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Originally Posted by Danyael:

Again you demonstrate a prodigious capacity to misuse words. The author warns of complacency, apathetic acceptance of corruption. That is normative expressions of a morality that would under-gird a successful society. Your acceptance of the corrupt PPP is that kind of "deserves" the author spoke of. I suggest you read the entire book.

Danny Boy:


You can bray all you want---this statement remain true:


"In a democracy, people get the government they deserve."


Guyana is a democracy and the Guyanese people deserve the PPP government.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Again you demonstrate a prodigious capacity to misuse words. The author warns of complacency, apathetic acceptance of corruption. That is normative expressions of a morality that would under-gird a successful society. Your acceptance of the corrupt PPP is that kind of "deserves" the author spoke of. I suggest you read the entire book.

Danny Boy:


You can bray all you want---this statement remain true:


"In a democracy, people get the government they deserve."


Guyana is a democracy and the Guyanese people deserve the PPP government.





So what? Is it not true given a peoples disposition? Is a dispositional state not mean a changing state? If their disposition is that of an engaged populace what kind of deserves will be their due? Again, what is true in a dispositional state if not by definition the status of  truth itself? Go read a bloody book

Originally Posted by Danyael:

So what? Is it not true given a peoples disposition? Is a dispositional state not mean a changing state? If their disposition is that of an engaged populace what kind of deserves will be their due? Again, what is true in a dispositional state if not by definition the status of  truth itself? Go read a bloody book



What is all this hogwash about disposition and dispositional state ?


Listen! Stop this foolishness and let's deal with reality in Guyana.


The reality is the good people of Guyana deserve a forward looking, progressive government like the PPP.







Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

No human being is perfect in everyone's book. Even Christ came under attack and was crucified. Mohammad learned from that and decided that the best defense is and all out offense. The AFC, which you support is not anything to be proud of when one speak of corruption and the rule of law. AFC leaders have publicly identified themselves with criminals who carried ethnic massacres in Guyana. They have reneged on their promise of being an independent party. They have been involved in highly unethical business relationship with Sithe Global. The Freddie Kissoon of today contradicts the Freddie Kissoon of yesterday. the only gov't he was party of imploded - that's the New Jewel Movement of Grenada. He speaks of the PPP today as if we are in the middle of the cold war and he is Joseph McCarthy. Danyael, my boy, many cock like you have crowed before. But very soon they end up in a pot of soup or drinking from a pot of soup at Congress place. I sincerely hope you don't deviate and end up in the same place like Brother TK.


Dr TK is an esteemed and respected economist. He helps many of the econ students at UG. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PNC has never been able to attract the votes of the Indo-Guyanese in large numbers inspite of having some very educated Indians in the party. The Shahabudeens, Ramphal, and Luckhoos did not help the party to make any in-roads into the PPP strongholds. TK will fare no better than these people.

The Shahabudeens, the Ramphals, and the Luckhoos always perceived themselves to be mentally superior to Cheddi and the PPP leadership---so they could never support the PPP---but they all ended up licking Burnham's balls.




Listen! Academics and intellectuals may have book sense---but many lack common sense---they  have rarely appealed to the hearts and minds of the masses who support the People's Progressive Party.









I see you are like the sour loser fox. Envy, bitterness are jealousness serious mental defects.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PNC has never been able to attract the votes of the Indo-Guyanese in large numbers inspite of having some very educated Indians in the party. The Shahabudeens, Ramphal, and Luckhoos did not help the party to make any in-roads into the PPP strongholds. TK will fare no better than these people.

And the PPP has never been able to attract significant numbers of black and mixed voters, despite having thugs like Lumumba, McLean and others.


