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skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:


Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

Hey, hey, hey anything better than the PNC cyard.  At least the KKK card not needed for lil flour, milk and cheese!!

Baseman has nothing against Black/non-White Americans, however I have always been well received into the "White" world!!  I have no "bone to pick" there!!

These dudes rail against the PPP coolies, yet you see a lot of blacks straighten out their hair, put blonde streaks in them and even use some kind of bleach to change themselves. Are they ashamed of being a negro? They want to be just like the coolie next door.

Are you serious? According to the BBC "sales of whitening creams are far outstripping those of Coca-Cola and tea" in India.


Dude, we are talking about negroes here; not coolies.

I know exactly what you're talking about. Your peeps are ten times worse so it seems rather silly to criticize someone when you're doing the same thing on an even more extreme scale.

caribny posted:

I am amused.  The Indo KKK (they behave like this, so I will use this word) scream support for Trump. A BLACK GOP woman has stated that she was told by them to "GO back to Africa, pick cotton".  This is a highly educated, and very successful black GOP woman, who has worked for GOP politicians.

Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

You should have some respect for my opinions on American politic. It is not like we discussing Guyana's politics. On that topic we are foes. Suh ease up on ur intimidation and bullyism on my handle. 

Honestly bro, yuh not a person of Afro decent anymore. Now ur a Racist-a lost soul. Something like Cain. There is redemption though.

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

Are you serious? According to the BBC "sales of whitening creams are far outstripping those of Coca-Cola and tea" in India.


Dude, we are talking about negroes here; not coolies.

I know exactly what you're talking about. Your peeps are ten times worse so it seems rather silly to criticize someone when you're doing the same thing on an even more extreme scale.

Yea, we all know of that.  But don't deny Afros do the same.  I mean, was Michael Jackson White of Black!!  He was so "White", even his kids turned out "White"!!

Have you taken something strong with your coffee? Did I ever deny that Afros do the same? All I'm telling skeldon_man is that it's silly to criticize someone else for something that your own peeps are doing on a much larger scale.

Last edited by Mars
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

I know exactly what you're talking about. Your peeps are ten times worse so it seems rather silly to criticize someone when you're doing the same thing on an even more extreme scale.

Yea, we all know of that.  But don't deny Afros do the same.  I mean, was Michael Jackson White of Black!!  He was so "White", even his kids turned out "White"!!

Have you taken something strong with your coffee? Did I ever deny that Afros do the same? All I'm telling skeldon_man is that it's silly to criticize someone else for something that your own peeps are doing on a much larger scale.

Good, tell your buddy Caribj to stop cussing Whites, he probably want to get fair or get a fair wife to get fair kids!!

I don't run in a pack on this forum. Carib is responsible for what he writes so address him about it.

Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

Are you serious? According to the BBC "sales of whitening creams are far outstripping those of Coca-Cola and tea" in India.


Dude, we are talking about negroes here; not coolies.

I know exactly what you're talking about. Your peeps are ten times worse so it seems rather silly to criticize someone when you're doing the same thing on an even more extreme scale.

Yea, we all know of that.  But don't deny Afros do the same.  I mean, was Michael Jackson White of Black!!  He was so "White", even his kids turned out "White"!!

Have you taken something strong with your coffee? Did I ever deny that Afros do the same? All I'm telling skeldon_man is that it's silly to criticize someone else for something that your own peeps are doing on a much larger scale.

The Indians don't try to straighten and put streaks in their hair. Why do afros detest their kinky hair? They hate it so much that the men shave their heads.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

Are you serious? According to the BBC "sales of whitening creams are far outstripping those of Coca-Cola and tea" in India.


Dude, we are talking about negroes here; not coolies.

I know exactly what you're talking about. Your peeps are ten times worse so it seems rather silly to criticize someone when you're doing the same thing on an even more extreme scale.

Yea, we all know of that.  But don't deny Afros do the same.  I mean, was Michael Jackson White of Black!!  He was so "White", even his kids turned out "White"!!

