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Stormborn posted:
I do not worry about you. Everyone here can see the fact you are a did not do well by that Rutgers education. 

I pity your black son knowing you hold those ignorant views. I can see you love the boy and possibly provide the best for him but do you think that is all he will need to get by in life?

He is black....and black skinned and will meet all sorts of prejudicial stereotypes. But he already knows that. You should see with whom he identifies, the music he listens to and the culture he abstracts. Ask him and his mother whether social stratification by economic status or social stratification by race have similar importance for them.

But you know precisely what it is. You cannot live in this country dark complected as  you are and looking like any  other brother  from the hood and think race does not matter! You are just ashamed to admit it. 

Keep guessing and making shyte up. Druggie didn't even go to university, like dj ah got a NAR certificate from hubu backdam school for misfits. Meanwhile a backward howard grad like you should be the last to admonish anyone. You ran from blacks as far as you could to live among the whites in the suburbs, what a hypocrite. The same whites should put a trashing pun yuh rass one day. Dollar store clerk with a useless piece of paper from one of the worst universities in the nation. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact you are a poster child for how to improve your chafe in life. You should be on my side in this regard. Hard work and determination should be rewarded, not punished.

Well sometimes we all need guidance, i was guided by a friend in my early 20's and single, from then on there was nothing stopping to move up the ladder.

Never born with a golden spoon, had my taste of scorn and resentment while growing up from my own ethnic group, due to poverty.From then on always had the motivation to move up in life, will say to my self, will be somebody someday. My friend advice was the first stepping stone to the real deal, after trial with other gobs.

If it was as simple as that, getting guidance, then there would be no poverty in the US. It also must include a consistent set of values passed along parental lines.  This is documented well in the vicious cycle of welfare moms who in turn churn out welfare moms and so on and so on perpetually. 

Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
I do not worry about you. Everyone here can see the fact you are a did not do well by that Rutgers education. 

I pity your black son knowing you hold those ignorant views. I can see you love the boy and possibly provide the best for him but do you think that is all he will need to get by in life?

He is black....and black skinned and will meet all sorts of prejudicial stereotypes. But he already knows that. You should see with whom he identifies, the music he listens to and the culture he abstracts. Ask him and his mother whether social stratification by economic status or social stratification by race have similar importance for them.

But you know precisely what it is. You cannot live in this country dark complected as  you are and looking like any  other brother  from the hood and think race does not matter! You are just ashamed to admit it. 

Keep guessing and making shyte up. Druggie didn't even go to university, like dj ah got a NAR certificate from hubu backdam school for misfits. Meanwhile a backward howard grad like you should be the last to admonish anyone. You ran from blacks as far as you could to live among the whites in the suburbs, what a hypocrite. The same whites should put a trashing pun yuh rass one day. Dollar store clerk with a useless piece of paper from one of the worst universities in the nation. 

You need to console yourself I am a dollar store clerk. This is one of the most diverse county in MD, for your information...some 20 percent black folks...above the national demographics...

Only in you shallow mind is howard the "worse" school in the nation. Its grads include senators, congress people, artists and yes most of the rich black folks in this land and it does  a lot more to change the moral timbre of this country than any other school in the nation. You are equal before the law and cannot be discriminated against with our legal recourse because of Marshall. a howard grad. 


Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
I do not worry about you. Everyone here can see the fact you are a did not do well by that Rutgers education. 

I pity your black son knowing you hold those ignorant views. I can see you love the boy and possibly provide the best for him but do you think that is all he will need to get by in life?

He is black....and black skinned and will meet all sorts of prejudicial stereotypes. But he already knows that. You should see with whom he identifies, the music he listens to and the culture he abstracts. Ask him and his mother whether social stratification by economic status or social stratification by race have similar importance for them.

But you know precisely what it is. You cannot live in this country dark complected as  you are and looking like any  other brother  from the hood and think race does not matter! You are just ashamed to admit it. 

Keep guessing and making shyte up. Druggie didn't even go to university, like dj ah got a NAR certificate from hubu backdam school for misfits. Meanwhile a backward howard grad like you should be the last to admonish anyone. You ran from blacks as far as you could to live among the whites in the suburbs, what a hypocrite. The same whites should put a trashing pun yuh rass one day. Dollar store clerk with a useless piece of paper from one of the worst universities in the nation. 

your personal shame son, borderline ghetto dweller  causes you do disown your reality. Denying it wont make it different. 

antabanta posted:

How does Indo-Guyanese racism against blacks encompass the problems of the whole world? You seem confused. Again, no one is asking anyone to do anything for Afro-Americans. They can help themselves very well if given equal opportunity. The issue is not about taking on the world's problems. It's die-hard refusal to recognize the deplorable and well-entrenched racism against Afro-Americans.

I see there is now scope creep in your original argument, suddenly it is indoG who is the cause of black plight. The more you parrot this type of fallacy the more resentful indoGs get as most have little or no interaction or impact on the afroGs lives.  I once noted that AfroGs were free 70 years ahead of the end of indo indentureship, they had all that time over us by yet we are the cause of their lack of progress. Wake up man, you can't keep blaming others for their plight, at some point one must become accountable for their own destiny instead of constantly waiting to be "given". I noticed you keep using the term, "given equal opportunity".  

Stormborn posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:
I do not worry about you. Everyone here can see the fact you are a did not do well by that Rutgers education. 

I pity your black son knowing you hold those ignorant views. I can see you love the boy and possibly provide the best for him but do you think that is all he will need to get by in life?

He is black....and black skinned and will meet all sorts of prejudicial stereotypes. But he already knows that. You should see with whom he identifies, the music he listens to and the culture he abstracts. Ask him and his mother whether social stratification by economic status or social stratification by race have similar importance for them.

But you know precisely what it is. You cannot live in this country dark complected as  you are and looking like any  other brother  from the hood and think race does not matter! You are just ashamed to admit it. 

