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Build up of Venezuela Armed forces spotted near Guyana border. -President Granger convenes National Security Committee meeting

Guyana’s Head of State (Retired Brigadier) David Granger told media operatives at his office on Tuesday, that his administration has received information that there was an extraordinary military deployment in Eastern Venezuela over the last month.

Build up of Venezuela Armed forces spotted near Guyana border. -President Granger convenes National Security Committee meeting

by Kurt Campbell for News Source

The Guyana Government is preparing to respond to possible activity from the Venezuelan National Bolivarian Armed Forces at Guyana’s western border which it shares with Venezuela.

Guyana’s President (Retired Brigadier) David Granger told media operatives on Tuesday at his office that the government has received information that there has been an extraordinary military deployment in Eastern Venezuela over the last month.

He said Guyana has every reason to believe that this “abnormal” military presence is a threat to this country’s territorial integrity and as such the government is preparing to take whatever actions are appropriate to protect its border.

Guyana and Venezuela have been embroiled in recent months in a border controversy, where the Nicolas Muduro government in that country has reignited a decade’s old illegal claim to Guyana’s Essequibo Region and its oil rich maritime space.

“The situation is getting worse not better, although Venezuela is embroiled in a major controversy with Colombia,” President Granger said.

The President spoke to the media shortly after leaving a meeting with the Prime Minister, Chief of Staff, Police Commissioner and Ministers of State, Public Security and Legal Affairs, where the matter was being discussed and Guyana’s response was being strategized.

“It is very provocative and we feel Venezuela is treading a very dangerous course at this point in time, rather than seeking a peaceful resolution to the matter Venezuela seems to be pursuing a very defensive and aggressive course,” President Granger reasoned.

Screen Shot 2015-07-17 at 3.05.57 PM

President David Granger

The former Army Commander said based on intelligence he has received the military buildup in Eastern Venezuela is mostly marine troops and various forms of ground forces.

He added that this matter will be the most important consideration for Guyana when it heads to the United Nationals General Assembly in the U.S later this week.

Guyana continue to reject Venezuela claims and has called for a judicial settlement of the matter.

Several persons in the bordering region with Venezuela have reported the unusual troop build up in the neighbouring state and the Brazilian government has also taken note of the build up with some concern.

(Photos submitted by Venezuelan source)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

BREAKING: Venezuela building up troops near Guyana border

  • Tuesday, 22 September 2015 09:38

Guyana's President David Granger and the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Guyana's President David Granger and the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro

President David Granger on Tuesday said Venezuela was building up troops near the border with Guyana.

"We have recently received reports that Venezuela has been making extraordinary military deployments in eastern Venezuela, that is western Guyana,  which seem to be impacting on Guyana’s territorial defence," he told reporters.
He said he and top security chiefs were meeting Tuesday to craft a response.

Asked how convicned he was that the build-up of marine vessels and various forms of ground forces near the border between the two South American countries had anything to do with the controversy over the Essequibo Region, the retired Brigadier of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) said "I have been in my earlier profession familiar with Venezuelan behaviour and what we have noticed during the month of September is an extraordinary escalation of Venezuelan military activity in eastern Venezuela," he said.

The President stressed that the military build-up was "abnormal" and that the Police Commisisoner, Seelall Persaud; Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Mark Phillips; Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo were Tuesday meeting at Cabinet to address Venezuela's persistent "aggressive" and "hostile" behaviour towards Guyana.

"We feel that Venezuela is treading a dangerous course at this point in time rather than seeking a peaceful resolution of the matter, Venezuela seems to be pursuing a very offensive and aggressive course," he added.

Venezuela's security forces have been also battling vioolent food riots across that country.

Granger reiterated that he would be raising Venezuela's claim to the mineral and forest-rich Essequibo Region in his address to the United Nations General Assembly next week and in bilateral talks with other world leaders.


Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi and the rest of the Indo KKK in the throes of ecstasy now, in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse and bending over to Maduro and he boys. Led by "rear admiral" prashad.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:

Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi

and the rest of the Indo KKK

in the throes of ecstasy now,

in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse

and bending over to Maduro and he boys. 


