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BREAKING NEWS: APNU agrees to AFC's Raphael Trotman as House Speaker PDF  | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Tuesday, 10 January 2012 22:05

Mr. Raphael Trotman
The Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have reached agreement that Attorney-at-Law, Raphael Trotman would be Speaker of the National Assembly, according to insiders in both parties.
The 10th Parliament would be convened on Thursday at 2 PM at Parliament Building. APNU official, Joseph Harmon refused to be drawn into specifics, only saying that "If he is the only candidate on the AFC, we will have to work with what is there." "We are still talking and I believe that by tomorrow we would arrive at a position that is acceptable."
Demerara Waves Online News ( was told that the APNU late Tuesday evening accepted Trotman. In turn, AFC is expected to support Deborah Backer for the post of Deputy Speaker. According to well-placed insiders, APNU and AFC representatives could meet within the next 24 hours to finalize details of the vote in the House among the 7-seat AFC and the 26-seat APNU.
When contacted by Trotman did not deny that the issue had been settled with his name emerging on top saying instead that he had received no official word to that effect.
Trotman - a former executive member of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) - is currently AFC’s leader and Representative of the List of candidates. was told that AFC backed down from its original rigid stance of Nagamootoo or no one else after the APNU decided to accept Trotman.
The AFC had, however, planned to revert to Nagamootoo with a first crack at rotation if APNU had rejected Trotman.
Early signs of a possible Trotman Speakership had emerged when it became clear that he would not have been a Member of Parliament.
Opposition Leader-designate, David Granger said Tuesday on the privately-run television newscast, Capitol News, that “Based on the principles that we have outlined that we have discussed among ourselves we fell that the APNU, we would accept someone who does not have that historical connection with the PPP."
APNU had rejected Nagamootoo's appointment saying his departure last year from the PPP, with which he had been associated for some 50 years,  was too recent for comfort. The coalition last week proposed that the two parties rotate the Speakership with them taking the first term but the AFC countered by saying they should have the first go at it.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

de man is a neemakaram...he gat no shame..all he wants is power... he left the PPP and went to the AFC only to get KATAHAR....what a lozer and a back stabbing collie Red Face
Bhai Mike, Like Mahatma Gandhi and President Donald ramotar let us take the high ground. Moses hopefully will learn a valuable lesson and go back home with humility and appreciation. President Ramotar like Mandela is a caring and forgiving Leader and we ALLL must act in the interest of GUYANA and not let petty matters ruin our beautiful Guyana. Remember we are still THE GOVT of Guyana(THE PPP).
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

de man is a neemakaram...he gat no shame..all he wants is power... he left the PPP and went to the AFC only to get KATAHAR....what a lozer and a back stabbing collie Red Face
The PPP got the kick in their pants when Comrade Moses withdrew his name for the speakership. I was told that Comrade Moses nominated Raphael Trotman for the post, and insisted that the position go to AFC. This is great statesmanship and leadership. Comrade Moses put Guyana first and stopped the fighting in the opposition. The loser is the PPP which did not want Comrade Moses to be Speaker. The music now start in Parliament, and we gon see Ramotar dancing soon.
Congrats Comrade Moses. You did it again for Guyana!
Now I want to see you on the floor in Parliament giving manners to the corrupt people back in government, and fighting for our people.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
BREAKING NEWS: APNU agrees to AFC's Raphael Trotman as House Speaker PDF  | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Tuesday, 10 January 2012 22:05

Mr. Raphael Trotman
The Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have reached agreement that Attorney-at-Law, Raphael Trotman would be Speaker of the National Assembly, according to insiders in both parties.
The 10th Parliament would be convened on Thursday at 2 PM at Parliament Building. APNU official, Joseph Harmon refused to be drawn into specifics, only saying that "If he is the only candidate on the AFC, we will have to work with what is there." "We are still talking and I believe that by tomorrow we would arrive at a position that is acceptable."
Demerara Waves Online News ( was told that the APNU late Tuesday evening accepted Trotman. In turn, AFC is expected to support Deborah Backer for the post of Deputy Speaker. According to well-placed insiders, APNU and AFC representatives could meet within the next 24 hours to finalize details of the vote in the House among the 7-seat AFC and the 26-seat APNU.
When contacted by Trotman did not deny that the issue had been settled with his name emerging on top saying instead that he had received no official word to that effect.
Trotman - a former executive member of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) - is currently AFC’s leader and Representative of the List of candidates. was told that AFC backed down from its original rigid stance of Nagamootoo or no one else after the APNU decided to accept Trotman.
The AFC had, however, planned to revert to Nagamootoo with a first crack at rotation if APNU had rejected Trotman.
Early signs of a possible Trotman Speakership had emerged when it became clear that he would not have been a Member of Parliament.
Opposition Leader-designate, David Granger said Tuesday on the privately-run television newscast, Capitol News, that “Based on the principles that we have outlined that we have discussed among ourselves we fell that the APNU, we would accept someone who does not have that historical connection with the PPP."
APNU had rejected Nagamootoo's appointment saying his departure last year from the PPP, with which he had been associated for some 50 years,  was too recent for comfort. The coalition last week proposed that the two parties rotate the Speakership with them taking the first term but the AFC countered by saying they should have the first go at it.

