2001.

In 2001 Trinidad and Tobago was ranked 31 out of 91 countries and scored 5.3 out of ten.

Last year this country was ranked 73 out of 178 countries with a score of 3.6.

Joseph described the change in ranking from 73 to 91 as a "precipitous drop".

The CPI ranks countries based on how corrupt their public sector is perceived to be and is a combination of surveys drawing on corruption related data collected by a variety of reputable institutions . It reflects the views of observers from around the world, including experts living and working in the countries evaluated, Joseph said.

The CPI uses a simple form of indexing to arrive at a score ranging between zero, perceived to be the most corrupt, and ten, perceived to be the least corrupt.

The surveys used to prepare the 2011 ranking covered the period from December 2009 to September 2011, Joseph said.

"The current index places Trinidad and Tobago behind Jamaica which it previously outranked. Barbados and Dominica maintain their rankings well ahead of Trinidad and Tobago at 16 and 44 respectively and new entrants Bahamas, St Lucia and St Vincent also ranked at 21, 25 and 36 respectively," Joseph said.

Of the 11 CARIFORUM countries ranked in the CPI, five were above the midpoint score of five points. Trinidad and Tobago scored 3.2.

"Anything below the score of five is considered as a strong perception that corruption is a problem or a challenge in that country," Joseph said.

Joseph said despite promises made on the campaign trail by the Kamla Persad-Bissessar led People's Partnership administration, not much has been done to tackle the issue of corruption.

"The 2011 CPI results suggest that there is a widely held perception that the issue of corruption in Trinidad and Tobago has not as yet been comprehensively addressed by the authorities," Joseph said.

"Two major campaign promises from the 2010 General Election that could have reversed this perception are still to be addressed those are the implementation of the recommendations of the (John) Uff Enquiry into the Construction Sector and the enacting of new public sector procurement legislation," Joseph said.

Joseph said several incidents in the past year have also raised questions about the government's "avowed commitment to transparency and accountability".

"These include Minister Jack Warner's continued presence in the administration and many allegations about improper procurement and poor governance practices at some State agencies," Joseph said.

Warner is the Minister of Works and Infrastructure.

At a CFU special meeting on May 10 and 11 at the Hyatt Regency in Port of Spain, former FIFA presidential hopeful Mohamed bin Hamman allegedly offered bribes of US$40,000 each to 26 football officials from the region in exchange for votes.

Warner, who facilitated the meeting in May, subsequently resigned all his football positions after 28 years in FIFA's high command after an investigation was launched into the bribery allegations.

"While the Administration has insisted on selectively observing the rules of natural justice in these matters it is possible that, by allowing some incumbents to remain in office while lengthy and still unresolved investigations take place, its reputation has been harmed by association," Joseph said.

"There are other and more appropriate ways of dealing with these matters under current circumstances while adhering to the principles of natural justice," he said.

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan has been mandated to investigate a video on the website of British newspaper The Telegraph allegedly showing Warner participating in the delivery of "gifts" from bin Hamman.

Joseph advised Warner to step down until investigations are completed.

"It is difficult to have a Minister in charge of a Ministry with an enormous budget against whom there are corruption allegations. I am not saying he is guilty or innocent or anything and I agree natural justice should take place but we have a country to run and we also have to run it in a certain way and with certain standards," Joseph said.

"I think a standard that is accepted internationally is if somebody is accused of something, they step down, clear their name and then they could come back," he said.

Joseph said a copy of the results of the CPI and the recommendations made by the TTTI have been forwarded to the government.

Senator Nicole Dyer-Griffith, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said yesterday that the Government would release a comment on the CPI results today.

Rowley produces security report; no evidence against detainees Wink

By Anna Ramdass

Story Created: Dec 3, 2011 at 2:43 AM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 3, 2011 at 2:43 AM ECT

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday called for the release of 16 persons held under detention orders as he produced a report which he claimed discredited information that there was a plot to assassinate Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and Government Ministers.

Rowley was speaking at a press conference at the Waterfront Centre, Port of Spain, following the adjournment of the Parliament sitting.

He said the Prime Minister acted "hysterically" and misled the nation about this plot. Big Grin

Rowley said he obtained a copy of an evaluation of the plot dated November 23 by the national security agencies based on "chatter'' of misconduct by certain persons. He did not reveal from where or from whom he obtained this report.

Quoting from the report, Rowley read lines which in effect stated that there was no evidence to support allegations made by the confidential informant who claimed there was an assassination plot.

Under the heading "overall analysis of information", Rowley read:

"The general assessment of this information is that it seems to be an amalgamation of several pieces of information using historic information on individuals of known ill repute to validate the claim of a future act and embellished by the author's liberal use of opinions rather than fact."

The report, said Rowley, stated further that the chronological sequence of events of the plot was inconsistent.

"It is quite possible that he, the source may be speculating as to what he's seeing in an attempt to make sense of it," Rowley quoted from the report.

The report, according to Rowley, further stated that there was a lack of understanding by the source as the person attempted to use a term to suggest certain persons were extremists.

"There is no information identifying the leaders of the two groups...or whether the persons involved are known to each other, attempts to identify a common link prove to be futile," Rowley quoted.

The Prime Minister, he said, would have had this information in hand on November 23, yet on November 24, she threw the country into panic by disclosing that her life and the lives of Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and Government Minister Chandresh Sharma and Roodal Moonilal were threatened.

"...The Prime Minister knew that there was no confirmed plot and that it was speculation on the part of a source that had been discredited by the country's security services and therefore this whole question of a plot against the life of the Prime Minister and her Cabinet as of the 24th of November had not been established and the way it was sold to us, I can now confirm that the Prime Minister's attempt to sell it to us was in the context of justifying the State of Emergency," said Rowley.

"I can tell the country this evening that the Opposition is now totally satisfied that the Prime Minister acted hysterically on matters of national security which should have gone through the proper channels to allow it to be treated in a serious and effective way, got diverted into political diatribe that seriously damaged this country's image internationally," he added.

Rowley said this was misconduct on the part of the Prime Minister and he called further for National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy to resign for allowing his "political boss" to mismanage the country's affairs.

"I'm calling on the Minister of National Security before he writes his resignation to challenge anything that I've said here this evening," said Rowley.

"And to the extent that any of our citizens doesn't matter who they are, man, woman, child, long, short, tall of any race, colour creed or class to the extent that any citizen has been the subject of detention under this development purely to satisfy what we now know is a political need, I'm calling on the State to release them immediately because this is political madness that has no place in Trinidad and Tobago...this nonsense has gone too far and I'm calling on the National Security Minister to address the nation and confront what I've said here," he continued.

Rowley said these persons who were detained are now in "serious jeopardy" as the political directorate now needs evidence to keep them incarcerated.

On the State of Emergency, which expires on Monday, Rowley said one could conclude it would not be extended, given the fact that Parliament was adjourned to next Friday and no statement was made by Government on the matter.

"So what came in as a roaring tide on the 21st of August has now evaporated like a blown candle, no light, a bit of smoke and a waxy smell," he said.

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan told the Express yesterday that the report Rowley spoke of was never provided to the National Security Council.

"Such a report was never provided to the National Security Council and must either be fictitious or bogus, I note that Dr Rowley did not disclose the author of the report. His baseless utterances are consistent with the recent trend of faux paus starting with my alleged trip to the US mission, the supposed conspiracy with the Judiciary with the Ish and Steve case and the request for personal banking information of citizens from the FIU," said Ramlogan.

Ramlogan said Rowley's allegations were "outrageous, scandalous and mischievous".

He also noted that the Prime Minister had asked the police to meet with Rowley and share the relevant intelligence with him and "his lack of reciprocity speaks volumes about his intention and as politics trumps the national security and public interest".
SoE slowed economy

Central Bank Governor:

By Carla Bridglal

Story Created: Dec 7, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 7, 2011 at 10:54 PM ECT

The impact of the State of Emergency and curfew was more pronounced on the local economy than originally envisaged, Central Bank governor Ewart Williams said yesterday.

Speaking at the presentation of the November 2011 Monetary Policy Report at the Central Bank tower, Port of Spain, Williams said the result of the state of Emergency and the curfew was that fewer hours were worked, and productivity and production in the manufacturing, small business and distribution sectors were particularly affected.

"On this basis, the projection for the year as a whole, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will have declined by about 1.4 per cent," he said.

Real GDP for the first half of 2011 declined by 0.9 per cent. On the heels of trade unions calling for a protest march in Port of Spain tomorrow, Williams said that with the country's current unemployment rate, he did not foresee prolonged industrial unrest next year.

"People will be focusing on job security than wages...Unions tend to lose their clout with higher unemployment," he said. He said that while the latest unemployment statistics from the Central Statistical Office had unemployment at 6.3 per cent, the Bank used data from the Labour Ministry from the third quarter 2011 which showed retrenchment notices were double compared to the corresponding period last year.

"We suspect that with the State of Emergency, retrenchment continued in the last quarter of 2011," he added.

Kamla to Castro after Hilton fiasco:

By Sue-Ann Wayow

Story Created: Dec 11, 2011 ECT
Story Updated: Dec 11, 2011 at 3:07 PM ECT

PRIME MINISTER Kamla Persad-Bissessar has apologised to Cuban President Raul Castro who was not allowed to stay at the Hilton Trinidad, St Ann's, for the Caricom/Cuba Summit held last week in Port of Spain.

