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Chief it won't work in Guyana. The English shipped over the worst bunch of cheal Indian labour that they could find. The Dutch hand picked each individual they shipped to Suriname, and shipped back to India the ones that misbehaved. However, many of the bad Indians were sent to Essequibo by the Dutch when that part of Guyana still belonged to the Dutch. There those bad Indians remained till today. They have spread their bad genes all over the country since then.

The blacks were also outcasts from the slave markets. So Guyana is populated by two racial groups that were selected from low quality stock. So we are stuck with the problem.


Chief, what you mean by you "tried hear" you wanna hear him say it, or you think he should say it?


There is absolutely no reason Guyanese cannot live in harmony. If my family could do it together why can't others? 


AHAAAA just got it, yall need to have a lil bit putagee in yall blood, that's it

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

If that is what you hear him say then you are listening more to the echoes of your own thoughts.


He has a solution to the question. I know it because I debated it often with him.


And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad. Their problem is not as ours either but they do have their divisive and acrimonious politics.


Originally Posted by Danyael:


And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad. Their problem is not as ours either but they do have their divisive and acrimonious politics.


I can't speak for Trinidad, but in Suriname you won't find an Indian or Black person cussing down each other in terms of racial status. 

Originally Posted by cain:

Chief, it's those like the yugi's and the Cobra's that's got Guyana the way it is. How many posters on this board do we see spreading the race venom like those fellas?

Bull. It is Putagees taht rob the Blackman taht mek him tun out taht way. Angry at the whites, angry at the coolies. If the putagee din rob the people of their inherent rights, we all be happy. Blasted putagees curse the country wid them racists reference to the bruddahs.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

If that is what you hear him say then you are listening more to the echoes of your own thoughts.


He has a solution to the question. I know it because I debated it often with him.


And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad. Their problem is not as ours either but they do have their divisive and acrimonious politics.


Please tell me. Is not echo of what inside head. What is his solution?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:

Chief, it's those like the yugi's and the Cobra's that's got Guyana the way it is. How many posters on this board do we see spreading the race venom like those fellas?

Bull. It is Putagees taht rob the Blackman taht mek him tun out taht way. Angry at the whites, angry at the coolies. If the putagee din rob the people of their inherent rights, we all be happy. Blasted putagees curse the country wid them racists reference to the bruddahs.

You lookin for a jumbie lash nuh

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

If that is what you hear him say then you are listening more to the echoes of your own thoughts.


He has a solution to the question. I know it because I debated it often with him.


And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad. Their problem is not as ours either but they do have their divisive and acrimonious politics.


Please tell me. Is not echo of what inside head. What is his solution?

He believes acknowledging our racial divide and taking definite steps to address it is a beginning step. He acknowledge the racism, the ethnic fear and the political alienation of each group from the other. He believes this means sitting down to fabricate a new constitution. He and I do not differ in that respect even though the order and how this is to come about diverge.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:

Chief, it's those like the yugi's and the Cobra's that's got Guyana the way it is. How many posters on this board do we see spreading the race venom like those fellas?

Bull. It is Putagees taht rob the Blackman taht mek him tun out taht way. Angry at the whites, angry at the coolies. If the putagee din rob the people of their inherent rights, we all be happy. Blasted putagees curse the country wid them racists reference to the bruddahs.

You lookin for a jumbie lash nuh

But is true. The putagee impoverished and marginalized the people before the East Indians arrived. Get some history from the Carnegie Library in GT and read it all

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

If that is what you hear him say then you are listening more to the echoes of your own thoughts.


He has a solution to the question. I know it because I debated it often with him.


And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad. Their problem is not as ours either but they do have their divisive and acrimonious politics.


Please tell me. Is not echo of what inside head. What is his solution?

He believes acknowledging our racial divide and taking definite steps to address it is a beginning step. He acknowledge the racism, the ethnic fear and the political alienation of each group from the other. He believes this means sitting down to fabricate a new constitution. He and I do not differ in that respect even though the order and how this is to come about diverge.