Finally we got an undercover PNC member as speaker.

Questions I have based on Granger's statement, which basically says that they don't trust Nagamootoo because he was with the PPP.

1. Does this mean that the PNC will not deal with anyone who was linked to the PPP?

2. Why would they trust Trotman who defected from the PNC? The only reason because he was the 5th column in the AFC.
3. Does it mean that the PNC will not deal with the PPP government?
4. How come they trust Roopnarine from he WPA, leader they killed

I hope that new elections will be soon and the PPP wins a majority and they won't have to deal with the PNC
Originally posted by marlon:
Questions I have based on Granger's statement, which basically says that they don't trust Nagamootoo because he was with the PPP.

1. Does this mean that the PNC will not deal with anyone who was linked to the PPP?

2. Why would they trust Trotman who defected from the PNC? The only reason because he was the 5th column in the AFC.
3. Does it mean that the PNC will not deal with the PPP government?
4. How come they trust Roopnarine from he WPA, leader they killed

U answered your own question [#2]; so why the asking?

schutpidness . . . smh
It will be only a matter of time before Trotman
go home back to the PNC. APNU has all right not to trust Moses. The PPP was right not to guarantee him the Vice presidency. He can now only be a backbencher for life..

Trotman might turnout to be a bigger cut throat than Moses.
All you Jagdeo O'lo sucking @untimen who want us to forget who Jagdeo is.

Moses did the Honourable thing for the Country.......
by withdrawing his name from consideration.... Moses and the AFC must be congratulated for not give into "PPP, PNC, APNU or WPA Demands"
Moses you have done us Proud......
De same @untimen who were accusing you of being too Demanding and selfish.....are now singing a different song.

Now as you continue to skillfully show how you will bring down "De Jagdeo & Ramotar Conspiracy".....these loosers are singing a different tune.

2012 has just begon....and yuh got dem bassady.... now they dont know who to point their guns on....
this is fun....lets hear from the loosers.
Lets have a Quick count of the @untimen & Loosers....."come on fellas dont hide now"!!!!

Moses was never A Funny FellaNagamootoo will never Support or Join De Funny Fellas Group
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
BREAKING NEWS: APNU agrees to AFC's Raphael Trotman as House Speaker PDF  | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Tuesday, 10 January 2012 22:05

Mr. Raphael Trotman
The Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have reached agreement that Attorney-at-Law, Raphael Trotman would be Speaker of the National Assembly, according to insiders in both parties.
The 10th Parliament would be convened on Thursday at 2 PM at Parliament Building. APNU official, Joseph Harmon refused to be drawn into specifics, only saying that "If he is the only candidate on the AFC, we will have to work with what is there." "We are still talking and I believe that by tomorrow we would arrive at a position that is acceptable."
Demerara Waves Online News ( was told that the APNU late Tuesday evening accepted Trotman. In turn, AFC is expected to support Deborah Backer for the post of Deputy Speaker. According to well-placed insiders, APNU and AFC representatives could meet within the next 24 hours to finalize details of the vote in the House among the 7-seat AFC and the 26-seat APNU.
When contacted by Trotman did not deny that the issue had been settled with his name emerging on top saying instead that he had received no official word to that effect.
Trotman - a former executive member of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) - is currently AFC’s leader and Representative of the List of candidates. was told that AFC backed down from its original rigid stance of Nagamootoo or no one else after the APNU decided to accept Trotman.
The AFC had, however, planned to revert to Nagamootoo with a first crack at rotation if APNU had rejected Trotman.
Early signs of a possible Trotman Speakership had emerged when it became clear that he would not have been a Member of Parliament.
Opposition Leader-designate, David Granger said Tuesday on the privately-run television newscast, Capitol News, that “Based on the principles that we have outlined that we have discussed among ourselves we fell that the APNU, we would accept someone who does not have that historical connection with the PPP."
APNU had rejected Nagamootoo's appointment saying his departure last year from the PPP, with which he had been associated for some 50 years,  was too recent for comfort. The coalition last week proposed that the two parties rotate the Speakership with them taking the first term but the AFC countered by saying they should have the first go at it.