After the hotel's application was not processed in time, the venue for the summit had to be changed to the National Academy for the Performing Arts in Port of Spain, while Castro was accommodated at the Kapok Hotel, St Clair.

Persad-Bissessar said she apologised to Castro and he accepted her apology.

"When I met his Excellency President Castro, I said to him I was sorry about what happened, so I have told him that to his face. He says he understands. It is not the first time that they have faced a blockade from the US and they have been living under that for many, many years," she said yesterday. Roll Eyes

"He said he was not upset about it in the sense that they have faced that kind of behaviour before, indeed the entire country has been blockaded for the past 50 years so he was very happy to be here, his visit was very beneficial for us and I do believe for Cuba as well."

Persad-Bissessar was speaking to reporters at her annual Christmas Toy Drive that began yesterday at Skinner Park in San Fernando.

When asked if she would accept any help from former prime minister Patrick Manning who held a press conference in San Fernando earlier yesterday, Persad-Bissessar said no.

"I would never ask for his help. The country rejected him at the polls. Until the country tells me otherwise, they voted for my government we will continue to govern to the best of our ability. I believe that we are fine. The Government is doing well and the country is doing very well. Other countries have collapsed. Others are seeing a lot of problems in their economics, in security matters. We have brought the crime down. We have managed the economy and we are enjoying this Christmas season."(Lame DUCK) Wink

Persad-Bissessar said, "Mr Manning wants my job but he has to wait for that until there is an election and should the people so vote for him then so be it. But at the moment we were elected by the majority of the people in this country and I do not intend to call an early election."

And she said even though there were threats to shutdown the country by various unions, she was not fazed.

"I heard people are threatening to shutdown the country and it has not shutdown yet. I am not of the view that the country will be shutdown but the unions are entitled to act within the law to further their interest. This is a democracy and I have nothing against them using the law within the law to take such action as they see fit."

The Prime Minister gave out gifts to hundreds of children who attended the event. She said this year there will be six venues where toys and treats will be given.

Today she will continue to give out gifts in Malabar at the Larry Gomes Stadium.

"As a Government, as a nation there is nothing better that we can do than to treat our children today," she said.
Bas 'taking back' UNC Wink

Rank and file upset: ex-leader to restore party's 'good name' Big Grin

By Susan Mohammed

Story Created: Dec 13, 2011 at 11:57 PM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 13, 2011 at 11:57 PM ECT

Founding father of the United National Congress (UNC) Basdeo Panday yesterday vowed to "take back" the party as he claimed its membership was upset with the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Panday, the former UNC political leader, yesterday said those leading the party now have "tarnished its name".

Panday said he wanted no elected office but had acceded to numerous requests from party members who asked that he lead them in the struggle.

He said the "rank and file" would offer a full slate of candidates to campaign to unseat the party's executive, including its political leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, and chairman, Jack Warner.

Panday issued the statement at a news conference called yesterday at his office, located in the same building as the UNC headquarters at Rienzi Complex, Couva.

He said, "The rank and file of the party, the ordinary people who put this Government in power, claim that the UNC is being blamed for nonsense that is being inflicted upon this country by this People's Partnership (PP) Government when they, the rank and file, have no say in what is being done in their name.

"Decisions are taken by a small clique that does not consult or even inform the party of what they doing or going to do.

These members wish to emphasise that this is not a UNC Government, neither in name or spirit, yet the UNC is being blamed for what the PP Government foolishly does." Wink

Panday, who was defeated by Persad-Bissessar at the party's internal election last year and was subsequently rejected as a candidate for the Couva North seat he held for more than 20 years, said the "rank and file" were hundreds of party supporters, including members from Club '88 and young people.

"The rank and file have been speaking to me," Panday said. "They claim that the good name of the now being given a bad name and a bad reputation by the PP Government and those opportunists and Johnnies-come-lately who now control the party, but who know nothing of the people's struggle to build this party over the past 22 years."

Panday said, "These opportunists and hangers-on who have recently emerged out of the woodwork and slipped into the State boards are now reaping the rewards of the struggles of the ordinary people while the rank and file are being treated as dirt and garbage."

Panday's statement comes on the heels of leader of the Congress of the People (COP) Prakash Ramadhar writing to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, calling for a meeting of coalition members to assess the performance of the Partnership and the Government.

Ramamdhar noted that much of the population was frustrated and pointed out that "increasing racial tensions, the perception of unacceptable levels of corruption and a non-functioning Partnership structure are undermining the credibility of the Government".

Panday said the COP's feelings may be shared by the rank and file, which he represented. "I feel that they may be feeling exactly as the rank and file are feeling", he said. Panday said he wanted to hold no office but would only advise on how to restore the reputation of the UNC.

He said the theme of the struggle was "Generation Next", which suggested that young people would have a significant say in their party and, consequently, in the Government.

Panday said their message would be spread through a variety of networking strategies, including cottage meetings, a Facebook account and other social networks, press releases and interviews.
Extradition lawyer: Passing strange

By Keino Swamber

Story Created: Dec 30, 2011 at 12:53 AM ECT
Story Updated: Dec 30, 2011 at 12:53 AM ECT

ATTORNEY-at-law David West has said he finds it "passing strange" that Attorney General Anand Ramlogan has decided not to appeal the decision of a High Court judge which blocked the extradition of businessmen Ishwar Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson to the United States.

As former director of the Central Authority Unit, which handled extradition requests under the Office of the Attorney General, West was one of the attorneys retained under former attorney general John Jeremie to represent the State when Ferguson and Galbarasingh challenged the constitutionality of Section 16 of the Extradition Act.

West's services, along with those of other lawyers, were not retained when Ramlogan assumed office in May last year.

Galbaransingh and Ferguson are wanted in Florida where they were indicted on fraud charges relating to financial transactions during the construction of the Piarco International Airport.

Locally, they are charged with bid rigging and conspiracy to defraud the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. Those offences are said to have been committed between March 1, 1997 an December 21, 2000.

The US government made a formal extradition request in July 2006 while Jeremie was still attorney general. Jeremie signed the Authority to Proceed (ATP) on July 20, 2006, thereby starting the extradition proceedings.

Several legal challenges by Galbaransingh and Ferguson were dismissed and were followed by Ramlogan signing the extradition warrants on October 9 last year. The duo took the matter to the Court of Appeal which granted leave for judicial review, resulting in the decision of Justice Ronnie Boodoosingh on November 7, who ruled that Trinidad and Tobago is the proper forum for them to be tried.

Ramlogan, on December 19, announced that he decided to leave Boodoosingh's ruling unchallenged after seeking the advice of British extradition expert James Lewis Q.C.

"It is passing strange that the State loses one application before a single High Court judge in a complex and highly politically charged case and deems it not fit to appeal," West said.

He said there is a clear divergence of views among the judiciary when it comes to the question of where an accused person should be tried when he has pending charges in different jurisdictions.

"This is why an appeal is necessary to clarify this 'grey' area in the law. It must be remembered that Leon Nurse, Ricardo De Four, etc. who were accused of killing (Balram) "Balo" Maharaj, have already been extradited and sentenced in the US whilst they had a murder charge existing (locally).

"Another co-conspirator, Doreen Alexander, is now awaiting extradition to the US. Two other accused persons, Hassan Atwell and Gary Govindass are also in this same predicament by having a local charge existing whilst extradition proceedings are ongoing."

West also criticised the reasoning of Ramlogan that the criminal conduct for which Galbaransingh and Ferguson are wanted occurred in Trinidad and therefore Trinidad had the greater interest in seeing the matter prosecuted in Trinidad.

"If the Attorney General is going to be consistent, then Doreen Alexander, Hassan Atwell and Gary Govindass cannot be extradited because, by parity of reasoning, the criminal conduct alleged in all three cases took place in Trinidad.

"The Attorney General must know that a precedent has already been set whereby the Court of Appeal has already allowed the extradition to the US of Leon Nurse, Ricardo De Four et al, and Ronald Rackal et al, for offences where the criminal conduct took place in Trinidad."

West said he also found it strange that Ramlogan only sought Lewis's advice after Boodoosingh had ruled on the matter.
'UNC is dead'
Panday to breathe new life into party...

By Anna Ramdass

Story Created: Jan 1, 2012 at 10:58 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 1, 2012 at 10:58 PM ECT

The United National Congress (UNC) is dead and its founding father Basdeo Panday plans to breathe new life into the party again and remove it from the grasp of what he said is the most corrupt Government. Wink

Panday will not be contesting any post in the UNC internal elections scheduled to be held in March, instead he will be advising a slate under the banner "Generation Next".

Upon his defeat by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the UNC internal elections in 2010, Panday predicted that the party would die in six months.

However, he said, he voted for the People's Partnership (PP), because he, like thousands in the country, "wanted to get rid of the PNM".

He said it was suspected that members of the coalition were more interested in office and power than with keeping their promises.

"It is in that context that I said the UNC would be dead within six months. That was prophetic. The UNC is dead for all intents and purposes. It no longer functions as a Party but as an appendage to the PP Government for organising fetes, filling stamped addressed envelopes and awarding CEPEP contracts to friends and families. All that the UNC stood for has been abandoned," said Panday.

