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Originally Posted by Prashad:

Could someone tell me what penis size have to do with Burnham ban on flour,sardines, channa and potatoes. I just don't get it.

it has a LOT to do with this:



baseman: "Ah, come on, you yourself admitted your parents left Guyana when you were a little boy on some "official assignment" . . ."



kapeesh? . . . now go measure yours

Originally Posted by Vish M:

I am "jumping in" without reading the other postings


Who is this writer and how credible is this source?

dude, deal with the message [not the messenger] and put that 'deflect' tactic back in yuh pocket, arite?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Ronald, are you saying that sex is filthy?


What is so taboo about talking about sex?

Bai please go back and read some of Redux postings and you will get the answer. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Ronald, are you saying that sex is filthy?


What is so taboo about talking about sex?

Bai please go back and read some of Redux postings and you will get the answer. 

Kindly, show me where he inferred that sex is dirty. You are the one making that claim. Sex is not dirty.... else you would not be here.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

I am "jumping in" without reading the other postings


Who is this writer and how credible is this source?

Well the 'credible source' is saying that 'size' matters..what is your take?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Ronald, are you saying that sex is filthy?


What is so taboo about talking about sex?

Bai please go back and read some of Redux postings and you will get the answer. 

Kindly, show me where he inferred that sex is dirty. You are the one making that claim. Sex is not dirty.... else you would not be here.

I am inferring nothing. There is a discussion as to why Burnham banned certain food items and Redux contribution was about Baseman's penis size. You go figure what one has to do with the other.   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Ronald, are you saying that sex is filthy?


What is so taboo about talking about sex?

Bai please go back and read some of Redux postings and you will get the answer. 

Kindly, show me where he inferred that sex is dirty. You are the one making that claim. Sex is not dirty.... else you would not be here.

I am inferring nothing. There is a discussion as to why Burnham banned certain food items and Redux contribution was about Baseman's penis size. You go figure what one has to do with the other.   

Why are U so interested in Baseman's penis size and why is it upsetting for you? Does size matters? BTW, you are the one who made the statement that "sex is dirty".

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Ronald, are you saying that sex is filthy?


What is so taboo about talking about sex?

Bai please go back and read some of Redux postings and you will get the answer. 

Kindly, show me where he inferred that sex is dirty. You are the one making that claim. Sex is not dirty.... else you would not be here.

I am inferring nothing. There is a discussion as to why Burnham banned certain food items and Redux contribution was about Baseman's penis size. You go figure what one has to do with the other.   

cut the nonsense u fraud . . . do you really think that most people here are functioning @ the low level of conscience and the pay-per-post crew from OP?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ronald Sugrim,  Don't waste your time with the likes of Mitjuanita and Redick, they both are obsessed with penises and vulgarity. I had to block them both.

but . . . apparently, u still reading my posts


har de har har har har har har

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Ronald, are you saying that sex is filthy?


What is so taboo about talking about sex?

Bai please go back and read some of Redux postings and you will get the answer. 

Kindly, show me where he inferred that sex is dirty. You are the one making that claim. Sex is not dirty.... else you would not be here.

I am inferring nothing. There is a discussion as to why Burnham banned certain food items and Redux contribution was about Baseman's penis size. You go figure what one has to do with the other.   

Why are U so interested in Baseman's penis size and why is it upsetting for you? Does size matters? BTW, you are the one who made the statement that "sex is dirty".

Really? Please quote the statement that is attributed to me. Let's see it. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ronald Sugrim,  Don't waste your time with the likes of Mitjuanita and Redick, they both are obsessed with penises and vulgarity. I had to block them both.

Not only that you are sissy, you are vulgarity. Scat you loathsome piece of shit.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Ronald, are you saying that sex is filthy?


What is so taboo about talking about sex?

Bai please go back and read some of Redux postings and you will get the answer. 

Kindly, show me where he inferred that sex is dirty. You are the one making that claim. Sex is not dirty.... else you would not be here.

I am inferring nothing. There is a discussion as to why Burnham banned certain food items and Redux contribution was about Baseman's penis size. You go figure what one has to do with the other.   

Why are U so interested in Baseman's penis size and why is it upsetting for you? Does size matters? BTW, you are the one who made the statement that "sex is dirty".

Really? Please quote the statement that is attributed to me. Let's see it. 

I know you are a bit slow on the uptake today. Enjoy your retirement eh.


One old lady was boasting how she meck 15 pickney... one young fella quipped: Aunty that's a lot of sexing deh!


This thread began with the flour controversy and you and Redux derailed it for your own reasons. But you are still to post where I said that 'sex is dirty.' You can't, can you?  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This thread began with the flour controversy and you and Redux derailed it for your own reasons. But you are still to post where I said that 'sex is dirty.' You can't, can you?  

Are you that dumb that you don't comprehend what you post? Perhaps you could ask one of your 14 other siblings for his/her help.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Yay yap but YOU still can't post it.  

What exactly do you mean when you say:


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 But your mind is so filthy that you must throw sex into it.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

That in the middle of an intelligent discussion he comes up with sexual comments. And not for the first time. That shows a filthy mind. What else you want to know?  