Finally we got an undercover PNC member as speaker.

Questions I have based on Granger's statement, which basically says that they don't trust Nagamootoo because he was with the PPP.

1. Does this mean that the PNC will not deal with anyone who was linked to the PPP?

2. Why would they trust Trotman who defected from the PNC? The only reason because he was the 5th column in the AFC.
3. Does it mean that the PNC will not deal with the PPP government?
4. How come they trust Roopnarine from he WPA, leader they killed

I hope that new elections will be soon and the PPP wins a majority and they won't have to deal with the PNC

An election will come when the AFC and APNU gang up on the PPP. Ramoutar has veto power. he will not allow the combined opposition to run the country. They will take control of Parliament and then they will try to take control of the election machinery, which they will use to rig all future election. I can't wait for them to teach a lesson to those nimakarams who voted for the AFC.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
It will be only a matter of time before Trotman
go home back to the PNC.
Red Face Ramu-gee Dont Cry.....aya dont know Trotman....he is different from Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Bynoe, McClean or Nascimento

APNU has all right not to trust Moses.
Roll Eyes Dont Cry Ramu-g.......Jagdeo trust you and Corbin

The PPP was right not to guarantee him the Vice presidency.
FrownRamoo-Bhai......Moses never wanted to be a Part of a Minority Govt...or the Shortest Elected Govt.....leh Ramotar now Boast of his record....

He can now only be a backbencher for life..
MadMoses has more power today than he ever had during the "Jagdeo & Ramotar Conspiracy"

Trotman might turnout to be a bigger cut throat than Moses.
dunnoRamu-B@tee Gee....ow bhai n run Mad......yuh sill got yuh friend & Cubie corbin fuh wax yuh
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
BREAKING NEWS: APNU agrees to AFC's Raphael Trotman as House Speaker PDF  | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Tuesday, 10 January 2012 22:05

Mr. Raphael Trotman
The Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have reached agreement that Attorney-at-Law, Raphael Trotman would be Speaker of the National Assembly, according to insiders in both parties.
The 10th Parliament would be convened on Thursday at 2 PM at Parliament Building. APNU official, Joseph Harmon refused to be drawn into specifics, only saying that "If he is the only candidate on the AFC, we will have to work with what is there." "We are still talking and I believe that by tomorrow we would arrive at a position that is acceptable."
Demerara Waves Online News ( was told that the APNU late Tuesday evening accepted Trotman. In turn, AFC is expected to support Deborah Backer for the post of Deputy Speaker. According to well-placed insiders, APNU and AFC representatives could meet within the next 24 hours to finalize details of the vote in the House among the 7-seat AFC and the 26-seat APNU.
When contacted by Trotman did not deny that the issue had been settled with his name emerging on top saying instead that he had received no official word to that effect.
Trotman - a former executive member of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) - is currently AFC’s leader and Representative of the List of candidates. was told that AFC backed down from its original rigid stance of Nagamootoo or no one else after the APNU decided to accept Trotman.
The AFC had, however, planned to revert to Nagamootoo with a first crack at rotation if APNU had rejected Trotman.
Early signs of a possible Trotman Speakership had emerged when it became clear that he would not have been a Member of Parliament.
Opposition Leader-designate, David Granger said Tuesday on the privately-run television newscast, Capitol News, that “Based on the principles that we have outlined that we have discussed among ourselves we fell that the APNU, we would accept someone who does not have that historical connection with the PPP."
APNU had rejected Nagamootoo's appointment saying his departure last year from the PPP, with which he had been associated for some 50 years,  was too recent for comfort. The coalition last week proposed that the two parties rotate the Speakership with them taking the first term but the AFC countered by saying they should have the first go at it.

Finally we got an undercover PNC member as speaker.