Maduro getting de Backside easily...

But that cant help Venezuela...


Interesting Times Ahead


Originally Posted by Itaname:

Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi and the rest of the Indo KKK in the throes of ecstasy now, in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse and bending over to Maduro and he boys. Led by "rear admiral" prashad.

I doan about the other Indo KKK, but this Indo KKK expected Maduro to do that. What u expected, for him to make threats and not show strength.


For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo. Maduro goan tend to ahyuh good and proper. For hating indoes yuh all going into Venez captivity. In captivity, buggering duz happen.


Maduro playing a game, he wants to register his game plans with the UN. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi and the rest of the Indo KKK in the throes of ecstasy now, in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse and bending over to Maduro and he boys. Led by "rear admiral" prashad.

I doan about the other Indo KKK, but this Indo KKK expected Maduro to do that. What u expected, for him to make threats and not show strength.


For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo. Maduro goan tend to ahyuh good and proper. For hating indoes yuh all going into Venez captivity. In captivity, buggering duz happen.


Maduro playing a game, he wants to register his game plans with the UN. 

Itaname ,Caribbj and others like them should be on the front line.  bye Bye

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi

and the rest of the Indo KKK

in the throes of ecstasy now,

in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse

and bending over to Maduro and he boys.

Led by "rear admiral" prashad.

I doan about the other Indo KKK,

but this Indo KKK expected Maduro to do that.

What u expected,

for him to make threats

and not show strength.

All Jagdeo KKK Funny Fellas

Love,Support, Defend & Practice Kwamism



For you East INdian bashers,

leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo.

Maduro goan tend to ahyuh good and proper.

For hating indoes yuh all going into Venez captivity.

In captivity, buggering duz happen.




Maduro playing a game,

he wants to

register his game plans with the UN.


Guyana & Brazil

Ready fuh De Venezuela Madman

Watch he in de Mirror




Jamaica Observer

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 | 11:44 AM    

Latest News


Guyana says

Venezuela deploying troops near border


GEORGETOWN, Guyana (CMC) – President David Granger Tuesday said that Venezuela is building up troops near the border with Guyana as the two countries continue to spar publicly about their centuries old border dispute.


“It is very provocative

and we feel Venezuela is treading

a very dangerous course

at this point in time,

rather than seeking

a peaceful resolution to the matter

Venezuela seems to be pursuing

a very defensive

and aggressive course,”

President Granger told reporters.


"We have recently received reports that Venezuela has been making extraordinary military deployments in eastern Venezuela, that is western Guyana, which seem to be impacting on Guyana’s territorial defence," he added.


Granger, a retired army Brigadier, who came to power early this year in the general election, said Guyana has every reason to believe that this “abnormal” military presence is a threat to Guyana’s territorial integrity and as such the government is preparing to take whatever actions are appropriate to protect its border.


"I have been in my earlier profession familiar with Venezuelan behaviour and what we have noticed during the month of September is an extraordinary escalation of Venezuelan military activity in eastern Venezuela," he said.


Earlier this month, Granger met with a delegation from the United Nations on seeking a solution to the border dispute between the two countries.


The UN is hoping to broker a meeting with President Granger and his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro on the margins of the UN General Assembly to be held later this month.


Venezuelan Army holds military parade near border with Guyana

          by AFP Videos                    0:31 mins                 

Venezuelan Army officials held a military parade 90 kilometers away from the border with Guyana, amid an escalating border dispute between the two



Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi and the rest of the Indo KKK in the throes of ecstasy now, in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse and bending over to Maduro and he boys. Led by "rear admiral" prashad.

I doan about the other Indo KKK, but this Indo KKK expected Maduro to do that. What u expected, for him to make threats and not show strength.


For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo. Maduro goan tend to ahyuh good and proper. For hating indoes yuh all going into Venez captivity. In captivity, buggering duz happen.


Maduro playing a game, he wants to register his game plans with the UN. 