"Our present struggle is not to remove the Government but to force it to perform on the promises it made to the people," he added.

Asked if he felt heartbroken over what he considers the death of the UNC, Panday said, "After 40 odd years in politics nothing breaks my heart to the extent that I will lie down, roll over and die like a dead dog. Yes, I am sad that after so much blood, sweat and tears of so many thousands of persons over the past 21 years, the UNC has gone this way. That is why I have agreed to lend my services to those thousands of dedicated and loyal soldiers who wish to put the party back on track."

Panday said over the past several months he was inundated with calls from the party's rank and file who complained they were being treated like "trash".

"They claim that opportunists, sycophants, and johnnies come lately are reaping the fruits of their labour while they are treated with scant courtesy by the Government. They complain also that they can no longer reach their parliamentary representatives who have become Ministers or members of the Government. They feel insulted that decisions are being taken in their name without discussion far less consultation. They are being blamed and pilloried for the perception of corruption of the PP Government, their incompetence and failure to deliver on their promises to the people, their arrogance and wastage of public funds," said Panday.

Panday said "Generation Next" was chosen by the group to indicate that the future belongs to the young people of this nation, and it is the duty of the elders to usher them in. "At this point in time the rank and file, calling itself Generation Next, merely wishes to take control of the party and keep it separate from what is perceived to be the most corrupt government the country has ever seen. The Party wants to be separate from the People's Partnership Government and not be seen as it alter ego," said Panday.

Asked whether there would be problems for the People's Partnership and systems of governance if "Generation Next" is successful, Panday said it would in fact strengthen the party.

He said members of "Generation Next" believe that for several reasons, no Government Minister, except the Prime Minister should be an officer of the party.

Panday said that a ministerial portfolio is a full-time job and together with constituency obligations, Ministers cannot have the time to serve the Government, the constituency and the party at the same time.

He said when a Government member is also an officer of the party the Government controls the National Executive of the party.

Questioned whether this was a case of the pot calling the kettle black as the same problem he believes the party is facing now had occurred during his reign in 1995-2001, Panday responded this was not about him.

"I have been in the political battle for over 44 years during which time I have made several political foes. Show me someone who claims to have been in battle for over 40 years and has no battle scars and I shall show you someone who has been hiding under the bed for the entire duration of the war. Be that as it may, this is not about me.

"What others have to say about me is not my problem; it is theirs. This is not about my performance or lack of it 12 years ago; it is about Trinidad and Tobago in 2012 and the problems we face now...and how we propose to deal with them," he said.
Trinidad, Tobago PM to visit native village in Buxar

TNN | Dec 31, 2011, 02.53AM IST
Source - India Times


In search of her roots, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad-Bissessar, is arriving here on January 11 and would visit Bhelupur village in Buxar district from where her ancestors had migrated to Caribbean Islands over a century ago.

An official in Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's office said that Persad-Bissessar will visit Bhelupur in Itarhi block of Buxar district, about 125 km from here.

Her ancestors are said to have migrated as Girmitiya labourers to Trinidad and Tobago, then a British colony in the Caribbean islands. Persad-Bissessar, the first woman Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, will also meet her relatives during her visit. Hari Shankar Tiwary is supposed to be one of her relatives.

Buxar sub-divisional magistrate Nishitha Verma said that the district authorities are making full preparations to welcome her and provide all possible comfort and facilities. The road to the village is being repaired and a helipad is being prepared for the landing of her chopper.

Some four years ago, Mauritius Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam had visited his ancestral village in the state's Bhojpur district, from where his ancestors had migrated.


Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
Originally posted by Na Cl:
You seems to have a personal agenda against this woman.

Lighten up and Chill.

Give the woman space to breathe

Unfortunately Kamla is proving to be quite inept. No wonder Eric is having orgasms of glee, as if his PNM are any better.

I guess these impoverished Indian villages must invite IndoCaribbean celebrities more often...that is the only time they get anything.

Hopefully impoverished villagres dont rush out to beg her to take them with her as happened when Panday visited his ancestral village.
Blatter under fire as Warner finally reveals bribery claims against FIFA president


Last updated at 9:39 AM on 30th December 2011

Former FIFA vice president Jack Warner claims he was awarded World Cup television rights for as little as one dollar in return for helping Sepp Blatter win elections for the presidency of world football's ruling body.

Warner, who resigned from FIFA in June amid bribery allegations, released a statement which accused the organisation of awarding him the 1998 World Cup rights in his native Trinidad & Tobago for the nominal fee after he helped Blatter win a 'brutal' campaign to become FIFA president.

A former president of regional body CONCACAF and the Caribbean Football Union, Warner also said he was sold the rights for the 2002 and 2006 World Cups after helping Blatter get re-elected in 2002, and later bought the 2010 and 2014 rights.

Asked about Warner's claims, FIFA said: 'We are currently looking into the matter.' Once a Blatter ally, Warner switched his allegiance to Qatar's Mohammed bin Hammam during FIFA's presidential election earlier this year. After being suspended in May, Warner had threatened to unleash a 'tsunami' of corruption allegations against the organisation.

On Thursday, Warner said that he and Bin Hammam, a former Asian Football Confederation president, had played 'extremely critical roles in [Blatter's] re-election [in 2002] as well as in preventing several members of the then Executive Committee from instituting criminal charges against him.'

TV rights for the 2010 and 2014 World Cups were 'again sold to me personally, however using the CFU as the vehicle,' Warner said, adding that they were subsequently resold. He said the profits, as with previous rights earnings, were used to fund football activities in the Caribbean.

Warner's decision to quit FIFA meant that he avoided an investigation of his alleged role in arranging payments for Caribbean voters during Bin Hammam's presidential campaign a bribery scandal which subsequently led to a life ban from football for the Qatari challenger.

Bin Hammam withdrew his bid after the scandal emerged in May.

In his statement, Warner claimed FIFA had vainly made him further lucrative offers if he would support Blatter, rather than bin Hammam, in the election.

'In 2011, in exchange for my support (and by extension the support of the CFU and the CONCACAF) in the FIFA presidential election, the FIFA again offered me the sale of the World Cup Rights for 2018 and 2022 as a 'gift' at a nominal fee,' Warner said. FIFA also agreed to give CONCACAF a combined total of $1million (Β£650,000) for two football development projects, Warner claimed.

'Notwithstanding the inducements offered, I ... refused to endorse Sepp Blatter for the 2011 FIFA Presidential election...', the statement added.

According to Warner, a 28-year veteran of FIFA's executive committee, there are more revelations to come.

He said that he would make further disclosures next week, including, 'why I could not support Sepp Blatter's re-election', and 'why Caribbean football will never be for sale'.

The bribery scandal involving Warner and bin Hammam was sparked when whistleblowers from four Caribbean countries reported that cash was offered during Bin Hammam's visit to Trinidad in May ahead of the FIFA vote for the presidency.

A video of Warner urging Caribbean football leaders to accept their cash gifts was leaked and published on the website of the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

Bin Hammam is appealing against his FIFA ban and is awaiting a date for a hearing from the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Read more:
Originally posted by caribj:

Unfortunately Kamla is proving to be quite inept. No wonder Eric is having orgasms of glee, as if his PNM are any better.

I guess these impoverished Indian villages must invite IndoCaribbean celebrities more often...that is the only time they get anything.

Hopefully impoverished villagres dont rush out to beg her to take them with her as happened when Panday visited his ancestral village.

She is a well known DRUNK in central ask any trini about her "pipe statements" some yrs back when she bragged that her husband can "lay de pipes" in public many ppl think that when she made that statements she was clearly drunk, and by the way when are they going to "arrest" Mr Manning for making T&T the number one economy in the Caribbean or building up T&T etc, our economy is now 3 times LARGER than when Panday was PM but we are now going through a SLOWDOWN caused by this FOOLISH gov't throwing away money and so called "state of emergency" that scared away world wide investment this time the PNM was clearly the BETTER choice in my opinion! The IMF and the world bank and Standard & Poors had given us flying colours for the way the economy was handled back then now the story is slowing changing.

$10 million trip

By Irene Medina January 1st 2012 7:32 AM

State to bear hefty price tag for India jaunt

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s two-week visit to India, scheduled for January 2 -14 is expected to cost the State approximately $10 million, according to informed sources, making it the single most expensive overseas trip by any Trinidad and Tobago head of Government.

The PM is heading a party of 60 persons comprising state officials and leaders of state-owned enterprises, who are expected to participate in bilateral discussions with the Government of India, not just on issues of trade and business, but also in the area of tertiary education.

She will also attend the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) 2012 being held at Jaipur (Rajasthan) from January 7 to 9 as the Chief Guest. According to a press release from the Office of the Prime Minister, β€œPersad-Bissessar is the first female Head of Government in the Diaspora and the first dignitary from Trinidad & Tobago to be bestowed with this honour.”

TnT Mirror has, however, photographs which show then Minister in the Officer of the Prime Minister, Dr Lenny Saith, attending the same function and receiving the same awards in 2010 along with other notables from the Indian Diaspora. Former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday was a guest in 2005 and was also given the award.

And although the Government of India is bearing the cost of 11 members of the PM’s official party, the other 49 persons, comprising officials of State-owned companies and other government ministries are being paid for by the State through their respective organizations.

