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ksazma posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Any former PPP official charged lately?

PNC/AFC scraping far below the barrel bottom to still see if there is just a small hint.

These guys were so sure of the corruption and crimes for more than five years and nearly a year later they are still haplessly meandering. Now Goolsarran who they paid all that money to can't find anything conclusive but feel happy enough to "suppose" that the PPP did something. What a shame for someone from my profession after doing a full audit only able to make a supposition.

All of the projects which the PNC vehemently voted against when the PPP/C was in power will be revived and come to fruition.


Gunman opens fire on Police in Albouystown

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is currently on the hunt for three men involved in a shootout with police in Albouystown, Georgetown, on Sunday morning.
The incident occurred around 11:00h.
Guyana Times understands that three men were involved in a heated argument along Hunter Street when one of the individuals pulled out a firearm and discharged several rounds in the air.
As he attempted to escape, he was confronted by a police patrol. He reportedly opened fire in the direction of the police and then made his escape by running through a cross street.
Reports indicate that the police were forced to cease fire since other individuals including children were in the vicinity.
Fortunately, no one was hurt.
This publication understands that the police received descriptions of the men involved in the argument and are currently pursuing suspects.
Up to press time, no arrest had been made.


Corentyne man shot dead, wife badly beaten by bandits


Gowchand Budhu of Lot 636 Topu Village, Nigg was shot dead by two armed bandits who stormed his home on Sunday evening around 20:00 hrs. b robbery
According to reports, the man was at home with his wife, Parbattie Budhu who was in the bathroom when the bandits came inside.
The distraught woman disclosed via telephone interview that she was coming out of the bathroom when one of the bandits struck her to her head. “When me come out, one ah dem lash me to meh head and me fall down and dem start lash me mo bad”. Parbattie said that she was losing consciousness but before she completely blacked out, she heard the sound of her husband running towards her direction.
The woman stated that when she regained consciousness, she was upstairs laying next to her husband who was already dead. She then began screaming for her immediate neighbour called “Nando”.
According to the woman’s son-in-law, Arnold Dewlal, he was at a religious function with his wife, Kamala Budhu when he received the news.
“When ah reach here, I see ah crowd of people and me ask what happen and dem seh bandit shoot meh father-in-law so meh ask dem way me mother-in-law deh and them seh she deh upstairs ah holler.”
The man then proceeded upstairs where he saw Gowchand on the floor covered in blood. “Me see the man lay down dead pon de floor with three wounds and blood all over he skin and me mother-in-law deh next to he wid she face full a ‘blood and mud”, the man continued. Dewlal stated that his father-in-law’s licensed firearm was lying next to him with one round intact.
Meanwhile the woman’s distraught daughter, Kamala Budhu, stated that her mother stated that the bandits did not demand any cash or jewellery.
According to reports, the bandits were only clothed in boxer shorts and face masks. According to police sources, a mask was recovered but no gun or shells were recovered from the scene of the crime.
The man was pronounced dead on arrival at the Port Mourant Public Hospital and is awaiting post mortem.
Parbattie Budhu, up to press time has been discharged from the hospital and is currently staying with relatives. Gowchand worked as a security guard at the Albion Primary School.
One person is currently in police custody as investigations continue.


Thieves hit Flamboyant supermarket

The proprietors of Flamboyant Supermarket are counting their losses after thieves broke into their

The empty structure where the gas cylinders were stored before being stolen

The empty structure where the gas cylinders were stored before being stolen

establishment and carted away hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in items.
Reports are that thieves broke into the supermarket at about 01:00h on Monday and stole 52 cylinders of gas from the business which is located at 3rd Avenue, Diamond New Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara. The items were valued at $560,000.
Speaking with Guyana Times, the owner of the entity, Keirtie Brasse, said the business was secured at 20:00h but subsequently received reports from residents in the area that at about 22:00h, two men were seen jumping the fence of the premises.
According to the businesswoman, the men shifted the security cameras’ focus and left the business. However, reports are they returned later and broke the locks to the structure where the gas cylinders were security and carted off the items. This newspaper was told that the men they loaded the gas cylinders into two awaiting white cars before making their escape. Additionally, this newspaper was told that even as the men were removing the items, the Police was called but never showed up until the following morning.
When this publication contacted the Diamond/Grove Police Station about the incident, this newspaper was told that an investigation has been launched into the incident. However Police there were tightlipped about the failure of ranks to respond to the robbery.


