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Former Member

Today’s sitting of the National Assembly has been postponed, indefinitely.

Deputy Clerk Ms. Hermina Gilgeours made the announcement just 15 minutes before the Friday, November 16th sitting was due to commence.

Gilgeours would only say that the sitting was postponed without giving any explanation to the Opposition Parliamentarians who were present in the Chambers.

None of the 33 Government Parliamentarians turned up for the sitting.

The postponement comes one day after the Opposition People’s Progressive Party filed a No-Confidence motion against the APNU+AFC coalition Government with opposition MPs expressing belief that the motion may be the reason behind the postponement.


Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira opposed the matter in which the announcement was made.

She said the sitting should have been convened and the Speaker should have presented the MPs with an explanation for the postponement.

Opposition MPs are currently sitting in the Chamber.

Story developing.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:


Bai relax and nak down some good Henny over the weekend!!

Nehru posted:


Here my excuse, every palatician in Guyana looking for pawah.The people are pawns in the game and are being duped.

Enjoy your Birthday celebrations.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:


Bai relax and nak down some good Henny over the weekend!!

I just down my 3rd shot of Absente. Hope I can make it home


Word out of Guyana is that there are some "defections" (either PNC or AFC) and Jagdeo has been assured of their support in a vote of no confidence....hence Jagdeo's call for no confidence and the PNC delaying tactic...

Interesting days ahead in Guyana...kangaroo country...

Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:


Bai relax and nak down some good Henny over the weekend!!

I just down my 3rd shot of Absente. Hope I can make it home

You is wan weak drinka, with all the mouth you gat.

VishMahabir posted:

Word out of Guyana is that there are some "defections" (either PNC or AFC) and Jagdeo has been assured of their support in a vote of no confidence....hence Jagdeo's call for no confidence and the PNC delaying tactic...

Interesting days ahead in Guyana...kangaroo country...

Government is Missing in Action.  Suppose dem never come back?

Bibi Haniffa

APNU+AFC confident all MPs will vote against Jagdeo’s no-confidence motion


LEFT TO RIGHT: PNCR General Secretary, Amna Ally; Acting Prime Minister Carl Greenidge; PNCR Chairman, Volda Lawrence; Acting President, Moses Nagamootoo; AFC Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan and APNU Chairman, Joseph Harmon.

The governing coalition A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) on Friday said it was extremely confident that all of its 33 parliamentarians would vote down an opposition-sponsored no-confidence motion against the government.

Hours later, government called off Friday’s sitting of the National Assembly and prepared for a meeting of government parliamentarians.

AFC Executive Member, David Patterson vowed that the coalition-led government “would never prorogue parliament” and would instead “stand and defend our record”. “Every single member of the government side, every single MP (Member of Parliament) will get up there and defend the record and vote resoundingly ‘no’ to this no-confidence motion,” he said.

Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), APNU’s largest and most influential member, Volda Lawrence described as a “fallacy” unconfirmed reports that one of the coalition’s parliamentarians would be “bought out” by the PPP. “Let me say it loud and clear: We are not for sale,” she said.

Acting President, Moses Nagamootoo, boasting that the coalition has a majority in the 65-seat House, labelled Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo’s no-confidence motion a “provocation” that was “insensitive” to the fact that President David Granger was sick and receiving medical treatment overseas. He accused Jagdeo of using the motion to “breathe disaffection” and “stir divisiveness”.

“A minority cannot assume that it could succeed in a Parliament and it cannot assume speculatively that the alliance is divisive. The alliance is cohesive, it is united, it is strong and we are holding together,” he said to loud applause of numerous supporters of the coalition.

Nagamootoo said House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland would have to decide whether the no-confidence motion should be debated against the background of the impending tabling of the 2019 National Budget later this month. The motion, if accepted and placed on the Order Paper, could be debated on November 27, 2018 or later. Acting Prime Minister, Carl Greenidge described the 2019 budget as “an important budget”, the last fiscal package before 2020, for the things it needs to address. “It is I’m afraid, not in the National interest at all so I reject that assertion,” said Greenidge.

The Jagdeo-sponsored no-confidence motion, which was delivered to the Clerk of the National Assembly on Thursday, comes against the backdrop of what he cites as mismanagement, alleged corruption, failed promises, higher taxes and unemployment.


Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:

Word out of Guyana is that there are some "defections" (either PNC or AFC) and Jagdeo has been assured of their support in a vote of no confidence....hence Jagdeo's call for no confidence and the PNC delaying tactic...

Interesting days ahead in Guyana...kangaroo country...

