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The APNU/AFC had requested recounts in regions 5 and 6 but shortly aborted the region 5 count as during the short recount the PPP picked up 3 additional votes.

What would be the result of the region 4 recount of the ballot boxes and would Claudette Singh even keep her word from yesterday that she will grant such recount?

Mohabir Anil Nandlall
8 hrs ·

Moments ago, Guyana and the world witnessed the consummation of a fraudulent and diabolical plot to subvert democracy and defeat the will of the electorate of Region No. 4 and by extension, the Guyanese electorate, which was being hatched for the past several days, if not weeks.

Evidence of the preparation of the site at Cowan and High Streets was observed for some time now, but no one knew it’s raison d’etre. Tonight the puzzle fell into place.

In preparation for this perverse and illegal declaration, the verification process was moved from Ashmin’s Building to the site at Cowan and High Streets. Barricades were erected on High Street, monitored by heavy police presence .

As the illegal and farcical tabulation process was approaching its conclusion, the police allowed APNU supporters to penetrate the barriers at the southern end, so that they can enter the compound to menace and intimidate the representatives of the political parties, the few remaining observers and the press, who dared to stay to the end.

During this process, Mr. Mingo was not in sight but upon conclusion, he suddenly emerged, heavily surrounded by police officers. He then made the manifestly illegal and contemptuous declaration of the results for Region 4.

Immediately after, the police officers formed themselves into an impenetrable body armory around him, thereby preventing representatives of the political parties from serving upon him, written requests for a final general count of the ballots for Region 4. This is a legal right which the law guarantees to each political party and which the Returning Officer has no right to refuse.

In their small authoritative and irrational minds, they may think that they have won. They are WRONG! I am now warming up! The fight has now begun. It is a fight for freedom, democracy & country . It is a fight for & of every freedom- loving Guyanese.

We will not rest until and an election results is declared which reflects the will of the Guyanese electorate. This is a promise!


Over the past year, I have stated multiple times that if the PNC wins, it is only because they rig. My brother Django has reassured me that there is no need to rig. I believe I told him that I don't believe that. The PPP and the LJP parties have indicated last night that the RO was declaring SOPs that were quite difficult to ascertain their serial numbers and security prints due to them being only partial SOPs where the areas of those SOPs were not scanned. The PPP and the LJP has also stated that the figures presented are clearly altered in APNU's favor as it was not difficult to see where a 2 was changed to 3 or a 0 changed to 8. Hopefully GECOM will disclose those SOPs but I highly doubt. Until that time, hopefully Django can update us on if he thinks the events yesterday amounts to rigging and if he has any of the SOPs that GECOM used in their exercise yesterday. Until suck conclusive evidence is presented, I have to accept what the PPP and LJP states.


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Selwyn Pieters

If the elections result in Region 4 continues to not be credible and not in accordance with section 84 of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 1.03 of the Laws of Guyana, I can do my part, and I shall and will. What occurred at GECOM Region 4 is a slap in the face to democracy and democratic processes, which is what Regional and General Elections are all about.


When can we expect a response from Claudette Singh regarding the letter sent to her last night from the PPP?

When can the general public expect a response from her regarding the declaration last night?

I do hope that the three PPP commissioners remain resolved and oppose the official declaration whether it is today or tomorrow. This will place Claudette Singh with the responsibility to accept the farce of yesterday or redeem herself by rejecting it.


From what I understand Mits, they have all of those legal options but the swearing in of Granger does not have to wait on their resolutions. I may be wrong but I think the only pre-swearing in option available is Claudette Singh directing Lowenfield to direct Mingo to open the boxes as she promised yesterday but I don't see that happening. Then you have the issue of the running clock. The swearing in of a new president has to occur on Monday. I don't know if there are any legal remedies for that delay.


I was giddy all elections season. I followed all the reports of the rallies, I attended the PPP and APNU+AFC rallies in my community; I was sharing opinions online, I got into some healthy debates and discussions, wrote some analyses of all parties, and provided commentary on the history and the current happenings of politics in Guyana. On March 2nd, “E-Day” I was at my polling station (as tradition dictates) at the crack of dawn! It was my second time voting and I was ready to cast my ballot!

