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Clint Bastian
Clint Bastian

Chronicle pressman robbed


SENIOR Pressman of the Guyana Chronicle, Clint Bastian, was robbed by three men of his motorcycle early Sunday morning at Mon Repos Public Road, East Coast Demerara. He was on his way home from work.Bastian said he had made a purchase of some groceries earlier that morning, and while going home, in the vicinity of the D & D Bar at Mon Repos, he was alerted by a man that his grocery bag had come loose and sugar was falling out. He said he stopped the motorcycle to retrieve the sugar when he was held from behind by a man who demanded money before throwing him to the ground.

The 57-year-old press operator said the man was joined by two other accomplices, one of whom was armed with a cutlass. He was relieved of his Samsung cell phone and a silver ring after a search of his pockets came up empty.

The incident happened at about 04:15 hrs on Sunday morning even as patrons were exiting the gay bar and witnessing the robbery. Instead of assisting him, some persons encouraged the bandits to chop him because he was supposed to have money.

Bastian said he was wearing a silver ring, which he took off and handed over while pleading with the robbers not to harm him. In the process, the bandits made off with his black 150 CC Scrambler motorcycle, CF 8539, and his helmet.

Bastian said the theft of his bike was a great loss because it formed part of his livelihood — a part-time delivery job at a fast food outlet.

Bastian said he went to the Beterverwagting Police Station and filed a report, then began calling his cell phone number, 614-8325. A man answered and said he had purchased the phone from a friend.

Bastian said he tried to reason with the man to provide more information in an effort to locate his motorcycle, but the man discontinued the conversation.

The police have reportedly told Bastian that they can do nothing.
This publication understands that even though the 2 am curfew is in force, the popular gay bar at Mon Repos opens until daylight most times, and the three men who robbed Bastian usually are found out there reliving people of their valuables.

By Michelle Outridge


Sub-machine gun unearthed at mining camp

One man is now in Police custody and is expected to be charged after he was found with an unlicensed

The sub-machine gun that was found

The sub-machine gun that was found

firearm at a mining camp in the Mazaruni River, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).

According to information received, about 10:00h on Monday, Police ranks in F Division conducted a search on a mining camp at Arangoy, Mazaruni River during which the 9mm submachine gun was found.

The man was questioned and it was realised that he did not have the necessary documents to be in possession of a firearm.

The man is now assisting with the investigation.


Toy gun bandits rob Foulis family


A Foulis family of three was last evening beaten and robbed of approximately $100,000 as they were preparing to go to church for a prayer session. Pastor Rohit Deonarine, his wife Nirmala, and their 12-year-old daughter were at their Lot 481 Twelfth Street, Foulis, East Coast Demerara home when the incident occurred.

Pastor Rohit Deonarine shows the Guyana Chronicle the injury he received to his head

Pastor Rohit Deonarine shows the Guyana Chronicle the injury he received to his head

According to Pastor Rohit, he was preparing for a prayer session at the Enmore Baptist Church. “I was preparing to go to church prayer meeting at approximately 7:30pm. We have a vehicle parked on the road, so I was taking that vehicle into the yard; and whilst parking it, this guy shouted ‘Come out of the car or I gon shoot you!’ I had the door already open and so I came out,” the injured man recounted.

Both Pastor Rohit and his wife were beaten to the head by the robbers, but they were not seriously injured.
The pastor explained that three men who appeared to be in their early 20s carried out the attack on his family. The men entered the two-storey house from the lower flat, which also houses a grocery shop. Deornarine’s wife had left the grilled door open for him to retrieve his Bible and other materials.

“Eventually, the guy hit me in my head and said ‘Give me the money!’ and the other one hit my wife and asked her, ‘Where is the money? Where is the money?’”

According to the 60-year-old pastor, the ordeal lasted for approximately five minutes. “They were lashing her in her head,” he recounted.

The Guyana Chronicle was informed by members of the Community Policing Group present at the Deonarines’ home, that a hammer belonging to the family was used by the bandits during the attack. A cutlass was also used by the bandits.

Pastor Rohit Deonarine in his blood stained jersey at Woodlands Hospital

Pastor Rohit Deonarine in his blood stained jersey at Woodlands Hospital

“I turned to the guy and asked ‘Why you hitting her? You’ll get the money,’ and he gave me another lash on my head. Eventually, she said the money was on the chair. One of them ran in, grabbed the money, showed the guy and they left.”

Meanwhile, police combed the area in search of the bandits. It was believed that one of the bandits was trapped in the upper flat of the house, but the police search came up empty-handed. However, two black toy guns were found in the house by the law enforcement ranks. The retrieved items were taken away by the police for testing.

Pastor Rohit and his wife were taken to the Woodlands Hospital, where they were treated.

