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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Carl Greenidge has shown that he is honest about the future of the PNC which lies at the current 40 percent margin.



Carl Greenidge knows the numbers---the PNC is a 40% party!


Check the PNC's percentage votes in the 6 free and fair electons in Guyana:











As the Rev always say:





And there aren't enough DIRTY PNC INDIANS in Guyana to add to that 40% base and help them defeat the unbeatable PPP.







Originally Posted by Cobra:

We need to be bluntly honest with ourselves. Despite our efforts in 2011, APNU managed to get only 40.83% of the votes:


This alone indicates that Carl Greenidge is genuinely honest that APNU will not win without the AFC merging with them. He also said Ralph Ramkarran, and Moses Nagamootoo will be great assets to APNU. It means they are trying to weaken AFC at all cost before the next election, hoping some more members will cross over and finally AFC will decide to join. Again, this strategy may not work as planned, but it just sound good for now. Moses lost his credibility with the people, and Ralph is right behind him. BTW, a Granger/Ramkarran ticket will never happen. I trust that the electorates will vote for the doers and throw out the talkers.

Anyone who believes the people will blindly follow any leader heading to the PNC are clearly out of touch.  Some did follow Nagamootoo to the AFC to realize they were almost conned into giving the PNC victory.  The reaction was so strong and negative, one must be stupid to think they will repeat that mistake.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Anyone who believes the people will blindly follow any leader heading to the PNC are clearly out of touch.  Some did follow Nagamootoo to the AFC to realize they were almost conned into giving the PNC victory.  The reaction was so strong and negative, one must be stupid to think they will repeat that mistake.

Great point baseman!



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Anyone who believes the people will blindly follow any leader heading to the PNC are clearly out of touch.  Some did follow Nagamootoo to the AFC to realize they were almost conned into giving the PNC victory.  The reaction was so strong and negative, one must be stupid to think they will repeat that mistake.

Great point baseman!



Rev Subraj, why do you write with a lisp?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The removal of the PPP from office is not if but a matter of when.

And do you believe the propaganda you promulgate in the Stabroek news on behalf of your newly beloved 40% party, the PNC, will help remove the PPP ?


Or are you losers in the PNC planning more heinous methods to displace the PPP ?


In any case, "this time nah lang time"----if the PNC tries any flagrant tricks---the troblemakers will be exterminated.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The removal of the PPP from office is not if but a matter of when.

And do you believe the propaganda you promulgate in the Stabroek news on behalf of your newly beloved 40% party, the PNC, will help remove the PPP ?


Or are you losers in the PNC planning more heinous methods to displace the PPP ?


In any case, "this time nah lang time"----if the PNC tries any flagrant tricks---the troblemakers will be exterminated.



PPP exterminate PNC?...hahahha

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The removal of the PPP from office is not if but a matter of when.

When you plan to achieve the result?

DEm Cunumunu Dem dah is only Christmas Blow Blow. Bla BLa Bla

HM_Redux may be planing a coup to overthrow the government with Granger's soldiers.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.



He might be silly to be so public, as he risks adverse publicity if TK and others take offense.  However there is no evidence that Guyanese voters are interested in what academics have to say.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Anyone who believes the people will blindly follow any leader heading to the PNC are clearly out of touch.  Some did follow Nagamootoo to the AFC to realize they were almost conned into giving the PNC victory.  The reaction was so strong and negative, one must be stupid to think they will repeat that mistake.

Baseman when I predicted a PPP victory into mainority govt status last time and suggested that the AFC would only marginally increase its votes, and lose much of its black support you screamed that I was a PPP soup licker.


So are you a foolish man who was conned?  The people who voted AFC did not do so to see them endorsing every single plan that the PPP babbles about.  Or else they would have just voted PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Anyone who believes the people will blindly follow any leader heading to the PNC are clearly out of touch.  Some did follow Nagamootoo to the AFC to realize they were almost conned into giving the PNC victory.  The reaction was so strong and negative, one must be stupid to think they will repeat that mistake.