Have you taken something strong with your coffee? Did I ever deny that Afros do the same? All I'm telling skeldon_man is that it's silly to criticize someone else for something that your own peeps are doing on a much larger scale.

The Indians don't try to straighten and put streaks in their hair. Why do afros detest their kinky hair? They hate it so much that the men shave their heads.

Why would Indians try to straighten their hair when it's already straight? You should take a walk down Liberty Avenue and see all those blonde Indian girls. Why are whitening creams more popular in India than Coca Cola?

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:

Have you taken something strong with your coffee? Did I ever deny that Afros do the same? All I'm telling skeldon_man is that it's silly to criticize someone else for something that your own peeps are doing on a much larger scale.

The Indians don't try to straighten and put streaks in their hair. Why do afros detest their kinky hair? They hate it so much that the men shave their heads.

Why would Indians try to straighten their hair when it's already straight? You should take a walk down Liberty Avenue and see all those blonde Indian girls. Why are whitening creams more popular in India than Coca Cola?

Fuh look mo nicer!!  You gatt a prablim wit datt?

I have no problem with anyone trying to enhance their appearance. Why is skeldon_man fighting down the black man when Indians do the same thing?

baseman posted:
caribny posted:


Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

Hey, hey, hey anything better than the PNC cyard.  At least the KKK card not needed for lil flour, milk and cheese!!

Baseman has nothing against Black/non-White Americans, however I have always been well received into the "White" world!!  I have no "bone to pick" there!

Your brown KKK card entitles you to solid beatings on a monthly basis from the real KKK. 

Tell you something though.  Most of the white world doesn't like the KKK.  Its interesting that you do.

baseman posted:

Good, tell your buddy Caribj to stop cussing Whites, he probably want to get fair or get a fair wife to get fair kids!!

caribj understands that not all whites are illiterate white bigots who are losers. Your buddies at the Trump (KKK) rallies.

In fact most whites will be insulted that YOU connect them to Trump!

Mars posted:

Are you serious? According to the BBC "sales of whitening creams are far outstripping those of Coca-Cola and tea" in India.


Hear this thing. Some blacks are ashamed of themselves because of colonialism, and slavery. 

In India their skin color obsession was BEFORE the arrival of the Europeans.  So what's their problem?

Indeed we see baseman, and others so loving of whites that they even worship those who are bigoted losers. Talk about lacking pride!

skeldon_man posted:

Dude, we are talking about negroes here; not coolies.

So why scream about black self hatred (due to slavery and colonialism) when Indians are EQUALLY guilty, and indulged in this BEFORE the British arrived. Look at your caste system!

seignet posted:
caribny posted:

I am amused.  The Indo KKK (they behave like this, so I will use this word) scream support for Trump. A BLACK GOP woman has stated that she was told by them to "GO back to Africa, pick cotton".  This is a highly educated, and very successful black GOP woman, who has worked for GOP politicians.

Cobra, yuji, baseman, seignet, "we peep your  BROWN KKK card".  You're not white so you cannot gain acceptance into the white one.

You should have some respect for my opinions on American politic. It is not like we discussing Guyana's politics. On that topic we are foes. Suh ease up on ur intimidation and bullyism on my handle. 

Honestly bro, yuh not a person of Afro decent anymore. Now ur a Racist-a lost soul. Something like Cain. There is redemption though.

Why should I respect your opinions when its clear that they signify indicate some kind of mental problem?

And you cannot even tell me why you think that I am a racist. Have I ever cursed that "Indians should remain naked and poor" as you did for blacks? Have I ever said that Indians are evil, conniving and untrustworthy, which is the racist equivalent to your claim that blacks are criminal, violent, and useless.


Now continue to engage in your daily devotion to the white man as YOUR master race!

skeldon_man posted:
. Why do afros detest their kinky hair? They hate it so much that the men shave their heads.

Loads of Indo men shave too.  Maybe they want to be mistaken for being black!  Because once that hair is off, quite often you cannot tell with these Guyanese Indians.