Dead: Surendra Nauth
Dead: Surendra Nauth

Berbice man murdered at wedding house


SURENDRA Nauth, called “Shawn, 29, of Albion Front, Corentyne, Berbice, was in the wee hours of Sunday stabbed to death while at a wedding celebration at Williamsburg Village.A tearful Anita Evans, his wife, said the incident occurred at about 00:30 hrs, when the suspect, whom she identified as one “Shandy”, was confronted after he was seen slashing the tyre of a car belonging to her brother.

“The girl that was sitting in the car see when he slash the tyre and she come out and tell Totaram (Evens’s brother), and he went up to Shandy and ask he if he slash the tyre and he said ‘no’ but another guy tell he ‘yes’, I see you slash it too’. The guy (Shandy) just tek out he knife and bore Totaram on he face.”

Evans explained that after seeing what was happening, her husband went to intervene and was stabbed in the abdomen. He was taken to the Port Mourant Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.

According to a police press release, Nauth and his brother-in-law Totaram Bhola were involved in an argument with a man who slashed a tyre of their motor vehicle.
Bhola has been admitted to hospital.

The suspect, who was recently released from prison, is on the run. He had served a sentence on a charge of wounding. Police are continuing their investigations.



Taxi driver carjacked by passengers


Taxi driver Keith Abraham is counting his lucky stars that carjackers didn’t kill him while stealing the vehicle he was driving.
Abraham said he was plying his trade in a silver-grey Toyota Premio, HC 5702, on Waterloo Street at about 22:30hrs Saturday night when two men flagged him down.
He said he saw nothing about the men to alarm him, so he picked them up.
“They jump in the car and said they going Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, and so I started heading in that direction. “
Abraham said one sat next to him while the other sat behind the driver’s seat.
“When I turn the car into Thomas Lands between Albert and Camp Street the guy sitting behind me pulled out a gun and placed it to my neck. He seh stop the f*$#ing car and get out.”
Fear engulfed Abraham but, he said he tried to talk his way out of the situation. However the men didn’t seem interested in anything that he had to say.
“I tell the one with the gun to my neck that they could take what they want, it ain’t call for this because I have a small son to live for.”

Taxi Driver Keith Abraham shows the areas on his hands where he was injured during his ordeal with the carjackers.

Taxi Driver Keith Abraham shows the areas on his hands where he was injured during his ordeal with the carjackers.

According to Abraham, it was then that the man sitting next to him whipped out a piece of metal and attempted to hit him in the face. Abraham said he blocked and the blow grazed his left arm.
All this occurred while the car was still moving. He said the robber with the metal bar parked the car and Abraham said he managed to open his door and escape.
“I was so scared that all I know is that amidst getting the lash on me hand I was out the car and I was up the road so fast that Usain Bolt an all couldn’t catch me if he tried,” the man said. He ran west along Thomas Lands towards Camp Road.
When he felt safe enough from a little distance off he looked back and saw when “The one with the gun jump in the driver’s seat and the drove off east along Thomas Lands.”
According to the driver, he was relieved of a cellular phone, about $8000 and a base radio valued at $120,000. His driver’s licence and other documents were also taken away but he was just happy to be alive.
“To me they wanted the car or they would have shot me.”  He said after several attempts to get help from passing cars one stopped and he made a report at the Alberttown Police Station.
The car is owned by businessman Mohammed Alli. When contacted, he expressed his disappointment at what he dubs “the current situation with robbers and carjackers.” The car he said is valued at $2.7M.


This may explain why the crime situation continues unabated. Incompetence is rife in the police force as this administration is content to kick back and enjoy 50% raises while the population suffers.

Are the police doing enough to track down wanted persons?


–   Poor communication cited

Poor communication and a limited number of ranks may be some of the reasons why persons, who are wanted by the police for various crimes, including murder, are roaming the streets freely.
This is according to the Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud.
There have been several questions as to whether the people are doing enough to arrest wanted persons.
Responding to this question, the Commissioner said that there are a number of things which have been preventing the police from identifying and picking up wanted men.
He listed communication as the main reason followed by the number of ranks needed to develop profiles of these wanted men.
“We have 3600 ranks deployed and there is a communication issue. We know that someone is wanted at one police station but the extent to which the information is shared is a problem,” Persaud explained.
He went on to say that dedicated work was supposed to have been done to develop profiles that will help those who are actually making the arrest but, “The number of persons that we can deploy to do that at this time has to do with our ability to communicate, so it gets down to that patrol man down on the ground.”
Within the past couple of months, a number of wanted persons have been arrested by the police in some of the busy streets of Georgetown.