Keep guessing and making shyte up. Druggie didn't even go to university, like dj ah got a NAR certificate from hubu backdam school for misfits. Meanwhile a backward howard grad like you should be the last to admonish anyone. You ran from blacks as far as you could to live among the whites in the suburbs, what a hypocrite. The same whites should put a trashing pun yuh rass one day. Dollar store clerk with a useless piece of paper from one of the worst universities in the nation. 

You need to console yourself I am a dollar store clerk. This is one of the most diverse county in MD, for your information...some 20 percent black folks...above the national demographics...

Only in you shallow mind is howard the "worse" school in the nation. Its grads include senators, congress people, artists and yes most of the rich black folks in this land and it does  a lot more to change the moral timbre of this country than any other school in the nation. You are equal before the law and cannot be discriminated against with our legal recourse because of Marshall. a howard grad. 


During your tenure there, it was and still remains a poorly rated school. Go look it up yourself if you don't believe me, an acceptance rate of 41% and early acceptance of 59%. Back in your time it probably was 100% until they cracked down and enforced minimum standards. 

Drugb posted:

Only in you shallow mind is howard the "worse" school in the nation. Its grads include senators, congress people, artists and yes most of the rich black folks in this land and it does  a lot more to change the moral timbre of this country than any other school in the nation. You are equal before the law and cannot be discriminated against with our legal recourse because of Marshall. a howard grad. 


During your tenure there, it was and still remains a poorly rated school. Go look it up yourself if you don't believe me, an acceptance rate of 41% and early acceptance of 59%. Back in your time it probably was 100% until they cracked down and enforced minimum standards. 

College rating system is completely subjective. Taken for what it contributes to the society and the world Howard out performs the best.

Drugb posted:

I see there is now scope creep in your original argument, suddenly it is indoG who is the cause of black plight. The more you parrot this type of fallacy the more resentful indoGs get as most have little or no interaction or impact on the afroGs lives.  I once noted that AfroGs were free 70 years ahead of the end of indo indentureship, they had all that time over us by yet we are the cause of their lack of progress. Wake up man, you can't keep blaming others for their plight, at some point one must become accountable for their own destiny instead of constantly waiting to be "given". I noticed you keep using the term, "given equal opportunity".  

Eh?? You have to explain how you see this new scope. How did Indo-Guyanese become the cause of the black plight? You do understand there is far more prejudice against Afro-Americans than against any other ethnicity?

caribny posted:
antabanta posted:

Jamaica, Queens. Reread my post. Please read a little. Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison. About class issue. .

All being highly successful and respected American writers so that doesn't quite establish your point. 

The issue cannot be reduced simply to "all blacks are poor".  That is an insult to the many highly successful black Americans and plays into the hands of the racists who think that being black on its own means that people lose.

Its the intersectionality of being both black and poor that creates an issue. The mere fact of being black doesn't trap people into hopelessness.

From where did you derive that all blacks are poor? What do you think is my point? Are you denying that being black on its own is enough to evoke prejudice?

caribny posted:
antabanta posted:
 Doesn't that mean that the class system in the US is primarily race-based?

You do know that there are more poor whites (non Hispanics) than there are poor blacks, Hispanics and Asians COMBINED.  You do know that a massive increase in white poverty has led to DECLINING white mortality rates.  You do know that the HIGHEST rates of suicide in this country is among white men and the lowest is among black women.

Yes there is a special problem when one is both black and poor, especially if one is distant from sources of economic poverty but you INSULT black people when you portray all of is as being trapped losers because some distant ancestor is a slave.  This is the crap that druggie screams about and then squeals that blacks are at the bottom.

I don't know what your particular problem is but being black on its own is no longer enough to prevent upward mobility.  There are too many highly successful black Americans who derived from the Jim Crow South.

The barriers are steeper for black people, especially those who are both black and poor, but to think that upward mobility is impossible is to do disservice to these people.  I know too many black Americans who were born into welfare, but who now earn 6 figures.  I know others where an entire family (all siblings) were able to escape poverty by trying to make the best lemonade with the dry lemons they got.  Yes not everyone has the fortitude and resiliency, or support systems to do so, but to tell a black kid "oh you are black so you are condemned to be at the bottom" is an insult.  

Young black women are graduating college only at a slightly lower rate than are white men.  This means, adjusting for the socio economic background of their parents, they are actually OUTPERFORMING!  The task now is to get young black men to believe in this, and to tell them that being poor is only because they are black reinforces the belief that too many of them have that to try is futile.

You struggle so hard to post that you tie yourself up into senseless arguments that have nothing to do with what anyone is saying. How did you acquire this talent? Are you denying that black people in USA are subject to prejudice for no reason other than being black?

Drugb posted:

Once again, can you point us to the evidence that indos are passing themselves off as blacks and getting admissions and scholarships set aside for blacks.  Once they show up for the interview their bag would buss, I think you pull this shyte out of your kaka hole. 

Given that in this country Mariah Carey is black that would not happen.  One doesnt have to be "African" to be black in this country.

These Guyanese will arrive with their Caribbean accents and the folks might even think that they are Jamaicans.  And yes Guyanese Indos have received scholarships from black organizations and that will offset anyone skeptical.  Guyanese are considered to be non Hispanic blacks unless they indicate otherwise.   This because Guyana is categorized as a non Hispanic Caribbean nation as it isnt Latin.

And I was assigned to oversee an Indo Guyanese kid who received an award from a prestigious black organization. Will not reveal more details as people are entitled to privacy especially to you as you dont know how to behave.  The last thing I need you to be doing is to be running behind this person asking him if he likes black vegetables too.

Last edited by Former Member
antabanta posted:

You struggle so hard to post that you tie yourself up into senseless arguments that have nothing to do with what anyone is saying. How did you acquire this talent? Are you denying that black people in USA are subject to prejudice for no reason other than being black?

