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Former Member


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.

Originally Posted by Rev:


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Well, Nagamootoo's contingency shudder when they realized they almost handed the PNC a victory.  That was a one trick pony.  Truth is, Indians felt tricked and will not happen again.  There needs to be substantive legislative change before Indians are ready to entrust power to the PNC.  Many Indians ask, what stops them from doing exactly what the did during 1964-1992.  My answer, nothing.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.

So, you favor conceal the truth like last election!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements.

Greenidge is obviously tired of losing and has now decided to be bluntly frank and honest.


OK! So he lacked tact! But the truth will always be the truth--regardless of how it is put across--the PNC needs bonafide vote getters to help them defeat the PPP not academics and newspaper writers with no following.


The folks who defected from the AFC to the PNC recently---they are not vote getters---they can help spread PNC propaganda---but they will not bring in the votes to help defeat the PPP.



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.

So, you favor conceal the truth like last election!

 I think you are on crack or something. I do not know what the hell you are talking about? I made a clear opinionated statement about the value of academics, article and letter writers in the construction of a messaging machine. I made no inferences to directly or tangentially to concealing anything much less some  "truths" you alone know about.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.

So, you favor conceal the truth like last election!

 I think you are on crack or something. I do not know what the hell you are talking about? I made a clear opinionated statement about the value of academics, article and letter writers in the construction of a messaging machine. I made no inferences to directly or tangentially to concealing anything much less some  "truths" you alone know about.

You did, but you talk too much too fast to realize it.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements.

Greenidge is obviously tired of losing and has now decided to be bluntly frank and honest.


OK! So he lacked tact! But the truth will always be the truth--regardless of how it is put across--the PNC needs bonafide vote getters to help them defeat the PPP not academics and newspaper writers with no following.


The folks who defected from the AFC to the PNC recently---they are not vote getters---they can help spread PNC propaganda---but they will not bring in the votes to help defeat the PPP.



Then you are a political idiot like he is. One does not get votes in a vacuum. The paradigm of leaders being able to move people like sheep my their mere presence is dead.


The idea of the great man leader is lost in yesterday. We need leaders operating in a social ethos carved out of the political landscape that is reasoned and tangible and crafted with sense. Leadership does not operate in a vacuum so presupposing some mysterious causative agent residing solely on the shoulders a person and independent of a pre established political culture is an idiots dream.


I am sure that is not what he meant but being careless he let himself utter word that could be interpreted that way.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.

So, you favor conceal the truth like last election!

 I think you are on crack or something. I do not know what the hell you are talking about? I made a clear opinionated statement about the value of academics, article and letter writers in the construction of a messaging machine. I made no inferences to directly or tangentially to concealing anything much less some  "truths" you alone know about.

You did, but you talk too much too fast to realize it.

Why don't you be so kind to step off your cloud and highlight the sentences you refer to. But then you are on a cloud and can sit there comfortably  because of the mediating density of the air in your head.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned.

Perhaps, he is openly stating that the PNC can gain no more than 40% of the votes with its coalition with the numerous groups.


Perhaps also, there is an indication that the PNC and its groups might disintegrate before the next election.

Originally Posted by Rev:


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Greenidge made it very clear that the PNC does not need talkers. That leaves the third rate graduate TK out in the dark. TK is a talker and will remain that way forever since he could never deliver in the past since he was a failure with ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is already giving him a notice to deliver or else he will soon get the silent treatment.


TK is doomed.



Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, Nagamootoo's contingency shudder when they realized they almost handed the PNC a victory.  That was a one trick pony.  Truth is, Indians felt tricked and will not happen again.  There needs to be substantive legislative change before Indians are ready to entrust power to the PNC.  Many Indians ask, what stops them from doing exactly what the did during 1964-1992.  My answer, nothing.

You clearly have your hands on the pulse of those voters who were swayed by Nagamootoo and the AFC in 2011.


Come next election---those people may be ordinary---some may be gullible---but they are not fools----they will not blindly follow Moses if he jumps over to the PNC----and many now have serious doubts about the AFC, particularly with Charandas leaving the party.





Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Greenidge made it very clear that the PNC does not need talkers. That leaves the third rate graduate TK out in the dark. TK is a talker and will remain that way forever since he could never deliver in the past since he was a failure with ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is already giving him a notice to deliver or else he will soon get the silent treatment.


TK is doomed.



Tk does not count success as you do. I bet Voltaire did not envision the US revolution. He however helped to lay the foundation for making it possible.  It is people like TK who writes on why we need constitutional change, speak to the necessity of open democracy, address economic realities outside crony capitalism who will actually make it possible for the rise of a new political culture outside the worshiping of great men ( having greatness trust upon them of course) that is the prevailing paradigm

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Then you are a political idiot like he is.


Ever since the PPP returned to office 21 years ago, the PNC and their cohorts in academics and the press have been spreading propaganda trying to brainwash the Guyanese people about how deleterious the PPP government has been for Guyana.




What Greenidge is now saying is the PNC needs to attract bonafide vote getters---people who can pull in the votes on the ground----the propaganda strategy has failed and will continue to fail.




Sure they are good writers and talkers---but they are not vote getters.



Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Greenidge made it very clear that the PNC does not need talkers. That leaves the third rate graduate TK out in the dark. TK is a talker and will remain that way forever since he could never deliver in the past since he was a failure with ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is already giving him a notice to deliver or else he will soon get the silent treatment.


TK is doomed.



Tk does not count success as you do. I bet Voltaire did not envision the US revolution. He however helped to lay the foundation for making it possible.  It is people like TK who writes on why we need constitutional change, speak to the necessity of open democracy, address economic realities outside crony capitalism who will actually make it possible for the rise of a new political culture outside the worshiping of great men ( having greatness trust upon them of course) that is the prevailing paradigm


Greatness ? A talker who was rejected by three parties and now the PNC is putting him on short notice. TK is doomed. He is like a stray.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Greenidge made it very clear that the PNC does not need talkers. That leaves the third rate graduate TK out in the dark. TK is a talker and will remain that way forever since he could never deliver in the past since he was a failure with ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is already giving him a notice to deliver or else he will soon get the silent treatment.


TK is doomed.



Tk does not count success as you do. I bet Voltaire did not envision the US revolution. He however helped to lay the foundation for making it possible.  It is people like TK who writes on why we need constitutional change, speak to the necessity of open democracy, address economic realities outside crony capitalism who will actually make it possible for the rise of a new political culture outside the worshiping of great men ( having greatness trust upon them of course) that is the prevailing paradigm


Greatness ? A talker who was rejected by three parties and now the PNC is putting him on short notice. TK is doomed. He is like a stray.


Lord! Mr Yuji is burning with envy. 

Originally Posted by JB:

I see Mr Rev Ally is getting beside his self. Dr TK said openly on the SN blog he wants a Granger-Ramkarran ticket. Rev is eating up in envy that guys like TK can get the ball rolling. 


Ralph is like a worn out tire. He has zero grassroots support. I would encourage the PNC to add Ralph to their ticket. That will give the PPP a outright majority.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

I see Mr Rev Ally is getting beside his self. Dr TK said openly on the SN blog he wants a Granger-Ramkarran ticket. Rev is eating up in envy that guys like TK can get the ball rolling. 


Ralph is like a worn out tire. He has zero grassroots support. I would encourage the PNC to add Ralph to their ticket. That will give the PPP a outright majority.


Granger-Ralph or Granger-Moses will win the election hands down.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Greenidge made it very clear that the PNC does not need talkers. That leaves the third rate graduate TK out in the dark. TK is a talker and will remain that way forever since he could never deliver in the past since he was a failure with ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is already giving him a notice to deliver or else he will soon get the silent treatment.


TK is doomed.



Tk does not count success as you do. I bet Voltaire did not envision the US revolution. He however helped to lay the foundation for making it possible.  It is people like TK who writes on why we need constitutional change, speak to the necessity of open democracy, address economic realities outside crony capitalism who will actually make it possible for the rise of a new political culture outside the worshiping of great men ( having greatness trust upon them of course) that is the prevailing paradigm


Greatness ? A talker who was rejected by three parties and now the PNC is putting him on short notice. TK is doomed. He is like a stray.


Lord! Mr Yuji is burning with envy. 