Thief shot in Stabroek Market

A 28-year-old man who was caught stealing in an electronics outlet at the Stabroek Market on Thursday sustained a single gunshot to his left leg after trying to attack Constabulary ranks with a knife.
The man, who identified himself as Delwar Booker of South Sophia Squatting Area, Greater Georgetown, is currently nursing his wounds under Police guard at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
It was reported that about 02:30h, the Constabulary received information relating to a disturbance within the city market so a team that makes regular checks immediately responded.
Checks revealed that security padlocks on the south-western end of the market had been breached. Further checks revealed that one of the stalls – Electronics City – had been broken into.
Upon discovery of this, the ranks initially called out to the suspect and demanded that he relieve himself of all weapons and exit the stall. That was when the man is said to have emerged with the knife and advanced on the ranks. Despite warnings he persisted in advancing, so one round was thus discharged, hitting the suspect in his leg.
A haversack containing a number of stolen items, which included valuable cellphones, was removed from the scene. A number of tools used in the break-in were also found at the site, among them crowbars, pliers and scissors.
Operators of the Electronics City stall expressed gratitude over the Constabulary’s quick response. They said had the suspect gotten his way, he would have carted off more than $2 million in electronic items.
Investigations are continuing into the matter.


Bandit nabbed after daring supermarket robbery

Moments after committing a daring robbery at Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara on Wednesday, one of the suspected bandits was intercepted by D Division (West Demerara) Police ranks in a minibus.
According to information received, about 19:00h on Wednesday, 39-year-old Alam Hussain was in the process of closing his supermarket when he was attacked by three men, one of whom was armed with a gun.
The three men held the businessman at gunpoint and relieved him of $4000 and a laptop computer before making good their escape. Reports are immediately after the robbery, Police were alerted and based on information received, ranks arrested one of the perpetrators who had boarded a minibus in the area.
Speaking with Guyana Times, Hussain related that while the men were not masked, it would be difficult for him to identify them as Wednesday was the first time he saw them. He added that the men wore hats that partially blocked their faces.
“They had on hats, all three of them, but the two the Police have to catch had their hats on in a way you can barely see their faces. They catch a minibus and come here and I guess that is how they leave by catching minibus. My supermarket has a security camera and when the Police come they took the footage and run it and were able to make out the man they have arrested, but the other two covered their heads with the hats so their faces aren’t too clear,” the businessman stated.
Nevertheless, Hussain praised the Police ranks for their quick response to the robbery and for nabbing one of the perpetrators.
“The Police came within five minutes and traced them. They were really quick and managed to catch one of them so I thank them. Someone in the village here at CI also called me today to tell me how they find my laptop on the road at the other side of our scheme, so they bringing it back for me,” Hussain also noted.
The suspect remains in custody, assisting with the investigation

The Shell Gas Station at Mc Doom Public Road, East Bank Demerara
The Shell Gas Station at Mc Doom Public Road, East Bank Demerara

BANDITS NABBED –after robbery, shootout with police


By Navendra Seoraj

THREE gunmen who invaded the Shell Gas Station at Mc Doom, East Bank Demerara at about 03:00hrs on Friday engaged the police in a gunfight, as the lawmen responded promptly to reports of a robbery in progress.When the police arrived on the scene, there was an exchange of gunfire with the bandits, and one bandit who was shot is still at large.

The unlicensed 9mm Glock pistol with 35 matching rounds and twenty-six .32 rounds, which police recovered from a house in the village

The unlicensed 9mm Glock pistol with 35 matching rounds and twenty-six .32 rounds, which police recovered from a house in the village

Owner of the gas station, Joel Edmond, said two others were subsequently caught and are in police custody.
Edmond told the Guyana Chronicle he was at home at about 03:15hrs when he received a call informing him that bandits had broken into the facility.

According to him, video footage shows three bandits coming through the nearby street and walking into the gas station. One of the bandits stood guard outside while two others broke into the outlet and held the three employees at gunpoint.

“After harassing my staff, they robbed them of what they had, which included around $5,000, and then they got into the cash register and took about $10,000. They then attempted to break our major safe, to no avail,” said Edmond.

The three employees were taken to the police station to assist with the investigation.

The area where the bandits entered the gas station

The area where the bandits entered the gas station

This is not the first time the gas station has been robbed. According to Edmond, there have been several other robberies, but this has been the most daring of them all.

“I will try to boost my security measures so as to ensure the safety of my employees and my outlet,” he said.

A police release disclosed that at about 02:30hrs on Friday, April 15, three men, all armed with firearms, entered the Shell Fuel Station, held up the security guard and three female employees, and took away a total of $51,000 and a cell phone.

While the robbery was in progress, the police were informed and responded promptly. On arrival at the scene, the ranks came under fire from the perpetrators, and they returned fire.