Why would all the big mouth racists here not want to go and defend the mother soil? I doubt anyone hate Indios. You got it the wrong way around. I do not see anyone on any other race  here systematically extolling their ethnic virtues and supposedly excellent above all others business acumen or their entitlement to rule the nation by dint of their superior intellect. Lets hope you have as much commitment to fight as you have mouth to claim ownership of the state.


June 30 2014....

Under Ramotar Presidency - Your source for global mining news

Venezuelan army said

to have trespassed Guyanese border,

attacked miners

Cecilia Jamasmie | June 30, 2014
Venezuelan army said to have trespassed Guyanese border, attacked miners

Venezuelan soldiers


Members of the Venezuelan army allegedly

crossed over to Guyana on Friday afternoon

and assaulted a group of illegal local miners operating

by the Yarakita River, near the border between the countries.


According to Stabroek News the civilians attacked,

which are part of an illicit gold mining and smuggling network,

failed to pay the soldiers a periodical fee

in exchange for them turning a blind eye

to illegal mining on Venezuelan territory.


This is not the first time local press reports

clashes between Venezuelans and Guyanese people.

In 2007, Venezuelan soldiers were

accused of blowing up two Guyanese gold-mining dredges

on a river near the border between the two countries.

Illegal gold mining is a longstanding problem in the Amazon that increased in recent years when gold prices were soaring.

Illegal gold mining

is a longstanding problem in the Amazon

that increased in recent years

when gold prices were soaring.


Sadly, the illicit activity has become

 the "new cocaine" of Latin America,

with several neighbouring countries,

including Brazil and Colombia,

known to have miners

frequently crossing into Venezuela.


Nationwide, illegal mining in Venezuela

is thought to produce about 12 tons a year of gold,

or roughly double the amount produced by legal,

regulated miners in 2013.



Foreign and local groups estimate

that there are as many as

4,000 illegal miners working in Venezuela,

which often clash with indigenous groups

and are knocking the government’s

efforts to stop deforestation.

Last edited by Former Member

That Black fella thinks I belong the Indo KKK. I gave him the answer he expects. 


WE all know, we all living in North America. Whatever ever attachments I might have had of the country I happened to born in got severed with Granger decisions in his government. The East Indian bashers on here helped me decide not to care for whatever happens to Guyana.


I never knew that all East Indians were racist-maybe I was too busy not to take notice. I know some putagee and negroes were racist-from personal experience with them. But now, I am pointed to apaan jhat, an indo creation. All from the wisdom of 90 year ole black fella.


We are a hateful at home and abroad. Examine this BB. We deserve to be ruled by others.


Why should I care about all that hate. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:

Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi

and the rest of the Indo KKK

in the throes of ecstasy now,

in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse

and bending over to Maduro and he boys.

Led by "rear admiral" prashad.

I doan about the other Indo KKK,

but this Indo KKK expected Maduro to do that.

What u expected,

for him to make threats

and not show strength.

All Jagdeo KKK Funny Fellas

Love,Support, Defend & Practice Kwamism



For you East INdian bashers,

leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo.

Maduro goan tend to ahyuh good and proper.

For hating indoes yuh all going into Venez captivity.

In captivity, buggering duz happen.




Maduro playing a game,

he wants to

register his game plans with the UN.


Guyana & Brazil

Ready fuh De Venezuela Madman

Watch he in de Mirror


Wah mek yuh think kulie ppl so powerful as yuh bruddahs are claiming.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Venezuelan Army holds military parade near border with Guyana

          by AFP Videos                    0:31 mins                 

Venezuelan Army officials held a military parade 90 kilometers away from the border with Guyana, amid an escalating border dispute between the two




Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Venezuelan Army holds military parade near border with Guyana

          by AFP Videos                    0:31 mins                 

Venezuelan Army officials held a military parade 90 kilometers away from the border with Guyana, amid an escalating border dispute between the two




what escalation yuh talking about.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

Rama, Cobra, Nehru, Seignet, Yugi and the rest of the Indo KKK in the throes of ecstasy now, in hot anticipation of dropping their drawse and bending over to Maduro and he boys. Led by "rear admiral" prashad.

