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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think I have had my say on this issue and let's move on.

Cain your topic took several twists and turns, vintage GNI.

Hahaha....YOU chicken sh1t.  Address me Trini-Guyana point nah.  You know the truth and running under a rock....loser.

Your analysis on the Trni situation is totally incorrect and I do not agree with you.


By your own admission you do not want to move on, you want the cycle of 'awee time now' to continue.  Trnidadians had there share of racial tensions but they were matured enough to get pass that for the betterment of their country.


Your thinking is backward and you do not really want the betterment of the nation, you are only thinking of your own people.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think I have had my say on this issue and let's move on.

Cain your topic took several twists and turns, vintage GNI.

Hahaha....YOU chicken sh1t.  Address me Trini-Guyana point nah.  You know the truth and running under a rock....loser.

Your analysis on the Trni situation is totally incorrect and I do not agree with you.

How so?  Base you rebuttal around the factors which I presented as you are refuting those, not yours.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Not "GOTHAY DHALL", you are a CHICKEN SH!T.  Address my post.  You like to cuss PPP and Indians like me and when you are presented with irrefutable evidence you run and scurry for cover like a rat.

You are like a swine that cannot avoid filth. As a matter of fact you are mired with filth to thik that your race is better than another or as the PPP does take care of Indians and neglect the rest.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Not "GOTHAY DHALL", you are a CHICKEN SH!T.  Address my post.  You like to cuss PPP and Indians like me and when you are presented with irrefutable evidence you run and scurry for cover like a rat.

You are like a swine that cannot avoid filth. As a matter of fact you are mired with filth to thik that your race is better than another or as the PPP does take care of Indians and neglect the rest.

Hi Chief, you taking on the Mitwah persona.  Come on, call to pray man.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think I have had my say on this issue and let's move on.

Cain your topic took several twists and turns, vintage GNI.

Hahaha....YOU chicken sh1t.  Address me Trini-Guyana point nah.  You know the truth and running under a rock....loser.

Your analysis on the Trni situation is totally incorrect and I do not agree with you.

How so?  Base you rebuttal around the factors which I presented as you are refuting those, not yours.

It takes two to tango and the racial situation that existed in the 60's in Guyana was to be blamed equally on Indians and blacks. Neither Jagan nor Burnham was no sainta and the rest is history.


So stop the nonsense about Trinidad Indians not going trough any such thing.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I think I have had my say on this issue and let's move on.

Cain your topic took several twists and turns, vintage GNI.

Hahaha....YOU chicken sh1t.  Address me Trini-Guyana point nah.  You know the truth and running under a rock....loser.

Your analysis on the Trni situation is totally incorrect and I do not agree with you.

How so?  Base you rebuttal around the factors which I presented as you are refuting those, not yours.

It takes two to tango and the racial situation that existed in the 60's in Guyana was to be blamed equally on Indians and blacks. Neither Jagan nor Burnham was no sainta and the rest is history.


So stop the nonsense about Trinidad Indians not going trough any such thing.

I asked you to stick to the factors which I presented, not your own hog-wash.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman I choose not to curse you out so let's leave it as it is.


Enjoy the rest of your day in your filth!! Happy Miss Piggy!!

Hey bai Chief, you are the one who descended into cuss-out.  I responded to your anti-PPP/Anti_Indian posts with relevant but arguable comparison factors.  Just tell me where I'm wrong, in specific terms, to the point I raised.  No cussing required.


I noticed even your partner in vulgarity Redux have chosen to take out the garbage and obey his wife's commands than refute my argument.


Chief's point is about the difference in how race matters in polling between Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana.


He provided one piece of evidence about Tobago (mostly Blacks) enabling the election of Kamla Persad-Bissessar.


It is known that among Indian families in Trinidad you had party allegiances split the PNM and UNC.


Then the dialog descended in to Baseman territory.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief's point is about the difference in how race matters in polling between Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana.