Police ranks conducted searches in the area, during which, acting on information received, they carried out a search on a house at Mc Doom and found an unlicensed 9mm Glock pistol with 35 matching rounds and twenty-six .32 rounds. Investigations into the matter are continuing.

A view of the shattered glass at the Shell Gas Station at McDoom, in the section where the bandits entered

A view of the shattered glass at the Shell Gas Station at McDoom, in the section where the bandits entered

Home > TOP STORY > Burnt to death – Renowned woman rice farmer, husband perish after bandits set house alight
Mohammed and Jamila Munir
Mohammed and Jamila Munir

Burnt to death – Renowned woman rice farmer, husband perish after bandits set house alight


By Alva Solomon

AN EAST BANK Essequibo woman who was recognized as a trail blazer in the rice industry was burnt to death, along with her husband, on Sunday night in a fire which was allegedly set by bandits who had attacked their home.Dead is Bibi Jamila Munir, 69, and her husband Mohammed Munir, called Dak, 75, Lot 17, Good Hope Public Road, East Bank Essequibo. The couple was known to have been involved in rice farming for decades. They were the parents of five (5) children, including three adopted children, most of whom reside overseas.

The gutted remains of the Munirs’ home

The gutted remains of the Munirs’ home

According to a police release, the charred remains of the Munirs were found among the debris after the fire was extinguished.

According to reports, the Munirs were attacked by intruders at about 23:00hrs on Sunday. The bandits gained entry through the back of the couple’s home, relatives noted. The house is heavily grilled, and persons at the scene told this newspaper that the intruders set the house ablaze after the Munirs had locked themselves in a back room.

The Munirs were heard screaming for help, and soon after gunshots rang out in the house. Persons in the area tried desperately to gain entry to the burning house, but to no avail.

Police investigators were at the scene on Monday morning, while scores of relatives and friends gathered outside the gutted house.
According to a relative, on Sunday night, he was at home — a few doors away — when he was told that bandits had attacked the elderly couple. He said that when he arrived at the scene, the elderly woman was screaming for help while the house was engulfed in flames.

“She call out and said we must move the vehicles from underneath the house,” he said. He said that a large quantity of paddy which was stored in a room beneath the premises was destroyed by the fire.

The man noted that the woman had telephoned several persons while she and her husband had been under attack, including a popular West Demerara businessman who was reportedly the last person the woman had spoken to.

Persons at the scene noted that the room in which the couple met their demise is connected to adjoining bedrooms by two doors, and as such, they could not understand why the couple could not escape the blaze.

“Me try to go in, but the smoke and the flames was too much,” a relative noted. The man said that the couple rarely kept money on the premises, even though the persons they employed would have been paid over the weekend.

The Munirs were expected to harvest approximately 50 acres of rice in the coming weeks.
They are well known on the West Coast of Demerara, as well as in the Muslim community. Persons in the area noted that the Munirs had reportedly donated selflessly to the Good Hope Masjid.

General Secretary of the Rice Producers Association (RPA), Dharamkumar Seeraj, told the Guyana Chronicle that the couple’s death came as a shock to the rice farming fraternity. He said the two people were always seen together at rice forums.

In 2004, former Minister of Agriculture, the late Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh, had recognized Mrs Munir’s work in the rice industry and on the EBE by presenting her with the Award of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB).

In 2007, the RPA had paid tribute to Mrs Munir when the body acknowledged her contribution as a businesswoman to the rice industry by featuring her in the quarterly edition of the magazine, “The Farmer”.

Seeraj said that he knew Mrs Munir since 1989, when he joined the rice industry, and according to him, the woman was actively involved in the development of rice at the time. Being a male-dominated industry, he said, the woman was always involved in managing the affairs of her rice fields.

He said she had also played a key role in the toll milling infrastructure which was set up at Vergenoegen on the EBE. “She would go there and overlook the operations,” Seeraj said.

He said Mrs Munir was also very involved in the functions of the RPA. “It’s a very big shock; Mrs Munir was full of life, always working,” Seeraj said, lamenting the brutal manner in which the Munirs had met their demise.

Police investigations in the matter are ongoing.


City cop and suspected accomplice remanded


A City Constable and a Tower Tech Construction worker were both remanded to prison yesterday for allegedly robbing Electronic City Store in Stabroek Market on Wednesday.

 Delmar Booker to the left and City Constable Seon Isaacs to the right.

Delmar Booker to the left and City Constable Seon Isaacs to the right.

