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The difference is like night and day.

Corey Booker, whom I thought would have been a brilliant Vice-Presidential nominee for Hillary Clinton, and who would one day be the 2nd African-American President of the USA, was reminiscent of Barack Obama in 2004.

And Michelle, man....that was a moving speech. She was emotional towards the end. Don't mess with a Black woman's husband. Donald Trump got a handful from her.

Al Franken turned back the clock on his previous stand-up comedian life, but Sarah Silverman -always a brilliant comedienne - got the Bernie people to finally pipe down.

If you missed Corey Booker and Michelle Obama watch them on YouTube. I like Elisabeth Warren, but she has a tough act to follow from these two. And Bernie is up next. Oh, and to heae Paul Simon sing Bridge over troubled water......

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Last edited by Former Member

What started out as if the Democratic Convention was wobbly - given the resignation of DNC Chairperson Debbie Shultz over leaked emails that indicated the party establishment favored Hillary, and the Bernie supporters who looked like they just came from the Trump Convention - but in the end was a night made memorable by Corey Booker and especially Michelle Obama.

Imagine the lineup Wednesday - President Obama, former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden.

Tomorrow is the Vice Presidential nominee's night and
Thursday will be the crowning achievement of the first woman to ever be a major Party's nominee.

But tonight, it was the Progressives night with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. And the big take away will be Corey Booker emulating the 2004 Obama and the grace, the smarts, the looks and the decency of Michelle.

yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Hillary is very much afraid to attack Trump on any grounds. The voters understand Trump style and mannerisms. He is not afraid to get down and dirty with Grandma. After the DNC, Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens by Trump. 

Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Hillary is very much afraid to attack Trump on any grounds. The voters understand Trump style and mannerisms. He is not afraid to get down and dirty with Grandma. After the DNC, Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens by Trump. 

..Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens... by Trump's face.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Cobra posted:
yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Hillary is very much afraid to attack Trump on any grounds. The voters understand Trump style and mannerisms. He is not afraid to get down and dirty with Grandma. After the DNC, Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens by Trump. 

..Hillary will be washed and dry like dirty linens... by Trump's face.

I am sorry. Do you vote in America? Haven't the British done enough to fish up Guyana, and you are still living by their stinking system of government? Why Canadians want to poke their noses in American elections? Trump should put more borders and stop you guys from entering the USA. Canada is America newest enemy now.


I am surprised at the support for Trump exhibited by some posters here on GNI. They seemed to close their eyes ears and brains to the racism that is explicit and implicit in his speeches, the utter nonsense of his economic policies (if that is what what he is saying it is,) his hypocrisy claiming to be the voice of the poor and disenfranchised, his outright lies, his greed, his poor business approach, his ignorance and myopic approach to international affairs, his immoral life, his Gobbel approach to the truth, his arrogance, ....

I thought that they would have known better. But, it is democratic right. Too bad, though, that they have missed the lessons of history!




There was so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.  He was Borked my Wassermann-Shultz who was fired by the DNC to be promptly hired by Hillary.  His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC treatment.

What message are we sending parading a whole host of Law breaking illegal immigrants shedding crocodile tears.  They should have thought of that when they broke the law and cheated their way infront of those respecting the system.  but €€crooked hillary will embrace anything to get elected!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:


There is so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.  He was Borked my Wassermann-Shultz who was fired by the DNC to be promptly hired by Hillary.  His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC treatment.

What message are we sending parading a whole host of Law breaking illegal immigrants shedding crocodile tears.  They should have thought of that when they broke the law and cheated their way infront of those respecting the system.  but €€crooked hillary will embrace anything to get elected!!

you mean  not selling to that yellow haired narcissistic windbag is selling out? Ms Shultz contributed nothing to Bernie's his loss except as you would want to sell it. Lies are hard to sell. Debbie is a hardworking democrat and  her skills to defeat that leprechaun is needed. The rest of your post simply illustrates how diseased memes can cross contaminate if weak minds are ready and available to be infected.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:


There was so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.  He was Borked my Wassermann-Shultz who was fired by the DNC to be promptly hired by Hillary.  His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC treatment.

What message are we sending parading a whole host of Law breaking illegal immigrants shedding crocodile tears.  They should have thought of that when they broke the law and cheated their way infront of those respecting the system.  but €€crooked hillary will embrace anything to get elected!!

 Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology - if you listened to Bernie Sanders saying he got most of his issues on the Democratic platform and called it the most progressive in the history of the Democratic party, you won't say this.

His views and aspiration will be promptly tossed aside once Hillary gets the votes.  He will be given the AFC clearly don't understand the role of the arm of government called the Congress.

alena06 posted:

Oh my god!  What a night!  I was glued to the tv.  My first time watching Cory Booker, what an intelligent and awesome speaker, he has a long way to go in American Politics.  Michele Obama was very believable and smart about the way she dealt with Trump without even mentioning his name. And being classy she did not even mention someone stole her speech.  That's how educated, respectful people handle themselves. 

Anastasia took the cake and I am sure she had the whole country on their feet.  So many Bernie supporters had tears in their eyes, I have never seen such a thing, and he FULLY endorsed Hillary.  A+++++++++  The Democratic party is UNITED as it can ever be!!


alena06 posted:
alena06 posted:

Oh my god!  What a night!  I was glued to the tv.  My first time watching Cory Booker, what an intelligent and awesome speaker, he has a long way to go in American Politics.  Michele Obama was very believable and smart about the way she dealt with Trump without even mentioning his name. And being classy she did not even mention someone stole her speech.  That's how educated, respectful people handle themselves. 

Anastasia took the cake and I am sure she had the whole country on their feet.  So many Bernie supporters had tears in their eyes, I have never seen such a thing, and he FULLY endorsed Hillary.  A+++++++++  The Democratic party is UNITED as it can ever be!!