He provided one piece of evidence about Tobago (mostly Blacks) enabling the election of Kamla Persad-Bissessar.


It is known that among Indian families in Trinidad you had party allegiances split the PNM and UNC.


Then the dialog descended in to Baseman territory.

Ohh, Kari-cuttah taking a stab at it.  Yuh buddies Redux and buddy Chief both tekking shelter under a rock, so Kari to the rescue.    Tobago is not a sovereign state last time I checked.  Besides, I have that covered, go re-read.  Nothing that you said refuted one iota what I stated.  And while you at it, see who moved the "dialog" a notch or few down.  Typical katahar loser approach.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief's point is about the difference in how race matters in polling between Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana.


He provided one piece of evidence about Tobago (mostly Blacks) enabling the election of Kamla Persad-Bissessar.


It is known that among Indian families in Trinidad you had party allegiances split the PNM and UNC.


Then the dialog descended in to Baseman territory.

Ohh, Kari-cuttah taking a stab at it.  Yuh buddies Redux and buddy Chief both tekking shelter under a rock, so Kari to the rescue.    Tobago is not a sovereign state last time I checked.  Besides, I have that covered, go re-read.  Nothing that you said refuted one iota what I stated.  And while you at it, see who moved the "dialog" a notch or few down.  Typical katahar loser approach.


Tobago is not a sovereign state last time I checked. ???????

Besides, I have that covered, go re-read. ???????

I am trying to follow your post....really. A little relevance would help.

Here, let's put what Chief said - Tobago, mostly Black-populated voted for an Indian to become Prime Minister of the COUNTRY of Trinidad and Tobago.

Try this one also - Some Indian families, especially Muslim families, political allegiance was split between PNM and UNC. I know about my own family in Trinidad - that of former Deputy Prime Minister Kamal Mohamed. I also know of some of the Jamaat's allegiance (my Chacha was, and my cousin is the Imam of one in Port-of-Spain - and they had nothing to do with race. I know of the constituency of San Juan-Barataria where family member fought family member.

Taking the conversation below decent standards is not something I expect you to comment on. That's established about your postings here - no debate, no subjective conclusion; it's just clear as daylight.

If the highest ideal of yours and those of your ilk is the lesser of two evils (hence an affinity towards Jagdeo's Burnham-esque governance) then we know you do not have the guts to aspire to the higher ideals Chief exhort you to. You insult Indians by saying they need a Jagdeo to help them in some mythical fight against black racism in Guyana post-1992. You have no moral or intellectual right to speak of and for Indians in Guyana. So let the likes of Chief educate you.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief's point is about the difference in how race matters in polling between Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana.


He provided one piece of evidence about Tobago (mostly Blacks) enabling the election of Kamla Persad-Bissessar.


It is known that among Indian families in Trinidad you had party allegiances split the PNM and UNC.


Then the dialog descended in to Baseman territory.

Ohh, Kari-cuttah taking a stab at it.  Yuh buddies Redux and buddy Chief both tekking shelter under a rock, so Kari to the rescue.    Tobago is not a sovereign state last time I checked.  Besides, I have that covered, go re-read.  Nothing that you said refuted one iota what I stated.  And while you at it, see who moved the "dialog" a notch or few down.  Typical katahar loser approach.


Tobago is not a sovereign state last time I checked. ???????

Besides, I have that covered, go re-read. ???????

I am trying to follow your post....really. A little relevance would help.

Here, let's put what Chief said - Tobago, mostly Black-populated voted for an Indian to become Prime Minister of the COUNTRY of Trinidad and Tobago.

Try this one also - Some Indian families, especially Muslim families, political allegiance was split between PNM and UNC. I know about my own family in Trinidad - that of former Deputy Prime Minister Kamal Mohamed. I also know of some of the Jamaat's allegiance (my Chacha was, and my cousin is the Imam of one in Port-of-Spain - and they had nothing to do with race. I know of the constituency of San Juan-Barataria where family member fought family member.

