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Looks like the hard times under the afc/apnu causing people to commit suicide.


Investigators examine the body of the dead couple
Investigators examine the body of the dead couple

Couple found dead on Kingston seashore


A YOUNG woman and man were found dead on the Kingston seashore yesterday afternoon in what appears to be a suicide pact.The two persons, of East Indian ancestry, were found at some time around 16:00 hrs by joggers who stumbled on the bodies and immediately raised an alarm. Up to press time, police had not identified the bodies.

The young lady was found clad in a neon-green pants and a black top, while the young man was clad in a black pants with a white vest and a red belt. Reports indicate that the police have ruled out the possibility of a homicide, given that there were no marks of violence on the bodies. Police suspect that the two may have died after ingesting poison. A few bottles with what the police suspect to be the remaining poison were removed from the scene as evidence.

Police Commander Clifton Hicken has said the bodies are yet to be identified, and no forms of ID were uncovered at the scene.

In the past month, Guyana has seen a number of suicides, including that of rights activist Zenita Nicholson just last week. She died last Monday at the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, where she was rushed after complaining of feeling unwell and later confirming that she had ingested several carbon tablets.


The Indians appear to be bearing the brunt of the fund raising activities by apnu/afc supporters. While the afc/apnu police twiddle their thumbs, refusing to do their jobs until they get their 50% wage hike, the citizens suffer.


Bandits escape with over $6M following Berbice robbery

Two armed bandits escaped with more than $6 million in cash and jewellery following a brazen daylight robbery in Port

Rhada Gobin

Rhada Gobin

Mourant, Corentyne.
According to reports, the two men went into Gobin’s Grocery Store at Port Mourant pretending to be customers but subsequently whipped out handguns and held the owners of the business hostage along with five staff members and 11 customers.
Co-owner of the store, Rhada Gobin told this publication that she was doing some administrative work when the bandits struck.
She said a popular beverage company truck had just arrived at the store for routine delivery and she was in the process of paying $1.1 million to the sales representative.
β€œTwo boys walk in, well-dressed up, neat and ask β€˜Aunty Rhada you have Heineken?,’ and Ah say no. So they turn to leave and them turn around and ask me if I have Guinness. They give me a $1000 and say they want three Guinness. Then they pull out a gun and put it on a lady head at the counter and say β€˜nobody don’t move.’ Then tell every we to lie down pun the ground,”
She said one of the bandits discharged a shot in the shop and demanded that she hand over cash and jewellery. One of the bandits also threw a bag at her and ordered her to pack the money and jewellery into the bag.
β€œHe tell me open all the draw and take out all the money. So I open all the draw and take out all the money and full up in the bag. Then he start to cuss nasty, saying β€˜go and bring all the so-and-so millions what you get’ and Ah tell he that everything deh right here and he take the gun and hit me in the head and me fall own,” the traumatised woman related.”
The customers who were in the shop at the time were also robbed of their valuables including cash, jewellery and cellular phones.
Gobin said the men carried away about $500,000 in jewellery from her collection, in addition to the cash.
According to her, the robbers used an overseas-based Guyanese who was in the shop at the time, as a human shield as they made their escape.
β€œThey put the gun at the lady neck and back to back to the road and jump on a motorbike and ride away.”
She said the men destroyed the surveillance footage from her CCTV cameras before leaving.
Shortly after, villagers went in search of the robbers but came up empty-handed.
The Police were called and have since taken one person into custody for questioning.

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We know that the "CG bandits" are apnu/afc constituents.  it appears that police is doing nothing to curb these types of crimes due to political affiliation.  As fast as these criminals are jailed, Granger set them free via amnesty. The afc/apnu supporters are getting their piece of the pie the old fashion way, robbery.

Police cordoned off the America Street area following the daring robbery Tuesday evening [Delano Williams photo)
Police cordoned off the America Street area following the daring robbery Tuesday evening (Delano Williams photo)

CG bandits storm America St …rob money changers, shoot in the air


By Leroy Smith
POLICE detectives last evening were busy processing the crime scene on America Street, Georgetown’s β€˜Wall Street’, after some ten masked gunmen daringly rode up on motorcycles and opened rapid fire while grabbing millions of dollars from money changers.

High caliber weapons were also used as this spent shell indicates.

High caliber weapons were also used as this spent shell indicates.

