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Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Ow! why can't we get along?


Yuh gat too much hateful things in u about coolie people-that is plenty demons. 


Asking the question for Priya, "Why you all hate us." We nah one people, one nation and one destiny.


R u HM_Redux? If u r, then I promise to stop pissing u off.

Why can't we get along? Go ask the Indo KKK why. And look how they treat their own Indian mattie (read Moses, Ramjattan, TK, Gilbakka etc) who work toward the races getting along. If these guys don't have a chance with the Indo KKK then what chance does a black person have?


We can't get along as long as you all maintain you are superior and practice textbook racism. I don't hate Indians; I single out the racist ones like you for special treatment.


In a short time here I've called for the death penalty for the murderous gangs and am in favor of any efforts to bring about racial reconciliation. It is futile though, because you and the Indo KKK clan will not stop unless black people are subjugated to you all. You are just wired that way. The hope is in the younger generation when you old racists die off.


You don't piss me off. I just feel sorry for you.

Serious bro, yuh leff Guyana a long time ago wid some weird concept of its race relations.s.


Why the rass dem diss leff Guyana to jump of Martin's band wagon, I will never know.  Then they bring their anti-Indian racism here and expect a free pass.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Stop making this KKK indo-referencing to me. I have not labelled yuh in any way. 


If yuh think Indians hate yuh because yuh look a little bit different than they do. Then leh me suggest that yuh mek friends wid a few indoes. You will see how wrong you are, all dis time.


As for Jagdeo and his speechs. Whole lot of PNCites have done much worse to Indians. Currently, Sean Hinds spilling the beans on dem. 


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

I know of what I speak. My Indian friends corroborate my feelings, and many of them too are ostracized for not being "indian" enough. Go bury your head in the sand and deny that most of you all rural hindus hate black people. The reasons proferred are many.


"Black tyranny and bullyism" today in 2015, eh? Are you one of the friendly Indians you suggest I befriend? The contradictions in each of your posts is just amazing!

Oyee banna, Afros cannot be trusted.  Look how Sean Hinds said today's PNC tried to get him to shoot-up Congress Place so they can pull off another Sun Chapman massacre of innocent Indians.  PNC have made you Guyana Afros indulge in share evil.  HE Granger trying to change it, but Burnhanism is well embedded in the PNC and people like you are part of it.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Oyee banna, Afros cannot be trusted.  Look how Sean Hinds said today's PNC tried to get him to shoot-up Congress Place so they can pull off another Sun Chapman massacre of innocent Indians.  PNC have made you Guyana Afros indulge in share evil.  HE Granger trying to change it, but Burnhanism is well embedded in the PNC and people like you are part of it.

Suh Sean Hinds, a known criminal with allegiances only to his pocket and grasping at any straw to survive serious jail, is now the standard fuh black man trustworthiness, eh?


And how exactly is Granger trying to change this "share evil" that yuh seh black man indulges in when according to you and yuh clown posse hay, Granger is conducting systematic ethnic cleansing! Mek up yuh mind ass hole!


Look you confused lil antiman, why don't you just STFU and quit while you're ahead? Prancing around in yuh frilly panty with shrill screams of Sun Chapman might impress yuh indo kkk following but not me!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

My goodness all the cussing-if dem can't win a disagreement apply bullyism. Ahyuh do need Jagdeo to bully ayuh azz right back.

The administrators' notice says the political forum is not for the faint of heart. So stop being a sissy. Oh, thanks for sharing your approval of death squads to "bully" black man right back. Always knew you had it in you.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

My goodness all the cussing-if dem can't win a disagreement apply bullyism. Ahyuh do need Jagdeo to bully ayuh azz right back.

The administrators' notice says the political forum is not for the faint of heart. So stop being a sissy. Oh, thanks for sharing your approval of death squads to "bully" black man right back. Always knew you had it in you.

After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots.


We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Originally Posted by Itaname:
that indians drive the economy and have lots of disposable income while black man lives in tenement yard, even in the US. So nothing has changed.



I have compared Jamaicans and Guyanese living in NYC, using data provided by the NYC Planning Unit.  They do not break out Guyanese by race, but one can come to some conclusions by comparing these two Caribbean groups, and by assuming that Afro Guyanese do not under perform Jamaicans.