Taking the conversation below decent standards is not something I expect you to comment on. That's established about your postings here - no debate, no subjective conclusion; it's just clear as daylight.

If the highest ideal of yours and those of your ilk is the lesser of two evils (hence an affinity towards Jagdeo's Burnham-esque governance) then we know you do not have the guts to aspire to the higher ideals Chief exhort you to. You insult Indians by saying they need a Jagdeo to help them in some mythical fight against black racism in Guyana post-1992. You have no moral or intellectual right to speak of and for Indians in Guyana. So let the likes of Chief educate you.

Ok, leh mi repost what Chief posted and my response.  Even Redux run for cover, and believe me, you are no Redux:



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

That is why I love Trinidad and Tobago. Pan Africans are there but they are not allowed to thrive.


Trinis are Trinis and do not vote race.

They certainly do however, Guyana and Trini have different histories and as such the national psyche is different.  With the numerical advantage, Afros in Trini never needed rigging and the military to preserve themselves in power.  This also means, some have no fear is switching and letting an Indian rule from time to time.


In Guyana, like everywhere else, Afros want power and without the numerical advantage, they are willing to do anything to achieve that.  For this reason they turn to violence and intimidation of the Indian masses to get their way.  In other words, if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable.  The Trini Indians, like the vast majority of Indians everywhere, don't carry that mind-set, so Trini remained a relative peaceful place, politically speaking.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Baseman, there is a word "incomprehensible". Check it out.

I would expect that from you, maybe you take some lessons in comprehension from Redux and Chief?  You know how it is, lil kids does hold them ears when they don't like what the truth fromtheir parents.  But it don't wuk!


As I said, you are a dunce.

Originally Posted by baseman: 

Ok, leh mi repost what Chief posted and my response.  Even Redux run for cover . . . 

ahmmm, nat so fast u lil ignar; ah deh rite hay . . . let me re-post the ENTIRE exchange:



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

That is why I love Trinidad and Tobago. Pan Africans are there but they are not allowed to thrive.


Trinis are Trinis and do not vote race.

They certainly do however, Guyana and Trini have different histories and as such the national psyche is different.  With the numerical advantage, Afros in Trini never needed rigging and the military to preserve themselves in power.  This also means, some have no fear is switching and letting an Indian rule from time to time.


In Guyana, like everywhere else, Afros want power and without the numerical advantage, they are willing to do anything to achieve that.  For this reason they turn to violence and intimidation of the Indian masses to get their way.  In other words, if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable.  The Trini Indians, like the vast majority of Indians everywhere, don't carry that mind-set, so Trini remained a relative peaceful place, politically speaking.

this must be the perfect thread for u . . . set-ups all ova de place with opportunities galore fuh wash yuh mouth on de blackman demon


heaven fuh u bai . . . keep on doing what u do so well

Absolutely not.  Could you refute my claims with credible and grounded facts and scenarios.

u rite bai . . . how could i (anyone) "refute" this:



baseman [paraphrasing blackman]: "if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable."



no "credible and grounded facts and scenarios" exist to rebut such"eloquence"



har de har har har har har har har . . . u actually mounting a VERY strong challenge to drug_B for ownership of the wile e coyote flag on GNI

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

Ok, leh mi repost what Chief posted and my response.  Even Redux run for cover . . . 

ahmmm, nat so fast u lil ignar; ah deh rite hay . . . let me re-post the ENTIRE exchange:



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

That is why I love Trinidad and Tobago. Pan Africans are there but they are not allowed to thrive.


Trinis are Trinis and do not vote race.

They certainly do however, Guyana and Trini have different histories and as such the national psyche is different.  With the numerical advantage, Afros in Trini never needed rigging and the military to preserve themselves in power.  This also means, some have no fear is switching and letting an Indian rule from time to time.