As someone said, “Elections is like Christmas for you” and it really was. Until the Mingo/Region 4 fiasco. The final votes to be verified, and we were not getting it right. Spreadsheets and not SOPs were being used by GECOM, people took breaks and went missing for hours, there was ruckus and a stampede by the Opposition parties, and finally a declaration was made by the Returning Officer before the SOPs were done being verified. Observers got arrested, people protested; we went to court.

The court invalidated the declaration, said it needs to be verified thoroughly in a transparent process. The process began the next day, not as the court ordered so they went back to court for clarity. It re-started, not as the court ordered so the international observers left with their decision that this was not transparent as the other Regions were and it did not seem fair.

Let’s flashback for second.

On March 2 at 10pm I was at my polling station, all giddy again because results are coming out! I am running on the corridors of Diamond Secondary School (my polling station), taking pictures of the results, sending it to my neighbours and even posted it on Facebook.

See here in this screenshot. Time stamp: March 2, 10:34pm.
Now to the present. Imagine my surprise when I heard a recording of GECOM calling out the votes of my polling station. The figures they called out did not match the figures of the SOPs I took a picture of. In fact, GECOM’s figures deducted 20 votes from the PPP/C and added it to the APNU+AFC.

I cried.

Literally, I cried. And my body got numb.

Even though I voted for the coalition it was wrong of GECOM to do this. This is not “the will of the people”. This was tampering with people’s votes. This was invalidating their votes. This was abusing their democratic right.

An observer said it has been like that all day. Every SOP GECOM read from, inflated and deflated numbers of the SOPs they got from people like me who took pictures, from news agencies and even the PPP SOPs.

GECOM initially refused to show other persons the SOPs they were reading from. They then did this via projector at the HQ, didn’t answer how they came about those SOPs. They declared a winner for Region 4.

I am not saying the government did this to stay in power BTW. That is an assumption, I have no proof to say this and I am ridiculously naive to believe people will always do the right thing.
I am saying Returning Officer Mingo and his camp did this because he and they are biased towards a coalition victory.
I too want the coalition to win, but not like this. It needs to be a fair race, and a clean win.

We vilify persons, the observers - local and international - the commentators, the unbiased, the independent Guyanese who are not loyal to any party, just their State. We vilify them for seeing what GECOM did, for saying something, for raising our voices against this injustice against the Guyanese people by GECOM.

This was eating away at my conscience and I am not even involved in this process! I decided to share my photos, and the recording in the hope that something can be done to correct this wrong.

GECOM has lost our trust, and I will no longer be voting in an election that GECOM oversees unless this injustice is fixed.671085CF-8F31-4316-82F7-96F55B9F6A44


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@Former Member

Banna, what is wrong with you? You are all over the place. You knew of this "plot" in 2011 but never told anyone. Then you came and promised us that Granger had great things in store for Guyana and we would be pleasantly surprised (those posts are in the archives). Do you get high before you post here?

Do you have some insatiable need to feel important or have others think you are "in the know"????? You've been wrong on every count.

Rest easy Baseman. The Portugese guys, Shuman the Amerindian and segments of black society are already on the case. Even Granger's son in law is on record. Where is yuh fren Rat Man? Writing letters from his Rat Cave? Where is Fat Man? He's kinda hard to miss in public so I assume he's eating indoors.

Like it was in 1992 and other years, others will rise to defend you. You and your anti black Indian posse here keep posting videos, cussing black man and "writing letters".


Opposition political parties submit request for recount of Reg 4 votes

, Source -- ANUG Member Kian Jabur, PPP PM Candidate Brigadier (Rt'd) Mark Phillips, ANUG Member Timothy Jonas, Presidential Candidate of TNM Dr Asha Kissoon, Presidential Candidate of PPP Irfaan Ali, Nigel Hinds of Change Guyana, Rawle Aaron of URP and Lenox Shuman of LJP [Photo: Leon Gonsalves/News Room]

Opposition political parties that contested the March 2 general and regional elections, on Saturday officially submitted their request for a recount of votes cast in Region Four following the declaration made by Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo late Friday night.

Elections Agent of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Charles Ramson Jr told the News Room Saturday morning that he was able to successfully deliver the party’s request to a Deputy Returning Officer at the Command Centre of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on High and Hadfield Streets, Georgetown.

“She signed for it; it doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re gonna get our recount but at the very least, what I can say is that we’ve followed the processâ€Ķwe are within the law,” Ramson Jr told reporters.

He said the PPP will hold Chairman of GECOM Justice (rt’d) Claudette Singh to her word that if there are discrepancies in the votes for Region Four, there will be a recount.

