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Elections recount further delayed

The recount of votes in the March 2 general elections will not begin today as a key document is still to be concluded.

In the meanwhile Tactical Services Unit police descended on the Arthur Chung Convention Centre and tried to evict party agents and others.

PPP/C Commissioner Robeson Benn speaks to members of the media about encounter with the police inside the Arthur Chung Convention Centre compound

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The truth is that all of this was unnecessary. These people could have been at home resting so they can be up early to start a productive day. This count could have been done properly since Tuesday March 3, 2020 and avoid all this nonsense. It didn’t take them very long to properly go through nearly half of the SOPs before Mingo pulled his illness desperation act. And for a party that insist that they won the elections, APNU/AFC doesn’t want to prove it.


there is rumors the PNC fraction lead by Amna Ali whats Granger to step down and she will be sworn in as President ... they do not want a recount but granger do want a recount, hence the embarrassment we saw from yesterday .

The riot police shows up many times last night to disperse the crowd, but could not move them, the guys arranger themselves in such a military way, the head of the riot squad walk away many times and was seen  on his phone ??? .... his only answer of who give such instruction is ... the bigger guys. 

Long Live Democracy.


APNU/AFC heads to court to block Region 4 recount – Nandlall

The rigging cabal within the APNU/AFC is doing everything possible to resist the recount and to undermine President David Granger’s commitment to the Caricom-led initiative to recount all the ballots cast at the March 2 2020 Elections.

PPP Executive Anil Nandlall

This was according to executive member of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Anil Nandlall, who contended that the public is fully aware of the delay tactics employed on Monday to frustrate the commencement of the recount and their further attempts at using the police to prevent the political parties from monitoring the ballot boxes at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.
“I am now reliably informed that their next resort is to the High Court. They plan to use an ordinary citizen to file proceedings, seeking orders of court directing the Chief Elections Officer to accept the illegal declarations made by Mingo of Region Four results and to tabulate the final results and present same to the Commission and obtain further orders directing the Commission to declare the perverse final results,” Nandlall stated.
He further related that the move is obviously being executed to undermine the Caricom initiative.
“While such legal recourse will not succeed for reasons I will withhold at this point in time, it will certainly expose both Mingo and Justice Claudette Singh to Contempt of Court. The Contempt case against Mingo is already filed and pending. It will now have to [be] tried. The Chairperson has repeatedly admitted that she gave an undertaking to the Chief Justice that there will be a recount of Region Four ballots.”
He posited that an undertaking is as good as an order of the court and a violation of the same constitutes Contempt of Court while noting that President Granger will disregard these legal proceedings as a pretext for his usual deniability.
“This farce, like so many that they have tried, will not succeed.”


9DF7E145-2BD7-4273-9ADC-AA3F48DE6745Here is the picture of yesterdaygathering at state house where the Amna   fraction supported by  VOLGA,  Ramjattan, Basil, Trotman, Harmon  , Cathy etc was in disagreement against Granger . 

we will see how the signing of the caricom agreement between granger and jagdeo goes this morning. 


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Gilbaka, Hoyte went through the same things until Carter told him the US Marines could be called in. Hoyte said, "we are not amused." And he announced his defeat. The same thing is being done again, this time with experience from 1992 as the frame work ensuring defiance. This time the army and police is in the mix. Again, a well thoughtout plan by the PNC. Dey ain dat stupid, even though it appears chaotic.

I think they will go ahead with their plan just to marginalize Jagdeo future efforts in Guyana. That is what it is all about. And they feel in the end it will worth it. Afro-Guyanese have endured many thing since brought to colonies of Essequibo, Demerara and Berbice. This is just another one of their struggles. Hard for Indian ppl to percieve that. 

They fighting for democracy. Jagdeo is the real dictator, you see his antic since CBJ empower him.


The mercury hack our pencil and paper ballot box according to Django ....but it looks like a fourth Russian hack his software, he cannot produce such evidence....LMAO

I said  it on this forum before the election, the electorate is no dummy anymore, there is a different breed of politicians rising in Guyana.

PPP is a Guyanese party - ayo watch all the videos, unless the supporter has his imagination of " mercury hacking" 


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One thing for sure, today’s protesters have it much easier than our time. We were beaten and brutalized by this same PNC and nothing was being beamed out to the world like today. 

The dilemma the PNC are having today is, they are acting like yesterday in a today’s world. The people on the ground fighting have a large diaspora and international audiences as their ally.  In the 70s/80s there was nothing of the sort.



As long as you are on this site under the ownership of Amral and you make comments, I will refer to you under Django if i have a rebuttal ( unless you want me to refer to the name of the man who parted the sea) . Stay off the  site if you don't want reference to your name This site is still under the ownership of Amral. 

when you have your own, I don't  give a s!hit .. i will be gone by then. 



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Mr.Dave ,you are the type of bullies ,that are currently gracing the homeland. Don't worry with all the new found wealth and resources ,it's not far from becoming a wasteland ,mark my words.

I have stated ,my calling name here before, nothing to hide ,nothing to be afraid off. I notice a mole was sent to my fb page and happily accepted the friendship. If you want to get nasty i can unmasked you.

I live in the USA and are protected by the authorities ,top level connection in my home State . Ayuh playing with the wrong man ,we don't mess around here.

Further i can request Amral ,to put a check on you .

Last edited by Django

Dave is confronting the PNC bullies in GT who Django supports!  He is on the frontline that Django has long ran from but now support evil from the safety of the White Man’s country!

Dont worry, the true bullies of Guyana are acting out on the world stage!  Truth prevails, the good will prevail, the evil will be vanquished!

Guyana’s democracy will survive this episode!


I am not sure Dave is one person. If he is, he allows other persons to post using his account or he simply lifts stuff from other sources and place on the forum.  Moreover, I don't think he reads the lifted posts or those posted for others .  All in all, one should carefully sift through his posts to find the real Dave.  Anyway, another interesting day lies ahead regarding the recount that will confirm the Coalition victory.  However, one wonders what measures would be taken to protect the people at the convention centre from COVID-19.  While the rest of the world is in lock down hundreds of people would be at risk counting pieces of paper that will only confirm what we already know.  And, a whole bunch of people confined to their homes in North America are cheering on the trouble makers at Freedom House and their misguided followers.  Talk about selfishness!


Django, Buddy, you have to let it got and as the administrator, you will show maturity and tolerance. If you ignore it, it will go away. PLEASE! Let it go. You cannot fight every battle. I make almost everything here a comedy. Don't let it get to you. Life is too short to stress the little things. Let him have the last lick and walk away.

Last edited by Former Member

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