In Guyana, like everywhere else, Afros want power and without the numerical advantage, they are willing to do anything to achieve that.  For this reason they turn to violence and intimidation of the Indian masses to get their way.  In other words, if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable.  The Trini Indians, like the vast majority of Indians everywhere, don't carry that mind-set, so Trini remained a relative peaceful place, politically speaking.

this must be the perfect thread for u . . . set-ups all ova de place with opportunities galore fuh wash yuh mouth on de blackman demon


heaven fuh u bai . . . keep on doing what u do so well

Absolutely not.  Could you refute my claims with credible and grounded facts and scenarios.

u rite bai . . . how could i (anyone) "refute" this:



baseman [paraphrasing blackman]: "if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable."



no "credible and grounded facts and scenarios" exist to rebut such"eloquence"



har de har har har har har har har . . . u mounting a VERY strong challenge to drug_B for wile e coyote status on this MB

But you did "comprehend" what I wrote, just could not refute/rebut so you descended  into you unsual "har de har har har har har dribble.

Originally Posted by baseman:

But you did "comprehend" what I wrote, just could not refute/rebut so you descended  into you unsual "har de har har har har har dribble.

yeah bai, i did "comprehend" . . . dat's why i paid u de fulsome  'compliment' in de exchange below:



baseman [paraphrasing blackman]: "if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable."


redux: no "credible and grounded facts and scenarios" exist to rebut such "eloquence"



how much more praise u want man . . . hmmmm?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But you did "comprehend" what I wrote, just could not refute/rebut so you descended  into you unsual "har de har har har har har dribble.

yeah bai, i did "comprehend" . . . dat's why paid u de fulsome 'compliment' below:


baseman [paraphrasing blackman]: "if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable."


redux: no "credible and grounded facts and scenarios" exist to rebut such "eloquence"



how much more praise u want man . . . hmmmm?

Nah, is bai Karimullah cannot "comprehend" so me tell he check wid you and Chiefsta fuh comprehension lessons cuz, I know you do, you have a good IQ and maybe you can help di banna.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

But you did "comprehend" what I wrote, just could not refute/rebut so you descended  into you unsual "har de har har har har har dribble.

yeah bai, i did "comprehend" . . . dat's why paid u de fulsome 'compliment' below:


baseman [paraphrasing blackman]: "if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable."


redux: no "credible and grounded facts and scenarios" exist to rebut such "eloquence"



how much more praise u want man . . . hmmmm?

Nah, is bai Karimullah cannot "comprehend" so me tell he check wid you and Chiefsta fuh comprehension lessons cuz, I know you do, you have a good IQ and maybe you can help di banna.

tanks bai . . . i bow to your "eloquence"


wile e coyote anyone?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief's point is about the difference in how race matters in polling between Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana.


He provided one piece of evidence about Tobago (mostly Blacks) enabling the election of Kamla Persad-Bissessar.


It is known that among Indian families in Trinidad you had party allegiances split the PNM and UNC.


Then the dialog descended in to Baseman territory.

Ohh, Kari-cuttah taking a stab at it.  Yuh buddies Redux and buddy Chief both tekking shelter under a rock, so Kari to the rescue.    Tobago is not a sovereign state last time I checked.  Besides, I have that covered, go re-read.  Nothing that you said refuted one iota what I stated.  And while you at it, see who moved the "dialog" a notch or few down.  Typical katahar loser approach.


Tobago is not a sovereign state last time I checked. ???????

Besides, I have that covered, go re-read. ???????

I am trying to follow your post....really. A little relevance would help.

Here, let's put what Chief said - Tobago, mostly Black-populated voted for an Indian to become Prime Minister of the COUNTRY of Trinidad and Tobago.

Try this one also - Some Indian families, especially Muslim families, political allegiance was split between PNM and UNC. I know about my own family in Trinidad - that of former Deputy Prime Minister Kamal Mohamed. I also know of some of the Jamaat's allegiance (my Chacha was, and my cousin is the Imam of one in Port-of-Spain - and they had nothing to do with race. I know of the constituency of San Juan-Barataria where family member fought family member.