This India trip follows a visit to that country in January 2011, almost a year ago, by Tourism Minister Dr. Rupert Griffith who led a Tourism Promotion Mission to India to four cities including Ahmedabad, Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore. That trip cost the government $367,409 according to a statement laid in Parliament last April in response to a question from Diego Martin Central MP, Amery Browne.

Total government expenditure on overseas travel had amounted to $10 million in the first nine months of the People’s Partnership administration.

The Tourism Ministry is yet to outline the benefits which have accrued from Griffith’s visit to India.

TnT Mirror has also learnt that head of the Public Service, and Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister, Reynold Cooper will also be accompanying the Prime Minster and will be accompanied by his wife.

Questioned about this PS Copper confirmed that his wife will be going but said, β€œthat would be paid for by me.”

He also disclosed that persons traveling first class will have to fork out $170,000 for a ticket, while those going on a business ticket, will pay $110,000 and economy class will be $42,000. State board chairmen, who compromise the majority of delegates, along with permanent secretaries and ministers all travel first class by government policy.

Cooper explained that only 13 persons will be going from the Office of the Prime Minister and that the Indian Government will be funding the expenses for 11 of them. This includes the husband of the Prime Minister, Dr. Gregory Bissessar.

β€œAlthough the PM’s spouse is not part of the delegation, he always accompanies her,” Cooper explained.

He confirmed that all those other Ministries, and Departments, such as the β€œMinistries of Trade, Energy, Public Utilities, Transport, Science and Technology will also be attending but they are funding their own participants.”

Former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday, who also travelled to India during his term in office, was critical of the trip.

β€œFirst of all I think that expenditure should always be related to one’s income, and as far as I am told the country has no money. In those circumstances, I believe the government should be more circumspect in spending taxpayers’ money.”

He said he was told that the cost of the trip was close to $100 million, and described it as an β€œexercise in extravagance.” He questioned the success of the tourism trip undertaken by Griffith, adding that it is only the wealthy who can travel from India to Trinidad.

As to trade development, the former PM said, β€œIf there are any trade benefits we have a High Commissioner over there to represent this country.” Unlike Persad-Bissessar’s team, Panday’s was mainly accompanied by members of the private sector.

Along for the ride…

Among those included on the PM’s trip to India, according to media reports are representatives from the University of the West Indies (UWI); University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT); National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST); Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme (YTEPP); and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education.

UWI Principal Prof Clement Sankat is expected to be accompanied by his wife where he is slated to sign a number of memoranda of understanding (MOU) with various institutions there, including the Punjab Agricultural College, Punjab Technical University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Energy and Resource Institute, National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA), Shri Amit Khare International Co-operation cell, All Institute of Medical Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Delhi University, Film and Television Institute of India and the National Law University.

UTT chairman Curtis Manchoon is also expected to be accompanied by his wife and it is anticipated that he is to sign a MOU with the Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU), as well as to meet with the Enterprise Development Institute to discuss the training of Trinidad and Tobago nationals in enterprise development skills, as well as meetings with the Indian Institute of Management and Indian Institute of Technology.

Brazil buys OPVs rejected by T&T Red Face

Story Created: Jan 2, 2012 at 11:53 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 2, 2012 at 11:53 PM ECT

THE three offshore patrol vessels (OPVs), originally built by BAE Systems for use by this country's Coast Guard, have been sold to Brazil.

The patrol vessels were a major part of former prime minister Patrick Manning's crime fighting plan to secure this country's borders and put a squeeze on the illegal drug trade.

The deal was entered into with VT Shipbuilding in April 2007. However, the Β£150 million contract was formally terminated in September 2010 four months after Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar assumed office. Persad-Bissessar said the country was not in a position to finance the acquisition.

Following the cancellation, the Portsmouth, England-based company decided to find buyers on the world market for the three 295ft (90m) vessels.

BAE has now signed a Β£133 million contract with Brazil for use by its navy.

Two of the vessels will be delivered this year and the third is to be fitted out for delivery in 2013. They are capable of speeds of more than 25 knots, weigh 2,200 tonnes fully loaded and are designed to accommodate a crew of up to 70.

Former works and transport minister and current Opposition Member of Parliament for Diego Martin North/East Colm Imbert said yesterday in a telephone interview with the Express that Trinidad and Tobago's Government had been "ill-advised" in its decision to cancel the contract.

He said if the Brazilian Navy, with its years of naval engineering experience should want to purchase the vessels, then obviously they were up to standard.

"Why would a country with a sophisticated Navy as Brazil buy the vessels if they were no good? This is an indictment on the Government and they should explain why they cancelled the order."

Managing Director of BAE Systems Maritime division, Andrew Davies, said the sale is a significant step forward in the company's relationship with Brazil.

"The ocean patrol vessels are highly capable ships and I am sure they will be a tremendous asset to the Brazilian navy," Davies said.

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said in October 2010 that Persad-Bissessar, as a result of the decision to terminate the contract, has handed BAE a water tight defence for any litigation the company might want to bring against the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

Imbert added, "There were two points I believe the Government had against BAEβ€”a delay in the delivery, and that the guns weren't working...The gun defect has been fixed, and it is our knowledge that such problems are easily remedied. I would hazard a guess to say that the Government will have a hard time winning the arbitration."

In 2005, BAE took one of the richest men in the world, the Sultan of Brunei, to an international arbitration court in a dispute over a similar contract. BAE was contracted to build the three offshore vessels for the Royal Brunei armed forces at a cost of Β£500-600 million.

The ships were completed but the Sultan refused to accept them because they did not meet the agreed specifications. BAE took Brunei to arbitration and the matter was settled three years later in BAE's favour and the remaining value of the contract was paid. Brunei subsequently took steps to sell the vessels.

Contacted yesterday by telephone, Minister in the Ministry of National Security Collin Partap acknowledged that he had heard about it but preferred to reserve comment.
"If it suits them, that's the (Brazilian) Government's choice," Partap said.

β€”With reporting by Carla Bridglal
Trinidad's Prime Minister to head mission to India

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago will travel to India on Monday 2nd January on a State visit as an official Guest of the Government of India at the invitation of Honourable Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India.

Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar will pay a courtesy call on the President of India, Her Excellency, Smt.Pratibha Devisingh Patil and the Vice President, His Excellency Hamid Ansari. She will also meet the Prime Minister Dr. The Honourable Manmohan Singh with whom she will hold high delegation level talks followed by a State Banquet in her honour in New Delhi on Friday 6th of January 2012, her programme will also include other high level bilateral meetings with the External Affairs Minister and other Government officials.

One of the highlights of this Mission is that Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar will be the chief guest at the annual Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD) event in Jaipur, which recognizes non-resident Indians (NRIs) globally. The Prime Minister is in fact the first female head of government in the diaspora and the first dignitary from Trinidad and Tobago to be bestowed with this honour.

The PBD is an annual event sponsored by Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs of the Government of India, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Government of Rajasthan which aims to promote, nurture and sustain a mutually beneficial and symbolic relationship between India and its Diaspora.

The PBD is a prolific gathering for overseas Indians of global repute who are highly successful in their respective fields of business, trade, medicine, science and technology. Approximately 1500 attendees from over 100 countries are expected to be part of the Pravasi BhartiyaDivas experience this year. The PBD in its entirety will present a forum for business partnerships that can drastically improve the delivery of service in a number of areas locally.

Public Utilities Minister Emmanuel George has noted that Government is looking to India for their expertise in broadband Internet access and water management technologies.

Government’s major goals for 2012 include economic growth, job creation, competitiveness and innovation, which will build on objectives of greater productivity, and increased global trade. Inclusive of the PBD program will be a concurrent Trade and Industry Exhibition and a β€œMarket Place” forum providing business networking opportunities, tools which will prove vital for fulfilling these objectives. This β€œMarket Place” forum will open up the doors for Trinidad and Tobago to be effectively promoted to over 27 million potential clients, with special emphasis on Trinidad and Tobago’s tourism industry.

Shri Rajendra Pareek the Minister of Industries, NRI’s, and State Enterprises of Rajasthan has noted that Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is an effort to bring Indian Diaspora into one forum, representative of the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam translates into meaning that the whole world is one single family, a good description of true globalisation.

This Mission to India shows that the Prime Minister and Government is fully committed to creating opportunity for the creation of international relationships and economic activity, with countries such as India that have close diaspora ties to Trinidad and Tobago.


Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Prime Minister
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Originally posted by Eric's_Revenge:
$10 million trip

State to bear hefty price tag for India jaunt

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s two-week visit to India, scheduled for January 2 -14 is expected to cost the State approximately $10 million, according to informed sources, making it the single most expensive overseas trip by any Trinidad and Tobago head of Government.

The PM is heading a party of 60 persons comprising state officials and leaders of state-owned enterprises, who are expected to participate in bilateral discussions with the Government of India, not just on issues of trade and business, but also in the area of tertiary education.

That's quite a large party heading out on tax dollars. This woman any relation to Jagdeo?
Trinidad and Tobago PM in India from Thursday


Port of Spain/New Delhi: Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar will be in India on a 10-day state visit beginning Thursday, during which she will be the chief guest at the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) diaspora conclave in Jaipur Jan 7-9.

As the chief guest at the 10th PBD, she will be the first woman head of government in the diaspora and the first dignitary of Trinidad and Tobago to be conferred such a privilege.