No Neemaks!!!  Like the AFC.  Bernie Sanders has class!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:
alena06 posted:

Oh my god!  What a night!  I was glued to the tv.  My first time watching Cory Booker, what an intelligent and awesome speaker, he has a long way to go in American Politics.  Michele Obama was very believable and smart about the way she dealt with Trump without even mentioning his name. And being classy she did not even mention someone stole her speech.  That's how educated, respectful people handle themselves. 

Anastasia took the cake and I am sure she had the whole country on their feet.  So many Bernie supporters had tears in their eyes, I have never seen such a thing, and he FULLY endorsed Hillary.  A+++++++++  The Democratic party is UNITED as it can ever be!!


No Neemaks!!!  Like the AFC.  Bernie Sanders has class!!

AFC is a thing of the past girl It's full fledged PNC now!!!!!!


To truly appreciate how far we have come since Obama took office, one has to reflect that the market was under 8000 points after the crash and is somewhere near 19000 points today. That is nearly two and a half time better. Also, we were losing some 800 thousand jobs each month for three consecutive months before the bleeding stopped followed by over seven years of positive monthly job growths. People can spin the facts however they want but that is their prerogative. The rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten better although there is still need for improvement amongst the poor. My condition has also gotten better.

Rush is mad and it looks like some here accept his nonsense. Today he is doubling down by injecting race, religion and race which tells me that he is more worried about how great the Dems did last night even though he is pretending that the Dems had a bad night last night.

ba$eman posted:


There was so much dishonesty on display.  All great talk as they are good at.  Bernie Sanders sold out his flock and ideology.

Wow. And the RNC was about honesty"

Well tell me this.  Why does Trump source his supplies from Mexico and China, but conveniently hasn't admitted this to unemployed factor workers in NC and MI?

Why doesn't Trump tell the autoworkers in MI that he wanted to see the auto industry collapse and was angered when that Kenyan Muslim decided to bail it out?

Answers to that will be a test about honesty.

ksazma posted:

Suddenly the Repubs and Fox News in particular feel so bad for Bernie. They no longer refer to him as Crazy Bernie.

Why don't they adopt his platform. High taxes on the super wealthy, universal health care, and free college education.

I mean if they care so much about his supporters then they will adopt core parts of his platform!


What caliber of people are Rush's followers? I listen sometimes for amusement.

So he is telling his listening followers that the invocation is the beginning prayer as if they don't know that an invocation is a prayer.  

Can't make that sh1t up.

Btw, even white college men are more against Trump than for him. White non college men support Trump more. So which gang you prefer to hang out with.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Suddenly the Repubs and Fox News in particular feel so bad for Bernie. They no longer refer to him as Crazy Bernie.

Why don't they adopt his platform. High taxes on the super wealthy, universal health care, and free college education.

I mean if they care so much about his supporters then they will adopt core parts of his platform!

They saw some of his supporters were miserable and since they love misery, they want in.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Suddenly the Repubs and Fox News in particular feel so bad for Bernie. They no longer refer to him as Crazy Bernie.

Why don't they adopt his platform. High taxes on the super wealthy, universal health care, and free college education.

I mean if they care so much about his supporters then they will adopt core parts of his platform!

They saw some of his supporters were miserable and since they love misery, they want in.

Like Trump forgot that a few months ago he was telling his goons that they should beat up Bernie supporters, and he would pay their legal bills.

ksazma posted:

To truly appreciate how far we have come since Obama took office, one has to reflect that the market was under 8000 points after the crash and is somewhere near 19000 points today. That is nearly two and a half time better. Also, we were losing some 800 thousand jobs each month for three consecutive months before the bleeding stopped followed by over seven years of positive monthly job growths. People can spin the facts however they want but that is their prerogative. The rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten better although there is still need for improvement amongst the poor. My condition has also gotten better.

Rush is mad and it looks like some here accept his nonsense. Today he is doubling down by injecting race, religion and race which tells me that he is more worried about how great the Dems did last night even though he is pretending that the Dems had a bad night last night.

When Obama took over the White House the US debt was $10 trillion.  Today it's $19 trillion.  Trump has his work cut out for him to reduce that deficit.  But only he can do it.   The US needs a businessman to run the country now and not a politician.  If Trump wins and he reduces the deficit, which he will, he get re-elected in 2020.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

To truly appreciate how far we have come since Obama took office, one has to reflect that the market was under 8000 points after the crash and is somewhere near 19000 points today. That is nearly two and a half time better. Also, we were losing some 800 thousand jobs each month for three consecutive months before the bleeding stopped followed by over seven years of positive monthly job growths. People can spin the facts however they want but that is their prerogative. The rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten better although there is still need for improvement amongst the poor. My condition has also gotten better.

Rush is mad and it looks like some here accept his nonsense. Today he is doubling down by injecting race, religion and race which tells me that he is more worried about how great the Dems did last night even though he is pretending that the Dems had a bad night last night.

When Obama took over the White House the US debt was $10 trillion.  Today it's $19 trillion.  Trump has his work cut out for him to reduce that deficit.  But only he can do it.   The US needs a businessman to run the country now and not a politician.  If Trump wins and he reduces the deficit, which he will, he get re-elected in 2020.

Do you know that government spending is controlled by the Republican Congress and Senate? Do you know that some of the spending was already in place long before Obama came to the White House? When Obama tried to cut the budgets such as the trillions spent on the military, it was shot down (pun intended) by the Republican House and Senate.

Cobra posted:

I am sorry. Do you vote in America? Haven't the British done enough to fish up Guyana, and you are still living by their stinking system of government? Why Canadians want to poke their noses in American elections? Trump should put more borders and stop you guys from entering the USA. Canada is America newest enemy now.

1. Individuals world-wide are interested in political issues.

2. How and since when Canada is now the newest enemy of America.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The President has veto power over all appropriations bills.  If congress sends it to him/her and he/she doesn't sign, dem can't buy nothing from China.

Budgets originate and finalize in the President's office.

Yep.  Was referring to the military spending MARS referred to, Obama had no cooperation to cut military spending. 


ALENA06, here's the deal.

so somebody said that US spending is largely a function of the Congress, and by implication not so much by the President of the USA.