Taking the conversation below decent standards is not something I expect you to comment on. That's established about your postings here - no debate, no subjective conclusion; it's just clear as daylight.

If the highest ideal of yours and those of your ilk is the lesser of two evils (hence an affinity towards Jagdeo's Burnham-esque governance) then we know you do not have the guts to aspire to the higher ideals Chief exhort you to. You insult Indians by saying they need a Jagdeo to help them in some mythical fight against black racism in Guyana post-1992. You have no moral or intellectual right to speak of and for Indians in Guyana. So let the likes of Chief educate you.

Ok, leh mi repost what Chief posted and my response.  Even Redux run for cover, and believe me, you are no Redux:



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

That is why I love Trinidad and Tobago. Pan Africans are there but they are not allowed to thrive.


Trinis are Trinis and do not vote race.

They certainly do however, Guyana and Trini have different histories and as such the national psyche is different.  With the numerical advantage, Afros in Trini never needed rigging and the military to preserve themselves in power.  This also means, some have no fear is switching and letting an Indian rule from time to time.


In Guyana, like everywhere else, Afros want power and without the numerical advantage, they are willing to do anything to achieve that.  For this reason they turn to violence and intimidation of the Indian masses to get their way.  In other words, if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable.  The Trini Indians, like the vast majority of Indians everywhere, don't carry that mind-set, so Trini remained a relative peaceful place, politically speaking.

Base, Chief 

I find myself agreeing in the unique position of agreeing with both of you. I happen to know Trinidadians a fair bit and they are a vocal and at times radical people. We can't say that there are no allegations of rigged elections in multi-ethnic elections. This is the first charge when the opposition loses  an election as we have witnessed in the case of Malaysia. In Trinidad it's the same thing, when Panday loses he says it's rigged. But we had a different situation recently. When the ruling party in Trinidad loses to Kamla who could it blame? It can't say with conviction that it was rigged. Who would rig it? So Chief has a point. It would that race did not play a big role here.

      But the Guyana situation is different. Burnham-ism was allowed to rule for 28 years because he and Hoyte were able to neutralize Indians by giving them plum positions. In most of the elections since 1992 there has been violence in Guyana, at the time of elections because elements within the PNC think that they should be in power. Why they burning down Robb Street? Because they can't stand the thought of ****** in power. Plain and simple. I believe that is your point.      

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ok, leh mi repost what Chief posted and my response.  Even Redux run for cover, and believe me, you are no Redux:



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

That is why I love Trinidad and Tobago. Pan Africans are there but they are not allowed to thrive.


Trinis are Trinis and do not vote race.

They certainly do however, Guyana and Trini have different histories and as such the national psyche is different.  With the numerical advantage, Afros in Trini never needed rigging and the military to preserve themselves in power.  This also means, some have no fear is switching and letting an Indian rule from time to time.


In Guyana, like everywhere else, Afros want power and without the numerical advantage, they are willing to do anything to achieve that.  For this reason they turn to violence and intimidation of the Indian masses to get their way.  In other words, if you "c00l1es" don't let us rule, we will loot, burn, rape, murder and plunder and make life unbearable.  The Trini Indians, like the vast majority of Indians everywhere, don't carry that mind-set, so Trini remained a relative peaceful place, politically speaking.

Base, Chief 

I find myself agreeing in the unique position of agreeing with both of you. I happen to know Trinidadians a fair bit and they are a vocal and at times radical people. We can't say that there are no allegations of rigged elections in multi-ethnic elections. This is the first charge when the opposition loses  an election as we have witnessed in the case of Malaysia. In Trinidad it's the same thing, when Panday loses he says it's rigged. But we had a different situation recently. When the ruling party in Trinidad loses to Kamla who could it blame? It can't say with conviction that it was rigged. Who would rig it? So Chief has a point. It would that race did not play a big role here.

