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By Staff Writer

May 16, 2013


(Reprinted from

Like clockwork and tin soldiers, the purveyors of “the great Burnham flour conspiracy against Indo-Guyanese” will appear with their “Burnham made Indians suffer” message of victimization, in response to any attempt; serious or otherwise, to reminsce, educate or discuss LFSB’s accomplishment during his time in office. It is sometimes incredulous, how well timed the interventions are and, the interventions are frequent and varied. They often come from the most ‘outwardly’ rabid ‘anti-PPPC critics’ and expectantly from the most loyal PPPC supporters, but come they do.

And so, in the past twenty years, no real serious intellectual discourse on Burhnam and his accomplishments have been allowed into the social sphere. By and large, the anti-Burnham cabal of mostly PPPC Jaganites and their media agents have been successful in intimidating the PNC party, Burnham family members and former Burnham associates; Indian or non-Indian from sharing their experiences and or documenting for history, Burnham’s goals, challenges and shortcomings. The alleged destruction by bonfire of most of his videos archived in the custody of the government at the dawn of this much heralded democracy by well known PPP apparatchiks would have been the first salvo in this vicious plot to destroy the public record. However, with the usual overconfidence which accompanies a successful and devious plot, they overplayed their hand by unfolding their evil plan to foil LFSB’s recognition by the South African government.

fact tThe most disgusting assumption in the “great Burnham flour conspiracy is that only Indians suffered from the Government’s banning of a wide list of food imports. To hear the purveyors of the victim theory tell it; roti was the only product made with flour at that time in history. In fact, they are adamant that Burnham’s banning of flour impacted only Indians. Sadly the perspective, often advanced by the PPPC race-baiters like Jagdeo, Ramotar, Nandilall & Persaud, is not only understandably simplistic, but it ignores the that all other Guyanese ate roti, and bread, and pastries, and pasta and all the other foods derived from flour.

What is so often missing in these innane interventions is a recognition of the fact that the options available to Guyanese people at that time was not Socialism v Democracy; it was Burnham’s Socialism v Cheddi’s Marxism-Leninism, both options despised by the Western powers that worked against Burnham’s economy, the same way they would have worked against a Cheddi Jagan Maxist-Leninist economy. So at that time in history, Guyanese were destined to be subject to the effects of Western economic sanctions resulting in foreign exchange shortage and thus the banning of a wide range of food items.

Further, what the PPPC will never admit is that Cheddi Jagan give his blessing to the banning of the food items which both leaders believed could be produced locally in Guyana [or at least substitutes].

What is even more clear is that all people of Guyana paid the price for Guyana’s economic estrangement from the West. In fact, it was the new PNC government of Desmond Hoyte that introduced reforms like the Economic Recovery Program which opened up the markets and returned the country to a Democratic political and more acceptable Capitalist economic system.

Today of course, one expects the crass, largely uneducated PPPC minions to spout the party line ‘flour victimization’ theory in order to shore up its support base, but what one finds inexcusable is that relatively intelligent people who should know better, who should be more intellectually curious continue to allow themselves to be bombarded with such a grossly ignorant and racist perspective.
Thankfully, this recent, egregious attack against Burnham’s legacy, coupled with the benefit of social media communication channels have allowed supporters of Burhnam’s legacy another medium to have their say; and have it they do. The truth is finally beginning to see the light of day as more and more Guyanese citizens step forward to share their truths and as more young Guyanese read various perspectives for themselves and realize the backward propagandistic drivel they are continually fed by PPPC minions in Guyana. The shades have been lifted

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Cain is slowly coming out of the closet exposing his PNC skeleton. 

In recent years anyone with a brain would be proud to be anything but a corrupt PPP goof.



Really amazing to find the number of revisionists on this site which speaks volumes about their psyche and the extent of their brainwashing.  Can we stop revising history and look ahead to the future and try to build a better future for all our people and not just the PPP elite and their families.