Shawn Fordyce

Shawn Fordyce

Jermaine Simon

Jermaine Simon

Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud

Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud

Some of them have been on the Force’s wanted list for as long as five years. However, those same persons were right under the police’s nose daily but were not recognized for a very long time.
Only last month, 26-year-old Seon Anthony Edwards of Diamond, East Bank Demerara, was arrested in the vicinity of Regent and Hinck Streets, where he was selling bottled water.
Edwards was wanted by police for the 2010 murder of Rawle Peters, called ‘Dumb Boy.’
Peters and Edwards had an argument over $300,000 during which the victim was chopped to death.
Edwards was only arrested when a passenger in a mini bus pointed out to a cop that the ‘water vendor’ is a murderer. Had that passenger not recognized Edwards then he would have continued selling on the streets.
Also, in October last, Shawn Fordyce, a man who was wanted for carrying out a brutal cutlass attack on his wife and three daughters back in 2013, was arrested in the same house at ‘B’ Field Sophia where he carried out the attack.
Prior to his arrest, Fordyce had been selling newspapers in some of the busy streets in Georgetown including Mandela Avenue.
Now, this is someone whose photograph was once pasted on some of the walls of some police stations but yet he went on with his life without being noticed.
In November last, 24-year-old Jermaine Simon called ‘Lapsy’ of Lot 41 Norton Street Bagotstown, EBD, was shot dead, allegedly by a member of a rival gang, Anthony Trim, who is still on the run.
Simon was wanted by the police for killing Ryan Sooklall in March 2015 at Providence, EBD.
According to reports, he and Sooklall had a falling out that saw Sooklall and his gang shooting up Jermaine Simon’s home.
The following day, the 24-year-old Simon retaliated by walking up to Sooklall and pumping bullets into him.
A wanted bulletin was subsequently issued for him but the police were unable to make an arrest.
Members of the public however believed that the police are not doing enough to arrest wanted persons since they claimed, Jermaine Simon was roaming Bagotstown freely.
He had been operating a shop in that community.
As the Guyana Police Force continues to move forward in their crime fighting strategy, the Commissioner said that this year, not only will ranks know the names of those wanted but they will know exactly what he/she looks like. Kaieteur News understands that this will be done via the setting up of a database.
Knowing the names of criminals is not enough, but having an idea of what the person looks like will help a lot.
Recalling an incident in May 2014 when four prisoners escaped from the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court by ripping the grill work and mesh that covered the window at the back of the building, the police had no idea who they were looking for.
Two reporters from this media house had to send a photograph of the escapees to the police via social media.
This newspaper was told that there are currently 105 to 120 persons on the wanted list. These include persons who are wanted for robberies under arms, rape and murders among other crimes.



Could the crime rate be orchestrated by the afc/apnu? It is deliberately higher in the PPP supported areas. 


Berbice tops list as 10 murders recorded for New Year


At least 10 murders have been recorded within the past eighteen days with Berbice ‘B’ Division taking the lead with six. ‘C’ Division (East Coast Demerara) secured three while ‘D’ Division (West Demerara/East Bank Essequibo) had one.
Figures compiled by this publication show that a total of 10 murders occurred between January 1 and yesterday. The victims were stabbed to death, shot, chopped or burnt.
The most recent killing occurred yesterday, at Williamsburg, Corentyne. During an argument between three men, the police said that Surendra Nauth, 25, Corentyne Berbice was stabbed to the abdomen and subsequently died at the New Amsterdam Hospital.
On January 3, 49-year-old Anita Baichan was bound, gagged and left to die in her burning house at Plantation Hope, WCB.
According to reports, two men armed with cutlasses entered the home and held up Baichan and her son Moshim Khan, 28 years, and demanded cash and jewellery.
The perpetrators were given $30,000 but kept demanding more valuables.
Having not received anything further from the victims, the men duct taped the hands, feet and mouths of the victims and set the house on fire before escaping.
On January 10, the usually tranquil county of Berbice was rocked with the double murders of a Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice (WCB) couple.
Eighty one year-old Doodnauth Rajkumar and his 41 year-old wife Dianne Chammanlall were terrorized and repeatedly chopped, after drug crazed young robbers broke into their Lot 93 ‘A’ Bush Lot, Middle Dam, WCB property.
Mr. Rajkumar was found dead in the hallway with his throat slashed and right arm partially severed. His wife, who was badly injured, was found lying in the verandah of their home. She succumbed while receiving treatment at the Fort Wellington Hospital.

