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Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Based on what the politicians are saying there is no chance of a coalition between the AFC and the PPP. What does this mean for the ordinary PPP supporter? It simply means a vote for the AFC automatically translates to a vote for the PNC. Story done!

My generation of East Indian don't see big bad blackman bogeymen coming to kill us like yours. So your race baiting don't matter anymore. Now is time for cooperation and working together. 

My friend, do I need to remind you of the years you spent with Ravi Dev's ROAR working tirelessly to convince PPP supporters that they are not being protected by their party in gov't against the anti-Indian PNC?  The brutal attacks on Indians in Guyana goes on unabately and the PNC never condemns any of it. On the contrary, they provide legal support to blacks who carried out acts of murder against Indo-Guyanese. A perfect example of such support is Robert Corbin's public annoucement that the PNC will provide free attorneys to represent those charged with the massacre at Lusignan.


Shame on you Mr. Economist.


Dude...the PPP did not protect East Indians, period! The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP is the enemy from within. The East Indian population has declined from 52% to 43%. The Hinhu population declined from 37% to 26% under PPP. The PPP has broken all the norms of governance and have opened the East Indians to vulnerability. You cannot talk about brutal attacks and not have a state-sponsored Inquiry. What has the PPP done to address these attacks and insecurities other than forming alliances and tacit collusion with drug pushers? Hence making it harder for the legitimate East Indian capitalists to do legal businesses. The PPP is the bane of East Indians. The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP cabal is the enemy from within. Jokers like you, Ravi Dev, Bisram and Ramcharra fail to take this dimension into account. 



TK did you say this:



The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP cabal is the enemy from within. Jokers like you, Ravi Dev, Bisram and Ramcharra fail to take this dimension into account.



Did you call your old political MENTOR A JOKER - RAVI DEV?



Please explain thank you.


I hope by next Christmas you will not be calling Khemraj Ramjattan an a-hole.

Are you having reading problems? 



I was not attacking you, I was trying to save your arrogant ass since it is there for all to see that you called RAVI DEV a joker and I know that message will get back to him since he has many friends on this BLOG. 


The honorable thing to do, if you did not mean to call Ravi Dev a joker, is withdraw the comment.


If you are however denying that you did not call RAVI DEV a joker then you can be DEEMED an LIAR which make you BAD for politics and no better that Jugdeow.

Anyone who writes for Guyana Times and justifies the elected oligarchy on racial reasoning is a joker. Anyone who fails to acknowledge the damage the PPP has done to East Indians is a joker. And I know who you are. Don't mess with me. I am not a sentimental coolie and coward to hide what I say behind strange handles. 

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Based on what the politicians are saying there is no chance of a coalition between the AFC and the PPP. What does this mean for the ordinary PPP supporter? It simply means a vote for the AFC automatically translates to a vote for the PNC. Story done!

My generation of East Indian don't see big bad blackman bogeymen coming to kill us like yours. So your race baiting don't matter anymore. Now is time for cooperation and working together. 

My friend, do I need to remind you of the years you spent with Ravi Dev's ROAR working tirelessly to convince PPP supporters that they are not being protected by their party in gov't against the anti-Indian PNC?  The brutal attacks on Indians in Guyana goes on unabately and the PNC never condemns any of it. On the contrary, they provide legal support to blacks who carried out acts of murder against Indo-Guyanese. A perfect example of such support is Robert Corbin's public annoucement that the PNC will provide free attorneys to represent those charged with the massacre at Lusignan.


Shame on you Mr. Economist.


Dude...the PPP did not protect East Indians, period! The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP is the enemy from within. The East Indian population has declined from 52% to 43%. The Hinhu population declined from 37% to 26% under PPP. The PPP has broken all the norms of governance and have opened the East Indians to vulnerability. You cannot talk about brutal attacks and not have a state-sponsored Inquiry. What has the PPP done to address these attacks and insecurities other than forming alliances and tacit collusion with drug pushers? Hence making it harder for the legitimate East Indian capitalists to do legal businesses. The PPP is the bane of East Indians. The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP cabal is the enemy from within. Jokers like you, Ravi Dev, Bisram and Ramcharra fail to take this dimension into account. 