Originally Posted by FC:

Really amazing to find the number of revisionists on this site which speaks volumes about their psyche and the extent of their brainwashing.  Can we stop revising history and look ahead to the future and try to build a better future for all our people and not just the PPP elite and their families.

The PPP has a fast amount of its supporters fabricating stories in order to stay in power. The younger generation who were not born yet are the ones targeted with revised versions of the facts.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Cain is slowly coming out of the closet exposing his PNC skeleton. 

thatis how you are trained and brainwashed to assume that every one who says or write any thing about the late President Burnham is a PNC.


As the article clearly stated Jagan was no better than Burnham.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj is RIGHT, everyone was affected but it was an easy decision for Burnham given the fact that Peas, Channa, OIl and other items used largely by Indians were included.

More PPP and racist crap from you.

So Afro , Chinesse and Putagee do not usr Peas , channa and oil?


Originally Posted by caribny:

Burnham made EVERY one suffer in Guyana.  Not just Indians as blacks consumed much of what was banned as well.  Bread being a vital part of the diet.

Correct. Not only Burnham but the whole PNC apparatus. However, I don't think these policies should be used as a bench-mark as I doubt today's PNC will follow that path.


I don't think all of it was driven by race, though it was insensitive to the needs, especially banning of split peas and channa.  Burnham went too fast with his well-intentioned FCH program.  His ambition got ahead of the nation's capability absorb and replace the banned items.


The FCH initiative did have positive impacts, especially of farmers, most of whom were Indian.  Burnham should have been more methodical and sensitive in how he went about this program.  Please bear in mind, many of the very people who were benefiting from this program was also upset at not getting their staple.


I still hold, some of the PNC policies were not bad.  What was bad was everything was done within the context of Race superiority.  Burnham/PNC ensured Afros at the top of the "food-chain" and hold Indians in better paying "indenture servitude".  This was the greatest sin of Burnham and the PNC apparatus, a philosophy and thinking very much alive and well today.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj is RIGHT, everyone was affected but it was an easy decision for Burnham given the fact that Peas, Channa, OIl and other items used largely by Indians were included.

More PPP and racist crap from you.

So Afro , Chinesse and Putagee do not usr Peas , channa and oil?


You really that DUMB???  Where you got that from. Now DUNCE listen slowly, YUh Daddy decision was easy since Indians used more of those items than the rest of the Nation. Now put dat in yuh empty brail as a way to fill the empty spaces.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj is RIGHT, everyone was affected but it was an easy decision for Burnham given the fact that Peas, Channa, OIl and other items used largely by Indians were included.

More PPP and racist crap from you.

So Afro , Chinesse and Putagee do not usr Peas , channa and oil?


You really that DUMB???  Where you got that from. Now DUNCE listen slowly, YUh Daddy decision was easy since Indians used more of those items than the rest of the Nation. Now put dat in yuh empty brail as a way to fill the empty spaces.

Bai, alyuh cussing mattie early!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj is RIGHT, everyone was affected but it was an easy decision for Burnham given the fact that Peas, Channa, OIl and other items used largely by Indians were included.

More PPP and racist crap from you.

So Afro , Chinesse and Putagee do not usr Peas , channa and oil?


You really that DUMB???  Where you got that from. Now DUNCE listen slowly, YUh Daddy decision was easy since Indians used more of those items than the rest of the Nation. Now put dat in yuh empty brail as a way to fill the empty spaces.



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj is RIGHT, everyone was affected but it was an easy decision for Burnham given the fact that Peas, Channa, OIl and other items used largely by Indians were included.

More PPP and racist crap from you.

So Afro , Chinesse and Putagee do not usr Peas , channa and oil?


You really that DUMB???  Where you got that from. Now DUNCE listen slowly, YUh Daddy decision was easy since Indians used more of those items than the rest of the Nation. Now put dat in yuh empty brail as a way to fill the empty spaces.



He mussi countin the coconut oil he use to dab in e hair 


God I tell you this GUY nEHRU IS SOMETHING ELSE.