Questions I have based on Granger's statement, which basically says that they don't trust Nagamootoo because he was with the PPP.

1. Does this mean that the PNC will not deal with anyone who was linked to the PPP?

2. Why would they trust Trotman who defected from the PNC? The only reason because he was the 5th column in the AFC.
3. Does it mean that the PNC will not deal with the PPP government?
4. How come they trust Roopnarine from he WPA, leader they killed

I hope that new elections will be soon and the PPP wins a majority and they won't have to deal with the PNC

An election will come when the AFC and APNU gang up on the PPP.
SmileRama when yuh discover this???

Ramoutar has veto power.
Frown Rama.....suh wha eee go do now!!!!!

he will not allow the combined opposition to run the country.
Big GrinNo....No Rama.....Ramutar did nothing from 1997-2011, wha eee can do now....eee cant Skin-eee-c@ck now.

They will take control of Parliament and then they will try to take control of the election machinery, which they will use to rig all future election.
WinkOw Bhai......Moses bring dem @untyman to them....Kneeeeees....Look how them scared now

I can't wait for them to teach a lesson to those nimakarams who voted for the AFC.
Red Face Rama.....when yuh class starting....over 30,000 want Register right now
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
I hope Mr. Nagamootoo decide to NOT ACCEPT the MP seat for AFC. He should gracefully decline and retire from Guyana politics. History will still judge him kindly.

Spice Girl please understand this is not about Moses or any one person.....ego or ambition.
It is about "Crushing De Jagdeo & Ramotar Conspiracy and Hijacking of the PPP"....
and how we move guyana forward.

It aint no stopping now....Nagamootoo is the next President.
This AFC party has a smart bunch of fellows. Both the PPP and APNU were set up. Why y'all think Trotty was not assigned a seat in the House from day one? Like they say in chess "Checkmate!" clever Moses will do very well in the House. cheers Now stay tuned. Fireworks on the way!! lol clever
Mi tink diss is a good move. Datt man trotman know datt any early election, AFC done fa, PPP gettin 60%. Da AFC know dem gafa prove dem is responsible or dem aint gatt no future. Wis da PPP only one vote shart, dem in good position since me nah tink all AFC gon always vote togedda. Dem PPP bais gon play diss hand wid da AFC and PNC gon gafa play kech up.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
I hope Mr. Nagamootoo decide to NOT ACCEPT the MP seat for AFC. He should gracefully decline and retire from Guyana politics. History will still judge him kindly.

Spice Girl please understand this is not about Moses or any one person.....ego or ambition.
It is about "Crushing De Jagdeo & Ramotar Conspiracy and Hijacking of the PPP"....
and how we move guyana forward.

It aint no stopping now....Nagamootoo is the next President.

Bannas, I love to play the game of chess. This was a great move by the AFC, and APNU had no choice but to go along. Moses being the Speaker was not a good idea, he will do a better job on the bench, bringing up Bills and Motions.
Go AFC/APNU! clever panman
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Mi tink diss is a good move. Datt man trotman know datt any early election, AFC done fa, PPP gettin 60%. Da AFC know dem gafa prove dem is responsible or dem aint gatt no future. Wis da PPP only one vote shart, dem in good position since me nah tink all AFC gon always vote togedda. Dem PPP bais gon play diss hand wid da AFC and PNC gon gafa play kech up.

APNU and AFC are in the driver's seat.
Originally posted by marlon:
I hope that new elections will be soon and the PPP wins a majority and they won't have to deal with the PNC
Get a life! Big Grin At least the corrupted Govt will be slowed.

The people of Guyana won!!!
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

If the only reason Mr. Nagamootoo joined the AFC was to become the Speaker of the House, then he is better off in the status-quo payolla politics of the last 11 years under Jadego. Plus I hardly believe that the people that voted for the AFC only did so because of the hope that he would become Speaker. His best asset is his fire-brand politics, and as a Speaker he would have to neutral, thereby negating his strength. He is better service to this country on the bench as an MP arguing against the PPP.
I can accept Trottie as speaker.

I was very skeptical of giving Moses the slot.

Now let's get this party started and light a fire under the PPP's seats in parliament.

Long live the APNU! Big Grin
Originally posted by Nuff:
I can accept Trottie as speaker.

I was very skeptical of giving Moses the slot.

Now let's get this party started and light a fire under the PPP's seats in parliament.

