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kp posted:

Errol is weighing all angles, the people of Berbice appreciates what he has done, the same cannot be said of Rumjaat and Naga. What the AFC has done to join house with the PNC and now that Errol exposed them as YES people to the PNC, they have lost their supporters/ voters. Errol will not start a new political party, if he gets back in politics, he will join the PPP where he has huge profits to gain, he is in his mid sixties he need to piggy back on a winner.

 Yes, for the moment Errol is a hero in Berbice but more so to the PPP supporters, before the vote he was a traitor, He is the one that suggested to lock up the parents if the kids don't attend school, he is the one said the  laid off sugar workers can be retrained. he is the one that insulted a female doctor about her big size.  The Berbicians think when Errol said YES , he crossed the floor and joined the PPP, that's why they like him, if he strays elsewhere he will be on the same page as Rumjaat and Naga.

He did his job to bring the government down. Collie people understand he had to leave for his life and will ensure a PPP victory at the poll. 

kp posted:

Errol is weighing all angles, the people of Berbice appreciates what he has done, the same cannot be said of Rumjaat and Naga. What the AFC has done to join house with the PNC and now that Errol exposed them as YES people to the PNC, they have lost their supporters/ voters. Errol will not start a new political party, if he gets back in politics, he will join the PPP where he has huge profits to gain, he is in his mid sixties he need to piggy back on a winner.

So it's all about k-ching and not conscience, you exposing the crooked politicians.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
kp posted:

Errol is weighing all angles, the people of Berbice appreciates what he has done, the same cannot be said of Rumjaat and Naga. What the AFC has done to join house with the PNC and now that Errol exposed them as YES people to the PNC, they have lost their supporters/ voters. Errol will not start a new political party, if he gets back in politics, he will join the PPP where he has huge profits to gain, he is in his mid sixties he need to piggy back on a winner.

 Yes, for the moment Errol is a hero in Berbice but more so to the PPP supporters, before the vote he was a traitor, He is the one that suggested to lock up the parents if the kids don't attend school, he is the one said the  laid off sugar workers can be retrained. he is the one that insulted a female doctor about her big size.  The Berbicians think when Errol said YES , he crossed the floor and joined the PPP, that's why they like him, if he strays elsewhere he will be on the same page as Rumjaat and Naga.

He did his job to bring the government down. Collie people understand he had to leave for his life and will ensure a PPP victory at the poll. 

Do the people grasp it's about the k-ching, not their welfare.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

After the last coalition, not sure if the PNC is a good partner.  None of the minority seemed happy. 

Where is Civic?  At least the AFC is still alive.

Where is Priya, Dr Frank Anthony?

And I thought you said AFC brought nothing to the table and worth even less after the LGE!

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Dave posted:
kp posted:

Errol is weighing all angles, the people of Berbice appreciates what he has done, the same cannot be said of Rumjaat and Naga. What the AFC has done to join house with the PNC and now that Errol exposed them as YES people to the PNC, they have lost their supporters/ voters. Errol will not start a new political party, if he gets back in politics, he will join the PPP where he has huge profits to gain, he is in his mid sixties he need to piggy back on a winner.

 Yes, for the moment Errol is a hero in Berbice but more so to the PPP supporters, before the vote he was a traitor, He is the one that suggested to lock up the parents if the kids don't attend school, he is the one said the  laid off sugar workers can be retrained. he is the one that insulted a female doctor about her big size.  The Berbicians think when Errol said YES , he crossed the floor and joined the PPP, that's why they like him, if he strays elsewhere he will be on the same page as Rumjaat and Naga.

He did his job to bring the government down. Collie people understand he had to leave for his life and will ensure a PPP victory at the poll. 

Do the people grasp it's about the k-ching, not their welfare.

If he returns to Guyana and forms an independent party, he will have both PPP and PNC ginning for him.  If he joins the PPP, PNC supporters will be gunning calling him a PPP infiltrator!

He should keep his money and stay in Canada, or go to Florida!

ksazma posted:
 And those who are not Indian should find it very easy to differentiate between the PPP investment and job creating environment and the last three years when investment shrunk drastically and unemployment rose significantly. I have never counted on the PPP winning on Indian votes only so I focus on the dwindling Indian population for comfort.

Those who aren't Indian remember when the PPP consorted with associates of Colombian drug cartels and dont want that back again.

If the PPP did so well for Guyana, why did so many Guyanese, including PPP supporters flock to places like Barbados, where the locals didn't want them?  Wages in Guyana were low, unemployment high and Guyana was the poorest country in the Eastern Caribbean.