1.  Guyanese have slightly higher household incomes, this being due to having more income earners in the home.  Jamaican and Guyanese men have similar levels of laborforce participation.  Jamaican women are more likely to work than Guyanese women.  BOTH Jamaican men and women have slightly higher wages than Guyanese of both genders.  Guyanese households are slightly larger.  Guyanese are more likely to own homes.  Guyanese are LESS likely to be self employed than are Jamaicans.


Guyanese kids are MORE likely to drop out of high school than are Jamaican kids.



2.  On the basis of this only one area can we see Guyanese significantly out stripping Jamaicans, and that is in home ownership.  The differing composition of the Indo Guyanese households are an explanation.  With a greater level of extended family (more adult income earning kids in the home) it is easier to qualify for mortgages.  Though, given the shake out of the post 2008 era, and fraudulent mortgages that Ed Ahmad, and others were responsible for, one can even debate as to whether this is a good thing.


3.  So on the basis of this one can conclude that there is NOT much difference among Indo and Afro Caribbean people, except that Indo Caribbean females tend to be less educated, more likely to be home makers, and less likely to be in the high earning occupations like RNs.  This larger due to being a less urbanized group, and also one more dominated by men.


So when these Indians run around screaming that Caribbean blacks are on welfare, lazy, etc.,they merely reveal their own racism.  With SMALLER households, and HIGHER levels of female headed households Afro Caribbean people have similar household incomes as do Indo Caribbean people.


In addition the notion of the entrepreneurial Indo Caribbean is a myth, given that Guyanese overall have low levels of self employment, and in fact LOWER than is the case of Jamaicans.


But the Indo KKK will scream their scream and the "moderate" Indians will tacitly support them by remaining silent.  They will find the time to call me a racist though.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

Why is it so important to Afro-Guyanese how Indo-Guynaese think of them?



FunnY.  Indians spend a whole lot more time constructing a narrative about ethnic relations than do Africans.  The only time Africans worry about Indians, is when the PPP is in power.  Given that the PPP is an Indo KKK party, then they have obvious reason to. Aside from that Africans embrace those who consider themselves to be GUYANESE, and ignore those others huddled in their own little tribe corner.


The vast majority of Guyanese of mixed ancestry are PART black.  These mixed Guyanese are more likely to be accepted by their African relatives than by the others.  So on what basis can any one scream that Africans are the most racist people in Guyana.


There is a white colonial narrative which placed Africans at the bottom, with only the "savage and heathen" Amerindian being placed below, as they were seen as a subhuman species. 


The Portuguese, Chinese, and the East Indians adapted the white view of the African, and similarly began to feel superior.  Obviously Africans reacted to this new racism, in addition to the centuries old variety that they had suffered from as slaves.


What is interesting in Guyana is it is OK for non Africans to pour scorn on Africans, using the same stereotypes which they learned from the white man. When Africans react to thise we are called racist. 


Note how Indians react to me and to Itaname, even though all we discuss about Indians is their attitude towards Africans.  NEITHER of us employ stereotypes commonly used to describe Indians.


Now seignet is now ascribing moral superiority to Indians, funny after we have seen 23 years of some of the most corrupt governance in the English speaking Caribbean.


But he and the rest of the Indo KKK will be tacitly supported by the vast MAJORITY of Indians here, yet they will find the time to call me a racist. 


These same Indians who were SILENT when the PPP was openly racist, are now screaming that APNU is engaged in a pattern of ethnic revenge.  What evidence?  That most of the people who have been fired are Indians. They do not even stop to think that the vast majority of the agency  heads (under the racist PPP) were Indians, so who else is there to fire!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

My goodness all the cussing-if dem can't win a disagreement apply bullyism. Ahyuh do need Jagdeo to bully ayuh azz right back.

The administrators' notice says the political forum is not for the faint of heart. So stop being a sissy. Oh, thanks for sharing your approval of death squads to "bully" black man right back. Always knew you had it in you.

After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots.


We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Well, in their eyes "coolies" are not much more than flies, so cull them canecutters.  Jagdeo is no criminal, he just punched the MFs back in the eye.  Black people never faced a "coolie" like BJ.  He ain't no pacifist Jagan!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

My goodness all the cussing-if dem can't win a disagreement apply bullyism. Ahyuh do need Jagdeo to bully ayuh azz right back.

The administrators' notice says the political forum is not for the faint of heart. So stop being a sissy. Oh, thanks for sharing your approval of death squads to "bully" black man right back. Always knew you had it in you.

After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots.


We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Yep, the criminals certainly dealt with Sash Sawh didn't they? That's why he who unleashed the hounds said he "knows who killed Sash Sawh". Sawh was worthwhile collateral damage to you I guess.