Baseman when I predicted a PPP victory into mainority govt status last time and suggested that the AFC would only marginally increase its votes, and lose much of its black support you screamed that I was a PPP soup licker.


So are you a foolish man who was conned?  The people who voted AFC did not do so to see them endorsing every single plan that the PPP babbles about.  Or else they would have just voted PPP.

Actually, my disagreement started since I was in the camp, primarily their perceived soft/sympathtic stance vs the PNC.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Granger and his soldiers are too timid, the GDF takes a non political position they would never over throw the government. That in my mind frankly is a dumb thing. If Guyana had a military keeping the govt in check see how fast people like jagdeo and ramotar would get their acts together.

Apparently you have not learnt lessons from other parts of the worlds where the military influence govt. Does Pakistan, Iran, Syria sound familiar? It seems as thought you folks have given up on the democratic process and want to usurp political power through forceful means. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Granger and his soldiers are too timid, the GDF takes a non political position they would never over throw the government. That in my mind frankly is a dumb thing.

If Guyana had a military keeping the govt in check see how fast people like jagdeo and ramotar would get their acts together.



Your agony, despair and desperation is patently obvious. You now know that your newly beloved PNC cannot defeat the PPP at the polls, so you are hoping and praying for bloodshed, brutality and violence.


No wonder Khemraj Ramjattan put you on ignore and paid no heed to you ideas and suggestions.


By the way redux, did you send one of your buktas to Khemraj yet ? It's your modus operandi---sending buktas to folks your despise.hahahaha




I guess after they fire you from the PNC.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.



He might be silly to be so public, as he risks adverse publicity if TK and others take offense.  However there is no evidence that Guyanese voters are interested in what academics have to say.

I am sure that when we say "Guyanese" we mean ourselves as well. I am quite certain i am interested in strategies plans and explanations of plans for change. Unless Granger is just as silly as the rest of these louts who cry "chamar" or "dirty Indians" or "lamata" or "perhaps and perhaps not" as explanations for precepts, constructs and process, then we need the "explainers". That is the reality of our world and especially or modern world.


I do not know of any other title for "explainers" except as "academics" ie philosophers, economists social scientists etc. To say we only need "vote getters" is as silly  as anything I have ever heard from a politician if he means to say he excludes the fore mentioned epistemologists. I hope that is not what he meant to say  or the APNU is just anothe ass backward intellectually stunted party as the PPP


That is the usual dick headed ignoramus conception of a leader as a great man and not as an agency ( meaning movement) that initiates social change on account of its relevance, its necessity and its meaning to a community. Again, the people who do that are not great men. They are part of a system of thinkers and message makers in our modern world. Great men capitalize on or help to gell  what is already conceived to be relevant in the system.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.



He might be silly to be so public, as he risks adverse publicity if TK and others take offense.  However there is no evidence that Guyanese voters are interested in what academics have to say.

I am sure that when we say "Guyanese" we mean ourselves as well. I am quite certain i am interested in strategies plans and explanations of plans for change. Unless Granger is just as silly as the rest of these louts who cry "chamar" or "dirty Indians" or "lamata" or "perhaps and perhaps not" as explanations for precepts, constructs and process, then we need the "explainers". That is the reality of our world and especially or modern world.


I do not know of any other title for "explainers" except as "academics" ie philosophers, economists social scientists etc. To say we only need "vote getters" is as silly  as anything I have ever heard from a politician if he means to say he excludes the fore mentioned epistemologists. I hope that is not what he meant to say  or the APNU is just anothe ass backward intellectually stunted party as the PPP


That is the usual dick headed ignoramus conception of a leader as a great man and not as an agency ( meaning movement) that initiates social change on account of its relevance, its necessity and its meaning to a community. Again, the people who do that are not great men. They are part of a system of thinkers and message makers in our modern world. Great men capitalize on or help to gell  what is already conceived to be relevant in the system.