The funny thing is every post of yours indicates that you dont understand the complexity of being black in the USA.

Do yourself a favor and rent the movie "Jumping the Broom" to see how wide the gap is between various segments?  The fact that racism is a fact of life for black people is beside the point.  Some black people have the means to reduce the impact of this. Others have the resiliency and tenacity to struggle against this.  Class plays a power role in all of this discussion and you are being asinine if you deny the fact that poverty also exists among whites.

But then you will tell me that the Obama girls will be hobbled by racism ad will soon end up on SNAP.  I thought that only druggie was capable of concocting such nonsense.

From the beginning there has always been poverty in this country, even before racism became a major issue.  In fact race was used as a mechanism to separate the white poor from the black poor.  And now we see how the white poor (and the lower middle class) have suffered from this due to their misguided support for people like Trump.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

The funny thing is every post of yours indicates that you dont understand the complexity of being black in the USA.

Do yourself a favor and rent the movie "Jumping the Broom" to see how wide the gap is between various segments?  The fact that racism is a fact of life for black people is beside the point.  Some black people have the means to reduce the impact of this. Others have the resiliency and tenacity to struggle against this.  Class plays a power role in all of this discussion and you are being asinine if you deny the fact that poverty also exists among whites.

But then you will tell me that the Obama girls will be hobbled by racism ad will soon end up on SNAP.  I thought that only druggie was capable of concocting such nonsense.

From the beginning there has always been poverty in this country, even before racism became a major issue.  In fact race was used as a mechanism to separate the white poor from the black poor.  And now we see how the white poor (and the lower middle class) have suffered from this due to their misguided support for people like Trump.

My understanding or lack of understanding the complexity of being black in the US has no bearing on the prejudice against blacks in the US. It exists regardless of what you or I think. Are you saying BLM is not needed? Are you saying that the black man who was dragged behind a pickup truck just three decades ago was murdered for something other than being black? Are you saying that all the black people who're shot by police on the flimsiest of excuses are shot for anything other than being black? Are you unaware that all the successful Afro-Americans, including the Obamas, can be reduced at any time to any status they were at before 1957 should certain parties ascend power in the US? We're seeing a glimpse of it right now with Trump as president. I've seen Jumping The Broom and it has no bearing on the prejudice against Afro-Americans in the US. You're a grown man. Stop transforming the simplest of ideas to wander around aimlessly into completely irrelevant arguments.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Once again, can you point us to the evidence that indos are passing themselves off as blacks and getting admissions and scholarships set aside for blacks.  Once they show up for the interview their bag would buss, I think you pull this shyte out of your kaka hole. 

Given that in this country Mariah Carey is black that would not happen.  One doesnt have to be "African" to be black in this country.

These Guyanese will arrive with their Caribbean accents and the folks might even think that they are Jamaicans.  And yes Guyanese Indos have received scholarships from black organizations and that will offset anyone skeptical.  Guyanese are considered to be non Hispanic blacks unless they indicate otherwise.   This because Guyana is categorized as a non Hispanic Caribbean nation as it isnt Latin.

And I was assigned to oversee an Indo Guyanese kid who received an award from a prestigious black organization. Will not reveal more details as people are entitled to privacy especially to you as you dont know how to behave.  The last thing I need you to be doing is to be running behind this person asking him if he likes black vegetables too.

Just as I thought, hearsay and urban legend to which only you are privy. And even if true, how does this personal experience grant you the authority to paint with a broad brush? Where is the study showing this to be widespread practice by IndoG? As for privacy of the alleged perpetrators, you have a responsibility to expose them, they deserve no privacy when committing fraud. The claim that you were assigned and subsequently exposed them clearly indicated that there are checks and balances to prevent this type of fraud. 

antabanta posted:
My understanding or lack of understanding the complexity of being black in the US has no bearing on the prejudice against blacks in the US. It exists regardless of what you or I think. Are you saying BLM is not needed? Are you saying that the black man who was dragged behind a pickup truck just three decades ago was murdered for something other than being black? Are you saying that all the black people who're shot by police on the flimsiest of excuses are shot for anything other than being black? Are you unaware that all the successful Afro-Americans, including the Obamas, can be reduced at any time to any status they were at before 1957 should certain parties ascend power in the US? We're seeing a glimpse of it right now with Trump as president. I've seen Jumping The Broom and it has no bearing on the prejudice against Afro-Americans in the US. You're a grown man. Stop transforming the simplest of ideas to wander around aimlessly into completely irrelevant arguments.

I like interacting with non blacks like you because I learn how ignorant many people are of black people.  If you think that the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey, and other black tycoons face the risk of being reduced to Jim Crow status you really don't know this country.   These are very much insiders to the power structure.  Hell even rich blacks considerably less affluent are protected by the power structure.

Why do you think that Trump is now president?  Because poor whites saw how rich whites embrace rich blacks and toss them aside, only good when elections come around. Rich whites laugh at poor whites.  Please watch Bill Maher if you doubt.  Let a rich black show up and they grovel and this even includes the GOP.

You think that Ben Carson has any problems, or Herman Cain?

You think that some little ignorant white cop will mess with them when they entertain the richest and most powerful people in this nation every weekend?  Oprah a rich women cutting deals with mega media.  The Obamas working out multi million book deals with whites kicking each other down to get an autographed copy.

Even little Rihanna is now a very wealthy woman.  Yes a poor girl from some village in Barbados!  And not just because people like to hear her singing.  No she has cut some shrewd deals!

A woman called Michelle Obama a monkey and was fired from her job.  Now some other disaster hit her, so her life is ruined. Any white person who messes with Oprah feels her wrath.  The Obama girls know NOTHING about the sting of racism because the wealth and social connections of their parents insulates them from it.