So Bibibski says that one person states he will reduce the budget deficit and she cheers.

Then very same Bibibski says that another person states she will reduce the budget deficit and Bibibski asks "so she lie?"

Mek sense?

alena06 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The President has veto power over all appropriations bills.  If congress sends it to him/her and he/she doesn't sign, dem can't buy nothing from China.

Budgets originate and finalize in the President's office.

Yep.  Was referring to the military spending MARS referred to, Obama had no cooperation to cut military spending. 

In the early years of the Obama Presidency the deficit spending to stimulate the economy raised some concern about the US Federal long-term debt and the rising annual budget deficits.

Well, several factors have tamped down those fears in large part because of the expanding US economy since 2009 and because it is so cheap in historical terms to borrow money.

The annual budget deficit was around 10% of GDP in 2010. It has contracted over the years and is currently at 4%. Remember that Boehner and Obama had some budget deals that included sequestration that cut domestic and military spending across the Board.

The federal debt was around $15 trillion in 2010 and today it is $19 trillion+. Today's GDP is about $18 trillion and was just under $15 trillion in 2010. So percentage-wise it grew from around 100% of GDP to just a little over. The long term interest though has dropped substantially. given incredibly low rates of borrowing (printing US Treasuries).

While Obama's 2012 campaign called for spending cuts at least 7 times in its platform, both Trump (tax cuts) and Clinton (infrastructure spending) talk about more spending. Note that while Entitlements are not part of this discussion actual war spending might be included (someone can check this for us).

Bibi Haniffa posted:

So how come Hillary say she will reduce the budget deficit?  She lie??

Bill Clinton generated a budget SURPLUS.

Trump is projected to generate massive DEFICITS if the scanty plan that he is outlined is implemented.

Bibi you are an idiot who will buy a million dollar house without seeing inside. Trump has revealed NO specifics, but you will accept his boast that he will eliminate the budget deficit when he hasn't told you how.

yuji22 posted:
Cobra posted:

Luciffer Hillary should know better not to wake a sleeping giant by calling him names. She said she will not engaged in mud slinging with Trump for abvious reasons. Hillary got a lot of mud to stay clean from the slinging that awaits her after the Convention. 

The email rotten mud is sticking on Hillary and it really stinks. Crooked Hillary's numbers are falling like flies. Trump leads in the latest CNN Polls.

The political gloves are off and Trump knocked crooked Hillary down in round one, let us see how crooked Hillary stands up in round two.

The first punch in round two is thrown by Trump and the angry Sanders supporters as the DNC chairman is banned and exiled.

The DNC chairman takes a punch for crooked Hillary.

Democrats threw a jab in round two tonight but is was nothing. The DNC is like a circus. 

Chairman resigning, protesters against crooked Hillary, emails scandals, national security at risk etc. DNC circus at it's best as their followers on GNI fall for the feel good trap.

Yuji bhai, I thought you have reformed? Why the name calling? The lady, a democrat, has been in the public eye for a long time. Guess who is the one trying to daub shit on her for looking after the poor and disadvantaged?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Past performance will determine future results.  He did not become a billionaire because he is stupid.

It starts with inheritance, then graduates to borrowing, then declaring bankruptcies and stiffing investors and workers. The donald has more liabilities than assets and tons of law suits up the wazoo. You wanna know why he's not enthused about providing his tax returns?

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Past performance will determine future results.  He did not become a billionaire because he is stupid.

So, since he filed for bankruptcy so many times, we can assume that the US will be in a depression again based on Trump's past results. Thankfully, he will be soundly whopped in November.

So Bibi is saying that Trump declaring bankruptcy wasn't because he was in financial difficulty. Its purely because he wanted to stiff investors, contractors and employees.

ksazma posted:

To truly appreciate how far we have come since Obama took office, one has to reflect that the market was under 8000 points after the crash and is somewhere near 19000 points today. That is nearly two and a half time better. Also, we were losing some 800 thousand jobs each month for three consecutive months before the bleeding stopped followed by over seven years of positive monthly job growths. People can spin the facts however they want but that is their prerogative. The rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten better although there is still need for improvement amongst the poor. My condition has also gotten better.

Rush is mad and it looks like some here accept his nonsense. Today he is doubling down by injecting race, religion and race which tells me that he is more worried about how great the Dems did last night even though he is pretending that the Dems had a bad night last night.

Bai, that market is one big hydrogen baloon pumped up by te Fed zero interest rate policy designed to mitigate the weak underlying economy.  The recent run up is seeing the back of Obama and Wall Street hedging more towards a Trump victory as the Hillary seem to be going flat and not connecting.  These are a whole sh1tload of emails yet to come, timing is of the essence.  It will highlight more crookedness with Hillary!

Last edited by Former Member

Bill Clinton showed the human side of Hillary tonight and gave us a glimpse of what drives her - changing the lives of disadvantaged children.

He ended on the note about the real Hillary and the one made up by the Republicans. Boy did he bring it. His mention of Michelle got one of the biggest cheer of the night.

Then we were treated to Meryl Streep talking about Hillary's grit and grace along with all the women who achieved firsts; and Alicia Keys with her exhortation of unity and love.


Excellent Tuesday evening for the Democratic National Convention and a profound speech by Bill Clinton.

While there may be a very small pocket of delegates who may still be upset that Bernie Sanders is not the candidate, it would appear from the crowd's participation that an extremely large majority for Bernie Sanders are supporting Hillary Clinton and the movement forward.

Last edited by Former Member

Bill Clinton tonight begun the strategy to make Hillary the real change maker by telling the narrative of how Hillary changed lives.

The Democrats understand that Hillary faces a trust/inevitability deficit and Bill did a good job in contrasting the real Hillary versus the caricature Hillary - the two dimensional one painted by the GOP for over 25 years. So the strategy is the gender politics - Hillary must be seen as trustworthy to women, especially the married white women. As pointed out by a commentator this should nullify the gap she seems unable to bridge with blue collar white males who are not College-educated.

