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Originally posted by Mad Max:
Good thing you live in a bubble.

i may live in a bubble and not consider the whole world full of nothing but criminals, but at least i'm not stupid or naive enough to offer random people on the internet use of my automobile. maybe you're the one who lives in a bubble. either that, or you're just lonely and desperate for some company.
Originally posted by the new yorker:
Originally posted by Mad Max:
Good thing you live in a bubble.

i may live in a bubble and not consider the whole world full of nothing but criminals, but at least i'm not stupid or naive enough to offer random people on the internet use of my automobile. maybe you're the one who lives in a bubble. either that, or you're just lonely and desperate for some company.
strongman Mad Max gyeh patkay.
I remember those GOOd old days. Mr Ahmad used to let visitors from Guyana use the Chateau Royal to interact with the Diaspora. Mr Ahmad provided Fod and accomodation and paid for his employees to work on those days. God Bless Mr Ahmad for his contributions to our beloved Country.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by D2:
someone will download and cut this to get a pic of jagdeo and his friend
It's already out there

Damn, that was taken when jagdeo had hair!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
I remember those GOOd old days. Mr Ahmad used to let visitors from Guyana use the Chateau Royal to interact with the Diaspora. Mr Ahmad provided Fod and accomodation and paid for his employees to work on those days. God Bless Mr Ahmad for his contributions to our beloved Country.[Quote].

The issue is not what he may or may not have done for "our" beloved country, but what he may have done in "our" beloved adopted country, the USA.

My question to you, do you have a list of initiatives/projects he did in Guyana which was NOT for his benefit. I don't judge the man, just asking a question.
I thought you said you will wait for a judgement since you are NOT God. I do not know what he has done wrong in Guyana or America. When I know, you will be the first to know.
Originally posted by baseman:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
I remember those GOOd old days. Mr Ahmad used to let visitors from Guyana use the Chateau Royal to interact with the Diaspora. Mr Ahmad provided Fod and accomodation and paid for his employees to work on those days. God Bless Mr Ahmad for his contributions to our beloved Country.[Quote].

The issue is not what he may or may not have done for "our" beloved country, but what he may have done in "our" beloved adopted country, the USA.

My question to you, do you have a list of initiatives/projects he did in Guyana which was NOT for his benefit. I don't judge the man, just asking a question.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I remember those GOOd old days. Mr Ahmad used to let visitors from Guyana use the Chateau Royal to interact with the Diaspora. Mr Ahmad provided Fod and accomodation and paid for his employees to work on those days. God Bless Mr Ahmad for his contributions to our beloved Country.
But your PPP has thrown him under the bus! Even before anyone asked if Mr Ahmad gave money to the PPP - dem juss fling he out pan de careful Nehru Bhai...
Originally posted by Nehru:
I thought you said you will wait for a judgement since you are NOT God. I do not know what he has done wrong in Guyana or America. When I know, you will be the first to know.
Originally posted by baseman:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
I remember those GOOd old days. Mr Ahmad used to let visitors from Guyana use the Chateau Royal to interact with the Diaspora. Mr Ahmad provided Fod and accomodation and paid for his employees to work on those days. God Bless Mr Ahmad for his contributions to our beloved Country.[Quote].

The issue is not what he may or may not have done for "our" beloved country, but what he may have done in "our" beloved adopted country, the USA.

My question to you, do you have a list of initiatives/projects he did in Guyana which was NOT for his benefit. I don't judge the man, just asking a question.

I don't judge the man, I refer to what he is "accused" of here in the US. He is innocent until proven otherwise.

"When you know"? You seem to know already, you are singing his praises for what he did for "our" beloved country. So, are you just talking, or are you grounded in some facts.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I remember those GOOd old days. Mr Ahmad used to let visitors from Guyana use the Chateau Royal to interact with the Diaspora. Mr Ahmad provided Fod and accomodation and paid for his employees to work on those days. God Bless Mr Ahmad for his contributions to our beloved Country.
But your PPP has thrown him under the bus! Even before anyone asked if Mr Ahmad gave money to the PPP - dem juss fling he out pan de careful Nehru Bhai...wavey
Originally posted by Nehru:
I remember those GOOd old days. Mr Ahmad used to let visitors from Guyana use the Chateau Royal to interact with the Diaspora. Mr Ahmad provided Fod and accomodation and paid for his employees to work on those days. God Bless Mr Ahmad for his contributions to our beloved Country.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by D2:
someone will download and cut this to get a pic of jagdeo and his friend
It's already out there

Damn, that was taken when jagdeo had hair!

It look like Nehru is really Jagdeo himself.
Originally posted by Nehru:
He IS providing quality Retail services to the Guyanese People. He is a Developer of immense quantity and IS in the process of Building Housing Schemes and other Major Projects which WIL BENEFIT the Guyanese People and Economy.