According to information received, the masked bandits who wore long sleeve jerseys appeared from almost every direction while firing into the air and at the money changers on America and Hinck Streets during rush hour in the busy commercial area.
While initial reports suggested that four persons were robbed, Ryburn Fraser of 2688 Manatee Place, South Ruimveldt Park, a father of four, suffered the biggest loss of approximately $1.6M.
Fraser was shot earlier this year in South Ruimveldt when he was robbed of more than one million dollars and gold but managed to drive himself to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
Speaking with the media yesterday evening at the scene, Fraser said that the other three money changers were lying on the ground as the gunmen snatched their wads of cash but he was standing when he was relieved him of his bag of money and gold jewellery.

Money changer Ryburn Fraser speaking to members of the media last evening.

Money changer Ryburn Fraser speaking to members of the media last evening.

The visibly upset and shaken man bemoaned the security situation in the country, remarking that it seemed to be getting worse.
He lifted his jersey to show scars from the bullet wounds he sustained when he was robbed earlier this year. He related that he has been changing money for approximately twenty- five years and all he has achieved in life came through his currency changing business.
The man vowed, however, not to give up his trade which is vital for him to earn and provide for his family. He recalled returning to the street to resume his business after the attack earlier this year, through the generosity of his mother who sent him money from overseas.
He noted that it has been only about a month and two weeks since he returned to the America Street area. This newspaper was unable to speak with any of the others who were robbed as they were too distraught at the time.
There was already a high police presence on the scene when the Guyana Chronicle arrived. Several persons confirmed seeing some of the bandits brandishing β€˜long’ weapons and other small arms during the attack which lasted for approximately five minutes.
Several spent shells were seen scattered on the ground as the police hurried to secure them for ballistic tests. Meanwhile, this newspaper observed that there is at least one security camera in the area that should enable investigators to secure some useful footage.
During the shooting, several persons scampered for cover while others rushed mindlessly and dangerously towards the direction of the gunfire.


Seems that all the claims by the afc/apnu that they will clean up the crime situation is all hot air as we see the citizens continue to pay the price of apnu/afc fundraising activities. 


Mother fights off gun-toting bandit

A Berbician mother faced off with a gunman who entered her home with his accomplice on Tuesday morning in an

Miriam Hoosain

Miriam Hoosain

attempt to prevent them from hurting her two children.
The woman, identified as Miriam Hoosain of Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice, was brutalised by the perpetrators who invaded her house around 06:00h on the day in question.
The victim’s husband had just left for work around 05:30h, while their 11-year-old son and six-year-old daughter were upstairs in the house when the incident took place.
Reports are that Hoosain was in her hammock meditating when the two men arrived at her gate asking if her husband was at home.
She related to Guyana Times that she replied in the affirmative, stating that her husband was upstairs.
However, instead of walking away from her gate, the duo quickly rushed into her yard; one remained with her and the other signalled his intent to go into the upper flat of her house.
β€œThey did it so fast. By the time I realised they were bandits, the one took out a gun and I started to scream. He lashed me and the next thing I knew was that he had me in the kitchen,” she said.


According to Hoosain, she had β€œblacked out” briefly, but as soon as she regained consciousness, she began to shout for help. It was then that the gun-toting bandit who was standing guard over her smashed the weapon into her face while telling her to remain quiet.
β€œHe threatened to shoot me…I heard the one upstairs opening drawers and asking the children where their mother’s bedroom is…So I get up after I catch myself again and I hold on to him and fight him and overpowered him,” the distraught mother told this publication.
She explained that the gun-toting bandit was caught off-guard and thus, having the upper hand, she held onto the intruder with a firm grip, forcing him to call his partner for help
Guyana Times  was told that it was at this moment Hoosain made the most out of the small timeframe she had to escape and ran out of her kitchen straight into her neighbour’s yard, while alerting them about the situation with shouts and screams.
This caused the two perpetrators to abort their mission and flee the woman’s house before they could be detained by anyone who might rush to her aid.
When asked why she made the daring move to wrestle with and fight off an armed man, she explained that while the blood was pouring down her face after being hit with the gun, all she could think of was her two children alone in the upper flat of the house with an armed bandit.
When this newspaper visited Hoosain on Tuesday, the woman could barely open her eyes. She had already sought medical attention and received two stitches on her face.
According to the injured woman, the bandits did not succeed in executing their daring attempt of a robbery, since they left empty handed.
Meanwhile, her husband, Feroze Hoosain told Guyana Times  that he was not allowed to leave his job and go home when he received information about his wife’s injuries and the attempted robbery at his house.
He stated that he received the information about what had occurred in his absence around 08:30h, but could not leave his work site until 14:00h.
It must be noted that he is employed as a security guard at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).
Guyana Times  further understands that Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) Chairman Vickchand Ramphal visited the traumatised family and expressed his concerns over the recent upsurge of criminal activity in the community.