Meanwhile, The Citizenship Initiative (TCI) also served its official request for a recount to the DRO of Region Four and to the Clerk of the Returning Officer.

Charles Ramson

The vote count for Region Four, as declared by Mingo, is likely to give the Coalition a one-seat majority.

The votes for parties in Region Four showed a win for the APNU+AFC with 130, 289 votes at the regional elections and 136,057 votes in the general elections.

But the opposition parties have deemed the tabulation process as fraudulent and accused Mingo of using fictitious numbers and blurred Statements of Poll that no one could see.

If the recount request is granted, it would mean “that the boxes (actually envelopes containing votes for each party from the poll station) will be opened up and each ballot counted individually again to verify them,” said TCI in a statement.

Other letters requesting a recount were served by Change Guyana, A New and United Guyana (ANUG), and the United Republican Party.

See TCI’s full statement below:

The Citizenship Initiative (TCI) wishes to acknowledge both the technical completion of the counting process for Region 4 as well as the glaring discrepancies in the process that render the final results an unreliable and inaccurate indicator of the will of the people.

Throughout this process, Mr. Clairmont Mingo has engaged in an active dereliction of his duty as Returning Office for Region 4 and has carried out his statutory obligations in contempt of the general judgment and specific declaration of Chief Justice (ag) Roxanne George. For those who are not aware of Mr. Mingo’s actions in the wake of a very direct and clear judgment from the CJ, we summarise:

  1. Mr. Mingo attempted to use a spreadsheet in contravention of the CJ’s orders to use certified SOPs in the ascertaining of votes.
  2. When this was opposed, he then resorted to a clerk reading out from what he purported to be SOPs but which where not visible to any eligible person there, including both observers and candidates. The numbers he called for polling stations which information (via photographs of SOPs) were in our position did not match our information. He denied both candidates and observer requests to view the SOPs directly. He was then served legal notice to appear before the Chief Justice in order for him to comply with her orders.
  3. When he returned, instead of arranging for video-equipment in the Ashmin’s building to view and project the SOPs that his clerk was reading from, he stopped the process for over two hours and announced that he would be moving the operations to a location with better media facilities. It should be noted that the Ashmin’s facility had a fully functioning media centre capable of fulfilling the declaration of the CJ.
  4. The facility eventually settled upon at GECOM was less suited for the process Mr. Mingo was obligated to carry than those at Ashmin’s. The source documents scanned and projected appeared to be photocopies of SOPs, the projected images were blurry, the projector some distance away from where observers and candidates sat, and there were no clear signatures on the documents projected. More importantly, numbers on many of the purported SOPs appeared to be doctored and were again not in concord with the independently sourced SOPs in our possession.

I personally committed to staying throughout the entire process and so what is being offered is a firsthand account of what took place. We are a small party, but we are not alone in our perception of how this process unfolded. Every single international observer mission, bar none has commented upon and condemned GECOM’s conduct over the past week.

We urge Guyanese to consider the future of this country if this fundamental process by which we select our leadership is allowed to remain as flawed as it currently is.

The Citizenship Initiative therefore believes that the process yesterday was so flawed and tainted that the last logical next step to restore any credibility to these elections is that a recount has to be undertaken and in full public scrutiny beginning from the unsealing of the ballot boxes to the final, credible declaration of the results. We have, in keeping with the Representation of the People Act, submitted our request for a recount before the statutory deadline of noon today.

We are asking that Chairperson Justice Claudette Singh ensure that a recount, as she has committed to, take place as the process yesterday was so egregiously flawed that the result cannot be taken to be in itself an accurate representation of the will of the people.

Rondha-Ann Lam

Presidential Candidate

The Citizenship Initiative


Heard APNU lead by Granger and Nagamootoo will be heading to Linden for a thank you rally - there is a motorcade leaving square of the revolution at 2:30. 

Note : Ramjat not in the picture??

I will wait to see ABC countries  live up to their word of isolation before making any further decision. will they attend Granger swearing ceremony - we will see .