Skeldon if you did a DNA test, you might find out that you are 20% sub Saharan Africa. What would you do them? Hang yourself?  Ironically a man who hates douglas might even be one!

Mars posted:

Why would Indians try to straighten their hair when it's already straight? You should take a walk down Liberty Avenue and see all those blonde Indian girls. Why are whitening creams more popular in India than Coca Cola?

Some of them get very angry if you ask them that if are Guyanese.  No interest in that "coolie ting".  You should hear them degrading "dem lil coolie bais wid dem biscuit chest".

Just let a car from Howard Beach arrive, and you will see the stampede.  You should hear those Italian boys boasting about what they do to some of these Guyanese girls, and they don't mean the black one!

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:

I have no problem with anyone trying to enhance their appearance. Why is skeldon_man fighting down the black man when Indians do the same thing?

Skeldon feels that he already has the straight hair, so he might as well go all the way in order to be white.

Problem is that most whites don't see him as such. In fact with his strong Caribbean accent (they often describe it as "Jamaican") they might even think that he is black.

Skeldon boy, those Trumpees are sending negroes back to the cotton field.  To them you are a mere negro with straight hair.

baseman posted:

Where did I say I like the KKK?  !!

The whites I disdain are the white supremacists.  You love them.

A BLACK GOP political operative last night asked a Trumpee why does the KKK love Trump so much.  They don't go after Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and certainly NOT Carson.

Trump!  So yes baseman you love the KKK. Look how ardently you rush to their defense.


Super Tuesday 3

Columbus, Ohio (CNN) If Republicans are going to slow Donald Trump's march to the nomination, Tuesday's contests could be their last chance to do so at the ballot box, rather than in a contested convention.


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Across the country, MoveOn members like you are joining with others in their area who share the same progressive values to bring our collective power together and stand strong for those values. We know that the more people that come together, the greater our impact can be!


  • #LoveTrumpsHate at Good Morning America
    Good Morning America @ ABC Studios
    New York, NY 10036
    Wednesday, March 16, 6:30 AM
    Description: After the votes from Tuesday's presidential primaries are counted, the news media Wednesday will be non-stop election coverage--likely focused on Donald Trump, whether he wins big as predicted in Tuesday's primaries or not. If we gather in beautiful, diverse, loving, and peaceful numbers--100 strong or more--in Times Square at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, we'll be seen by the cameras on Good Morning America and we, not Donald Trump, will be the indelible image greeting millions of Americans starting their day. Trump is peddling hate, racism, and violence. We're standing up peacefully for our dignity, for love, and against racism and violence. Will you join us Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. in Times Square? We'll gather at 6:30 a.m. outside the Good Morning American studios in Times Square, at Broadway and W. 44th St., on the SE corner, and stay until taping ends at 8:00 a.m. By RSVPing for this event, you are committing to act non-violently and in accordance with the law.
      Not Ray Mohamed? Click here.
      baseman posted:

      Trump all the way!!

      The action starts later this afternoon when exit polls determine the winner of the five states that are voting today. Florida and OHIO are top of the list to make or break the republican nominee.

      baseman posted:
      Cobra posted:
      baseman posted:

      Trump all the way!!

      The action starts later this afternoon when exit polls determine the winner of the five states that are voting today. Florida and OHIO are top of the list to make or break the republican nominee.

      He will win Florida, not sure of Ohio!!  If he wins Ohio, you will see a major shift in positions.  If not, at the convention will be a big halabalu!

      BTW, did the drinks arrive?

      No, later this week! I will keep you in mind.

      Cobra posted:
      baseman posted:

      Trump all the way!!

      The action starts later this afternoon when exit polls determine the winner of the five states that are voting today. Florida and OHIO are top of the list to make or break the republican nominee.

      Don't know if you know this, but we Democrats and haters of white supremacy want Trump to win.

      He will be easily demolished in the national elections by Americans too fearful of a lunatic like him having his fingers on the nuclear bomb.

      Cobra posted:
      baseman posted:
      Cobra posted:
      baseman posted:

      Trump all the way!!