Police capture one bandit after getaway car crashes


…hunting three others in Mahaicony backlands

Up to late last night, police ranks on East Coast Demerara were still pursuing three bandits who are believed to be cornered in the Mahaicony backlands after they carried out a brutal robbery on the J. Singh and Sons Supermarket at

The stolen getaway car crashed into a trench [Travis Chase photo)

The stolen getaway car crashed into a trench (Travis Chase photo)

La Raisonable, Mahaicony yesterday afternoon.
The cops have managed to capture one of the bandits after the stolen car they were using in their getaway crashed into a trench at Fairfield, Mahaica, a few miles away, while they were trying to elude a trailing police vehicle.
The men had earlier held 45-year old business woman, Lakranie Singh, and her employees at gunpoint, and after beating her savagely about her body, escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash, jewellery and other valuables.
The men appeared to be well informed about the supermarket layout since they also took away a DVR, which recorded footage from surveillance cameras that are located at strategic points on the premises.
A shaken Lakranie Singh, who was treated at the Mahaicony Hospital for injuries she received, told this newspaper that she was on the premises with her workers around 14:00 hours when the four bandits stormed the place.
The woman said that while two of the bandits accosted her workers, one of them snatched her and dragged her into the supermarket, beating her, while demanding cash and valuables.
β€œThey proper beat me, and pull me inside. They beat me terrible,” Singh told Kaieteur News.
She said the bandit warned her not to make noise to alarm anyone.
β€œI had on some Indian wear and he took that,” Singh said.
Meanwhile, the other bandits were busy robbing her employees and rummaging through her property, looking for valuables.
According to Mrs. Singh, customers who were about to enter the supermarket, saw what was taking place and backed off and alerted other residents.
The villagers responded but by the time they were fully mobilized, the bandits had made a hasty retreat, using Singh’s Toyota IST to aid in their getaway.
But from all indications, their getaway plan hit a snag when the driver lost control of the car and crashed into a trench.
The bandits, sensing that they were being followed quickly exited the car and bolted into the nearby backlands, with the police in hot pursuit.
However one of them did not make it far as he was captured not far from the crashed car.
Police recovered the stolen DVR, and some wet money.
Kaieteur News understands that the remaining fleeing bandits managed to make it to the cover of the thick bushes of the backlands. Up to late last night they had managed to remain at large, despite more ranks being deployed into the backlands to flush them out.
There are reports that a car which was believed to have transported the men to the robbery, was seen circling the Mahaicony district, apparently to pick them up and bring them away from the area. But according to reports the police were informed and a patrol was sent out to track the vehicle down, but by then it had disappeared.
Yesterday’s robbery is reminiscent of a similar operation last week when bandits raided a Mahaica rice farmer’s home and escaped with his car after robbing him and his family of an undisclosed amount of cash and jewellery.
On that occasion, a detective from the Mahaica Police Station managed to track them down to the village of Ann’s Grove where two of them were captured.
The stolen car was recovered the following day, ditched near the Clonbrook seawall.