The poll suggests that Dr TK, Dr Rose and Dr Mukraj brought 2% votes to APNU. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The removal of the PPP from office is not if but a matter of when.

Tk you said these words when you were with ROAR, You said these words when you were with the AFC and now you in the PNC saying the same thing. Go take a swim in the Dem river. 

TK is openly planning an participating in the overthrow of the PPP. The government must take swift action against him. This is a threat to the government and people of Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.



He might be silly to be so public, as he risks adverse publicity if TK and others take offense.  However there is no evidence that Guyanese voters are interested in what academics have to say.

 In plain words, Guyanese could care less about talkers. Greenidge should be commended for being blunt about TK.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Greenidge is, to put it plainly, silly to make such public statements. It is the reason he is stuck at 40% of the vote and lacks the capacity to break through in the areas he mentioned. He need messaging; he needs a policy; he needs a rationale for any means to end schema for an APNU administration. In short he needs academics and message makers and letter writers and any person with the capacity to fabricate the political ethos in which a leader operates.



He might be silly to be so public, as he risks adverse publicity if TK and others take offense.  However there is no evidence that Guyanese voters are interested in what academics have to say.

 In plain words, Guyanese could care less about talkers. Greenidge should be commended for being blunt about TK.

TK is a teacher..GIGO(garbage in garbage out). Ain't nobody got time for that.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PNC has never been able to attract the votes of the Indo-Guyanese in large numbers inspite of having some very educated Indians in the party. The Shahabudeens, Ramphal, and Luckhoos did not help the party to make any in-roads into the PPP strongholds. TK will fare no better than these people.

The Shahabudeens, the Ramphals, and the Luckhoos always perceived themselves to be mentally superior to Cheddi and the PPP leadership---so they could never support the PPP---but they all ended up licking Burnham's balls.




Listen! Academics and intellectuals may have book sense---but many lack common sense---they  have rarely appealed to the hearts and minds of the masses who support the People's Progressive Party.









Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The removal of the PPP from office is not if but a matter of when.

Tk you said these words when you were with ROAR, You said these words when you were with the AFC and now you in the PNC saying the same thing. Go take a swim in the Dem river. 

so what? Their grasping fingers on the tethers of the nations coffers has been abrading constantly.  Once there was no question as to the nature of our political system. Many including me never cared for ROAR's methodology but ROAR and its people made sure analysis of the system political become vogue. They may be gone but their work initiated many other such analysis and all concluded the political system is woefully deficient and impedes democracy. That is must go is  the most popular belief system today with every other person able to tell you why. The only non believers are PPP sheep who closed off their minds to thinking least it destabilize their belief.


With the AFC the,   the PPP become a minority government. That meant 20 years of autocratic rule came to an end. Today, every leech project is undergoing scrutiny. The nation does not want another Berbice River Bridge where they invested 90 percent of the money and still have to spend a day salary to cross a bridge now in the hands of PPP cronies.


The PPP must go.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PNC has never been able to attract the votes of the Indo-Guyanese in large numbers inspite of having some very educated Indians in the party. The Shahabudeens, Ramphal, and Luckhoos did not help the party to make any in-roads into the PPP strongholds. TK will fare no better than these people.

The Shahabudeens, the Ramphals, and the Luckhoos always perceived themselves to be mentally superior to Cheddi and the PPP leadership---so they could never support the PPP---but they all ended up licking Burnham's balls.




Listen! Academics and intellectuals may have book sense---but many lack common sense---they  have rarely appealed to the hearts and minds of the masses who support the People's Progressive Party.









So say the crooks and the coneys and the leeches and the parasites and the dunces. Thinkers are not needed in a country where the need is for sheep.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

So say the crooks and the coneys and the leeches and the parasites and the dunces. Thinkers are not needed in a country where the need is for sheep.



It was either Joseph de Maistre or Alexis de Toqueville who wrote, "In a democracy, people get the government they deserve."