Dianne Chammanlall

Dianne Chammanlall

Doodnauth Rajkumar

Doodnauth Rajkumar

Anita Baichan

Anita Baichan

Three men have been charged with these gruesome murders. Gocoul Madanpaul, 18, called ‘Clown’, of  Bath Settlement, WCB and former murder accused, Rooplall Abrahim , 24, of Murphy Dam, Rosignol, West Bank Berbice appeared last Wednesday before Magistrate Rhondell Weever, in the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court and were remanded to prison for the murder of Baichan.
The two men along with Nazamadeen Raffick, 18, have also been charged with killing the Bush Lot couple.
Pattrick Mohabir, a Corentyne businessman died after he was shot and robbed by bandits who invaded his home and held him up along with his wife. The incident occurred around midday on January 6.
Also on January 10, the partially decomposed body of 28 year-old Hafeeza Rohoman was found in a trench at Mahaica. It was reported that the woman was a constant victim of domestic violence. A post mortem revealed that the woman died of drowning, but there was evidence to support that she received blows to the head.
The police are treating this case as murder.
New Year’s Day began with four murders. The first was that of 24 year-old Asif Hafeez who was stabbed to death during a confrontation with another man, ten minutes into the New Year. The police had stated that Hafeez of Lot 72 Grant 1780 Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice was imbibing alcohol with another man when an argument ensued.
It was reported that the victim was stabbed to the neck and succumbed to his injuries at the Skeldon Hospital.
The suspect is still on the run.

CHARGED: Gocoul Madanpaul and Rooplall Abrahim

CHARGED: Gocoul Madanpaul and Rooplall Abrahim

Dewaun Baksh

Dewaun Baksh

Around 2:15pm, a Mon Repos carpenter was fatally stabbed by his cousin. Dead is Ganesh Ramlakhan, 34, of Lot 27 Mon Repos Pasture, East Coast Demerara (ECD). It was reported that the father of two was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) with stab wounds about his body.  He was pronounced dead on arrival.
A Cane Grove Sawaya, ECD family was plunged into a state of shock, after they got news that their loved one was robbed, brutally beaten and left to die on the road by a group of men.
Twenty two-year-old Deokumar Basdeo was left lying on the road way in Cane Grove after he was attacked by the men. According to reports, Basdeo, a father of one, sustained injuries about his body but mostly to the head.
He later succumbed at the GPHC.
Meanwhile, over at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) a twenty two year-old man was stabbed to death after returning home from Barbados to spend Christmas.
Dewaun Baksh sustained stab wounds to his neck and shoulder during an altercation with a group of men at a rum shop. He was pronounced dead at the Leonora Cottage Hospital.


Missing Sophia man found dead in trench

Family members of a missing Sophia, Georgetown, man confirmed their worst fears Tuesday morning after his partially decomposed body was fished out a short distance from his home.

Dead, Akeem Culley

Dead, Akeem Culley

The dead man has been identified as Akeem Culley, 25, called Jamal, a miner of North Sophia. The man’s body was discovered in a trench called “Forty Foot” by a resident on the nearby reserved lands.

According to reports, Culley had been missing for about three weeks after four men stormed his house and took him away. He was never seen or heard from so his reputed wife, Kendyce Duncan, lodged a report with the police.

Speaking with Guyana Times the woman stated that she last saw her partner of five months on the night of December 29, 2015. She recalled that around 01:00h, she was woken by calls from her neighbour (also named Akeem) who requested she open the door since he had something to tell her.

The woman said she complied and upon opening the front door, she was confronted by four armed and masked men, all of whom were dressed in black. “I didn’t see (my neighbour), all I see was all these handguns point to my face. So I started to back-up and they just barge inâ€Ķ Akeem was in the bedroom and he get up same time and the men hold on pon he and start pull he outside,” Duncan related.

She went on to say that after the men dragged Culley out of the house, she heard him cry out “ah” and immediately after, two gunshots were fired. “I run out, thinking that he get shoot and lying outside but when I go, I didn’t see he or anybody,” the woman recounted.

Duncan said she reported the incident to the police and ranks on patrol came to the area and they conducted a search but came up empty handed. She added that later that morning, she went to the station and made a formal complaint about the incident. The police was treating the case as an abduction.

However, about a week after, Duncan said persons had informed her that they were getting foul scent from the “Forty Foot” and as such she used to make daily checks to see if they would find anything.

“Now (Tuesday) morning, when I getting ready for work, a man said something raise up in “Forty Foot” and I should go check to see if is Akeemâ€Ķ When I reach there, I recognise the red and white American Eagle boxer on the body because that’s what he had on the night when they take him away so I call the police and we family,” she further related.

According to Duncan, the man’s skull was showing. She added too that his feet bore a gunshot wound while his stomach had a stab wound.

Asked by this newspaper whether Culley had any issues with anyone, Duncan recalled that the Monday before his disappearance, some men from North Sophia had alleged that he along with her brother and brother-in-law stole a motorcycle.

The woman said that at the time Culley was not at home and when she called him, he claimed that he was at his mother. “I tell he don’t come home cause these people gon beat yuh up but he turn and say that he coming, he gotta clear his name because he aint thief no motorbike,” she added.

He went home around midday on December 29. Furthermore, Duncan said over the past few weeks, the police had held several persons for Culley’s disappearance including the owner of the alleged stolen motorcycle and her neighbour, Akeem, both of whom were released due to lack of evidence. She explained that her neighbour said he was forced by the gunmen to get her to open the door on the night in question.


Hardtimes under the PNC really having a toll on their supporters, even in Linden.