Long live the APNU! Big Grin


You mean Long live the PNC.
HEHEHEHE. He is the ONLY reason the AFC did not end up with 3 WATA WASH Seats and this is how you REWARD him??? Bannas, talk to FOOLS not me.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

If the only reason Mr. Nagamootoo joined the AFC was to become the Speaker of the House, then he is better off in the status-quo payolla politics of the last 11 years under Jadego. Plus I hardly believe that the people that voted for the AFC only did so because of the hope that he would become Speaker. His best asset is his fire-brand politics, and as a Speaker he would have to neutral, thereby negating his strength. He is better service to this country on the bench as an MP arguing against the PPP.
In the next General Elections, AFC will follow the route of TUF. The battle will be between APNU and PPP, and the latter can rest assured it will garner no less than 55%.
Ramotar should set about rebuilding the party's grassroots and reinstate democracy within PPP. Once a year, he should review the Cabinet and make changes where necessary. He should improve relations with the private sector and work with it to increase job creation. Public servants must be promoted by merit and not party or ethnic affiliation. Stamp out blatant corruption and initiate serious police reform. Reinstate the Death penalty. Work with Local Authorities to improve conditions in the municipalities and return Georgetown to its garden city status. He will earn the love and respect of Guyanese and be entrusted with another term with a convincing mandate.
Brillant!!! Spice, I am totally with you on this. I hope and PRAY that the President will get to see this and think about what you stated. You are indeed a TRUE Guyanese whi is concern about the Welfare of ALL Guyanese.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
In the next General Elections, AFC will follow the route of TUF. The battle will be between APNU and PPP, and the latter can rest assured it will garner no less than 55%.
Ramotar should set about rebuilding the party's grassroots and reinstate democracy within PPP. Once a year, he should review the Cabinet and make changes where necessary. He should improve relations with the private sector and work with it to increase job creation. Public servants must be promoted by merit and not party or ethnic affiliation. Stamp out blatant corruption and initiate serious police reform. Reinstate the Death penalty. Work with Local Authorities to improve conditions in the municipalities and return Georgetown to its garden city status. He will earn the love and respect of Guyanese and be entrusted with another term with a convincing mandate.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
BREAKING NEWS: APNU agrees to AFC's Raphael Trotman as House Speaker PDF  | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Tuesday, 10 January 2012 22:05

Mr. Raphael Trotman
The Alliance For Change and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have reached agreement that Attorney-at-Law, Raphael Trotman would be Speaker of the National Assembly, according to insiders in both parties.
The 10th Parliament would be convened on Thursday at 2 PM at Parliament Building. APNU official, Joseph Harmon refused to be drawn into specifics, only saying that "If he is the only candidate on the AFC, we will have to work with what is there." "We are still talking and I believe that by tomorrow we would arrive at a position that is acceptable."
Demerara Waves Online News ( was told that the APNU late Tuesday evening accepted Trotman. In turn, AFC is expected to support Deborah Backer for the post of Deputy Speaker. According to well-placed insiders, APNU and AFC representatives could meet within the next 24 hours to finalize details of the vote in the House among the 7-seat AFC and the 26-seat APNU.
When contacted by Trotman did not deny that the issue had been settled with his name emerging on top saying instead that he had received no official word to that effect.
Trotman - a former executive member of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) - is currently AFC’s leader and Representative of the List of candidates. was told that AFC backed down from its original rigid stance of Nagamootoo or no one else after the APNU decided to accept Trotman.
The AFC had, however, planned to revert to Nagamootoo with a first crack at rotation if APNU had rejected Trotman.
Early signs of a possible Trotman Speakership had emerged when it became clear that he would not have been a Member of Parliament.
Opposition Leader-designate, David Granger said Tuesday on the privately-run television newscast, Capitol News, that “Based on the principles that we have outlined that we have discussed among ourselves we fell that the APNU, we would accept someone who does not have that historical connection with the PPP."
APNU had rejected Nagamootoo's appointment saying his departure last year from the PPP, with which he had been associated for some 50 years,  was too recent for comfort. The coalition last week proposed that the two parties rotate the Speakership with them taking the first term but the AFC countered by saying they should have the first go at it.

Finally we got an undercover PNC member as speaker.

Questions I have based on Granger's statement, which basically says that they don't trust Nagamootoo because he was with the PPP.