The "boom" that you speak of was due to high gold prices and only began after 2008.  Does the PPP control gold prices?  If the PPP was so wonderful why did they lose the 2011 and the 2015 elections?  These occurred right in the middle of the gold boom.

Baseman posted:

Where is Priya, Dr Frank Anthony?

And I thought you said AFC brought nothing to the table and worth even less after the LGE!

Still not telling us about Civic.  Do they have the ability to make decisions independent of the PPP, if they so chose?  The AFC does and in fact competed with APNU in the last LGE.

Can you imagine Civic doing so.  Do Guyanese even remember who Civic is.  The PPP completely demolished Civic because after all the only purpose of Civic was for Cheddi to house blacks to keep them out of the PPP, which was to remain the "coolie people party". Seeing how useless Civic was many of these people shifted to the Trotman faction of the AFC. Only House Negroes like Uncle Tom Hinds remained.

FYI the AFC isnt just the Nagamootoo faction.  The AFC's best performance in 2015 was in the urban areas whereas as Naga is a Berbice man. 

Now as we saw the AFC Naga faction shot itself in the foot and confirmed the fears of both the Trotman faction as well as APNU.     Naga cannot even control his people as he didn't know what Charran was planning to do. The rest of the Coalition expected Naga to control his people but apparently he cannot.

Now run along like a good boy and analyze the 2011 votes in Region 6 and compare them with the 2015.  Note how many more votes that the PPP won in 2015 and how the APNU+AFC votes were flat, even as the APNU+AFC  votes increased significantly in other regions. Now when you finish that analysis get back to me about how many votes Naga brought with him in 2015. THAT was my point.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Where is Priya, Dr Frank Anthony?

And I thought you said AFC brought nothing to the table and worth even less after the LGE!

Still not telling us about Civic.  Do they have the ability to make decisions independent of the PPP, if they so chose?  The AFC does and in fact competed with APNU in the last LGE.

Can you imagine Civic doing so.  Do Guyanese even remember who Civic is.  The PPP completely demolished Civic because after all the only purpose of Civic was for Cheddi to house blacks to keep them out of the PPP, which was to remain the "coolie people party". Seeing how useless Civic was many of these people shifted to the Trotman faction of the AFC. Only House Negroes like Uncle Tom Hinds remained.

FYI the AFC isnt just the Nagamootoo faction.  The AFC's best performance in 2015 was in the urban areas whereas as Naga is a Berbice man. 

Now as we saw the AFC Naga faction shot itself in the foot and confirmed the fears of both the Trotman faction as well as APNU.     Naga cannot even control his people as he didn't know what Charran was planning to do. The rest of the Coalition expected Naga to control his people but apparently he cannot.

Now run along like a good boy and analyze the 2011 votes in Region 6 and compare them with the 2015.  Note how many more votes that the PPP won in 2015 and how the APNU+AFC votes were flat, even as the APNU+AFC  votes increased significantly in other regions. Now when you finish that analysis get back to me about how many votes Naga brought with him in 2015. THAT was my point.

The PNC faction of the AFC had nothing to complain about.  They were "YES" men to PNC policies affecting the Indian areas.  The PPP faction did and one acted!  They have to live in those communities!

Baseman posted:

If he returns to Guyana and forms an independent party, he will have both PPP and PNC ginning for him.  If he joins the PPP, PNC supporters will be gunning calling him a PPP infiltrator!

He should keep his money and stay in Canada, or go to Florida!

He isnt going to return. He knows that while the PNC might threaten violence Baby Kong actually commits violent acts, this he learned from his Daddy King Kong. Jagdeo is an Indian Burnham, egotistic, power drunk and ruthless just as Forbes was. The only difference is that he loves money more. Burnham got off more on power.

If Charran forms his party he isnt taking from the Coalition, because they already lost those who would be impressed with him. He will take from those PPP supporters who are currently calling him a hero.  So Jagdeo will deal with him.

Not happening. Charran will keep his Judas money.

Baseman posted:

The PNC faction of the AFC had nothing to complain about.  They were "YES" men to PNC policies affecting the Indian areas.  The PPP faction did and one acted!  They have to live in those communities!

And what about Civic in the black areas? Sam Hinds comes from Linden and yet is booed when he goes there.  And this is despite the fact that he was quite popular in that town before he become a House Slave of the PPP.