Appearing before Magistrate Alex Moore, City Constable Seon Isaacs who was stationed at the Stabroek Market Outpost and Delmar Booker, of  15 Jackson Dam, Mandela Avenue, Georgetown are now facing charges of Break and Enter and Larceny.
The duo is alleged to have broken into Stabroek Market stall, Electronic City, between last Wednesday and Thursday and stole a number of cell phones and electronic items to the value of $2,968,000.
They were not allowed to plead to the indictable offence because the prosecution did not apply the Administration of Justice Act (AJA). According to the prosecution, the two accused are currently being investigated in a matter of a similar nature at La Penitence Police station.
Based on reports Isaacs, of lot 21 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was on duty dressed in a white shirt and black pants when he was seen with Booker pilfering the items out the building.
Bags were seen outside of the stall. The matter was subsequently adjourned until April 29 and they were remanded to prison.
According to police reports Booker was shot in his leg after he refused to surrender his weapon at the scene. He was later arrested and a haversack containing a number of stolen items was retrieved as evidence along with tools used in the break-in.

Home > TOP STORY > Businessman killed in city ambush
Dead: Mahendra Persaud
Dead: Mahendra Persaud

Businessman killed in city ambush


By Rabindra Rooplall

A BOTCHED robbery yesterday claimed the life of young Wakenaam businessman Mahendra Persaud, called ‘Amar’, of Good Success, Wakenaam, and left a bandit injured on the busy roadway at Robb and Alexander Streets in the Bourda ward of Georgetown.

Police at the scene of the shooting yesterday afternoon

Police at the scene of the shooting yesterday afternoon

The 26-year-old dead businessman was on one of his regular trips to the city to buy stocks for the family’s business on the Essequibo Island. This newspaper understands that the family operates a general store which is well known on the island. A resident from Wakenaan revealed that Persaud got married only last month.

Police are now on the hunt for two young men who were on a CG motorcycle and attempted to rob the young man, who had just exited a Canter truck and was making his way to a store. During the attempted robbery, Persaud was shot to the chest, and he slumped on the roadway. A car which was chasing the gunman ran over his body, exacerbating his already grave injuries.

The young man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Police later confirmed that a man who was seen attempting to change the number plate of the vehicle that had run over Persaud has been arrested. The driver of the vehicle has however not yet been arrested, but the vehicle has been detained by the police.

The scene was one of chaos as the sound of the gunshots had many scampering to safety whlst the gunman ran up the street, firing shots wildly to clear his path.
He subsequently jumped on a waiting motorcycle and made good his escape.

The Guyana Chronicle understands that an armed public spirited citizen also discharged multiple rounds at the bandit, hitting him in the fusilade.

Initial investigations indicate that the businessman may have been followed by the bandits to the location. Owen Paton, an employee who was with Persaud at the time, related what transpired when the vehicle they were in stopped at a paint store.

“We just stopped because we was to drop off a bucket paint for them to mix. As soon as he [Persaud] jump out the canter and throw his bag on his back is duh: the man roll up and try to grabble he bag, but they didn’t get it,” Paton told this newspaper.

He explained that Persaud would visit Georgetown often to purchase goods to be shipped to Wakenaam. Paton said he has been working with the businessman for the past five years.

Meanwhile, a police report has noted that at approximately 10:45hrs, Persaud was with his driver in a vehicle at Alexander and Regent Streets, Georgetown when he was attacked by a man armed with a gun, who demanded a bag with money that he had in his possession as he exited the vehicle. He put up a resistance and a struggle ensued, during which he was shot.


And the man was recently married. A young Indian life cut short by rabid PNC bandits.

Recently-wed store owner gunned down by bandits


-body run over by car 
A young store owner from the island of Wakenaam on the Essequibo River lost his life after he was shot during a daring daylight robbery and then run over by a passing motorcar at Robb and Alexander Streets, Georgetown yesterday.
Twenty six-year-old Mahendra Persaud, of Lot 22 Good Success, was pronounced dead