1. Does this mean that the PNC will not deal with anyone who was linked to the PPP?

2. Why would they trust Trotman who defected from the PNC? The only reason because he was the 5th column in the AFC.
3. Does it mean that the PNC will not deal with the PPP government?
4. How come they trust Roopnarine from he WPA, leader they killed

I hope that new elections will be soon and the PPP wins a majority and they won't have to deal with the PNC

An election will come when the AFC and APNU gang up on the PPP. Ramoutar has veto power. he will not allow the combined opposition to run the country. They will take control of Parliament and then they will try to take control of the election machinery, which they will use to rig all future election. I can't wait for them to teach a lesson to those nimakarams who voted for the AFC.
drinking rum on a early morning drinking rum.rama when you drunk stop talking shit
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

I was informed that AFC nominee Raphael Trotman was assured support to be Speaker of the National Assembly after I withdrew my candidature in favour of a compromise and to break the opposition grid-lock. This is a great day for Guyana and for democracy, that the parties receiving the majority of votes, could find common ground. I have been named among the 7 MPs from the AFC and look forward to resume my role as parliamentarian in our 3-party House. I thank all of you for your kind support and encouragement, which have made me strong to make the decision I made today. The team work among AFC leaders saw us through in this delicate and critical stage of our new democracy.

Moses Nagamootoo
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
In the next General Elections, AFC will follow the route of TUF. The battle will be between APNU and PPP, and the latter can rest assured it will garner no less than 55%.
Ramotar should set about rebuilding the party's grassroots and reinstate democracy within PPP. Once a year, he should review the Cabinet and make changes where necessary. He should improve relations with the private sector and work with it to increase job creation. Public servants must be promoted by merit and not party or ethnic affiliation. Stamp out blatant corruption and initiate serious police reform. Reinstate the Death penalty. Work with Local Authorities to improve conditions in the municipalities and return Georgetown to its garden city status. He will earn the love and respect of Guyanese and be entrusted with another term with a convincing mandate.

Excellent Spicy! Excellent! The Rev could not have said it better!

Let the PNC, Trotman and their supporters mentally masturbate about assuming the speakership---President Ramotar if he heeds your sound advice will bring prosperity to Guyana.

Originally posted by Nehru:
HEHEHEHE. He is the ONLY reason the AFC did not end up with 3 WATA WASH Seats and this is how you REWARD him??? Bannas, talk to FOOLS not me.

The AFC did not win the majority of parliament seats to reward only their members for their contributions. It's a combined majority with the APNU holding the clear cut majority, so its not really the AFC's fault. Nor is it the APNU, since Nagamootoo did not campaign for them. It's just too bad he only joined the AFC with 2 months to elections. If he made the jump earlier maybe it would have convinced the skeptics.
Originally posted by Nehru:
HEHEHEHE. He is the ONLY reason the AFC did not end up with 3 WATA WASH Seats and this is how you REWARD him??? Bannas, talk to FOOLS not me.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I cant help but break my silence.WHAT A SHAME, DISGRACE AND HURT MOSES MUST BE FEELING. aFTER all he did for AFC he is being treated like floor cloth. I warned him that this was THE PLAN. Trotty played a wonderful Game and had Moses and ramjattan where he wanted. This should be an eye opener for others who make decisions with Anger and Frustration. PIGS are treated better in this World.

If the only reason Mr. Nagamootoo joined the AFC was to become the Speaker of the House, then he is better off in the status-quo payolla politics of the last 11 years under Jadego. Plus I hardly believe that the people that voted for the AFC only did so because of the hope that he would become Speaker. His best asset is his fire-brand politics, and as a Speaker he would have to neutral, thereby negating his strength. He is better service to this country on the bench as an MP arguing against the PPP.
if MOSES was in the ppp ramotar will not make him a member of parlament.he join the AFC for 6 weeks and he is now a member of parlament.and the fun just begin,let see if he will win the guyanese people support working in the house to defeat to ppp and the APNU in the next election
Originally posted by Pointblank:

I was informed that AFC nominee Raphael Trotman was assured support to be Speaker of the National Assembly after I withdrew my candidature in favour of a compromise and to break the opposition grid-lock. This is a great day for Guyana and for democracy, that the parties receiving the majority of votes, could find common ground. I have been named among the 7 MPs from the AFC and look forward to resume my role as parliamentarian in our 3-party House. I thank all of you for your kind support and encouragement, which have made me strong to make the decision I made today. The team work among AFC leaders saw us through in this delicate and critical stage of our new democracy.