Essequibo businessman robbed again

– had been robbed, chopped in Feb



Thieves on Wednesday morning pounced on an Essequibo businessman and carted away a large amount of groceries from the man’s bond.
Reports are that businessman Asif Khan Haniff of Zorg Village, Essequibo Coast who operates a wholesale facility, heard a strange sound in his yard and his dogs began barking at about 00:30h on Wednesday morning. This prompted the businessman to look through his window, and as he did, he saw several masked men in his yard. This is the second time for the year Haniff has being robbed.
The businessman told Guyana Times that when he peered through his window, one of the men saw him and pointed a gun at him and shouted β€œshut up”.
According to the businessman, he feared for his life and that of his family and so he moved from the window and called the Police. He said when he called the Police, he was told that the patrol squad was at Charity and that he was to remain vigil.
The businessman told this newspaper that as he waited for the Police, the men loaded a large number of items from his storage bond, including bags of potatoes, bales of toilet paper, boxes of butter among other items.
β€œWe screamed till we get hoarse for help, the vision of our last robbery was coming back to us vividly, we wanted help,” the businessman related.
He told Guyana Times that an hour later, the Police still did not arrive and the men had left by then. He said that after the men left, he went to the Suddie Police Station and reported the incident.
According to the businessman, the thieves left a blue bicycle behind. He related that the Police visited the scene and launched an investigation. One person was arrested and is assisting Police with their investigation.
Haniff told this publication that several years ago, he applied for a firearm licence but that application is still pending. He said that his family continues to live in fear as this is the second time this year they have lived through this horrid ordeal.
On February 10, Haniff along with his wife Bibi Shaneeza Khan were brutalised by four masked bandits. The men brazenly entered their home and beat them. During that incident, the businessman was chopped. On that instance, the bandits managed to carted away $250,000 cash, phone cards, jewellery and groceries before escaping.
Only recently, on October 24, Bhesham Seepersaud, of Zorg Public Road, a Sale Agent attached to Edward B Beharry Group of Companies, was robbed by bandits.


Finally Ramjattan doing something right, however he is concentrating on the soft targets; vehicle owners, rather than the hard core criminals that are killing and robbing people.


Over 3100 traffic violations caught on CCTV

… all city streets to get cameras – Minister Ramjattan

Close to 99 per cent of over 3100 traffic violators facing prosecution by the Guyana Police Force’s Traffic Department

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan addressing the launch of road safety month at the ACICC

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan addressing the launch of road safety month at the ACICC

are violations caught on closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras. This is according to Public Security Minister and Third Vice President, Khemraj Ramjattan.
Addressing the launch of road safety month at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre at Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown, on Wednesday, Minister Ramjattan assured that the Ministry has been doing its best to ensure there is a reduction of these violations.
In this light, he revealed that the Ministry early this year commenced a new development, whereby the CCTV cameras around the city are being used to catch those committing traffic crimes.
According to Minister Ramjattan, to date, these cameras have captured over 3100 offences. He said that almost 99 per cent of these violators have pleaded guilty and are before the courts. β€œThey are pleading guilty because they cannot get away from the fact that it is them on the cameras,” he said.
Road fatalities, however, remain high, the Minister noted, pointing out that this is because the CCTVs are only located in some streets in Georgetown. He noted that in light of this, the Ministry, as part of its long-term effort, will install CCTV cameras in all city streets.


Road safety is everyone’s responsibility
During his short speech, the Minister also lauded the effort of the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) for pushing the agenda of road safety in Guyana. He noted that while the NRSC will do its parts with support from central government, road safety is everyone’s responsibility. He pointed out that to a large extent, the damage and the destruction that is caused by road accidents are as a result of that deficiency in individual responsibility.
β€œWe are the sole cause of the road accidents around us and we have to be the cure of that disease,” he said.
The Public Security Minister noted that this responsibility has to be cultivated from a young age, and that the Education Ministry has a prime role to play in this regard.


While police enjoy a new laid back lifestyle a la "The Birth of a Nation", residents have to fend for themselves against marauding bandits.


Enterprise businessman, bandits trade bullets

It was a war zone in Enterprise, East Coast Demerara on Wednesday evening after three armed men and a shopkeeper traded bullets as they attempted to rob his businessplace. The incident occurred at about 20:00h.

According to information, Rosita Balram was in the shop attending customers when the men entered and presented a list of items they wanted to purchase.

Reports state that as the woman gathered the items on the list, her husband who is a licensed firearm holder realised something was amiss.

This newspaper understands that after observing the manner in which the men were behaving, the businessman concealed himself so that the men could not observe him.

The newspaper was told the businessman’s wife tallied the cost of the items and informed the men. At that point one of the men pretended that he was taking out the money from his pocket but rather pulled out a handgun and discharged a round in the direction of the woman. Reports are that upon seeing the gun the woman and her son ran for cover.

The businessman upon hearing the first shot retaliated and discharged several rounds in the direction of the men who retreated and escaped in the nearby cane fields.

The police have since retrieved several .9mm spent shells from the scene.

