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The difference is like night and day.

Corey Booker, whom I thought would have been a brilliant Vice-Presidential nominee for Hillary Clinton, and who would one day be the 2nd African-American President of the USA, was reminiscent of Barack Obama in 2004.

And Michelle, man....that was a moving speech. She was emotional towards the end. Don't mess with a Black woman's husband. Donald Trump got a handful from her.

Al Franken turned back the clock on his previous stand-up comedian life, but Sarah Silverman -always a brilliant comedienne - got the Bernie people to finally pipe down.

If you missed Corey Booker and Michelle Obama watch them on YouTube. I like Elisabeth Warren, but she has a tough act to follow from these two. And Bernie is up next. Oh, and to heae Paul Simon sing Bridge over troubled water......

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Last edited by Former Member

What started out as if the Democratic Convention was wobbly - given the resignation of DNC Chairperson Debbie Shultz over leaked emails that indicated the party establishment favored Hillary, and the Bernie supporters who looked like they just came from the Trump Convention - but in the end was a night made memorable by Corey Booker and especially Michelle Obama.

Imagine the lineup Wednesday - President Obama, former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden.

Tomorrow is the Vice Presidential nominee's night and
Thursday will be the crowning achievement of the first woman to ever be a major Party's nominee.

But tonight, it was the Progressives night with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. And the big take away will be Corey Booker emulating the 2004 Obama and the grace, the smarts, the looks and the decency of Michelle.

yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Hillary is very much afraid to attack Trump on any grounds. The voters understand Trump style and mannerisms. He is not afraid to get down and dirty with Grandma. After the DNC, Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens by Trump. 

Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Hillary is very much afraid to attack Trump on any grounds. The voters understand Trump style and mannerisms. He is not afraid to get down and dirty with Grandma. After the DNC, Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens by Trump. 

..Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens... by Trump's face.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Hillary is very much afraid to attack Trump on any grounds. The voters understand Trump style and mannerisms. He is not afraid to get down and dirty with Grandma. After the DNC, Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens by Trump. 

..Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens... by Trump's face.

I am sorry. Do you vote in America? Haven't the British done enough to fish up Guyana, and you are still living by their stinking system of government? Why Canadians want to poke their noses in American elections? Trump should put more borders and stop you guys from entering the USA. Canada is America newest enemy now.


I am surprised at the support for Trump exhibited by some posters here on GNI. They seemed to close their eyes ears and brains to the racism that is explicit and implicit in his speeches, the utter nonsense of his economic policies (if that is what what he is saying it is,) his hypocrisy claiming to be the voice of the poor and disenfranchised, his outright lies, his greed, his poor business approach, his ignorance and myopic approach to international affairs, his immoral life, his Gobbel approach to the truth, his arrogance, ....

I thought that they would have known better. But, it is democratic right. Too bad, though, that they have missed the lessons of history!




There was so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.  He was Borked my Wassermann-Shultz who was fired by the DNC to be promptly hired by Hillary.  His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC treatment.

What message are we sending parading a whole host of Law breaking illegal immigrants shedding crocodile tears.  They should have thought of that when they broke the law and cheated their way infront of those respecting the system.  but €€crooked hillary will embrace anything to get elected!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:


There is so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.  He was Borked my Wassermann-Shultz who was fired by the DNC to be promptly hired by Hillary.  His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC treatment.

What message are we sending parading a whole host of Law breaking illegal immigrants shedding crocodile tears.  They should have thought of that when they broke the law and cheated their way infront of those respecting the system.  but €€crooked hillary will embrace anything to get elected!!

you mean  not selling to that yellow haired narcissistic windbag is selling out? Ms Shultz contributed nothing to Bernie's his loss except as you would want to sell it. Lies are hard to sell. Debbie is a hardworking democrat and  her skills to defeat that leprechaun is needed. The rest of your post simply illustrates how diseased memes can cross contaminate if weak minds are ready and available to be infected.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:


There was so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.  He was Borked my Wassermann-Shultz who was fired by the DNC to be promptly hired by Hillary.  His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC treatment.

What message are we sending parading a whole host of Law breaking illegal immigrants shedding crocodile tears.  They should have thought of that when they broke the law and cheated their way infront of those respecting the system.  but €€crooked hillary will embrace anything to get elected!!

 Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology - if you listened to Bernie Sanders saying he got most of his issues on the Democratic platform and called it the most progressive in the history of the Democratic party, you won't say this.

His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC clearly don't understand the role of the arm of government called the Congress.

alena06 posted:

Oh my god!  What a night!  I was glued to the tv.  My first time watching Cory Booker, what an intelligent and awesome speaker, he has a long way to go in American Politics.  Michele Obama was very believable and smart about the way she dealt with Trump without even mentioning his name. And being classy she did not even mention someone stole her speech.  That's how educated, respectful people handle themselves. 

Anastasia took the cake and I am sure she had the whole country on their feet.  So many Bernie supporters had tears in their eyes, I have never seen such a thing, and he FULLY endorsed Hillary.  A+++++++++  The Democratic party is UNITED as it can ever be!!


alena06 posted:
alena06 posted:

Oh my god!  What a night!  I was glued to the tv.  My first time watching Cory Booker, what an intelligent and awesome speaker, he has a long way to go in American Politics.  Michele Obama was very believable and smart about the way she dealt with Trump without even mentioning his name. And being classy she did not even mention someone stole her speech.  That's how educated, respectful people handle themselves. 

Anastasia took the cake and I am sure she had the whole country on their feet.  So many Bernie supporters had tears in their eyes, I have never seen such a thing, and he FULLY endorsed Hillary.  A+++++++++  The Democratic party is UNITED as it can ever be!!


No Neemaks!!!  Like the AFC.  Bernie Sanders has class!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:
alena06 posted:

Oh my god!  What a night!  I was glued to the tv.  My first time watching Cory Booker, what an intelligent and awesome speaker, he has a long way to go in American Politics.  Michele Obama was very believable and smart about the way she dealt with Trump without even mentioning his name. And being classy she did not even mention someone stole her speech.  That's how educated, respectful people handle themselves. 

Anastasia took the cake and I am sure she had the whole country on their feet.  So many Bernie supporters had tears in their eyes, I have never seen such a thing, and he FULLY endorsed Hillary.  A+++++++++  The Democratic party is UNITED as it can ever be!!


No Neemaks!!!  Like the AFC.  Bernie Sanders has class!!

AFC is a thing of the past girl It's full fledged PNC now!!!!!!


To truly appreciate how far we have come since Obama took office, one has to reflect that the market was under 8000 points after the crash and is somewhere near 19000 points today. That is nearly two and a half time better. Also, we were losing some 800 thousand jobs each month for three consecutive months before the bleeding stopped followed by over seven years of positive monthly job growths. People can spin the facts however they want but that is their prerogative. The rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten better although there is still need for improvement amongst the poor. My condition has also gotten better.

Rush is mad and it looks like some here accept his nonsense. Today he is doubling down by injecting race, religion and race which tells me that he is more worried about how great the Dems did last night even though he is pretending that the Dems had a bad night last night.


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