They are going to scream that Granger should just let them in, and stop being uncooperative.  After all when Maduro declared an act of war, by claiming Guyanese territory, they blamed Granger for objecting.

Originally Posted by seignet:

For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo... 

And you don't think that Indians, as GUYANESE, should also not to do what ever is in their grasp to prevent this.


Thanks for proving that the Indo KKK don't think that they are Guyanese, even as they feel entitled to 100% rule Guyana, ignoring the non Indian population.


I am glad that you referred to the "other Indo KKK", because you are definitely an Indo KKK.

Originally Posted by seignet:

.. But now, I am pointed to apaan jhat, an indo creation..


Clearly the words have Hindi origin, so clearly were created by an indo Guyanese, and aimed at Indo Guyanese.


A correct reading of history indicates that Burnham left the PPP, and among those who joined him, were many Indians.  Clearly Burnham did NOT propagate racial voting because, not only were Africans fewer in number, but they were concentrated in a few towns.  To win elections one had to win rural constituencies. 


Given that Indians were dominated in ALL constituencies race voting would gave delivered to Burnham SOME of the G/town seats, plus Mc. Kenzie.  He would have won NO rural seats.


It is the PPP would could win, based on racial voting.  So who do you think promoted racial voting, as it definitely guaranteed a win.  In fact the PR system was brought into place to allow the rural African vote to actually count towards seat allocation.  IMPOSSIBLE under the previous system.


So Indo KKK run off with your distorted history.  It was the PPP who propagated racial voting.  The PNC defending rigging to protect itself against racial voting.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

So where dem farmers with their rice? Now is the time to appease the Venezuelans with all that unsold rice.

So do you plan to turn Anna Regina into a Venezuelan town, and have Guyana start at Parika, because that is the only thing which will appease Maduro?

Originally Posted by seignet:

That Black fella thinks I belong the Indo KKK. I gave him the answer he expects. 


WE all know, we all living in North America. Whatever ever attachments I might have had of the country I happened to born in got severed with Granger decisions in his government. The East Indian bashers on here helped me decide not to care for whatever happens to Guyana.


I never knew that all East Indians were racist-maybe I was too busy not to take notice. I know some putagee and negroes were racist-from personal experience with them. But now, I am pointed to apaan jhat, an indo creation. All from the wisdom of 90 year ole black fella.


We are a hateful at home and abroad. Examine this BB. We deserve to be ruled by others.


Why should I care about all that hate. 

Bro, one is not severed from the ground of ones experience by the words or deeds of others. It is one's imprinting or should be. I cannot imagine myself not being Guyanese.


Dude, if you never knew east indians were racists you ought to do a self check. How many times over the almost 2 decades here have I heard you claim black people cannot do this or that while indians can? Have you ever heard me say I am superior to any one because of my ethnicity on this site ever? With the exception of a very few; every indian here on this site has affirmed their superiority over blacks and Amerinds.


In any event, the topic is about defending our country. I am committed to not giving and inch and will do everything in my power to support the effort against invasion including committing to work directly in some capacity and I have lots of skills that can help.




I support President Granger 100 percent during this crisis.


Second, racist PNC supporters are now blaming Indos for this crisis when Donkey Cart man Carl Greenidge is incapable on dealing with this crisis.


Third, I challenge PNC Brooklyn supporters to go back home to defend Guyana since they claim that Indos are unpatriotic.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I support President Granger 100 percent during this crisis.


Second, racist PNC supporters are now blaming Indos for this crisis when Donkey Cart man Carl Greenidge is incapable on dealing with this crisis.


Third, I challenge PNC Brooklyn supporters to go back home to defend Guyana since they claim that Indos are unpatriotic.

Where has anyone accused any Guyanese person for instigating this claim on territories? This is Venezuelan arrogance and presently it is Maduro's  need do distract his starving destitute people with picking a fight. He drove his nation into poverty and this will not help him. They will certainly deal with him on their own terms. Meanwhile we stand for what is ours. I am sure if any patriot do not need your useless prodding. The stand because that is who they are.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



I support President Granger 100 percent during this crisis.