TK did you say this:



The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP cabal is the enemy from within. Jokers like you, Ravi Dev, Bisram and Ramcharra fail to take this dimension into account.



Did you call your old political MENTOR A JOKER - RAVI DEV?



Please explain thank you.


I hope by next Christmas you will not be calling Khemraj Ramjattan an a-hole.

Are you having reading problems? 



I was not attacking you, I was trying to save your arrogant ass since it is there for all to see that you called RAVI DEV a joker and I know that message will get back to him since he has many friends on this BLOG. 


The honorable thing to do, if you did not mean to call Ravi Dev a joker, is withdraw the comment.


If you are however denying that you did not call RAVI DEV a joker then you can be DEEMED an LIAR which make you BAD for politics and no better that Jugdeow.



The Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP cabal is the enemy from within. Jokers like you, Ravi Dev, Bisram and Ramcharra fail to take this dimension into account.quoted from TK

Then he tell me I have a reading problem.  The brass of some of these people.


You are not going to use your real handle to tell me that crap.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Rev Al and Mr Joker and Davin:


one factory you comrades are not recognizing.


The AFC finance men are abject Indo-Guyanese racist similar to Visnu Bisram message.


I do not think the AFC will join the PNC.




I would ask you to withdraw the comment about the financiers being Indo-Guyanese racists. It is patently untrue and insulting to some good people I know.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Moses is the only living politician in Guyana who can steal votes from the PPP at this present moment.



If Moses has as much faith in himself as you have in him, he'll do wonders in the next election if he is, indeed, the AFC's presidential candidate..


By the way, dont be surprised to see Nigel and Trotty put the royal screw on poor Moses---I'd be very surprised if he is the AFC's presidential candidate---he is longing to be the AFC's presidential candidate---but he'll likely be screwed.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:



If Moses has as much faith in himself as you have in him, he'll do wonders in the next election if he is, indeed, the AFC's presidential candidate..


By the way, dont be surprised to see Nigel and Trotty put the royal screw on poor Moses---I'd be very surprised if he is the AFC's presidential candidate---he is longing to be the AFC's presidential candidate---but he'll likely be screwed.



Hello Rev Al:


Firstly let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year.


Secondly thanks to AMRAL, for approving my application on Dec 26th 2012 to join this forum.


Thirdly - My name is Sasenarine Singh.


Fourthly - I have no interest in bantering who is right and who is wrong but to focus on the developmental issues and the purely political issues.  I am way too busy to do anything else. 


The elections are over and the next one will be in 4 years time (all this talk of snap election is just HOT AIR).  During that time we should all focus on the people issues and how to help the poor and the working class improve their lot.


To our debate:


In your answer to another blogger you mentions that "don't be surprised to see Nigel and Trotty putting the royal screw on poor Moses..."


Politics will always have intrigues and political maneuverings but to say the above is being very economical with the truth.


If you know a GOOD human being like Nigel Hughes you would know that your thoughts are misplaced.


But let us pretend you are CORRECT?  What would be the reaction of the ordinary Guyanese voters to the reality if your wish comes through?


I have my personal views but I hold my peace FOR NOW.

Originally Posted by SS:
Hello Rev Al:


Firstly let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year.


Welcome aboard Sase and best wishes in the New year---may you enjoy the best of health.



To our debate:


In your answer to another blogger you mentions that "don't be surprised to see Nigel and Trotty putting the royal screw on poor Moses..."


Politics will always have intrigues and political maneuverings but to say the above is being very economical with the truth.