      The action starts later this afternoon when exit polls determine the winner of the five states that are voting today. Florida and OHIO are top of the list to make or break the republican nominee.

      He will win Florida, not sure of Ohio!!  If he wins Ohio, you will see a major shift in positions.  If not, at the convention will be a big halabalu!

      BTW, did the drinks arrive?

      No, later this week! I will keep you in mind.

      Brown bai KKK party time.

      caribny posted:
      Cobra posted:
      baseman posted:

      Trump all the way!!

      The action starts later this afternoon when exit polls determine the winner of the five states that are voting today. Florida and OHIO are top of the list to make or break the republican nominee.

      Don't know if you know this, but we Democrats and haters of white supremacy want Trump to win.

      He will be easily demolished in the national elections by Americans too fearful of a lunatic like him having his fingers on the nuclear bomb.

      Nothing but the truth. Makes the Democrats job easier. Trump is a bufoon. He has no experience to speak of. 

      FC posted:
      caribny posted:
      Cobra posted:
      baseman posted:

      Trump all the way!!

      The action starts later this afternoon when exit polls determine the winner of the five states that are voting today. Florida and OHIO are top of the list to make or break the republican nominee.

      Don't know if you know this, but we Democrats and haters of white supremacy want Trump to win.

      He will be easily demolished in the national elections by Americans too fearful of a lunatic like him having his fingers on the nuclear bomb.

      Nothing but the truth. Makes the Democrats job easier. Trump is a bufoon. He has no experience to speak of. 

      I just got back from Calgary and some of the youth out there find Trump to be like dat banna Alfred E Neuman from Mad.

      Image result for alfred e neuman they feel that Trump is making the Republicans to look like a bunchah imbeciles.

      Trump will be the downfall of the Republican Party, dem goose cooked. Long live next Prez Lady Clinton.


      Images (1)
      • blobid0
      Last edited by cain
      caribny posted:
      skeldon_man posted:
      . Why do afros detest their kinky hair? They hate it so much that the men shave their heads.

      Loads of Indo men shave too.  Maybe they want to be mistaken for being black!  Because once that hair is off, quite often you cannot tell with these Guyanese Indians.

      Skeldon if you did a DNA test, you might find out that you are 20% sub Saharan Africa. What would you do them? Hang yourself?  Ironically a man who hates douglas might even be one!

      You are clutching at straws now.

      skeldon_man posted:
      caribny posted:
      skeldon_man posted:
      . Why do afros detest their kinky hair? They hate it so much that the men shave their heads.


      Skeldon if you did a DNA test, you might find out that you are 20% sub Saharan Africa. What would you do them? Hang yourself?  Ironically a man who hates douglas might even be one!

      You are clutching at straws now.

      OOOh, he is getting angry at the prospect of having African ancestors.

      Hmmmm.  If you aren't a racist, why should that bother you?

      Bet you think that I am racist for suggesting this possibility!

      Last edited by Former Member
      FC posted:

      The Indian supremacists is attracted to him because they feel he will put the boots to African Americans but I have news for them he has no time or place for them either. 

      Trump supporters look at a Guyanese Indian and they see a ni99er who looks like a terrorist.


      Big wins for Trump, Kasich, Clinton; Rubio drops out

      trump clinton kasich T1 comp

      Washington (CNN) Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump won pivotal primaries Tuesday, while Gov. John Kasich's long-awaited debut victory in his home state of Ohio raised the chances of a historic GOP convention fight.

      A humiliating loss on home ground in Florida, meanwhile, ended the White House dreams of Sen. Marco Rubio, who was once hailed as a Republican Party savior.


      Indian students are smart, shouldn't be kicked out of US: Donald Trump

      Republican frontrunner Donald Trump now says Indians studying in the US are smart, and an attempt should be made to have them stay on after they graduate and not “kick them out”.

      Trump has been recalibrating his position on the hiring of foreign workers. He has both opposed and supported H-1B visas, which allow US companies to hire highly skilled workers either from abroad or from among foreign students in universities here.