How did he arrive that Indians use more peas and oil than Afro Guyanese?

Black eye peas and pidgeon peas was banned as well and this was used widely by non Indians.

Originally Posted by Chief:

God I tell you this GUY nEHRU IS SOMETHING ELSE.


How did he arrive that Indians use more peas and oil than Afro Guyanese?

Black eye peas and pidgeon peas was banned as well and this was used widely by non Indians.

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Any JACKASS can write CRAP and get Cain and Chief to BRAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Why don't you point me to the thread where JG dish it to you about dat Alphabet soup thingy? I wanna use it pon u now.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

God I tell you this GUY nEHRU IS SOMETHING ELSE.


How did he arrive that Indians use more peas and oil than Afro Guyanese?

Black eye peas and pidgeon peas was banned as well and this was used widely by non Indians.

 Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

Your parents did. They were secret supporters of the Burnham regime.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Cain is slowly coming out of the closet exposing his PNC skeleton. 

How does this help a discussion on the topic at hand?


We would all benefit if you can point out some of the inaccuracies and fals conclusions in this "Staff writer's" piece. Staff writer of what BTW?

Originally Posted by FC:

Really amazing to find the number of revisionists on this site which speaks volumes about their psyche and the extent of their brainwashing.  Can we stop revising history and look ahead to the future and try to build a better future for all our people and not just the PPP elite and their families.

You have to justify your conclusion of "revisionism" in the article The dialog can then flow from there. Otherwise you just wasted some minutes of your life, and would reinforce what people here think of you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Any JACKASS can write CRAP and get Cain and Chief to BRAY!!!!!!!!!!!

C'mon can do better than wave the flag. This is a topic deserving of serious responses.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?


My sources tell me that the afc/pnc coalition want to return us to the days of rice flour and black eye dhall. They just had a secret meeting and the plans were revealed should they be successful in a snap elections.  Already phantoms are mobilized by the business community in case of this event.  

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?

u know damn well what my issue is . . . and it has NOTHING to do with whether Indo-Guyanese were disproportionately "prosecuted" . . . 


re-read my post and respond intelligently for a change u idiot


btw, correlationcausation . . . look it up and learn

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My sources tell me that the afc/pnc coalition want to return us to the days of rice flour and black eye dhall. They just had a secret meeting and the plans were revealed should they be successful in a snap elections.  Already phantoms are mobilized by the business community in case of this event.  

at least you'll be better off than half the starving world...but then, if rice and flour makes your world go round, then it is what it is

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My sources tell me that the afc/pnc coalition want to return us to the days of rice flour and black eye dhall. They just had a secret meeting and the plans were revealed should they be successful in a snap elections.  Already phantoms are mobilized by the business community in case of this event.  

at least you'll be better off than half the starving world...but then, if rice and flour makes your world go round, then it is what it is

That is easy for you to say from the land of milk and honey. Don't wish punishment on the Guyanese public from your perch of luxury, that is why you folks support the afc/pnc from afar because you will not have to live with the repercussions.  You will still have your US passport. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My sources tell me that the afc/pnc coalition want to return us to the days of rice flour and black eye dhall. They just had a secret meeting and the plans were revealed should they be successful in a snap elections.  Already phantoms are mobilized by the business community in case of this event.  

at least you'll be better off than half the starving world...but then, if rice and flour makes your world go round, then it is what it is

That is easy for you to say from the land of milk and honey. Don't wish punishment on the Guyanese public from your perch of luxury, that is why you folks support the afc/pnc from afar because you will not have to live with the repercussions.  You will still have your US passport. 

Guyanese punish for food? please, you're much more stupid than I give you credit for

Guess you have a Ugandan passport...