Wasn't Moses led to believe last year the AFC would nominate him as speaker ? Well, Trotty ended up as speaker! What happened ? Looks like Moses was royally screwed---Trotty and Granger worked out a deal behind Moses' back. Right now Moses' name is being tossed around as the AFC's presidential candidate in the next election---Moses shouldn't get his hopes up too high---he'll likely be screwed again.



If you know a GOOD human being like Nigel Hughes you would know that your thoughts are misplaced.






But let us pretend you are CORRECT?  What would be the reaction of the ordinary Guyanese voters to the reality if your wish comes through?


What do you mean by ordinary Guyanese voters ?


Listen! Moses has been around for decades and is well loved and respected by many Indo Guyanese, particularly Berbicians.


Now, If Moses were to be the AFC's presidential candidate and if Ramotar's PPP is still perceived to be complacent and corrupt when the next election rolls around, then clearly Moses will add 5 to 10% to the 10.3% Ramjattan received---and that could spell trouble for the PPP holding onto the presidency.


On the other hand, if Nigel and Trotty were to plunge the knife in Moses' back and deny him the opportunity to be the AFC's presidential candidate---then that would doom the AFC---they'll be history.










Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by SS:
Hello Rev Al:


Firstly let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year.


Welcome aboard Sase and best wishes in the New year---may you enjoy the best of health.



To our debate:


In your answer to another blogger you mentions that "don't be surprised to see Nigel and Trotty putting the royal screw on poor Moses..."


Politics will always have intrigues and political maneuverings but to say the above is being very economical with the truth.


Wasn't Moses led to believe last year the AFC would nominate him as speaker ? Well, Trotty ended up as speaker! What happened ? Looks like Moses was royally screwed---Trotty and Granger worked out a deal behind Moses' back. Right now Moses' name is being tossed around as the AFC's presidential candidate in the next election---Moses shouldn't get his hopes up too high---he'll likely be screwed again.



If you know a GOOD human being like Nigel Hughes you would know that your thoughts are misplaced.






But let us pretend you are CORRECT?  What would be the reaction of the ordinary Guyanese voters to the reality if your wish comes through?


What do you mean by ordinary Guyanese voters ?


Listen! Moses has been around for decades and is well loved and respected by many Indo Guyanese, particularly Berbicians.


Now, If Moses were to be the AFC's presidential candidate and if Ramotar's PPP is still perceived to be complacent and corrupt when the next election rolls around, then clearly Moses will add 5 to 10% to the 10.3% Ramjattan received---and that could spell trouble for the PPP holding onto the presidency.


On the other hand, if Nigel and Trotty were to plunge the knife in Moses' back and deny him the opportunity to be the AFC's presidential candidate---then that would doom the AFC---they'll be history.










Hello Rev:



Wasn't Moses led to believe last year the AFC would nominate him as speaker ? Well, Trotty ended up as speaker! What happened ? Looks like Moses was royally screwed---Trotty and Granger worked out a deal behind Moses' back. Right now Moses' name is being tossed around as the AFC's presidential candidate in the next election---Moses shouldn't get his hopes up too high---he'll likely be screwed again.


The AFC got its own GT based leadership council so I cannot speak on their behalf.

What I can say is that Team AFC is not in control of Team Granger and visa versa.


Team Granger has made some decisions that did not meet the criteria of political transparency in the past.


1.  The issue of Speakership was one point where Team Granger did not find favour with MOSES but in the end it worked to Moses favour.

TODAY because of his political work and his political pedigree, he is the front runner as the next Presidential Candidate of the AFC.

If he was Speaker he would not have had the latitude to do such a high quality of political work with the people.

2.  VERY IMPORTANT  - Team Granger foisted their candidate into GECOM rather than follow traditions of reserving one seat for the minority opposition party.  That was a "royal screwing" if I am permitted to use your words.

But you must know politics is about the PRESENT MOMENT and even though those past experiences left a severe crisis of trust in place between the AFC and the APNU, we all as Guyanese have to continue to cautiously trust to progress the National Development Agenda.