Yuh know. Sometime back you mentioned Exceptional Persons. I liked that term. Caribj should be such a person-he should go to Corentyne and do something good for some Indian people. He would demonstrate a way forward. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh know. Sometime back you mentioned Exceptional Persons. I liked that term. Caribj should be such a person-he should go to Corentyne and do something good for some Indian people. He would demonstrate a way forward. 

Much easier for YOU to stop praying fuh black man dead, you old racist skont! 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:

Chief, it's those like the yugi's and the Cobra's that's got Guyana the way it is. How many posters on this board do we see spreading the race venom like those fellas?

Bull. It is Putagees taht rob the Blackman taht mek him tun out taht way. Angry at the whites, angry at the coolies. If the putagee din rob the people of their inherent rights, we all be happy. Blasted putagees curse the country wid them racists reference to the bruddahs.

You lookin for a jumbie lash nuh

But is true. The putagee impoverished and marginalized the people before the East Indians arrived. Get some history from the Carnegie Library in GT and read it all

More HOLEY stories from ahwe "pastor" man. full of holes and flat out lies. To this day, go to any Guyanese gathering you see putagee and black man together. To the extent that backward tribalists like you scream that black man and putagee suppress alyuh.See Burnham / D'Aguiar.


No matter wheh alyuh kkk indians guh, alyuh is always victims and in the next breath boast of the wealthy alyuh gat in the supposed "oppressive" society. Find another trick.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:

Chief, it's those like the yugi's and the Cobra's that's got Guyana the way it is. How many posters on this board do we see spreading the race venom like those fellas?

Bull. It is Putagees taht rob the Blackman taht mek him tun out taht way. Angry at the whites, angry at the coolies. If the putagee din rob the people of their inherent rights, we all be happy. Blasted putagees curse the country wid them racists reference to the bruddahs.

You lookin for a jumbie lash nuh

But is true. The putagee impoverished and marginalized the people before the East Indians arrived. Get some history from the Carnegie Library in GT and read it all

More HOLEY stories from ahwe "pastor" man. full of holes and flat out lies. To this day, go to any Guyanese gathering you see putagee and black man together. To the extent that backward tribalists like you scream that black man and putagee suppress alyuh.See Burnham / D'Aguiar.


No matter wheh alyuh kkk indians guh, alyuh is always victims and in the next breath boast of the wealthy alyuh gat in the supposed "oppressive" society. Find another trick.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by cain:

Chief, it's those like the yugi's and the Cobra's that's got Guyana the way it is. How many posters on this board do we see spreading the race venom like those fellas?

Bull. It is Putagees taht rob the Blackman taht mek him tun out taht way. Angry at the whites, angry at the coolies. If the putagee din rob the people of their inherent rights, we all be happy. Blasted putagees curse the country wid them racists reference to the bruddahs.

You lookin for a jumbie lash nuh

But is true. The putagee impoverished and marginalized the people before the East Indians arrived. Get some history from the Carnegie Library in GT and read it all

More HOLEY stories from ahwe "pastor" man. full of holes and flat out lies. To this day, go to any Guyanese gathering you see putagee and black man together. To the extent that backward tribalists like you scream that black man and putagee suppress alyuh.See Burnham / D'Aguiar.


No matter wheh alyuh kkk indians guh, alyuh is always victims and in the next breath boast of the wealthy alyuh gat in the supposed "oppressive" society. Find another trick.


And who deh pon welfare and complaining?

Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

Chief if you are going to proceed to distort my statements then you are NOT interesting in engaging with me.


Every commentary I state


BOTH races are guilty of racism


BOTH races have suffered from the racism of the other


NEITHER race will move forward, until this is resolved




BOTH races have to make efforts to do so.


But what have we hear?  YOU and Kari claiming that blacks must apologize to Indians for there to be any movement.  At NO time is there any discussion of the role that Indians must play.  Or even any desire to admit that Indian racism is as much a factor as is African racism.


In addition please don't fool yourself that Trinidad and Suriname are any better than Guyana. 


Trinidad has a very powerful, even though numerically small, white business elite, which means that power isn't defined purely as an Afro vs. Indo battle. 


But I can very quickly find evidence that all isn't a perfect as you, and some Trinidadians wish to pretend.