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My sources tell me that the afc/pnc coalition want to return us to the days of rice flour and black eye dhall. They just had a secret meeting and the plans were revealed should they be successful in a snap elections.  Already phantoms are mobilized by the business community in case of this event.  

at least you'll be better off than half the starving world...but then, if rice and flour makes your world go round, then it is what it is

That is easy for you to say from the land of milk and honey. Don't wish punishment on the Guyanese public from your perch of luxury, that is why you folks support the afc/pnc from afar because you will not have to live with the repercussions.  You will still have your US passport. 

Guyanese punish for food? please, you're much more stupid than I give you credit for

Guess you have a Ugandan passport...

Yes, under the PNC/AFC coalition, not under the current PPP govt.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My sources tell me that the afc/pnc coalition want to return us to the days of rice flour and black eye dhall. They just had a secret meeting and the plans were revealed should they be successful in a snap elections.  Already phantoms are mobilized by the business community in case of this event.  

at least you'll be better off than half the starving world...but then, if rice and flour makes your world go round, then it is what it is

That is easy for you to say from the land of milk and honey. Don't wish punishment on the Guyanese public from your perch of luxury, that is why you folks support the afc/pnc from afar because you will not have to live with the repercussions.  You will still have your US passport. 

Guyanese punish for food? please, you're much more stupid than I give you credit for

Guess you have a Ugandan passport...

Guyanese are not punishing for food, no way.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?

u know damn well what my issue is . . . and it has NOTHING to do with whether Indo-Guyanese were disproportionately "prosecuted" . . . 


re-read my post and respond intelligently for a change u idiot


btw, correlationcausation . . . look it up and learn

Well, you missed the point, or chose to miss, of my assertion.  Caribj and mullah Chief claims Afros suffer as much as Indians from these bans.  If so, then why were mostly Indians persecuted/prosecuted.  From that one can deduct:


1. Indians were profiled and targeted due to race or,


2. These products were not staple to Afros, which then


disprove or diminish the assertion of both Caribj and Chief.


As I said in my first post, I do believe FCH was well intentioned, but overly ambitious and tainted with ethnic insensitivity.  In any society, when most of the people break, or are willing to break a law, then the problem is the law, not the people.


I believe a better approach should have been a progressive set of duties on targeted products and the duty funds be used to promote and invest in local alternatives.  It would be a slower process, but would have much less kick-back and given the nation time to absorb and mitigate.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?

u know damn well what my issue is . . . and it has NOTHING to do with whether Indo-Guyanese were disproportionately "prosecuted" . . . 


re-read my post and respond intelligently for a change u idiot


btw, correlationcausation . . . look it up and learn

Well, you missed the point, or chose to miss, of my assertion.  Caribj and mullah Chief claims Afros suffer as much as Indians from these bans.  If so, then why were mostly Indians persecuted/prosecuted.  From that one can deduct:


1. Indians were profiled and targeted due to race or,


2. These products were not staple to Afros, which then


disprove or diminish the assertion of both Caribj and Chief . . .

baseman, there is no "point" to miss! Your "assertion" is a red herring . . . out of place as a "response" to MY post


when u reply to MY post, i suggest u not run from MY issues by 'forgetting' that i am neither Chief nor CaribJ


now, a couple of things regarding your pathetic dead fish offered up in desperate avoidance . . .


(i) Indians (and others) were "prosecuted," not "persecuted" for violating Burnham's laws regarding contraband . . . there is a difference, which i am constrained to point out since u tend to throw terminology around just because it sounds "nice" especially if it mek blackman look bad


(ii) since blackman represents a very small slice of the merchant class in Guyana, isn't that the [key] 'missing consideration' that turns your "deduct" into a monstrous FRAUD . . . hmmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?

u know damn well what my issue is . . . and it has NOTHING to do with whether Indo-Guyanese were disproportionately "prosecuted" . . . 


re-read my post and respond intelligently for a change u idiot


btw, correlationcausation . . . look it up and learn

Well, you missed the point, or chose to miss, of my assertion.  Caribj and mullah Chief claims Afros suffer as much as Indians from these bans.  If so, then why were mostly Indians persecuted/prosecuted.  From that one can deduct:


1. Indians were profiled and targeted due to race or,


2. These products were not staple to Afros, which then


disprove or diminish the assertion of both Caribj and Chief . . .

baseman, there is no "point" to miss! Your "assertion" is a red herring . . . out of place as a "response" to MY post


when u reply to MY post, i suggest u not run from MY issues by 'forgetting' that i am neither Chief nor CaribJ


now, a couple of things regarding your pathetic dead fish offered up in desperate avoidance . . .