Neil Marks


If you were wondering why we stopped our live broadcasts early Friday night from outside the GECOM headquarters it was because the situation had become too nasty and dangerous. I was threatened and called the worst of things and in the most ugly way. I took a decision to leave for my safety and that of the team. It was clear that GECOM was in control of the Police and in control of who were being allowed beyond the barriers. Members of the press have a "police media pass" which allow us behind Police barricades if good and sufficient reason exists so we could work uninhibited. Last night the Police laughed as we were being pounced on; no one allowed us into a safe space. GECOM became mute since two Tuesdays ago even though the elections crisis deepened and deepened; we hustled interviews on the side and over the past few days we were told of the resumption of the tabulation process in Region Four but were not able to even access a media centre set up by GECOM. We were not invited to any of the declarations in the Regions by GECOM but curious enough we were invited to the one last night for Region Four. But even so, the Police doing the work of GECOM could not let anyone through. I am just lost for words.

If you were wondering why we stopped our live broadcasts early Friday night from outside the GECOM headquarters it was because the situation had become too nasty and dangerous. I was threatened and called the worst of things and in the most ugly way. I took a decision to leave for my safety and that of the team. It was clear that GECOM was in control of the Police and in control of who were being allowed beyond the barriers. Members of the press have a "police media pass" which allow us behind Police barricades if good and sufficient reason exists so we could work uninhibited. Last night the Police laughed as we were being pounced on; no one allowed us into a safe space. GECOM became mute since two Tuesdays ago even though the elections crisis deepened and deepened; we hustled interviews on the side and over the past few days we were told of the resumption of the tabulation process in Region Four but were not able to even access a media centre set up by GECOM. We were not invited to any of the declarations in the Regions by GECOM but curious enough we were invited to the one last night for Region Four. But even so, the Police doing the work of GECOM could not let anyone through. I am just lost for words.


@Former Member, get this, I am not a diehard PPPite, I just want what is right. I had a feeling the APNU was trailing in the run up but Django and Totaram said they are not and big surprise to come. 

So not sure when you say I’m wrong, why!

The issue here for me is not PPP or PNC, but whoever win, does so fair. You should be concerned as once stealing is rewarded, it gets easier and they will no longer be accountable to anyone but a few riggers.

With regards what I was told in 2011, I mentioned a few times here. However, after Granger won he gave the impression he represented change so I gave the benefit.  Everyone deserves a chance.

Finally, Baseman is not racist. I know many good Blacks, even PNC supporters.


@Former MemberAnyone looking at past election results in Guyana would have detected a problem with the numbers supplied by the PPP.   Region 4 has in excess of 40% of the electorate and the Coalition recently and the PNC before have done extremely well in that district.  The PPP supplied numbers suggest that with a much larger number of voters the Coalition increased its votes by less than a thousand and the PPP by just over 10000.  There is no plausible explanation for this.  


@Former MemberAnyone looking at past election results in Guyana would have detected a problem with the numbers supplied by the PPP.   Region 4 has in excess of 40% of the electorate and the Coalition recently and the PNC before have done extremely well in that district. 

The PPP supplied numbers suggest that with a much larger number of voters the Coalition increased its votes by less than a thousand and the PPP by just over 10000

There is no plausible explanation for this.  


I cracked the mystery ,which area in Region 4 it was done, same happen in the 2015 Elections.

Last edited by Django

Forget all the mumbo-jumbo, just complete a full and transparent verification of region 4 under the same principles and process as the nine other regions.  No need for what if, what’s not, what shudda, what cudda, who done it and all that shyte!

The truth just needs to be verified to the satisfaction of all parties, including the international observer groups!

Is that too much to ask for?


I am reading in the Stabroek News that Jagdeo and Granger just agreed to have a recount of Region 4 votes be supervised by CARICOM, according to Mia Mottley of Barbados whom Granger bestowed with one of Guyana’s highest Order, just before the elections. Are the other smaller parties on board? Did Jagdeo consult with them? Why is Jagdeo doing what Granger asked CARICOM do ask him? Is it because he knows that Jagdeo would agree and the others wouldn’t without conditions? What game is Jagdeo playing? Granger is playing with Jagdeo once again, like he played Jagdeo with getting him to nominate the GECOM Chair Claudette Singh(the traitor who sold her country out). Granger got Jagdeo right where he wants him. The votes should be recounted in the presence of all international observers. This fool Jagdeo still believes in CARICOM. APNU\AFC will have enough time to stuff the ballot boxes to match their results on their new SOP. CARICOM will do all it can to declare APNU/AFC the winner. Mark my words.