Tomorrow night the top gun comes out - Barack Obama. Bloomberg and Biden will lead in I believe tomorrow with Chelsea introducing her mom Thursday.

You will note the discipline and tact of the Convention planners. even down to the signs (some creativity). You will also note no red meat attacks on Trump, who's Convention painted a dark picture while this one is about tomorrow and good things to come. The red meat will come after Labor Day with the SuperPacs and the swiftboating. We'll get a sh1tload of Trump university, Trump casino bankruptcies, Trump stiffing buildings contractors, Trump shitzing war veterans like McCain and handicapped people, all the fat-pig names of women, the Putin connection, the Mexican and Chinese factory connections for Trump-named merchandise. You ain't see nothing yet.

Kari posted:

"We'll get a sh1tload of Trump university,

Trump casino bankruptcies

Trump stiffing buildings contractors

Trump shitzing war veterans like McCain and handicapped people

All the fat-pig names of women

The Putin connection

The Mexican and Chinese factory connections for Trump-named merchandise. "


...and poor misguided people actually love this in a leader....aiaiaiaiai

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Kari posted:

"We'll get a sh1tload of Trump university,

Trump casino bankruptcies

Trump stiffing buildings contractors

Trump shitzing war veterans like McCain and handicapped people

All the fat-pig names of women

The Putin connection

The Mexican and Chinese factory connections for Trump-named merchandise. "


...and poor misguided people actually love this in a leader....aiaiaiaiai

In my office there are several suburban Republicans who hate Hillary.

Baseman when I ask them who they are going to vote for they mumble and walk quickly away.  No one in an environment with intelligent people will admit in public that they will vote Trump.

Admitting that one likes Trump is like admitting that one does heroin.

And by the debates it will get a WORSE!


CARIBNY, given the electoral map with how voting in the last 3 election cycles, and polling of registered and expected voters, Clinton starts with 217 and Trump with 191. Hillary needs 53 from the likely contested States. These are Florida (29), Pennsylvania (20), Ohio (18), No. Carolina (15), Virginia (15), Wisconsin (10). That's 107 electoral college votes to fight over. There are a few more in single digits.

The prevailing thought is that blue collar whites (non-college-educated) who make up about 44% of the total voters are going for Trump in numbers that beat what Romney beat Obama by in this demographic. If you look at the States above this would have little impact in Florida (29), Ohio (18) and Wisconsin (10). That's the 57 that Hillary needs. Obama and Kerry carried Florida and I believe the others (though I'll have to verify these). The polling so far favor Hillary in all these. She might pick up another 20 or so. This means that yes, it will be a close race (as of this moment), but Hillary will triumph. We also know that after the debates you do get a significant swing in the battleground states which might even lead to a runaway victory for Hillary - but that is looking too far ahead.


A note on one of the former previous females who was a major contestant for the President-nominee at a Democrat National Convention ... someone with Guyanese ancestry. I featured her a while ago on GNI thread on Black History in the Social column.

Shirley Anita Chisholm

The first African–American Congresswoman, Shirley Anita Chisholm represented a newly reapportioned U.S. House district centered in Brooklyn, New York. Elected in 1968 because of her roots in the Bedford–Stuyvesant neighborhood, Chisholm was catapulted into the national limelight by virtue of her race, gender, and outspoken personality. In 1972, in a largely symbolic undertaking, she campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination. But "Fighting Shirley" Chisholm's frontal assault on many congressional traditions and her reputation as a crusader limited her influence as a legislator. "I am the people's politician," she once told the New York Times. "If the day should ever come when the people can't save me, I'll know I'm finished. That's when I'll go back to being a professional educator."1

Shirley Anita St. Hill was born on November 20, 1924, in Brooklyn, New York. She was the oldest of four daughters of Charles St. Hill, a factory laborer from Guyana, and Ruby Seale St. Hill, a seamstress from Barbados. For part of her childhood, Shirley St. Hill lived in Barbados on her maternal grandparents' farm, receiving a British education while her parents worked during the Great Depression to settle the family in Bedford–Stuyvesant. The most apparent manifestation of her West Indies roots was the slight, clipped British accent she retained throughout her life. She attended public schools in Brooklyn and graduated with high marks. Accepted to Vassar and Oberlin colleges, Shirley St. Hill attended Brooklyn College on scholarship and graduated cum laude with a B.A. in sociology in 1946. From 1946 to 1953, Chisholm worked as a nursery school teacher and then as the director of two daycare centers. She married Conrad Q. Chisholm, a private investigator, in 1949. Three years later, Shirley Chisholm earned an M.A. in early childhood education from Columbia University. She served as an educational consultant for New York City's Division of Day Care from 1959 to 1964. In 1964, Chisholm was elected to the New York state legislature; she was the second African–American woman to serve in Albany.

Source ---

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
caribny posted:
.....  No one in an environment with intelligent people will admit in public that they will vote Trump.

Admitting that one likes Trump is like admitting that one does heroin......

   Bazeless,Bibyski,Cobra,yugeee,skeldonbana and de rest gotta start post with, "Hi, I am ....and I am a dummy....

They come on GNI and boast about Trump. Bet they wouldn't in real life.  NOT in NYC.

I cannot think of any one who admits that they like Trump, and I am exposed to a wide cast of characters.

Demerara_Guy posted:

A note on one of the former previous females who was a major contestant for the President-nominee in the Democrat National Convention ... someone with Guyanese ancestry. I featured her a while ago a on GNI thread on Black History in the Social column.

Shirley Anita Chisholm


Shirley Anita St. Hill was born on November 20, 1924, in Brooklyn, New York. She was the oldest of four daughters of Charles St. Hill, a factory laborer from Guyana,

Source ---

yes that fact is often forgotten.  Given that we are the 5th largest immigrant group in NYC we really have to stop this low profile nonsense!