Relations between India and Trinidad and Tobago are "time-tested" and based on "strong historical and cultural linkages", the ministry release said. During their talks, Persad Bissessar and Manmohan Singh will cover various bilateral issues, as also regional and international issues of mutual interest. She will also pay a courtesy call on President Pratibha Patil.

The visit is expected to provide an opportunity to the two nations to further consolidate and expand their mutually beneficial relations, the release added. Themed 'Trinidad and Tobago-India 2012: Partnering for Diversification, Innovation and Investment', the visit is set to engage several private and public sector companies and agencies in discussions.

The objective is to attract investment and technical co-operation to Trinidad and Tobago. It aims to capitalise on Trinidad and Tobago's favourable investment climate and ideal geographic position as a gateway to the Caribbean, Latin American and European markets.

Ahead of leaving for India, Persad Bissessar said in Port of Spain: "The bonds of friendship, our intertwined history due to the excellent diplomatic and cultural relations already enjoyed between the countries, have created a solid foundation."

"On this, we may develop stronger, more resilient and concrete trade and investment ties for the mutual benefit of both the countries' citizens."

The Trinidad and Tobago prime minister left for India Tuesday and will reach India Thursday. She will be in India till Jan 14 and return home Jan 16.
Plot was not real

Cops find no evidence to support plan to kill PM, Moonilal, AG, Sharma Wink

By Akile Simon

Story Created: Jan 7, 2012 at 11:51 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 7, 2012 at 11:51 PM ECT

THE police investigation into allegations that 17 men were part of an alleged plot to assassinate Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and three Cabinet Ministers has been completed with no evidence to suggest the allegations were true.

The ministers identified in the alleged plot were Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, Local Government Minister Chandresh Sharma and Housing Minister Roodal Moonilal.

The probe, which was led by Supt John Daniel of the North Eastern Division, was wrapped up late last month and the file sent to Commissioner of Police Dwayne Gibbs.

Sources who participated in the probe said the investigation showed there was no physical evidence to support allegations of an assassination and destabilisation plot.

"Should anything pop up it will be looked at.

It's better to be safe than to be sorry," a senior investigator told the Sunday Express last week.

Attempts to reach Daniel for a comment proved futile as he was said to be attending several meetings last week.

Contacted yesterday Deputy Commissioner of Police Mervyn Richardson, who previously said that the threat was real, refused to comment on the conclusion of the probe.

Richardson said the matter was something he did not wish to speak about given its sensitive nature.

Richardson wasn't the only person who stated that the threat was real.

Commissioner Gibbs, National Security Minister Brigadier John Sandy, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and security adviser Gary Griffith were among those who said the threat was real.

But police investigators say they have not found any evidence to suggest that.

"It was based on hearsay information and nothing tangible," another officer said.

On November 26, commenting for the first time on the alleged threat, Minister Sandy told the Sunday Express, "The threat is real and I am saddened to learn that some people who ought to know better are trivialising it."

Sandy's response came on the heels of statements made by Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley during a press briefing at Tower D at the International Waterfront Centre in Port of Spain recently.

Rowley described the Government's response to the alleged plot as "hysterical political expediency".

On November 24 last year, at a post-Cabinet news briefing at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann's, Persad-Bissessar described the alleged plot as an evil, devious act of treason.

She said the alleged threat was as a result of the implementation of the State of Emergency and limited curfew restrictions which resulted in the seizures of guns, ammunition, drugs and the arrest of hundreds of suspects.

Even though Persad-Bissessar gave the reasons behind the alleged plot, the police have not been able to establish its truthfulness or a motive behind it.

The file on the investigation never reached the office of Director of Public Prosecutions Roger Gaspard for advice as is the procedure when police are dealing with high-profile investigations.

"It's because there was nothing to present or to ask Gaspard for his advice on," another source said.

"Information was received by the police and we did what we normally do, act on the information and try to determine whether there is truth to it or not, and in this case, there wasn't and that's the end of the matter until something new comes up," another source said.

Asked where the politicians got their information from when they said the threat was real, the police source responded, "That's a matter for them. You'd have to ask them that question because we haven't found any evidence which suggests it's true."

Even after Persad-Bissessar spoke about the alleged plot, CoP Gibbs, when questioned by reporters, would only say the threat was real and it was being investigated by the police. Persad-Bissessar disclosed far more information on the alleged plot than Gibbs.

Commissioner Gibbs gave no motive nor disclosed any information relating to the alleged threat even though police had already detained several suspects at that time.

A total of 17 men, all Muslims, were detained under the Emergency Powers Regulations of 2011 but were released without charge hours before the SoE expired on December 5 last year.

Most of the former detainees, among them a police sergeant and a former US soldier, have threatened to take legal action against the State over their detention.

They have all denied knowledge and involvement in the alleged plot.
Bas questions need for 'massive contingent'

By Kim Boodram

Story Created: Jan 7, 2012 at 11:51 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 7, 2012 at 11:51 PM ECT

FORMER prime minister Basdeo Panday, who visited India in 1997, said yesterday that while a State leader should be polite to accept an invitation to visit another country, it should not be done with a massive contingent.

In a telephone interview yesterday, Panday said he did not view Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar's two-week trip to India as a being without its uses, but he felt the visit should not have included the more than 60-member delegation.

"I do believe if one is invited by the head of a country, one should accept," Panday said.

"However, the visit should be conducted within one's means. One should accept the invitation in a manner that one can afford. And certainly, one should not be accompanied by such a large amount of people."

Persad-Bissessar is in India as a guest of the Indian government, which invited her to the country.

Panday was invited to India during his time as Prime Minister to accept the same award being given to Persad-Bissessar during the diaspora conclave tomorrow for Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (non-Indian resident day).

Both PMs visited the Indian sub-continent in the month of January.

Persad-Bissesar is being described as the first woman from the diaspora to achieve such high office in the New World, much as Panday was honoured as the first Indian Prime Minister across the Atlantic.

Panday was also at the time awarded an honorary doctorate from Benares Hindu University.
He was feted by then-Indian president, Shankar Dayal Sharma, while Persad-Bissessar met with the first woman to hold that office in India, President Pratibha Patil, on Friday.

The similarities in visits do not end there, as Persad-Bissessar has also chosen to trace her ancestral roots in Bihar, just as Panday did. Panday found his roots in Lakshmanpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Persad-Bisessar's visit is themed "Trinidad and Tobago-India 2012Partnering for Diversification, Innovation and Investment", during which she is expected to meet with stakeholders from and sign Memoranda of Understanding in energy, medicine, agriculture, education, information and technology, fashion and film and animation.

In addition to dining with the President and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, she will also make official visits to Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Kolkata and Mumbai.

She is also set to meet with Shri Shashank, president of the Indian Council for International Cooperation.

Among her private engagements is a dinner hosted by Lord Diljit Rana, a property developer and hotelier, as well as a former head of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Joint Statement by India and Trinidad and Tobago

NetIndian News Network
New Delhi, January 7, 2012
Source - Net India

The following is the Joint Statement issued by India and Trinidad and Tobago on the State Visit of Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to India:

The Honorable Ms. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago paid a State Visit to India from January 5-14, 2012 at the invitation of the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh. Prime Minister Ms. Kamla Persad-Bissessar was accompanied by her spouse Dr. Gregory Bissessar and a high-level Ministerial and Business delegation.

2. Prime Minister Ms. Kamla Persad-Bissessar was accorded a ceremonial reception in New Delhi on January 6, 2012. She paid homage to the Father of the Indian Nation Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat. She called on the President of India Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil and the Vice-President of India Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari. The Prime Ministers of India and Trinidad and Tobago held talks and the Indian Prime Minister hosted a Banquet in honor of the visiting dignitary. Minister of External Affairs of India Shri S.M. Krishna called on the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. Prime Minister Ms. Kamla Persad-Bissessar and her delegation will also visit Jaipur, Agra, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Buxar and Mumbai.

3. The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago will be the Chief Guest at the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in Jaipur from January 7-9, 2012. The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago is the first woman of Indian origin to become a Head of Government in the wider Diaspora which is a source of inspiration to the Diaspora. Prime Minister Ms. Kamla Persad-Bissessar will be conferred the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award in recognition of her contribution to the cause of the Diaspora in the development of relations between India and Trinidad and Tobago.

4. Prime Minister Ms. Kamla Persad-Bissessar will visit the Kolkata Memorial Monument from where her ancestors had set sail for Trinidad and Tobago in the middle of the 19th Century. She will also visit her ancestral village of Bhelupur in Buxar district of the State of Bihar.

5. Discussions between the Prime Minister of India and the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago were held in a warm and friendly atmosphere with full mutual understanding, characteristic of the close relations between the two countries. The official talks covered bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest.

6. The two sides expressed satisfaction that the bilateral interaction and partnership between India and Trinidad and Tobago encompassing political, economic, trade, investment, energy, tourism, agriculture, science & technology, medical, education and culture was progressing in a positive direction. At the same time, the Leaders of the two sides noted that there was considerable potential towards further development and consolidation of the historical relations between the two countries and agreed to work together for further enhancement of the multi-faceted relations to a higher level. Leaders recalled that the bilateral relations between India and Trinidad and Tobago were anchored on shared democratic values, respect for human rights, mutual understanding and cooperation and a similarity of views on major international issues.