1.  Clearly voting is racial.  Just look at where the PNM and UNC win.  PNM will NEVER win Caroni, and it is unlikely that the UNC (on its own with an Indo candidate) will win Tobago, or Port of Spain.


2.  Up to the 90s there was widespread complaints that blacks and dark skinned Indians were being denied entry to certain nightspots, as they were deemed undesirable. 


3.  A white HR professional revealed that as late as the 90s certain codes were used by certain PRIVATE companies to suggest that they only wanted to be sent light skinned candidates to be interviewed.


Is this evidence of harmony, or that of certain people with a vested interest wanting to keep certain facts from being discussed?


Suriname has FOUR major ethnic groups, with the two largest, the Indians and the Creoles accounting for just over half of the population.  They have developed a complex way of distributing ethnic patronage, and have a bloated civil service as a result.  Is Suriname ONE nation, or FOUR with several minority groups?


Brazil is a country where various groups live in harmony, and it is also one where there is tremendous racial inequality.  The mere fact that some are intimidated into not aggressively fighting for their economic and political space doesn't mean that there is true equality.


I detect on GNI that 90% of the Indians wish that Afro Guyanese were like their Afro Brazilian counterparts, content to be seen, but not heard, and accepting of a subordinate role, where they will remain solely involved in keeping the rest of the population entertained.


The history of the English speaking Caribbean precludes that which you desire.

Originally Posted by cain:

Chief, it's those like the yugi's and the Cobra's that's got Guyana the way it is. How many posters on this board do we see spreading the race venom like those fellas?

Please note that VVP, VishMahabir, Chief and Kari NEVER condemn the racism of the Indo KKK.  Nor do they suggest that the African ethnic insecurity dilemma, created by the perception that this behavior is widespread (encouraged by Jagdeo's screams) needs as much attending to as does the Indian dilemma.


What they want caribny to do is to be the good little negro who grovels at the knee of the Indian, kiss his toes, and beg for forgiveness.  THEN maybe the minimal racism which they MIGHT admit exists around Indians MIGHT be reduced IF Indians accept the apology.


The implication clearly being that Africans are the cause of the problem, and so it is up to them to fix it.  When they don't do so unilaterally, then they are accused of being anti Indian.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad.


In fact Kari right here on GNI accused the Javanese of being traitors because, according to him, they don't form a pan Asian alliance with the Indians, against Creole domination. 


The Creole vs. Maroon animosity is well known, and there was even a civil war as a result of this.


I have a feeling that ethnic identities in Suriname are much stronger than they are in Guyana, and its only carefully orchestrated accommodations, plus the fact that it is 4 and not 2 ethnicities, that prevents the Guyana style conflict.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

But is true. The putagee impoverished and marginalized the people before the East Indians arrived. Get some history from the Carnegie Library in GT and read it all

There are two Portuguese left in Guyana, and racists like Jagdeo and the Guyana Times.  Even if they did do as you say, of what relevance is that in 2015?


You might as well blame the British, because it is their divide and rule which set the stage for the intense ethnic competition which we see in Guyana, AND Trinidad.

Originally Posted by seignet:
 Caribj should be such a person-he should go to Corentyne and do something good for some Indian people. He would demonstrate a way forward. 

Even though you wish blacks to grovel to Indians and beg forgiveness this black man isn't going to do it.


Now YOU can go to Linden, and grovel to those blacks, and beg them to forgive you for praying that they will live lives of endless poverty.

Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

Don't kid yourself Chief.

  1. The racial distrust exists in Suriname and Trinidad just like in Guyana. It just plays out differently in different environments in all 3 countries.
  2. caribny has no clue of the causes and thus no ideas about a solution. Heck, he can't even frame the issue correctly - "Coolie good, black man bad being the mantra of Indians, my foot!"
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Chief it won't work in Guyana. The English shipped over the worst bunch of cheal Indian labour that they could find. The Dutch hand picked each individual they shipped to Suriname, and shipped back to India the ones that misbehaved. However, many of the bad Indians were sent to Essequibo by the Dutch when that part of Guyana still belonged to the Dutch. There those bad Indians remained till today. They have spread their bad genes all over the country since then.