Linden vendor stabbed to death as reputed husband goes berserk

– daughter hospitalised

Dead: Leolyn Sullivan

Dead: Leolyn Sullivan

A Linden man is presently in Police custody after he went berserk on Monday, stabbing to death his reputed wife and injuring his step-daughter in the process.
Dead is Leolyn Sullivan, 34, of Phase 1B Wisroc and injured is her daughter Shemeka Campbell, 18.
Reports are that Sullivan and her reputed husband, 54, had a domestic dispute at home around 02:00h on Monday when he allegedly whipped out a knife and stabbed her about the body.
During the stabbing the woman’s daughter was also injured by the knife-wielding Lawrence Carter and is presently a patient at the Linden Hospital Complex.
Carter, who is said to have inflicted injuries with a knife on himself after attacking the woman and her daughter, is also at the LHC where he was under police guard Monday.
Speaking with this newspaper, another of Sullivan’s daughters, Saskia Campbell, 16, said her mother arrived home a short while before the incident occurred and an argument ensued.
“I heard him saying, “How you could do this to me?” the teenager related, adding that Carter began stabbing her mother.
She said that her sister Shemeka intervened, begging Carter to desist from attacking her mother when he turned the knife on her, too.
This newspaper was told that the dead woman in an attempt to escape plunged through louvers window in her bedroom but was pursued by Carter.
Saskia further related that she, her mother and sister managed to escape from the yard but were pursued by Carter. They were rescued by a neighbour who rushed them to the LHC.
However, Sullivan, was a beverage vendor at the Mackenzie Market wharf, was pronounced dead on arrival at LHC. This newspaper was told that Sullivan was stabbed 19 times.
Guyana Times understands that the relationship between Carter, a seasonal construction worker and Sullivan has been on the rocks for some time now and the woman was planning to leave him.
Reports also indicate that Carter had accused the deceased of infidelity.
Information reaching this newspaper further indicated that Sullivan had travelled to Georgetown Friday to conduct business and had returned late Sunday evening. She had reportedly confided in a friend that she and Carter were expected to meet with “Welfare” over some issues on Monday.
A neighbour related that Carter was a “jealous” man and stated that the two had constant arguments.
On the fateful morning, persons in the vicinity recalled hearing screams from inside the home.
“Is run out she run out the bedroom to holler for she children them and he run behind she. The big girl stop he and confront he and he bore she up”, a neighbour related.
Another related that the couple were engaged in an argument on Friday before Sullivan left home.
“All I hear she telling he ‘I is a hard-working woman. You always at them bars’. But you could see she was afraid of him because when he roll up to she after that, whatever he tell she, it mek she stop talk. I ain’t see she back after that. This morning I hear he kill she. The two of them always quarrelling every day.”
“He don’t want work, all he does want is she to mind he”, yet another stated.
When Guyana Times arrived at the scene, a blood-stained mattress was in the yard, along with bloodstains leading up to the steps. A few wooden boards were placed to conceal the window which the deceased allegedly plunged through.
There are reports that Carter alleged he sustained injuries to his neck by the woman’s daughter, however other reports indicated that he inflicted the wounds on himself.
He reportedly underwent surgery for his injury and is assisting police with investigations.


Murdered woman identified as mother of three


–   Husband still on the run
The woman whose battered body was found submerged in a trench at Zeelugt New Scheme, East Bank

Dead: Zabida Khan

Dead: Zabida Khan

Essequibo (EBE) Thursday night has been identified as 41-year-old Bibi Zabida Khan, a mother of three of Sea-view, Stewartville.
Two of Khan’s children identified her remains at the Ezekiel Funeral Parlour yesterday, a day after she went missing.
Her husband, Randolph Williams, a cane cutter, is still on the run. Williams fled into a bushy area after drowning his wife in a trench in the community, which is located about four villages away from her home.
She was reportedly stabbed, beaten and strangled in the trench by her partner of 11 years.
The killing is said to have stemmed from allegations of infidelity. Her neighbours yesterday confirmed this information.
When this publication visited the woman’s home yesterday, neighbours said that the woman might have been killed after her partner found out that she was unfaithful to him for several years.
According to one neighbour, “For years now, this woman cheating on him and all the neighbours know but like he never knows. Only last month he confirmed she was seeing someone.”
Kaieteur News was told that a little before Christmas, Williams was informed by a neighbour that his wife was having an affair with someone. He was also informed that his wife had a cellular phone which she used to communicate with the individual.
“Like when he left and go to work, she does use this phone and make plans with this man and whenever he (husband) come home back in the afternoon, she does hide it so one day he lied and tell her he going to work but he went hiding in the fowl pen at the bottom of the house,” the neighbour related.

The house where the couple lived.

The house where the couple lived.