7. During the visit, the following Agreements were concluded: a Bilateral Air Services Agreement; an MoU on Cooperation in Traditional Indian Medicine; an MoU on setting up of a Chair on Ayurveda in the University of West Indies; Programme of Cultural Exchanges and; Technical Cooperation Agreement in the field of Education.

8. Prime Ministers of India and Trinidad and Tobago highly appreciated the results of the first meeting of the Joint Ministerial Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the two countries which was held at the Foreign Ministers level in November 2011 in New Delhi. They welcomed the results of the Ministerial Joint Commission which is an important institutional framework for providing a direction to the development of bilateral cooperation.

Trade, Economic and Investment

9. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the growing engagement between India and Trinidad and Tobago in trade and investments. They noted that bilateral trade has a vast potential which needs to be tapped with renewed efforts by encouraging participation in each other’s trade fairs, business seminars and conclaves and exchange of business delegations. They agreed to diversify trade and investments to prospective areas such as conventional and renewable energy, SMEs, ICT, Pharmaceuticals & Medical equipments and consumables, Health, Wellness Tourism, Ayurveda, Entertainment, Shipping among others.

10. The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago welcomed the announcement by the Indian side to increase the number of ITEC scholarships from the current number of 30 to 50 commencing the year 2012.


11. The two sides noted that the importance of energy security to cater to their development needs. They reiterated their interest to collaborate in the energy sector for a mutually beneficial partnership. In this context, they noted Trinidad and Tobago’s strength in the energy sector and the possibilities for closer technical and commercial cooperation between the two countries in this regard. Both sides welcomed the fact that Indian companies from the public and private sectors have expressed interest in investing in Trinidad and Tobago. They agreed that at the invitation of Trinidad and Tobago, an Indian delegation led by the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas would visit Trinidad and Tobago in the near future to further concretise areas of mutually beneficial cooperation.

12. The two sides expressed support for closer bilateral interaction in the utilisation of renewable and alternative sources of energy and appropriate technologies as a basis for sustainable development and as part of the global effort in addressing the challenges of Climate Change.

Information Technology

13. Both sides noted the growing importance of Information and Communications Technology as a powerful catalyst in the development of their economies. The Trinidad and Tobago side expressed its keenness to transform its country into an inter-connected, technologically advanced society with modern information and communication systems for economic growth and social progress. They expressed their interest for partnership with the Indian IT sector in the development of an Information Technology Park which will drive innovation, conception and design of efficient technologies. The Indian side agreed to encourage the Indian IT sector, both public and private, to collaborate with Trinidad and Tobago in its endeavour to develop an efficient IT industry.

Health Sector

14. The Trinidad and Tobago side expressed its interest to develop Trinidad and Tobago as a hub of medical and healthcare tourism in their region. The Indian side agreed to assist Trinidad and Tobago in this endeavour. The Indian side also agreed to develop the Indian system of traditional medicine, especially Ayurveda in Trinidad and Tobago. The Trinidad and Tobago side welcomed the Indian proposal to set up a Chair in Ayurveda in the University of West Indies.


15. Both sides expressed their interest to intensify educational linkages, especially in the technical and higher education areas through use of IT enabled services such as e-Education. In this regard they underscored that the bilateral Technical Cooperation Agreement in the field of education would facilitate closer academic ties.


16. Both sides recognised that the vast tourism potential in each other’s countries needs to be fully realised through cooperation in training in travel and hospitality sectors and though greater tourist exchanges between the two countries. They noted that the Bilateral Air Services Agreement signed during the visit would facilitate better air connectivity between the two countries and help in the people-to-people exchanges and trade. The Indian side appreciated the decision of the Government of Trinidad & Tobago for according visa waiver facility to Indian citizens for a period of 90 days. Both sides recognised that this will further enhance business and tourist movement between the two countries.


17. The Trinidad and Tobago side underlined the growing importance of its creative industry, notably in the areas of Fashion, Film and Animation. They invited India’s participation in the development of these areas through transfer of technology, investment and training. It was agreed to explore mutually beneficial opportunities in these sectors through institutional linkages and involvement of Bollywood production units.

Arts and Culture

18. Both sides recognised that the historical and cultural linkages between the two countries are being further strengthened through the Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Cultural Cooperation in Port of Spain set up in 1996. The Trinidad and Tobago side expressed its appreciation for the active role of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations in the promotion of Indian culture and arts through various activities as well as through setting up of Chairs on Contemporary Indian Studies and Hindi. Both sides expressed satisfaction at the conclusion of the Cultural Exchange Programme (CEP) for the period 2012-14 noting that it will give fresh impetus to the existing cultural ties.

International Developments and Multilateralism

19. The two sides exchanged views on a broad range of regional and international issues of mutual interest. They discussed developments in South Asia and the Caribbean region. They reaffirmed their commitment to fight hunger and poverty, promote democratic values and foster economic development and emphasised the importance of implementing the Millennium Development Goals.

20. The two sides emphasised the central role of the UN in maintaining global peace and security; promoting the economic and social advancement of all people; and for meeting global threats and challenges. Both sides expressed the need to implement the process of UN reforms to make it more representative, legitimate and effective. They agreed that any expansion and restructuring of the Security Council must reflect contemporary realities, increased transparency and democracy and include developing countries in both categories of membership. The Trinidad and Tobago side reiterated its support for India’s permanent membership in an expanded UNSC.

21. Both sides strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and agreed to cooperate in the international communities’ joint endeavour in eliminating the menace of international terrorism. They also noted their cooperation in the UN in this regard and urged the international community to adopt a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism at the earliest.

22. The two sides recognised that Climate Change is a global challenge with strong economic, environmental and social dimensions. It impacts all countries, but is particularly severe for developing countries, given their vulnerabilities, inadequate means and limited capacities to adapt to its effects. They called on developed countries to take the lead in mitigation efforts and provide the necessary means of implementation, including financial and technological support.

23. The two sides expressed deep concern over the international economic and financial crisis and agreed that the current situation demands restructuring of the international financial and monetary system. They underlined that the voice of emerging and developing economies, in the international financial and monetary system, should be heard in order to avoid new and potentially more calamitous crises in the future and contribute to the inclusive growth.

24. The Prime Minister of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago sincerely thanked the Prime Minister of the Republic of India for the warm hospitality extended to her and the accompanying delegation. She invited the Prime Minister of India to pay a State Visit to Trinidad and Tobago. The invitation was duly accepted.

New Delhi
January 06, 2012
India, Trinidad and Tobago sign bilateral agreements in trade and IT

Jan 6, 2012 -- 8:39 PM
Source - News on Air, India

Five pacts including bilateral air-service agreement were signed at the end of the delegation level talks between the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and Trinidad-and-Tobago Mr. Kamla Persad-Bissessar in New Delhi this evening. The other MoUs are in the areas of culture, medicine, and education.

In a joint statement issued after the talks, the two leaders expressed deep concern over the international, economic and financial crisis and agreed that the current situation demand restructuring of international, financial and monetary system. The two sides also underlined that the voice of emerging and developing economies needs to be heard in the international, financial and monetary system to contribute to inclusive growth. The two sides discussed in detail international development and multilateralism and said that they will take more steps to enhance the cooperation between the two countries.

The two Prime Ministers decided to enhance trade and economic investment and focused on energy, information technology and health sectors in the talks. According to a joint statement, education, tourism, film art and culture also figured prominently in the talks. They discussed developments in South Asia and the Caribbean region and they affirmed their commitments to fight hunger and poverty, democratic values and fostering economic development.
Kamla: Love India like a grandmother

By Anna Ramdass In India

Story Created: Jan 8, 2012 at 10:51 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 8, 2012 at 10:51 PM ECT [URL=][/URL]

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday received a standing ovation after delivering the feature address at the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, where she suggested to the Indian Government that they consider hosting a "mini Pravasi" in the Caribbean.

Persad-Bissessar is the chief guest of the PBD, which has been held for the past ten years to recognise the achievements of overseas Indians.

The PBD was held at the Birla auditorium in Jaipur, India, where over 2,000 people from all over the globe were in attendance.

Persad-Bissessar said she was aware that PBD is meant to note the contributions of the Indian diaspora to India's development, however, she said there can be advantages to hosting the premier event outside of India.

"I wish to sincerely urge that consideration be given to the holding of a Pravasi in the Caribbean and for which I pledge the support of my country," said Persad-Bissessar. In doing so, she said, new understandings would be shared and appreciation for the diaspora in their adopted homelands will be more appreciated.

"Even as India benefits and develops from the annual Pravasi in India, other countries especially small island nations will also benefit by way of a Pravasi in their countries. I speak here of the Trinidad diaspora which resides in every country of the world, and can be found in the UK, Canada, and the USA," said Persad-Bissessar, "It will become a type of pilgrimage that combines tourism, education and business development," she added.

Thousands listened attentively as the Prime Minister spoke and applauded throughout her contribution at most pauses.

Persad-Bissessar also took the opportunity to share with the audience the history of Trinidad and Tobago's own freedom fighter, Inderjit Bahadursingh, in India's independence struggle.

Bahadursingh, she said, studied at Oxford University alongside Jawaharlal Nehru, with whom he established a firm friendship.

She said it was Nehru who urged Bahadursingh to 'return' to India in service to his ancestral home, and this he did with great effect.

