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caribny posted:

Sasha is a rich "white" girl who happens to be black.  Should anyone treat her as "pre 1957" that will be the last act that they will commit before being thrown into the system and destroyed.  Those who called Michelle an ape have regretted it. Careers destroyed as the system crushed those for daring to think that they can humiliate the rich.  At least one of them is now in jail.  I bet if they laughed at some poor white opioid addict they would still be gainfully employed.

Please don't feel sorry for her or Spike as they will both laugh at a little immigrant like you.  While Barack plays golf and cuts deals with the richest and most powerful, all glad to know a highly thought of black man.  And this includes BOTH the liberals and the conservatives.  Do you have access to any of these people?  No you don't and you NEVER will even though you aren't black!

This is NOT 1957.  This 2019.  Americans like one color and that is green and rich blacks have lots of it.

Your premise is that rich blacks face the same issues of racism as do poor blacks.  You scream that their wealth does nothing to protect them, so you imagine that a poor white will be treated better than a rich black.

Just imagine some homeless white opioid addict (and there are many around these days) inventing a fictitious claim of an attack, getting a major city to spend tens of thousands of dollars to investigate.  Tying up the court system of a major city.  And then we find out that is a hoax.

They would be jailed and for a long time too.  Jussie Smollett, a rich black man with powerful black friends (the Obamas), can do this and then be let go with no consequences.  He can use the fact that classism, racism and homophobia are real issues in this country as a fiction to garner pity so that he could be paid more money in his TV role.  He is even willing to throw some less affluent blacks under the bus as he selfishly tries to grab as much cash as he can.

His actions now give those who deny the impacts of racism, classism and homophobia on the lives of less affluent people a pass, because they will cite Jussie as an example.  Suddenly all these will be hoaxes because a wealthy greedy black man with lots of powerful friends pulled an antic to get even more $$$ than he already has.

Look at all the talk shows that he got and all the sympathy.  And even now that its a hoax has he really been punished? No.  He is on to the next script I bet, now that Empire is running its last season and he wouldn't want to be typecast. He is just another bad behaving male actor, getting the same pass as did those white male ones.


Yes some ignorant white racist might pull a stunt.  Do you know that many of those idiots on Charlottesville are now unemployed and unemployable?  This is why almost no one showed up to the anniversary march.  The rich whites will chew up and destroy any poor white he thinks in 2019 he can attack a rich black, Asian or Hispanic and get away with it.

Now the rich racists are pouring scorn on poor whites just as they do on poor blacks. Being poor in this country is a crime and it doesn't matter if one is black or white.


Why do people hate black poor most of all? - your claim. Please explain it.

Do you not understand the reference to pre-1957?

Do you believe the CEO of Black Enterprise was harassed by a white cop for anything other than being black?

Should Sasha Obama manage to find herself isolated in the deep south in a conflict with a white person of any social status who does not know who she is, what do you think will happen to Sasha Obama and do you think the treatment meted out to her will not be biased because she is black?

How equal is the treatment meted out to poor blacks and poor whites from the authorities and business infrastructure?

Would a rich white woman ever be told she cannot enter a store simply because she's white?

seignet posted:

You bigots should listen attentively. Listen to an ex-slave telling the white gentleman about the God-given rights he has as a person. And that was an ex-slave with such wisdom. 

You two bigots have drank the whitemans coolaid. It made you bigots.

You don't understand the video do you?   Please watch it again.

Bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. This definition describes you perfectly.

Django posted:

My first shoe was a hand me down from one of my cousins, it was too tight and gave it back to my aunt, it came in handy my younger cousins. Around when i was 14 yrs, on a school tour to the Botanic gardens, my mom bought a white yachting boots, that's all she could afford, i cherished and keep that foot wear for a long time.

You are probably correct, Iguiana may have grown up uppity, he needs to tone down. Trying to get back at the guys who are condescending to Afro-Guyanese, which is not acceptable. He is getting himself muddy just like them with some of his descriptions of Indo-Guyanese. In the early days over 90 percent of kids in the country areas walked bare foot to schools.

Nothing to be ashamed about walking barefoot, many countries in the world people are doing such.

My ancestors did not wear shoes either when they dug the canals and slaved in the hot sun. For y'all Indians to take offense to the term "barefoot" is absurd given that ALL our ancestors were barefoot at one time or the other.

That you see the term "barefoot" applying to Indians ONLY speaks to alyuh deep seated victimhood. Conveniently yuh forget black people were barefoot too.