She added, “She thought that he gone to work and she called the sweet man and her husband was in the pen downstairs listening to the entire conversation and then he walk behind her and touch her on her shoulders and collected the phone.”
Kaieteur News was told that Khan was beaten and thrown out of the house by her partner. “She mek he get lock up and then the matter went to the Probation Officer and then the two of them make up back and she move in back with he.”
All this happened last December.
“They were back to normal and living really good and loving until two days ago when we heard a big cuss out. They were cussing about some phone card so I don’t know if he found a phone card in the house and think she was still talking to the man or what,” another neighbour related.
The neighbours said that on Thursday morning, everything seemed normal between the couple since they were seen kissing on their verandah.
A little later, they were seen walking out of the village holding hands but never returned. It is believed that it was then when the mother of three was lured to her death.
This newspaper was told that people saw a man beating a woman in Zeelugt but when they ran to offer assistance, he jumped in a trench with her and strangled her in the trench after which he escaped in a bushy area.
The couple’s neighbours yesterday said that they are convinced Williams will kill himself since he reportedly told one of his neighbours last month when he found his wife with a phone, that he will kill her and then kill himself.
The couple had no children together. “They had a son but he de fall down the step and died years now.”
Meanwhile, one of the woman’s daughters, Saskha Altaf, said that she last saw her mother alive on Sunday when they went to church together. “My mother was so happy. She keep on telling me that she wants another grandbaby.”
According to the woman, a little after lunch yesterday, she was informed that her mother was missing and that a body was found.
“My sister went and then she called me and tell me it was her,” the woman’s daughter said. She explained that her step father was always abusive to her mother and threatened to kill her many times.
Investigations are still ongoing.
Only four days ago, a Wismar, Linden woman was stabbed to death by her reputed husband, Lawrence Carter, who vented his wrath with a knife after she returned home in the wee hours after a weekend out.
The woman, Leolyn Sullivan, was reportedly stabbed 31 times when she was cornered in a neighbour’s yard after she had jumped through a window, shattering several louvre panes in a desperate but unsuccessful bid to escape the attack. She died while receiving medical attention.
He was charged on Thursday


Gunmen stage daring robbery at Mon Repos bank


With crime seemingly on the rise in Guyana, four gunmen have taken it up a notch by pulling off a daring daylight robbery on the Mon Repos branch of the Bank of Baroda yesterday. Mon Repos is a village on East Coast Demerara.

The Bank of Baroda, located on the ground floor of the Mon Repos Mall, East Coast Demerara.

The Bank of Baroda, located on the ground floor of the Mon Repos Mall, East Coast Demerara.

The police in a statement revealed that four men – one armed with a firearm – entered the bank around 12:50 pm, held up the lone female private security guard and relieved her of her .32 service revolver before turning their attention to the female tellers on duty.
In a five-minute ordeal, the perpetrators relieved the tellers of an undisclosed amount of cash before boarding a waiting silver grey/off white Premio motor vehicle bearing a “false registration plate”, PNN 8984 .
In wake of the incident, the police said that they responded to the report quickly. Several strategic road blocks were established and the anti-crime patrols were alerted along with the activation of the Crime Intelligence Units.
“Shock” was the word used by residents and business owners in the area after learning of the robbery. One businessman who requested anonymity expressed his concern saying that due to the “brazen” nature of the crime, the police would have to put additional safety protocols in place.
“This is a clear indication that crime is definitely on the rise and more (police) patrols need to be carried out, not only in the nights but also during the day,” the man said.
A resident also related that the “job was planned” since the robbers, chose a day when the market was “not bright” to commit the crime.


PNC hardtimes continue in Linden as frustrated afc/apnu supporters resort to violence. 

Linden carpenter charged with killing reputed wife


Lawrence Carter

A carpenter, who is alleged to have fatally stabbed his reputed wife, before attempting to take his own life, was on Thursday remanded to prison charged with murder.
It is alleged that on January 18, last, at Phase One B Wisroc Squatting Area, Linden, Lawrence Carter killed 34-year-old Leolyn Sullivan. He was not required to plead to the charge, after it was read to him by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan when he appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
The accused, who was clad in a jersey and denim jeans, had a bandage across his throat area. He had no legal representation.
According to reports, Sullivan was stabbed to death early Monday morning allegedly by her 57-year-old reputed husband, during a heated argument over some pictures that were in her cell phone. It was reported that the woman had left home for Georgetown since last Friday to transact business and did not make contact with Carter throughout the weekend.
The now dead woman is reported to have made an unsuccessful bid to escape by jumping through a louvre window, shattering several panes in the process. She died before receiving medical attention. Sullivan’s daughters were also injured during the altercation.
After the incident, the accused is said to have slashed his throat in an attempt to take his own life. He was admitted to the hospital and subsequently charged.
This matter was transferred to the Linden Magistrate’s Court for February 2.


The harassment of Indians continue as we police charge Sattaur's son on trumped up charges. He plead guilty to the charges to avoid further harassment and a protracted court case in a plea deal. 