"This example amply highlights the underlying, key message of what can be gained by reaching out to the diaspora for any country, and also for welcoming the diasporas of other countries," she said.

Persad-Bissessar called for international unity in the embracing of the diaspora.

She boasted of Trinidad and Tobago's cosmopolitan society and rich diverse culture.

"While the large Indo-Trinidadian community continues to uphold the cultural heritage of their East Indian forefathers who travelled to Trinidad as indentured labourers in 1845, this cultural legacy does not only remain entrenched in the way of life, ceremonies, dress, names, food and music of Indo-Trinidadians, but it is also entrenched in the broader Trinbagonian culture," said Persad-Bissessar.
Tears and cheers as Kamla comes 'home' Roll Eyes

Story Created: Jan 11, 2012 at 11:59 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 11, 2012 at 11:59 PM ECT


It was an emotional "pilgrimage" for Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to her ancestral village of Bhelupur, in India.

She tried to fight back her tears but failed. As tears rolled down her cheeks, the "granddaughter of the soil" entered her ancestral home and hugged women relatives in this remote and dusty village yesterday afternoon.

Looking resplendent in a red sari with floral borders and a matching colour flower tucked in her hair, Persad-Bissessar, 60, seemed to face no language bar as she made a forceful speech in English, starting with 'Bhaiyon aur bahno, Pranam' and told the people how she traced her roots to this village.

"Your granddaughter has come here. I can see one hundred thousand people here to greet me. I say 'dhanyavad' for this love and hospitality," she said.

The visiting VIP's great-grandfather, Ram Lakhan Mishra, from this village had set out for the Caribbean islands in 1889 as Girmitia labourer. He had boarded the ship Volga from the then Calcutta on October 21, 1889.

"Whatever I am today is because Bihar is in my DNA and whatever my ancestors taught me," she said as villagers from Bhelupur and surrounding villages cheered her lustily.

Earlier, she and her entourage reached here in two IAF choppers. She straightaway went to the house of her uncle, Jagdish Mishra, on foot and spent a good 40 minutes there meeting women and children. The relatives presented her with a silk sari and ornaments besides serving local dishes and sweets.

Accompanied by husband Dr Gregory Bissessar and other relatives who came from Port of Spain, she was overwhelmed by the people's response. The narrow lane on which she walked was laid with bricks and covered with green carpet.

Referring to the background under which her forefathers migrated to a far-off place, she said they were not educated people but they had vision for a better life.

"When they went, they had no gold, no diamond, no traveller's cheque and they had no facility of cell phone, Internet, BlackBerry and Facebook. What they took with them was Ramayan, Gita and Qur'an and the lifestyle, tradition, values from this land," she said as audience clapped and cheered.

Persad-Bissessar had a message for the villagers. "Education is the only way to get rid of poverty. ... Get your daughters educated. For future generations, do what my ancestors did: give education to children."

The Trinidad and Tobago PM and her entourage stayed at the village for about 100 minutes. As she rounded off her visit and proceeded to the chopper, the crowd went out of control and broke all the barricades.

On behalf of the state government, art and culture minister Sukhda Pandey, who is also local MLA, welcomed her.

Persad-Bissessar leaves for Mumbai today.

β€”Times of India

Ancestral family: A huge crowd cheers for Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar who addressed them during her visit to her ancestral Bhelpur, India yesterday.
β€˜Granddaughter of the Caribbean’ touches base

Shoumojit Banerjee
BHELUPUR (BIHAR), January 12, 2012
Source - The Hindu

An affectionate touch for the child from Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad-Bissessar during her visit to her ancestral village Bhelpur in Buxar district on Wednesday.

Thanks to her visit, sleepy Bhelupur gets a much-needed facelift

The raw nip in the air failed to deter denizens of the nondescript village of Bhelupur, as massive crowds trooped to catch a glimpse of Kamla Persad-Bissessar β€” Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago β€” who, on Wednesday, ventured to get in touch with her roots in Bihar.

Ms. Persad-Bissessar's ancestors had immigrated from this village in Bihar's Buxar district to the archipelagic South Caribbean state during the latter half of the 19th century.

This sleepy village, embraced by the Ganges and inhabited by about 1,000 people, saw hectic activity in recent days to provide a fitting reception to its beloved β€˜Granddaughter of the Caribbean.'

Ms. Persad-Bissessar, draped in traditional finery and accompanied by her husband, Dr. Gregory Bissessar, called upon her paternal aunt Janaki Devi.

β€œI owe my fame and fortune to Buxar,” she said in a speech filled with emotion. And, it evoked rousing cheers from the gathering.

Officials at the venue said the people in the tens of thousands had gathered from neighbouring villages to welcome β€˜their' Prime Minister with Bihari roots.

India and Trinidad shared strong historical and cultural ties, noted Ms. Persad-Bissessar, her republic's first woman Prime Minister.

The villagers later gifted her with a chunk of soil and a silver crown, while the Prime Minister planted five saplings near her ancestral home of Sipariya.

Like other formerly ramshackle villages lying in wait for a celebrity visit, Bhelupur has undergone a profound facelift almost overnight.

Electrification, potable water, decent link roads are just some of the amenities that have been providentially handed down by the system to bolster Bhelupur's prestige as a Prime Minister's ancestral haven.

So much so, Ms. Persad-Bissessar's link has also spawned a website on the village which bears the introductory legend titled β€œNative village of Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister.” (

Emotional on the quay

Shiv Sahay Singh reports from Kolkata:

Nearly 166 years after the first batch of labourers from the country left the jetty at Diamond Harbour here to various countries of the Caribbean, the first woman Prime Minister from one such island country, Trinidad and Togabo, Kamla Persad-Bissessar walked up the quay on Wednesday to pay homage to her forefathers at a monument set up there.

β€œI was thinking of those who left with a heavy heart. Walking down the stairs of the jetty never to return…” Ms Bissessar said, talking to journalists here.

Ms Bissesar, who claimed that her forefathers from Bihar left from one of the jetties here, said that while for some the decision to sail was voluntary, there were others who were β€œdragged away” to work as labourers.

Describing how the spiritual and cultural richness of the Indian civilisation has enriched the culture in her country, she said the β€œjahajis and the jahajins” (the men and women who sailed away) carried with them in bundle the copies of the Ramayana, the Gita and the Koran.

Ascribing her success to the effort of her forefathers who worked hard in distant lands, she said that like several immigrants she rose from humble beginnings and worked in rice fields as a child.

Ms Bissessar's message to the people of a country she referred as her β€œgrandmother” was to make all efforts to educate its children. β€œLet your children get education. This is the only passport out of poverty….the only way to lift the nation,” she said.
Political interference at UTT'

By Donstan Bonn

Story Created: Jan 13, 2012 at 2:00 AM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 13, 2012 at 2:00 AM ECT

Employees of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) are accusing the Government of political interference in the running of the institution and the use of intimidatory, strong arm tactics.

Three main issues identified by protesting employees yesterday were the non renewal of contracts, dismissal of staff and a mandate to work an additional hour without compensation.

A spokesperson for the employees, Bernard Yaw Ching, yesterday made the revelation at a midday protest staged at the university's O'Meara campus in Arima.

According to Yaw Ching, yesterday's protest was to demonstrate disapproval of non-renewal of some 700 to 800 contracts. Three days ago, a memo was sent to all staff demanding that they work hours after work, with no pay, he said.

Yaw Ching identified Vice President of Human Resources Glenford Joseph as the person who issued the mandate for employees to work the additional hour with compensation, but said he believes that the instruction ultimately came from the People's Partnership Government.

"With the change in government, we have come to see a radical change in how things are being run. Staff are being dismissed and victimised because when the UNC (United National Congress) was in opposition, they had a serious 'erection'...for the UTT because they saw it as a PNM (People's National Movement) institution," said Yaw Ching, an Environmental Officer attached to the Health, Safety and Environment Unit at the UTT Point Lisas Campus.

"No consultation was made with staff. 65 per cent of our staff are women, and a lot of them have children. They have to take their children to school and some of them are studying. What we are saying is because we are not trade unionised yet, that they are taking advantage of us," he said.

About 350 employees are members of the OWTU, but the majority of staff are employed under a contractual arrangement, he said.

Yaw Ching stated that in the absence of contracts, employees have not been put on a month-to-month or pro-rated daily employment scheme. However, he acknowledged that employees' salaries have so far been forthcoming.

He added there is a lack of transparency in the hiring and firing process and several departments are being negatively affected by the dismissal of about 40 academics and 150 staff members.

"And that is why we are saying those strong arm tactics, we will not take that because we are prepared to shut down the eight campuses, we are prepared to do that, and what we do will affect students."

Yaw Ching said the University's management is yet to give a reason for their refusal to renew employees' contracts.

"When (former UTT Chairman) Professor (Kenneth) Ramchand was here, we had hope because he actually started that process and he completed it. And he actually realised that trade unionisation is the way of the future even though people tend to differ with that.

"He actually sent out a memo some time in June embracing trade unionisation, stating that he would work alongside that. They fired him and right now they are using strong arm tactics to inject fear into staff.

Nicole Wesley, an Assistant Professor of Dance, is one of the foreign academics affected by the non renewal of contracts and dismissal.