When contacted Thursday, Roso, commonly called, of Ferdinand Street, Enterprise, stated that while putting together the items for the men, she noticed one of them walking in and out of the shop. From all indications she stated, he was monitoring the area.

β€œWhen I done get up the things, I tell them it was $3400,”she told this newspaper, adding that the bandit appeared as if he was taking the money out of his pocket. She said in the meantime she was tending to other customers and after they left the shop, the bandit came up to the counter as if he was ready to pay.

As she was about to collect the money, it was then one of the men pulled out a gun and pointed it in her direction.

β€œThe bullet passed by me face and I duck and hide and I tell me son to stay down,” the woman added.

By that time her husband returned fire and the three men, two of whom were armed with handguns, ran out the premises and into the nearby cane fields.

The police were called and an investigation has been launched.






It looks like it is open season again for drug runnings as afc/apnu supporters are busted as a show. First was Hits and Jams in Canada now this woman.


GT resident busted with cocaine in milk

Days after ranks of the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) intercepted a 46-year-old man with 4.5 kilograms of cocaine in the false walls of his suitcase, the ranks busted a Guyanese woman as she was trying to smuggle out the illegal substance via the Cheddi Jagan International Airport on Thursday.

According to information received, Odessa Pollard, of East La Penitence, Georgetown, was about to board a Caribbean Airlines flight destined for Trinidad and Tobago when the ranks discovered the cocaine in packets of milk powder.

Based on reports received, the ranks thought something was amiss when they uncovered several packets of the milk powder and decided to carry out tests on its contents.

The substance was tested and it was found to be cocaine and not milk powder. The packets, along with Pollard, were taken to the CANU headquarters. The weight of the cocaine was not immediately available.

The woman is assisting with investigations.


No credit to the police for the apprehension of these bandits from Wednesday's robbery. They farmers had to capture the thieves with no help from police. But they will soon be released under Granger's "rob Indian, get amnesty" program.



The Mahaica supermarket that was robbed on Wednesday afternoon.
The Mahaica supermarket that was robbed on Wednesday afternoon.

Bandits nabbed after Mahaicony supermarket robbery … one shot, another accidentally chopped


TWO suspects in the brazen robbery committed at J. Singh & Sons Supercenter at Mahaicony East Coast Demerara, Wednesday evening were arrested in the Mahaicony area yesterday morning. According to reports, the two suspects were at the time of their apprehension hiding in a bushy area which farmers were clearing with cutlasses. One of the suspects was accidently chopped while hiding under some leaves while the other bandit was held later after being shot by the police as he made a dash to freedom.

Workers and other friends of the business couple present at the premises yesterday afternoon.

Workers and other friends of the business couple present at the premises yesterday afternoon.

Both of them along with another suspect who was apprehended on Wednesday after they committed the robbery remain at the Georgetown Public Hospital under police guard. The third suspect was severely beaten by angry residents who had come out to assist in apprehending the men.
Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle yesterday afternoon with a partly swollen and black and blue right eye, proprietress Lakerany Singh said that she along with two other staff members and her son were at the business premises, where her home is also located, when the bandits arrived.
She said they were four bandits and as they entered her premises she bid them β€˜good afternoon’ but only two of them responded before making their way into her supermarket. The woman said that within seconds the men began putting on white gloves and before she knew it they were ordering everyone to be silent as they took control of the business place.
As the men were pulling on their gloves, two customers who were about to enter the store saw them and made an about turn and reportedly made contact with the police at Mahaicony Police Station.

However, it took the police some two hours to arrive at the location although they are just five minutes’ drive away from the supermarket that was being robbed according to the business woman. And during this time, the victims were being brutalized at the hands of the gun and knife-wielding bandits.

The Mahaica supermarket that was robbed on Wednesday afternoon.

The Mahaica supermarket that was robbed on Wednesday afternoon.

During the robbery, the victims were ordered to lie on the floor as their valuables were stripped from them. The proprietress who pretended to be just another worker at the establishment kept denying that she was the owner while the men demanded to know the whereabouts of the owner and the location of the money and other valuables.
The woman’s son who was the cashier at the time was held up by one of the bandits who demanded that he hand over the day’s sales and he complied. The men also demanded the keys to the upper flat of the building and that was also handed over.
Once upstairs the men ransacked the place while the proprietress and another employee were held in a room where one of the bandits saw the CCTV system and became enraged as he demanded the disc. He then began beating the woman to the point that she was bleeding and almost blacked out.
The bandits subsequently made their escape using the woman’s car which was later abandoned after the businesswoman’s son and her husband gave chase.
The Guyana Chronicle observed yesterday that the police were at Mahaicony after they had received information that one of the suspects in the robbery was hiding. The police had one of their K-9 dogs and a metal detector when they were able to unearth a 9MM pistol. The police investigations into the matter are ongoing.