Last edited by Former Member

160 SOPs independently sourced by Change Guyana does not match with GECOM


Chairman of Change Guyana Nigel Hinds has joined the list of political parties which have accused the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) of committing electoral fraud, noting that the 160 Statements of Poll (SOPs) which were independently sourced by Change Guyana for Region Four do not match those released by the electoral body.

A statement from Hinds Saturday noted that the “lawless and circumvented process” leading to the declaration of Region 4 votes, the APNU-AFC numbers differed on the upside or were inflated, “invariably from 50% to 200% more, with slight or no changes for the other parties.”

“We find it absurd that our copies of originals are different from the alleged originals or copies used by GECOM and/or APNU-AFC, which are claimed to be authentic, and which the now robost Mr. Clairmont Mingo, Returning Officer of Region 4 used in GECOM Region 4 declaration on March 13, 2020,” Hinds said.

According to Hinds, “It is a textual impossibly for a copy to be different from the original; unless changed or amended, which is just not credible, and crosses the line of sanity when the differences accrue by 99% in favour of one party, namely APNU-AFC.”

Hinds said that Change Guyana wants to place on record “in granite terms that the fabrication, farce and fraud related to the declaration made for Region 4 election results; amounts to an abortion, aberration and abomination of Guyana’s democratic process and the laws and provisions in the Representation of the People Act.”

The High Court had ordered Mingo to use the original Statements of Poll from the Region to add up the votes cast for each party and to display those Statements so party agents and others could see them. But this did not take place, according to those on the ground.

The process has been widely described as fraudulent by western nations and international observers in Guyana.

Change Guyana on Saturday morning joined several opposition political parties in requesting a recount of the Region 4 votes.

“The will of the Guyanese people must prevail over dishonesty, indecency and a total lack of integrity.”

The vote count for Region Four, as declared by Mingo, is likely to give the Coalition a one-seat majority.

The votes for parties in Region Four showed a win for the APNU+AFC with 130, 289 votes at the regional elections and 136,057 votes in the general elections.


Base, they will sell their most precious resources for relevance and wealth. Some Indians were born that way, others acquired the condition!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is a task ,I challenge you to prove ,Django acquire any thing from handouts or dirty money.

Saw Dave have backed you ,he can also help with the task. 

Let's settle this once and for all ,what additional information do both of you need ? that are not in the open.

Will be awaiting .

Last edited by Django

@Nehru and Dave You are both intellectually challenged and nasty racists.  What does my or Django's Indianess have to do with detecting a statistical anomaly that was identified by numerous others? You two and others on this forum are doing your best to create further tension in Guyana.  You are as shortsighted as you are stupid but then again those variables are usually strongly positively correlated.  


Note ....

Original SOPs did not take place for the published amount for Region 4.


160 SOPs independently sourced by Change Guyana does not match with GECOM

The High Court had ordered Mingo to use the original Statements of Poll from the Region to add up the votes cast for each party and to display those Statements so party agents and others could see them. But this did not take place, according to those on the ground.

Note also ....

--- copies of originals are different from the alleged originals or copies used by GECOM ---


160 SOPs independently sourced by Change Guyana does not match with GECOM


“We find it absurd that our copies of originals are different from the alleged originals or copies used by GECOM and/or APNU-AFC, which are claimed to be authentic, and which the now robost Mr. Clairmont Mingo, Returning Officer of Region 4 used in GECOM Region 4 declaration on March 13, 2020,” Hinds said.

According to Hinds, “It is a textual impossibly for a copy to be different from the original; unless changed or amended, which is just not credible, and crosses the line of sanity when the differences accrue by 99% in favour of one party, namely APNU-AFC.”


@Former Member

You knowing "many good blacks" doesn't make you innocent of racism. The archives here say otherwise, but I'll leave it at that. I understand there is tension between blacks and Indians for many reasons. The definition of a racist is one who feels their race is superior to others. I don't think you are that, but I think you are anti black. You tolerate black folks, but you really don't like them.

The outright racist Indians here are Sean, Skeldon Man, Dave, Nehru, KP and their queen Princess Ksazma from Swampland.  Of that there is no doubt. Each race has stereotypes, but these racist MF'ers continuously refer to blacks as an inferior species.

Well, black people pay attention. And they are paying attention in the US too. This shit these punks get on with here will have its repercussions on their political aspirations in the US. Just watch.