She said, "I've been trying to get a contract renewal since July 2011 as my contract is up and because I have a young family, an eight-month-old and a two-year-old."

Wesley, whose contract expired at the end of June last year, said although she was not asked to reapply she did undergo a review and was informed that the Review Committee approved her for three more years. However, nobody has notified her since that time, she said.

"There are new policies and procedures for Human Resources that we're not privy to. As a senior academic staff member, I can't even get answers regarding my contract."
No extravagance in purchase of $.4m car, says Bharath

By by Ria Taitt Political Editor

Story Created: Jan 18, 2012 at 12:01 AM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 18, 2012 at 12:01 AM ECT

Food Production Minister Vasant Bharath yesterday defended his position to select a Porsche Cayenne SUV as his Ministry's official vehicle.

This amid criticisms from Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley that Bharath was guilty of the same extravagance that he accused former prime minister Patrick Manning of displaying when it was revealed that he (Manning) had sought to buy a Bombardier private jet.

"This is like clutching at straws. This is really blowing a storm in a tea cup," Bharath said. "Extravagance and luxury are related to the cost of something."

He said there was no extravagance involved since the car cost just over $400,000. The cost of the car to an ordinary individual would be $800,000 to $900,000. Cars purchased by ministries and government agencies are exempt from taxes and duties. Both Bharath and Public Utilities Minister Emmanuel George have Porsches as their ministries' vehicles.

Speaking to the Express yesterday, Bharath conceded that he "had a say" in the selection of the vehicle, but he stressed that it was a "joint" decision made by him and his Permanent Secretary (Edwina Leacock).

"This is not my personal vehicle. I have never driven this car nor used it for private purposes. If I attended Sir Ellis Clarke's funeral, I would have done so in my capacity as a Minister of Government," he said, responding to Rowley's charge that he first saw the car being used for the minister at Sir Ellis's funeral. (The car was being driven by the Ministry's driver at this function). Bharath said he would never go to a personal or private function in the vehicle if it is not Ministry business.

Bharath said this was not "by any stretch of the imagination" the luxury car that people were talking about. "It is a basic vehicle, a four-wheel-drive and it is at the bottom of the range of this particular brand. It is not outside of the price range of the cars that the Ministry purchases all the time," he said.

Bharath said the Ministry purchased the car a year and a half ago, in September 2010, at the end of the fiscal year, when unused funds were being returned. He said when he came into the Ministry, funds had already been allocated to replace the existing car, which was six years old. Roll Eyes

He said the PS came to him and said they needed to replace the car which was being used to transport him because it was six years old and was becoming unreliable.

He said he told her he would rather use the money to refurbish one of the fish landing sites and address the issue of the car in the next fiscal year.

He said the PS agreed, but they could not get tenders (for the fishing ports) in time for the end of the fiscal year.

"So the monies were going to be returned as unallocated funds to the Ministry of Finance. So the PS recommended that they look again at the purchase of the car. "She said you might as well take the car because we don't know whether or not we are going to get these monies again next year'. So it was on the basis of that that we utilised the money, which was just over $400,000, to buy a car which could have been a Prado, or anything else in that range. And it just so happens that this particular car happened to be in the bond (warehouse) at Lifestyle Motors."

He stressed that it was the PS who had the final say on the purchase. Comparable vehicles such as the Land Cruiser and the BMW X5 were over $500,000, he added.

He said if the Ministry purchases a car and got better value from it than if it purchased another car, it would redound to the benefit of the taxpayer.

Bharath said his Ministry made an application for two of the Prados which were brought in for the Summit of the Americas because the Ministry's fleet had become old. He said none of the Prados from the Summit was allocated to his Ministry.

It was on the basis of that, he said, that the Ministry went out to purchase a car. He said the Ministry had to purchase a car that was available at the time from a bonded warehouse because the Ministries don't pay VAT and taxes etc.

Bharath said the vehicle could be used by anyone that the PS authorises. Asked who else has had extensive use of the vehicle outside of himself, he conceded that he had had more use of the vehicle than anyone else.

"I am not going to hide that fact," he said. He added, however, if Rowley and Opposition MP Donna Cox were honest, they would admit that in the past under the People's National Movement government ministry vehicles were allocated specifically for ministers' use. "In fact, past ministers of government used to drive the ministry's vehicle all over the place," the Minister stated.

Stressing that two wrongs don't make a right, he said: "I am suggesting that I am well within the limitations placed on me by the Permanent Secretary in terms of what we can do and what we can't do with vehicles. And I have never abused that."

When asked if he selected a Porsche as his ministry's vehicle, Public Utilities Emmanuel George said he had no comment. He was not prepared to confirm or deny the report.

George later told the Express he was doing his work in the Ministry and doing it well. "I am a serious worker and the truth will come out. In politics you have 100 things to do and you do 99 well and in the eyes of some people, one wrong and everyone remembers that one that is deemed to be wrong. Nobody (from the media) is calling to ask me what I am doing about water, electricity, etc. Giving people water, improving people's life appear to be of no consequence," he lamented.

The Porsche Cayenne SUV purchased by the Ministry of Food Production.
Rowley: T&T doesn't bow to anyone Big Grin

...Kamla wrong to kiss Indian president's foot Mad

By Stories by Joel Julien

Story Created: Jan 18, 2012 at 11:47 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 18, 2012 at 11:47 PM ECT

"THE ultimate subservient of superiority and inferiority being demonstrated".

This was how Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley described Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar touching the foot of Indian President Pratibha Patil during a State visit earlier this month.

Persad-Bissessar returned from a two-week trip to India on Sunday.

Rowley raised the issue which he described as "unacceptable" during a political meeting held by the People's National Movement (PNM) at Febeau Open Bible Church Tuesday night. "I am a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago and I take umbrage at my Prime Minister going to anybody's country and kissing any office holder's foot," Rowley said to loud applause. "I am not concerned about her religious persuasion in this country... We are very tolerant," he said.

Rowley said Persad-Bissessar was representing the country and should not have bowed to touch Patil's foot.

"Nobody sent the Prime Minister abroad to represent her religion or her race. She went abroad to represent all the people of Trinidad and Tobago and, however, she feels when she stands in front of the head of government or the head of state she must stand there proud representing the people of Trinidad and Tobago," Rowley said.

"That is the ultimate subservient of superiority and inferiority being demonstrated. We past that stage since the world was told by Eric Williams (former prime minister) that we will not be doing that again and India was in the forefront of that," he said.

Rowley referenced a Times of India newpaper story which stated Persad-Bissessar "went too far to demonstrate her Indianness". Red Face

"India's independence was the first of the British colonies. All of us followed after and I am sure they did not expect that our Prime Minister would come and kiss their leader's foot," Rowley said. Wink

"So of course now we expect according to her logic if (US President Barack) Obama ever goes to Kenya he will bend down and kiss the foot of somebody in Kenya because his grandfather came from Kenya," Rowley said. Wink

"That is unacceptable and we dismiss the excuse makers, we are a proud nation. When India votes at the United Nations if we vote differently we cancel out India's vote, one billion people against one million people. We are equal in the eyes of the world. Size and power are no longer your station in this world," he said.

Rowley said if Persad-Bissessar went in a private capacity he would not have raised the issue.

"That is personal, that is private, if you go there on your private capacity you could do that. If you go there in your personal capacity you can do that...I will have no argument with it but when you represent all the people of Trinidad and Tobago, do not go and kiss anybody's foot on my behalf. Do not do that," he said.

"And when you wear Trinidad and Tobago red, white and black we do not defer or bow down to any nation in this world. We meet you on the cricket field we beat you, we meet you on the race track we beat you, we meet you in the university we beat you, that is Trinidad and Tobago. We are equal to all and inferior to none that is how we are building this nation," Rowley said.

Rowley: McLeod separated himself from the hounds

By Ria Taitt

Story Created: Jan 23, 2012 at 10:58 PM ECT
Story Updated: Jan 23, 2012 at 10:58 PM ECT

"You can't run with the hares and hunt with the hounds. So Mr McLeod has separated himself from the hounds and he is just a hare," said Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley yesterday as he commented on the resignation of Labour Minister Errol McLeod, as the leader of the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ).

At his bi-monthly press conference, at the Leader of the Opposition's office, Charles Street, Port of Spain, Rowley was asked whether the resignation suggested that the coalition as it existed in May 2010 had begun to collapse.

He said no because the "partnership story" was always a "facade", a "mirage".

"The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is a rampant UNC (United National Congress) Government. And they have taken the position that if the MSJ goes, one seat gone, so what. And if the COP goes, five seats gone, so what. It is a UNC Government and they don't feel threatened by that (loss of the support of the other parties). What should be clear to the people of Trinidad and Tobago is that there is a distinction being made between office-holders and political parties," Rowley said.

He said McLeod would have found it intolerable to be part of a Government where his party is wanting to separate itself from the Government's behaviour and policies.

"So what you have here is that he has preserved his office by separating from the party and this is probably intended to give the impression that when the party speaks, the party is speaking for the people of Trinidad and Tobago while its leader sits in the Cabinet bound by the policies of the Government," he said.

Rowley said this Government came to office, not as a result of the proper hammering out of any policies and programmes, but by the creation of a political vacuum and what the nation was now seeing was the result of the "patch up" by which the People's Partnership was born.

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