BTW the Indo AFC destroyed itself.  The rest of the coalition will pull itself together.  Trotman going back to the PNC will bring the middle class blacks and mixed who dont like the Volda types.

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

Both governments did not do much for Berbicians, but the people  voted for the PPP, who also ignore them. If the PPP wins the next election, will they allow their friends at the  Berbice bridge to increase the toll to US$40.00. If this happens the PPP might not have another term. With so much unemployment, how will Berbicians pay US$40.00 to cross the bridge ?  

The PPP will most likely win. Berbicians will vote for them and when Jagdeo raises the price to US$100 they will blame blackman and sing "I dont care who is president once its a 'coolie' man".

The PNC is wishing that their base was as docile and as manipulatable as the PPP base is.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

The PNC faction of the AFC had nothing to complain about.  They were "YES" men to PNC policies affecting the Indian areas.  The PPP faction did and one acted!  They have to live in those communities!

And what about Civic in the black areas? Sam Hinds comes from Linden and yet is booed when he goes there.  And this is despite the fact that he was quite popular in that town before he become a House Slave of the PPP.

BTW the Indo AFC destroyed itself.  The rest of the coalition will pull itself together.  Trotman going back to the PNC will bring the middle class blacks and mixed who dont like the Volda types.

The Indian faction of the AFC was prone to lots of infighting since I was there.  I observed some bitter struggles between them for whatever reasons, noting with party objectives.  Factions formed against Ally, factions formed against Somar, Factions formed against Ramjattan.  Then as soon as AFC gained some traction, friends and family invaded and wrested control from the people who were there all along.

Coolie people nah deh down hey!  Everyone wants to be the boss!

skeldon_man posted:
 Guyanese have learned their lesson well. 28 years of PNC suffering another 3 years of PNC suffering. It is time to go back to the lesser of the two evils...PPP

Why do you say Guyanese when you mean Indians? The PPP lost in 2011 and they lost again in 2015.  The electorate is roughly 50% each.  The winner is the won who is best at getting its voters out.

caribny posted:
Tola posted:

Both governments did not do much for Berbicians, but the people  voted for the PPP, who also ignore them. If the PPP wins the next election, will they allow their friends at the  Berbice bridge to increase the toll to US$40.00. If this happens the PPP might not have another term. With so much unemployment, how will Berbicians pay US$40.00 to cross the bridge ?  

The PPP will most likely win. Berbicians will vote for them and when Jagdeo raises the price to US$100 they will blame blackman and sing "I dont care who is president once its a 'coolie' man".

The PNC is wishing that their base was as docile and as manipulatable as the PPP base is.

PNC got lazy waiting for oil money.  BJ trumped Trump trumped Clinton!

Baseman posted:

The Indian faction of the AFC was prone to lots of infighting since I was there.  I observed some bitter struggles between them for whatever reasons, noting with party objectives.  Factions formed against Ally, factions formed against Somar, Factions formed against Ramjattan.  Then as soon as AFC gained some traction, friends and family invaded and wrested control from the people who were there all along.

Coolie people nah deh down hey!  Everyone wants to be the boss!

The limited exposure to them I had during the 2015 fundraising was that the AFC Indos consisted of these types;

1. Hard core Cheddi types who hated Jagdeo.  They remain PPP men.

2. People who Jagdeo ignored who wanted the coalition to give them jobs or contracts. They remain PPP men.

3. Mainly GT Indians who had joined the AFC before Naga arrived on the scene. They hate both the PPP and the PNC and they are the type who people like you call "town coolie" because they operate comfortably with blacks.

Now given that the first two spent all the time infighting why would the Trotman faction trust them.  It was long suspected that they couldn't be trusted which is why Trotman grabbed hold of the AFC.  Turns out that they were right.  So Charran confirmed to many that a certain type of Indian cannot be trusted.

Baseman posted:

PNC got lazy waiting for oil money.  BJ trumped Trump trumped Clinton!

Like I said the PNC will lose and I knew that from the time when Granger went to a black village on a day very symbolic for rural blacks (who take August Monday seriously) and called them lazy. Rather than unpacking why the PNC base was disappointed he went into his usual passive aggressive mode.

Having said that if Jagdeo thinks that he is smarter than black people, pay off some with milk and take pictures with others, but otherwise turn Guyana into an Indian state.  This being inclusive of his treating working class Indians as if they are low caste, and them meekly accepting such treatment.  He might be in for a surprise.