(i) Indians (and others) were "prosecuted," not "persecuted" for violating Burnham's laws regarding contraband . . . there is a difference, which i am constrained to point out since u tend to throw terminology around just because it sounds "nice" especially if it mek blackman look bad


(ii) since blackman represents a very small slice of the merchant class in Guyana, isn't that the [key] 'missing consideration' that turns your "deduct" into a monstrous FRAUD . . . hmmm?

Your tirade is out of place with my original point.  You try to change the topic, but you cannot hide under a rock forever.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?

u know damn well what my issue is . . . and it has NOTHING to do with whether Indo-Guyanese were disproportionately "prosecuted" . . . 


re-read my post and respond intelligently for a change u idiot


btw, correlationcausation . . . look it up and learn

Well, you missed the point, or chose to miss, of my assertion.  Caribj and mullah Chief claims Afros suffer as much as Indians from these bans.  If so, then why were mostly Indians persecuted/prosecuted.  From that one can deduct:


1. Indians were profiled and targeted due to race or,


2. These products were not staple to Afros, which then


disprove or diminish the assertion of both Caribj and Chief . . .

baseman, there is no "point" to miss! Your "assertion" is a red herring . . . out of place as a "response" to MY post


when u reply to MY post, i suggest u not run from MY issues by 'forgetting' that i am neither Chief nor CaribJ


now, a couple of things regarding your pathetic dead fish offered up in desperate avoidance . . .


(i) Indians (and others) were "prosecuted," not "persecuted" for violating Burnham's laws regarding contraband . . . there is a difference, which i am constrained to point out since u tend to throw terminology around just because it sounds "nice" especially if it mek blackman look bad


(ii) since blackman represents a very small slice of the merchant class in Guyana, isn't that the [key] 'missing consideration' that turns your "deduct" into a monstrous FRAUD . . . hmmm?

I know, I meant both, persecuted by the likes of you and the apparatus and prosecuted in the name of PNC "law and justice"!  You left Guyana as a lil bai, so you don't know the Indian experience.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Your tirade is out of place with my original point.  You try to change the topic, but you cannot hide under a rock forever.

really? . . . my tirade? . . . SHOW ME u tap dancing FRAUD.

This is my 'original' post:


redux: "[A]fter spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear"


u responded with this:


baseman: "Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?"



suh . . . is ME who "try to change the topic" eh?


guh buy some clothes bai . . . har de har har har harhar

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

God I tell you this GUY nEHRU IS SOMETHING ELSE.


How did he arrive that Indians use more peas and oil than Afro Guyanese?

Black eye peas and pidgeon peas was banned as well and this was used widely by non Indians.


Did we not grow pigeon peas and blackeye peas? I remember we had a couple of pigeon peas trees. We also grew some blackeye peas. How these could have been banned? So if you grew these and the PNC police thugs found them, they would arrest you?

I will refrain from correcting your grammar and spelling. Have a good day. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But it was mostly Indians who were being beaten, arrested, fined and thrown in jail of "illegal" possession after the ban, not Afros.  Clearly then it shows it was more dear to Indian than to Afros, or Indians were discriminated against.  Which is it mullah bai?  Furthermore, Ban-am then established KSI which, with a PNC cyard, you can get lil "scarce" products".  Who carried around PNC cyard mullah bei, me know you did.