Moses Nagamootoo

Awesome!!! I really respect Mose's Country First attitude! This makes me so proud as a Guyanese to have a strong majority oppostion party that will bring the fight to PPP front-door, lead by Moses!
Moses has no choice BUT to issue silly statements to save his Face. He is embarass of his sSILLY actions. You camnnot act like a Kindergarten Child and at the same time claim to be a LEADER. He has embarassed himself. He was STRONGLY REJECTED by TROTTY and THE YOUTH ARM oF THE AFC. He has to try and save face. THE MOLE FOR THE PNC, TROTTY did Moses and Ramjattan. They still dont know what hit them.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Pointblank:

I was informed that AFC nominee Raphael Trotman was assured support to be Speaker of the National Assembly after I withdrew my candidature in favour of a compromise and to break the opposition grid-lock. This is a great day for Guyana and for democracy, that the parties receiving the majority of votes, could find common ground. I have been named among the 7 MPs from the AFC and look forward to resume my role as parliamentarian in our 3-party House. I thank all of you for your kind support and encouragement, which have made me strong to make the decision I made today. The team work among AFC leaders saw us through in this delicate and critical stage of our new democracy.

Moses Nagamootoo

Awesome!!! I really respect Mose's Country First attitude! This makes me so proud as a Guyanese to have a strong majority oppostion party that will bring the fight to PPP front-door, lead by Moses!
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
In the next General Elections, AFC will follow the route of TUF. The battle will be between APNU and PPP, and the latter can rest assured it will garner no less than 55%.
Ramotar should set about rebuilding the party's grassroots and reinstate democracy within PPP. Once a year, he should review the Cabinet and make changes where necessary. He should improve relations with the private sector and work with it to increase job creation. Public servants must be promoted by merit and not party or ethnic affiliation. Stamp out blatant corruption and initiate serious police reform. Reinstate the Death penalty. Work with Local Authorities to improve conditions in the municipalities and return Georgetown to its garden city status. He will earn the love and respect of Guyanese and be entrusted with another term with a convincing mandate.

I agree with all the steps you recommended the President should make to improve his electorate. However, I do not believe the AFC will fall by the way side, I think their negotiations with APNU for the Speaker is just proof that they are a practical Political Party. Here's a bold prediction: If a no cofidence vote is brought against the Gov't in the next 3 years, look for the APNU and AFC to form a coalition party led by Khemraj or Moses. These guys are talking and they have very similar mandates, its only a matter of time before the light bulb goes on.
And I say " BRING IT ON"!!!
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
In the next General Elections, AFC will follow the route of TUF. The battle will be between APNU and PPP, and the latter can rest assured it will garner no less than 55%.
Ramotar should set about rebuilding the party's grassroots and reinstate democracy within PPP. Once a year, he should review the Cabinet and make changes where necessary. He should improve relations with the private sector and work with it to increase job creation. Public servants must be promoted by merit and not party or ethnic affiliation. Stamp out blatant corruption and initiate serious police reform. Reinstate the Death penalty. Work with Local Authorities to improve conditions in the municipalities and return Georgetown to its garden city status. He will earn the love and respect of Guyanese and be entrusted with another term with a convincing mandate.

I agree with all the steps you recommended the President should make to improve his electorate. However, I do not believe the AFC will fall by the way side, I think their negotiations with APNU for the Speaker is just proof that they are a practical Political Party. Here's a bold prediction: If a no cofidence vote is brought against the Gov't in the next 3 years, look for the APNU and AFC to form a coalition party led by Khemraj or Moses. These guys are talking and they have very similar mandates, its only a matter of time before the light bulb goes on.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Moses has no choice BUT to issue silly statements to save his Face. He is embarass of his sSILLY actions. You camnnot act like a Kindergarten Child and at the same time claim to be a LEADER. He has embarassed himself. He was STRONGLY REJECTED by TROTTY and THE YOUTH ARM oF THE AFC. He has to try and save face. THE MOLE FOR THE PNC, TROTTY did Moses and Ramjattan. They still dont know what hit them.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Pointblank:

I was informed that AFC nominee Raphael Trotman was assured support to be Speaker of the National Assembly after I withdrew my candidature in favour of a compromise and to break the opposition grid-lock. This is a great day for Guyana and for democracy, that the parties receiving the majority of votes, could find common ground. I have been named among the 7 MPs from the AFC and look forward to resume my role as parliamentarian in our 3-party House. I thank all of you for your kind support and encouragement, which have made me strong to make the decision I made today. The team work among AFC leaders saw us through in this delicate and critical stage of our new democracy.