The blacks were also outcasts from the slave markets. So Guyana is populated by two racial groups that were selected from low quality stock. So we are stuck with the problem.

And this passes for serious analysis???!!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

If that is what you hear him say then you are listening more to the echoes of your own thoughts.


He has a solution to the question. I know it because I debated it often with him.


And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad. Their problem is not as ours either but they do have their divisive and acrimonious politics.


Stop dabbling in hyperbole as you often do. There is "truce"because there has been no war. Distrust and fear do not mean war and thus truce.


Chief probably means he is tired of hearing caribny with his nonsense - coolie good and Indians chanting Blackman lazy and all this talk of Indo KKK.

Originally Posted by Kari:
, he can't even frame the issue correctly - "Coolie good, black man bad being the mantra of Indians, my foot!"

Kari you seem to have issues. CHIEF said that.  Not I.


Now resume your shyness next time cobra and yuji scream that "black man a kill ahbe", even after it is discovered that Indians were to blame.  Apparently you think the same, but are just "quiet".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Chief it won't work in Guyana. The English shipped over the worst bunch of cheal Indian labour that they could find. The Dutch hand picked each individual they shipped to Suriname, and shipped back to India the ones that misbehaved. However, many of the bad Indians were sent to Essequibo by the Dutch when that part of Guyana still belonged to the Dutch. There those bad Indians remained till today. They have spread their bad genes all over the country since then.

The blacks were also outcasts from the slave markets. So Guyana is populated by two racial groups that were selected from low quality stock. So we are stuck with the problem.

And this passes for serious analysis???!!


No more than when you scream that blacks must apologize to Indians, who must stay hands folded, with no obligation to reciprocate.

Originally Posted by Kari:
fear do not mean war and thus truce.


Chief probably means he is tired of hearing caribny with his nonsense - coolie good and Indians chanting Blackman lazy and all this talk of Indo KKK.


OK so Kari FINALLY admits that the Indo racism on GNI doesn't tire him. In fact what tires Kari is when cribny,itaname, and redux discuss it.


Kari every post of yours proves my point.  It isn't that your views differ from the Indo KKK,  its just that you are too shy to say the same thing.


It's simple. The problem is that the natural differences among races get exaggerated in the political arena. If there is a popular multi-ethnic political party we won't be having this conversation.


Caribny, there will always be Indians who feel their religion is superior and their culture is above the rest. Likewise Indian culture will always be seen as backward and the Indians habit of savings and threading where they are familiar will be negatives for blacks. The variable is Muslims of both races; and even here in traditional, non-changing parts of the country there will be differences that would be subject to the hyperbole of political intrusion in their lives.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's simple. The problem is that the natural differences among races get exaggerated in the political arena.

Just your "articulate" way of saying that Indians are superior.


You confirm my views of your attitudes to blacks, with every post of yours.

Bannaz I give up. You're putting value judgement on what is obvious and emotion-neutral and judgement-neutral - Indians and Blacks have differences the same way a man is different from a woman. Sexism is as much a developed trait as is racism. A Black from South Ruimveldt would be unable to immerse himself with tassa and nagara the same way that an Indian from Port Mourant may be unable to do with Ska and Reggae. A white man would not have the same visceral response to Queh Queh amd likewise a Black to whatever the Appalchians do down south.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Bannaz I give up.

Kari one thing that Guyanese do well is engage in cross ethnic involvement in  music, and yes many blacks beat tassa, and Indians have been well involved in Afro Carib culture. Do you know what one of the most outstanding steel pannists in Trinidad was Jit Samaroo. 


And while there is much more cultural fluidity in Trinidad (hence why some think that there is more harmony), this also exists in Guyana.  I suspect much less so in Suriname.


Soca in fact started as a cross fertilization of Indo and Afro Trinidadian drumming styles, with chutney soca doing the same thing in reverse.




The problem is when YOU demand that blacks apologize to Indians, yet getting enraged when Indians are asked to reciprocate.


Why should one race be forced to apologize when it is NO LESS GUILTY than is the other, as Eusi so described in his book on the 60s?