after spreading Goebbelsian LIES all these years on GNI about a targeted, genocidal, food-banning campaign by Burnham, alyuh now pivot pun a dime . . .'shifting' the story to a measuring of which ethnicity held the banned foods more "dear"


y'all got neither clothes . . . nor shame


oh dear

Well tell abie nah, as Caribj and Chief said, Afros were equally impacted, why then it was overwhelmingly Indians who were persecuted and prosecuted for "illegal" possession?

u know damn well what my issue is . . . and it has NOTHING to do with whether Indo-Guyanese were disproportionately "prosecuted" . . . 


re-read my post and respond intelligently for a change u idiot


btw, correlationcausation . . . look it up and learn

Well, you missed the point, or chose to miss, of my assertion.  Caribj and mullah Chief claims Afros suffer as much as Indians from these bans.  If so, then why were mostly Indians persecuted/prosecuted.  From that one can deduct:


1. Indians were profiled and targeted due to race or,


2. These products were not staple to Afros, which then


disprove or diminish the assertion of both Caribj and Chief.


As I said in my first post, I do believe FCH was well intentioned, but overly ambitious and tainted with ethnic insensitivity.  In any society, when most of the people break, or are willing to break a law, then the problem is the law, not the people.


I believe a better approach should have been a progressive set of duties on targeted products and the duty funds be used to promote and invest in local alternatives.  It would be a slower process, but would have much less kick-back and given the nation time to absorb and mitigate.

There are  tales told by everyone framed by their personal circumstances. The point is lets not universalize them. Indeed Burnham was a bitch but the banning was not on account he hated Indians. It was because his failed policies after the first five year plan and his pivot to the communist block forced response from the US in particular who began an economic squeeze. We never ever were able to support ourselves despite the text of " a breadbasket economy" myth being sold to wishful believers about a bountiful past.


I remember as a kid taking meat, rice, flour,  peas, cooking oil etc to family gt on weekly runs  because we got it from the contraband route in Surinam. My family in GT sent back the luxury item they got ( by whatever means) shampoo, toiled tissue, soaps perfumes, Us cigarettes etc. I guess I was too young to experience the hardship but could infer it was hard because we bypassed the tool gates by coming through Reliance ( By Betsy ground) to Albion at times since the soldiers there were not reluctant to take away stuff they want.


To say that  the list of items banned were cherry picked to "punish" Indians is not true. Actually, most of those items were more scarce in gt since they could not  get them as easily as us due to the fact the Corentyne had a robust smuggling enterprise a long time before the Cuyuni route was developed ( in the decade of the mid seventies to mid eighties. This new route was a cooperative effort of Indians who brought it in and African distributors who got the consumers. It later turned to the drug route with the same organizational strategy.


Again, Burnham was bad but if the excuse is to turn a blind eye to the present infestation of crooks in office on account of him then that is making a mistake. If selling the horrible experience of Burhnam as worse than the present ( on a fictive lie that it was only Indian that suffered) then it is not merely a mistake but a practice wrought of race baiting strategy to lie and build a victim culture among Indians.


Actually, the discerning can clearly see what constitutes a pattern of propaganda coming from the PPP,  to use the PNC bl;ind us to the pervasive corrupt practices of the current racist regime. This regime has the despicable character of hiding behind a democracy. The former was a dictatorship and it never hid that.While both are odious we have the option to address this by focusing on truths not lies


Remember also, the turning tide against Burnham was urban African revolt what spread nation wide. Surely they would not have done so if they experienced cushy lives. It was not the PPP "struggle" for democracy as being sold wholesale to its sycophants. It was black sweat and black bruising as opposed to PPP critical support knee bending.

Last edited by Former Member

The newly saved d2 is correct, everyone punished under Burnham except those with party cards like Thief Sitting Bull and the other turncoats. PNC supporters had to give up tennis roll and cheese for dry plantain and coconut oil. They even started turning rastas in mass to adapt to the Burnham policies, yet they continued to support him as he was their hero. 

Notable thought is d2's admission that he patronized smugglers and didn't bend to the Burnham policies.


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