Mahendra Persaud recently wed his sweetheart, Parvena

Mahendra Persaud recently wed his sweetheart, Parvena

on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital, minutes after he was picked up from the roadway.
The police in a statement yesterday said that about 10:45hrs, Persaud was with his driver in a vehicle when he was attacked by a man armed with a firearm. The man demanded a bag with money that Persaud had in his possession.
According to the police, Persaud put up resistance and a struggle ensued during which he was shot to the neck. He subsequently fell on the roadway and in the process, was run over by motor vehicle, PVV 3157.
This newspaper was told by eyewitnesses that a licenced firearm holder who was in proximity, exchanged gunshots with the gunman, who subsequently managed to escape on a waiting Honda CG motorcycle ridden by an accomplice. It is believed that the bandit was shot in the process and fled leaving the bag with cash behind.
Investigators are convinced that Persaud was trailed by the bandit and his accomplice, who waited for the right opportunity to strike.
A police source, informed this publication that Persaud had previously visited two stores and was about to visit a third when he was confronted by the bandit. He had in his possession approximately $700,000, the source revealed.
The bag with the money was reportedly recovered by the police.
The police, after examining CCTV footage, said that they were able to identify the bandit and are making every effort to have him arrested.
Meanwhile, the driver of the car that ran over Persaud, took him to the hospital and later vanished, leaving the vehicle in the hospital compound. It was reported that he subsequently sent another man along with a mechanic to switch the licence plates on the vehicle. The two men were caught in the act and were arrested.
While they were handcuffed and sat at the back of a police pickup, one of them told media operatives that he was unaware of the incident. He continued that he was just parked next to the mechanic when the police approached him and said that he was involved in the death of someone.
Persaud’s aunt, who was at the hospital, told media operatives that her nephew, who got married just over a month ago, would usually come to the city to buy goods to take back to the island where he and her father ran a general store together. She stated that there were several attempts made in the past, but never to this extent.
When this publication contacted Persaud’s wife Parvena by telephone yesterday, she recalled that her husband left the Essequibo island at around 07:00 hrs for his usual trip to the city to purchase stocks for his business.
With him was his driver and trusted friend. The woman said that sometime around 11:00 hrs she received a telephone call, informing her that her husband was shot. She was advised to prepare herself to travel to the Georgetown Hospital where they had taken her husband.
But as she was about to leave her house she received the dreaded call that her husband had succumbed and she should no longer travel.
“It’s only about two months now since we got marriedâ€Ķ..I have to try,” Parvena Persaud cried.
She said that her husband’s driver is still in shock after seeing his close friend gunned down and he could not have done anything to help him.
“He said that by the time he got out of the car, they had already shot my husband and a car ran over him; he could do nothing,” Parvena Persaud told this newspaper.
A post mortem examination is to be performed on Persaud’s body today.


Looks like Glen Lall got a new enemy as PNC bandits lash back at Kaiteur employees.

Bandits rob, terrorise family of Kaieteur News staffer


–    $1M reward posted for arrest of perpetrators
Kaieteur News publisher Glenn Lall has posted a $1M reward for information that can lead to the arrest of three bandits, who terrorised and robbed the family of one of his staffers, after invading their Little Diamond, East Bank

The window through which the robbers gained entry.

The window through which the robbers gained entry.

Demerara home at around 03.00 hrs yesterday.
Victorine Narine and her two daughters, aged 26 and 18, along with her mother, were bound and placed to lie on the floor, while the robbers, armed with two handguns and a cutlass, ransacked their home.
The elder daughter was also struck in the face with a handgun.
The intruders, who also feasted on snacks and beverages, eventually escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash and jewellery.
Mrs. Narine’s husband, who is a Kaieteur News employee, was not at home when the attack occurred.
The robbers gained entry by prising out a grill from a window in the bottom flat of the two-storey property.
Victorine Narine said she was asleep in her bedroom when she was awakened by her eldest daughter’s screams. Mrs. Narine said that she immediately realised that intruders were in the house.
“I came out (of the bedroom) hollering, because I knew what had happened,” she said.
On running into the hallway, she was confronted by a masked man with a cutlass. Two other men with handguns held her eldest daughter and mother. They also brought the 18-year-old daughter from her bedroom.

One of the ransacked rooms.

One of the ransacked rooms.

She said that the robbers immediately ordered them to hand over their cell phones, and also disabled the landline. They then began demanding money and jewellery, while repeatedly asking about the whereabouts of “the man for the house.”
One of the robbers struck the eldest girl with his firearm. They then ordered the women, including the 18-year-old, to lie on the floor.
The men spent about an hour ransacking the rooms, and also eating, before escaping with money, jewellery, the victims’ cell phones and other valuables.
Detectives later lifted a number of fingerprints from the scene, but up to press time, had made no arrests.
In the wake of the robbery, Kaieteur News publisher Glenn Lall said that he was putting up a $1M reward for information that would lead to the arrest of the perpetrators.
He can be contacted on telephone number 624-6456, and assured that the identities of those providing information would be kept confidential.


For a small country Guyana sure has a lot of crime under the PNC/AFC.

Missing bridesmaid’s body discovered in trench with throat slit


Mere days after leaving home to collect a package coming from her son’s father in Mahdia,

Simone Hackett [inset) Undertakers remove the body in the presence of curious onlookers.

Simone Hackett (inset) Undertakers remove the body in the presence of curious onlookers.