Then the Shiva Maha Puran and the Kama Sutra come from a filthy mind? Sex is only filthy at the OP's office. Got my drift?

I don't know why you think sex is dirty; else what is connection between "sex" and your mention of a "filthy mind"?



Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I have explained myself and will leave it for the others to engage you. This is time-wasting. 

I thought you were an intellectual. Why do you find sex dirty?

Originally Posted by baseman:

So then, what did Afros do for food?  From what I remember, under the PNC Afros seem better fed than Indians!



From what I remember hordes of black children were roaming around Gtwn looking for food after 1980.  Many with orange hair, a sign of extreme nutritional deficiency.  I also recall reports of Gtwn kids fainting in school because they had nothing to eat aside from stale bread and sugar water.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Could someone tell me what penis size have to do with Burnham ban on flour,sardines, channa and potatoes. I just don't get it.



It means that Burnham is to blame because the average PPP supporter is less endowed than the average PNC supporter.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Could someone tell me what penis size have to do with Burnham ban on flour,sardines, channa and potatoes. I just don't get it.



It means that Burnham is to blame because the average PPP supporter is less endowed than the average PNC supporter.

Now I know why Iam not PPP supporter..

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I have explained myself and will leave it for the others to engage you. This is time-wasting. 

My advice to you is to use the Manage settings to block this pedophile, he is no good, imagine sodomizing his own son. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I have explained myself and will leave it for the others to engage you. This is time-wasting. 

My advice to you is to use the Manage settings to block this pedophile, he is no good, imagine sodomizing his own son. 

Ronald was speaking about you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

So then, what did Afros do for food?  From what I remember, under the PNC Afros seem better fed than Indians!



From what I remember hordes of black children were roaming around Gtwn looking for food after 1980.  Many with orange hair, a sign of extreme nutritional deficiency.  I also recall reports of Gtwn kids fainting in school because they had nothing to eat aside from stale bread and sugar water.

True, by the 80's the suffering included everyone, not only Indians.  When you kill the goose banna, everybody starve.


I know fuh true, dem PPP bais tiefing lil egg here and there, but they guarding the golden goose so that does not happen under the PPP, yet you insist on risking a return to this abyss just in the name of race.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Could someone tell me what penis size have to do with Burnham ban on flour,sardines, channa and potatoes. I just don't get it.



It means that Burnham is to blame because the average PPP supporter is less endowed than the average PNC supporter.

Now I know why Iam not PPP supporter..

True.  Indeed you used to tell me that I should be happy for all that Burnham did for black people.  I still am trying to figure out what he did apart from destroying them.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I know fuh true, dem PPP bais tiefing lil egg here and there, but they guarding the golden goose so that does not happen under the PPP, yet you insist on risking a return to this abyss just in the name of race.

the difference is that under the PNC, and with the support of the PPP, the publci sector controlled all facets of life.


This changed under Hoyte so today most people can go about their business and ignore the PPP, just paying them off so the thieves can build their big mansions.


Jagdeo didnt even wait until he dieed for his wealth to be noticed.  NONE of Burnham's daughters are rich, all living very middle class lives consistent with their occupations.  I have begun to realize that Burnham was power drunk, not money hungry, whiule Jagdeo is both.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I have explained myself and will leave it for the others to engage you. This is time-wasting. 

My advice to you is to use the Manage settings to block this pedophile, he is no good, imagine sodomizing his own son. 

Ronald was speaking about you.

You ain't satisfy with being the mitjuanita's official news carrier when he was suspended, maybe you are jam lolo buddies as you keep rushing to his defense. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I have explained myself and will leave it for the others to engage you. This is time-wasting. 

My advice to you is to use the Manage settings to block this pedophile, he is no good, imagine sodomizing his own son. 

Ronald was speaking about you.

You ain't satisfy with being the mitjuanita's official news carrier when he was suspended, maybe you are jam lolo buddies as you keep rushing to his defense. 

You are pathological liar. Goadee Walla you were sodomized hence you choose the handle B U G U R D. Should I remind you that the man you calling Daddy ain't your father? Your mother lied and you have inherited that trait from her.

Admin needs to step in and ban Mitwah for his vile and foul behaviour. He just cannot get out of the gutter and did not learn from his suspension. He behaves as if this BB is his Rum Shop.
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Admin needs to step in and ban Mitwah for his vile and foul behaviour. He just cannot get out of the gutter and did not learn from his suspension. He behaves as if this BB is his Rum Shop.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

So then, what did Afros do for food?  From what I remember, under the PNC Afros seem better fed than Indians!



From what I remember hordes of black children were roaming around Gtwn looking for food after 1980.  Many with orange hair, a sign of extreme nutritional deficiency.  I also recall reports of Gtwn kids fainting in school because they had nothing to eat aside from stale bread and sugar water.

True, by the 80's the suffering included everyone, not only Indians.  When you kill the goose banna, everybody starve.