JB/TK you are loser who have zero credibility. A reject from ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is putting you on short notice. You are doomed.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Former finance Minister and current executive member of the PNC Carl Greenidge has bluntly stated that in order for APNU to defeat the PPP in the next election the party needs to make significant inroads in PPP dominated areas like regions 2, 3, and 6.


Greenidge stated that while recent defectors from the AFC were welcomed into the APNU fold, the coalition party needed more bonafide vote getters not just academics and article writers, although he claimed everyone was welcome.


"We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes and if we are to surpass the PPP we need to attract leaders who will bring along the votes."


When asked if former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran would be an asset to APNU, Greenidge replied, "those 2 would be game changers. Moses was a huge asset to the AFC in 2011, particularly in Region 6. We definitely have a good chance of defeating the PPP if those 2 decide to come on board. We would love to have them"




There you have it folks---the PNC are not really excited about the academics and newspaper writers who came over from the AFC, but they would be thrilled to have former PPP executives like Moses Nagamootoo and Raplh Ramkarran.




Greenidge made it very clear that the PNC does not need talkers. That leaves the third rate graduate TK out in the dark. TK is a talker and will remain that way forever since he could never deliver in the past since he was a failure with ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is already giving him a notice to deliver or else he will soon get the silent treatment.


TK is doomed.



Tk does not count success as you do. I bet Voltaire did not envision the US revolution. He however helped to lay the foundation for making it possible.  It is people like TK who writes on why we need constitutional change, speak to the necessity of open democracy, address economic realities outside crony capitalism who will actually make it possible for the rise of a new political culture outside the worshiping of great men ( having greatness trust upon them of course) that is the prevailing paradigm


Greatness ? A talker who was rejected by three parties and now the PNC is putting him on short notice. TK is doomed. He is like a stray.


Lord! Mr Yuji is burning with envy. 

JB/TK you are loser who have zero credibility. A reject from ROAR, PPP/C, AFC and now the PNC is putting you on short notice. You are doomed.


I tell you envy and bitterness will make you run off. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

I see Mr Rev Ally is getting beside his self. Dr TK said openly on the SN blog he wants a Granger-Ramkarran ticket. Rev is eating up in envy that guys like TK can get the ball rolling. 


Ralph is like a worn out tire. He has zero grassroots support. I would encourage the PNC to add Ralph to their ticket. That will give the PPP a outright majority.


Granger-Ralph or Granger-Moses will win the election hands down.


Moses has reduced himself to a Dhobi (washer person) . Washing Cathy's under clothing. The PPP will get an outright majority at the next election. The PNC will resort to loot and burn. Indo Guyanese need to arm up to defend their private property from the demons in the PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

I see Mr Rev Ally is getting beside his self. Dr TK said openly on the SN blog he wants a Granger-Ramkarran ticket. Rev is eating up in envy that guys like TK can get the ball rolling. 


Ralph is like a worn out tire. He has zero grassroots support. I would encourage the PNC to add Ralph to their ticket. That will give the PPP a outright majority.


Granger-Ralph or Granger-Moses will win the election hands down.


Moses has reduced himself to a Dhobi (washer person) . Washing Cathy's under clothing. The PPP will get an outright majority at the next election. The PNC will resort to loot and burn. Indo Guyanese need to arm up to defend their private property from the demons in the PNC.


 Envy and bitterness are making you run mad. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Greatness ? A talker who was rejected by three parties and now the PNC is putting him on short notice. TK is doomed. He is like a stray.

I believe the man walked away from a party he disagreed with. You, being the low life never see come to see cannot parse a thought without seeing it in terms of some lesser or greater than perverse social stratification. I would agree with you the PNC is no place for him since they like the PPP has demonstrated little thinking outside the box. The AFC is much the poorer for his loss and the PNC, whether they accept his input or not does not lessen his relevance as a thinker. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Ralph is like a worn out tire. He has zero grassroots support. I would encourage the PNC to add Ralph to their ticket. That will give the PPP a outright majority.


I would love to see Moses Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran finally commit political suicide and hook up with the PNC.


Those two bitter and spiteful losers have been consumed by hatred and anger ever since Ramotar was handpicked by Jagdeo and then won the presidency---they both are dying for revenge---they would love to see the PPP defeated at the polls.









Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Greatness ? A talker who was rejected by three parties and now the PNC is putting him on short notice. TK is doomed. He is like a stray.

I believe the man walked away from a party he disagreed with. You, being the low life never see come to see cannot parse a thought without seeing it in terms of some lesser or greater than perverse social stratification. I would agree with you the PNC is no place for him since they like the PPP has demonstrated little thinking outside the box. The AFC is much the poorer for his loss and the PNC, whether they accept his input or not does not lessen his relevance as a thinker. 

You are a loser who is defending a total reject. Losers defending Losers. TK and D2. 


Your beloved AFC failed now you are grasping on straws. You are making a complete mockery of yourself by defending losers and defending theft and corruption by those close to you, in the case of your close friend who was sent to jail.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I would agree with you the PNC is no place for him since they like the PPP has demonstrated little thinking outside the box.

Danny Boy:


You hate the PPP. You can't stand the PNC. And the AFC has disintegrated.


I guess that leaves you doing what you do best---COMPLAIN, CONDEMN and CRITICIZE.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I would agree with you the PNC is no place for him since they like the PPP has demonstrated little thinking outside the box.

Danny Boy:


You hate the PPP. You can't stand the PNC. And the AFC has disintegrated.


I guess that leaves you doing what you do best---COMPLAIN, CONDEMN and CRITICIZE.





 The PPP are corrupt. I spent as many years as I have spent criticizing them supporting them on this very site. It took the low down idea of hiring a drug lord to murder citizens that open my eyes to what a travesty the PPP had become.


The subsequent revelations only deepened the sentiment that those crooks are the bane of our peoples existence rather than the salvation all of us hoped they will be.


At one time, everyone on this site supported the PPP unequivocally. Now all that remains is  a handful of racist creeps like you with your only reason existing as supporters  being your racism.


That alone should inform you that they are on their way out. No one has to hate them.  One only have to live right to be against them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Ralph is like a worn out tire. He has zero grassroots support. I would encourage the PNC to add Ralph to their ticket. That will give the PPP a outright majority.


I would love to see Moses Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran finally commit political suicide and hook up with the PNC.


Those two bitter and spiteful losers have been consumed by hatred and anger ever since Ramotar was handpicked by Jagdeo and then won the presidency---they both are dying for revenge---they would love to see the PPP defeated at the polls.









Ralph and Moses are angry and bitter and seeking revenge. They could care less about the Indo Guyanese who suffered immensely under the PNC. Indo Guyanese survived an attempt by the PNC to exterminate them while PNC supporters provided a silent endorsement to the extermination attempt by the PNC.


The PNC only changed their name but they are still the same racist and dangerous party that will not hesitate to loot and burn to fulfil their political ambition to govern Guyana under an Afro dictator. Burnham and Hoyte are examples of what Granger will do to Indo Guyanese.


Other examples of power hungry politicians are Nigel and Cathy. They reduced Moses to a Dhobi (washer person) and Rumjattan to a yard dog.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 The PPP are corrupt.

That is a bonafide truth--The PPP are corrupt.


Recently the Rev started a thread here where he gave praise to the PNC for stopping the Sithe sponsored Amaila hydro----I was totally against the way that deal was financially structured.


But having said that---there is no way on God's planet I can ever support the PNC ruling Guyana again.


Guyana has experienced impressive growth and development under the PPP despite their corruptness, but when the PNC ruled Guyana they bankrupted the country.


Now, everything comes to an end---and the PPP rule will one day come to an end. But that wont happen in your lifetime Danyael or the Rev's.


Maybe 100 years from now the PPP will eventually be voted out of office.







Originally Posted by yuji22:



The PNC only changed their name ...



The PNC still exists---they didn't change their name.


APNU which contested the 2011 election is really a coalition of the PNC, Guyana Action party, National Front Alliance and the Working People's Alliance(WPA).







They will never join the PNC directly---but they'll play a sly and cunning  game.


They will set up their own party----Moses will be the leader of that party---then that party will join the APNU coalition.


You'll probably have Granger as President and Moses as Prime Minister ?


Now, where does that leave Roopnarine ? He was Granger's running mate in the last election.