A white cop harassed the current CEO of Black Enterprise, then the son of the owner.  The NYPD had to take out an entire page in the NYT apologizing to him and the cop was fired.

Oh no the black elites have more power in this country than you think.

And yes Jumping the Broom is quite relevant as I guess you missed the part of the rich black family OWNING slaves.  If they were slave owners and kept their wealth even as many white slave owners lost theirs these are people who knew how to maneuver.

It is gross ignorance for you to think that a rich black, or even mere upper middle class blacks will be treated the same way  by white institutions that a poor black will be.

Class does NOT equal race.  Its a pity that you are too ignorant to know this.

Btw there are 14.7 million poor whites in this country vs. 7.5 million poor whites.  The life expectancy rate of these white poor is DECLINING as many succumb to depression, suicides and drug abuse ALL higher than among blacks.

Sorry to let you know that while the situation for poor blacks is dire Sasha Obama has way more opportunities in life and will be treated way better by the system than "white trash" Betty Mae from West Virginia.  The latter likely will die from an opioid overdose with the entire nation saying that she is a loser who deserved this.

And another fact.  Last year around 200 unarmed blacks were shot by cops.  How many blacks do you think shot unarmed blacks in robberies or for other reasons?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
antabanta posted:
My understanding or lack of understanding the complexity of being black in the US has no bearing on the prejudice against blacks in the US. It exists regardless of what you or I think. Are you saying BLM is not needed? Are you saying that the black man who was dragged behind a pickup truck just three decades ago was murdered for something other than being black? Are you saying that all the black people who're shot by police on the flimsiest of excuses are shot for anything other than being black? Are you unaware that all the successful Afro-Americans, including the Obamas, can be reduced at any time to any status they were at before 1957 should certain parties ascend power in the US? We're seeing a glimpse of it right now with Trump as president. I've seen Jumping The Broom and it has no bearing on the prejudice against Afro-Americans in the US. You're a grown man. Stop transforming the simplest of ideas to wander around aimlessly into completely irrelevant arguments.

I like interacting with non blacks because I learn how ignorant many people are of black people.  If you think that the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey, and other black tycoons face the risk of being reduced to Jim Crow status you really don't know this country.  

A woman called Michelle Obama a monkey and was fired from her job.  Any white person who messes with Oprah feels her wrath.  The Obama girls know NOTHING about the sting of racism because the wealth and social connections of their parents insulates them from it.

A white cop harassed the current CEO of Black Enterprise, then the son of the owner.  The NYPD had to take out an entire page in the NYT apologizing to him and the cop was fired.

Oh no the black elites have more power in this country than you think.

And yes Jumping the Broom is quite relevant as I guess you missed the part of the rich black family OWNING slaves.  If they were slave owners and kept their wealth even as many white slave owners lost theirs these are people who know how to maneuver.

It is gross ignorance for you to think that a rich black, or even a mere upper middle class blacks will be treated the same way  why institutions that a poor black will be.

Class does NOT equal race.  Its a pity that you are too ignorant to know this.

Btw there are 14.7 million poor whites in this country vs. 7.5 million poor whites.  The life expectancy rate of these white poor is DECLINING as many succumb to depression, suicides and drug abuse ALL higher than among blacks.

Sorry to let you know that while the situation for poor blacks is dire Sasha Obama has way more opportunities in life and will be treated way better by the system than Betty Mae from West Virginia.

You are completely missing the point and once again opt to go on a nonsensical rant. Do you not understand the reference to pre-1957? Here are few simple questions. Do you believe the CEO of Black Enterprise was harassed by a white cop for anything other than being black? If it was for any other reason, the NYPD would not have apologized. Apparently this aspect of the incident completely sailed over your head. Should Sasha Obama manage to find herself isolated in the deep south in a conflict with a white person of any social status who does not know who she is, what do you think will happen to Sasha Obama and do you think the treatment meted out to her will not be biased because she is black? How equal is the treatment meted out to poor blacks and poor whites from the authorities and business infrastructure? I never said class equals race. In your haste to spew garbage you are completely confusing yourself. I said the class system in the US is primarily race-based. Do you somehow manage to interpret this statement to mean class equals race?

Addendum: The number of blacks who shoot blacks does in no way mitigate the prejudice in the killing of blacks by white cops.

Last edited by antabanta
Drugb posted:

Just as I thought, hearsay and urban legend to which only you are privy.

Don't worry druggie. You are now too old to get black people to help you get into college as you suddenly decide to parade around your Caribbean identity.

But you can still get black people to provide you with their black vegetables that you so lust after.

Dave posted:
Leonora posted:
ronan posted:

i truly doubt he was talking about people like Leonora and Django

yuh seem desperate "Dave" bai

not a good look for a wannabe 'stud' like you

Someone is instigating them to unleash a GNI race riot because things are not going their way. In Guyana everyone goes about their business and there is no race war. These cyber warriors need to watch their language; Admins allow Dave to curse like a drunk.

No one need to instigate me. I would not be bully like how you PM me to attack Bibi.. and I recall you did the same with KP... that’s what you call cyber bully. 

Hehe for reallll.  ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€

antabanta posted:
 Do you believe the CEO of Black Enterprise was harassed by a white cop for anything other than being black?

And the white cop immediately regretted it as he suffered the consequences of messing with the wrong black man.  Some white kid overdosing on heroin and is slapped up by the cops isn't going to get an apology.  And yes poor white kids get shot by the cops too, but rich whites don't care so you don't hear of this.  Look at all of those homeless white kids rotting on the streets of Manhattan!

Don't cry for Earl Graves Jnr.  When he was wronged he exacted revenge in ways that even your average white guy cannot. When he entertains in the Hamptons this weekend the only white working class "townies" who will be around will be those serving drinks and food.  The rich whites will drool over their fellow rich friends, who happen to be  black, and scorn these white townies. 