The car in which the bandits fled after the brazen robbery at the Mahaica supermarket.

The car in which the bandits fled after the brazen robbery at the Mahaica supermarket.

The police team that began work at 04:00hrs yesterday morning and captured two of the bandits. The Guyana Chronicle found them camping along the Mahaicony public road yesterday afternoon.

The police team that began work at 04:00hrs yesterday morning and captured two of the bandits. The Guyana Chronicle found them camping along the Mahaicony public road yesterday afternoon.


We see no action from the afc/apnu police to investigate many of these crimes. It took a domestic issue to lead to this bust.


β€˜Angry’ woman leads police to illegal ammunition


By Romila Boodram
A Tiger Bay, Georgetown, woman yesterday led detectives to a quantity of live ammunition,

The suspect being escorted by police yesterday.

The suspect being escorted by police yesterday.

believed to be AK-47 rounds and a number of spent shells that were stored by her partner in a latrine located at the back of their Lot 7 New Market Street home.
Police have subsequently arrested the man in question and are trying to locate another individual, who along with the Tiger Bay resident allegedly hid the ammunition. The rounds were stored in a box. The discovery was made at around 15:50 hrs.
Kaieteur News understands that the ammunition was taken to the latrine and hidden at the location two nights ago.
Police are now trying to determine whether the ammunition found yesterday is linked to Tuesday night’s robbery on America Street when a number of money changers were robbed by at least 10 men on CG motorcycles.
According to reports, a woman and her partner were having marital problems and the police were called to the location when the man started to assault her.
When the police arrived, the woman led them to the latrine where the high-powered live rounds and spent shells were stored.
At the location yesterday, detectives were seen searching the area. The man, who was subsequently taken into custody, was heard shouting, β€œThis is a set-up. They set me up; I don’t know anything about that.”
Investigations are ongoing.


Bandits brutalise, rob overseas based Guyanese


An overseas-based Guyanese, who recently returned to his homeland to attend a sibling’s funeral, was chopped in the back around 02:45 hrs yesterday, by bandits who invaded the Stanleytown, Berbice house in which he was staying.
Keith Mercurius, 63, was alone at Lot 38 Stanleytown, Berbice when he was confronted by five bandits who demanded cash and jewelry.
Two of them tied him up while the others ransacked the house.
However before leaving, the bandits chopped Mercurius on his left side back before getting away on foot.
The thieves made off with a Samsung 32 inch television set, valued at $57,000, a Samsung cellular phone valued at $50,000, some US$120 and $6,000 in local currency.


More drug runnings under the afc/apnu government.


Shopkeeper remanded on narcotics charges

A South Ruimveldt, Georgetown, shopkeeper was on Friday remanded to prison by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in Court Two of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, after he appeared before her slapped with several narcotics trafficking charges.

Forty-year-old Warren Stouffle of 3 Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt, denied the allegation which read that between September 4 and November 4, at Georgetown, he trafficked narcotics; that is to say, he conspired with Shanda Nicasie Nickels to traffic 4.160 kilograms of cocaine. He also pleaded not guilty to the charge which read that on November 4 at Aubrey Barker Road, he had in his possession six grams of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.

Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones revealed to the court that these charges coincide with those of Nickels. It was related that Nickels was charged for drug trafficking and was sentenced to three years imprisonment at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court on a related charge. The Prosecutor explained that Nickels gave a statement to the Police incriminating the defendant which indicated her willingness to testify against him. Based on information garnered from Nickels’ statements, the ranks went to the defendant’s home at Lot 3048 Aubrey Barker Road and not Lot 3 as was presented to the court by the defendant. He further related that on November 4, the ranks approached the defendant at the gate of his residence and carried a search on his person, during which the illegal substance was found in his pocket.