23-year-old Simone Hackett’s partially decomposed body was yesterday discovered in a trench parallel to the University of Guyana Road, at Fourth Field, Cummings Lodge.
The discovery was a grim confirmation of her relatives’ worst fears, after the woman went missing on Saturday night.
Hackett’s body was found by two schoolboys who were passing by the area and were overwhelmed by a putrid stench. Curiosity got the better of them and upon checking the corner of the trench they made the gruesome discovery.
Her body bore marks of violence, indicating a clear case of foul play.
According to reports, Hackett’s throat was slit and there were what appeared to be two stab wounds to the back and neck.
She was clad in the same outfit she had left home with and her jewellery was intact, leading relatives to speculate even more that robbery was not the motive, but that it was cold-blooded murder.
Commander of the police ‘C’ Division Marlon Chapman told this newspaper that the case is being treated strictly as a murder.
It is suspected that Hackett was killed elsewhere and her killer(s) dumped the body in the location that it was discovered.
Investigators are now trying to locate one of the dead woman’s male former acquaintances, in the hope of obtaining some vital information surrounding her death.
Kaieteur News had reported that the now dead Hackett was missing since Saturday night. She had left her ‘C’ Field, Sophia home between 20:00 and 20:30 hrs to collect a package sent from Mahdia by her “child-father”. According to the woman’s mother, she had received a phone call from her “child-father” at around 18:00h, instructing her to meet with one “Dexter”, an individual who was supposedly bringing the package from Mahdia.

The woman’s distraught stepmother collapsed at the scene and had to be revived.

The woman’s distraught stepmother collapsed at the scene and had to be revived.

Relatives told Kaieteur News that she left to meet “Dexter” at the Mahdia Bus Park, but the meeting place changed and instead she went to the Railway Embankment at UG Road. They last heard from her while she was waiting there.
Hackett’s mother had said that she last received a call from her daughter at 22:10 hrs, but her daughter wasn’t saying anything and she heard background noises as though she was in a moving vehicle.
Hours later after she did not return home, relatives tried calling her cell phone continually, but kept getting voicemail.
Early Sunday morning, relatives went to the Turkeyen Police Station and lodged a report. They said that the Officer in charge after taking their report immediately sent out an all station message.
The search continued until yesterday when the discovery was made.
Upon arrival at the scene where the body was found, family members became hysterical and wails of anger filled the air.
Some of the dead woman’s relatives could be heard saying, “Is he do it! He gon pay for this!” These statements were allegedly in reference to the father of the dead woman’s toddler son. The woman’s stepmother collapsed at the scene and had to be revived; another relative made a desperate attempt to get to the body and had to be restrained by a police rank.
Kaieteur News understands that as recently as one week ago, Hackett’s “child-father”, who is reportedly in Mahdia, had issued threats of killing her over custody of their son who recently turned three years old.
Relatives of the murdered woman also stated the man’s mother and sister knew of the threats, and they were also alleged to have issued threats to Hackett.
Kaieteur News understands that investigators at Turkeyen had contacted their counterparts at Mahdia on Sunday, with a view to locating Hackett’s child father, after she went missing.
According to reports, the police at Mahdia quickly detained the man and questioned him, but he reportedly denied knowing about her whereabouts.
He reportedly gave all assurances that he wouldn’t do anything to harm Simone Hackett, claiming that the last contact he had with her was at 18:00 hrs on Saturday, and that the bearer of the package was a friend he knew from a previous job in the gold mines.
He stated that the friend, “Dexter”, hails from Pomeroon, Essequibo, and that after he called Hackett to pick up the package, he tried calling “Dexter”, but the individual’s cell phone was turned off.
Police subsequently released him, as Hackett had not been officially missing for more than 72 hours.
The now dead woman was scheduled to be the maid of honour at her sister’s wedding on Sunday. The wedding went on nevertheless, but under a cloud of despair and uncertainty.
Yesterday Hackett’s distraught father Gerald Hackett lamented the fact that he had just “given away” one of his daughters and now he will be burying another.
“I care fuh me children. I always say let they bury me before I bury them. Was a wedding fuss, is a dead now,” he cried.
He too believes that his daughter’s child-father could shed some light on how she died.
“Is he caused her to go out to pick up the package, so I think the police need to look at the child-father; that’s my take on it,” Gerald Hackett told members of the media.