The Indian population is declining so clearly will the fortunes of the PPP.  The Amerindians who support them will jump ship as soon as they begin to believe that their victory isnt guaranteed.  Note that the UF supporters in the Rupununi switched to APNU, despite the UF being highly aligned to the PPP.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

So what? Is it not true given a peoples disposition? Is a dispositional state not mean a changing state? If their disposition is that of an engaged populace what kind of deserves will be their due? Again, what is true in a dispositional state if not by definition the status of  truth itself? Go read a bloody book



What is all this hogwash about disposition and dispositional state ?


Listen! Stop this foolishness and let's deal with reality in Guyana.


The reality is the good people of Guyana deserve a forward looking, progressive government like the PPP.







Hay dunce, you are the one who brought a statement from a well known author and misused it. Any student from any American high school would  recognize your usage was slanted. I am just deconstructing it to make it clear to you.


We know the PPP need sheep not thinkers. As a sheep  you will see them as deserving. We want them gone!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Hay dunce, you are the one who brought a statement from a well known author and misused it.



You should consider it an honor and privilege to be able to interact on GNI with a man like the Rev---a  man of honesty, integrity, principle, truthfulness, and character.


You have been here on GNI nearly 20 years Danyeal---this is the Rev's 2nd year---there has never been a poster like the Rev on gni----count yourself blessed to be able to interact with the Rev.hahahahahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Hay dunce, you are the one who brought a statement from a well known author and misused it.



You should consider it an honor and privilege to be able to interact on GNI with a man like the Rev---a  man of honesty, integrity, principle, truthfulness, and character.



You are a wimp.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Hay dunce, you are the one who brought a statement from a well known author and misused it.



You should consider it an honor and privilege to be able to interact on GNI with a man like the Rev---a  man of honesty, integrity, principle, truthfulness, and character.


You have been here on GNI nearly 20 years Danyeal---this is the Rev's 2nd year---there has never been a poster like the Rev on gni----count yourself blessed to be able to interact with the Rev.hahahahahahaha



I have never met anyone on this site, correct that, I met one person on the site. I have no desire to meet with you or any other. Indeed this is the place we could ever interact. In a social arena you would get an ass whipping from anyone you would assault with your putrid racist ideology.


You are indeed unique...uniquely a grotesquely crude racist and with smarts inversely proportional to your claims to it.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

My dogs are honest, of impeccable character and they love to roll in stinky stuff no less than you.



You should emulate your dogs.


Anyway Danyael, The Rev was away for 5 months from this forum---among other things, the first lady and I went on a road trip across the great USA---visited 30+ states---you and the wife should do it sometime---great experience---very adventurous. 


Anway, when the Rev returned to this wonderful forum he chose to stop engaging in race baiting.


I treat my fellow posters with respect and I expect that respect to be reciprocated---any poster who is vulgar and boorish will be banned by the Rev---Mitwah, Jalil and JB have been banned for life.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

My dogs are honest, of impeccable character and they love to roll in stinky stuff no less than you.



You should emulate your dogs.


Anyway Danyael, The Rev was away for 5 months from this forum---among other things, the first lady and I went on a road trip across the great USA---visited 30+ states---you and the wife should do it sometime---great experience---very adventurous. 


Anway, when the Rev returned to this wonderful forum he chose to stop engaging in race baiting.


I treat my fellow posters with respect and I expect that respect to be reciprocated---any poster who is vulgar and boorish will be banned by the Rev---Mitwah, Jalil and JB have been banned for life.



that is your damn problem. Because you do something, others do not and ought to do it! Be happy in yourself but do not presume you alone have seen this great country from end to end or done anything of worth.


It is surprising that one who stole Nazi pictures from places like stormfront to represent the president and said his wife was ugly compared to the white Mrs Romney you need to stop in your tracks about borish vulgar and crude. I do not even need to remind others that you said black people are sub humans. That record is still on this board so take your sorry pretentious, hypocritical ass and lie on some other board.


I am on record of appealing to Amral and Odeen over half a dozen times to contemplate sanctioning you for being a crude disgusting bigot. The never give me an air so banning anyone on account of those infractions has gone through the window.


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