Similarly, when the AFC voted in favour of the PPP and not with the APNU in the Dec 17th sitting of Parliament, I did not see that as a front page item in the Chronicle?  This is a clear indication that when the PPP is right the AFC will vote with them and when they are wrong - against.

The AFC will act as the conscience of the nation.


That is why we can rubbish all that idle talk of APNU/AFC political alliance.



The reality the PNC is closer to the PPP ideologically than it is to the AFC.


Originally Posted by SS:
the PNC is closer to the PPP ideologically than it is to the AFC.




The Rev respects your point of view. You strike me as being intelligent and well informed.


Now Sase, it's important for you to understand that given Guyana's historical voting pattern, there is zero chance of a 3rd party like the AFC ever winning a general election--ZERO!


In the last election the AFC, energized by Moses leaving the PPP and joining them, captured 10.3% of the votes---many Berbicians who supported the AFC were shocked by that 10.3%---they were led to believe that they AFC would win it all---they received just 10.3% of the vote.




And there is a ceiling, in terms of percentage of votes received, by 3rd parties---I believe the maximum percentage of votes a 3rd party in Guyana has ever received was 12%---and so the AFC is pretty close to bumping into that ceiling.


Poster Henry made a valid point in another thread that the AFC's novelty has dissipated. We shall find out how much that novelty has eroded in the next election---if they get less than 10% of the votes---they are history.


You said, "the PNC is closer ideologically to the PPP than it is to the AFC." Well sase, you are correct. And those 2 ideologically similar parties, the PPP and PNC, will likely capture 90% of the vote in the next election.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by SS:
the PNC is closer to the PPP ideologically than it is to the AFC.




The Rev respects your point of view. You strike me as being intelligent and well informed.


Now Sase, it's important for you to understand that given Guyana's historical voting pattern, there is zero chance of a 3rd party like the AFC ever winning a general election--ZERO!


In the last election the AFC, energized by Moses leaving the PPP and joining them, captured 10.3% of the votes---many Berbicians who supported the AFC were shocked by that 10.3%---they were led to believe that they AFC would win it all---they received just 10.3% of the vote.




And there is a ceiling, in terms of percentage of votes received, by 3rd parties---I believe the maximum percentage of votes a 3rd party in Guyana has ever received was 12%---and so the AFC is pretty close to bumping into that ceiling.


Poster Henry made a valid point in another thread that the AFC's novelty has dissipated. We shall find out how much that novelty has eroded in the next election---if they get less than 10% of the votes---they are history.


You said, "the PNC is closer ideologically to the PPP than it is to the AFC." Well sase, you are correct. And those 2 ideologically similar parties, the PPP and PNC, will likely capture 90% of the vote in the next election.







Uncle Rev you right.


The PPP will win the plurality again!

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

So let's back up a little and assume you are right. Say the PNC wins the election with 35 to 40%, which is best case for them, do you really believe those big bad blackman bogeyman you dream of at nights will take everything and form the next dictatorship? 



The world has changed and Guyana has changed. Dictatorships are a thing of the past.


Listen! If the Guyanese people choose to vote the PPP out of office, I expect the country to continue making progress, and I also expect the PNC will try their best to prove to Guyanese that they are, indeed, capable of running the country efficiently.


My thinking right now is the PPP should not run the country forever---that's not good for a democracy---sometime in the future the PPP will be voted out of office---complacency and corruptness caused the PPP to lose their majority in the last election---they may very well lose the presidency in the next election if the complacency and corruptness continues.


There is a good chance Moses and the AFC can help make Granger the next president of Guyana----and like I said---progress in Guyana will continue.




Your tune has improved substantially. 

TK, don't fall for this claptrap, bro.  Rev (Paul Chandra) is engaging in the same race-baiting he always does.  He is just trying to get an AFCite to agree with his "analysis" for propaganda purposes.