Home > TOP STORY > Three held for cocaine in plywood
Drug enforcement officers on Thursday intercepted a large quantity of cocaine concealed in plywood and destined for Florida [GRA photo)
Drug enforcement officers on Thursday intercepted a large quantity of cocaine concealed in plywood and destined for Florida (GRA photo)

Three held for cocaine in plywood


A LARGE quantity of cocaine was intercepted yesterday when members of the drug enforcement arm of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) unearthed the substance during the examination of a consignment of plywood destined for the United States. In a statement, the GRA said that members of its Drug Enforcement and Goods Examination Units along with the Port Control Unit (PCU) were in the process of examining a consignment of 5/8 inch plywood destined for Florida in the United States of America (USA), when upon closer examination anomalies were detected within the consignment. Further examination and testing revealed a quantity of cocaine concealed between the approximately 320 sheets of plywood.
As such, the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) were informed and officials of both agencies arrived on the scene to provide support and carry out further investigations. The plywood’s consignee was listed as a business located on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway with the consignment’s prospective recipient being a hardware establishment in Florida. GRA officials had become even more suspicious of the contents of the consignment based on the suspicious behaviour displayed by the consignee’s representatives during the examination process. Three persons have since been detained as the investigation continues.


‘Child father’ confesses to ‘Maid of Honour’ killing


– murder stemmed from jealousy, custody fight
He reportedly plotted the killing carefully, even travelling back to the interior to give himself an alibi, but this was not enough to stop detectives from implicating  Clevon Hamilton to the brutal murder of his reputed wife, Simone Hackett.

Prime suspect: Clevon Hamilton

Prime suspect: Clevon Hamilton

Police yesterday revealed that Hamilton, who was detained on Wednesday at Mahdia, has admitted to slitting Hamilton’s throat and dumping her remains in a trench at Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara on Saturday night.
Kaieteur News understands that the suspect, known as ‘Quarter’, has said that the killing stemmed from jealousy and because of Hackett’s refusal to give him custody of their son.
Police yesterday escorted the alleged killer back to the scene, where he pointed out the area where the murder occurred.
Detectives have taken statements from a bus driver and conductor, who had transported the suspect from Mahdia to Georgetown on Saturday.
“We also have phone records, which we will be using against him to further strengthen our case,” Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said. Police are also seeking to contact a taxi driver who took Hamilton to and from the East Coast of Demerara.
Simone Hackett’s fate was sealed on Saturday, when she allegedly received a call from Hamilton, who said he was sending out a package, containing cash and gold, from Mahdia.
Hamilton allegedly instructed her to collect the ‘package’ from an associate of his called ‘Dexter.’
Relatives told Kaieteur News that she left to meet “Dexter” at the Mahdia Bus Park, but the meeting place changed and instead she went to the Railway Embankment at UG Road. They last heard from her while she was waiting there.
During his interrogation yesterday, Hamilton reportedly told detectives that he travelled out of Mahdia

Dead: Simone Hackett

Dead: Simone Hackett

by bus on Saturday morning. He then stayed at a hotel and when night fell, he contacted a taxi driver, who took him to Cummings Lodge. After asking the driver to wait, Hamilton, who had a cutlass in a haversack, then met Simone Hackett.
The suspect allegedly said that the two had a heated row over custody of their son. He was also jealous and angry over some of the things she was doing, and “couldn’t take it any longer.”
The suspect allegedly stated that he sneaked up behind his ‘child mother,’ then choked his victim before inflicting the fatal wounds.
Leaving the murder weapon near the body, Hamilton allegedly then returned to Georgetown in the same taxi. He then returned to Mahdia.
Hackett’s mother had said that she last received a call from her daughter at 22:10 hrs, but her daughter wasn’t saying anything and she heard background noises as though the daughter was in a moving vehicle.
Relatives tried calling her cell phone continually, but kept getting voicemail.
They were particularly concerned, since she was scheduled to be the Maid of Honour at her sister’s wedding on Sunday. It was also the day that her son was celebrating his third birthday.
The relatives managed to contact Clevon Hamilton in the interior, and they questioned him about Hackett’s whereabouts.
Hamilton then went to the Mahdia Police Station where he professed innocence about Hackett’s fate. He was released after providing the police with a statement.
On Tuesday, two boys on their way to school spotted Hackett’s partially decomposed body in a trench at Fourth Field Cummings Lodge. Her throat was slit and she had been stabbed three times to the back and neck. She was clad in the same outfit she had left home with and her jewellery was intact. Police retrieved a black-handled cutlass from near the body.
On Wednesday, police apprehended Hamilton at Mahdia and escorted him back to Georgetown.
Relatives had alleged that a week prior to her death, Simone Hackett had received threats to her life over the continuing child custody dispute.
Police are to seek legal advice on the case today.