The defendant’s Attorney Euclin Gomes made an application for bail, after alleging that the charges were made due to an ongoing feud between the Police and Stouffle. The Prosecutor objected to bail, citing the nature and gravity of the charge, adding that there were no special reasons put forward for bail to be granted. The objections were upheld and bail was denied. The man was remanded to prison and the matter was transferred to Court Five for November 23 where it will appear before Magistrate Fabayo Azore for report and fixture.


WCD woman remanded on drug trafficking charge

A woman was on Friday remanded to prison by Magistrate Judy Latchman in Court Three of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts after she appeared before her charged with trafficking in narcotics.

Vanessa Moore, 43, of Lot 91 Murphy Street, Good Intent, West Coast Demerara, pleaded not guilty to the charge which read that on Tuesday, November 3 at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), East Bank Demerara, she was found in possession of 2.94 kilograms of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.

According to the particulars of the charge presented by Police Prosecutor, Corporal Bharrat Mangru, the woman frequently travels to London and when there she resides at 78 McDonald Hills. The Prosecutor related that on the day in question, the defendant who is a Guyanese citizen was an outgoing passenger headed to Port of Spain, Trinidad as an in transit passenger, with a connecting flight destined for London. The Prosecutor revealed that a routine search was carried out on her luggage by ranks of the Police Narcotics Unit. During the said search, two bottles of rum were found, one being 12-year-old rum and the other a 15-year-old Eldorado rum.

Tests to the rum resulted in the discovery of the bottles containing the illicit substance. Under caution, the woman allegedly told the ranks that her boyfriend gave her the rum to take overseas.

Prosecutor Mangru objected to bail on the ground that special reasons must be given to the court in order for bail to be granted, and in this case, this requisite was not met. The Magistrate remanded the woman to prison and the matter was adjourned to November 11.


Once again, the citizens have to fend for themselves as afc/apnu supporters try to get their piece of the pie to make up for the 50% increase that the govt didn't give them. But this time they were greeted with a hail of bullets, if they were arrested Granger would have freed them. 


Bandit shot dead during mining camp attack


One man is dead after bandits yesterday attempted to storm a gold mining camp in Cuyuni,

 The dead bandit at the Blackwater camp

The dead bandit at the Blackwater camp

Region Seven.
According to information coming out from Blackwater, a popular mining area, shortly after midday yesterday, a group of armed men attempted to attack the camp.
Workers were reportedly in the midst of β€œwashing down” the gold.
However, alert security personnel started to exchange gunfire with the bandits.
The gunmen fled, leaving one of their own behind.
According to an official familiar with the incident, the police at Bartica, Region Seven, have been alerted.
The body was still at the camp last evening and a team of police is expected to travel to the remote area to investigate.



An update of the Mahaicony robbery. They problem is that police should have prevented this robbery, arresting the bandits after the fact does not help the victim financially.


Mahaicony bandit confesses to Linden businesswoman’s murder, armed robberies


Stayfree Alexander, one of the prime suspects in Wednesday’s robbery at a Mahaicony supermarket, has confessed to the murder of Linden businesswoman, Shevon Gordon, and to his involvement in at least two armed robberies in Berbice.
Crime Chief Blanhum said that Alexander is likely to appear in court this week in connection with the offences.
Alexander, known also as β€˜Gun Youth,’ is one of three men who police captured after an intense, 18-hour stakeout, in the wake of the attack at Mahaicony.
Police had said that Alexander had given them a fictitious name, but detectives eventually identified him.
One of his alleged victims, 45-year-old businesswoman, Shevon Gordon, was shot dead near her Block 22, Wismar, Linden home last April.
Two men were subsequently charged. Soon after, police received statements from individuals who identified β€˜Gun Youth’ as the person who pulled the trigger.
He is also a suspect in a grocery store heist at New Amsterdam, Berbice, which occurred in January. He was wounded after allegedly shooting at police ranks, but managed to escape.
Police have said that β€˜Gun Youth’ is also wanted for the attempted murder of a taxi driver, who was shot in East La Penitence this year.
Further, he is believed to have committed an armed robbery at a Popeye’s fast food establishment.
Alexander was captured Wednesday night after the car in which the Mahaicony bandits were escaping crashed at Mahaica.
Two other suspects were captured on Thursday after police ranks set fire to a bushy area in which the gunmen were hiding.
One of the bandits, a 21-year old labourer from Rosignol, West Bank Berbice, was shot in the right shoulder.
His alleged accomplice, a 51-year-old man from Charlestown, received several shotgun pellets to his face. He is likely to lose an eye.
At least one of the bandits was positively identified by some of the victims of the robbery which took place at the J. Singh and Sons Supermarket at La Raisonable, Mahaicony.
Police were able to recover some of the stolen items, including a DVR, which had recorded some of the bandits’ operation, and some jewellery.
They also recovered a 9mm pistol with three matching rounds.