      Donald Trump on brokered convention: 'I think you'd have riots'

      FILE - In this Monday, March 14, 2016 file photo, Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump holds a plane-side rally in a hanger at Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport in Vienna, Ohio. Fear of a changing America is fueling some of the anger playing out publicly around Trump's bid for the GOP presidential nomination, historians Ken Burns and Henry Louis Gates Jr. said Monday. Trump is "speaking to a need and a deep set of fears within a large segment of the American community," added Gates, a Harvard University scholar and host of a genealogy show on PBS. "Those fears need to be assuaged, and policies formulated to meet the needs of those worried about their future," he said. [AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

      Washington (CNN)Donald Trump and Ted Cruz warned fellow Republicans Wednesday of dire consequences if the GOP establishment attempts to have a brokered convention this summer.

      "I think you'd have riots. I think you'd have riots," Trump said Wednesday on CNN's "New Day." "I'm representing a tremendous many, many millions of people."

      The Republican Party veered closer to a contested convention Tuesday after Ohio Gov. John Kasich won his home state and deprived Trump, the party's front-runner, of its 66 delegates. That makes it more difficult for the billionaire to reach the 1,237 delegates he needs to capture the GOP prize without a floor fight.


      Nehru posted:

      Well, at least Trump knows something.

      The republican party is fighting against the will of the American people. It will further embarrassed American democracy to the world. The losers just have to come out and support the winner. Think of it, they all might hold good positions in Trump cabinet.


      The Final Stage of Republican Grief

      With Donald Trump's hold on the nomination strengthening, some in the GOP establishment believe it’s time for acceptance.

      There are times when you can look at Donald Trump, presidential candidate, and almost see something normal. Or certain Republicans can, anyway. Newt Gingrich—the former speaker of the House, a man who has spent his life seeing things others could not—can.

      “Here you have a guy who is talented enough to come from a standing start and dominate every poll, who has won state after state, who dominates the media, who has brought thousands of Democrats and independents into the party,” Gingrich told me, referring to primaries in which non-Republicans are allowed to vote. Under normal circumstances, he said, party leaders would be celebrating the arrival of such a figure.

      But Trump is not a normal circumstance. Even as he barrels toward the nomination—winning at least three of the five big states voting on Tuesday, knocking Marco Rubio out of the race, and claiming a large lead with more than half the delegates awarded—his party remains mostly in shock at his rise. Over the past week, as he has refused to discourage the violence erupting at his events, many in his party say they are frightened by the specter of authoritarianism and the possibility of escalating conflict.

      But in other precincts, it’s possible to detect a thaw. They couldn’t beat him. And now many Republicans say it may be time to join him, to make the best of the situation, to try to refine and civilize Trump, to nudge his candidacy toward normalcy.

      Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters at his primary election night event at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., Tuesday, March 15, 2016. [AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

      Conservative leaders gather to plot against Donald Trump

      (CNN) Conservatives at a meeting in Washington on Thursday had "absolute consensus" on trying to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump from getting enough delegates to clinch the party's presidential nomination, according to a source familiar with the discussion.

      Conservative leader Bob Fischer gathered more than a dozen activists and Republican lawmakers to discuss how to stop Trump from getting their party's nomination.

      The source said the consensus was around preventing Trump from reaching 1,237 delegates, and then stopping him at the convention. The source added that the conservatives are optimistic for this option, adding they believe "it is possible."



      Cobra: Washington Has Fallen - into third world politics. This will be a sad day in American political history to steal from a winner and the will of the people.

      baseman posted:

      If he comes in, say around 1000, I don't see how they can deny him!!  If they do, there will be backlash, and they know that!!

      The rules say that if he doesn't get 1,237 then it goes to the secondary ballot, at which time delegates can vote as they wish. 

      If they select Paul Ryan then Trump can huff and puff and blow the GOP house down, and Hillary will be the beneficiary.

      I heartily endorse Trump's threat to riot, if he doesn't get his way.  Nothing will be more entertaining than seeing the Cleveland police arresting half of the GOP delegates present.


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