Moses Nagamootoo

Awesome!!! I really respect Mose's Country First attitude! This makes me so proud as a Guyanese to have a strong majority oppostion party that will bring the fight to PPP front-door, lead by Moses!
oh you silly man,you so acoustom to courption that you donot know a great act when it hit you in the face.for the betterment of his the great words of kennedy think not of what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country
In your case," I think how I can get rich easily and walk around a Big Shot fooling the POOR People".
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Moses has no choice BUT to issue silly statements to save his Face. He is embarass of his sSILLY actions. You camnnot act like a Kindergarten Child and at the same time claim to be a LEADER. He has embarassed himself. He was STRONGLY REJECTED by TROTTY and THE YOUTH ARM oF THE AFC. He has to try and save face. THE MOLE FOR THE PNC, TROTTY did Moses and Ramjattan. They still dont know what hit them.
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
Originally posted by Pointblank:

I was informed that AFC nominee Raphael Trotman was assured support to be Speaker of the National Assembly after I withdrew my candidature in favour of a compromise and to break the opposition grid-lock. This is a great day for Guyana and for democracy, that the parties receiving the majority of votes, could find common ground. I have been named among the 7 MPs from the AFC and look forward to resume my role as parliamentarian in our 3-party House. I thank all of you for your kind support and encouragement, which have made me strong to make the decision I made today. The team work among AFC leaders saw us through in this delicate and critical stage of our new democracy.

Moses Nagamootoo

Awesome!!! I really respect Mose's Country First attitude! This makes me so proud as a Guyanese to have a strong majority oppostion party that will bring the fight to PPP front-door, lead by Moses!
oh you silly man,you so acoustom to courption that you donot know a great act when it hit you in the face.for the betterment of his the great words of kennedy think not of what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country
Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:

Awesome!!! I really respect Mose's Country First attitude! This makes me so proud as a Guyanese to have a strong majority oppostion party that will bring the fight to PPP front-door, lead by Moses!


Moses wanted the speakership---he was stabbed in the back by Trotman---Trotman will always be a PNC thug and scoundrel.

Granger and the PNC claimed Moses was unsuitable for the speakership because of his PPP connection---the TRUTH is his East Indianness disqualified him in the eyes of the PNC.

Trotman is afro and a former PNC thug---so he is eminently qualified.


The Berbicians who supported Moses and the AFC by the thousands will be returning home to the PPP when Trotman or Hughes becomes the AFC presidential candidate.

Once again:


Trotty is a dirty rotten scoundrel.

Originally posted by BK2BERLIN:
...I do not believe the AFC will fall by the way side, I think their negotiations with APNU for the Speaker is just proof that they are a practical Political Party. Here's a bold prediction: If a no cofidence vote is brought against the Gov't in the next 3 years, look for the APNU and AFC to form a coalition party led by Khemraj or Moses. These guys are talking and they have very similar mandates, its only a matter of time before the light bulb goes on.

Take off your blinders! APNU is PNC and PNC did not want to be led by Winston Murray although he was clearly the best man for the job. Roopnarine had to crawl and beg them to give him the deputy spot, and he turned out to be the best on the campaign field. Like PPP, which had Hinds step down from the presidency after he assumed it on Cheddi's death, both of these parties will only allow a particular etnicity at the top.
Originally posted by Nehru:
And I say " BRING IT ON"!!!

I agree with all the steps you recommended the President should make to improve his electorate. However, I do not believe the AFC will fall by the way side, I think their negotiations with APNU for the Speaker is just proof that they are a practical Political Party. Here's a bold prediction: If a no cofidence vote is brought against the Gov't in the next 3 years, look for the APNU and AFC to form a coalition party led by Khemraj or Moses. These guys are talking and they have very similar mandates, its only a matter of time before the light bulb goes on.

@Nehru, 3 years is not enough time for President Ramotar to run on his record, especially when he re-cycled a lot of Jadego's appointments. So it would be a referendum on President Jadego/Ramotar corrupt system again. The last time you guys lost 7 seats, I can assure you that they will lose another 2. So even though they might retain the Executive, they will be a very weaken government.

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