So stop your braying Danny Boy and respect the people of Guyana---they  deserve the PPP government.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

So say the crooks and the coneys and the leeches and the parasites and the dunces. Thinkers are not needed in a country where the need is for sheep.



It was either Joseph de Maistre or Alexis de Toqueville who wrote, "In a democracy, people get the government they deserve."


So stop your braying Danny Boy and respect the people of Guyana---they  deserve the PPP government.


By the way Danyeal---click on the link and post your answer:



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

So say the crooks and the coneys and the leeches and the parasites and the dunces. Thinkers are not needed in a country where the need is for sheep.



It was either Joseph de Maistre or Alexis de Toqueville who wrote, "In a democracy, people get the government they deserve."


So stop your braying Danny Boy and respect the people of Guyana---they  deserve the PPP government.


By the way Danyeal---click on the link and post your answer:



And the wrong reading would be to say the government they deserve is the one that is just. Again you demonstrate a prodigious capacity to misuse words. The author warns of complacency, apathetic acceptance of corruption. That is normative expressions of a morality that would under-gird a successful society. Your acceptance of the corrupt PPP is that kind of "deserves" the author spoke of. I suggest you read the entire book.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Corruption there is and Corruption there will always be. Only and Ghandi and Jagan never took anything for themselves. You might be lucky to find another head of state like Cheddi or Mohandas in another hundred years. Dont' count on it.

One does not complain about death given it is inevitable.It is the ultimate corruption of a human being. One takes precaution that it may come too soon with poor hygiene, risky living or other poor habits as eating what is not good and not exercising.  One similarly does not accept social and political corruption as the status quo. One seeks proper practices to ensure one's social environment is the best for living.


And Cheddi was an ass. I reserve my liberal accolades for Gandhi despite his serious flaws as well. Leaders who affected us who were not deified or sanctified and yet above par worthy as any are Constantine, Charlemagne, Luther etc. They impacted the entire world.



No human being is perfect in everyone's book. Even Christ came under attack and was crucified. Mohammad learned from that and decided that the best defense is and all out offense. The AFC, which you support is not anything to be proud of when one speak of corruption and the rule of law. AFC leaders have publicly identified themselves with criminals who carried ethnic massacres in Guyana. They have reneged on their promise of being an independent party. They have been involved in highly unethical business relationship with Sithe Global. The Freddie Kissoon of today contradicts the Freddie Kissoon of yesterday. the only gov't he was party of imploded - that's the New Jewel Movement of Grenada. He speaks of the PPP today as if we are in the middle of the cold war and he is Joseph McCarthy. Danyael, my boy, many cock like you have crowed before. But very soon they end up in a pot of soup or drinking from a pot of soup at Congress place. I sincerely hope you don't deviate and end up in the same place like Brother TK.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

No human being is perfect in everyone's book. Even Christ came under attack and was crucified. Mohammad learned from that and decided that the best defense is and all out offense. The AFC, which you support is not anything to be proud of when one speak of corruption and the rule of law. AFC leaders have publicly identified themselves with criminals who carried ethnic massacres in Guyana. They have reneged on their promise of being an independent party. They have been involved in highly unethical business relationship with Sithe Global. The Freddie Kissoon of today contradicts the Freddie Kissoon of yesterday. the only gov't he was party of imploded - that's the New Jewel Movement of Grenada. He speaks of the PPP today as if we are in the middle of the cold war and he is Joseph McCarthy. Danyael, my boy, many cock like you have crowed before. But very soon they end up in a pot of soup or drinking from a pot of soup at Congress place. I sincerely hope you don't deviate and end up in the same place like Brother TK.

If the PPP is corrupt the PPP is a dead decaying stench to be disposed of. The President of our country squatted on OMAI' board and they exploited us to the max inclusive of making a hefty 35 million selling in four years claims to Demba which the bought for 5 million. Do we count the skeldon factory, the selling of santana assets, lenora etc....


What did the AFC guys do again? Is that not a PPP project they were a part of that their Party helped squeezed to its death?




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