Kari posted:

CARIBNY, given the electoral map with how voting in the last 3 election cycles, and polling of registered and expected voters, Clinton starts with 217 and Trump with 191. Hillary needs 53 from the likely contested States. These are Florida (29), Pennsylvania (20), Ohio (18), No. Carolina (15), Virginia (15), Wisconsin (10). That's 107 electoral college votes to fight over. There are a few more in single digits.

The prevailing thought is that blue collar whites (non-college-educated) who make up about 44% of the total voters are going for Trump in numbers that beat what Romney beat Obama by in this demographic. If you look at the States above this would have little impact in Florida (29), Ohio (18) and Wisconsin (10). That's the 57 that Hillary needs. Obama and Kerry carried Florida and I believe the others (though I'll have to verify these). The polling so far favor Hillary in all these. She might pick up another 20 or so. This means that yes, it will be a close race (as of this moment), but Hillary will triumph. We also know that after the debates you do get a significant swing in the battleground states which might even lead to a runaway victory for Hillary - but that is looking too far ahead.

Right now polling shows PA and FL to be very close and OH in the GOP column.  Given demographic shifts in VA its believed that she has that one.

WI and OH are packed with white working class voters, as is MI, though no one is saying that MI is a risk.

While the Dems have an advantage they CANNOT take any thing for granted.

We have a STRUCTURAL problem with part of the electorate. Uneducated white men just discovered that their world has changed and they are ANGRY.  Their grandfathers were able to live middle class lives with their wives at home.  Now heroin and hopelessness has gripped this population which has seen its life expectancy rate DECLINE!  Married white women vote with their husbands. 

They hate educated liberals, and Hillary os definitely one.  The days when being white and male was all that was necessary have gone, and for many that was all they had.

THIS is where the biggest problem lies.  The challenge will be to get them to see the Trump con game.  Trump is exploiting their insecurities, and can get down to their level of simplistic thinking (Crooked Hillary).  Some one suggested Loser Trump as an equally simplistic one liner.

Kari these folks make uneducated Guyanese look highly intellectual.  Part of this is because Guyanese still respect the intellectual. These guys don't, so we get ignorance like "leave government out of my Medicaid".

Any way Giuliani did a good job. His ghoulish screaming scared blacks away from Trump. Normally the GOP get 10% of the black vote (when Obama isn't around), and 30% had previously claimed that they weren't bothered by Trump. Now its ZERO.  Thank you Rudy.   Black turnout is a make or break in states like PA, NC, VA, and FL.

caribny posted:

Kari these folks make uneducated Guyanese look highly intellectual.  Part of this is because Guyanese still respect the intellectual. These guys don't, so we get ignorance like "leave government out of my Medicaid".


Note the Bazeless,Bibyski,Cobra,yugeee,skeldonbana and de rest fall intop the "these folks" category. They are anti-intellectual like these angry white non-College educated blue collar white males.

Acknowledgement to da Cainsta for use of his colorful phrase of names.


What really counts, is how Trumps approaches the White votes. I hope White people realizes that they can loose control of their country to a laziazz group of people who couldn't even sey boo in dem native countries. And now, dem all gat big big mouth about Trump. And the man made Billions of Dollars. History has shown Americans of such elites are shrewd people.

The Clintons gat their money from patronage. Certainly richer than the subordinates who are clammering for her. 

Kari posted:
caribny posted:

Kari these folks make uneducated Guyanese look highly intellectual.  Part of this is because Guyanese still respect the intellectual. These guys don't, so we get ignorance like "leave government out of my Medicaid".


Note the Bazeless,Bibyski,Cobra,yugeee,skeldonbana and de rest fall intop the "these folks" category. They are anti-intellectual like these angry white non-College educated blue collar white males.

Acknowledgement to da Cainsta for use of his colorful phrase of names.

Yes sadly life in North America has made that gang quite ignorant and anti intellectual.

Kari posted:

add Seig-heil to the uninformed douche bags kneeling at the (vanishing) altar of Trump.

Trump once said that if he wanted to be president, he would run as a GOP candidate.  This because he thinks that the Republican base are stupid and ignorant.

Watch how he buys his supplies from Mexico and China, declares bankruptcy so that he can stiff contractors, and yet still knows that being a rich white man will guarantee him at least 45% of the votes.


Tonight Barack Obama defined what America is and in the process showed how un-American Donald Trump is. He intoned that americans do not like to be ruled and pointed out the constitution preamble of all men being equal to answer the Donald's savior shout in Cleveland last week. Obama brought the Bernie left in his embrace by saying even if you're 100% right you still have to find common ground and compromise to move things along. Obama can speak from experience.

Bloomberg put it to the Donald about his "business" characteristics and I think moved wavering Independents along to Hillary. 

Biden shoo the complacent Democrats up with his anecdotes.

Trump's electoral strength is the 44% of the electorate demographic that is white male - the majority of whom are non-College-educated. He will win that group but tonight the Dems started chipping away. Trump has an almost 40% lead on Hillary with that demographic. The other white demographic - the women - is where Hillary is holding her own. The 28% non-white votes is still a 90 - 10 split for Hillary. So if you look at the percentages 90% of 28 = 25% (rounding off). 50% of white women is 50% of 28 = 14%. So Hillary has a sure 25% + 14% = 39% of the total votes cast. All she needs is 12% from that 44% white male demographic. The math says she needs about 28% and give the Donald the remaining 72% of this demographic.  That's a 43% Trump advantage. At the top of this paragraph I mentioned she's down by 40%, so she's 3% better than she needs to be. And she's just getting started to chip away. And.....Obama has now entered the fray - an outgoing President with over 50% favorability rating.

A note on Obama tonight. You have to see how his Constitutional law and background in community organizing influenced his understanding of the essential America. His line tonight that was most emphatic was we don't like to be ruled as it's self evident all men are equal. Now politicians in Guyana do not understand two things Obama referred tonight - you have to find common ground and the people rule. No winner take all and it's not the PPP or the PNC, it's Guyanese. Now we need a Mandela to bring Guyanese to that intersection and Guyana can begin to build a truly improving nation. Lessons from Obama.

Kari posted:


Trump's electoral strength is the 44% of the electorate demographic that is white male - ..