Spike Lee lives in the Upper Eastside with all of that old WASP $$$.  I bet they battle each other to have him and his wife over at their cocktail parties.  Even Jay Z some will now love to name drop.  Certain has access to social circles that will never allow you in. Ditto Russell Simmons. Having tea with Beyonce will engender pure jealousy from the Hamptons social set.

Hell even Al Sharpton is now on the celebrity list with all the politicians in town rushing to his events to get his blessing.  You think any white cop will dare mess with Al Sharpton now?  Even Trump will ensure that this person is punished.

In this country money talks and BS walks.  Don't cry for the black elites as they don't need any pity from you. 

This is what all of you Obama worshippers don't understand  He doesn't need you all and I don't even think that he likes you all.  He has no fear of being reduced to Jim Crow, or being dragged behind a truck. His friends are rich white tycoons like Richard Branson.  As much as many whites hate the Obamas, enraged at their wealth and power, they leave their kids alone.  How many stories do you hear about what Malia and Sacha are up to?   Those girls are protected by the system!

So no to be black doesn't mean to be poor and downtrodden.  NOT in 2019.  People hate the poor, and the black poor most of all, but those blacks who escaped that and have risen to the top........whole other story!

Like I said in this country race is a complex issue.  To be black is to be in the best of worlds and also to be in the worst of worlds.  It depends on where one is, so blackness on the whole isn't the issue.  Its being BOTH black and poor that is.

antabanta posted:
 Are you denying that black people in USA are subject to prejudice for no reason other than being black?

Do you really think that Oprah spends too seconds worrying about that topic as it pertains to her?  I bet that white woman in Switzerland who told her that she cannot enter because the shop was closing for the day is still suffering.

I can tell you don't know too many affluent black people.  Many of them are now "post negro".  The problems of struggling blacks bother them not.

Watch Jumping the Broom again!

alena06 posted:
Dave posted:
Leonora posted:
ronan posted:

i truly doubt he was talking about people like Leonora and Django

yuh seem desperate "Dave" bai

not a good look for a wannabe 'stud' like you

Someone is instigating them to unleash a GNI race riot because things are not going their way. In Guyana everyone goes about their business and there is no race war. These cyber warriors need to watch their language; Admins allow Dave to curse like a drunk.

No one need to instigate me. I would not be bully like how you PM me to attack Bibi.. and I recall you did the same with KP... that’s what you call cyber bully. 

Hehe for reallll.  ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€

No surprise there.  Tigers don't change their stripes.

Bibi Haniffa
antabanta posted:
caribny posted:
antabanta posted:
My understanding or lack of understanding the complexity of being black in the US has no bearing on the prejudice against blacks in the US. It exists regardless of what you or I think. Are you saying BLM is not needed? Are you saying that the black man who was dragged behind a pickup truck just three decades ago was murdered for something other than being black? Are you saying that all the black people who're shot by police on the flimsiest of excuses are shot for anything other than being black? Are you unaware that all the successful Afro-Americans, including the Obamas, can be reduced at any time to any status they were at before 1957 should certain parties ascend power in the US? We're seeing a glimpse of it right now with Trump as president. I've seen Jumping The Broom and it has no bearing on the prejudice against Afro-Americans in the US. You're a grown man. Stop transforming the simplest of ideas to wander around aimlessly into completely irrelevant arguments.

I like interacting with non blacks because I learn how ignorant many people are of black people.  If you think that the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey, and other black tycoons face the risk of being reduced to Jim Crow status you really don't know this country.  

A woman called Michelle Obama a monkey and was fired from her job.  Any white person who messes with Oprah feels her wrath.  The Obama girls know NOTHING about the sting of racism because the wealth and social connections of their parents insulates them from it.

A white cop harassed the current CEO of Black Enterprise, then the son of the owner.  The NYPD had to take out an entire page in the NYT apologizing to him and the cop was fired.

Oh no the black elites have more power in this country than you think.

And yes Jumping the Broom is quite relevant as I guess you missed the part of the rich black family OWNING slaves.  If they were slave owners and kept their wealth even as many white slave owners lost theirs these are people who know how to maneuver.

It is gross ignorance for you to think that a rich black, or even a mere upper middle class blacks will be treated the same way  why institutions that a poor black will be.

Class does NOT equal race.  Its a pity that you are too ignorant to know this.

Btw there are 14.7 million poor whites in this country vs. 7.5 million poor whites.  The life expectancy rate of these white poor is DECLINING as many succumb to depression, suicides and drug abuse ALL higher than among blacks.

Sorry to let you know that while the situation for poor blacks is dire Sasha Obama has way more opportunities in life and will be treated way better by the system than Betty Mae from West Virginia.

You are completely missing the point and once again opt to go on a nonsensical rant. Do you not understand the reference to pre-1957? Here are few simple questions. Do you believe the CEO of Black Enterprise was harassed by a white cop for anything other than being black? If it was for any other reason, the NYPD would not have apologized. Apparently this aspect of the incident completely sailed over your head. Should Sasha Obama manage to find herself isolated in the deep south in a conflict with a white person of any social status who does not know who she is, what do you think will happen to Sasha Obama and do you think the treatment meted out to her will not be biased because she is black? How equal is the treatment meted out to poor blacks and poor whites from the authorities and business infrastructure? I never said class equals race. In your haste to spew garbage you are completely confusing yourself. I said the class system in the US is primarily race-based. Do you somehow manage to interpret this statement to mean class equals race?

Addendum: The number of blacks who shoot blacks does in no way mitigate the prejudice in the killing of blacks by white cops.

In the animal world, a deer finds itself within the confine of lions territory, it is dead meat.