Bulletproof vest saves disarmed cop during arrest attempt


An officer attached to the Guyana Police Force received injuries following a confrontation with an alleged bandit.
According to Commander of ‘B’ Division, Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam, police ranks were conducting routine patrols in the Rose Hall, Corentyne area when the suspect, Keon Thompson commonly known as “Mad Dawg,” of Canje, was proceeding on the public road, and began acting in a suspicious manner.
The ranks then attempted to search the man who began resisting arrest. A scuffled ensued between the alleged bandit and one Constable Clarkson, and the suspect managed to disarm the rank of his .38 revolver and began firing several shots. One of the shots reportedly struck the Constable, but luckily he was protected by his bulletproof vest.
The man then made good his escape into the Reef backlands area on foot. Unconfirmed reports revealed that Thompson is wanted for questioning in connection with a number of robberies in the Corentyne area.
Investigations are currently ongoing.


Drug addict kills 75-yr-old mom


Residents of Good Faith, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, are trying to come to grips with the gruesome murder last night of a 75-year-old woman, allegedly by her 53-year-old son.
Cecelia Madray was discovered lying on her blood-covered floor with a wound to the head at around 20:00 hours, by members of the area’s Community Policing Group (CPG). Her son, who is said to be a drug addict, was also in the house and he was promptly taken into custody.
Reports reaching this newspaper stated that the CPG members were contacted after neighbours heard a commotion in Madray’s house.
When the CPG members went to the house and called out for Madray’s son, they got no answer.
They were left with no other alternative but to break the door to get in. Once in, they made the shocking discovery of the elderly woman lying on the floor covered by a mosquito net.
Kaieteur News understands that when questioned, the dead woman’s son told the CPG members that she fell on the steps on Tuesday. However, the CPG members found no trace of blood on the stairs to support the man’s story. They observed that the woman’s body was still a bit fresh.
While news of Madray’s death, allegedly at the hands of her son, was shocking, it came as no surprise to many, since she had suffered repeated physical and sexual abuse.
According to a police source, Madray’s son was arrested and spent four days in the Mahaicony Police Station lock-ups after it was alleged that he had raped his mother. However, the source said that the woman refused to give the police a statement so that he could be charged and placed before the court.


Gunmen drink milk, coconut water during one-hour home invasion


Six gunmen early yesterday stormed the home of a popular rice farmer/miller at Toevlugt, West Bank Demerara. At the end of an almost hour-long ordeal, the masked invaders, who were armed with three guns and three knives, escaped on foot with six laptops, eight cell phones, gold, diamonds, televisions, medical instruments and two firearms.
The robbery occurred around 02:00 hrs and the bandits used the heavy rain to their advantage as they broke one of the windows at the home and then ripped open the grillwork.
The victim, Deo Rupee said that the ordeal has left him and his family traumatized, but he is thankful that the men made no attempt to harm anyone.
“When I came out of my room, they greeted me with guns and knives. The first thing they said to me was that they wanted my guns and I told them that I will give them everything, but they can’t hurt anyone,” Rupee said.
He explained that he gave the men his two weapons and then called out for his children and parents one at a time from their rooms.
“They put us in the master bedroom and one of them with a gun was in the door. They were searching the house. They took everything that is valuable,” the man said.
The rice farmer said that the men took their time and thoroughly searched the property. “They tumbled all the rooms and everywhere.”
Rupee said where he is living; he does not have any neighbours.
“I told them (the bandits) from the start that I will cooperate, I even told them that I had money in my pants pocket,” the man said.
“These men had time. They were even drinking coconut water and milk while searching,” the rice farmer said. He added that the men locked their maid’s door from outside so that if she heard any strange sounds, the woman wouldn’t be able to investigate.
The woman is residing in a structure adjacent to Rupee’s home.
The rice farmer’s house does not have surveillance cameras, but the man is in the process of setting up such facilties.
According to the businessman, he has already supplied the names of two persons to the police whom he suspects were a part of the robbery.
Investigations are ongoing.


Chinese national robbed of $$M on Church Street

A Chinese national attached to China Harbour was relieved of a large sum of cash while in the vicinity of Church Street, Georgetown.
According to reports reaching Guyana Times, the man who is presently employed at the Movie Town construction site, Patterson, Greater Georgetown, was parked in front of a supermarket on Church Street on Wednesday when a white motor car pulled up alongside him.
A long gunman reportedly exited the Premio motorcar and relieved the Chinese national of a haversack he was carrying. Police sources confirmed that the man had just left a city bank and was heading to the worksite when he was attacked and robbed. No one injured during the robbery.
Police are also of the belief that the robbery might have been executed with the assistance of someone within the bank or within the construction company. Police have launched an investigation.


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