Son of former GRA Boss fined on dangerous driving charge


The 19-year-old son of former Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Commissioner General, Khurshid Sattaur, was on Wednesday ordered to pay a $25,000 fine after he pleaded guilty to a dangerous driving charge in a city court.
Fiyad Sattaur of 136 Ogle, East Bank Demerara admitted that on January 17, he drove a motorcar without care and attention.
The charge was read to him by Magistrate Renita Singh when the teenager appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
The prosecution contended that on the day in question, Sattaur was driving the car along Sandy Babb Street, Kitty in a reckless manner. He was later approached by a police rank and told of the offence.
Police in a statement had said that Fiyad Sattaur was observed by a Traffic Police Sergeant in her private motorcar, overtaking a line of vehicles waiting at the traffic light on Sandy Babb Street, Kitty.
The statement said that the Sergeant made a note of the young man’s vehicle number PRR 4423, intent on following up with prosecution. However, she caught up with the vehicle at the intersection of Lamaha and Albert Streets, where she drove up alongside the driver and told him of the offence committed, but Sattaur drove off.
Fiyad Sattaur was once again caught at Lamaha and East Street, by the traffic cop, who came out of her vehicle and told him of the offence committed. He was instructed to go to Traffic Headquarters, Eve Leary and he complied, according to the statement.


AFC/APNU custom continue to rob individuals at the airport as Granger condones a free for all on Indians to make up past allegations of injustices to Blacks under the PPP regime.


Govt slapped with $10M lawsuit after businessman’s jewellery seized at CJIA

A local businessman has moved to the courts, slapping Government with a $10 million lawsuit after he was detained at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) for several hours and his jewellery, valued at some $4 million, was confiscated on Tuesday.

Richard Ramjit, a businessman and goldsmith of Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, was detained for four hours and two pieces of his jewellery, a gold and silver necklace and a gold and silver band, were seized by officers of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) under the new Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Act passed by Government last year.

This incident has brought to the fore concerns about how potential travellers will be affected by this new legislation, which allows designated officers to seize jewellery in excess of US$10,000.
According to the man’s Attorney, Anil Nandlall, Opposition Member of Parliament, he had pointed out this fact in Parliament during his arguments on the amendments.

“In 2013, I cautioned that if certain amendments were made to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act conferring a power upon law enforcement officers to confiscate cash and jewellery to the tune of US$10,000 and above, the said power would be abused and misused â€Ķ It is only a matter of time before this misuse and abuse is extended right across this country and persons who have the value of US$10,000 in cash and/or jewellery in the course of their legitimate business are exposed to the same being confiscated by an errant or overzealous law enforcement officer,” Nandlall said.

In the Notice of Motion filed on Thursday, Ramjit said that this was the first time he has had this experience despite wearing the two pieces of jewellery whenever he travelled and he would normally travel regularly.
The man noted that on the day in question as he was checking in at the airline counter, a person in civilian clothes approached him, and indicated that he was a CANU officer and wanted to search his suitcases. The officer also questioned him, the businessman recalled.

Ramjit added that after being questioned by two officers in a room, he was allowed to proceed to the Departure Longue, but shortly after, he was detained again.

“He again accused me of smuggling gold and again I denied this allegation.” The businessman said he was then taken to the tarmac where his checked-in suitcase was opened in the presence of the other passengers.
“This officer then demanded that I hand over to him the said neckwear and wristband; I did so and I have not seen either pieces of jewellery since. This officer also requested that I report the following morning to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) at Camp Street, Georgetown.”

Ramjit said that eventually he was told to leave, but by that time the flight had already left without him, incurring him a loss of US$750 (the cost of his ticket) and a further GY$400,000 for items he was supposed to buy and resell to make a profit.

“When I was being escorted around the Airport and when my suitcase was searched on the tarmac, the same were done in the full view of all other passengers and other persons, and I felt publicly humiliated and embarrassed,” the man stated.

In addition to asking the court to grant an order for his jewellery to be returned, Ramjit is also asking for “damages in excess of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for breach of the applicant’s fundamental rights and freedom guaranteed by the Constitution of Guyana”.


Hard times under the afc/apnu pushes people to steal livestock.

3 charged with rustling cow

Three men were on Friday placed on $25,000 bail each by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan when they appeared before her at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged with stealing a cow.

David Edwards, 52, a farmer of Annai, North Rupununi, stood to answer to the charge which read that between Monday, January 18 and Tuesday, January 19, 2016, he and two relatives, Cleveland Edwards, 26, and Cleitus Edwards, 18, stole a cow valued $75,000, property of Randolph Gilbert, in Region Nine (Upper Essequibo-Upper Takutu). The other two accused were also charged with the same offence.

It was reported that beef from the animal, which was butchered, was recovered.