You know how the PPP always whines that they are in government but cannot govern. Well unless the PPP changes their attitude this will happen. People like Lincoln Lewis arent going to tolerate this and now that blacks know that the PPP is no longer guaranteed victories there will be fewer milk drinkers.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The preparation the PPP has done in the last three years, no other party can do in 30 years. No stone has been left unturned.  Coalition was beaten by 54,000 votes in LGE.  PPP will extend that in March. There is more trouble at the local level for the AFC.  The seat vacated by Charandas is being filled by a PNC.

You don't get it! It's not about PNC or other parties. The PPP is seen as the same bunch of teefing oligarchs with strings pulled by Rat man, the same guy who kept the DEA out of Guyana, maligned the Americans and refused to turn over a drug Lord. What has changed??????? Nothing

Iguana posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The preparation the PPP has done in the last three years, no other party can do in 30 years. No stone has been left unturned.  Coalition was beaten by 54,000 votes in LGE.  PPP will extend that in March. There is more trouble at the local level for the AFC.  The seat vacated by Charandas is being filled by a PNC.

You don't get it! It's not about PNC or other parties. The PPP is seen as the same bunch of teefing oligarchs with strings pulled by Rat man, the same guy who kept the DEA out of Guyana, maligned the Americans and refused to turn over a drug Lord. What has changed??????? Nothing

Roger Khan is due back next year I believe. Jagdeo plans to reconstitute the Phantoms.  This is what Bibi likes.

skeldon_man posted:

I do admire them. My brothers and father were cane cutters. My mother worked in the cane fields as a weeder.

Interesting, because when your cohort Yugi was making comments about "ugly" weeder women and denigrating canecutters and weeders in general on the Varshnie thread yuh had nothing to say. You're a peculiar brand of coward.

caribny posted:

Roger Khan is due back next year I believe. Jagdeo plans to reconstitute the Phantoms.  This is what Bibi likes.

Alluded to this on another thread - both Bibi's and Baseman's agenda include a return to the old days of executions in response to any form of opposition. They should be careful what they are asking for.

Iguana posted:
caribny posted:

Roger Khan is due back next year I believe. Jagdeo plans to reconstitute the Phantoms.  This is what Bibi likes.

Alluded to this on another thread - both Bibi's and Baseman's agenda include a return to the old days of executions in response to any form of opposition. They should be careful what they are asking for.

Nah, I say only if the same thing repeats itself were politically inspired gangs are allowed to roam the streets and the security forces are in cahoots. 

I believe the PPP should build a separate (military style) special team of homeland security guardsmen taken from loyalist within their base and from the GDF/GPF and place under the direct command of the Home Affairs minister.  They could be used for Govt personnel security and could be leveraged into domestic trouble spots where the GPF is having difficulties to control.

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member have you lost your mind banna!! A militia style private force haven't we seen that under the phantom squad ...And under a PPP just as corrupt as the PNC !! 


Makes my point. Baseman and Bibi are well connected in the PPP. His thinking reveals the mindset of those at the top of the PPP and tells us we are in for a return to the days of bodies everywhere!

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
caribny posted:

Roger Khan is due back next year I believe. Jagdeo plans to reconstitute the Phantoms.  This is what Bibi likes.

Alluded to this on another thread - both Bibi's and Baseman's agenda include a return to the old days of executions in response to any form of opposition. They should be careful what they are asking for.

Nah, I say only if the same thing repeats itself were politically inspired gangs are allowed to roam the streets and the security forces are in cahoots. 

I believe the PPP should build a separate (military style) special team of homeland security guardsmen taken from loyalist within their base and from the GDF/GPF and place under the direct command of the Home Affairs minister.  They could be used for Govt personnel security and could be leveraged into domestic trouble spots where the GPF is having difficulties to control.

absolute madness on your part

warmed over death squad stuff . . . smfh

this is why i hope to gawd people like you NEVER get anywhere near political power in Guyana

y'all are committed race ideologues, fixated on DOMINANCE and very dangerous

yes yes i know, you take it as a compliment . . . makes you and weakling friends feel like tough guys

ronan posted:

absolute madness on your part

warmed over death squad stuff . . . smfh

this is why i hope to gawd people like you NEVER get anywhere near political power in Guyana

y'all are committed race ideologues, fixated on DOMINANCE and very dangerous

yes yes i know, you take it as a compliment . . . makes you and weakling friends feel like tough guys

Sadly, he IS now closer to political power than he was Thursday. You summed it up correctly. And don't miss Haniffa either, every so slyly hinting at how any opposition to Jagdeo will be handled.