When you go to church this Sunday, firmly shake the Pastor's hand and beam while singing Amazing Grace, God should strike your old racist, hypocrite skont with a bolt of lightning.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Well, in their eyes "coolies" are not much more than flies, so cull them canecutters.  Jagdeo is no criminal, he just punched the MFs back in the eye.  Black people never faced a "coolie" like BJ.  He ain't no pacifist Jagan!

  You are like cobra, yuji and rama.  You get orgasms at the mere mention of black savagery.


So what goes on at your Indo KKK hatefests?  All of you bend over, pants down, bumsies pointed up, waiting for PNC BLACKMAN to mount all of you!


I also need to punch a hole in your Indo KKK superman illusions.  Jagdeo used BLACKMAN to kill BLACKMAN!


Sean Hinds probably also did double duty at the Indo KKK hatefests, pounding Jagdeo first, and then moving to the rest of you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:

My goodness all the cussing-if dem can't win a disagreement apply bullyism. Ahyuh do need Jagdeo to bully ayuh azz right back.

The administrators' notice says the political forum is not for the faint of heart. So stop being a sissy. Oh, thanks for sharing your approval of death squads to "bully" black man right back. Always knew you had it in you.

After the jail break, coolie were killed like flies. It takes a criminal to deal with criminals. No doubt Jagdeo is a criminal. And he answered back the PNC-bullets for bullets. And for a while there, he had alyuh pissing in the boots.


We is bad now, just like the PNC agitators.  

Well, in their eyes "coolies" are not much more than flies, so cull them canecutters.  Jagdeo is no criminal, he just punched the MFs back in the eye.  Black people never faced a "coolie" like BJ.  He ain't no pacifist Jagan!

heh heh heh. Weasel antiman with nuff fat talk. Keep talking shit. We already know of your "more to come", "karma" and other shit you promising. Your handlers can't control their glee.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

heh heh heh. Weasel antiman with nuff fat talk. Keep talking shit. We already know of your "more to come", "karma" and other shit you promising. Your handlers can't control their glee.

Don't interrupt baseman.  He got a huge orgasm just thinking about savage black man lusting after "coolie" blood.


These Indo KKK guys are a really study.

Originally Posted by seignet:


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

Here a man is a hero because he hired one set of black criminals to kill off another set.


Now the SAME black criminals who he hires rob Indians with the guns that HE GAVE THEM!


But being the silly Indo KKK man that you are, as you lust after SAVAGE BLACKMAN< you cannot see this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

Here a man is a hero because he hired one set of black criminals to kill off another set.


Now the SAME black criminals who he hires rob Indians with the guns that HE GAVE THEM!


But being the silly Indo KKK man that you are, as you lust after SAVAGE BLACKMAN< you cannot see this.

Carib, the problem with the above (absolutely correct) scenario is not Jagdeo, it is that "afros cannot be trusted" (per Baseman). Such is the depravity of this fool baseman.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

Here a man is a hero because he hired one set of black criminals to kill off another set.


Now the SAME black criminals who he hires rob Indians with the guns that HE GAVE THEM!


But being the silly Indo KKK man that you are, as you lust after SAVAGE BLACKMAN< you cannot see this.

Carib, the problem with the above (absolutely correct) scenario is not Jagdeo, it is that "afros cannot be trusted" (per Baseman). Such is the depravity of this fool baseman.

Baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK lust after blacks like Sean Hinds, who is a criminal.  They feel foolish when he double crosses them, and then blame honest black people.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:


I think, it is a scheme to rid the Indians of the leader who stands up to Black tyranny and bullyism.

Here a man is a hero because he hired one set of black criminals to kill off another set.


Now the SAME black criminals who he hires rob Indians with the guns that HE GAVE THEM!


But being the silly Indo KKK man that you are, as you lust after SAVAGE BLACKMAN< you cannot see this.

Carib, the problem with the above (absolutely correct) scenario is not Jagdeo, it is that "afros cannot be trusted" (per Baseman). Such is the depravity of this fool baseman.

Baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK lust after blacks like Sean Hinds, who is a criminal.  They feel foolish when he double crosses them, and then blame honest black people.

Aside from not being too smart, Baseman is a morally bankrupt man who cheers lawlessness because he thinks his "side" is winning. The last few days here reading his and Seignet's shit posts can make one lose all hope for Guyana and in humanity at large.

Last edited by Former Member

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