The three farmers were represented by Attorney Peter Hugh, who made an application for the matter to be transferred to the Lethem Magistrate’s Court, since the cost of one plane ticket to travel from Lethem to Georgetown to attend court was $50,000 and hence too expensive for his clients to manage. He further requested bail in a reasonable sum, as two of the accused were fathers with families to maintain.

There was no objection to bail, and the matter was transferred to the Lethem Magistrate’s Court for March 2.


The beat continues, redistribution of wealth as afc/apnu supporters continue to extract the toll from Indians as payment for 23 years of PPP rule.

Bandits duct tape, terrorise and rob Regent Street staff


In an ordeal that lasted about an hour, bandits yesterday carried out a daring daylight robbery on a Regent Street store. Staffers were reportedly duct-taped and terrorised.
Some time around 8:30 am, the staff of Klassic Kollections, located on Regent and Alexander Streets, were pounced upon by five unmasked men as they were reporting to work.
Based on reports, the perpetrators carted off $130, 000 and US$40 before fleeing the scene in a waiting car.
One staff member recalls opening the gate for a car which is usually parked in the store, to exit when the men – one armed with a gun – walked into the building, closed the door and ushered everyone to the centre of the building.
“They duct tape us, saying how they don’t want hurt us and how they only want the boss man money,” the teary-eyed woman recalled.
The woman said that she was too upset to recall how many staffers were present and everything that took place. However, she said that several persons were dealt blows to the head and other parts of the body.
The woman stated that after the men obtained the money, they boarded a “silver car” and fled the scence.
An Indian national, believed to be the owner of the establishment, refused to provide any additional information saying that they wished not to publicise the incident. He said this as he caressed the top of his head with a cotton rag.
Police investigations are currently ongoing.


Gunmen cart off $1.7M from Lands and Surveys Commission

Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in Durban Backlands, Georgetown

Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in Durban Backlands, Georgetown

Two armed men on Monday morning pulled off a brazen daylight robbery on the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission in Durban Backlands, Georgetown, carting off $1.7 million.

Reports are the men, who were well-dressed, walked past the security at the front gate about 09:50h under the pretext of conducting a transaction at the finance department.

As they entered the building, they reportedly held up three female staff members attached to the finance section and demanded that they hand over the money. This newspaper was told that the gunmen then relieved the three women of $1.7 million in cash and cheques before calmly leaving the building.

It was not until the men left that an alarm was raised and the Police were summoned to the scene. Following their arrival, the Police conducted a patrol in the surrounding areas, but came up empty-handed.

An investigation is underway, and Police are looking at the possibility that the robbery might have been an inside job. When Guyana Times visited the Commission on Monday, the security related that staff members were on lunch at the time.

The Police had already visited and taken statements from the three females who were accosted by the gunmen. Several calls to the Lands and Surveys Commission for a comment on the robbery proved futile.

Meanwhile, persons who were working in close proximity to the Lands and Surveys Commission said that there were no alarms raised to indicate that there was a robbery nor did they see any unusual movements at the time the incident took place.

Dead: Curt Burke
Dead: Curt Burke

Man killed, dumped in bush at Mahaicony


THE body of a father of four was discovered with the lower right leg severed along with several chops decorating his slim figure which was found in a clump of bushes in Mahaicony,East Coast Demerara, yesterdayday morning.Dead is 41-year-old Curt Burke of Lot 20, Old Road, Drill, Mahaicony. The mutilated body was partially wrapped in tree vines when it was discovered.The police in a statement said they were investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Burke, whose body was found at about 09:30hrs.
The lawmen said that the injuries are suspected to have resulted from a hit-and-run accident.
However, relatives dismissed what the police stated as mere speculation, noting that the father of four was murdered.
“His head had a large hole in it like someone shot him and his leg was chopped from his body, there was no blood or skid marks where they said the accident occurred. There was blood nowhere, it appears as if he was killed and brought to that place to make it look like an accident,” his aunt Carmen Burke disclosed.

Other reports disclosed that a car struck Burke’s bicycle on Drill Public Road and the driver upon investigating what he had hit, was told by a man nearby to return to his vehicle and leave, since staying and looking around may put him in problems. The driver on the dark roadway decided to heed the man’s advice and swiftly left the scene. Burke’s bicycle was found with only a minor bend to the wheel.
According to one relative: “They found him with his arm in the air like if he was blocking chops and lashes. His leg was found a far distance away from the body.”

Other reports revealed that Burke was drinking Tuesday night and never returned home as usual to assist his relative with work around the yard. “Is a very dark area he living and I don’t know if anybody do him anything when he was coming home or if he was drunk,” one resident said. “He lives with his 10-year-old son, but the boy is by his aunt, so we didn’t see him Wednesday morning as usual,” the resident related. Curt was described as a “jack of all trades” and would usually work as a mason, carpenter and vendor at Bourda Market.


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