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Rev said to Gerhard:


The PPP still controls the executive branch--that is where the milk and honey is my bwoy and as long as the PPP controls the executive branch they cannot be doomed.



Well this is exactly the point, the nation cannot develop with patrimony of the people going away from the people into the PPP pocket.


Rev Al, your mental analysis of this situation in itself is corrupt.






Rev Al said to Gerhard:


Right now, Granger, Ramjattan, Hughes, Trotman, etc, etc are drooling to get a taste of the "milk and honey" that is flowing in the executive branch.hahahaha


Listen! The AFC and PNC could win an addition 5 seats in parliament in the next election---NO BIGGIE---as long as the PPP controls the executive branch---the PPP politicians will continue to enrich themselves.



Well I am happy with Rev conceding that the AFC will win 5 more seat and that is a big plus.  As long as the voters are prepared for more seats for the AFC, that is comforting since to dismantle this PPP will take time.


But in the end the PPP and all their corrupt henchmen will fall.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop: 

. . . they project their nastiness on others.  Flawed thinking, but perfectly logical for the PPP and their ilk.

Indeed Gerhard . . . this is a flimsy garment much clutched-at by scoundrels and criminals after they have been stripped naked

That's right, bro.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

...It's a fitting irony that the PPP is doomed because of people like you.




The PPP still controls the executive branch--that is where the milk and honey is my bwoy---the bribes, the payoffs, the under the table deals, the payola, etc, etc---and as long as the PPP controls the executive branch they cannot be doomed.


Right now, Granger, Ramjattan, Hughes, Trotman, etc, etc are drooling to get a taste of the "milk and honey" that is flowing in the executive branch.hahahaha


Listen! The AFC and PNC could win an addition 5 seats in parliament in the next election---NO BIGGIE---as long as the PPP controls the executive branch---the PPP politicians will continue to enrich themselves.




Right now you might fancy yourself an honest man Gerhard---but if you are every blessed to control a ministry---you'll find it impossible to refuse the "gifts".hahahahahaha







Well said Rev! All ah dem waitin fu de milk an honey. It's the political culture in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev can you answer this Question



The daughter of the late leaders then pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values.


Jalil bhai:


Nadira may be a woman of impeccable honesty and integrity, just like her father was a man of impecable honesty and integrity.


But Nadira needs to understand what the Rev has been preaching"


There is no such thing as an honest politician.


The PPP politicians are only doing what most politicians do---use their power as a leverage to fill their pockets.


The moola is in the executive branch jalil---not the parliament---every single deal that is done in Guyana---a PPP politician benefits financially.


Right now the opposition politicians in parliament are steaming with envy and jealousy---that want in on the action---but they can only get a piece of the action if they are in the executive branch.


When PNC/AFC politicians talk about power sharing---what they really want is a few ministries in the executive branch---in that way---they will be able to share in the milk and honey.hahahaha


Ramjattan, Granger, Trotman, Hughes---thay all want milk and honey jalil bhai.hahahaha


Listen jalil---the Rev prides himself in being bluntly honest.


When yuh tief--yuh must tief big--and dem PPP boys tiefing big---$$$$---millions(US).hahahaha





Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Well said Rev! All ah dem waitin fu de milk an honey. It's the political culture in Guyana.

Correction, it is the political culture of the PPP and PNC, two parties that were originally one.  A vote for the PPP is a vote for the PNC and vice versa.  This is where the AFC comes in to bring real change in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Well said Rev! All ah dem waitin fu de milk an honey. It's the political culture in Guyana.

Correction, it is the political culture of the PPP and PNC, two parties that were originally one.  A vote for the PPP is a vote for the PNC and vice versa.  This is where the AFC comes in to bring real change in Guyana.


The only honest politicians I ever met were Dr Jagan and Jimmy Carter. All the rest are corrupt all over the world, especially the attorneys. The attorneys fall in the same category as used car salesmen. 

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Well said Rev! All ah dem waitin fu de milk an honey. It's the political culture in Guyana.

Correction, it is the political culture of the PPP and PNC, two parties that were originally one.  A vote for the PPP is a vote for the PNC and vice versa.  This is where the AFC comes in to bring real change in Guyana.

GR, You, Moses are Ramjhaaatan and Nigel are the WORST thieved on the Planet. Al Yuh aint fooling anyone, the people are aware of your intentions!!! Al YUh screaming fire at a Cremation but the people know very well that Fires are necessary at such an event.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

When yuh tief--yuh must tief big--and dem PPP boys tiefing big---$$$$---millions(US). hahahaha



nice to see you kvelling with pride . . .


shouldn't you be spending more quality time cutting & pasting graphics celebrating/calling for the lynching of those opposed to these crimes you encourage

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

A vote for the PPP is a vote for the PNC and vice versa.  This is where the AFC comes in to bring real change in Guyana.

AFC leader Ramjattan is a lawyer! Hasn't he been accused of mishandling the financial affairs of some of his clients ?


Could you imagine if a Ramjattan were to me a member of the executive branch when the milk and honey flows freely ?



Lawyers Ramjattan, Moses, Trotman, Hughes---and flower shop man Gerhard Ramsaroop--they'll make the PPP politicans look like amateurs if they ever control the executive branch--when it comes to feasting on the milk and honey.hahahaha







Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:



 Well I am happy with Rev conceding that the AFC will win 5 more seat and that is a big plus.  As long as the voters are prepared for more seats for the AFC, that is comforting since to dismantle this PPP will take time.


But in the end the PPP and all their corrupt henchmen will fall.





Sure the PPP's reign will one day come to an end, but make no mistake, whoever replaces the PPP will continue sucking on the milk and honey that flows in the executive branch.


Only a gullible, naive soul will claim that the party replacing the PPP will be honest, principled, upright and trustworthy.


Like I said before--right now opposition politicians like Ramjattan, Trotman, Hughes, Nagamootoo, Granger, etc, etc---they are drooling for a piece of theaction---they are dying to suck on the milk and honey that flows in the executive branch.


It's all about the milk and honey Ronald--that's what the politicians are fighting for.




Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

It's all about the milk and honey Ronald--that's what the PPP is fighting for.




Yea Rev, what you think everyone is fighting for, to get their hands on the cookie jar. The PNC feels it's their turn to resume.

I don't doubt that, the PPP and PNC are the same after all.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Well said Rev! All ah dem waitin fu de milk an honey. It's the political culture in Guyana.

Correction, it is the political culture of the PPP and PNC, two parties that were originally one.  A vote for the PPP is a vote for the PNC and vice versa.  This is where the AFC comes in to bring real change in Guyana.

GR, You, Moses are Ramjhaaatan and Nigel are the WORST thieved on the Planet. Al Yuh aint fooling anyone, the people are aware of your intentions!!! Al YUh screaming fire at a Cremation but the people know very well that Fires are necessary at such an event.



By your own words you are a thiefman feasting on poke cuttahs and henny paid for by poor taxpayers of Guyana. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Well said Rev! All ah dem waitin fu de milk an honey. It's the political culture in Guyana.

Correction, it is the political culture of the PPP and PNC, two parties that were originally one.  A vote for the PPP is a vote for the PNC and vice versa.  This is where the AFC comes in to bring real change in Guyana.

GR, You, Moses are Ramjhaaatan and Nigel are the WORST thieved on the Planet. Al Yuh aint fooling anyone, the people are aware of your intentions!!! Al YUh screaming fire at a Cremation but the people know very well that Fires are necessary at such an event.



By your own words you are a thiefman feasting on poke cuttahs and henny paid for by poor taxpayers of Guyana. 

HEHEHE Rewind and come again FOOL!!


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