The 2 of them getting off on phantom death squad shit while Yugi stands back in his frilly panties screaming "jagdeo buss dem back and rub salt".

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member have you lost your mind banna!! A militia style private force haven't we seen that under the phantom squad ...And under a PPP just as corrupt as the PNC !! 


I never said a phantom force, a force that’s part of the National security apparatus aimed at suppressing the most violent of criminal gangs and trained terrorists. It’s under the command of the home affairs ministry.  Model it after the Macedonian Tigers!

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
caribny posted:

Roger Khan is due back next year I believe. Jagdeo plans to reconstitute the Phantoms.  This is what Bibi likes.

Alluded to this on another thread - both Bibi's and Baseman's agenda include a return to the old days of executions in response to any form of opposition. They should be careful what they are asking for.

Nah, I say only if the same thing repeats itself were politically inspired gangs are allowed to roam the streets and the security forces are in cahoots. 

I believe the PPP should build a separate (military style) special team of homeland security guardsmen taken from loyalist within their base and from the GDF/GPF and place under the direct command of the Home Affairs minister.  They could be used for Govt personnel security and could be leveraged into domestic trouble spots where the GPF is having difficulties to control.

absolute madness on your part

warmed over death squad stuff . . . smfh

this is why i hope to gawd people like you NEVER get anywhere near political power in Guyana

y'all are committed race ideologues, fixated on DOMINANCE and very dangerous

yes yes i know, you take it as a compliment . . . makes you and weakling friends feel like tough guys

Interesting your reaction yet we have a 90% Afro GDF used by the PNC in and out of power to suppress, oppres and brutalize the Indian population for 50 years and you ok.  The Buxton FFs leader we’re all ex GDF!

As I said, this is an arm of the National security apparatus to help control the type of violence we experienced in the 2000s.  We talking few dozen guys.

Exactly what’s your objection?  It’s the lack of this which caused the need for the third force.

And yes, why can’t the PPP have a few loyalists helping provide protection!

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member And how do you see this working under such a ethnically insecure country that we have, like the PNC Burnham kick down door policy or the PPP phantom squad ? 

Should be neither of those two.  A separate security under the command of home affairs. No different than the police but with a more toughened military posture to deal with the militarized terrorists we experienced in the 2000s. PPP needs to create this force.

Baseman posted:

Interesting your reaction yet we have a 90% Afro GDF used by the PNC in and out of power to suppress, oppres and brutalize the Indian population for 50 years and you ok.

there is the little matter of the social contract in Guyana

why exactly is the GDF 90% Afro after more than 2 decades of PPP rule?

apparently that 90% figure "is OK" with the majority Indian population of Guyana . . . other than the "domination" Indo-supremacist political class, of course

i reference your many posts on this phenomenon

you have no bloody clothes

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member And how would that  stem the violence from what we saw in the 2000s which was largely drug driven when politicians bought into and some even legally defended these said drug barons

The PPP were in power for 23 years and never made a dent in that imbalance in GDF  and were so mistrusting they turned to drug barons the same who were assiting in paying teachers salary's the PNC have alwatys exploited this insecurity and imbalance you think they'd just roll out the welcome mat 

Explain how this light bulb would work?

Iguana posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member have you lost your mind banna!! A militia style private force haven't we seen that under the phantom squad ...And under a PPP just as corrupt as the PNC !! 


Makes my point. Baseman and Bibi are well connected in the PPP. His thinking reveals the mindset of those at the top of the PPP and tells us we are in for a return to the days of bodies everywhere!

If the PPP had this thinking, the Buxton FF's would have never become the threat they did and there would have never been the need for the clandestine 3rd force.  It was needed because the GDF and the Buxton FFs were working hand in hand with the PNC to topple the PPP.

Expect this again!  Caribj already alluded to this...the "ungovernable" thingy comment!

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member And how would that  stem the violence from what we saw in the 2000s which was largely drug driven when politicians bought into and some even legally defended these said drug barons

The PPP were in power for 23 years and never made a dent in that imbalance in GDF  and were so mistrusting they turned to drug barons the same who were assiting in paying teachers salary's the PNC have alwatys exploited this insecurity and imbalance you think they'd just roll out the welcome mat 

Explain how this light bulb would work?

It was not largely drug driven.  Don't think alyuh suh smart.  The PNC and their operatives piggy-backed on the drug gang to carry out their political agenda and pin it on drugs.  Ramotar even referred to certain PNC Govt officials with known links to the FFs.

I don't know why some people get a fit when anyone mention another security force!


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