Let me correct you. Whites with no college are 44% of the voters.  There is a massive shift to the GOP among the men, but even among the females there is a shift.

Of the 10 swing states identified by the NYT only VA and NC do whites with no college account for less than 30% of the votes received by Obama in 2012.  PA, OH, WI and IA this demographic accounted for over 40% of the votes that he received, meaning that Trump can do serious damage if he makes more inroads than Romney did.  And that is exactly what is happening.

PA and IA Obama won 52%. He won by slightly over 50% in OH and FL. Even in FL whites with no college accounted for30% of the votes received.

So if there is a 10% slippage to Trump of this bloc, with the black turnout dropping from 13% of the overall (crucial in FL, NC, VA, PA and OH) to the more usual 11% Trump could win.

The Dems will have to work very hard on 2 things. Black turnout and arresting the steep decline in the white no college support.

It was noted that at the RNC there was none of the usual cutting taxes. So in the Midwest the GOP might look less than the rich man's party that it normally does. Note that the Midwest is a socially conservative region.

These aren't people who watch the debates, and they have a highly anti intellectual tradition, meaning a visceral hatred for smart policy wonks like Hillary. One can even wonder if this is where the "untrustworthy" sentiments come from.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:


Trump's electoral strength is the 44% of the electorate demographic that is white male - ..

Let me correct you. Whites with no college are 44% of the voters.  There is a massive shift to the GOP among the men, but even among the females there is a shift.

Of the 10 swing states identified by the NYT only VA and NC do whites with no college account for less than 30% of the votes received by Obama in 2012.  PA, OH, WI and IA this demographic accounted for over 40% of the votes that he received, meaning that Trump can do serious damage if he makes more inroads than Romney did.  And that is exactly what is happening.

PA and IA Obama won 52%. He won by slightly over 50% in OH and FL. Even in FL whites with no college accounted for30% of the votes received.

So if there is a 10% slippage to Trump of this bloc, with the black turnout dropping from 13% of the overall (crucial in FL, NC, VA, PA and OH) to the more usual 11% Trump could win.

The Dems will have to work very hard on 2 things. Black turnout and arresting the steep decline in the white no college support.

It was noted that at the RNC there was none of the usual cutting taxes. So in the Midwest the GOP might look less than the rich man's party that it normally does. Note that the Midwest is a socially conservative region.

These aren't people who watch the debates, and they have a highly anti intellectual tradition, meaning a visceral hatred for smart policy wonks like Hillary. One can even wonder if this is where the "untrustworthy" sentiments come from.

Hillary will hold PA. The uphill here for trump is too much. If she hold PA and wins Florida he is toast.

Kari posted:

CARIBNY, read my comments more carefully. I was referring to White MALE non-College educated males (a 70/30 Trump split) separately from all FEMALES (a 50/50 split between Hillary and Trump).

You have to include both genders as both genders have shown a slipping away from Obama in 2012.

White females with no college are 24% and white males 20%. The difference reflects the fact that at lower levels men are considerably less likely to vote.

So if Obama won 52% of the white female no college and its now 50% likely to vote Dem, than that small shift will impact, given the outsized role of females among working class voters.

What the NYT article stated was that the margins of victory in swing states was quite slim, so a 20% swing of white men, and a 3% swing of white women with no college could have damaging impact. 

This being especially true in the Midwest where many of these people traditionally did vote for the Dems.  It doesn't matter in VA as that cohort don't vote Dem, so their behavior will be offset by the swing towards the Dems by whites with college.

Remember that Obama won FL by only 50.1%.  It doesn't take much slippage for Trump to win.  Whites with no college accounted for just over 30% of the Dem votes in FL in 2012.  If its 27% this time then Trump wins, unless there is an offsetting minority vote.  Note that FL doesn't have a large college educated population.

Kari posted:

I noticed that the quality of the DNC is such that we hardly got a peep out of Ba$e, Bibibski, Jugi,etc.

They don't understand what was being said because it isn't done in simple one liner screams.  Maybe by next week they might figure it out.

Warren is soon going to coin "Loser Trump".  She might even win over baseman and bibi. Yuji's racism is too deep.

Kari posted:

Given the demographics Hillary looks strong on both PA and FL. But its early days yet.

How can Hillary be strong in those states when they are swing states?  FL was 50.l% BOTH times.  PA is only 52%.  Both are packed with uneducated whites.  VA and NC have demographics more favorable to her.

The Dems will have to work PA, OH, WI and IA with reminders that Trump buys Mexican and Chinese, not American.

ksazma posted:

The Dems have really put together a star cast for the past three nights. Even some moderate Repubs are impressed. Can't wait for tonight and then the real push. The Donald is about to really get exposed when those debates begin.

Remember that its only a narrow audience which watches this, most having already decided they aren't voting for.  Maybe some GOP and Bernie fans will be convinced.  Don't expect much more.

In fact I was listening to NPR and several folks, who watched, considered both conventions to be PR and therefore having limited credibility to them.  Mere politicians giving spin, so still lots more ro be done.

When the debates begin and people have to defend their positions then we will see more shifting.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

The Dems have really put together a star cast for the past three nights. Even some moderate Repubs are impressed. Can't wait for tonight and then the real push. The Donald is about to really get exposed when those debates begin.

Remember that its only a narrow audience which watches this, most having already decided they aren't voting for.  Maybe some GOP and Bernie fans will be convinced.  Don't expect much more.

In fact I was listening to NPR and several folks, who watched, considered both conventions to be PR and therefore having limited credibility to them.  Mere politicians giving spin, so still lots more ro be done.

When the debates begin and people have to defend their positions then we will see more shifting.

This is when Hillary will separate herself from that school yard bully Trump. Those silly name calling antics he had during the million and one Republican debate wouldn't work on the national stage. Hillary is tested and qualified to take over the job as President. Trump look like the type who would press the red button and then say, never mind. Trouble is that red button doesn't accommodate a 'never mind'.


Hillary separated herself tonight.