Nehru, this is to his benefit, and the people tere ask questions of how certain state lands were sold off to cronies via intransparent transactions. Anyway, I asked what has he done for the Guyanese people without looking for a benefit himself. THere are many such businesses in Guyana, what he did there is not innovative, just more of the same.
Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by baseman:
[[] Anyway, I asked what has he done for the Guyanese people without looking for a benefit himself. [].

unless u are Mother Teresa, u do nothing without looking for a drawbackflag

I don't say he do all altruistic work. But for example, for every few high-priced homes, build a lil house like what food for the poor do for the destitute aged and where kids are involved. Cham, I do things there, and I know others who do with absolutely no interest but seing people lift themselves out of abject poverty. I have met many individualy doing the same, they are actually middle-class from the US/Canada. The rich seems to do a business plan before they get involved and hardly ever donate to the cause.
Has Ed Ahmad made contributions to the PPP before the 2011 election campaign?

Dear Editor,

Despite their ideological and other shortcomings, Cheddi and Janet Jagan did not stand for certain things. Some things were sacrosanct. Some things were valued. So when I read that that Ed Ahmad had built a massive hardware store on the Mirror newspaper’s premises, I immediately wondered if this is what the PPP has turned to. What this party that was led by Cheddi Jagan, who refused to sell out in many ways, has become. This place where the PPP waged many battles for freedom. Why did the PPP either lease, gift or sell part of its Mirror premises to Mr Ahmad? A man who, before this store was constructed, was investigated by the US authorities and against whom allegations were made by the same US authorities for mortgage fraud.

There is no way the PPP could not have known of Mr Ahmad’s legal problems before he started building his super store. After all, this is the PPP’s land. Not the Government of Guyana’s land or a private owner’s land. This is the PPP’s property. The decision to lease, sell, gift or allow Mr Ahmad to build on it is the PPP’s decision and only the PPP’s decision. So when the PPP attempts to distance itself from Ed Ahmad, it does not make any sense. It looks funny. After allowing a guy to build a big store on your premises, you suddenly issue a statement claiming that this guy is not in any way part of the PPP structure. Well, his structure is sitting smack bang on the lands owned by one of the PPP’s greatest institutions, the Mirror. How do they separate themselves from this guy who has a gargantuan building sitting on their land. Nobody in the history of this nation ever got permission to build a store on the Mirror property. Except Ed Ahmad, of course.

Who in the PPP would ever allow for security reasons, someone to build a store right next to the party’s printing press and building? Mr Ahmad must have known some pretty powerful people in the PPP to get them to expose the Mirror in this manner in a country which is a safe haven of criminality. When the PPP says it “wishes to make it absolutely clear that Ahmad has not made any financial contributions to the PPP/C’s 2011 political campaign nor can he be considered in any way part of the PPP structure or the PPP/C Government,” I want to know whether Mr Ahmad has ever made any financial contributions to any past PPP/C campaign and to any of its candidates before the 2011 election. Further, the PPP should inform the nation whether Mr Ahmad has ever made any contributions to the PPP’s non-political arm or towards any non-political activities run by the PPP.

Yours faithfully,
M Maxwell

Originally posted by chameli:
Originally posted by baseman:
[] Cham, I do things there, and I know others who do with absolutely no interest but seing people lift themselves out of abject poverty. I have met many individualy doing the same, they are actually middle-class from the US/Canada. . The rich seems to do a business plan before they get involved and hardly ever donate to the cause.

ummmmmmmmm....i did forget about that...also forgot about me and youWink Big Grin
see, we do, no need to talk about it...jes do it and foget about itflag

Yes gurl, I did forget about that project.
Luncheon says unable to speak on material shipped by Ahmad to President

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon this morning said that the transaction between President Bharrat Jagdeo and businessman Ed Ahmad which saw the latter shipping some 29 tonnes of building material to President Jagdeo at State House is a private one and only the two of them can speak on the issue. Dr Luncheon was asked by Stabroek News during his weekly press conference at the Office of the President for a response on a report in the New York Post that Ahmad had shipped the material to the president in 2009. The Post had cited shipping documents as the source of its information.

“With regards to the shipment of goods by the businessman to the president, I would still be constrained by a private transaction and were the President or Mr Ahmad, the two principal parties, were they inclined to make this a public issue that may very well be the beginning of a suitable response,” Dr Luncheon said in response to the question.

The Post had reported that Ahmad is a frequent visitor to Guyana and is known in the country as a friend of President Jagdeo. It said too said that the relationship appears to transcend friendship and to involve business interests. It said that in 2009, the Ahmad Group sent building supplies – including roof tiles and kitchen sinks – to Jagdeo at state house in Georgetown, according to shipping records. Jagdeo is in the process of building and furnishing a new house at Pradoville 2.