Ronald is right, the PNC's votes are maxed out.  Moreover, Granger will not be their next candidate (age being a major factor), and the AFC will not only draw from the PPP, as he is implying, but will draw even more from the PNC.  


Granger was the PNC's last hurrah, and now that their base feels betrayed, especially because of the events of Linden, many will not vote, and many will switch to the AFC.  A similar fate awaits the PPP, though the amount of absentees there will be greater, and the amount crossing over to the AFC smaller.


The PPP will put great effort to suppressing the fact the AFC will draw from both the PPP and PNC.  Hence, the Rev's narrative here.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

So let's back up a little and assume you are right. Say the PNC wins the election with 35 to 40%, which is best case for them, do you really believe those big bad blackman bogeyman you dream of at nights will take everything and form the next dictatorship? 



The world has changed and Guyana has changed. Dictatorships are a thing of the past.


Listen! If the Guyanese people choose to vote the PPP out of office, I expect the country to continue making progress, and I also expect the PNC will try their best to prove to Guyanese that they are, indeed, capable of running the country efficiently.


My thinking right now is the PPP should not run the country forever---that's not good for a democracy---sometime in the future the PPP will be voted out of office---complacency and corruptness caused the PPP to lose their majority in the last election---they may very well lose the presidency in the next election if the complacency and corruptness continues.


There is a good chance Moses and the AFC can help make Granger the next president of Guyana----and like I said---progress in Guyana will continue.




Your tune has improved substantially. 

TK, don't fall for this claptrap, bro.  Rev (Paul Chandra) is engaging in the same race-baiting he always does.  He is just trying to get an AFCite to agree with his "analysis" for propaganda purposes.


Ronald is right, the PNC's votes are maxed out.  Moreover, Granger will not be their next candidate (age being a major factor), and the AFC will not only draw from the PPP, as he is implying, but will draw even more from the PNC.  


Granger was the PNC's last hurrah, and now that their base feels betrayed, especially because of the events of Linden, many will not vote, and many will switch to the AFC.  A similar fate awaits the PPP, though the amount of absentees there will be greater, and the amount crossing over to the AFC smaller.


The PPP will put great effort to suppressing the fact the AFC will draw from both the PPP and PNC.  Hence, the Rev's narrative here.

Sounds like a dog catching it's tail.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Just as you have provided no evidence that the PPP sought to collaborate with the AFC, but preach that the AFC does not want to collaborate, you again make a sweeping statement with no evidence.  


Or is it because mostly blacks died under the PPP's watch, it makes them less murderous?  Or is widespread white collar crime, including the destruction of NIS, less debilitating to our nation than Burnham flying horses to Mathews Ridge?


But if I am missing something though, I'd be grateful for the evidence toward both of your assertions.  Thanks, and I wish you all the best in the coming new year.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



I totally agree that a vote for the AFC results in a PNC Minority Presidency. So what?


How can that possibly be worse than the current kleptocracy?

You would have to be quite a young fellow to not know the answer to that question.


So its a choice between a Black dominated kleptocracy and an Indian dominated kleptocracy is it?


If those are the only two choices, I would go for the thieves who tief less which is clearly our Black kleptocrats.

I would go with the thief who did not kill the goose while stealing the eggs.  In real terms the PNC stole much more than the PPP did.  Furthermore, the PNC destroyed by stealing and stole by destroying.  If they are "stealing", then they are more thoughtful about the implications.

Stealing by the PNC can never match what this current PPP government is currently siphoning from the treasury on a daily basis. The country did not fall into bankruptcy because of PNC stealing but because of the socialist/nationalization policies pursued by the PNC which stifled investment and growth. A strategy which was by the way endorsed by the communist PPP via "Critical Support". The current Jagdeo/Rummouthar cabal is exponentially the biggest tiefin government in the history of Guyana and you trying to revise history can never change that. 


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