Well, Granger/Roopnarine got 40.83%


APNU will hope that Granger/Nagamootoo can pull ahead of the PPP.








Anil Nandalall is a Rising Star

and future Leader in the PPP...

Anil say the.....

Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs

Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton & Bynoe

is the reason why the PPP....

continue to lose Indian Trust,

Support and Votes....

Anil Deserves Credit

for Speaking the Truth

Anil is #4 in the PPP Congress

recently held in the Berbice

PPP Indian Strong Hold


and he said.....Dem might not like to know the truth........

But PPP will Lose any Election without Moses & Ralph

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The PNC only changed their name ...



The PNC still exists---they didn't change their name.


APNU which contested the 2011 election is really a coalition of the PNC, Guyana Action party, National Front Alliance and the Working People's Alliance(WPA).







They will never join the PNC directly---but they'll play a sly and cunning  game.


They will set up their own party----Moses will be the leader of that party---then that party will join the APNU coalition.


You'll probably have Granger as President and Moses as Prime Minister ?


Now, where does that leave Roopnarine ? He was Granger's running mate in the last election.


Well, Granger/Roopnarine got 40.83%


APNU will hope that Granger/Nagamootoo can pull ahead of the PPP.







Looks like Roopnarine has been a total failure and brought an empty plate to the PNC. The PNC will give him the knife and fork treatment. TK will be next in line since he is a talker and has Granger sounded the warning bell to TK. The man is doomed.


Moses and Ralph are bitter and are seeking revenge. They are envious and envy is a dangerous thing. They are like rattle snakes. You are right that these men will instead form their own party and attempt to hand the presidency to the PNC. This will not happen in my lifetime.


Indo Guyanese will now return to the PPP base since they see that the power hungry Afros like Nigel have taken over the AFC. It reminds them of Burnham and Hoyte and this scares them immensely. 


The PPP ran a terrible campaign the last time around. They must return to grassroots political campaign and they will win another majority next time around. The million dollar question is whether the PNC will resort to their official policy of loot, burn and murder of Indo Guyanese after they lose the election.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

I see Mr Rev Ally is getting beside his self. Dr TK said openly on the SN blog he wants a Granger-Ramkarran ticket. Rev is eating up in envy that guys like TK can get the ball rolling. 


Ralph is like a worn out tire. He has zero grassroots support. I would encourage the PNC to add Ralph to their ticket. That will give the PPP a outright majority.


Granger-Ralph or Granger-Moses will win the election hands down.


Moses has reduced himself to a Dhobi (washer person) . Washing Cathy's under clothing. The PPP will get an outright majority at the next election. The PNC will resort to loot and burn. Indo Guyanese need to arm up to defend their private property from the demons in the PNC.

With 50% Women like Kwame, De Rev, Yuji and Big_seeds

the Pantymen, Prostitutes, Pimps and Crab Louse (PPP/C)

continue to expose themselves to GNI and the Guyanese people.

Originally Posted by Jalil:



Anil Nandalall is a Rising Star

and future Leader in the PPP...

Anil say the.....

Black PNC House of Isreal Thugs

Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton & Bynoe

is the reason why the PPP....

continue to lose Indian Trust,

Support and Votes....

Anil Deserves Credit

for Speaking the Truth

Anil is #4 in the PPP Congress

recently held in the Berbice

PPP Indian Strong Hold


and he said.....Dem might not like to know the truth........

But PPP will Lose any Election without Moses & Ralph


Why dem Hiding from the truth now.....

Anil want to know.

wha happen to all dem ......

Pantyman, Prostitutes, Pimps / Crab Louse (PPP/C)


We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes:


This alone indicates that Carl Greenidge is genuinely honest that APNU will not win without the AFC merging with them. He also said Ralph Ramkarran, and Moses Nagamootoo will be great assets to APNU. It means they are trying to weaken AFC at all cost before the next election, hoping some more members will cross over and finally AFC will decide to join. Again, this strategy may not work as planned, but it just sound good for now. Moses lost his credibility with the people, and Ralph is right behind him. BTW, a Granger/Ramkarran ticket will never happen. I trust that the electorates will vote for the doers and throw out the talkers.


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