Second, racist PNC supporters are now blaming Indos for this crisis when Donkey Cart man Carl Greenidge is incapable on dealing with this crisis.


Third, I challenge PNC Brooklyn supporters to go back home to defend Guyana since they claim that Indos are unpatriotic.

HEHEHE  Dem start to kaka already

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I support President Granger 100 percent during this crisis.


Second, racist PNC supporters are now blaming Indos for this crisis when Donkey Cart man Carl Greenidge is incapable on dealing with this crisis.


Third, I challenge PNC Brooklyn supporters to go back home to defend Guyana since they claim that Indos are unpatriotic.

HEHEHE  Dem start to kaka already

You have your eyes up their backsides or do you think because you do so others are likewise inclined?

Originally Posted by seignet:
.....The East Indian bashers on here helped me decide not to care for whatever happens to Guyana.


I never knew that all East Indians were racist-maybe I was too busy not to take notice. I know some putagee and negroes were racist-from personal experience with them. But now, I am pointed to apaan jhat, an indo creation. All from the wisdom of 90 year ole black fella.


O Ye of hardened heart, your bigotry is ingrained, whatever little conscience you had (if you ever did) is long gone. You are a congenital bigot so you are excused from noticing the racism of indians.


You care for Guyana only if it is an Indian state and alyuh dominate every other race and are free to rob the nation. If you can't do that, you're not interested in the country. Your comments here indict you of exactly that.


And apaaan jat is part of alyuh racist legacy. Deal with it!

Originally Posted by Prashad:
East Indians should think before they blindly throw their support

There is no need to think here. Either you are a patriot or not. Incursions on our national territory is enough for any claiming to be a citizen of that state are obliged to stand for what that means. Who do not want to stand that is their business. U simply state who you are.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

For you East INdian bashers, leh meh see ayuh fight for Essequibo... 

And you don't think that Indians, as GUYANESE, should also not to do what ever is in their grasp to prevent this.


Thanks for proving that the Indo KKK don't think that they are Guyanese, even as they feel entitled to 100% rule Guyana, ignoring the non Indian population.


I am glad that you referred to the "other Indo KKK", because you are definitely an Indo KKK.

My initial post provoked exactly the reaction I thought it would. They are not interested in Guyana as a nation state where they commingle with other races and cultures. If Guyana cannot be Indesh, they are not interested. And if any Indian opposes Maduro, he will certainly here it from these indo KKK clowns that he is a "house slave".


If the Venoes read this board, rest assured they are emboldened because they know most of the indian population will garland them upon their arrival into Guyana.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
If Venezuela can guarantee the sovereignty and security of Berbice as an independent nation for PPP and Roar supporters then that would be something to think about.

Absolutely! Then minus black man alyuh can have yuh caste system all over again. Black skinned ones like Cobra will have to flee to live on Caribj street in the black "nation". We would tek he as a village idiot.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Well, given the current circumstances in the country, I am more than happy to become a Venezuelan!!!! Better must come.

Yuh foreparents in Utta pradesh and bihar said the same thing minus the Venezuelan reference. Since they never rioted to return to India after indentureship, one can safely assume they did find better than India, even if they had to live around black man.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Well, given the current circumstances in the country, I am more than happy to become a Venezuelan!!!! Better must come.

ALl you have to do is go over the border. El Tigre has some 15  thousand indo Guyanese or use to anyway. Most ran away in recent years.  Ask them what it is like to be an outcast Venezuelan.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Well, given the current circumstances in the country, I am more than happy to become a Venezuelan!!!! Better must come.

ALl you have to do is go over the border. El Tigre has some 15  thousand indo Guyanese or use to anyway. Most ran away in recent years.  Ask them what it is like to be an outcast Venezuelan.

Met an indian guyanese fella who was actually born in Venezuela. Ran like hell to the US. And that was before Chavez and Maduro. I don't think the venoes care to have a people who refuse to assimilate.


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