Two weeks ago Ahmad, who is on US$2.5M bail for allegedly defrauding a lender, Countrywide Home Loans, in connection with the purchase of properties in Queens in 2007, was denied permission to travel to Guyana. The Post had said that Ahmad’s “close ties” with Guyana were among the objections raised by Assistant US Attorney Alexander Solomon in opposing the businessman’s request during a hearing in Brooklyn federal court. President Jagdeo when asked about Ahmad had said he had been friends with him for around 15 years but would not condone any wrongdoing. He had also reiterated that Ahmad had helped the PPP support group, the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG) but has not contributed any money to the campaign of the party’s Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar. “If Ed Amhad broke the law in New York, then he must face the consequences but I can’t deny knowing somebody, I know him very well,” the president had said.

Observers have noted that Ahmad was able to successfully bid for a large swathe of former sugar lands at Leonora on the West Demerara and has also set up a hardware business on the premises of the Mirror newspaper at Industrial Site. As a result, the observers say it is important that President Jagdeo explain the terms of the transaction between him and Ahmad. Letters writers and other commentators have queried whether the relevant taxes and duties were paid on the transaction.

Building materials for the President

That 29 tonnes of building material was shipped to State House in 2009 in the name of President Jagdeo should not be a problem in ordinary circumstances. The president is constructing a new residence in the Sparendaam area and if he imports building materials in his private capacity so be it. It would have been a neater arrangement had the items not been shipped to State House as its consigning there created a linkage with the official residence of the President instead of the premises being constructed for citizen, Mr Jagdeo. That in itself provides grounds for the public to be interested in this transaction even if it is described as a private one.

Assuming that the building materials are indeed for his future Sparendaam residence it would mean that President Jagdeo likely knew since 2009 that he and a select few would benefit from plots of land made available for housing by the removal of NCN’s radio transmitter and its relocation on the West Demerara. This would have been far earlier than the first public inkling that posh houses would proliferate near the Sparendaam sea wall on pieces of land handed out by the state without any sort of public tendering. So there are still unanswered questions about the so-called Pradoville 2 and as reported last week, the Region Four Chairman, Mr Clement Corlette is no closer to answers he has sought from the Central Housing and Planning Authority on this project.

What is of greater interest in this matter is the consignor of the material, Guyanese businessman, Mr Ed Ahmad. Again, under ordinary circumstances there should be no problem with Mr Ahmad shipping building materials. The President is free to decide where he sources the material from. The problem, however, is that Mr Ahmad is the subject of a serious federal investigation in the US. He has had several investigations of his business practices in New York and in recent weeks he has faced two separate probes which if either mature to full prosecution could leave him in very serious trouble. In one case he was accused of a cash transaction with New York congressman Mr Gregory Meeks which Mr Meeks only claimed was a loan when questions started to be asked by the authorities. More recently, Mr Ahmad was charged in connection with mortgage fraud in New York that has seen him placed on a bond of US$2.5M and denied permission to leave the US and return to Guyana where he now runs a hardware store.

In addition to his hardware store venture here, Mr Ahmad also secured a large acreage of former GuySuCo land on the West Demerara where he is originally from. Under these circumstances, and without passing judgement on Mr Ahmad, the public has every right to be inquisitive about the transactions between him and the President and to satisfy themselves that all is above board. It is even more important as President Jagdeo has declared that Mr Ahmad has been a friend of his for many years. Friendship aside, it behoves the President to help satisfy the public that the 29 tonnes transaction was well within the margins of acceptable practice. President Jagdeo has not shown the best judgement in the past in dealing with controversial figures. His publicly voiced determination to proceed with the appointment of former NY Police Commissioner, Mr Bernard Kerik as a local police advisor is a case in point. There were reports of illegality swirling around Mr Kerik for many months while President Jagdeo deliberated on the matter yet he adamantly refused to apply better judgement until Mr Kerik was on the verge of an indictment in the US and an appointment here would have been impossible.

Could it be the same in this instance? Could Mr Jagdeo’s friendship with Mr Ahmad have clouded his judgement. After all, it had been known for several years that Mr Ahmad was being probed in relation to the Meeks case and that he had begun to invest in Guyana in a big way when he had previously not done this.

There are now two separate issues. The first is the simplest. Was all of the material sent by Mr Ahmad intended for President Jagdeo and used by him? Were the relevant taxes and duties assigned to the shipment paid and was the relevant paperwork processed. Has there been any cost incurred to the State as a result of this transaction? Twenty-nine tonnes is not the ordinary family barrel. And in light of the recent building expo and the president’s desire for the advance of the sector was it really necessary for him to source all of this material from abroad instead of patronizing local businesses? Answers to some of these questions could very well be denied by the President on the grounds of invasion of privacy but we do believe that the balance in this case should be in favour of the public having full knowledge.

The second issue is much more difficult. Could the President’s friendship with Mr Ahmad have influenced in any way decisions that were crucial to Mr Ahmad’s business here? After all, the President is the master of all he surveys here and public servants and government officials who know this may likely act in accordance with knowledge of his ties with Mr Ahmad. In the interest of transparency and rectitude the public should hear from the President about the building materials and also what measures might have been taken to insulate other decision-making processes such as the bidding for the Leonora lands from the halo of the friendship.


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