She said that if Donald wants to make America great again he needs to start making stuff in America again. She added that Trump deliberately went into bankruptcy so he could stiff working stiffs of their pay.

Tomorrow Trump will say that Hillary is old and ugly and so he isn't going to bang  her. This as he waves his tiny hands around.

Last edited by Former Member

Superb acceptance speech by Hillary Clinton.

Well presented with current issues now and the future plus showing the difference with the policies/approach of the Republican candidate.

The conventions are over and by next week the focused work begins.

All the best to Hillary Clinton, her supporters and team as they move on to victory in November 2016.


Hillary Clinton stepped up to the plate big time tonight. She looked and sounded very Presidential.

You got a taste of what she will do to Donald Trump in the next 3 months. No one has belittled the Donald like she did tonight. She was very lawyerly in making her case for continuing to seek economic justice and to go after terrorism to keep America safe.

I had flash backs to Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, and Benazir Butto and Indira Ghandi. She was very assured and at times I thought to myself that she sounded more domineering as a President than Barack Obama. She has it.

As Pat Riley would say she has force and she brought it.

For CARIBNY there were 23 million plus pairs of eyeballs that saw every night of the Democratic Convention. In fact the first night this week had more viewership than Donald Trump acceptance speech night. I  know you believe that people made up their mind about Hillary already and not too many people check in to the Convention on TV. But these facts and the social media buzz cannot be ignored.

At thee nd of this campaign Trump will look like a pineata. HE will be one of those little men Hillary quoted Jackie Kennedy. And CARIBNY, the startegy is obviously to go after disaffected GOP voters and there are a lot of them. his will chip away at the white male demographic.

The Democrats had an all star lineup this past week, but the person who tugged at my emotions was Michelle Obama.


Hillary seem to have had some major face/neck-lift.  Anyway, the balloon show was great, not sure how the balloons look tomorrow!  Maybe as good as Hillary before the surgery?

Hillary has been a disaster as Secretary of Status Quo.  Only Trump will change America's fortunes.  The problem Hillary have, even tonight, she says what you want to hear, not what she really believes. Tonight was dominated by the Sanders and Trump agenda.  Miss Wall Street pet is suddenly Miss Bernie Sanders agenda.  Miss ISIS is a JV squad, suddenly sound like tough as nails Trump!

Hillary is at it again, making crooked promises!!


Ba$e, you sound conflicted and I feel your pain. I know you get it and you keep it real, but you must say the things you say, even as you do it without conviction.

Leave aside the pluses of Hillary for a moment and look at what Donald Trump has to overcome.

  • First the reality of voting. In as much as a majority of people wonder how this race could be this close, as more people tune in and become more informed, the polling strength the Donald has among angry non-College educated whites will weaken.
  • The division in the ranks of the GOP. Note how unenthusiastic the party leaders are about Donald Trump.
  • The lawsuits over the companies and individuals he stiffed.
  • The insults to women (Rosie O'Donald, Megyn Kelly), veterans (John McCain), Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, handicapped reporters, etc.
  • The insult to the military - "I know more about ISIS than the Generals".
  • Saying he will renege on NATO partners in a Treaty arrangement.
  • Insulting the American spirit with wanting ot buil;d a wall on the southern border and ban people from entering America based on religion.
  • A dangerous relationship with Putin to the point of encouraging Russian hackers to hack someone with Intelligence briefings.

An on and on it goes, Ba$e.

His biggest obstacle will be the spirit of America that Hillary brings, the policy specifics (maternity leave, student loan debt relief, more vocational training, a major infrastructure program, ensure that companies who stash money and jobs overseas do not get fiscal benefits, decisive action on ISIS); Hillary's experience and more. America got to know Hillary this week. You got to know her too Ba$e as someone who got CHIP (healkth insurance for kids), laws for education for disabled children; and exposing Alabama segregation practices. You saw her as a person who is driven by service ever because of her mother who was abandoned as a child.

I know you're chastised Ba$e, and I also know it will take some time to sync your public persona with your private thoughts as you become more informed.

Kari posted:


For CARIBNY there were 23 million plus pairs of eyeballs that saw every night of the Democratic Convention..

The people who watch conventions on hot summer nights are the very politically committed.

In November another 100 million will show up to vote.  These people, many very tangential to the political process, will decide who wins.  At least those in about 10 states.

It will amaze you how uninterested, and ignorant of politics many of them are.

Don't get excited until the debates.  By then even those who get bored by politics understand that getting a vague sense of what is going on might be a good idea.

ba$eman posted:

..  Only Trump will change America's fortunes.  .

You keep on saying this and yet you cannot tell us why.

Any way Hillary said that if The Donald wants to America great he should start making things in America.

Don't you agree?   So tell us why The Donald prefers to buy his supplies from Mexico, China and India instead of from NC or OH?

Kari posted:

Ba$e, you sound conflicted and I feel your pain. I know you get it and you keep it real, but you must say the things you say, even as you do it without conviction.

Leave aside the pluses of Hillary for a moment and look at what Donald Trump has to overcome.

  • First the reality of voting. In as much as a majority of people wonder how this race could be this close, as more people tune in and become more informed, the polling strength the Donald has among angry non-College educated whites will weaken.
  • The division in the ranks of the GOP. Note how unenthusiastic the party leaders are about Donald Trump.
  • The lawsuits over the companies and individuals he stiffed.
  • The insults to women (Rosie O'Donald, Megyn Kelly), veterans (John McCain), Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, handicapped reporters, etc.
  • The insult to the military - "I know more about ISIS than the Generals".
  • Saying he will renege on NATO partners in a Treaty arrangement.
  • Insulting the American spirit with wanting ot buil;d a wall on the southern border and ban people from entering America based on religion.
  • A dangerous relationship with Putin to the point of encouraging Russian hackers to hack someone with Intelligence briefings.

An on and on it goes, Ba$e.

