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@Rochelle posted:

Hold tight. Apparently some folks were found compromised and on tape. 

This is one crazy election.

I find her language in her letter very pointed. She went to great length to inform the CEO that his actions are dependent on the Commission's direction and control. She seems to be stripping him of any of his misguided conceptions.

The only person who was found compromised on tape was Mingo during his actions leading up to his declarations on 3/5/2020 & 3/13/2020.


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The LAW and the different wordings of the two Letters from  GECOM ,one on June 16 ,2020  [ for reference ] the recent on July 9 ,2020 requesting the report of the March 2,2020 elections from the CEO.

Burnham 1980 Constitution does have folks going around in circles.

Explanation below ,

Jaipaul Sharma

Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice ( Ret'd) Claudette Singh is utilizing Section 18 of the Election Laws Act No 15 of 2000,
to DICTATE to the Chief Election Officer on what ADVICE he should provide to the Commission.

Section 18 of the Election Laws Act No 15 of 2000, Stipulate that the "Chief Election Officer are subject to the direction and control of the Commission".


In addition, Justice ( Ret'd) Claudette Singh, must know Article 226 (1) - Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, in the exercise of its functions under a Commission SHALL NOT be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority. Therefore, CCJ would have known this and did not make any COERCIVE ORDERS and should not had set aside anything that was done by the Commission and the Chief Election Officer other than to advice on a course of action.

Article 177 (2)(b)
The Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana clearly Stipulated the Statutory functions of the Chief Election Officer in the process of the Chairperson of the Elections Commission declaring a Presidential candidate to be DEEMED to be elected as President.

Article 177 (2)(b)....Presidential candidate shall be DEEMED to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the Chairman of the Elections Commission ACTING ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADVICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER, after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission at a duly summoned meeting.

Based on Article Article 177 (2)(b) it is clear as day that Madame Chair CANNOT DICTATE to the Chief Election Officer as to what ADVICE must be provided to the Elections Commission, as such the action of Madame Chair based on the Gazetted Order is inconsistent with the Constitution of Guyana and therefore to the extent of the inconsistency is VOID.

NO other Officer of the Elections Commission can provide such ADVICE to the Elections Commission other than a substantive Chief Election Officer.

Last edited by Django

Re: the word "advice".

My dictionary says it can mean (1) opinion or recommendation, or (2) communication containing information. 


of GECOM procedures, the Chairman has requested Lowenfield to provide written communication containing information extracted from the Certificates of Recount.

Unlike Claudette Singh's June 16 letter, this latest letter is specific. Lowenfield cannot provide information extracted from any other sources than those Certificates of Recount.


In all organizations there are set hierarchies. GECOM and its Secretariat is no different. The buck still stops with the Chairperson followed by the six Commissioners. Those 7 persons make up the Constitutional body of GECOM. Everyone else including the CEO is a statutory employee of GECOM and is subject to the will of the Commission. Dereliction of duty and gross insubordination are perhaps the gravest employment violations with only theft and fraud being worst than them. To Lowenfield's discredit, he has allegedly committed all four of those.

My opinion of the word advise which is getting so much attention of late. It simply means that the statutory report announcing the declared votes along with the allotment of Parliamentary seats has to be presented on a form bearing the letterhead of the CEO office. While mostly not the case the result of the March 2, 2020 elections are known to more people than necessary so there is no denying which party received the most votes. But even in light of this mass media knowledge, its formal declaration still has to come from the CEO office. In my opinion, that is the context in which the word advise is used.

Hopefully the Coalition doesn't seek the Court's interpretation of that word. Hopefully Lowenfield's actions doesn't force the non-Coalition parties to seek the Court's interpretation of it either.

But if the Coalition decides to seek the Court's interpretation of it, my advise is that they try employing some of the legal help that they PPP/C uses because the ones they have utilized the past 19 months have been a dross failure.


Yes. She is talking about blackmailing of Claudette Singh.

That would be the lowest blow, the most cruel and shameful blow. But the world is not asleep. International eyes are observing keenly the horrendous length that PNC-dominated APNU+AFC can go to derail democracy and hold on parasitically to power. Let's see how today ends.

@Nehru posted:

Skelly, thee was dumb ass person in front of the Convention Center with a sign saying God will help Granger. I did not know God loves criminality, Barbaric behavior, inhuman acts, undemocratic practices and plain bully ism!!!

They think they can commit crimes and Jesus would save them. I see a *hit load of them on social media asking Jesus to give the bible carrying Lucifer Granger a win.


The harder they come, the harder they fall.  The PNC are setting themselves for a hard fall.  The PNC will need a whole new posse of unsoiled leaders to resurrect them after this is over.

The PPP have to be looking at this as a moment in history when even their detractors and political opponents have unified and rally around them as a statement for democracy.  This can only be expected with a foreign aggression.  The PNC Barbarians at the Gates!

I hope they remember this when they take power (and this will happen) and take criticisms as critical support to do better and to listen, engage and respond favorably.

Everyone, except the PNC and their racist dead-enders, want the same thing, a democratic and progressive Guyana.

Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, the Destiny of all Guyana is in your hands to mold!

Last edited by Baseman
@Rochelle posted:

Hold tight. Apparently some folks were found compromised and on tape. 

This is one crazy election.

@Rochelle. Please see below.


GECOM Chair lashes out at attempts to ‘create mischief’ in already ‘tense political’ environment

Last edited by Former Member

I am convinced that Congress Place people are getting a mental breakdown, running mad at top speed, concocting one desperate scheme after another. Having failed miserably to make dead people vote, they're now tormenting the living. No shame, no discretion, look at what they're doing to the GECOM Chairman. Pathetic fools.


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