      But the Guyana situation is different. Burnham-ism was allowed to rule for 28 years because he and Hoyte were able to neutralize Indians by giving them plum positions. In most of the elections since 1992 there has been violence in Guyana, at the time of elections because elements within the PNC think that they should be in power. Why they burning down Robb Street? Because they can't stand the thought of ****** in power. Plain and simple. I believe that is your point.      

Thank you, now help out Karimullah, he lil dunce.


Not elements within the PNC, most blacks feel they should have political power as Indians have economic power.  Just ask Caribj and Redux.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Just ask Caribj and Redux.

ow bai . . . i deh pan u mind nah?

Yes you pon he mind

cause he trying to find

a morsel of decency 

in the midst of your lunacy

but your brain is to the hilt

with loads and loads of filth


gar gar gar 

har har har

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Just ask Caribj and Redux.

ow bai . . . i deh pan u mind nah?

Yes you pon he mind

cause he trying to find

a morsel of decency 

in the midst of your lunacy

but your brain is to the hilt

with loads and loads of filth


gar gar gar 

har har har

i seem to remember another low-functioning idiot who posted 'rhymes' on this BB  . . . is dat u?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

like he said


your brain is to the hilt

with loads and loads of filth


a truer word has never been spoken

gar gar gar 

har har har

i seem to remember another low-functioning idiot who posted 'rhymes' on this BB  . . . is dat u?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

CaribNY is right. People like Ronald Sugrim benefited from Burnham and get good education while the poor black man and woman get a glass mauby and a rice flour tennis roll.

There is nothing as nice

as mauby tennis roll and rice

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

CaribNY is right. People like Ronald Sugrim benefited from Burnham and get good education while the poor black man and woman get a glass mauby and a rice flour tennis roll.

There is nothing as nice

as mauby tennis roll and rice

You ever really had a meal of

mauby, tennis roll an rice?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

CaribNY expose Burnham for what he was. 

Mr Linden Forbes Samson Burnham was not without faults however he did what he had to do with a certain amount of class. He was fear less and took down his opponents like dominoes.


Even Cheddie Jagan son acknowledges that.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:




Carib, you are a congenital liar. You picked the of the wrong Heads of State to foist your lies here. Let's take the PM of Dominica Eugenia Charles. When asked to comment about the rigged elections in Guyana she said, " A rigged election is better then no elections at all." As for Errol Barrow he was one of Burnham's closest friends and he uttered not a single word of criticism against Burnham. 'As did others' means other Heads of State also criticised Burnham while he was in power. Please tell us who they were. Look how he is going to wiggle!  

Eugenia Charles had a deep HATRED of Burnham and this is indeed a fact.  Errol Barrow completely disrespected him as did Eric Williams who refused to even talk to him.


Sorry your attempt to suggest that these islanders felt racial loyalty to Burnham flies in the face of facts.


As to friendship.  Cheddi and Burnham were friends, which is why Cheddi didn't suffer the fate of Walter Rodney.  Friends can disagree with each other as Cheddi and Burnham clearly did.


So please go ahead and tell us which Caribbean country praised Burnham.  You do know that most comments made by heads of state against other heads are stated privately.  Do you really think that most Euro country heads liked Bush.  NO!!! Did they say this publicly NO!! Indeed he even recruited some in his wars in Iraq.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 3.  By the time the PPP came in the black middle class had already left.  This is why Hoyte had to play footsie with Indians, and being called Desi Persaud, because there were few competent blacks left, most having fled by 1990.

More nonsense!! You are one contradictory guy! Am I reading your racist rant correct?  "By the time the PPP came in the black middle class had already left.  This is why Hoyte had to play footsie with Indians".


1. So you are saying  the black middle class is better to use  before   Indians and  Portuguese  in the same category.


You see how you can expose your racist self.