I know fuh true, dem PPP bais tiefing lil egg here and there, but they guarding the golden goose so that does not happen under the PPP, yet you insist on risking a return to this abyss just in the name of race.

the golden goose is dem indians.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Admin needs to step in and ban Mitwah for his vile and foul behaviour. He just cannot get out of the gutter and did not learn from his suspension. He behaves as if this BB is his Rum Shop.

 Yugi22  is just being a silly and ardent pathetic overgrown cry baby.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Could someone tell me what penis size have to do with Burnham ban on flour,sardines, channa and potatoes. I just don't get it.



It means that Burnham is to blame because the average PPP supporter is less endowed than the average PNC supporter.

Now I know why Iam not PPP supporter..

True.  Indeed you used to tell me that I should be happy for all that Burnham did for black people.  I still am trying to figure out what he did apart from destroying them.

They destroyed themselves. Under Burnham blacks were handed everything, from jobs to houses to cars, what did they do with the opportunity? They belawe every blasted thing. Stop blaming Burnham, he tried for his people but the people did not make use of what was given to them. When given lemon please make lemonade.

An entire village on the West Coast Of Berbice, Bath Settlement, tok advantage of the ban on onions, they started planting shallots. Next thing you know brand new houses were being constructed and the face of Bath Settlement changed and that is just one example.


Remember when Burnham hosted the Non Aligned Conference AND Carifesta  in GT IN 1972? Well let me remind you, he built Festival City with over 500 houses, who recieved those houses after Carifest, 95 % were blacks. He imported the aUTIN mAXIS WHO GOT THOSE CARSA AFTER THE FESTIVAL? 95%BLACKS.

Carib J you are ungrateful to Burnham to deny that he did not give blacks preference and the opportunity to make some thing out for themselves.


Dr PTOLEMY rEID IS ON RECORD AT ONE OF THE CONGRESS AT MANCHESTER GOV'T SCHOOL WHEN HE WARNED COMRADES and he did not mix words. He said THAT every civil servant during the Guystac and Guy everything days, want an outside woman or girlfriend and who you think they wanted an Indian woman. Some of these high ranking blacks from Carl Blackman at the Chronicle to THE PERMANENT SECRATARIES THEY ALL HAD EXTRA MARITAL AFFIARS WITH iNDIAN WOMEN WHO COULD NOT HAVE HELPED THEMSELVES. So you see what the blackman did with his money.

Reid cousin from Darthmount was sent as a manger for the Corriverton Branch at GNCB, he impregnated three young girls that was working for Bank, at the same time. These young girls were all light skin mof mixed breed. They are all living in the States now with their sons.


I can go on and on!


Carib J shut your mouth and stop blaming Burnham for not assisting his own.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Could someone tell me what penis size have to do with Burnham ban on flour,sardines, channa and potatoes. I just don't get it.


It means that Burnham is to blame because the average PPP supporter is less endowed than the average PNC supporter.

Now I know why Iam not PPP supporter..

True.  Indeed you used to tell me that I should be happy for all that Burnham did for black people.  I still am trying to figure out what he did apart from destroying them.

They destroyed themselves. Under Burnham blacks were handed everything, from jobs to houses to cars, what did they do with the opportunity? They belawe every blasted thing. Stop blaming Burnham, he tried for his people but the people did not make use of what was given to them. When given lemon please make lemonade.

An entire village on the West Coast Of Berbice, Bath Settlement, tok advantage of the ban on onions, they started planting shallots. Next thing you know brand new houses were being constructed and the face of Bath Settlement changed and that is just one example.


Remember when Burnham hosted the Non Aligned Conference AND Carifesta  in GT IN 1972? Well let me remind you, he built Festival City with over 500 houses, who recieved those houses after Carifest, 95 % were blacks. He imported the aUTIN mAXIS WHO GOT THOSE CARSA AFTER THE FESTIVAL? 95%BLACKS.

Carib J you are ungrateful to Burnham to deny that he did not give blacks preference and the opportunity to make some thing out for themselves.


Dr PTOLEMY rEID IS ON RECORD AT ONE OF THE CONGRESS AT MANCHESTER GOV'T SCHOOL WHEN HE WARNED COMRADES and he did not mix words. He said THAT every civil servant during the Guystac and Guy everything days, want an outside woman or girlfriend and who you think they wanted an Indian woman. Some of these high ranking blacks from Carl Blackman at the Chronicle to THE PERMANENT SECRATARIES THEY ALL HAD EXTRA MARITAL AFFIARS WITH iNDIAN WOMEN WHO COULD NOT HAVE HELPED THEMSELVES. So you see what the blackman did with his money.

Reid cousin from Darthmount was sent as a manger for the Corriverton Branch at GNCB, he impregnated three young girls that was working for Bank, at the same time. These young girls were all light skin mof mixed breed. They are all living in the States now with their sons.


I can go on and on!


Carib J shut your mouth and stop blaming Burnham for not assisting his own.

i am still trying to wrap my head around this 'riposte' to CaribJ by Chief


. . . needed to check a few times to confirm that baseman hadn't hijacked Chief's nic


Guyana will never truly progress until the ignar race men (especially the ACTORS) brought to adulthood in the times of Jagan & Burnham grow old and DIE OUT!


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