Mankind are many species with the same instincts, natural discrimination. People say, man has the ability to think. Watching TV on animals, I am certain animals have that ability too, just observing the antics in catching a prey.

antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

I see there is now scope creep in your original argument, suddenly it is indoG who is the cause of black plight. The more you parrot this type of fallacy the more resentful indoGs get as most have little or no interaction or impact on the afroGs lives.  I once noted that AfroGs were free 70 years ahead of the end of indo indentureship, they had all that time over us by yet we are the cause of their lack of progress. Wake up man, you can't keep blaming others for their plight, at some point one must become accountable for their own destiny instead of constantly waiting to be "given". I noticed you keep using the term, "given equal opportunity".  

Eh?? You have to explain how you see this new scope. How did Indo-Guyanese become the cause of the black plight? You do understand there is far more prejudice against Afro-Americans than against any other ethnicity?

Why? bcz dey black or some other reason?

caribny posted:

And the white cop immediately regretted it as he suffered the consequences of messing with the wrong black man.  Some white kid overdosing on heroin and is slapped up by the cops isn't going to get an apology.  And yes poor white kids get shot by the cops too, but rich whites don't care so you don't hear of this.  Look at all of those homeless white kids rotting on the streets of Manhattan!

Don't cry for Earl Graves Jnr.  When he was wronged he exacted revenge in ways that even your average white guy cannot. When he entertains in the Hamptons this weekend the only white working class "townies" who will be around will be those serving drinks and food.  The rich whites will drool over their fellow rich friends, who happen to be  black, and scorn these white townies. 

Spike Lee lives in the Upper Eastside with all of that old WASP $$$.  I bet they battle each other to have him and his wife over at their cocktail parties.  Even Jay Z some will now love to name drop.  Certain has access to social circles that will never allow you in. Ditto Russell Simmons. Having tea with Beyonce will engender pure jealousy from the Hamptons social set.

Hell even Al Sharpton is now on the celebrity list with all the politicians in town rushing to his events to get his blessing.  You think any white cop will dare mess with Al Sharpton now?  Even Trump will ensure that this person is punished.

In this country money talks and BS walks.  Don't cry for the black elites as they don't need any pity from you. 

This is what all of you Obama worshippers don't understand  He doesn't need you all and I don't even think that he likes you all.  He has no fear of being reduced to Jim Crow, or being dragged behind a truck. His friends are rich white tycoons like Richard Branson.  As much as many whites hate the Obamas, enraged at their wealth and power, they leave their kids alone.  How many stories do you hear about what Malia and Sacha are up to?   Those girls are protected by the system!

So no to be black doesn't mean to be poor and downtrodden.  NOT in 2019.  People hate the poor, and the black poor most of all, but those blacks who escaped that and have risen to the top........whole other story!

Like I said in this country race is a complex issue.  To be black is to be in the best of worlds and also to be in the worst of worlds.  It depends on where one is, so blackness on the whole isn't the issue.  Its being BOTH black and poor that is.

Did the white cop regret it out of remorse or only because he got caught? Spike Lee will be nothing if he's caught in the wrong place and is unrecognized. You insist on missing the point. Any poor white person will get better treatment than any rich black person if the black person is not recognized no matter how well dressed or not matter what care he/she is driving. You are singling out isolated individuals and completely ignoring the norm. Your opinion that being black means being poor and downtrodden is meaningless to the white racist. Your hopes and opinions mean nothing to reality. I will keep asking you the same questions until you answer. You're grown man. Stop babbling meaningless drivel and launching unfounded insults.

Why do people hate black poor most of all?

Do you not understand the reference to pre-1957?

Do you believe the CEO of Black Enterprise was harassed by a white cop for anything other than being black?

Should Sasha Obama manage to find herself isolated in the deep south in a conflict with a white person of any social status who does not know who she is, what do you think will happen to Sasha Obama and do you think the treatment meted out to her will not be biased because she is black?

How equal is the treatment meted out to poor blacks and poor whites from the authorities and business infrastructure?

caribny posted:
antabanta posted:
 Are you denying that black people in USA are subject to prejudice for no reason other than being black?

Do you really think that Oprah spends too seconds worrying about that topic as it pertains to her?  I bet that white woman in Switzerland who told her that she cannot enter because the shop was closing for the day is still suffering.

I can tell you don't know too many affluent black people.  Many of them are now "post negro".  The problems of struggling blacks bother them not.

Watch Jumping the Broom again!

Would a rich white woman ever be told she cannot enter a store? I will keep asking this question until you have the courage to answer it.

Last edited by antabanta
seignet posted:

In the animal world, a deer finds itself within the confine of lions territory, it is dead meat.

Mankind are many species with the same instincts, natural discrimination. People say, man has the ability to think. Watching TV on animals, I am certain animals have that ability too, just observing the antics in catching a prey.

Mankind are many species???? By what feat of ignorant thoughtless did you manage such an absurd, ridiculous, asinine conclusion?

antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

Why? bcz dey black or some other reason?

You have the answer, if only you could have the courage to be honest with yourself.

Black Americans had 2 choices after slavery and still possible today. Go to Liberia, that country was established for that sole purpose. Or, follow Marcus Garvy back to Ethiopia. Iz nah like dey ain gat no choices. As bad as the Whiteman is, blacks living in America have it way way better than living some place else, especially Africa. They would never be caught dead in that shithole continent.

Suh bai, stop being so prejudice against whitepeople. Everything in the world operates on the law of averages. People are going to die, molested and discriminated every second of the day. The key to living unhindered is to watch your step. Venture into certain places is like venturing into a lions den. Why would you want to do that or ask Black peple to do that? 

seignet posted:
antabanta posted:
seignet posted:

Why? bcz dey black or some other reason?

You have the answer, if only you could have the courage to be honest with yourself.

Black Americans had 2 choices after slavery and still possible today. Go to Liberia, that country was established for that sole purpose. Or, follow Marcus Garvy back to Ethiopia. Iz nah like dey ain gat no choices. As bad as the Whiteman is, blacks living in America have it way way better than living some place else, especially Africa. They would never be caught dead in that shithole continent.