Now let me educate you, both Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte utilized  and surrounded themselves with the best Indian brains. Forbes had a master who wrote the dictator constitution that the PPP is making use of today. It was written by Sir SHridath Raphal. In addition there was a string of legal brains from The Luckhoos to Cammie Ramsaroop , Sase Naraine, and Dr SHahbudeen, just to name a few . These were not ordinary men Ramphal moved on became Commonwealth Secratary gENERAL whilst Dr SHAHABUDEEN BECAME A WORLD COURT JUDGE.


Burnham also had a few mixed and Portuguese folks in his inner circle  who served in the field of culture and business. You want to hear inside story well let me tell you.It was an  open secret at Congress place, (and Forbes used to cuss their  ass) that the Government Corporations that was headed by Indians were doing much better than when headed by blacks. You ever heard of Yusi Persaud?  Burnham tried with his people and when he was nearing the end he knew that they failed him. He also knew that there would be some ungrateful blacks like yourself. In your heart you were happy that a black man was ruling  but yet you turn around and cuss the man. As of this day you are still annoyed that there is not a black man as President, you do not care if he belongs to the racist PPP BUT AS LONG AS HE IS A BLACK MAN.


As for President Desmond Hoyte he got rid of all the  square pegs that was there because of party paramountcy.  Hoyte barricaded himself with the top of the crop Indian businessmen and attorneys. hOYTE HAD FROM SAWMILL TYCOON tOOLSIE pERSAUD TO aTTORNEY jAILLAL kISSOON, JUST TO NAME A FEW. hence the  rapid progress of turning around the economy in such a short time from 1985 to 1992.. Hoyte started to clean house of party people( today the PPP did worse and  refilled the house with their party boys)  before he succumbed to the inevitable free and fair elections of 1992.


So stop your racist  bull crap, that because black middle class migrated that is why Hoyte turned to Indians.

The black middle class initially supported Burnham who indeed came out of this class.  Other middle class groups NEVER supported the PNC.


So clearly the departure of the black middle class meant that their support for him was being withdrawn, because he no longer saw them acting in their interest, except for those who became Burnham's stooges, which many were not prepared to be.


Oh yes Hoyte got rid of all of Burnham's square pegs, and by then the competent black professionals with experience and ability had already gone.  So he had to work with who was there.


Sorry you attempt to suggest that blacks benefitted under Burnham flies in the face of reality.


Also you argue that blacks are no worse then other groups but then suggest that the incompetent blacks who Burnham had was indicative of the pool of blacks available.  Of course pretending as if there wasn't already massive migration of Guyanese professionals INCLUDING THE BLACK ONES!


Now we can talk about the black man who ran Guysuco.  Good enough to be a Bookers man, as indeed that's why he ended up running Guysuco.  Of course Guysuco's failures can be pointed to PNC interference in the functioning of these corporations.


Any way Chief I know that your feelings are hurt because an black man is bold enough to call your hero Burnham a thug who destroyed Guyana, including AfroGuyanese.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

CaribNY expose Burnham for what he was. 

Mr Linden Forbes Samson Burnham was not without faults however he did what he had to do with a certain amount of class. He was fear less and took down his opponents like dominoes.


Even Cheddie Jagan son acknowledges that.

I see somebody actually likes Burnham.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

CaribNY is right. People like Ronald Sugrim benefited from Burnham and get good free education while the poor black man and woman get a glass of mauby and a rice flour tennis roll.

Guyana had the BEST educational system in the Anglo Caribbean.  By the time Burnham left we had the WORST.


Of course our inept PPP, despite 20 years of rule, have not improved this situation.  Its still the worst.

Originally Posted by Wally:

 They hate him so much that they cannot possibly hate him any more.  I don't know what more Burnham could have done to help Afros in Guyana.  The man had free education from primary to University. 

I wasn't aware that thios free, but vastly deteriorated education, was only available to blacks.  Indeed there were many Indos at UG whining about having to do National Service.


Maybe middle class blacks hated Burnham (those who were to proud to become his square pegs) because they saw that only his close group of cronies benefitted while they destroyed the nation.


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