@Former Member

Shuman emerged, as did Jonas, Yearwood and others. But don't expect them to gain any traction in the opposition. There is one major requirement - you gotta be INDIAN! Look at the way Indian posters here humiliated Shuman prior to election day! And he ain't black. Gotta be indian rule or nada. Well, they got nada now, didn't they?


@Nehru seh:

IT is foolish to let Granger play him (Jagdeo) again!!!

hahahahahahaha........finally after much orgasmic screaming of Jagdeo's name and calling he de smartest man pon earth, this DULLARD finally wakes up to the fact that this TOOL Rat Man has led his followers to the agony of defeat! Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy. LMFAO.


Here is this mother f cker showing up "yet" again attacking Indians. Of course his mother's p ussy is a swampland that was graze by so much jackass, he does not know who his f ckering father is. 

I will be back later to cuss this N bitch, who reminds me of them hungry belly hooligans surrounding gecom ctr. 

Last edited by Former Member

What happen to the quote feature, it gone? 

@Former Member

I think we should all be more concerned about whether this is an affront to democracy. I believe that most people would accept APNU/AFC in power if they won fair and square. In fact when Amral first announced it I was surprised but accepted that Guyanese chose to retain the govt. Now with all the evidence pointing to fraud, ie overseas observers en masse objecting to the process and most of the small parties siding with PPP on claims of election fraud, I am not so sure. What I want is a democratic process.  A fair elections will set the precedence in the future that if elected parties don't do what they promised on campaign, then they will be kicked out in 5 years.  I think sufficient Guyanese have moved on from voting race to now voting on performance.  


@Former Member this is the real them. Once again, Gwana man has publicly defrocked them and left them buktaless for the world to see. All of them - big time PPP supporters. Imagine life in Guyana for black people under people like PPP supporter "Dave". This is what I'm talking about.

Swamp princess reduced to he base instincts of fantasizing about sex wid meh long, long, dead mudda. Lard ah mercy. No mo long winded posts an pretense at "debate", the real wimp now aflame in he bigotry and profanity, not to mention necrophilia. lol.


You wasting your time Reeper. Iguana already stated earlier today that blacks are perfectly right to steal the elections. He has no problem that their lazy asses didn't work as hard as the PPP to earn it. They can just steal it because that is how they operate. That is why I like this sign.


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@Former Member I agree with you on the process, but I still believe there is still enough anti black and anti everyone else hatred by Indians who will rule by sheer majority of their numbers. Prior to D2's departure I agreed with him that they system needs to be changed to one more in line with Guyana's needs. I do not hold out hope of that happening anytime soon. At least not with these 2 parties.


@Former Member

I don't like to generalize about race. It is not good practice and not good for race relations. Perhaps you can ease up on generalizing the Afro Guyanese as robbers and looters. Iguana may have his motive for cherry picking support for democracy, but that doesn't mean he should be discounted as a human. 


I am not generalizing about blacks. My harsh criticism is for the ones deserving of it. There are a lot of blacks who don't loot so I am not saying that all blacks loot. All I am saying that the sign was made for blacks who loot. Similarly, there are a lot of blacks who don't agree with the events of yesterday so I my criticism is not to them. My criticism is to the ones who are aiding and abetting the theft yesterday. Right here I have labeled some Indians crabdaag coolies. My criticism is to them not all Indians. But Iguana is a PTSD suffering idiot so he is considered less than human.


@Former Member

Thanks Iguana for the show of reason. I think that the animosity here drives many of us to take extreme positions. Glad to hear that you also support a democratic process. The way I see it, if PPP gets in, then let them be warned that the people will not put up with their previous high handedness.  That is why I feel that the APNU is not to be discounted, they can easily get their chance again should PPP slip and visa versa if APNU retains govt. These govts need to understand that they work for the people and not the other way around.  We got to hold these elected officials feet to the fire. 


@Former Member hey punk, don't walk it back. Be proud of the Indian bigot that you are. Were you referring ONLY to "some" blacks when you made your grand proclamation that "blacks are the scourge of the earth"? Don't attempt to hide now.

You vividly describing sex with a dead woman speaks to the world you live in. Typical of swamp


If Granger is able to retain office after the shenanigans his party pulled yesterday in front of the world, they are never ever going to leave office. The first version PNC did not care that the country had become the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. They were still unleashing their goons on the law abiding people of Guyana in 1992. Then they had their slo fiah mo fiah violent campaigns that was intended to destabilize the country.

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