1.  African intellectuals admit the oppression of Indians by the Burnham regime, and the complicity of the African elites, and even much of the African population at large.


Yet they have NOT lost their credibility with the African population!


SO WHY DO YOU SCREAM THAT WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY INDIANS DISTRUST THE PNC, or blacks as a whole?  Clearly there is acknowledgement that there are LEGITIMATE grounds for this!


2.  Africans suffered similarly under the PPP, but people like you get ENRAGED when any mention is made of that.


Where is the acknowledgment from Indians about THAT?  Why do Indians then want t6o discuss the racism of the African WITHOUT admitting to the racism of the Indian.


YOU want to build a whole pyramid to the "moral superiority" of the Indian in terms of ethnic relations and politics in Guyana.  I am a threat to this concept, which is what infuriates the whole pack of you, the Indo racists, and those who PRETEND not to be.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
. A white man would not have the same visceral response to Queh Queh

And yet they rush down to Trinidad and Brazil for carnival.  If Guyana had a higher cultural profile, Kwe Kwe would definitely be of interest to them, as would Masquerade.


Not every one is a cultural "purest" who subscribes to the genetic pre determinants of culture as do you.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I tried hear you screaming coolie bad and blackman good.

Come up with a solution as to how we can make Guyanes live in harmony like in Suriname and Trinidad.

If that is what you hear him say then you are listening more to the echoes of your own thoughts.


He has a solution to the question. I know it because I debated it often with him.


And there is only a tenuous truce in Suriname and Trinidad. Their problem is not as ours either but they do have their divisive and acrimonious politics.


Stop dabbling in hyperbole as you often do. There is "truce"because there has been no war. Distrust and fear do not mean war and thus truce.


Chief probably means he is tired of hearing caribny with his nonsense - coolie good and Indians chanting Blackman lazy and all this talk of Indo KKK.


There is no hyperbole there only a statement of fact. Of course a truce means "no war"!!!!! You are become more a captain obvious than DG.

I do not care what Chief thinks all the time. I concern myself with what he say and address those instances where he is wrong. In this instance he is as wrong as two left feet.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Bannaz I give up.

Kari one thing that Guyanese do well is engage in cross ethnic involvement in  music, and yes many blacks beat tassa, and Indians have been well involved in Afro Carib culture. Do you know what one of the most outstanding steel pannists in Trinidad was Jit Samaroo. 


And while there is much more cultural fluidity in Trinidad (hence why some think that there is more harmony), this also exists in Guyana.  I suspect much less so in Suriname.


Soca in fact started as a cross fertilization of Indo and Afro Trinidadian drumming styles, with chutney soca doing the same thing in reverse.




The problem is when YOU demand that blacks apologize to Indians, yet getting enraged when Indians are asked to reciprocate.


Why should one race be forced to apologize when it is NO LESS GUILTY than is the other, as Eusi so described in his book on the 60s?


1.  African intellectuals admit the oppression of Indians by the Burnham regime, and the complicity of the African elites, and even much of the African population at large.


Yet they have NOT lost their credibility with the African population!


SO WHY DO YOU SCREAM THAT WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY INDIANS DISTRUST THE PNC, or blacks as a whole?  Clearly there is acknowledgement that there are LEGITIMATE grounds for this!


2.  Africans suffered similarly under the PPP, but people like you get ENRAGED when any mention is made of that.


Where is the acknowledgment from Indians about THAT?  Why do Indians then want t6o discuss the racism of the African WITHOUT admitting to the racism of the Indian.


YOU want to build a whole pyramid to the "moral superiority" of the Indian in terms of ethnic relations and politics in Guyana.  I am a threat to this concept, which is what infuriates the whole pack of you, the Indo racists, and those who PRETEND not to be.


Sheer sk0nt!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
. A white man would not have the same visceral response to Queh Queh

And yet they rush down to Trinidad and Brazil for carnival.  If Guyana had a higher cultural profile, Kwe Kwe would definitely be of interest to them, as would Masquerade.


Not every one is a cultural "purest" who subscribes to the genetic pre determinants of culture as do you.

more sk0nt!!


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