Suh bai, stop being so prejudice against whitepeople. Everything in the world operates on the law of averages. People are going to die, molested and discriminated every second of the day. The key to living unhindered is to watch your step. Venture into certain places is like venturing into a lions den. Why would you want to do that or ask Black peple to do that? 

Did you look within yourself with honesty to come up with that response? You should have been born black in America 200 years ago or even immediately after slavery. I'm not prejudiced against white people. Only warped logic would consider speaking up against prejudice as prejudice. But you've already provided ample reason to us to not expect any better from you. There is a large number of whites who recognize and oppose discrimination against people of color. Who would you accuse them of being prejudiced against? Why don't all Indo-Guyanese who cry out about oppression by Afro-Guyanese return to India? Is it because they prefer to be caught dead in that shithole country? Remember, this is your absurd logic.

Last edited by antabanta
seignet posted:

Black Americans had 2 choices after slavery and still possible today.

Most black Americans are descended from enslaved peoples who arrived when it was a British colony, meaning that they have been here for almost 250 years or TEN generations.

Why should they go anywhere when it is the white population which is mainly descended from peoples who have been here for LESS than 150 years.

if anyone needs to go back where they come from its the Europeans.  Black Americans are here because 250 years ago many white Americans wanted them to be here.  They didn't ask to come.

You really need to stop hating yourself as you love whites as they aren't worth your devotion to them.  In fact many of them will be embarrassed by your statements.

I guess you will suggest that Indigenous Canadians should retain to Asia if they don't like life in white dominated Canada!

antabanta posted:

Would a rich white woman ever be told she cannot enter a store? I will keep asking this question until you have the courage to answer it.

You can jump up and down and make me try to say that rich and poor blacks are equally impacted by racism.  NO!  Rich blacks face LESS racism and when they do they can punish those stupid enough to stereotype them.

Oprah sees a store closing and then gets into a tantrum because they refuse her entry.  Screams racism and uses her RICH BLACK WOMAN clout to have a poorer white woman punished. 

Still think that class is race based, because if it was Oprah would have been the one arrested for creating a scene in a country where she isn't a citizen!

Look at Jussie Smollett. Faked an attack and got Chicago to spend thousands of dollars.  When it was discovered that he lied his rich black privilege ensured that he did NOT face the consequences.   The limited punishment he deserves because in this country racism is still a fact of life and he disrespected those who still suffer the consequences.

But he is a rich black so has no need to care about how his actions impact others.  Yes racism is an issue that rich blacks have the power and the social networks to punish those who ill treat them.  Jussie knows the Obama's and they told Chicago to drop the case.

You think the Obama's would have made that call if it was some poor white kid?   You seriously don't think that a rich white person would care either.

Rich folks protect their own, regardless as to whether they are black or white.

antabanta posted:

Mankind are many species???? By what feat of ignorant thoughtless did you manage such an absurd, ridiculous, asinine conclusion?

It isn't asinine.  Seignet thinks that he belongs to the amoeba species.  If that is where he places himself as something that can be crushed, or poisoned with no remorse then why worry?

Folks like him don't look in the mirror so when they justify racism/classism they don't understand that they limit themselves.  He is neither white nor is he rich.

antabanta posted:
caribny posted:


Why do people hate black poor most of all?

Do you not understand the reference to pre-1957?


Should Sasha Obama manage to find herself isolated in the deep south in a conflict with a white person of any social status who does not know who she is, what do you think will happen to Sasha Obama and do you think the treatment meted out to her will not be biased because she is black?


Sasha is a rich "white" girl who happens to be black.  Should anyone treat her as "pre 1957" that will be the last act that they will commit before being thrown into the system and destroyed.  Those who called Michelle an ape have regretted it. Careers destroyed as the system crushed those for daring to think that they can humiliate the rich.  At least one of them is now in jail.  I bet if they laughed at some poor white opioid addict they would still be gainfully employed.

Please don't feel sorry for her or Spike as they will both laugh at a little immigrant like you.  While Barack plays golf and cuts deals with the richest and most powerful, all glad to know a highly thought of black man.  And this includes BOTH the liberals and the conservatives.  Do you have access to any of these people?  No you don't and you NEVER will even though you aren't black!

This is NOT 1957.  This 2019.  Americans like one color and that is green and rich blacks have lots of it.

Your premise is that rich blacks face the same issues of racism as do poor blacks.  You scream that their wealth does nothing to protect them, so you imagine that a poor white will be treated better than a rich black.

Just imagine some homeless white opioid addict (and there are many around these days) inventing a fictitious claim of an attack, getting a major city to spend tens of thousands of dollars to investigate.  Tying up the court system of a major city.  And then we find out that is a hoax.

They would be jailed and for a long time too.  Jussie Smollett, a rich black man with powerful black friends (the Obamas), can do this and then be let go with no consequences.  He can use the fact that classism, racism and homophobia are real issues in this country as a fiction to garner pity so that he could be paid more money in his TV role.  He is even willing to throw some less affluent blacks under the bus as he selfishly tries to grab as much cash as he can.

His actions now give those who deny the impacts of racism, classism and homophobia on the lives of less affluent people a pass, because they will cite Jussie as an example.  Suddenly all these will be hoaxes because a wealthy greedy black man with lots of powerful friends pulled an antic to get even more $$$ than he already has.

Look at all the talk shows that he got and all the sympathy.  And even now that its a hoax has he really been punished? No.  He is on to the next script I bet, now that Empire is running its last season and he wouldn't want to be typecast. He is just another bad behaving male actor, getting the same pass as did those white male ones.


Yes some ignorant white racist might pull a stunt.  Do you know that many of those idiots on Charlottesville are now unemployed and unemployable?  This is why almost no one showed up to the anniversary march.  The rich whites will chew up and destroy any poor white he thinks in 2019 he can attack a rich black, Asian or Hispanic and get away with it.