As for alyuh Indians that seh you are "refugees" from Guyana, claiming that black man beat and torture alyuh and mek yuh run away. Search the archives and you will find at least Herr Baseman or one of he cohorts proclaiming such. I call you what you say you are.

Nothing wrong with being a barefoot Indian running to America, but when people like yuh "big brother" and that ignar Dave who bait you into mekking this post run to America and tek they nasty neva see cum fuh see self and cuss black people who fight for equal rights that THEY now benefit from, then yes, I WILL remind them of who they are!

Iguana posted:
Django posted:

My first shoe was a hand me down from one of my cousins, it was too tight and gave it back to my aunt, it came in handy my younger cousins. Around when i was 14 yrs, on a school tour to the Botanic gardens, my mom bought a white yachting boots, that's all she could afford, i cherished and keep that foot wear for a long time.

You are probably correct, Iguiana may have grown up uppity, he needs to tone down. Trying to get back at the guys who are condescending to Afro-Guyanese, which is not acceptable. He is getting himself muddy just like them with some of his descriptions of Indo-Guyanese. In the early days over 90 percent of kids in the country areas walked bare foot to schools.

Nothing to be ashamed about walking barefoot, many countries in the world people are doing such.

My ancestors did not wear shoes either when they dug the canals and slaved in the hot sun. For y'all Indians to take offense to the term "barefoot" is absurd given that ALL our ancestors were barefoot at one time or the other.

That you see the term "barefoot" applying to Indians ONLY speaks to alyuh deep seated victimhood. Conveniently yuh forget black people were barefoot too.

As for alyuh Indians that seh you are "refugees" from Guyana, claiming that black man beat and torture alyuh and mek yuh run away. Search the archives and you will find at least Herr Baseman or one of he cohorts proclaiming such. I call you what you say you are.

Nothing wrong with being a barefoot Indian running to America, but when people like yuh "big brother" and that ignar Dave who bait you into mekking this post run to America and tek they nasty neva see cum fuh see self and cuss black people who fight for equal rights that THEY now benefit from, then yes, I WILL remind them of who they are!

I never walked barefooted in Guyana.

Iguana posted:
Django posted:

My first shoe was a hand me down from one of my cousins, it was too tight and gave it back to my aunt, it came in handy my younger cousins. Around when i was 14 yrs, on a school tour to the Botanic gardens, my mom bought a white yachting boots, that's all she could afford, i cherished and keep that foot wear for a long time.

You are probably correct, Iguiana may have grown up uppity, he needs to tone down. Trying to get back at the guys who are condescending to Afro-Guyanese, which is not acceptable. He is getting himself muddy just like them with some of his descriptions of Indo-Guyanese. In the early days over 90 percent of kids in the country areas walked bare foot to schools.

Nothing to be ashamed about walking barefoot, many countries in the world people are doing such.

My ancestors did not wear shoes either when they dug the canals and slaved in the hot sun. For y'all Indians to take offense to the term "barefoot" is absurd given that ALL our ancestors were barefoot at one time or the other.

That you see the term "barefoot" applying to Indians ONLY speaks to alyuh deep seated victimhood. Conveniently yuh forget black people were barefoot too.

As for alyuh Indians that seh you are "refugees" from Guyana, claiming that black man beat and torture alyuh and mek yuh run away. Search the archives and you will find at least Herr Baseman or one of he cohorts proclaiming such. I call you what you say you are.

Nothing wrong with being a barefoot Indian running to America, but when people like yuh "big brother" and that ignar Dave who bait you into mekking this post run to America and tek they nasty neva see cum fuh see self and cuss black people who fight for equal rights that THEY now benefit from, then yes, I WILL remind them of who they are!

Don’t point fingers at anyone that they “ neva  see cum to  see” - you too barefaced to seh that.. you only saw the light when YOU reach Amerika you dipshit . So haul you dutty self so. 

Enough with your intolerance and disdain for Indian culture, we owe you nothing and is not responsible for your low life. 

This forum was very quiet fo a little while,  about which race is more superior until YOU show up again with your sociopath mentality. 

Dave posted:

Don’t point fingers at anyone that they “ neva  see cum to  see” - you too barefaced to seh that.. you only saw the light when YOU reach Amerika you dipshit . So haul you dutty self so. 

Enough with your intolerance and disdain for Indian culture, we owe you nothing and is not responsible for your low life. 

This forum was very quiet fo a little while,  about which race is more superior until YOU show up again with your sociopath mentality. 

i am amused at the proud Indo-klan member posting here as "Dave" reaching far, far beyond his feeble intellect for moral high ground

in what he thinks is a sweet smartman move



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