Not sure why you say that.  This is democracy at work, especially in a coalition government.  Defections from within the ranks should be a welcome break from the mindset of anything goes!  It will probably be a first in Guyana where a govt is brought down by defections within its own ranks.  

And I agree with you, BJs move is not just spurious, but calculated!!  

Throughout Guyana’s history the PNC acted with impunity caring less of public perceptions and sentiments!!  Now let’s see them scramble without the GDF bayonets in lock step support!!

They took huge pay raises, fat benefits, living lavish, gobbling down 700k a day in free food and cannot pay teachers!!  All this while the economy tanks and crime spiraling out of control.  I don’t know what’s in these peoples heads sometimes!!

Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

APNU and AFC are to host a joint media conference today at 11am at Congress Place.


Don't get hysterical, follow the news.I sure you wont eat those words after reading the info.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Shameless, stupid , DUMB naive, brainless, FILTH HEAD and many more!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Shameless, stupid , DUMB naive, brainless, FILTH HEAD and many more!!!!!!!!!

Another shittypost to back up the hysterical poster.

Read below if you can comprehend.

APNU and AFC are to host a joint media conference today at 11am at Congress Place.

Django posted:

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.

Have you noticed only PNC & AFC people sitting at the table? Other APNU members like WPA, JP Sharma & Keith Scott missing in action.

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Shameless, stupid , DUMB naive, brainless, FILTH HEAD and many more!!!!!!!!!



Is Trotman not the leader of the AFC ? Where is Trotty ? Where is Nigel and Cathy ? Where is the WPA ?

Aye, Aye, Aye. Fiah in de Wiya !!!

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Frenno Dave, come in read what the article said.There was a Press Conference this morning, that's why today's Parliament sitting was cancelled.

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.It's not one man Press Conference.

You are dangerous and shameless.  The announcement was made in Parliament minutes before it was scheduled to begin.  They even order their food and top shelf liquor for the sitting.  Stop with your nasty lies.

Shameless, stupid , DUMB naive, brainless, FILTH HEAD and many more!!!!!!!!!


So you Cheer both, for being nasty without knowing the facts.

Birds of feather flock together.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

So why was parliament cancelled impromptu?

Probably due to the Government Press Conference, held this morning.

Stop with your lies.  These school kids were invited to Parliament today, and they sat there looking at empty chairs.



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Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.

Have you noticed only PNC & AFC people sitting at the table? Other APNU members like WPA, JP Sharma & Keith Scott missing in action.

You still fishing frenno

yuji22 posted:

Dem AFC PNC bais BT biting. They better not derail our democracy. 

Check back and see the stunt that Ramotar pulled when he feared a no confidence.  I know you can never remember what the PPP did but others can.

Nehru posted:

Yuji, wait the DUMMY will find an excuse!!!!!

De AFC/PNC run away and hide from parliament. Jagdeo made their BT bite. He is one smart politician with a few more surprises up his sleeve. President Granger made a strategic error by leaving Moses as acting P. 

Last edited by Former Member

APNU comprises the PNC, WPA, Justice for All Party, National Democratic Front and National Front Alliance. They all have MPs. Why only PNC parliamentarians holding press briefings with the AFC?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

So why was parliament cancelled impromptu?

Probably due to the Government Press Conference, held this morning.

Stop with your lies.  These school kids were invited to Parliament today, and they sat there looking at empty chairs.


He is such a SHAMELESS PRICK that you can imagine the lenght this PARASITE will go to LIE and be DUMB!!

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Have you noticed how many members of gov't sitting at the table.

Have you noticed only PNC & AFC people sitting at the table? Other APNU members like WPA, JP Sharma & Keith Scott missing in action.

Teach them lil boys some Maths. I was speaking to someone who talked to a PPP camrade back home and  there is one maybe two defection from the coalition . If PNC/AFC have the balls ,then convene parliament ASAP and call Jagdeo's bluff.




Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Media release
For immediate release
Friday, November 16, 2018

Statement on the postponement of the sitting of the National Assembly

The Government of Guyana requested a postponement of the scheduled sitting of the National Assembly from today, Friday, November 16th to Monday November 19th.

The Clerk of the National Assembly has confirmed that the sitting will be held on Monday next and all Members of Parliament have been formally notified.

Given the submission of a Motion of No Confidence yesterday, the Government felt it necessary and urgent to convene a meeting to apprise and brief all Members of Parliament.

There is precedent, going back to 2011 and 2012 for the request for postponement. Under the PPP government, four requests were made for postponement without explanation.

Given its majority in Parliament the Coalition Government of Guyana is confident that the motion of no confidence will be solidly defeated.


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