Now the rich racists are pouring scorn on poor whites just as they do on poor blacks. Being poor in this country is a crime and it doesn't matter if one is black or white.


seignet posted:

You bigots should listen attentively. Listen to an ex-slave telling the white gentleman about the God-given rights he has as a person. And that was an ex-slave with such wisdom. 

You two bigots have drank the whitemans coolaid. It made you bigots.

Seignet  I have come to the conclusion that you have mental issues. YOU are the one who is always praising white people. Screaming that North America belongs to them and us colored folks need to keep quiet and do was we are told.

Well that man told YOU that he was born with rights, the same ones due to any American and the notion that he should go "back" to Africa is ridiculous.  By 1865 his family most likely would have been 4 generations American born. In 1865 most whites were still immigrants, or the children of such. Many of the ancestors of today's white Americans had NOT even arrived in the USA at that point!


And even in 1865 class allowed certain blacks to reduce the impacts of the savage bigotry of that era.

The field slaves, lacking skills, illiterate, and having limited means to earn an income were left like stray cows. They were treated virtually as slaves when they were forced to become share croppers, or continue to wage labor on the plantations.

Many of the skilled workers had earned some income and had some savings and were able to acquire lands which were available quite cheaply.

Many of the house slaves had literacy and so the ability to acquire further education and enter certain lower tier professions catering to blacks.

Both became the nucleus of a black middle class which began to emerge during the Reconstruction, and managed to survive even when that ended and the ravages of Jim Crow began.  Their lives were much better than that of the share cropper whose life had scarcely improved since the end of slavery.

There were a few thriving black communities in some parts of the South anchored by these people whose ancestors were "luckier" slaves, therefore better positioned to survive once slavery ended.

Racism is a fact of life in the USA as is classism.  These are two separate forces.  The best off are the rich whites who suffer neither racism nor classism, The worst off are the poor blacks who suffer both. 

We can debate as to whether poor whites are better off than rich blacks.  It appears to most that in 2019 it becomes obvious that its the rich black who benefits more from the largesse of the USA than does the poor white.  When the rich black encounters racism they can usually deal with it, often punishing those who offend them. Poor whites are increasing trapped in the same miasma of hopelessness that trapped poor blacks generations ago as local economies die.

Even if all racism ended today some blacks will still suffer because they remain trapped in a conditioned induced by multi generational poverty.  So ending racism isnt the only issue.

This man has a whole analysis of the condition of the black poor. He is not popular in certain elite black circles because they wish to keep the poor black poor, so they can guilt white elites into engaging solely in race based approaches which assist those blacks who already have the soft and hard skills and social capital to thrive once this has been removed. 

The more complex issue of dealing with the black poor isnt a topic of interest to these black elites, and the truth is that many of these people are as disdainful of the black poor as are whites.  This is also true in Guyana and APNU will discover this when the turnout of the black poor plummets.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

You bigots should listen attentively. Listen to an ex-slave telling the white gentleman about the God-given rights he has as a person. And that was an ex-slave with such wisdom. 

You two bigots have drank the whitemans coolaid. It made you bigots.

Seignet  I have come to the conclusion that you have mental issues. YOU are the one who is always praising white people. Screaming that North America belongs to them and us colored folks need to keep quiet and do was we are told.

Well that man told YOU that he was born with rights, the same ones due to any American and the notion that he should go "back" to Africa is ridiculous.  By 1865 his family most likely would have been 4 generations American born. In 1865 most whites were still immigrants, or the children of such. Many of the ancestors of today's white Americans had NOT even arrived in the USA at that point!

The man has God-given rights, just like him so do Blacks today. If your rights are violated then move to some place else. Burnham violated Indian rights and they moved. Today, there are millions of people all over world on the move. It is a silly thing to think if a person is born in a country they belong there. Africans doan think so, dey on the move, so are others in the world. Black Americans seems to think they are going stay where they and the whiteman have to mind them. The Whites dominated the world, they went everywhere and was everywhere. You see how the Chinese are doing the same today. American Blacks want to shame White Americans. 


caribny posted:
You can jump up and down and make me try to say that rich and poor blacks are equally impacted by racism.  NO!  Rich blacks face LESS racism and when they do they can punish those stupid enough to stereotype them.

Oprah sees a store closing and then gets into a tantrum because they refuse her entry.  Screams racism and uses her RICH BLACK WOMAN clout to have a poorer white woman punished. 

Still think that class is race based, because if it was Oprah would have been the one arrested for creating a scene in a country where she isn't a citizen!

Look at Jussie Smollett. Faked an attack and got Chicago to spend thousands of dollars.  When it was discovered that he lied his rich black privilege ensured that he did NOT face the consequences.   The limited punishment he deserves because in this country racism is still a fact of life and he disrespected those who still suffer the consequences.

But he is a rich black so has no need to care about how his actions impact others.  Yes racism is an issue that rich blacks have the power and the social networks to punish those who ill treat them.  Jussie knows the Obama's and they told Chicago to drop the case.

You think the Obama's would have made that call if it was some poor white kid?   You seriously don't think that a rich white person would care either.

Rich folks protect their own, regardless as to whether they are black or white.

Why do people hate black poor most of all? - your claim. Please explain it.

Do you not understand the reference to pre-1957?

Do you believe the CEO of Black Enterprise was harassed by a white cop for anything other than being black?

Should Sasha Obama manage to find herself isolated in the deep south in a conflict with a white person of any social status who does not know who she is, what do you think will happen to Sasha Obama and do you think the treatment meted out to her will not be biased because she is black?

How equal is the treatment meted out to poor blacks and poor whites from the authorities and business infrastructure?

Would a rich white woman ever be told she cannot enter a store simply because she's white?


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