It appears that the bribe money was too small hence the arrest of this hapless idiot.


Man arrested after police rank rejects $30,000 bribe


A 34-year-old man of La Bonne Intention (LBI) got a rude awakening when his attempts to bribe a police officer at the Sparendaam Police Station resulted in him being arrested and placed in the lock ups.
Even more, he will face the courts for his costly mistake on Monday.
This incident will be a stark reminder that while bribery and corruption are issues that must be at the forefront of reforms, there are still honest and upstanding police officers determined to remain true to their duty of upholding justice.
The attempted bribery occurred on Friday last and was prompted by the man trying to secure the release of his relative, who had been earlier arrested for possession of cocaine.
According to reports, the relative was arrested after a stop and search conducted on his person, unearthed four grams of cocaine.
After being taken to the Sparendaam lockups, the man came to the station to negotiate for his release.
Employing cloak and dagger tactics, the man approached a Police Corporal and asked what he could do to secure his relative’s release, to which the Corporal reversed the question and asked him what he could do.
Heedless of the trap he was approaching, the man’s response was to offer the rank $10,000.
He was placed on the bench, warned and sent away.
However, he returned to the Corporal with the $30,000 which the Corporal received in the presence of other ranks.
Upon the Corporal enquiring what the money was for, the man indicated that it was to free his relative.
Here is where the man got the shock of his life. The police officer calmly counted the money, informed him that it is an offence to bribe an officer of the law and placed him under arrest.


It appears that many choose suicide to the option of camp street. 


Another prisoner hangs self in Police lockups

– OPR, CID launch probe

A mason who was arrested on Saturday morning for threatening behaviour allegedly took his own life while in the Police lockups at the East Ruimveldt Police Outpost. The dead man has been identified as Sham Harrynauth, 38, of Lot 48 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown.
According to information received, Harrynauth was found by Police ranks at about 17:05h hanging in the cell. From all indications, he ripped the jersey he was wearing and turned it into a noose. He was reportedly the only prisoner in the cell at the time. An investigation has been launched into the alleged suicide.  At least five persons have committed suicide while in Police custody. In June last, convicted murder accused Ramseh Muniram was found hanging from a rope in a cell at the New Amsterdam Prison. The 27-year-old was serving a 76-year sentence for the murder of his wife. Reports indicate that on the day of the incident, Muniram was released from his cell at about 15:30h to go the recreational area to have dinner, but was returned to his cell at 15:35h.
However, when prison officials checked at 15:45h, he was discovered hanging from a window to the back of the cell.  Muniram was sentenced by Justice Navindra Singh on October 18, 2013, for the murder of his wife Sunita August


Annandale woman stabbed by rejected lover

Injured woman, Shondell Hernandez

Injured woman, Shondell Hernandez

A woman is now nursing several stab wounds to her neck and wrist after she was attacked by her reputed husband whom she had dumped earlier in the year.

Injured is Shondell Hernandez, 22, of Lot 121 Curbane Park, Annandale, East Coast Demerara.

Reports reaching Guyana Times stated that Hernandez was at home talking to her sister on the phone when she heard an unusual sound. Upon investigating she saw her former lover climbing though her window. Before she could have retreated, the man made his way into the house, whipped out a knifed and dealt her several stabs to her neck and wrist. Following the stabbing he escaped.

The woman’s sister, who heard the commotion over the phone, went over to the house only to find her sister on the floor in a pool of blood. Hernandez is said to be in a serious condition at a city hospital.

This newspaper was told that Hernandez ended the relationship with the man because of his abusive behaviour. The two were together for six years.

Although the relationship had ended, Hernandez had an arrangement with her assailant to visit their 3-year-old child.

However, of recent, the suspect reportedly began following her whenever she left the house. This newspaper was told the suspect would regularly telephone the woman and threaten to harm her if she did not get back with him.

The police have since launched an investigation into the stabbing incident.


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