His biggest obstacle will be the spirit of America that Hillary brings, the policy specifics (maternity leave, student loan debt relief, more vocational training, a major infrastructure program, ensure that companies who stash money and jobs overseas do not get fiscal benefits, decisive action on ISIS); Hillary's experience and more. America got to know Hillary this week. You got to know her too Ba$e as someone who got CHIP (healkth insurance for kids), laws for education for disabled children; and exposing Alabama segregation practices. You saw her as a person who is driven by service ever because of her mother who was abandoned as a child.

I know you're chastised Ba$e, and I also know it will take some time to sync your public persona with your private thoughts as you become more informed.

Kari while all your points are valid, this is a divided country, and given that you are Guyanese you should know what that means.

Those who insist in voting GOP will rationalize their decision by saying that Hillary is dishonest.  If you try to get them to deal with The Donald, they then scream that Obama is the worst president ever.  They will refuse to discuss the disaster that The Donald will commit. 

They may even secretly hope that the Dems actually turn out to rescue the USA from their lunacy (voting for Trump). 

The election will be 47-53% with a Hillary victory (ignoring the Greens and the Libertarians).  Only a slightly higher margin than usual, even though Trump is a SNL skit, by no means serious.


CARIBNY, this is why your initial inkling in any issue of the day gets lost in follow-ups. I'll elucidate.

  • When you talk about demographics in Guyana the PPP's performance show a reality different from your prognostications. The same with US Presidential elections. Just revisit your trepidation about Obama's re-election bid.
  • When you talk about the scourge of Terrorism from people who misuse Islam and are from Arab Muslim countries, you go off on a bend about Muslims being the problem, having a problem and the only ones who can solve that problem (like Trump is the only one who can fix America's problems).
  • Then there is the equal-opportunity bashing of both the PPP and PNC and Indians and Blacks. But then you jump on an Indo-bashing that belies your original premise.


You will throw up your arms from now until after the vote about how Trump with a few swings here and there can become President. you will say it is to make the Democratic voters not complacent and assume a Hillary victory, but he real truth is looking at stats without the reality component.

It is clear to me that the battle for the votes of Independents or the casual Dem or GOP voter is what has always been. the white male non-college educated demographic strength must be seen in this context. You then add the female non-college educated demographic into that mix, whereas theirs is a different dynamic as seen from exit polling over the last few elections.


So Cribman, you now see why people call you racist and ignore the good points you make here?

Kari posted:

CARIBNY, this is why your initial inkling in any issue of the day gets lost in follow-ups. I'll elucidate.

  • When you talk about demographics in Guyana the PPP's performance show a reality different from your prognostications. The same with US Presidential elections. Just revisit your trepidation about Obama's re-election bid.
  • When you talk about the scourge of Terrorism from people who misuse Islam and are from Arab Muslim countries, you go off on a bend about Muslims being the problem, having a problem and the only ones who can solve that problem (like Trump is the only one who can fix America's problems).
  • Then there is the equal-opportunity bashing of both the PPP and PNC and Indians and Blacks. But then you jump on an Indo-bashing that belies your original premise.


You will throw up your arms from now until after the vote about how Trump with a few swings here and there can become President. you will say it is to make the Democratic voters not complacent and assume a Hillary victory, but he real truth is looking at stats without the reality component.

It is clear to me that the battle for the votes of Independents or the casual Dem or GOP voter is what has always been. the white male non-college educated demographic strength must be seen in this context. You then add the female non-college educated demographic into that mix, whereas theirs is a different dynamic as seen from exit polling over the last few elections.


So Cribman, you now see why people call you racist and ignore the good points you make here?

Kari all the polls showed that Brexit wouldn't happen, and its main defenders Farage and Johnson (Trump is a combination of the two) would lose as they are clowns.

Here we are. Brexit because the British white working class are in as bad a mood as those of the USA are.  And the hate the elites of London as much as those here hate the DC/NYC/Boston/LA crowd.

So turn out is important. because here is what happened. Londoners and young voters turned out in LOWER numbers, so even though possibly more English people favored remain, that wasn't reflected in the votes.

1.  Obama won the last election because the GOP got in their own way. Trying to re-instate Jim Crow voting laws in the South. Telling women that  the body can deal with rape.  Romney among his country club buddies boasting about lazy people.   But as of a few months before Valerie was running around black areas begging them to come out to vote.  And sending Michelle, who she knows black women worship.  Remember Obama got only 50% of the vote, so it was a close call when you bring it to the state level.

2. Demographics in Guyana are highly predictive. Are you joining that silly band wagon of the coalition where they pretend as if they have solved the racial voting patterns of Guyana? Since they won any discussion of race is treason!

I don't think that there was any shock about where the PPP and APNU won. The only shock was the heavy turn out in PNC areas, and the degree to which the PPP terrified the rural Indian vote, so took back most who defected to Nagamootoo in 2011.

3. I "Indo bash" because the majority here "Afro bash", or remain silent when Afro bashing is going on. I show way more balance on this than even you do.  Only when inexcusable Indo racism shows up you (to your credit) begin to discuss it.  In fact the month when I was banned GNI descended into a full fledged anti black hate site as I wasn't around to push back.  Stormborn refused to post, leaving poor Django and a few others to beat back the brown bai KKK.


Kari Hillary isn't in bed celebrating her excellent convention. Bleary eyed and tired she went straight to those very states where Trump might make inroads. PA one might ask, given that its been a while since the GOP won there!  Yes PA, because she knows that its a 2% margin of victory, and so if there is a 10% shift of the white working class she loses that state, OH, and IA, and maybe even MI, though that's less likely given the popularity of the auto bailout.

Hillary knows that she needs to drum into the heads of white working class people what a con man Trump is.  She fully understands that for many of them 12 years of no white man at the top undermines their self esteem, given their eroded socio economic status, so she needs to tell them that, even though they may hate her, Trump is jus BAD NEWS.

So yes slight movement in swing states is a concern. NOT every one analyzes politics the way that you do. For many its a gut thought, as they guzzle down beers, moan about their wife and all the collection agencies calling them, since their pay dropped by 50% when they lose that union factory job.


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